/* * PROJECT: ReactOS Videoport * LICENSE: GPL - See COPYING in the top level directory * FILE: drivers/video/videoprt/dma.c * PURPOSE: Videoport Direct Memory Access Support * PROGRAMMERS: ... */ /* INCLUDES ******************************************************************/ #include #define NDEBUG #include typedef struct { LIST_ENTRY Entry; PDMA_ADAPTER Adapter; ULONG MapRegisters; PVOID HwDeviceExtension; }VIP_DMA_ADAPTER, *PVIP_DMA_ADAPTER; typedef struct { PVOID HwDeviceExtension; PSCATTER_GATHER_LIST ScatterGatherList; PEXECUTE_DMA ExecuteDmaRoutine; PVOID Context; PVP_DMA_ADAPTER VpDmaAdapter; }DMA_START_CONTEXT, *PDMA_START_CONTEXT; /* PUBLIC FUNCTIONS ***********************************************************/ /* * @implemented */ PVOID NTAPI VideoPortAllocateCommonBuffer(IN PVOID HwDeviceExtension, IN PVP_DMA_ADAPTER VpDmaAdapter, IN ULONG DesiredLength, OUT PPHYSICAL_ADDRESS LogicalAddress, IN BOOLEAN CacheEnabled, PVOID Reserved) { PVIP_DMA_ADAPTER Adapter = (PVIP_DMA_ADAPTER)VpDmaAdapter; /* check for valid arguments */ if (!Adapter || !Adapter->Adapter) { /* invalid parameter */ return NULL; } /* allocate common buffer */ return Adapter->Adapter->DmaOperations->AllocateCommonBuffer(Adapter->Adapter, DesiredLength, LogicalAddress, CacheEnabled); } /* * @implemented */ VOID NTAPI VideoPortReleaseCommonBuffer(IN PVOID HwDeviceExtension, IN PVP_DMA_ADAPTER VpDmaAdapter, IN ULONG Length, IN PHYSICAL_ADDRESS LogicalAddress, IN PVOID VirtualAddress, IN BOOLEAN CacheEnabled) { PVIP_DMA_ADAPTER Adapter = (PVIP_DMA_ADAPTER)VpDmaAdapter; /* check for valid arguments */ if (!Adapter || !Adapter->Adapter) { /* invalid parameter */ return; } /* release common buffer */ Adapter->Adapter->DmaOperations->FreeCommonBuffer(Adapter->Adapter, Length, LogicalAddress, VirtualAddress, CacheEnabled); } /* * @implemented */ VOID NTAPI VideoPortPutDmaAdapter(IN PVOID HwDeviceExtension, IN PVP_DMA_ADAPTER VpDmaAdapter) { PVIDEO_PORT_DEVICE_EXTENSION DeviceExtension; PVIP_DMA_ADAPTER Adapter = (PVIP_DMA_ADAPTER)VpDmaAdapter; /* get hw device extension */ DeviceExtension = VIDEO_PORT_GET_DEVICE_EXTENSION(HwDeviceExtension); /* sanity check */ ASSERT(!IsListEmpty(&DeviceExtension->DmaAdapterList)); /* remove dma adapter from list */ RemoveEntryList(&Adapter->Entry); /* release dma adapter */ Adapter->Adapter->DmaOperations->PutDmaAdapter(Adapter->Adapter); /* free memory */ ExFreePool(Adapter); } /* * @implemented */ PVP_DMA_ADAPTER NTAPI VideoPortGetDmaAdapter(IN PVOID HwDeviceExtension, IN PVP_DEVICE_DESCRIPTION VpDeviceExtension) { DEVICE_DESCRIPTION DeviceDescription; PVIDEO_PORT_DEVICE_EXTENSION DeviceExtension = VIDEO_PORT_GET_DEVICE_EXTENSION(HwDeviceExtension); ULONG NumberOfMapRegisters; PVIP_DMA_ADAPTER Adapter; PDMA_ADAPTER DmaAdapter; /* allocate private adapter structure */ Adapter = ExAllocatePool(NonPagedPool, sizeof(VIP_DMA_ADAPTER)); if (!Adapter) { /* failed to allocate adapter structure */ return NULL; } /* Zero the structure */ RtlZeroMemory(&DeviceDescription, sizeof(DEVICE_DESCRIPTION)); /* Initialize the structure */ DeviceDescription.Version = DEVICE_DESCRIPTION_VERSION; DeviceDescription.Master = TRUE; DeviceDescription.DmaWidth = Width8Bits; DeviceDescription.DmaSpeed = Compatible; /* Copy data from caller's device extension */ DeviceDescription.ScatterGather = VpDeviceExtension->ScatterGather; DeviceDescription.Dma32BitAddresses = VpDeviceExtension->Dma32BitAddresses; DeviceDescription.Dma64BitAddresses = VpDeviceExtension->Dma64BitAddresses; DeviceDescription.MaximumLength = VpDeviceExtension->MaximumLength; /* Copy data from the internal device extension */ DeviceDescription.BusNumber = DeviceExtension->SystemIoBusNumber; DeviceDescription.InterfaceType = DeviceExtension->AdapterInterfaceType; /* acquire dma adapter */ DmaAdapter = IoGetDmaAdapter(DeviceExtension->PhysicalDeviceObject, &DeviceDescription, &NumberOfMapRegisters); if (!DmaAdapter) { /* failed to acquire dma */ ExFreePool(Adapter); return NULL; } /* store dma adapter */ Adapter->Adapter = DmaAdapter; /* store map register count */ Adapter->MapRegisters = NumberOfMapRegisters; /* store hw device extension */ Adapter->HwDeviceExtension = HwDeviceExtension; /* store in dma adapter list */ InsertTailList(&DeviceExtension->DmaAdapterList, &Adapter->Entry); /* return result */ return (PVP_DMA_ADAPTER)Adapter; } /* * @implemented */ VOID NTAPI VideoPortFreeCommonBuffer(IN PVOID HwDeviceExtension, IN ULONG Length, IN PVOID VirtualAddress, IN PHYSICAL_ADDRESS LogicalAddress, IN BOOLEAN CacheEnabled) { PVIP_DMA_ADAPTER VpDmaAdapter; PVIDEO_PORT_DEVICE_EXTENSION DeviceExtension = VIDEO_PORT_GET_DEVICE_EXTENSION(HwDeviceExtension); /* sanity check */ ASSERT(!IsListEmpty(&DeviceExtension->DmaAdapterList)); /* grab first dma adapter */ VpDmaAdapter = (PVIP_DMA_ADAPTER)CONTAINING_RECORD(DeviceExtension->DmaAdapterList.Flink, VIP_DMA_ADAPTER, Entry); /* sanity checks */ ASSERT(VpDmaAdapter->HwDeviceExtension == HwDeviceExtension); ASSERT(VpDmaAdapter->Adapter != NULL); ASSERT(VpDmaAdapter->MapRegisters != 0); VideoPortReleaseCommonBuffer(HwDeviceExtension, (PVP_DMA_ADAPTER)VpDmaAdapter, Length, LogicalAddress, VirtualAddress, CacheEnabled); } /* * @implemented */ PVOID NTAPI VideoPortGetCommonBuffer(IN PVOID HwDeviceExtension, IN ULONG DesiredLength, IN ULONG Alignment, OUT PPHYSICAL_ADDRESS LogicalAddress, OUT PULONG pActualLength, IN BOOLEAN CacheEnabled) { PVOID Result; PVIP_DMA_ADAPTER VpDmaAdapter; PVIDEO_PORT_DEVICE_EXTENSION DeviceExtension = VIDEO_PORT_GET_DEVICE_EXTENSION(HwDeviceExtension); /* maximum palette size */ if (DesiredLength > 262144) { /* size exceeded */ return NULL; } if (IsListEmpty(&DeviceExtension->DmaAdapterList)) { /* no adapter available */ return NULL; } /* grab first dma adapter */ VpDmaAdapter = (PVIP_DMA_ADAPTER)CONTAINING_RECORD(DeviceExtension->DmaAdapterList.Flink, VIP_DMA_ADAPTER, Entry); /* sanity checks */ ASSERT(VpDmaAdapter->HwDeviceExtension == HwDeviceExtension); ASSERT(VpDmaAdapter->Adapter != NULL); ASSERT(VpDmaAdapter->MapRegisters != 0); /* allocate common buffer */ Result = VideoPortAllocateCommonBuffer(HwDeviceExtension, (PVP_DMA_ADAPTER)VpDmaAdapter, DesiredLength, LogicalAddress, CacheEnabled, NULL); if (Result) { /* store length */ *pActualLength = DesiredLength; } else { /* failed to allocate common buffer */ *pActualLength = 0; } return Result; } /* * @implemented */ BOOLEAN NTAPI VideoPortUnmapDmaMemory( PVOID HwDeviceExtension, PVOID VirtualAddress, HANDLE ProcessHandle, PDMA BoardMemoryHandle) { /* Deprecated */ return FALSE; } /* * @implemented */ PDMA NTAPI VideoPortMapDmaMemory(IN PVOID HwDeviceExtension, IN PVIDEO_REQUEST_PACKET pVrp, IN PHYSICAL_ADDRESS BoardAddress, IN PULONG Length, IN PULONG InIoSpace, IN PVOID MappedUserEvent, IN PVOID DisplayDriverEvent, IN OUT PVOID *VirtualAddress) { /* Deprecated */ return NULL; } /* * @implemented */ VOID NTAPI VideoPortSetDmaContext(IN PVOID HwDeviceExtension, OUT PDMA pDma, IN PVOID InstanceContext) { /* Deprecated */ return; } /* * @implemented */ BOOLEAN NTAPI VideoPortSignalDmaComplete(IN PVOID HwDeviceExtension, IN PDMA pDmaHandle) { /* Deprecated */ return FALSE; } BOOLEAN NTAPI SyncScatterRoutine( IN PVOID Context) { PDMA_START_CONTEXT StartContext = (PDMA_START_CONTEXT)Context; StartContext->ExecuteDmaRoutine(StartContext->HwDeviceExtension, StartContext->VpDmaAdapter, (PVP_SCATTER_GATHER_LIST)StartContext->ScatterGatherList, StartContext->Context); return TRUE; } VOID NTAPI ScatterAdapterControl( IN PDEVICE_OBJECT *DeviceObject, IN PIRP *Irp, IN PSCATTER_GATHER_LIST ScatterGather, IN PVOID Context) { PDMA_START_CONTEXT StartContext = (PDMA_START_CONTEXT)Context; StartContext->ScatterGatherList = ScatterGather; VideoPortSynchronizeExecution(StartContext->HwDeviceExtension, VpMediumPriority, SyncScatterRoutine, StartContext); ExFreePool(StartContext); } /* * @implemented */ VP_STATUS NTAPI VideoPortStartDma(IN PVOID HwDeviceExtension, IN PVP_DMA_ADAPTER VpDmaAdapter, IN PVOID Mdl, IN ULONG Offset, IN OUT PULONG pLength, IN PEXECUTE_DMA ExecuteDmaRoutine, IN PVOID Context, IN BOOLEAN WriteToDevice) { NTSTATUS Status; KIRQL OldIrql; PDMA_START_CONTEXT StartContext; PVIDEO_PORT_DEVICE_EXTENSION DeviceExtension = VIDEO_PORT_GET_DEVICE_EXTENSION(HwDeviceExtension); PVIP_DMA_ADAPTER Adapter = (PVIP_DMA_ADAPTER)VpDmaAdapter; StartContext = ExAllocatePool(NonPagedPool, sizeof(DMA_START_CONTEXT)); if (!StartContext) { return ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; } StartContext->Context = Context; StartContext->ExecuteDmaRoutine = ExecuteDmaRoutine; StartContext->HwDeviceExtension = HwDeviceExtension; StartContext->VpDmaAdapter = VpDmaAdapter; KeRaiseIrql(DISPATCH_LEVEL, &OldIrql); Status = Adapter->Adapter->DmaOperations->GetScatterGatherList(Adapter->Adapter, DeviceExtension->PhysicalDeviceObject, Mdl, MmGetSystemAddressForMdl((PMDL)Mdl), MmGetMdlByteCount((PMDL)Mdl), (PDRIVER_LIST_CONTROL)ScatterAdapterControl, StartContext, WriteToDevice); KeLowerIrql(OldIrql); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { *pLength = 0; ExFreePool(StartContext); Status = ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; } else { Status = NO_ERROR; } /* Return status */ return Status; } /* * @implemented */ PVOID NTAPI VideoPortGetDmaContext(IN PVOID HwDeviceExtension, IN PDMA pDma) { /* Deprecated */ return NULL; } /* * @implemented */ PDMA NTAPI VideoPortDoDma(IN PVOID HwDeviceExtension, IN PDMA pDma, IN DMA_FLAGS DmaFlags) { /* Deprecated */ return NULL; } /* * @implemented */ PDMA NTAPI VideoPortAssociateEventsWithDmaHandle(IN PVOID HwDeviceExtension, IN OUT PVIDEO_REQUEST_PACKET pVrp, IN PVOID MappedUserEvent, IN PVOID DisplayDriverEvent) { /* Deprecated */ return NULL; } /* * @implemented */ VP_STATUS NTAPI VideoPortCompleteDma(IN PVOID HwDeviceExtension, IN PVP_DMA_ADAPTER VpDmaAdapter, IN PVP_SCATTER_GATHER_LIST VpScatterGather, IN BOOLEAN WriteToDevice) { KIRQL OldIrql; PVIP_DMA_ADAPTER Adapter = (PVIP_DMA_ADAPTER)VpDmaAdapter; KeRaiseIrql(DISPATCH_LEVEL, &OldIrql); Adapter->Adapter->DmaOperations->PutScatterGatherList(Adapter->Adapter, (PSCATTER_GATHER_LIST)VpScatterGather, WriteToDevice); KeLowerIrql(OldIrql); return NO_ERROR; }