/* * COPYRIGHT: See COPYING in the top level directory * PROJECT: ReactOS Win32k subsystem * PURPOSE: Window painting function * FILE: win32ss/user/ntuser/painting.c * PROGRAMER: Filip Navara (xnavara@volny.cz) */ #include DBG_DEFAULT_CHANNEL(UserPainting); BOOL UserExtTextOutW(HDC hdc, INT x, INT y, UINT flags, PRECTL lprc, LPCWSTR lpString, UINT count); /* PRIVATE FUNCTIONS **********************************************************/ /** * @name IntIntersectWithParents * * Intersect window rectangle with all parent client rectangles. * * @param Child * Pointer to child window to start intersecting from. * @param WindowRect * Pointer to rectangle that we want to intersect in screen * coordinates on input and intersected rectangle on output (if TRUE * is returned). * * @return * If any parent is minimized or invisible or the resulting rectangle * is empty then FALSE is returned. Otherwise TRUE is returned. */ BOOL FASTCALL IntIntersectWithParents(PWND Child, RECTL *WindowRect) { PWND ParentWnd; if (Child->ExStyle & WS_EX_REDIRECTED) return TRUE; ParentWnd = Child->spwndParent; while (ParentWnd != NULL) { if (!(ParentWnd->style & WS_VISIBLE) || (ParentWnd->style & WS_MINIMIZE) || !RECTL_bIntersectRect(WindowRect, WindowRect, &ParentWnd->rcClient) ) { return FALSE; } if (ParentWnd->ExStyle & WS_EX_REDIRECTED) return TRUE; ParentWnd = ParentWnd->spwndParent; } return TRUE; } BOOL FASTCALL IntValidateParents(PWND Child, BOOL Recurse) { RECTL ParentRect, Rect; BOOL Start, Ret = TRUE; PWND ParentWnd = Child; PREGION Rgn = NULL; if (ParentWnd->style & WS_CHILD) { do ParentWnd = ParentWnd->spwndParent; while (ParentWnd->style & WS_CHILD); } // No pending nonclient paints. if (!(ParentWnd->state & WNDS_SYNCPAINTPENDING)) Recurse = FALSE; Start = TRUE; ParentWnd = Child->spwndParent; while (ParentWnd) { if (ParentWnd->style & WS_CLIPCHILDREN) break; if (ParentWnd->hrgnUpdate != 0) { if (Recurse) { Ret = FALSE; break; } // Start with child clipping. if (Start) { Start = FALSE; Rect = Child->rcWindow; if (!IntIntersectWithParents(Child, &Rect)) break; Rgn = IntSysCreateRectpRgnIndirect(&Rect); if (Child->hrgnClip) { PREGION RgnClip = REGION_LockRgn(Child->hrgnClip); IntGdiCombineRgn(Rgn, Rgn, RgnClip, RGN_AND); REGION_UnlockRgn(RgnClip); } } ParentRect = ParentWnd->rcWindow; if (!IntIntersectWithParents(ParentWnd, &ParentRect)) break; IntInvalidateWindows( ParentWnd, Rgn, RDW_VALIDATE | RDW_NOCHILDREN | RDW_NOUPDATEDIRTY); } ParentWnd = ParentWnd->spwndParent; } if (Rgn) REGION_Delete(Rgn); return Ret; } /* Synchronize painting to the top-level windows of other threads. */ VOID FASTCALL IntSendSyncPaint(PWND Wnd, ULONG Flags) { PTHREADINFO ptiCur, ptiWnd; PUSER_SENT_MESSAGE Message; PLIST_ENTRY Entry; BOOL bSend = TRUE; ptiWnd = Wnd->head.pti; ptiCur = PsGetCurrentThreadWin32Thread(); /* Not the current thread, Wnd is in send Nonclient paint also in send erase background and it is visiable. */ if ( Wnd->head.pti != ptiCur && Wnd->state & WNDS_SENDNCPAINT && Wnd->state & WNDS_SENDERASEBACKGROUND && Wnd->style & WS_VISIBLE) { // For testing, if you see this, break out the Champagne and have a party! TRACE("SendSyncPaint Wnd in State!\n"); if (!IsListEmpty(&ptiWnd->SentMessagesListHead)) { // Scan sent queue messages to see if we received sync paint messages. Entry = ptiWnd->SentMessagesListHead.Flink; Message = CONTAINING_RECORD(Entry, USER_SENT_MESSAGE, ListEntry); do { ERR("LOOP it\n"); if (Message->Msg.message == WM_SYNCPAINT && Message->Msg.hwnd == UserHMGetHandle(Wnd)) { // Already received so exit out. ERR("SendSyncPaint Found one in the Sent Msg Queue!\n"); bSend = FALSE; break; } Entry = Message->ListEntry.Flink; Message = CONTAINING_RECORD(Entry, USER_SENT_MESSAGE, ListEntry); } while (Entry != &ptiWnd->SentMessagesListHead); } if (bSend) { TRACE("Sending WM_SYNCPAINT\n"); // This message has no parameters. But it does! Pass Flags along. co_IntSendMessageNoWait(UserHMGetHandle(Wnd), WM_SYNCPAINT, Flags, 0); Wnd->state |= WNDS_SYNCPAINTPENDING; } } // Send to all the children if this is the desktop window. if (UserIsDesktopWindow(Wnd)) { if ( Flags & RDW_ALLCHILDREN || ( !(Flags & RDW_NOCHILDREN) && Wnd->style & WS_CLIPCHILDREN)) { PWND spwndChild = Wnd->spwndChild; while(spwndChild) { if ( spwndChild->style & WS_CHILD && spwndChild->head.pti != ptiCur) { spwndChild = spwndChild->spwndNext; continue; } IntSendSyncPaint( spwndChild, Flags ); spwndChild = spwndChild->spwndNext; } } } } /* * @name IntCalcWindowRgn * * Get a window or client region. */ HRGN FASTCALL IntCalcWindowRgn(PWND Wnd, BOOL Client) { HRGN hRgnWindow; if (Client) { hRgnWindow = NtGdiCreateRectRgn( Wnd->rcClient.left, Wnd->rcClient.top, Wnd->rcClient.right, Wnd->rcClient.bottom); } else { hRgnWindow = NtGdiCreateRectRgn( Wnd->rcWindow.left, Wnd->rcWindow.top, Wnd->rcWindow.right, Wnd->rcWindow.bottom); } if (Wnd->hrgnClip != NULL && !(Wnd->style & WS_MINIMIZE)) { NtGdiOffsetRgn(hRgnWindow, -Wnd->rcWindow.left, -Wnd->rcWindow.top); NtGdiCombineRgn(hRgnWindow, hRgnWindow, Wnd->hrgnClip, RGN_AND); NtGdiOffsetRgn(hRgnWindow, Wnd->rcWindow.left, Wnd->rcWindow.top); } return hRgnWindow; } /* * @name IntGetNCUpdateRgn * * Get non-client update region of a window and optionally validate it. * * @param Window * Pointer to window to get the NC update region from. * @param Validate * Set to TRUE to force validating the NC update region. * * @return * Handle to NC update region. The caller is responsible for deleting * it. */ HRGN FASTCALL IntGetNCUpdateRgn(PWND Window, BOOL Validate) { HRGN hRgnNonClient; HRGN hRgnWindow; UINT RgnType, NcType; RECT update; if (Window->hrgnUpdate != NULL && Window->hrgnUpdate != HRGN_WINDOW) { hRgnNonClient = IntCalcWindowRgn(Window, FALSE); /* * If region creation fails it's safe to fallback to whole * window region. */ if (hRgnNonClient == NULL) { return HRGN_WINDOW; } hRgnWindow = IntCalcWindowRgn(Window, TRUE); if (hRgnWindow == NULL) { GreDeleteObject(hRgnNonClient); return HRGN_WINDOW; } NcType = IntGdiGetRgnBox(hRgnNonClient, &update); RgnType = NtGdiCombineRgn(hRgnNonClient, hRgnNonClient, hRgnWindow, RGN_DIFF); if (RgnType == ERROR) { GreDeleteObject(hRgnWindow); GreDeleteObject(hRgnNonClient); return HRGN_WINDOW; } else if (RgnType == NULLREGION) { GreDeleteObject(hRgnWindow); GreDeleteObject(hRgnNonClient); Window->state &= ~WNDS_UPDATEDIRTY; return NULL; } /* * Remove the nonclient region from the standard update region if * we were asked for it. */ if (Validate) { if (NtGdiCombineRgn(Window->hrgnUpdate, Window->hrgnUpdate, hRgnWindow, RGN_AND) == NULLREGION) { IntGdiSetRegionOwner(Window->hrgnUpdate, GDI_OBJ_HMGR_POWNED); GreDeleteObject(Window->hrgnUpdate); Window->state &= ~WNDS_UPDATEDIRTY; Window->hrgnUpdate = NULL; if (!(Window->state & WNDS_INTERNALPAINT)) MsqDecPaintCountQueue(Window->head.pti); } } /* check if update rgn contains complete nonclient area */ if (NcType == SIMPLEREGION) { RECT window; IntGetWindowRect( Window, &window ); if (IntEqualRect( &window, &update )) { GreDeleteObject(hRgnNonClient); hRgnNonClient = HRGN_WINDOW; } } GreDeleteObject(hRgnWindow); return hRgnNonClient; } else { return Window->hrgnUpdate; } } VOID FASTCALL IntSendNCPaint(PWND pWnd, HRGN hRgn) { pWnd->state &= ~WNDS_SENDNCPAINT; if ( pWnd == GetW32ThreadInfo()->MessageQueue->spwndActive && !(pWnd->state & WNDS_ACTIVEFRAME)) { pWnd->state |= WNDS_ACTIVEFRAME; pWnd->state &= ~WNDS_NONCPAINT; hRgn = HRGN_WINDOW; } if (pWnd->state2 & WNDS2_FORCEFULLNCPAINTCLIPRGN) { pWnd->state2 &= ~WNDS2_FORCEFULLNCPAINTCLIPRGN; hRgn = HRGN_WINDOW; } if (hRgn) co_IntSendMessage(UserHMGetHandle(pWnd), WM_NCPAINT, (WPARAM)hRgn, 0); } VOID FASTCALL IntSendChildNCPaint(PWND pWnd) { pWnd = pWnd->spwndChild; while (pWnd) { if ((pWnd->hrgnUpdate == NULL) && (pWnd->state & WNDS_SENDNCPAINT)) { PWND Next; USER_REFERENCE_ENTRY Ref; /* Reference, IntSendNCPaint leaves win32k */ UserRefObjectCo(pWnd, &Ref); IntSendNCPaint(pWnd, HRGN_WINDOW); /* Make sure to grab next one before dereferencing/freeing */ Next = pWnd->spwndNext; UserDerefObjectCo(pWnd); pWnd = Next; } else { pWnd = pWnd->spwndNext; } } } /* * IntPaintWindows * * Internal function used by IntRedrawWindow. */ VOID FASTCALL co_IntPaintWindows(PWND Wnd, ULONG Flags, BOOL Recurse) { HDC hDC; HWND hWnd = Wnd->head.h; HRGN TempRegion = NULL; Wnd->state &= ~WNDS_PAINTNOTPROCESSED; if (Wnd->state & WNDS_SENDNCPAINT || Wnd->state & WNDS_SENDERASEBACKGROUND) { if (!(Wnd->style & WS_VISIBLE)) { Wnd->state &= ~(WNDS_SENDNCPAINT|WNDS_SENDERASEBACKGROUND|WNDS_ERASEBACKGROUND); return; } else { if (Wnd->hrgnUpdate == NULL) { Wnd->state &= ~(WNDS_SENDERASEBACKGROUND|WNDS_ERASEBACKGROUND); } if (Wnd->head.pti == PsGetCurrentThreadWin32Thread()) { if (Wnd->state & WNDS_SENDNCPAINT) { TempRegion = IntGetNCUpdateRgn(Wnd, TRUE); IntSendNCPaint(Wnd, TempRegion); if (TempRegion > HRGN_WINDOW && GreIsHandleValid(TempRegion)) { /* NOTE: The region can already be deleted! */ GreDeleteObject(TempRegion); } } if (Wnd->state & WNDS_SENDERASEBACKGROUND) { PTHREADINFO pti = PsGetCurrentThreadWin32Thread(); if (Wnd->hrgnUpdate) { hDC = UserGetDCEx( Wnd, Wnd->hrgnUpdate, DCX_CACHE|DCX_USESTYLE|DCX_INTERSECTRGN|DCX_KEEPCLIPRGN); if (Wnd->head.pti->ppi != pti->ppi) { ERR("Sending DC to another Process!!!\n"); } Wnd->state &= ~(WNDS_SENDERASEBACKGROUND|WNDS_ERASEBACKGROUND); // Kill the loop, so Clear before we send. if (!co_IntSendMessage(hWnd, WM_ERASEBKGND, (WPARAM)hDC, 0)) { Wnd->state |= (WNDS_SENDERASEBACKGROUND|WNDS_ERASEBACKGROUND); } UserReleaseDC(Wnd, hDC, FALSE); } } } } } /* * Check that the window is still valid at this point */ if (!IntIsWindow(hWnd)) { return; } /* * Paint child windows. */ if (!(Flags & RDW_NOCHILDREN) && !(Wnd->style & WS_MINIMIZE) && ( Flags & RDW_ALLCHILDREN || (Flags & RDW_CLIPCHILDREN && Wnd->style & WS_CLIPCHILDREN) ) ) { HWND *List, *phWnd; PTHREADINFO pti = PsGetCurrentThreadWin32Thread(); if ((List = IntWinListChildren(Wnd))) { for (phWnd = List; *phWnd; ++phWnd) { if ((Wnd = UserGetWindowObject(*phWnd)) == NULL) continue; if (Wnd->head.pti != pti && Wnd->style & WS_CHILD) continue; if (Wnd->style & WS_VISIBLE) { USER_REFERENCE_ENTRY Ref; UserRefObjectCo(Wnd, &Ref); co_IntPaintWindows(Wnd, Flags, TRUE); UserDerefObjectCo(Wnd); } } ExFreePoolWithTag(List, USERTAG_WINDOWLIST); } } } /* * IntUpdateWindows * * Internal function used by IntRedrawWindow, simplecall. */ VOID FASTCALL co_IntUpdateWindows(PWND Wnd, ULONG Flags, BOOL Recurse) { HWND hWnd = Wnd->head.h; if ( Wnd->hrgnUpdate != NULL || Wnd->state & WNDS_INTERNALPAINT ) { if (Wnd->hrgnUpdate) { if (!IntValidateParents(Wnd, Recurse)) { return; } } if (Wnd->state & WNDS_INTERNALPAINT) { Wnd->state &= ~WNDS_INTERNALPAINT; if (Wnd->hrgnUpdate == NULL) MsqDecPaintCountQueue(Wnd->head.pti); } Wnd->state |= WNDS_PAINTNOTPROCESSED; Wnd->state &= ~WNDS_UPDATEDIRTY; Wnd->state2 |= WNDS2_WMPAINTSENT; co_IntSendMessage(hWnd, WM_PAINT, 0, 0); if (Wnd->state & WNDS_PAINTNOTPROCESSED) { USER_REFERENCE_ENTRY Ref; UserRefObjectCo(Wnd, &Ref); co_IntPaintWindows(Wnd, RDW_NOCHILDREN, FALSE); UserDerefObjectCo(Wnd); } } // Force flags as a toggle. Fixes msg:test_paint_messages:WmChildPaintNc. Flags = (Flags & RDW_NOCHILDREN) ? RDW_NOCHILDREN : RDW_ALLCHILDREN; // All children is the default. /* * Update child windows. */ if (!(Flags & RDW_NOCHILDREN) && (Flags & RDW_ALLCHILDREN) && !UserIsDesktopWindow(Wnd)) { PWND Child; for (Child = Wnd->spwndChild; Child; Child = Child->spwndNext) { /* transparent window, check for non-transparent sibling to paint first, then skip it */ if ( Child->ExStyle & WS_EX_TRANSPARENT && ( Child->hrgnUpdate != NULL || Child->state & WNDS_INTERNALPAINT ) ) { PWND Next = Child->spwndNext; while (Next) { if ( Next->hrgnUpdate != NULL || Next->state & WNDS_INTERNALPAINT ) break; Next = Next->spwndNext; } if (Next) continue; } if (Child->style & WS_VISIBLE) { USER_REFERENCE_ENTRY Ref; UserRefObjectCo(Child, &Ref); co_IntUpdateWindows(Child, Flags, TRUE); UserDerefObjectCo(Child); } } } } VOID FASTCALL UserUpdateWindows(PWND pWnd, ULONG Flags) { // If transparent and any sibling windows below needs to be painted, leave. if (pWnd->ExStyle & WS_EX_TRANSPARENT) { PWND Next = pWnd->spwndNext; while(Next) { if ( Next->head.pti == pWnd->head.pti && ( Next->hrgnUpdate != NULL || Next->state & WNDS_INTERNALPAINT) ) { return; } Next = Next->spwndNext; } } co_IntUpdateWindows(pWnd, Flags, FALSE); } VOID FASTCALL UserSyncAndPaintWindows(PWND pWnd, ULONG Flags) { PWND Parent = pWnd; // Find parent, if it needs to be painted, leave. while(TRUE) { if ((Parent = Parent->spwndParent) == NULL) break; if ( Parent->style & WS_CLIPCHILDREN ) break; if ( Parent->hrgnUpdate != NULL || Parent->state & WNDS_INTERNALPAINT ) return; } IntSendSyncPaint(pWnd, Flags); co_IntPaintWindows(pWnd, Flags, FALSE); } /* * IntInvalidateWindows * * Internal function used by IntRedrawWindow, UserRedrawDesktop, * co_WinPosSetWindowPos, co_UserRedrawWindow. */ VOID FASTCALL IntInvalidateWindows(PWND Wnd, PREGION Rgn, ULONG Flags) { INT RgnType = NULLREGION; BOOL HadPaintMessage; TRACE("IntInvalidateWindows start Rgn %p\n",Rgn); if ( Rgn > PRGN_WINDOW ) { /* * If the nonclient is not to be redrawn, clip the region to the client * rect */ if ((Flags & RDW_INVALIDATE) != 0 && (Flags & RDW_FRAME) == 0) { PREGION RgnClient; RgnClient = IntSysCreateRectpRgnIndirect(&Wnd->rcClient); if (RgnClient) { RgnType = IntGdiCombineRgn(Rgn, Rgn, RgnClient, RGN_AND); REGION_Delete(RgnClient); } } /* * Clip the given region with window rectangle (or region) */ if (!Wnd->hrgnClip || (Wnd->style & WS_MINIMIZE)) { PREGION RgnWindow = IntSysCreateRectpRgnIndirect(&Wnd->rcWindow); if (RgnWindow) { RgnType = IntGdiCombineRgn(Rgn, Rgn, RgnWindow, RGN_AND); REGION_Delete(RgnWindow); } } else { PREGION RgnClip = REGION_LockRgn(Wnd->hrgnClip); if (RgnClip) { REGION_bOffsetRgn(Rgn, -Wnd->rcWindow.left, -Wnd->rcWindow.top); RgnType = IntGdiCombineRgn(Rgn, Rgn, RgnClip, RGN_AND); REGION_bOffsetRgn(Rgn, Wnd->rcWindow.left, Wnd->rcWindow.top); REGION_UnlockRgn(RgnClip); } } } else { RgnType = NULLREGION; } /* * Save current state of pending updates */ HadPaintMessage = IntIsWindowDirty(Wnd); /* * Update the region and flags */ // The following flags are used to invalidate the window. if (Flags & (RDW_INVALIDATE|RDW_INTERNALPAINT|RDW_ERASE|RDW_FRAME)) { if (Flags & RDW_INTERNALPAINT) { Wnd->state |= WNDS_INTERNALPAINT; } if (Flags & RDW_INVALIDATE ) { PREGION RgnUpdate; Wnd->state &= ~WNDS_NONCPAINT; /* If not the same thread set it dirty. */ if (Wnd->head.pti != PsGetCurrentThreadWin32Thread()) { Wnd->state |= WNDS_UPDATEDIRTY; if (Wnd->state2 & WNDS2_WMPAINTSENT) Wnd->state2 |= WNDS2_ENDPAINTINVALIDATE; } if (Flags & RDW_FRAME) Wnd->state |= WNDS_SENDNCPAINT; if (Flags & RDW_ERASE) Wnd->state |= WNDS_SENDERASEBACKGROUND; if (RgnType != NULLREGION && Rgn > PRGN_WINDOW) { if (Wnd->hrgnUpdate == NULL) { Wnd->hrgnUpdate = NtGdiCreateRectRgn(0, 0, 0, 0); IntGdiSetRegionOwner(Wnd->hrgnUpdate, GDI_OBJ_HMGR_PUBLIC); } if (Wnd->hrgnUpdate != HRGN_WINDOW) { RgnUpdate = REGION_LockRgn(Wnd->hrgnUpdate); if (RgnUpdate) { RgnType = IntGdiCombineRgn(RgnUpdate, RgnUpdate, Rgn, RGN_OR); REGION_UnlockRgn(RgnUpdate); if (RgnType == NULLREGION) { IntGdiSetRegionOwner(Wnd->hrgnUpdate, GDI_OBJ_HMGR_POWNED); GreDeleteObject(Wnd->hrgnUpdate); Wnd->hrgnUpdate = NULL; } } } } Flags |= RDW_ERASE|RDW_FRAME; // For children. } if (!HadPaintMessage && IntIsWindowDirty(Wnd)) { MsqIncPaintCountQueue(Wnd->head.pti); } } // The following flags are used to validate the window. else if (Flags & (RDW_VALIDATE|RDW_NOINTERNALPAINT|RDW_NOERASE|RDW_NOFRAME)) { if (Wnd->state & WNDS_UPDATEDIRTY && !(Flags & RDW_NOUPDATEDIRTY)) return; if (Flags & RDW_NOINTERNALPAINT) { Wnd->state &= ~WNDS_INTERNALPAINT; } if (Flags & RDW_VALIDATE) { if (Flags & RDW_NOFRAME) Wnd->state &= ~WNDS_SENDNCPAINT; if (Flags & RDW_NOERASE) Wnd->state &= ~(WNDS_SENDERASEBACKGROUND|WNDS_ERASEBACKGROUND); if (Wnd->hrgnUpdate > HRGN_WINDOW && RgnType != NULLREGION && Rgn > PRGN_WINDOW) { PREGION RgnUpdate = REGION_LockRgn(Wnd->hrgnUpdate); if (RgnUpdate) { RgnType = IntGdiCombineRgn(RgnUpdate, RgnUpdate, Rgn, RGN_DIFF); REGION_UnlockRgn(RgnUpdate); if (RgnType == NULLREGION) { IntGdiSetRegionOwner(Wnd->hrgnUpdate, GDI_OBJ_HMGR_POWNED); GreDeleteObject(Wnd->hrgnUpdate); Wnd->hrgnUpdate = NULL; } } } // If update is null, do not erase. if (Wnd->hrgnUpdate == NULL) { Wnd->state &= ~(WNDS_SENDERASEBACKGROUND|WNDS_ERASEBACKGROUND); } } if (HadPaintMessage && !IntIsWindowDirty(Wnd)) { MsqDecPaintCountQueue(Wnd->head.pti); } } /* * Process children if needed */ if (!(Flags & RDW_NOCHILDREN) && !(Wnd->style & WS_MINIMIZE) && ((Flags & RDW_ALLCHILDREN) || !(Wnd->style & WS_CLIPCHILDREN))) { PWND Child; for (Child = Wnd->spwndChild; Child; Child = Child->spwndNext) { if (Child->style & WS_VISIBLE) { /* * Recursive call to update children hrgnUpdate */ PREGION RgnTemp = IntSysCreateRectpRgn(0, 0, 0, 0); if (RgnTemp) { if (Rgn > PRGN_WINDOW) IntGdiCombineRgn(RgnTemp, Rgn, 0, RGN_COPY); IntInvalidateWindows(Child, ((Rgn > PRGN_WINDOW)?RgnTemp:Rgn), Flags); REGION_Delete(RgnTemp); } } } } TRACE("IntInvalidateWindows exit\n"); } /* * IntIsWindowDrawable * * Remarks * Window is drawable when it is visible and all parents are not * minimized. */ BOOL FASTCALL IntIsWindowDrawable(PWND Wnd) { PWND WndObject; for (WndObject = Wnd; WndObject != NULL; WndObject = WndObject->spwndParent) { if ( WndObject->state2 & WNDS2_INDESTROY || WndObject->state & WNDS_DESTROYED || !WndObject || !(WndObject->style & WS_VISIBLE) || ((WndObject->style & WS_MINIMIZE) && (WndObject != Wnd))) { return FALSE; } } return TRUE; } /* * IntRedrawWindow * * Internal version of NtUserRedrawWindow that takes WND as * first parameter. */ BOOL FASTCALL co_UserRedrawWindow( PWND Window, const RECTL* UpdateRect, PREGION UpdateRgn, ULONG Flags) { PREGION TmpRgn = NULL; TRACE("co_UserRedrawWindow start Rgn %p\n",UpdateRgn); /* * Step 1. * Validation of passed parameters. */ if (!IntIsWindowDrawable(Window)) { return TRUE; // Just do nothing!!! } if (Window == NULL) { Window = UserGetDesktopWindow(); } /* * Step 2. * Transform the parameters UpdateRgn and UpdateRect into * a region hRgn specified in screen coordinates. */ if (Flags & (RDW_INVALIDATE | RDW_VALIDATE)) // Both are OKAY! { /* We can't hold lock on GDI objects while doing roundtrips to user mode, * so use a copy instead */ if (UpdateRgn) { TmpRgn = IntSysCreateRectpRgn(0, 0, 0, 0); if (UpdateRgn > PRGN_WINDOW) { IntGdiCombineRgn(TmpRgn, UpdateRgn, NULL, RGN_COPY); } if (Window != UserGetDesktopWindow()) { REGION_bOffsetRgn(TmpRgn, Window->rcClient.left, Window->rcClient.top); } } else { if (UpdateRect != NULL) { if (Window == UserGetDesktopWindow()) { TmpRgn = IntSysCreateRectpRgnIndirect(UpdateRect); } else { TmpRgn = IntSysCreateRectpRgn(Window->rcClient.left + UpdateRect->left, Window->rcClient.top + UpdateRect->top, Window->rcClient.left + UpdateRect->right, Window->rcClient.top + UpdateRect->bottom); } } else { if ((Flags & (RDW_INVALIDATE | RDW_FRAME)) == (RDW_INVALIDATE | RDW_FRAME) || (Flags & (RDW_VALIDATE | RDW_NOFRAME)) == (RDW_VALIDATE | RDW_NOFRAME)) { if (!RECTL_bIsEmptyRect(&Window->rcWindow)) TmpRgn = IntSysCreateRectpRgnIndirect(&Window->rcWindow); } else { if (!RECTL_bIsEmptyRect(&Window->rcClient)) TmpRgn = IntSysCreateRectpRgnIndirect(&Window->rcClient); } } } } /* Fixes test RDW_INTERNALPAINT behavior */ if (TmpRgn == NULL) { TmpRgn = PRGN_WINDOW; // Need a region so the bits can be set!!! } /* * Step 3. * Adjust the window update region depending on hRgn and flags. */ if (Flags & (RDW_INVALIDATE | RDW_VALIDATE | RDW_INTERNALPAINT | RDW_NOINTERNALPAINT) && TmpRgn != NULL) { IntInvalidateWindows(Window, TmpRgn, Flags); } /* * Step 4. * Repaint and erase windows if needed. */ if (Flags & RDW_UPDATENOW) { UserUpdateWindows(Window, Flags); } else if (Flags & RDW_ERASENOW) { if ((Flags & (RDW_NOCHILDREN|RDW_ALLCHILDREN)) == 0) Flags |= RDW_CLIPCHILDREN; UserSyncAndPaintWindows(Window, Flags); } /* * Step 5. * Cleanup ;-) */ if (TmpRgn > PRGN_WINDOW) { REGION_Delete(TmpRgn); } TRACE("co_UserRedrawWindow exit\n"); return TRUE; } VOID FASTCALL PaintSuspendedWindow(PWND pwnd, HRGN hrgnOrig) { if (pwnd->hrgnUpdate) { HDC hDC; INT Flags = DC_NC|DC_NOSENDMSG; HRGN hrgnTemp; RECT Rect; INT type; PREGION prgn; if (pwnd->hrgnUpdate > HRGN_WINDOW) { hrgnTemp = NtGdiCreateRectRgn(0, 0, 0, 0); type = NtGdiCombineRgn( hrgnTemp, pwnd->hrgnUpdate, 0, RGN_COPY); if (type == ERROR) { GreDeleteObject(hrgnTemp); hrgnTemp = HRGN_WINDOW; } } else { hrgnTemp = GreCreateRectRgnIndirect(&pwnd->rcWindow); } if ( hrgnOrig && hrgnTemp > HRGN_WINDOW && NtGdiCombineRgn(hrgnTemp, hrgnTemp, hrgnOrig, RGN_AND) == NULLREGION) { GreDeleteObject(hrgnTemp); return; } hDC = UserGetDCEx(pwnd, hrgnTemp, DCX_WINDOW|DCX_INTERSECTRGN|DCX_USESTYLE|DCX_KEEPCLIPRGN); Rect = pwnd->rcWindow; RECTL_vOffsetRect(&Rect, -pwnd->rcWindow.left, -pwnd->rcWindow.top); // Clear out client area! FillRect(hDC, &Rect, IntGetSysColorBrush(COLOR_WINDOW)); NC_DoNCPaint(pwnd, hDC, Flags); // Redraw without MENUs. UserReleaseDC(pwnd, hDC, FALSE); prgn = REGION_LockRgn(hrgnTemp); IntInvalidateWindows(pwnd, prgn, RDW_INVALIDATE | RDW_FRAME | RDW_ERASE | RDW_ALLCHILDREN); REGION_UnlockRgn(prgn); // Set updates for this window. pwnd->state |= WNDS_SENDNCPAINT|WNDS_SENDERASEBACKGROUND|WNDS_UPDATEDIRTY; // DCX_KEEPCLIPRGN is set. Check it anyway. if (hrgnTemp > HRGN_WINDOW && GreIsHandleValid(hrgnTemp)) GreDeleteObject(hrgnTemp); } } VOID FASTCALL UpdateTheadChildren(PWND pWnd, HRGN hRgn) { PaintSuspendedWindow( pWnd, hRgn ); if (!(pWnd->style & WS_CLIPCHILDREN)) return; pWnd = pWnd->spwndChild; // invalidate children if any. while (pWnd) { UpdateTheadChildren( pWnd, hRgn ); pWnd = pWnd->spwndNext; } } VOID FASTCALL UpdateThreadWindows(PWND pWnd, PTHREADINFO pti, HRGN hRgn) { PWND pwndTemp; for ( pwndTemp = pWnd; pwndTemp; pwndTemp = pwndTemp->spwndNext ) { if (pwndTemp->head.pti == pti) { UserUpdateWindows(pwndTemp, RDW_ALLCHILDREN); } else { if (IsThreadSuspended(pwndTemp->head.pti) || MsqIsHung(pwndTemp->head.pti, MSQ_HUNG)) { UpdateTheadChildren(pwndTemp, hRgn); } else UserUpdateWindows(pwndTemp, RDW_ALLCHILDREN); } } } BOOL FASTCALL IntIsWindowDirty(PWND Wnd) { return ( Wnd->style & WS_VISIBLE && ( Wnd->hrgnUpdate != NULL || Wnd->state & WNDS_INTERNALPAINT ) ); } /* Conditions to paint any window: 1. Update region is not null. 2. Internal paint flag is set. 3. Paint count is not zero. */ PWND FASTCALL IntFindWindowToRepaint(PWND Window, PTHREADINFO Thread) { PWND hChild; PWND TempWindow; for (; Window != NULL; Window = Window->spwndNext) { if (IntWndBelongsToThread(Window, Thread)) { if (IntIsWindowDirty(Window)) { /* Make sure all non-transparent siblings are already drawn. */ if (Window->ExStyle & WS_EX_TRANSPARENT) { for (TempWindow = Window->spwndNext; TempWindow != NULL; TempWindow = TempWindow->spwndNext) { if (!(TempWindow->ExStyle & WS_EX_TRANSPARENT) && IntWndBelongsToThread(TempWindow, Thread) && IntIsWindowDirty(TempWindow)) { return TempWindow; } } } return Window; } } /* find a child of the specified window that needs repainting */ if (Window->spwndChild) { hChild = IntFindWindowToRepaint(Window->spwndChild, Thread); if (hChild != NULL) return hChild; } } return Window; } // // Internal painting of windows. // VOID FASTCALL IntPaintWindow( PWND Window ) { // Handle normal painting. co_IntPaintWindows( Window, RDW_NOCHILDREN, FALSE ); } BOOL FASTCALL IntGetPaintMessage( PWND Window, UINT MsgFilterMin, UINT MsgFilterMax, PTHREADINFO Thread, MSG *Message, BOOL Remove) { PWND PaintWnd, StartWnd; if ((MsgFilterMin != 0 || MsgFilterMax != 0) && (MsgFilterMin > WM_PAINT || MsgFilterMax < WM_PAINT)) return FALSE; if (Thread->TIF_flags & TIF_SYSTEMTHREAD ) { ERR("WM_PAINT is in a System Thread!\n"); } StartWnd = UserGetDesktopWindow(); PaintWnd = IntFindWindowToRepaint(StartWnd, Thread); Message->hwnd = PaintWnd ? UserHMGetHandle(PaintWnd) : NULL; if (Message->hwnd == NULL && Thread->cPaintsReady) { // Find note in window.c:"PAINTING BUG". ERR("WARNING SOMETHING HAS GONE WRONG: Thread marked as containing dirty windows, but no dirty windows found! Counts %u\n",Thread->cPaintsReady); /* Hack to stop spamming the debug log ! */ Thread->cPaintsReady = 0; return FALSE; } if (Message->hwnd == NULL) return FALSE; if (!(Window == NULL || PaintWnd == Window || IntIsChildWindow(Window, PaintWnd))) /* check that it is a child of the specified parent */ return FALSE; if (PaintWnd->state & WNDS_INTERNALPAINT) { PaintWnd->state &= ~WNDS_INTERNALPAINT; if (!PaintWnd->hrgnUpdate) MsqDecPaintCountQueue(Thread); } PaintWnd->state2 &= ~WNDS2_STARTPAINT; PaintWnd->state &= ~WNDS_UPDATEDIRTY; Window = PaintWnd; while (Window && !UserIsDesktopWindow(Window)) { // Role back and check for clip children, do not set if any. if (Window->spwndParent && !(Window->spwndParent->style & WS_CLIPCHILDREN)) { PaintWnd->state2 |= WNDS2_WMPAINTSENT; } Window = Window->spwndParent; } Message->wParam = Message->lParam = 0; Message->message = WM_PAINT; return TRUE; } BOOL FASTCALL IntPrintWindow( PWND pwnd, HDC hdcBlt, UINT nFlags) { HDC hdcSrc; INT cx, cy, xSrc, ySrc; if ( nFlags & PW_CLIENTONLY) { cx = pwnd->rcClient.right - pwnd->rcClient.left; cy = pwnd->rcClient.bottom - pwnd->rcClient.top; xSrc = pwnd->rcClient.left - pwnd->rcWindow.left; ySrc = pwnd->rcClient.top - pwnd->rcWindow.top; } else { cx = pwnd->rcWindow.right - pwnd->rcWindow.left; cy = pwnd->rcWindow.bottom - pwnd->rcWindow.top; xSrc = 0; ySrc = 0; } // TODO: Setup Redirection for Print. return FALSE; /* Update the window just incase. */ co_IntUpdateWindows( pwnd, RDW_ALLCHILDREN, FALSE); hdcSrc = UserGetDCEx( pwnd, NULL, DCX_CACHE|DCX_WINDOW); /* Print window to printer context. */ NtGdiBitBlt( hdcBlt, 0, 0, cx, cy, hdcSrc, xSrc, ySrc, SRCCOPY, 0, 0); UserReleaseDC( pwnd, hdcSrc, FALSE); // TODO: Release Redirection from Print. return TRUE; } BOOL FASTCALL IntFlashWindowEx(PWND pWnd, PFLASHWINFO pfwi) { DWORD_PTR FlashState; UINT uCount = pfwi->uCount; BOOL Activate = FALSE, Ret = FALSE; ASSERT(pfwi); FlashState = (DWORD_PTR)UserGetProp(pWnd, AtomFlashWndState, TRUE); if (FlashState == FLASHW_FINISHED) { // Cycle has finished, kill timer and set this to Stop. FlashState |= FLASHW_KILLSYSTIMER; pfwi->dwFlags = FLASHW_STOP; } else { if (FlashState) { if (pfwi->dwFlags == FLASHW_SYSTIMER) { // Called from system timer, restore flags, counts and state. pfwi->dwFlags = LOWORD(FlashState); uCount = HIWORD(FlashState); FlashState = MAKELONG(LOWORD(FlashState),0); } else { // Clean out the trash! Fix SeaMonkey crash after restart. FlashState = 0; } } if (FlashState == 0) { // First time in cycle, setup flash state. if ( pWnd->state & WNDS_ACTIVEFRAME || (pfwi->dwFlags & FLASHW_CAPTION && pWnd->style & (WS_BORDER|WS_DLGFRAME))) { FlashState = FLASHW_STARTED|FLASHW_ACTIVE; } } // Set previous window state. Ret = !!(FlashState & FLASHW_ACTIVE); if ( (pfwi->dwFlags & FLASHW_TIMERNOFG) == FLASHW_TIMERNOFG && gpqForeground == pWnd->head.pti->MessageQueue ) { // Flashing until foreground, set this to Stop. pfwi->dwFlags = FLASHW_STOP; } } // Toggle activate flag. if ( pfwi->dwFlags == FLASHW_STOP ) { if (gpqForeground && gpqForeground->spwndActive == pWnd) Activate = TRUE; else Activate = FALSE; } else { Activate = (FlashState & FLASHW_ACTIVE) == 0; } if ( pfwi->dwFlags == FLASHW_STOP || pfwi->dwFlags & FLASHW_CAPTION ) { co_IntSendMessage(UserHMGetHandle(pWnd), WM_NCACTIVATE, Activate, 0); } // FIXME: Check for a Stop Sign here. if ( pfwi->dwFlags & FLASHW_TRAY ) { // Need some shell work here too. TRACE("FIXME: Flash window no Tray support!\n"); } if ( pfwi->dwFlags == FLASHW_STOP ) { if (FlashState & FLASHW_KILLSYSTIMER) { IntKillTimer(pWnd, ID_EVENT_SYSTIMER_FLASHWIN, TRUE); } UserRemoveProp(pWnd, AtomFlashWndState, TRUE); } else { // Have a count and started, set timer. if ( uCount ) { FlashState |= FLASHW_COUNT; if (!(Activate ^ !!(FlashState & FLASHW_STARTED))) uCount--; if (!(FlashState & FLASHW_KILLSYSTIMER)) pfwi->dwFlags |= FLASHW_TIMER; } if (pfwi->dwFlags & FLASHW_TIMER) { FlashState |= FLASHW_KILLSYSTIMER; IntSetTimer( pWnd, ID_EVENT_SYSTIMER_FLASHWIN, pfwi->dwTimeout ? pfwi->dwTimeout : gpsi->dtCaretBlink, SystemTimerProc, TMRF_SYSTEM ); } if (FlashState & FLASHW_COUNT && uCount == 0) { // Keep spinning? Nothing else to do. FlashState = FLASHW_FINISHED; } else { // Save state and flags so this can be restored next time through. FlashState ^= (FlashState ^ -!!(Activate)) & FLASHW_ACTIVE; FlashState ^= (FlashState ^ pfwi->dwFlags) & (FLASHW_MASK & ~FLASHW_TIMER); } FlashState = MAKELONG(LOWORD(FlashState),uCount); UserSetProp(pWnd, AtomFlashWndState, (HANDLE)FlashState, TRUE); } return Ret; } // Win: xxxBeginPaint HDC FASTCALL IntBeginPaint(PWND Window, PPAINTSTRUCT Ps) { RECT Rect; INT type; BOOL Erase = FALSE; co_UserHideCaret(Window); Window->state2 |= WNDS2_STARTPAINT; Window->state &= ~WNDS_PAINTNOTPROCESSED; if (Window->state & WNDS_SENDNCPAINT) { HRGN hRgn; // Application can keep update dirty. do { Window->state &= ~WNDS_UPDATEDIRTY; hRgn = IntGetNCUpdateRgn(Window, FALSE); IntSendNCPaint(Window, hRgn); if (hRgn > HRGN_WINDOW && GreIsHandleValid(hRgn)) { /* NOTE: The region can already be deleted! */ GreDeleteObject(hRgn); } } while(Window->state & WNDS_UPDATEDIRTY); } else { Window->state &= ~WNDS_UPDATEDIRTY; } RtlZeroMemory(Ps, sizeof(PAINTSTRUCT)); if (Window->state2 & WNDS2_ENDPAINTINVALIDATE) { ERR("BP: Another thread invalidated this window\n"); } Ps->hdc = UserGetDCEx( Window, Window->hrgnUpdate, DCX_INTERSECTRGN | DCX_USESTYLE); if (!Ps->hdc) { return NULL; } // If set, always clear flags out due to the conditions later on for sending the message. if (Window->state & WNDS_SENDERASEBACKGROUND) { Window->state &= ~(WNDS_SENDERASEBACKGROUND|WNDS_ERASEBACKGROUND); Erase = TRUE; } if (Window->hrgnUpdate != NULL) { MsqDecPaintCountQueue(Window->head.pti); IntGdiSetRegionOwner(Window->hrgnUpdate, GDI_OBJ_HMGR_POWNED); /* The region is part of the dc now and belongs to the process! */ Window->hrgnUpdate = NULL; } else { if (Window->state & WNDS_INTERNALPAINT) MsqDecPaintCountQueue(Window->head.pti); } type = GdiGetClipBox(Ps->hdc, &Ps->rcPaint); IntGetClientRect(Window, &Rect); Window->state &= ~WNDS_INTERNALPAINT; if ( Erase && // Set to erase, type != NULLREGION && // don't erase if the clip box is empty, (!(Window->pcls->style & CS_PARENTDC) || // not parent dc or RECTL_bIntersectRect( &Rect, &Rect, &Ps->rcPaint) ) ) // intersecting. { Ps->fErase = !co_IntSendMessage(UserHMGetHandle(Window), WM_ERASEBKGND, (WPARAM)Ps->hdc, 0); if ( Ps->fErase ) { Window->state |= (WNDS_SENDERASEBACKGROUND|WNDS_ERASEBACKGROUND); } } else { Ps->fErase = FALSE; } IntSendChildNCPaint(Window); return Ps->hdc; } // Win: xxxEndPaint BOOL FASTCALL IntEndPaint(PWND Wnd, PPAINTSTRUCT Ps) { HDC hdc = NULL; hdc = Ps->hdc; UserReleaseDC(Wnd, hdc, TRUE); if (Wnd->state2 & WNDS2_ENDPAINTINVALIDATE) { ERR("EP: Another thread invalidated this window\n"); Wnd->state2 &= ~WNDS2_ENDPAINTINVALIDATE; } Wnd->state2 &= ~(WNDS2_WMPAINTSENT|WNDS2_STARTPAINT); co_UserShowCaret(Wnd); return TRUE; } // Win: xxxFillWindow BOOL FASTCALL IntFillWindow(PWND pWndParent, PWND pWnd, HDC hDC, HBRUSH hBrush) { RECT Rect, Rect1; INT type; if (!pWndParent) pWndParent = pWnd; type = GdiGetClipBox(hDC, &Rect); IntGetClientRect(pWnd, &Rect1); if ( type != NULLREGION && // Clip box is not empty, (!(pWnd->pcls->style & CS_PARENTDC) || // not parent dc or RECTL_bIntersectRect( &Rect, &Rect, &Rect1) ) ) // intersecting. { POINT ppt; INT x = 0, y = 0; if (!UserIsDesktopWindow(pWndParent)) { x = pWndParent->rcClient.left - pWnd->rcClient.left; y = pWndParent->rcClient.top - pWnd->rcClient.top; } GreSetBrushOrg(hDC, x, y, &ppt); if ( hBrush < (HBRUSH)CTLCOLOR_MAX ) hBrush = GetControlColor( pWndParent, pWnd, hDC, HandleToUlong(hBrush) + WM_CTLCOLORMSGBOX); FillRect(hDC, &Rect, hBrush); GreSetBrushOrg(hDC, ppt.x, ppt.y, NULL); return TRUE; } else return FALSE; } /* PUBLIC FUNCTIONS ***********************************************************/ /* * NtUserBeginPaint * * Status * @implemented */ HDC APIENTRY NtUserBeginPaint(HWND hWnd, PAINTSTRUCT* UnsafePs) { PWND Window = NULL; PAINTSTRUCT Ps; NTSTATUS Status; HDC hDC; USER_REFERENCE_ENTRY Ref; DECLARE_RETURN(HDC); TRACE("Enter NtUserBeginPaint\n"); UserEnterExclusive(); if (!(Window = UserGetWindowObject(hWnd))) { RETURN( NULL); } UserRefObjectCo(Window, &Ref); hDC = IntBeginPaint(Window, &Ps); Status = MmCopyToCaller(UnsafePs, &Ps, sizeof(PAINTSTRUCT)); if (! NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { SetLastNtError(Status); RETURN(NULL); } RETURN(hDC); CLEANUP: if (Window) UserDerefObjectCo(Window); TRACE("Leave NtUserBeginPaint, ret=%p\n",_ret_); UserLeave(); END_CLEANUP; } /* * NtUserEndPaint * * Status * @implemented */ BOOL APIENTRY NtUserEndPaint(HWND hWnd, CONST PAINTSTRUCT* pUnsafePs) { NTSTATUS Status = STATUS_SUCCESS; PWND Window = NULL; PAINTSTRUCT Ps; USER_REFERENCE_ENTRY Ref; DECLARE_RETURN(BOOL); TRACE("Enter NtUserEndPaint\n"); UserEnterExclusive(); if (!(Window = UserGetWindowObject(hWnd))) { RETURN(FALSE); } UserRefObjectCo(Window, &Ref); // Here for the exception. _SEH2_TRY { ProbeForRead(pUnsafePs, sizeof(*pUnsafePs), 1); RtlCopyMemory(&Ps, pUnsafePs, sizeof(PAINTSTRUCT)); } _SEH2_EXCEPT(EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER) { Status = _SEH2_GetExceptionCode(); } _SEH2_END if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { RETURN(FALSE); } RETURN(IntEndPaint(Window, &Ps)); CLEANUP: if (Window) UserDerefObjectCo(Window); TRACE("Leave NtUserEndPaint, ret=%i\n",_ret_); UserLeave(); END_CLEANUP; } /* * FillWindow: Called from User; Dialog, Edit and ListBox procs during a WM_ERASEBKGND. */ /* * @implemented */ BOOL APIENTRY NtUserFillWindow(HWND hWndParent, HWND hWnd, HDC hDC, HBRUSH hBrush) { BOOL ret = FALSE; PWND pWnd, pWndParent = NULL; USER_REFERENCE_ENTRY Ref; TRACE("Enter NtUserFillWindow\n"); UserEnterExclusive(); if (!hDC) { goto Exit; } if (!(pWnd = UserGetWindowObject(hWnd))) { goto Exit; } if (hWndParent && !(pWndParent = UserGetWindowObject(hWndParent))) { goto Exit; } UserRefObjectCo(pWnd, &Ref); ret = IntFillWindow( pWndParent, pWnd, hDC, hBrush ); UserDerefObjectCo(pWnd); Exit: TRACE("Leave NtUserFillWindow, ret=%i\n",ret); UserLeave(); return ret; } /* * @implemented */ BOOL APIENTRY NtUserFlashWindowEx(IN PFLASHWINFO pfwi) { PWND pWnd; FLASHWINFO finfo = {0}; BOOL Ret = FALSE; UserEnterExclusive(); _SEH2_TRY { ProbeForRead(pfwi, sizeof(FLASHWINFO), 1); RtlCopyMemory(&finfo, pfwi, sizeof(FLASHWINFO)); } _SEH2_EXCEPT(EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER) { SetLastNtError(_SEH2_GetExceptionCode()); _SEH2_YIELD(goto Exit); } _SEH2_END if (!( pWnd = ValidateHwndNoErr(finfo.hwnd)) || finfo.cbSize != sizeof(FLASHWINFO) || finfo.dwFlags & ~(FLASHW_ALL|FLASHW_TIMER|FLASHW_TIMERNOFG) ) { EngSetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER); goto Exit; } Ret = IntFlashWindowEx(pWnd, &finfo); Exit: UserLeave(); return Ret; } /* GetUpdateRgn, this fails the same as the old one. */ INT FASTCALL co_UserGetUpdateRgn(PWND Window, HRGN hRgn, BOOL bErase) { int RegionType; BOOL Type; RECTL Rect; ASSERT_REFS_CO(Window); if (bErase) { USER_REFERENCE_ENTRY Ref; UserRefObjectCo(Window, &Ref); co_IntPaintWindows(Window, RDW_NOCHILDREN, FALSE); UserDerefObjectCo(Window); } Window->state &= ~WNDS_UPDATEDIRTY; if (Window->hrgnUpdate == NULL) { NtGdiSetRectRgn(hRgn, 0, 0, 0, 0); return NULLREGION; } Rect = Window->rcClient; Type = IntIntersectWithParents(Window, &Rect); if (Window->hrgnUpdate == HRGN_WINDOW) { // Trap it out. ERR("GURn: Caller is passing Window Region 1\n"); if (!Type) { NtGdiSetRectRgn(hRgn, 0, 0, 0, 0); return NULLREGION; } RegionType = SIMPLEREGION; if (!UserIsDesktopWindow(Window)) { RECTL_vOffsetRect(&Rect, -Window->rcClient.left, -Window->rcClient.top); } GreSetRectRgnIndirect(hRgn, &Rect); } else { HRGN hrgnTemp = GreCreateRectRgnIndirect(&Rect); RegionType = NtGdiCombineRgn(hRgn, hrgnTemp, Window->hrgnUpdate, RGN_AND); if (RegionType == ERROR || RegionType == NULLREGION) { if (hrgnTemp) GreDeleteObject(hrgnTemp); NtGdiSetRectRgn(hRgn, 0, 0, 0, 0); return RegionType; } if (!UserIsDesktopWindow(Window)) { NtGdiOffsetRgn(hRgn, -Window->rcClient.left, -Window->rcClient.top); } if (hrgnTemp) GreDeleteObject(hrgnTemp); } return RegionType; } BOOL FASTCALL co_UserGetUpdateRect(PWND Window, PRECT pRect, BOOL bErase) { INT RegionType; BOOL Ret = TRUE; if (bErase) { USER_REFERENCE_ENTRY Ref; UserRefObjectCo(Window, &Ref); co_IntPaintWindows(Window, RDW_NOCHILDREN, FALSE); UserDerefObjectCo(Window); } Window->state &= ~WNDS_UPDATEDIRTY; if (Window->hrgnUpdate == NULL) { pRect->left = pRect->top = pRect->right = pRect->bottom = 0; Ret = FALSE; } else { /* Get the update region bounding box. */ if (Window->hrgnUpdate == HRGN_WINDOW) { *pRect = Window->rcClient; ERR("GURt: Caller is retrieving Window Region 1\n"); } else { RegionType = IntGdiGetRgnBox(Window->hrgnUpdate, pRect); if (RegionType != ERROR && RegionType != NULLREGION) RECTL_bIntersectRect(pRect, pRect, &Window->rcClient); } if (IntIntersectWithParents(Window, pRect)) { if (!UserIsDesktopWindow(Window)) { RECTL_vOffsetRect(pRect, -Window->rcClient.left, -Window->rcClient.top); } if (Window->pcls->style & CS_OWNDC) { HDC hdc; //DWORD layout; hdc = UserGetDCEx(Window, NULL, DCX_USESTYLE); //layout = NtGdiSetLayout(hdc, -1, 0); //IntMapWindowPoints( 0, Window, (LPPOINT)pRect, 2 ); GreDPtoLP( hdc, (LPPOINT)pRect, 2 ); //NtGdiSetLayout(hdc, -1, layout); UserReleaseDC(Window, hdc, FALSE); } } else { pRect->left = pRect->top = pRect->right = pRect->bottom = 0; } } return Ret; } /* * NtUserGetUpdateRgn * * Status * @implemented */ INT APIENTRY NtUserGetUpdateRgn(HWND hWnd, HRGN hRgn, BOOL bErase) { DECLARE_RETURN(INT); PWND Window; INT ret; TRACE("Enter NtUserGetUpdateRgn\n"); UserEnterExclusive(); if (!(Window = UserGetWindowObject(hWnd))) { RETURN(ERROR); } ret = co_UserGetUpdateRgn(Window, hRgn, bErase); RETURN(ret); CLEANUP: TRACE("Leave NtUserGetUpdateRgn, ret=%i\n",_ret_); UserLeave(); END_CLEANUP; } /* * NtUserGetUpdateRect * * Status * @implemented */ BOOL APIENTRY NtUserGetUpdateRect(HWND hWnd, LPRECT UnsafeRect, BOOL bErase) { PWND Window; RECTL Rect; NTSTATUS Status; BOOL Ret; DECLARE_RETURN(BOOL); TRACE("Enter NtUserGetUpdateRect\n"); UserEnterExclusive(); if (!(Window = UserGetWindowObject(hWnd))) { RETURN(FALSE); } Ret = co_UserGetUpdateRect(Window, &Rect, bErase); if (UnsafeRect != NULL) { Status = MmCopyToCaller(UnsafeRect, &Rect, sizeof(RECTL)); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { EngSetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER); RETURN(FALSE); } } RETURN(Ret); CLEANUP: TRACE("Leave NtUserGetUpdateRect, ret=%i\n",_ret_); UserLeave(); END_CLEANUP; } /* * NtUserRedrawWindow * * Status * @implemented */ BOOL APIENTRY NtUserRedrawWindow( HWND hWnd, CONST RECT *lprcUpdate, HRGN hrgnUpdate, UINT flags) { RECTL SafeUpdateRect; PWND Wnd; BOOL Ret; USER_REFERENCE_ENTRY Ref; NTSTATUS Status = STATUS_SUCCESS; PREGION RgnUpdate = NULL; DECLARE_RETURN(BOOL); TRACE("Enter NtUserRedrawWindow\n"); UserEnterExclusive(); if (!(Wnd = UserGetWindowObject(hWnd ? hWnd : IntGetDesktopWindow()))) { RETURN( FALSE); } if (lprcUpdate) { _SEH2_TRY { ProbeForRead(lprcUpdate, sizeof(RECTL), 1); RtlCopyMemory(&SafeUpdateRect, lprcUpdate, sizeof(RECTL)); } _SEH2_EXCEPT(EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER) { Status = _SEH2_GetExceptionCode(); } _SEH2_END if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { EngSetLastError(RtlNtStatusToDosError(Status)); RETURN( FALSE); } } if ( flags & ~(RDW_ERASE|RDW_FRAME|RDW_INTERNALPAINT|RDW_INVALIDATE| RDW_NOERASE|RDW_NOFRAME|RDW_NOINTERNALPAINT|RDW_VALIDATE| RDW_ERASENOW|RDW_UPDATENOW|RDW_ALLCHILDREN|RDW_NOCHILDREN) ) { /* RedrawWindow fails only in case that flags are invalid */ EngSetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_FLAGS); RETURN( FALSE); } /* We can't hold lock on GDI objects while doing roundtrips to user mode, * so it will be copied. */ if (hrgnUpdate > HRGN_WINDOW) { RgnUpdate = REGION_LockRgn(hrgnUpdate); if (!RgnUpdate) { EngSetLastError(ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY); RETURN(FALSE); } REGION_UnlockRgn(RgnUpdate); } else if (hrgnUpdate == HRGN_WINDOW) // Trap it out. { ERR("NTRW: Caller is passing Window Region 1\n"); } UserRefObjectCo(Wnd, &Ref); Ret = co_UserRedrawWindow( Wnd, lprcUpdate ? &SafeUpdateRect : NULL, RgnUpdate, flags); UserDerefObjectCo(Wnd); RETURN( Ret); CLEANUP: TRACE("Leave NtUserRedrawWindow, ret=%i\n",_ret_); UserLeave(); END_CLEANUP; } BOOL UserDrawCaptionText( PWND pWnd, HDC hDc, const PUNICODE_STRING Text, const RECTL *lpRc, UINT uFlags, HFONT hFont) { HFONT hOldFont = NULL; COLORREF OldTextColor; NONCLIENTMETRICSW nclm; NTSTATUS Status; BOOLEAN bDeleteFont = FALSE; SIZE Size; BOOL Ret = TRUE; ULONG fit = 0, Length; RECTL r = *lpRc; TRACE("UserDrawCaptionText: %wZ\n", Text); nclm.cbSize = sizeof(nclm); if (!UserSystemParametersInfo(SPI_GETNONCLIENTMETRICS, nclm.cbSize, &nclm, 0)) { ERR("UserSystemParametersInfo() failed!\n"); return FALSE; } if (!hFont) { if(uFlags & DC_SMALLCAP) Status = TextIntCreateFontIndirect(&nclm.lfSmCaptionFont, &hFont); else Status = TextIntCreateFontIndirect(&nclm.lfCaptionFont, &hFont); if(!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { ERR("TextIntCreateFontIndirect() failed! Status: 0x%x\n", Status); return FALSE; } bDeleteFont = TRUE; } IntGdiSetBkMode(hDc, TRANSPARENT); hOldFont = NtGdiSelectFont(hDc, hFont); if(uFlags & DC_INBUTTON) OldTextColor = IntGdiSetTextColor(hDc, IntGetSysColor(COLOR_BTNTEXT)); else OldTextColor = IntGdiSetTextColor(hDc, IntGetSysColor(uFlags & DC_ACTIVE ? COLOR_CAPTIONTEXT : COLOR_INACTIVECAPTIONTEXT)); // Adjust for system menu. if (pWnd && pWnd->style & WS_SYSMENU) { r.right -= UserGetSystemMetrics(SM_CYCAPTION) - 1; if ((pWnd->style & (WS_MAXIMIZEBOX | WS_MINIMIZEBOX)) && !(pWnd->ExStyle & WS_EX_TOOLWINDOW)) { r.right -= UserGetSystemMetrics(SM_CXSIZE) + 1; r.right -= UserGetSystemMetrics(SM_CXSIZE) + 1; } } GreGetTextExtentExW(hDc, Text->Buffer, Text->Length/sizeof(WCHAR), r.right - r.left, &fit, 0, &Size, 0); Length = (Text->Length/sizeof(WCHAR) == fit ? fit : fit+1); if (Text->Length/sizeof(WCHAR) > Length) { Ret = FALSE; } if (Ret) { // Faster while in setup. UserExtTextOutW( hDc, lpRc->left, lpRc->top + (lpRc->bottom - lpRc->top - Size.cy) / 2, // DT_SINGLELINE && DT_VCENTER ETO_CLIPPED, (RECTL *)lpRc, Text->Buffer, Length); } else { DrawTextW( hDc, Text->Buffer, Text->Length/sizeof(WCHAR), (RECTL *)&r, DT_END_ELLIPSIS|DT_SINGLELINE|DT_VCENTER|DT_NOPREFIX|DT_LEFT); } IntGdiSetTextColor(hDc, OldTextColor); if (hOldFont) NtGdiSelectFont(hDc, hOldFont); if (bDeleteFont) GreDeleteObject(hFont); return Ret; } // // This draws Buttons, Icons and Text... // BOOL UserDrawCaption( PWND pWnd, HDC hDc, RECTL *lpRc, HFONT hFont, HICON hIcon, const PUNICODE_STRING Str, UINT uFlags) { BOOL Ret = FALSE; HBRUSH hBgBrush, hOldBrush = NULL; RECTL Rect = *lpRc; BOOL HasIcon; RECTL_vMakeWellOrdered(lpRc); /* Determine whether the icon needs to be displayed */ if (!hIcon && pWnd != NULL) { HasIcon = (uFlags & DC_ICON) && !(uFlags & DC_SMALLCAP) && (pWnd->style & WS_SYSMENU) && !(pWnd->ExStyle & WS_EX_TOOLWINDOW); } else HasIcon = (hIcon != NULL); // Draw the caption background if((uFlags & DC_GRADIENT) && !(uFlags & DC_INBUTTON)) { static GRADIENT_RECT gcap = {0, 1}; TRIVERTEX Vertices[2]; COLORREF Colors[2]; Colors[0] = IntGetSysColor((uFlags & DC_ACTIVE) ? COLOR_ACTIVECAPTION : COLOR_INACTIVECAPTION); Colors[1] = IntGetSysColor((uFlags & DC_ACTIVE) ? COLOR_GRADIENTACTIVECAPTION : COLOR_GRADIENTINACTIVECAPTION); Vertices[0].x = Rect.left; Vertices[0].y = Rect.top; Vertices[0].Red = (WORD)Colors[0]<<8; Vertices[0].Green = (WORD)Colors[0] & 0xFF00; Vertices[0].Blue = (WORD)(Colors[0]>>8) & 0xFF00; Vertices[0].Alpha = 0; Vertices[1].x = Rect.right; Vertices[1].y = Rect.bottom; Vertices[1].Red = (WORD)Colors[1]<<8; Vertices[1].Green = (WORD)Colors[1] & 0xFF00; Vertices[1].Blue = (WORD)(Colors[1]>>8) & 0xFF00; Vertices[1].Alpha = 0; if(!GreGradientFill(hDc, Vertices, 2, &gcap, 1, GRADIENT_FILL_RECT_H)) { ERR("GreGradientFill() failed!\n"); goto cleanup; } } else { if(uFlags & DC_INBUTTON) hBgBrush = IntGetSysColorBrush(COLOR_3DFACE); else if(uFlags & DC_ACTIVE) hBgBrush = IntGetSysColorBrush(COLOR_ACTIVECAPTION); else hBgBrush = IntGetSysColorBrush(COLOR_INACTIVECAPTION); hOldBrush = NtGdiSelectBrush(hDc, hBgBrush); if(!hOldBrush) { ERR("NtGdiSelectBrush() failed!\n"); goto cleanup; } if(!NtGdiPatBlt(hDc, Rect.left, Rect.top, Rect.right - Rect.left, Rect.bottom - Rect.top, PATCOPY)) { ERR("NtGdiPatBlt() failed!\n"); goto cleanup; } } /* Draw icon */ if (HasIcon) { PCURICON_OBJECT pIcon = NULL; if (hIcon) { pIcon = UserGetCurIconObject(hIcon); } else if (pWnd) { pIcon = NC_IconForWindow(pWnd); // FIXME: NC_IconForWindow should reference it for us */ if (pIcon) UserReferenceObject(pIcon); } if (pIcon) { LONG cx = UserGetSystemMetrics(SM_CXSMICON); LONG cy = UserGetSystemMetrics(SM_CYSMICON); LONG x = Rect.left - cx/2 + 1 + (Rect.bottom - Rect.top)/2; // this is really what Window does LONG y = (Rect.top + Rect.bottom - cy)/2; // center UserDrawIconEx(hDc, x, y, pIcon, cx, cy, 0, NULL, DI_NORMAL); UserDereferenceObject(pIcon); } else { HasIcon = FALSE; } } if (HasIcon) Rect.left += Rect.bottom - Rect.top; if((uFlags & DC_TEXT)) { BOOL Set = FALSE; Rect.left += 2; if (Str) Set = UserDrawCaptionText(pWnd, hDc, Str, &Rect, uFlags, hFont); else if (pWnd != NULL) // FIXME: Windows does not do that { UNICODE_STRING ustr; ustr.Buffer = pWnd->strName.Buffer; // FIXME: LARGE_STRING truncated! ustr.Length = (USHORT)min(pWnd->strName.Length, MAXUSHORT); ustr.MaximumLength = (USHORT)min(pWnd->strName.MaximumLength, MAXUSHORT); Set = UserDrawCaptionText(pWnd, hDc, &ustr, &Rect, uFlags, hFont); } if (pWnd) { if (Set) pWnd->state2 &= ~WNDS2_CAPTIONTEXTTRUNCATED; else pWnd->state2 |= WNDS2_CAPTIONTEXTTRUNCATED; } } Ret = TRUE; cleanup: if (hOldBrush) NtGdiSelectBrush(hDc, hOldBrush); return Ret; } INT FASTCALL UserRealizePalette(HDC hdc) { HWND hWnd, hWndDesktop; DWORD Ret; Ret = IntGdiRealizePalette(hdc); if (Ret) // There was a change. { hWnd = IntWindowFromDC(hdc); if (hWnd) // Send broadcast if dc is associated with a window. { // FYI: Thread locked in CallOneParam. hWndDesktop = IntGetDesktopWindow(); if ( hWndDesktop != hWnd ) { PWND pWnd = UserGetWindowObject(hWndDesktop); ERR("RealizePalette Desktop."); hdc = UserGetWindowDC(pWnd); IntPaintDesktop(hdc); UserReleaseDC(pWnd,hdc,FALSE); } UserSendNotifyMessage((HWND)HWND_BROADCAST, WM_PALETTECHANGED, (WPARAM)hWnd, 0); } } return Ret; } BOOL APIENTRY NtUserDrawCaptionTemp( HWND hWnd, HDC hDC, LPCRECT lpRc, HFONT hFont, HICON hIcon, const PUNICODE_STRING str, UINT uFlags) { PWND pWnd = NULL; UNICODE_STRING SafeStr = {0}; NTSTATUS Status = STATUS_SUCCESS; RECTL SafeRect; BOOL Ret; UserEnterExclusive(); if (hWnd != NULL) { if(!(pWnd = UserGetWindowObject(hWnd))) { UserLeave(); return FALSE; } } _SEH2_TRY { ProbeForRead(lpRc, sizeof(RECTL), sizeof(ULONG)); RtlCopyMemory(&SafeRect, lpRc, sizeof(RECTL)); if (str != NULL) { SafeStr = ProbeForReadUnicodeString(str); if (SafeStr.Length != 0) { ProbeForRead( SafeStr.Buffer, SafeStr.Length, sizeof(WCHAR)); } } } _SEH2_EXCEPT(EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER) { Status = _SEH2_GetExceptionCode(); } _SEH2_END; if (Status != STATUS_SUCCESS) { SetLastNtError(Status); UserLeave(); return FALSE; } if (str != NULL) Ret = UserDrawCaption(pWnd, hDC, &SafeRect, hFont, hIcon, &SafeStr, uFlags); else { if ( RECTL_bIsEmptyRect(&SafeRect) && hFont == 0 && hIcon == 0 ) { Ret = TRUE; if (uFlags & DC_DRAWCAPTIONMD) { ERR("NC Caption Mode\n"); UserDrawCaptionBar(pWnd, hDC, uFlags); goto Exit; } else if (uFlags & DC_DRAWFRAMEMD) { ERR("NC Paint Mode\n"); NC_DoNCPaint(pWnd, hDC, uFlags); // Update Menus too! goto Exit; } } Ret = UserDrawCaption(pWnd, hDC, &SafeRect, hFont, hIcon, NULL, uFlags); } Exit: UserLeave(); return Ret; } BOOL APIENTRY NtUserDrawCaption(HWND hWnd, HDC hDC, LPCRECT lpRc, UINT uFlags) { return NtUserDrawCaptionTemp(hWnd, hDC, lpRc, 0, 0, NULL, uFlags); } INT FASTCALL co_UserExcludeUpdateRgn(HDC hDC, PWND Window) { POINT pt; RECT rc; if (Window->hrgnUpdate) { if (Window->hrgnUpdate == HRGN_WINDOW) { return NtGdiIntersectClipRect(hDC, 0, 0, 0, 0); } else { INT ret = ERROR; HRGN hrgn = NtGdiCreateRectRgn(0,0,0,0); if ( hrgn && GreGetDCPoint( hDC, GdiGetDCOrg, &pt) ) { if ( NtGdiGetRandomRgn( hDC, hrgn, CLIPRGN) == NULLREGION ) { NtGdiOffsetRgn(hrgn, pt.x, pt.y); } else { HRGN hrgnScreen; PMONITOR pm = UserGetPrimaryMonitor(); hrgnScreen = NtGdiCreateRectRgn(0,0,0,0); NtGdiCombineRgn(hrgnScreen, hrgnScreen, pm->hrgnMonitor, RGN_OR); NtGdiCombineRgn(hrgn, hrgnScreen, NULL, RGN_COPY); GreDeleteObject(hrgnScreen); } NtGdiCombineRgn(hrgn, hrgn, Window->hrgnUpdate, RGN_DIFF); NtGdiOffsetRgn(hrgn, -pt.x, -pt.y); ret = NtGdiExtSelectClipRgn(hDC, hrgn, RGN_COPY); GreDeleteObject(hrgn); } return ret; } } else { return GdiGetClipBox( hDC, &rc); } } INT APIENTRY NtUserExcludeUpdateRgn( HDC hDC, HWND hWnd) { INT ret = ERROR; PWND pWnd; TRACE("Enter NtUserExcludeUpdateRgn\n"); UserEnterExclusive(); pWnd = UserGetWindowObject(hWnd); if (hDC && pWnd) ret = co_UserExcludeUpdateRgn(hDC, pWnd); TRACE("Leave NtUserExcludeUpdateRgn, ret=%i\n", ret); UserLeave(); return ret; } BOOL APIENTRY NtUserInvalidateRect( HWND hWnd, CONST RECT *lpUnsafeRect, BOOL bErase) { UINT flags = RDW_INVALIDATE | (bErase ? RDW_ERASE : 0); if (!hWnd) { flags = RDW_ALLCHILDREN | RDW_INVALIDATE | RDW_FRAME | RDW_ERASE | RDW_ERASENOW; lpUnsafeRect = NULL; } return NtUserRedrawWindow(hWnd, lpUnsafeRect, NULL, flags); } BOOL APIENTRY NtUserInvalidateRgn( HWND hWnd, HRGN hRgn, BOOL bErase) { if (!hWnd) { EngSetLastError( ERROR_INVALID_WINDOW_HANDLE ); return FALSE; } return NtUserRedrawWindow(hWnd, NULL, hRgn, RDW_INVALIDATE | (bErase? RDW_ERASE : 0)); } BOOL APIENTRY NtUserPrintWindow( HWND hwnd, HDC hdcBlt, UINT nFlags) { PWND Window; BOOL Ret = FALSE; UserEnterExclusive(); if (hwnd) { if (!(Window = UserGetWindowObject(hwnd)) || UserIsDesktopWindow(Window) || UserIsMessageWindow(Window)) { goto Exit; } if ( Window ) { /* Validate flags and check it as a mask for 0 or 1. */ if ( (nFlags & PW_CLIENTONLY) == nFlags) Ret = IntPrintWindow( Window, hdcBlt, nFlags); else EngSetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER); } } Exit: UserLeave(); return Ret; } /* ValidateRect gets redirected to NtUserValidateRect: http://blog.csdn.net/ntdll/archive/2005/10/19/509299.aspx */ BOOL APIENTRY NtUserValidateRect( HWND hWnd, const RECT *lpRect) { UINT flags = RDW_VALIDATE; if (!hWnd) { flags = RDW_ALLCHILDREN | RDW_INVALIDATE | RDW_FRAME | RDW_ERASE | RDW_ERASENOW; lpRect = NULL; } return NtUserRedrawWindow(hWnd, lpRect, NULL, flags); } /* EOF */