/* * COPYRIGHT: See COPYING in the top level directory * PROJECT: ReactOS ReactX * FILE: dll/directx/d3d9/d3d9_mipmap.c * PURPOSE: d3d9.dll internal mip map surface functions * PROGRAMERS: Gregor Gullwi */ #include "d3d9_mipmap.h" #include "debug.h" #include "d3d9_texture.h" #include "d3d9_device.h" #include "d3d9_helpers.h" #include #define LOCK_D3DDEVICE9() D3D9BaseObject_LockDevice(&This->BaseTexture.BaseResource.BaseObject) #define UNLOCK_D3DDEVICE9() D3D9BaseObject_UnlockDevice(&This->BaseTexture.BaseResource.BaseObject) /* Convert a IDirect3DTexture9 pointer safely to the internal implementation struct */ LPD3D9MIPMAP IDirect3DTexture9ToImpl(LPDIRECT3DTEXTURE9 iface) { if (NULL == iface) return NULL; return (LPD3D9MIPMAP)((ULONG_PTR)iface - FIELD_OFFSET(D3D9MipMap, lpVtbl)); } /* IUnknown */ static HRESULT WINAPI D3D9MipMap_QueryInterface(LPDIRECT3DTEXTURE9 iface, REFIID riid, void** ppvObject) { LPD3D9MIPMAP This = IDirect3DTexture9ToImpl(iface); if (IsEqualGUID(riid, &IID_IUnknown) || IsEqualGUID(riid, &IID_IDirect3DTexture9) || IsEqualGUID(riid, &IID_IDirect3DBaseTexture9) || IsEqualGUID(riid, &IID_IDirect3DResource9)) { IUnknown_AddRef(iface); *ppvObject = &This->lpVtbl; return D3D_OK; } *ppvObject = NULL; return E_NOINTERFACE; } ULONG WINAPI D3D9MipMap_AddRef(LPDIRECT3DTEXTURE9 iface) { LPD3D9MIPMAP This = IDirect3DTexture9ToImpl(iface); return D3D9BaseObject_AddRef(&This->BaseTexture.BaseResource.BaseObject); } ULONG WINAPI D3D9MipMap_Release(LPDIRECT3DTEXTURE9 iface) { LPD3D9MIPMAP This = IDirect3DTexture9ToImpl(iface); return D3D9BaseObject_Release(&This->BaseTexture.BaseResource.BaseObject); } /* IDirect3DResource9 */ /*++ * @name IDirect3DTexture9::GetDevice * @implemented * * The function D3D9MipMap_GetDevice sets the ppDevice argument * to the device connected to create the swap chain. * * @param LPDIRECT3DTEXTURE9 iface * Pointer to a IDirect3DTexture9 object returned from IDirect3D9Device::CreateTexture() * * @param IDirect3DDevice9** ppDevice * Pointer to a IDirect3DDevice9* structure to be set to the device object. * * @return HRESULT * If the method successfully sets the ppDevice value, the return value is D3D_OK. * If ppDevice is a bad pointer the return value will be D3DERR_INVALIDCALL. * If the texture didn't contain any device, the return value will be D3DERR_INVALIDDEVICE. * */ HRESULT WINAPI D3D9MipMap_GetDevice(LPDIRECT3DTEXTURE9 iface, IDirect3DDevice9** ppDevice) { LPD3D9MIPMAP This = IDirect3DTexture9ToImpl(iface); LOCK_D3DDEVICE9(); if (NULL == ppDevice) { DPRINT1("Invalid ppDevice parameter specified"); UNLOCK_D3DDEVICE9(); return D3DERR_INVALIDCALL; } if (FAILED(D3D9BaseObject_GetDevice(&This->BaseTexture.BaseResource.BaseObject, ppDevice))) { DPRINT1("Invalid This parameter speficied"); UNLOCK_D3DDEVICE9(); return D3DERR_INVALIDDEVICE; } UNLOCK_D3DDEVICE9(); return D3D_OK; } HRESULT WINAPI D3D9MipMap_SetPrivateData(LPDIRECT3DTEXTURE9 iface, REFGUID refguid, CONST void* pData, DWORD SizeOfData, DWORD Flags) { UNIMPLEMENTED return D3D_OK; } HRESULT WINAPI D3D9MipMap_GetPrivateData(LPDIRECT3DTEXTURE9 iface, REFGUID refguid, void* pData, DWORD* pSizeOfData) { UNIMPLEMENTED return D3D_OK; } HRESULT WINAPI D3D9MipMap_FreePrivateData(LPDIRECT3DTEXTURE9 iface, REFGUID refguid) { UNIMPLEMENTED return D3D_OK; } DWORD WINAPI D3D9MipMap_SetPriority(LPDIRECT3DTEXTURE9 iface, DWORD PriorityNew) { UNIMPLEMENTED return 0; } DWORD WINAPI D3D9MipMap_GetPriority(LPDIRECT3DTEXTURE9 iface) { UNIMPLEMENTED return 0; } void WINAPI D3D9MipMap_PreLoad(LPDIRECT3DTEXTURE9 iface) { UNIMPLEMENTED } /* IDirect3DBaseTexture9 */ D3DRESOURCETYPE WINAPI D3D9MipMap_GetType(LPDIRECT3DTEXTURE9 iface) { UNIMPLEMENTED return D3DRTYPE_TEXTURE; } DWORD WINAPI D3D9MipMap_SetLOD(LPDIRECT3DTEXTURE9 iface, DWORD LODNew) { UNIMPLEMENTED return 0; } /*++ * @name IDirect3DTexture9::GetLOD * @implemented * * The function D3D9MipMap_GetLOD returns the number * max LODs for the specified texture, if it's managed. * * @param LPDIRECT3DTEXTURE9 iface * Pointer to a IDirect3DTexture9 object returned from IDirect3D9Device::CreateTexture(). * * @return DWORD * Returns the number of LODs in the specified texture if it's managed. * */ DWORD WINAPI D3D9MipMap_GetLOD(LPDIRECT3DTEXTURE9 iface) { LPD3D9MIPMAP This = IDirect3DTexture9ToImpl(iface); return D3D9Texture_GetLOD( (IDirect3DBaseTexture9*)&This->BaseTexture.lpVtbl ); } /*++ * @name IDirect3DTexture9::GetLevelCount * @implemented * * The function D3D9MipMap_GetLevelCount returns the number of mip map levels * in the specified texture. * * @param LPDIRECT3DTEXTURE9 iface * Pointer to a IDirect3DTexture9 object returned from IDirect3D9Device::CreateTexture(). * * @return DWORD * Returns the number of levels in the specified texture. * */ DWORD WINAPI D3D9MipMap_GetLevelCount(LPDIRECT3DTEXTURE9 iface) { LPD3D9MIPMAP This = IDirect3DTexture9ToImpl(iface); return D3D9Texture_GetLevelCount( (IDirect3DBaseTexture9*)&This->BaseTexture.lpVtbl ); } HRESULT WINAPI D3D9MipMap_SetAutoGenFilterType(LPDIRECT3DTEXTURE9 iface, D3DTEXTUREFILTERTYPE FilterType) { UNIMPLEMENTED return D3D_OK; } /*++ * @name IDirect3DTexture9::GetAutoGenFilterType * @implemented * * The function D3D9MipMap_GetAutoGenFilterType returns filter type * that is used when automated mipmaping is set. * * @param LPDIRECT3DTEXTURE9 iface * Pointer to a IDirect3DTexture9 object returned from IDirect3D9Device::CreateTexture(). * * @return D3DTEXTUREFILTERTYPE * Filter type used when automated mipmaping is set for the specified texture. * */ D3DTEXTUREFILTERTYPE WINAPI D3D9MipMap_GetAutoGenFilterType(LPDIRECT3DTEXTURE9 iface) { LPD3D9MIPMAP This = IDirect3DTexture9ToImpl(iface); return D3D9Texture_GetAutoGenFilterType( (IDirect3DBaseTexture9*)&This->BaseTexture.lpVtbl ); } void WINAPI D3D9MipMap_GenerateMipSubLevels(LPDIRECT3DTEXTURE9 iface) { UNIMPLEMENTED } /* IDirect3DTexture9 */ HRESULT WINAPI D3D9MipMap_GetLevelDesc(LPDIRECT3DTEXTURE9 iface, UINT Level, D3DSURFACE_DESC* pDesc) { UNIMPLEMENTED return D3D_OK; } HRESULT WINAPI D3D9MipMap_GetSurfaceLevel(LPDIRECT3DTEXTURE9 iface, UINT Level, IDirect3DSurface9** ppSurfaceLevel) { UNIMPLEMENTED return D3D_OK; } HRESULT WINAPI D3D9MipMap_LockRect(LPDIRECT3DTEXTURE9 iface, UINT Level, D3DLOCKED_RECT* pLockedRect, CONST RECT* pRect, DWORD Flags) { UNIMPLEMENTED return D3D_OK; } HRESULT WINAPI D3D9MipMap_UnlockRect(LPDIRECT3DTEXTURE9 iface, UINT Level) { UNIMPLEMENTED return D3D_OK; } HRESULT WINAPI D3D9MipMap_AddDirtyRect(LPDIRECT3DTEXTURE9 iface, CONST RECT* pDirtyRect) { UNIMPLEMENTED return D3D_OK; } #if !defined(__cplusplus) || defined(CINTERFACE) static IDirect3DTexture9Vtbl D3D9MipMap_Vtbl = { /* IUnknown methods */ D3D9MipMap_QueryInterface, D3D9MipMap_AddRef, D3D9MipMap_Release, /* IDirect3DBaseTexture9 methods */ D3D9MipMap_GetDevice, D3D9MipMap_SetPrivateData, D3D9MipMap_GetPrivateData, D3D9MipMap_FreePrivateData, D3D9MipMap_SetPriority, D3D9MipMap_GetPriority, D3D9MipMap_PreLoad, /* IDirect3DBaseTexture9 methods */ D3D9MipMap_GetType, D3D9MipMap_SetLOD, D3D9MipMap_GetLOD, D3D9MipMap_GetLevelCount, D3D9MipMap_SetAutoGenFilterType, D3D9MipMap_GetAutoGenFilterType, D3D9MipMap_GenerateMipSubLevels, /* IDirect3DTexture9 methods */ D3D9MipMap_GetLevelDesc, D3D9MipMap_GetSurfaceLevel, D3D9MipMap_LockRect, D3D9MipMap_UnlockRect, D3D9MipMap_AddDirtyRect, }; #endif // !defined(__cplusplus) || defined(CINTERFACE) HRESULT CreateD3D9MipMap(DIRECT3DDEVICE9_INT* pDevice, UINT Width, UINT Height, UINT Levels, DWORD Usage, D3DFORMAT Format, D3DPOOL Pool, IDirect3DTexture9** ppTexture) { LPD3D9MIPMAP pThisTexture; if (FAILED(AlignedAlloc((LPVOID*)&pThisTexture, sizeof(D3D9MipMap)))) { DPRINT1("Could not create D3D9MipMap"); return E_OUTOFMEMORY; } InitDirect3DBaseTexture9(&pThisTexture->BaseTexture, (IDirect3DBaseTexture9Vtbl*)&D3D9MipMap_Vtbl, Usage, Levels, Format, Pool, pDevice, RT_EXTERNAL); pThisTexture->lpVtbl = &D3D9MipMap_Vtbl; pThisTexture->Usage = Usage; pThisTexture->dwWidth = Width; pThisTexture->dwHeight = Height; pThisTexture->Format = Format; *ppTexture = (IDirect3DTexture9*)&pThisTexture->lpVtbl; UNIMPLEMENTED; return D3D_OK; }