/*++ Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1991 - 1999 Module Name: debug.h Abstract: Author: Environment: kernel mode only Notes: Revision History: --*/ #define DBGGETIOCTLSTR(_ioctl) DbgGetIoctlStr(_ioctl) #define DBGGETSCSIOPSTR(_pSrb) DbgGetScsiOpStr(_pSrb) #define DBGGETSRBSTATUSSTR(_pSrb) DbgGetSrbStatusStr(_pSrb) #define DBGGETSENSECODESTR(_pSrb) DbgGetSenseCodeStr(_pSrb) #define DBGGETADSENSECODESTR(_pSrb) DbgGetAdditionalSenseCodeStr(_pSrb) #define DBGGETADSENSEQUALIFIERSTR(_pSrb) DbgGetAdditionalSenseCodeQualifierStr(_pSrb) char *DbgGetIoctlStr(ULONG ioctl); char *DbgGetScsiOpStr(PSTORAGE_REQUEST_BLOCK_HEADER Srb); char *DbgGetSrbStatusStr(PSTORAGE_REQUEST_BLOCK_HEADER Srb); char *DbgGetSenseCodeStr(PSTORAGE_REQUEST_BLOCK_HEADER Srb); char *DbgGetAdditionalSenseCodeStr(PSTORAGE_REQUEST_BLOCK_HEADER Srb); char *DbgGetAdditionalSenseCodeQualifierStr(PSTORAGE_REQUEST_BLOCK_HEADER Srb); #if DBG typedef struct _CLASSPNP_GLOBALS { // // whether or not to NT_ASSERT for lost irps // ULONG BreakOnLostIrps; ULONG SecondsToWaitForIrps; // // use a buffered debug print to help // catch timing issues that do not // reproduce with std debugprints enabled // ULONG UseBufferedDebugPrint; ULONG UseDelayedRetry; // // the next four are the buffered printing support // (currently unimplemented) and require the spinlock // to use // ULONG Index; // index into buffer KSPIN_LOCK SpinLock; PUCHAR Buffer; // requires spinlock to access ULONG NumberOfBuffers; // number of buffers available SIZE_T EachBufferSize; // size of each buffer // // interlocked variables to initialize // this data only once // LONG Initializing; LONG Initialized; } CLASSPNP_GLOBALS, *PCLASSPNP_GLOBALS; // // Define a structure used to capture stack traces when we // get an access request and the disks are powered off. This // will help us determine who's causing disk respins. // // // How many stack frames to capture each time? // #define DISK_SPINUP_BACKTRACE_LENGTH (0x18) // // How many stack traces can we capture before // out buffer wraps? (needs to be power of 2) // #define NUMBER_OF_DISK_SPINUP_TRACES (0x10) typedef struct _DISK_SPINUP_TRACES { LARGE_INTEGER TimeStamp; // timestamp of the spinup event. PVOID StackTrace[DISK_SPINUP_BACKTRACE_LENGTH]; // Holds stack trace } DISK_SPINUP_TRACES, *PDISK_SPINUP_TRACES; #define DBGCHECKRETURNEDPKT(_pkt) DbgCheckReturnedPkt(_pkt) #define DBGLOGSENDPACKET(_pkt) DbgLogSendPacket(_pkt) #define DBGLOGRETURNPACKET(_pkt) DbgLogReturnPacket(_pkt) #define DBGLOGFLUSHINFO(_fdoData, _isIO, _isFUA, _isFlush) DbgLogFlushInfo(_fdoData, _isIO, _isFUA, _isFlush) VOID ClasspInitializeDebugGlobals(); VOID DbgCheckReturnedPkt(TRANSFER_PACKET *Pkt); VOID DbgLogSendPacket(TRANSFER_PACKET *Pkt); VOID DbgLogReturnPacket(TRANSFER_PACKET *Pkt); VOID DbgLogFlushInfo(PCLASS_PRIVATE_FDO_DATA FdoData, BOOLEAN IsIO, BOOLEAN IsFUA, BOOLEAN IsFlush); VOID SnapDiskStartup(VOID); extern CLASSPNP_GLOBALS ClasspnpGlobals; extern LONG ClassDebug; extern BOOLEAN DebugTrapOnWarn; #else #define ClasspInitializeDebugGlobals() #define SnapDiskStartup() #define DBGCHECKRETURNEDPKT(_pkt) #define DBGLOGSENDPACKET(_pkt) #define DBGLOGRETURNPACKET(_pkt) #define DBGLOGFLUSHINFO(_fdoData, _isIO, _isFUA, _isFlush) #endif