/* * PROJECT: ReactOS Automatic Testing Utility * LICENSE: GNU GPLv2 or any later version as published by the Free Software Foundation * PURPOSE: Submitting test results to the Web Service * COPYRIGHT: Copyright 2008-2009 Colin Finck */ #include "precomp.h" static const CHAR ActionProp[] = "action="; static const CHAR TestIDProp[] = "&testid="; static const CHAR TestTypeProp[] = "&testtype="; static const CHAR WineTestType[] = "wine"; /** * Sends data to the ReactOS Web Test Manager web service. * * @param Data * Pointer to a CHAR pointer, which contains the data to submit as HTTP POST data. * The buffer behind this pointer had to be allocated with HeapAlloc. * Returns the data received by the web service after the call. * * @param DataLength * Pointer to a DWORD, which contains the length of the data to submit (in bytes). * Returns the length of the data received by the web service after the call (in bytes). * * @return * TRUE if everything went well, FALSE if an error occured while submitting the request. * In case of an error, the function will output an appropriate error message through StringOut. */ static BOOL IntDoRequest(char** Data, PDWORD DataLength) { const WCHAR Headers[] = L"Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded"; HINTERNET hHTTP; HINTERNET hHTTPRequest; HINTERNET hInet; /* Establish an internet connection to the "testman" server */ hInet = InternetOpenW(L"rosautotest", INTERNET_OPEN_TYPE_PRECONFIG, NULL, NULL, 0); if(!hInet) { StringOut("InternetOpenW failed\n"); return FALSE; } hHTTP = InternetConnectW(hInet, SERVER_HOSTNAME, INTERNET_DEFAULT_HTTP_PORT, NULL, NULL, INTERNET_SERVICE_HTTP, 0, 0); if(!hHTTP) { StringOut("InternetConnectW failed\n"); return FALSE; } /* Post our test results to the web service */ hHTTPRequest = HttpOpenRequestW(hHTTP, L"POST", SERVER_FILE, NULL, NULL, NULL, INTERNET_FLAG_NO_COOKIES | INTERNET_FLAG_RELOAD | INTERNET_FLAG_NO_CACHE_WRITE, 0); if(!hHTTPRequest) { StringOut("HttpOpenRequestW failed\n"); return FALSE; } if(!HttpSendRequestW(hHTTPRequest, Headers, wcslen(Headers), *Data, *DataLength)) { StringOut("HttpSendRequestW failed\n"); return FALSE; } HeapFree(hProcessHeap, 0, *Data); /* Get the response */ if(!InternetQueryDataAvailable(hHTTPRequest, DataLength, 0, 0)) { StringOut("InternetQueryDataAvailable failed\n"); return FALSE; } *Data = HeapAlloc(hProcessHeap, 0, *DataLength + 1); if(!InternetReadFile(hHTTPRequest, *Data, *DataLength, DataLength)) { StringOut("InternetReadFile failed\n"); return FALSE; } (*Data)[*DataLength] = 0; InternetCloseHandle(hHTTPRequest); InternetCloseHandle(hHTTP); InternetCloseHandle(hInet); return TRUE; } /** * Determines whether a string contains entirely numeric values. * * @param Input * The string to check. * * @return * TRUE if the string is entirely numeric, FALSE otherwise. */ static BOOL IsNumber(PCHAR Input) { do { if(!isdigit(*Input)) return FALSE; ++Input; } while(*Input); return TRUE; } /** * Requests a Test ID from the web service for our test run. * * @param TestType * Value from the TESTTYPES enum indicating the type of test we are about to submit. * * @return * Returns the Test ID as a CHAR array if successful or NULL otherwise. */ PCHAR GetTestID(TESTTYPES TestType) { const CHAR GetTestIDAction[] = "gettestid"; DWORD DataLength; PCHAR Data; /* Build the full request string */ DataLength = sizeof(ActionProp) - 1 + sizeof(GetTestIDAction) - 1; DataLength += strlen(AuthenticationRequestString) + strlen(SystemInfoRequestString); DataLength += sizeof(TestTypeProp) - 1; switch(TestType) { case WineTest: DataLength += sizeof(WineTestType) - 1; break; } Data = HeapAlloc(hProcessHeap, 0, DataLength + 1); strcpy(Data, ActionProp); strcat(Data, GetTestIDAction); strcat(Data, AuthenticationRequestString); strcat(Data, SystemInfoRequestString); strcat(Data, TestTypeProp); switch(TestType) { case WineTest: strcat(Data, WineTestType); break; } if(!IntDoRequest(&Data, &DataLength)) return NULL; /* Verify that this is really a number */ if(!IsNumber(Data)) { StringOut("Expected Test ID, but received:\n"); StringOut(Data); StringOut("\n"); HeapFree(hProcessHeap, 0, Data); return NULL; } return Data; } /** * Requests a Suite ID from the web service for our module/test combination. * * @param TestType * Value from the TESTTYPES enum indicating the type of test we are about to submit. * * @param TestData * Pointer to a *_GETSUITEID_DATA structure appropriate for our selected test type. * Contains other input information for this request. * * @return * Returns the Suite ID as a CHAR array if successful or NULL otherwise. */ PCHAR GetSuiteID(TESTTYPES TestType, const PVOID TestData) { const CHAR GetSuiteIDAction[] = "getsuiteid"; const CHAR ModuleProp[] = "&module="; const CHAR TestProp[] = "&test="; DWORD DataLength; PCHAR Data; PWINE_GETSUITEID_DATA WineData; DataLength = sizeof(ActionProp) - 1 + sizeof(GetSuiteIDAction) - 1; DataLength += strlen(AuthenticationRequestString); DataLength += sizeof(TestTypeProp) - 1; switch(TestType) { case WineTest: DataLength += sizeof(WineTestType) - 1; WineData = (PWINE_GETSUITEID_DATA)TestData; DataLength += sizeof(ModuleProp) - 1; DataLength += strlen(WineData->Module); DataLength += sizeof(TestProp) - 1; DataLength += strlen(WineData->Test); break; } Data = HeapAlloc(hProcessHeap, 0, DataLength + 1); strcpy(Data, ActionProp); strcat(Data, GetSuiteIDAction); strcat(Data, AuthenticationRequestString); strcat(Data, TestTypeProp); switch(TestType) { case WineTest: strcat(Data, WineTestType); /* Stupid GCC and MSVC: WineData is already initialized above, still it's reported as a potentially uninitialized variable :-( */ WineData = (PWINE_GETSUITEID_DATA)TestData; strcat(Data, ModuleProp); strcat(Data, WineData->Module); strcat(Data, TestProp); strcat(Data, WineData->Test); break; } if(!IntDoRequest(&Data, &DataLength)) return NULL; /* Verify that this is really a number */ if(!IsNumber(Data)) { StringOut("Expected Suite ID, but received:\n"); StringOut(Data); StringOut("\n"); HeapFree(hProcessHeap, 0, Data); return NULL; } return Data; } /** * Submits the result of one test call to the web service. * * @param TestType * Value from the TESTTYPES enum indicating the type of test we are about to submit. * * @param TestData * Pointer to a *_SUBMIT_DATA structure appropriate for our selected test type. * Contains other input information for this request. * * @return * TRUE if everything went well, FALSE otherwise. */ BOOL Submit(TESTTYPES TestType, const PVOID TestData) { const CHAR SubmitAction[] = "submit"; const CHAR SuiteIDProp[] = "&suiteid="; const CHAR LogProp[] = "&log="; DWORD DataLength; PCHAR Data; PCHAR pData; PGENERAL_SUBMIT_DATA GeneralData; PWINE_SUBMIT_DATA WineData; /* Compute the full length of the POST data */ DataLength = sizeof(ActionProp) - 1 + sizeof(SubmitAction) - 1; DataLength += strlen(AuthenticationRequestString); GeneralData = (PGENERAL_SUBMIT_DATA)TestData; DataLength += sizeof(TestIDProp) - 1; DataLength += strlen(GeneralData->TestID); DataLength += sizeof(SuiteIDProp) - 1; DataLength += strlen(GeneralData->SuiteID); /* The rest of the POST data depends on the test type */ DataLength += sizeof(TestTypeProp) - 1; switch(TestType) { case WineTest: DataLength += sizeof(WineTestType) - 1; WineData = (PWINE_SUBMIT_DATA)TestData; DataLength += sizeof(LogProp) - 1; DataLength += 3 * strlen(WineData->Log); break; } /* Now collect all the POST data */ Data = HeapAlloc(hProcessHeap, 0, DataLength + 1); strcpy(Data, ActionProp); strcat(Data, SubmitAction); strcat(Data, AuthenticationRequestString); strcat(Data, TestIDProp); strcat(Data, GeneralData->TestID); strcat(Data, SuiteIDProp); strcat(Data, GeneralData->SuiteID); strcat(Data, TestTypeProp); switch(TestType) { case WineTest: strcat(Data, WineTestType); /* Stupid GCC and MSVC: WineData is already initialized above, still it's reported as a potentially uninitialized variable :-( */ WineData = (PWINE_SUBMIT_DATA)TestData; strcat(Data, LogProp); pData = Data + strlen(Data); EscapeString(pData, WineData->Log); break; } /* DataLength still contains the maximum length of the buffer, but not the actual data length we need for the request. Determine that one now. */ DataLength = strlen(Data); /* Send all the stuff */ if(!IntDoRequest(&Data, &DataLength)) return FALSE; /* Output the response */ StringOut("The server responded:\n"); StringOut(Data); StringOut("\n"); if(!strcmp(Data, "OK")) return TRUE; return FALSE; } /** * Finishes a test run for the web service. * * @param TestType * Value from the TESTTYPES enum indicating the type of test we are about to submit. * * @param TestData * Pointer to a *_FINISH_DATA structure appropriate for our selected test type. * Contains other input information for this request. * * @return * TRUE if everything went well, FALSE otherwise. */ BOOL Finish(TESTTYPES TestType, const PVOID TestData) { const CHAR FinishAction[] = "finish"; DWORD DataLength; PCHAR Data; PGENERAL_FINISH_DATA GeneralData; /* Build the full request string */ DataLength = sizeof(ActionProp) - 1 + sizeof(FinishAction) - 1; DataLength += strlen(AuthenticationRequestString); GeneralData = (PGENERAL_FINISH_DATA)TestData; DataLength += sizeof(TestIDProp) - 1; DataLength += strlen(GeneralData->TestID); DataLength += sizeof(TestTypeProp) - 1; switch(TestType) { case WineTest: DataLength += sizeof(WineTestType) - 1; break; } Data = HeapAlloc(hProcessHeap, 0, DataLength + 1); strcpy(Data, ActionProp); strcat(Data, FinishAction); strcat(Data, AuthenticationRequestString); strcat(Data, TestIDProp); strcat(Data, GeneralData->TestID); strcat(Data, TestTypeProp); switch(TestType) { case WineTest: strcat(Data, WineTestType); break; } if(!IntDoRequest(&Data, &DataLength)) return FALSE; if(!strcmp(Data, "OK")) return TRUE; return FALSE; }