/* os2emx.h (emx+gcc) */ #ifndef _OS2EMX_H #define _OS2EMX_H #pragma pack(1) /* ------------------------ INCL_ SYMBOLS --------------------------------- */ #if defined (INCL_BASE) #define INCL_DOS #define INCL_DOSERRORS #define INCL_SUB #endif #if defined (INCL_DOS) #define INCL_DOSDATETIME #define INCL_DOSDEVICES #define INCL_DOSEXCEPTIONS #define INCL_DOSFILEMGR #define INCL_DOSMEMMGR #define INCL_DOSMISC #define INCL_DOSMVDM #define INCL_DOSMODULEMGR #define INCL_DOSNLS #define INCL_DOSPROCESS #define INCL_DOSPROFILE #define INCL_DOSRAS #define INCL_DOSQUEUES #define INCL_DOSRESOURCES #define INCL_DOSSEMAPHORES #define INCL_DOSSESMGR #endif #if defined (INCL_REXXSAA) #define INCL_RXSUBCOM #define INCL_RXSHV #define INCL_RXFUNC #define INCL_RXSYSEXIT #define INCL_RXMACRO #define INCL_RXARI #endif #if defined (INCL_SUB) #define INCL_KBD #define INCL_VIO #define INCL_MOU #endif #if defined (INCL_PM) #define INCL_AVIO #define INCL_FONTFILEFORMAT #define INCL_GPI #define INCL_SPL #define INCL_WIN #define INCL_WINWORKPLACE #endif #if defined (INCL_WIN) || defined (RC_INVOKED) #define INCL_WINACCELERATORS #define INCL_WINBUTTONS #define INCL_WINDIALOGS #define INCL_WINENTRYFIELDS #define INCL_WINFRAMECTLS #define INCL_WINFRAMEMGR #define INCL_WINHELP #define INCL_WININPUT #define INCL_WINLISTBOXES #define INCL_WINMENUS #define INCL_WINMESSAGEMGR #define INCL_WINMLE #define INCL_WINPOINTERS #define INCL_WINSCROLLBARS #define INCL_WINSTATICS #define INCL_WINSTDDLGS #define INCL_WINSYS #endif /* INCL_WIN || RC_INVOKED */ #if defined (INCL_WIN) #define INCL_WINATOM #define INCL_WINCLIPBOARD #define INCL_WINCOUNTRY #define INCL_WINCURSORS #define INCL_WINDDE #define INCL_WINDESKTOP #define INCL_WINERRORS #define INCL_WINHOOKS #define INCL_WINLOAD #define INCL_WINPALETTE #define INCL_WINPROGRAMLIST #define INCL_WINRECTANGLES #define INCL_WINSHELLDATA #define INCL_WINSWITCHLIST #define INCL_WINTHUNKAPI #define INCL_WINTIMER #define INCL_WINTRACKRECT #define INCL_WINTYPES #define INCL_WINWINDOWMGR #endif /* INCL_WIN */ #if defined (INCL_WINCOMMON) #define INCL_WINWINDOWMGR #endif #if defined (INCL_WINSTDDLGS) #define INCL_WINCIRCULARSLIDER #define INCL_WINSTDBOOK #define INCL_WINSTDCNR #define INCL_WINSTDDRAG #define INCL_WINSTDFILE #define INCL_WINSTDFONT #define INCL_WINSTDSLIDER #define INCL_WINSTDSPIN #define INCL_WINSTDVALSET #endif #if defined (INCL_WINSTDCNR) || defined (INCL_WINSTDVALSET) #define INCL_WINSTDDRAG #endif #if defined (INCL_WINMLE) && !defined (INCL_WINENTRYFIELDS) #define INCL_WINENTRYFIELDS #endif #if defined (INCL_WINWORKPLACE) #define INCL_WPCLASS #endif #if defined (INCL_GPI) #define INCL_GPIBITMAPS #define INCL_GPICONTROL #define INCL_GPICORRELATION #define INCL_GPIINK #define INCL_GPISEGMENTS #endif #if defined (INCL_ERRORS) #define INCL_DOSERRORS #define INCL_GPIERRORS #define INCL_SHLERRORS #define INCL_WINERRORS #endif #if defined (INCL_DDIDEFS) #define INCL_GPIBITMAPS #define INCL_GPIERRORS #endif #if defined (INCL_CIRCULARSLIDER) && !defined (INCL_WINCIRCULARSLIDER) #define INCL_WINCIRCULARSLIDER #endif /* ------------------------ DISABLE KEYWORDS ------------------------------ */ #define APIENTRY #define EXPENTRY #define FAR /* ------------------------ CONSTANTS AND TYPES --------------------------- */ #if !defined (FALSE) #define FALSE 0 #endif #if !defined (TRUE) #define TRUE 1 #endif #define VOID void #define NULLHANDLE ((LHANDLE)0) #define NULLSHANDLE ((SHANDLE)0) #if !defined (NULL) #if defined (__cplusplus) #define NULL 0 #else #define NULL ((void *)0) #endif #endif typedef int INT; /* Required for Toolkit sample programs */ typedef unsigned UINT; typedef unsigned long APIRET; typedef unsigned long BOOL; typedef BOOL *PBOOL; typedef unsigned long BOOL32; typedef BOOL *PBOOL32; typedef char CHAR; typedef CHAR *PCHAR; #if !defined (OS2EMX_PLAIN_CHAR) typedef unsigned char BYTE; typedef unsigned char *PCH; typedef unsigned char *PSZ; typedef __const__ unsigned char *PCCH; typedef __const__ unsigned char *PCSZ; #else typedef char BYTE; typedef char *PCH; typedef char *PSZ; typedef __const__ char *PCCH; typedef __const__ char *PCSZ; #endif typedef BYTE *PBYTE; typedef unsigned char UCHAR; typedef UCHAR *PUCHAR; typedef short SHORT; typedef SHORT *PSHORT; typedef unsigned short USHORT; typedef USHORT *PUSHORT; typedef long LONG; typedef LONG *PLONG; typedef unsigned long ULONG; typedef ULONG *PULONG; typedef VOID *PVOID; typedef PVOID *PPVOID; typedef __const__ VOID *CPVOID; typedef CHAR STR8[8]; typedef STR8 *PSTR8; typedef CHAR STR16[16]; typedef STR16 *PSTR16; typedef CHAR STR32[32]; typedef STR32 *PSTR32; typedef CHAR STR64[64]; typedef STR64 *PSTR64; typedef unsigned short SHANDLE; typedef unsigned long LHANDLE; typedef LHANDLE HPIPE; typedef HPIPE *PHPIPE; typedef LHANDLE HQUEUE; typedef HQUEUE *PHQUEUE; typedef LHANDLE HMODULE; typedef HMODULE *PHMODULE; typedef VOID *HSEM; typedef HSEM *PHSEM; typedef LHANDLE HOBJECT; typedef ULONG PID; typedef PID *PPID; typedef ULONG TID; typedef TID *PTID; typedef int (*PFN)(); typedef PFN *PPFN; typedef USHORT SEL; typedef SEL *PSEL; typedef ULONG HMTX; typedef HMTX *PHMTX; typedef ULONG HMUX; typedef HMUX *PHMUX; #define FIELDOFFSET(t,f) ((SHORT)&(((t *)0)->f)) #define MAKETYPE(v,t) (*((t *)&v)) #define MAKEUSHORT(l,h) (((USHORT)(l)) | ((USHORT)(h))<<8) #define MAKESHORT(l,h) ((SHORT)MAKEUSHORT(l, h)) #define MAKEULONG(l,h) ((ULONG)(((USHORT)(l)) | ((ULONG)((USHORT)(h)))<<16)) #define MAKELONG(l,h) ((LONG)MAKEULONG(l, h)) #define LOUCHAR(w) ((UCHAR)(w)) #define HIUCHAR(w) ((UCHAR)((USHORT)(w)>>8)) #define LOBYTE(x) LOUCHAR(x) #define HIBYTE(x) HIUCHAR(x) #define LOUSHORT(x) ((USHORT)((ULONG)(x))) #define HIUSHORT(x) ((USHORT)((ULONG)(x)>>16)) /* ---------------------------- ERROR CODES ------------------------------- */ #define WINERR_BASE 0x1000 #define GPIERR_BASE 0x2000 #define DEVERR_BASE 0x3000 #define SPLERR_BASE 0x4000 #define SEVERITY_NOERROR 0x0000 #define SEVERITY_WARNING 0x0004 #define SEVERITY_ERROR 0x0008 #define SEVERITY_SEVERE 0x000c #define SEVERITY_UNRECOVERABLE 0x0010 #if defined (INCL_DOSERRORS) #define NO_ERROR 0 #define ERROR_INVALID_FUNCTION 1 #define ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND 2 #define ERROR_PATH_NOT_FOUND 3 #define ERROR_TOO_MANY_OPEN_FILES 4 #define ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED 5 #define ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE 6 #define ERROR_ARENA_TRASHED 7 #define ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY 8 #define ERROR_INVALID_BLOCK 9 #define ERROR_BAD_ENVIRONMENT 10 #define ERROR_BAD_FORMAT 11 #define ERROR_INVALID_ACCESS 12 #define ERROR_INVALID_DATA 13 #define ERROR_INVALID_DRIVE 15 #define ERROR_CURRENT_DIRECTORY 16 #define ERROR_NOT_SAME_DEVICE 17 #define ERROR_NO_MORE_FILES 18 #define ERROR_WRITE_PROTECT 19 #define ERROR_BAD_UNIT 20 #define ERROR_NOT_READY 21 #define ERROR_BAD_COMMAND 22 #define ERROR_CRC 23 #define ERROR_BAD_LENGTH 24 #define ERROR_SEEK 25 #define ERROR_NOT_DOS_DISK 26 #define ERROR_SECTOR_NOT_FOUND 27 #define ERROR_OUT_OF_PAPER 28 #define ERROR_WRITE_FAULT 29 #define ERROR_READ_FAULT 30 #define ERROR_GEN_FAILURE 31 #define ERROR_SHARING_VIOLATION 32 #define ERROR_LOCK_VIOLATION 33 #define ERROR_WRONG_DISK 34 #define ERROR_FCB_UNAVAILABLE 35 #define ERROR_SHARING_BUFFER_EXCEEDED 36 #define ERROR_CODE_PAGE_MISMATCHED 37 #define ERROR_HANDLE_EOF 38 #define ERROR_HANDLE_DISK_FULL 39 #define ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED 50 #define ERROR_REM_NOT_LIST 51 #define ERROR_DUP_NAME 52 #define ERROR_BAD_NETPATH 53 #define ERROR_NETWORK_BUSY 54 #define ERROR_DEV_NOT_EXIST 55 #define ERROR_TOO_MANY_CMDS 56 #define ERROR_ADAP_HDW_ERR 57 #define ERROR_BAD_NET_RESP 58 #define ERROR_UNEXP_NET_ERR 59 #define ERROR_BAD_REM_ADAP 60 #define ERROR_PRINTQ_FULL 61 #define ERROR_NO_SPOOL_SPACE 62 #define ERROR_PRINT_CANCELLED 63 #define ERROR_NETNAME_DELETED 64 #define ERROR_NETWORK_ACCESS_DENIED 65 #define ERROR_BAD_DEV_TYPE 66 #define ERROR_BAD_NET_NAME 67 #define ERROR_TOO_MANY_NAMES 68 #define ERROR_TOO_MANY_SESS 69 #define ERROR_SHARING_PAUSED 70 #define ERROR_REQ_NOT_ACCEP 71 #define ERROR_REDIR_PAUSED 72 #define ERROR_SBCS_ATT_WRITE_PROT 73 #define ERROR_SBCS_GENERAL_FAILURE 74 #define ERROR_XGA_OUT_MEMORY 75 #define ERROR_FILE_EXISTS 80 #define ERROR_DUP_FCB 81 #define ERROR_CANNOT_MAKE 82 #define ERROR_FAIL_I24 83 #define ERROR_OUT_OF_STRUCTURES 84 #define ERROR_ALREADY_ASSIGNED 85 #define ERROR_INVALID_PASSWORD 86 #define ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER 87 #define ERROR_NET_WRITE_FAULT 88 #define ERROR_NO_PROC_SLOTS 89 #define ERROR_NOT_FROZEN 90 #define ERROR_SYS_COMP_NOT_LOADED 90 /*!*/ #define ERR_TSTOVFL 91 #define ERR_TSTDUP 92 #define ERROR_NO_ITEMS 93 #define ERROR_INTERRUPT 95 #define ERROR_DEVICE_IN_USE 99 #define ERROR_TOO_MANY_SEMAPHORES 100 #define ERROR_EXCL_SEM_ALREADY_OWNED 101 #define ERROR_SEM_IS_SET 102 #define ERROR_TOO_MANY_SEM_REQUESTS 103 #define ERROR_INVALID_AT_INTERRUPT_TIME 104 #define ERROR_SEM_OWNER_DIED 105 #define ERROR_SEM_USER_LIMIT 106 #define ERROR_DISK_CHANGE 107 #define ERROR_DRIVE_LOCKED 108 #define ERROR_BROKEN_PIPE 109 #define ERROR_OPEN_FAILED 110 #define ERROR_BUFFER_OVERFLOW 111 #define ERROR_DISK_FULL 112 #define ERROR_NO_MORE_SEARCH_HANDLES 113 #define ERROR_INVALID_TARGET_HANDLE 114 #define ERROR_PROTECTION_VIOLATION 115 #define ERROR_VIOKBD_REQUEST 116 #define ERROR_INVALID_CATEGORY 117 #define ERROR_INVALID_VERIFY_SWITCH 118 #define ERROR_BAD_DRIVER_LEVEL 119 #define ERROR_CALL_NOT_IMPLEMENTED 120 #define ERROR_SEM_TIMEOUT 121 #define ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER 122 #define ERROR_INVALID_NAME 123 #define ERROR_INVALID_LEVEL 124 #define ERROR_NO_VOLUME_LABEL 125 #define ERROR_MOD_NOT_FOUND 126 #define ERROR_PROC_NOT_FOUND 127 #define ERROR_WAIT_NO_CHILDREN 128 #define ERROR_CHILD_NOT_COMPLETE 129 #define ERROR_DIRECT_ACCESS_HANDLE 130 #define ERROR_NEGATIVE_SEEK 131 #define ERROR_SEEK_ON_DEVICE 132 #define ERROR_IS_JOIN_TARGET 133 #define ERROR_IS_JOINED 134 #define ERROR_IS_SUBSTED 135 #define ERROR_NOT_JOINED 136 #define ERROR_NOT_SUBSTED 137 #define ERROR_JOIN_TO_JOIN 138 #define ERROR_SUBST_TO_SUBST 139 #define ERROR_JOIN_TO_SUBST 140 #define ERROR_SUBST_TO_JOIN 141 #define ERROR_BUSY_DRIVE 142 #define ERROR_SAME_DRIVE 143 #define ERROR_DIR_NOT_ROOT 144 #define ERROR_DIR_NOT_EMPTY 145 #define ERROR_IS_SUBST_PATH 146 #define ERROR_IS_JOIN_PATH 147 #define ERROR_PATH_BUSY 148 #define ERROR_IS_SUBST_TARGET 149 #define ERROR_SYSTEM_TRACE 150 #define ERROR_INVALID_EVENT_COUNT 151 #define ERROR_TOO_MANY_MUXWAITERS 152 #define ERROR_INVALID_LIST_FORMAT 153 #define ERROR_LABEL_TOO_LONG 154 #define ERROR_TOO_MANY_TCBS 155 #define ERROR_SIGNAL_REFUSED 156 #define ERROR_DISCARDED 157 #define ERROR_NOT_LOCKED 158 #define ERROR_BAD_THREADID_ADDR 159 #define ERROR_BAD_ARGUMENTS 160 #define ERROR_BAD_PATHNAME 161 #define ERROR_SIGNAL_PENDING 162 #define ERROR_UNCERTAIN_MEDIA 163 #define ERROR_MAX_THRDS_REACHED 164 #define ERROR_MONITORS_NOT_SUPPORTED 165 #define ERROR_UNC_DRIVER_NOT_INSTALLED 166 #define ERROR_LOCK_FAILED 167 #define ERROR_SWAPIO_FAILED 168 #define ERROR_SWAPIN_FAILED 169 #define ERROR_BUSY 170 #define ERROR_CANCEL_VIOLATION 173 #define ERROR_ATOMIC_LOCK_NOT_SUPPORTED 174 #define ERROR_READ_LOCKS_NOT_SUPPORTED 175 #define ERROR_INVALID_SEGMENT_NUMBER 180 #define ERROR_INVALID_CALLGATE 181 #define ERROR_INVALID_ORDINAL 182 #define ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS 183 #define ERROR_NO_CHILD_PROCESS 184 #define ERROR_CHILD_ALIVE_NOWAIT 185 #define ERROR_INVALID_FLAG_NUMBER 186 #define ERROR_SEM_NOT_FOUND 187 #define ERROR_INVALID_STARTING_CODESEG 188 #define ERROR_INVALID_STACKSEG 189 #define ERROR_INVALID_MODULETYPE 190 #define ERROR_INVALID_EXE_SIGNATURE 191 #define ERROR_EXE_MARKED_INVALID 192 #define ERROR_BAD_EXE_FORMAT 193 #define ERROR_ITERATED_DATA_EXCEEDS_64K 194 #define ERROR_INVALID_MINALLOCSIZE 195 #define ERROR_DYNLINK_FROM_INVALID_RING 196 #define ERROR_IOPL_NOT_ENABLED 197 #define ERROR_INVALID_SEGDPL 198 #define ERROR_AUTODATASEG_EXCEEDS_64K 199 #define ERROR_RING2SEG_MUST_BE_MOVABLE 200 #define ERROR_RELOCSRC_CHAIN_EXCEEDS_SEGLIMIT 201 #define ERROR_INFLOOP_IN_RELOC_CHAIN 202 #define ERROR_ENVVAR_NOT_FOUND 203 #define ERROR_NOT_CURRENT_CTRY 204 #define ERROR_NO_SIGNAL_SENT 205 #define ERROR_FILENAME_EXCED_RANGE 206 #define ERROR_RING2_STACK_IN_USE 207 #define ERROR_META_EXPANSION_TOO_LONG 208 #define ERROR_INVALID_SIGNAL_NUMBER 209 #define ERROR_THREAD_1_INACTIVE 210 #define ERROR_INFO_NOT_AVAIL 211 #define ERROR_LOCKED 212 #define ERROR_BAD_DYNALINK 213 #define ERROR_TOO_MANY_MODULES 214 #define ERROR_NESTING_NOT_ALLOWED 215 #define ERROR_CANNOT_SHRINK 216 #define ERROR_ZOMBIE_PROCESS 217 #define ERROR_STACK_IN_HIGH_MEMORY 218 #define ERROR_INVALID_EXITROUTINE_RING 219 #define ERROR_GETBUF_FAILED 220 #define ERROR_FLUSHBUF_FAILED 221 #define ERROR_TRANSFER_TOO_LONG 222 #define ERROR_FORCENOSWAP_FAILED 223 #define ERROR_SMG_NO_TARGET_WINDOW 224 #define ERROR_NO_CHILDREN 228 #define ERROR_INVALID_SCREEN_GROUP 229 #define ERROR_BAD_PIPE 230 #define ERROR_PIPE_BUSY 231 #define ERROR_NO_DATA 232 #define ERROR_PIPE_NOT_CONNECTED 233 #define ERROR_MORE_DATA 234 #define ERROR_VC_DISCONNECTED 240 #define ERROR_CIRCULARITY_REQUESTED 250 #define ERROR_DIRECTORY_IN_CDS 251 #define ERROR_INVALID_FSD_NAME 252 #define ERROR_INVALID_PATH 253 #define ERROR_INVALID_EA_NAME 254 #define ERROR_EA_LIST_INCONSISTENT 255 #define ERROR_EA_LIST_TOO_LONG 256 #define ERROR_NO_META_MATCH 257 #define ERROR_FINDNOTIFY_TIMEOUT 258 #define ERROR_NO_MORE_ITEMS 259 #define ERROR_SEARCH_STRUC_REUSED 260 #define ERROR_CHAR_NOT_FOUND 261 #define ERROR_TOO_MUCH_STACK 262 #define ERROR_INVALID_ATTR 263 #define ERROR_INVALID_STARTING_RING 264 #define ERROR_INVALID_DLL_INIT_RING 265 #define ERROR_CANNOT_COPY 266 #define ERROR_DIRECTORY 267 #define ERROR_OPLOCKED_FILE 268 #define ERROR_OPLOCK_THREAD_EXISTS 269 #define ERROR_VOLUME_CHANGED 270 #define ERROR_FINDNOTIFY_HANDLE_IN_USE 271 #define ERROR_FINDNOTIFY_HANDLE_CLOSED 272 #define ERROR_NOTIFY_OBJECT_REMOVED 273 #define ERROR_ALREADY_SHUTDOWN 274 #define ERROR_EAS_DIDNT_FIT 275 #define ERROR_EA_FILE_CORRUPT 276 #define ERROR_EA_TABLE_FULL 277 #define ERROR_INVALID_EA_HANDLE 278 #define ERROR_NO_CLUSTER 279 #define ERROR_CREATE_EA_FILE 280 #define ERROR_CANNOT_OPEN_EA_FILE 281 #define ERROR_EAS_NOT_SUPPORTED 282 #define ERROR_NEED_EAS_FOUND 283 #define ERROR_DUPLICATE_HANDLE 284 #define ERROR_DUPLICATE_NAME 285 #define ERROR_EMPTY_MUXWAIT 286 #define ERROR_MUTEX_OWNED 287 #define ERROR_NOT_OWNER 288 #define ERROR_PARAM_TOO_SMALL 289 #define ERROR_TOO_MANY_HANDLES 290 #define ERROR_TOO_MANY_OPENS 291 #define ERROR_WRONG_TYPE 292 #define ERROR_UNUSED_CODE 293 #define ERROR_THREAD_NOT_TERMINATED 294 #define ERROR_INIT_ROUTINE_FAILED 295 #define ERROR_MODULE_IN_USE 296 #define ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_WATCHPOINTS 297 #define ERROR_TOO_MANY_POSTS 298 #define ERROR_ALREADY_POSTED 299 #define ERROR_ALREADY_RESET 300 #define ERROR_SEM_BUSY 301 #define ERROR_INVALID_PROCID 303 #define ERROR_INVALID_PDELTA 304 #define ERROR_NOT_DESCENDANT 305 #define ERROR_NOT_SESSION_MANAGER 306 #define ERROR_INVALID_PCLASS 307 #define ERROR_INVALID_SCOPE 308 #define ERROR_INVALID_THREADID 309 #define ERROR_DOSSUB_SHRINK 310 #define ERROR_DOSSUB_NOMEM 311 #define ERROR_DOSSUB_OVERLAP 312 #define ERROR_DOSSUB_BADSIZE 313 #define ERROR_DOSSUB_BADFLAG 314 #define ERROR_DOSSUB_BADSELECTOR 315 #define ERROR_MR_MSG_TOO_LONG 316 #define ERROR_MR_MID_NOT_FOUND 317 #define ERROR_MR_UN_ACC_MSGF 318 #define ERROR_MR_INV_MSGF_FORMAT 319 #define ERROR_MR_INV_IVCOUNT 320 #define ERROR_MR_UN_PERFORM 321 #define ERROR_TS_WAKEUP 322 #define ERROR_TS_SEMHANDLE 323 #define ERROR_TS_NOTIMER 324 #define ERROR_TS_HANDLE 326 #define ERROR_TS_DATETIME 327 #define ERROR_SYS_INTERNAL 328 #define ERROR_QUE_CURRENT_NAME 329 #define ERROR_QUE_PROC_NOT_OWNED 330 #define ERROR_QUE_PROC_OWNED 331 #define ERROR_QUE_DUPLICATE 332 #define ERROR_QUE_ELEMENT_NOT_EXIST 333 #define ERROR_QUE_NO_MEMORY 334 #define ERROR_QUE_INVALID_NAME 335 #define ERROR_QUE_INVALID_PRIORITY 336 #define ERROR_QUE_INVALID_HANDLE 337 #define ERROR_QUE_LINK_NOT_FOUND 338 #define ERROR_QUE_MEMORY_ERROR 339 #define ERROR_QUE_PREV_AT_END 340 #define ERROR_QUE_PROC_NO_ACCESS 341 #define ERROR_QUE_EMPTY 342 #define ERROR_QUE_NAME_NOT_EXIST 343 #define ERROR_QUE_NOT_INITIALIZED 344 #define ERROR_QUE_UNABLE_TO_ACCESS 345 #define ERROR_QUE_UNABLE_TO_ADD 346 #define ERROR_QUE_UNABLE_TO_INIT 347 #define ERROR_VIO_INVALID_MASK 349 #define ERROR_VIO_PTR 350 #define ERROR_VIO_APTR 351 #define ERROR_VIO_RPTR 352 #define ERROR_VIO_CPTR 353 #define ERROR_VIO_LPTR 354 #define ERROR_VIO_MODE 355 #define ERROR_VIO_WIDTH 356 #define ERROR_VIO_ATTR 357 #define ERROR_VIO_ROW 358 #define ERROR_VIO_COL 359 #define ERROR_VIO_TOPROW 360 #define ERROR_VIO_BOTROW 361 #define ERROR_VIO_RIGHTCOL 362 #define ERROR_VIO_LEFTCOL 363 #define ERROR_SCS_CALL 364 #define ERROR_SCS_VALUE 365 #define ERROR_VIO_WAIT_FLAG 366 #define ERROR_VIO_UNLOCK 367 #define ERROR_SGS_NOT_SESSION_MGR 368 #define ERROR_SMG_INVALID_SGID 369 #define ERROR_SMG_INVALID_SESSION_ID 369 /*!*/ #define ERROR_SMG_NOSG 370 #define ERROR_SMG_NO_SESSIONS 370 /*!*/ #define ERROR_SMG_GRP_NOT_FOUND 371 #define ERROR_SMG_SESSION_NOT_FOUND 371 /*!*/ #define ERROR_SMG_SET_TITLE 372 #define ERROR_KBD_PARAMETER 373 #define ERROR_KBD_NO_DEVICE 374 #define ERROR_KBD_INVALID_IOWAIT 375 #define ERROR_KBD_INVALID_LENGTH 376 #define ERROR_KBD_INVALID_ECHO_MASK 377 #define ERROR_KBD_INVALID_INPUT_MASK 378 #define ERROR_MON_INVALID_PARMS 379 #define ERROR_MON_INVALID_DEVNAME 380 #define ERROR_MON_INVALID_HANDLE 381 #define ERROR_MON_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL 382 #define ERROR_MON_BUFFER_EMPTY 383 #define ERROR_MON_DATA_TOO_LARGE 384 #define ERROR_MOUSE_NO_DEVICE 385 #define ERROR_MOUSE_INV_HANDLE 386 #define ERROR_MOUSE_INV_PARMS 387 #define ERROR_MOUSE_CANT_RESET 388 #define ERROR_MOUSE_DISPLAY_PARMS 389 #define ERROR_MOUSE_INV_MODULE 390 #define ERROR_MOUSE_INV_ENTRY_PT 391 #define ERROR_MOUSE_INV_MASK 392 #define NO_ERROR_MOUSE_NO_DATA 393 #define NO_ERROR_MOUSE_PTR_DRAWN 394 #define ERROR_INVALID_FREQUENCY 395 #define ERROR_NLS_NO_COUNTRY_FILE 396 #define ERROR_NLS_OPEN_FAILED 397 #define ERROR_NLS_NO_CTRY_CODE 398 #define ERROR_NLS_TABLE_TRUNCATED 399 #define ERROR_NLS_BAD_TYPE 400 #define ERROR_NLS_TYPE_NOT_FOUND 401 #define ERROR_VIO_SMG_ONLY 402 #define ERROR_VIO_INVALID_ASCIIZ 403 #define ERROR_VIO_DEREGISTER 404 #define ERROR_VIO_NO_POPUP 405 #define ERROR_VIO_EXISTING_POPUP 406 #define ERROR_KBD_SMG_ONLY 407 #define ERROR_KBD_INVALID_ASCIIZ 408 #define ERROR_KBD_INVALID_MASK 409 #define ERROR_KBD_REGISTER 410 #define ERROR_KBD_DEREGISTER 411 #define ERROR_MOUSE_SMG_ONLY 412 #define ERROR_MOUSE_INVALID_ASCIIZ 413 #define ERROR_MOUSE_INVALID_MASK 414 #define ERROR_MOUSE_REGISTER 415 #define ERROR_MOUSE_DEREGISTER 416 #define ERROR_SMG_BAD_ACTION 417 #define ERROR_SMG_INVALID_CALL 418 #define ERROR_SCS_SG_NOTFOUND 419 #define ERROR_SCS_NOT_SHELL 420 #define ERROR_VIO_INVALID_PARMS 421 #define ERROR_VIO_FUNCTION_OWNED 422 #define ERROR_VIO_RETURN 423 #define ERROR_SCS_INVALID_FUNCTION 424 #define ERROR_SCS_NOT_SESSION_MGR 425 #define ERROR_VIO_REGISTER 426 #define ERROR_VIO_NO_MODE_THREAD 427 #define ERROR_VIO_NO_SAVE_RESTORE_THD 428 #define ERROR_VIO_IN_BG 429 #define ERROR_VIO_ILLEGAL_DURING_POPUP 430 #define ERROR_SMG_NOT_BASESHELL 431 #define ERROR_SMG_BAD_STATUSREQ 432 #define ERROR_QUE_INVALID_WAIT 433 #define ERROR_VIO_LOCK 434 #define ERROR_MOUSE_INVALID_IOWAIT 435 #define ERROR_VIO_INVALID_HANDLE 436 #define ERROR_VIO_ILLEGAL_DURING_LOCK 437 #define ERROR_VIO_INVALID_LENGTH 438 #define ERROR_KBD_INVALID_HANDLE 439 #define ERROR_KBD_NO_MORE_HANDLE 440 #define ERROR_KBD_CANNOT_CREATE_KCB 441 #define ERROR_KBD_CODEPAGE_LOAD_INCOMPL 442 #define ERROR_KBD_INVALID_CODEPAGE_ID 443 #define ERROR_KBD_NO_CODEPAGE_SUPPORT 444 #define ERROR_KBD_FOCUS_REQUIRED 445 #define ERROR_KBD_FOCUS_ALREADY_ACTIVE 446 #define ERROR_KBD_KEYBOARD_BUSY 447 #define ERROR_KBD_INVALID_CODEPAGE 448 #define ERROR_KBD_UNABLE_TO_FOCUS 449 #define ERROR_SMG_SESSION_NON_SELECT 450 #define ERROR_SMG_SESSION_NOT_FOREGRND 451 #define ERROR_SMG_SESSION_NOT_PARENT 452 #define ERROR_SMG_INVALID_START_MODE 453 #define ERROR_SMG_INVALID_RELATED_OPT 454 #define ERROR_SMG_INVALID_BOND_OPTION 455 #define ERROR_SMG_INVALID_SELECT_OPT 456 #define ERROR_SMG_START_IN_BACKGROUND 457 #define ERROR_SMG_INVALID_STOP_OPTION 458 #define ERROR_SMG_BAD_RESERVE 459 #define ERROR_SMG_PROCESS_NOT_PARENT 460 #define ERROR_SMG_INVALID_DATA_LENGTH 461 #define ERROR_SMG_NOT_BOUND 462 #define ERROR_SMG_RETRY_SUB_ALLOC 463 #define ERROR_KBD_DETACHED 464 #define ERROR_VIO_DETACHED 465 #define ERROR_MOU_DETACHED 466 #define ERROR_VIO_FONT 467 #define ERROR_VIO_USER_FONT 468 #define ERROR_VIO_BAD_CP 469 #define ERROR_VIO_NO_CP 470 #define ERROR_VIO_NA_CP 471 #define ERROR_INVALID_CODE_PAGE 472 #define ERROR_CPLIST_TOO_SMALL 473 #define ERROR_CP_NOT_MOVED 474 #define ERROR_MODE_SWITCH_INIT 475 #define ERROR_CODE_PAGE_NOT_FOUND 476 #define ERROR_UNEXPECTED_SLOT_RETURNED 477 #define ERROR_SMG_INVALID_TRACE_OPTION 478 #define ERROR_VIO_INTERNAL_RESOURCE 479 #define ERROR_VIO_SHELL_INIT 480 #define ERROR_SMG_NO_HARD_ERRORS 481 #define ERROR_CP_SWITCH_INCOMPLETE 482 #define ERROR_VIO_TRANSPARENT_POPUP 483 #define ERROR_CRITSEC_OVERFLOW 484 #define ERROR_CRITSEC_UNDERFLOW 485 #define ERROR_VIO_BAD_RESERVE 486 #define ERROR_INVALID_ADDRESS 487 #define ERROR_ZERO_SELECTORS_REQUESTED 488 #define ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_SELECTORS_AVA 489 #define ERROR_INVALID_SELECTOR 490 #define ERROR_SMG_INVALID_PROGRAM_TYPE 491 #define ERROR_SMG_INVALID_PGM_CONTROL 492 #define ERROR_SMG_INVALID_INHERIT_OPT 493 #define ERROR_VIO_EXTENDED_SG 494 #define ERROR_VIO_NOT_PRES_MGR_SG 495 #define ERROR_VIO_SHIELD_OWNED 496 #define ERROR_VIO_NO_MORE_HANDLES 497 #define ERROR_VIO_SEE_ERROR_LOG 498 #define ERROR_VIO_ASSOCIATED_DC 499 #define ERROR_KBD_NO_CONSOLE 500 #define ERROR_MOUSE_NO_CONSOLE 501 #define ERROR_MOUSE_INVALID_HANDLE 502 #define ERROR_SMG_INVALID_DEBUG_PARMS 503 #define ERROR_KBD_EXTENDED_SG 504 #define ERROR_MOU_EXTENDED_SG 505 #define ERROR_SMG_INVALID_ICON_FILE 506 #define ERROR_TRC_PID_NON_EXISTENT 507 #define ERROR_TRC_COUNT_ACTIVE 508 #define ERROR_TRC_SUSPENDED_BY_COUNT 509 #define ERROR_TRC_COUNT_INACTIVE 510 #define ERROR_TRC_COUNT_REACHED 511 #define ERROR_NO_MC_TRACE 512 #define ERROR_MC_TRACE 513 #define ERROR_TRC_COUNT_ZERO 514 #define ERROR_SMG_TOO_MANY_DDS 515 #define ERROR_SMG_INVALID_NOTIFICATION 516 #define ERROR_LF_INVALID_FUNCTION 517 #define ERROR_LF_NOT_AVAIL 518 #define ERROR_LF_SUSPENDED 519 #define ERROR_LF_BUF_TOO_SMALL 520 #define ERROR_LF_BUFFER_CORRUPTED 521 #define ERROR_LF_BUFFER_FULL 521 /*!*/ #define ERROR_LF_INVALID_DAEMON 522 #define ERROR_LF_INVALID_RECORD 522 /*!*/ #define ERROR_LF_INVALID_TEMPL 523 #define ERROR_LF_INVALID_SERVICE 523 /*!*/ #define ERROR_LF_GENERAL_FAILURE 524 #define ERROR_LF_INVALID_ID 525 #define ERROR_LF_INVALID_HANDLE 526 #define ERROR_LF_NO_ID_AVAIL 527 #define ERROR_LF_TEMPLATE_AREA_FULL 528 #define ERROR_LF_ID_IN_USE 529 #define ERROR_MOU_NOT_INITIALIZED 530 #define ERROR_MOUINITREAL_DONE 531 #define ERROR_DOSSUB_CORRUPTED 532 #define ERROR_MOUSE_CALLER_NOT_SUBSYS 533 #define ERROR_ARITHMETIC_OVERFLOW 534 #define ERROR_TMR_NO_DEVICE 535 #define ERROR_TMR_INVALID_TIME 536 #define ERROR_PVW_INVALID_ENTITY 537 #define ERROR_PVW_INVALID_ENTITY_TYPE 538 #define ERROR_PVW_INVALID_SPEC 539 #define ERROR_PVW_INVALID_RANGE_TYPE 540 #define ERROR_PVW_INVALID_COUNTER_BLK 541 #define ERROR_PVW_INVALID_TEXT_BLK 542 #define ERROR_PRF_NOT_INITIALIZED 543 #define ERROR_PRF_ALREADY_INITIALIZED 544 #define ERROR_PRF_NOT_STARTED 545 #define ERROR_PRF_ALREADY_STARTED 546 #define ERROR_PRF_TIMER_OUT_OF_RANGE 547 #define ERROR_PRF_TIMER_RESET 548 #define ERROR_VDD_LOCK_USEAGE_DENIED 639 #define ERROR_TIMEOUT 640 #define ERROR_VDM_DOWN 641 #define ERROR_VDM_LIMIT 642 #define ERROR_VDD_NOT_FOUND 643 #define ERROR_INVALID_CALLER 644 #define ERROR_PID_MISMATCH 645 #define ERROR_INVALID_VDD_HANDLE 646 #define ERROR_VLPT_NO_SPOOLER 647 #define ERROR_VCOM_DEVICE_BUSY 648 #define ERROR_VLPT_DEVICE_BUSY 649 #define ERROR_NESTING_TOO_DEEP 650 #define ERROR_VDD_MISSING 651 #define ERROR_BIDI_INVALID_LENGTH 671 #define ERROR_BIDI_INVALID_INCREMENT 672 #define ERROR_BIDI_INVALID_COMBINATION 673 #define ERROR_BIDI_INVALID_RESERVED 674 #define ERROR_BIDI_INVALID_EFFECT 675 #define ERROR_BIDI_INVALID_CSDREC 676 #define ERROR_BIDI_INVALID_CSDSTATE 677 #define ERROR_BIDI_INVALID_LEVEL 678 #define ERROR_BIDI_INVALID_TYPE_SUPPORT 679 #define ERROR_BIDI_INVALID_ORIENTATION 680 #define ERROR_BIDI_INVALID_NUM_SHAPE 681 #define ERROR_BIDI_INVALID_CSD 682 #define ERROR_BIDI_NO_SUPPORT 683 #define NO_ERROR_BIDI_RW_INCOMPLETE 684 #define ERROR_IMP_INVALID_PARM 691 #define ERROR_IMP_INVALID_LENGTH 692 #define ERROR_MON_BAD_BUFFER 730 #define ERROR_MODULE_CORRUPTED 731 #define ERROR_SM_OUTOF_SWAPFILE 1477 #define ERROR_LF_TIMEOUT 2055 #define ERROR_LF_SUSPEND_SUCCESS 2057 #define ERROR_LF_RESUME_SUCCESS 2058 #define ERROR_LF_REDIRECT_SUCCESS 2059 #define ERROR_LF_REDIRECT_FAILURE 2060 #define ERROR_SWAPPER_NOT_ACTIVE 32768 #define ERROR_INVALID_SWAPID 32769 #define ERROR_IOERR_SWAP_FILE 32770 #define ERROR_SWAP_TABLE_FULL 32771 #define ERROR_SWAP_FILE_FULL 32772 #define ERROR_CANT_INIT_SWAPPER 32773 #define ERROR_SWAPPER_ALREADY_INIT 32774 #define ERROR_PMM_INSUFFICIENT_MEMORY 32775 #define ERROR_PMM_INVALID_FLAGS 32776 #define ERROR_PMM_INVALID_ADDRESS 32777 #define ERROR_PMM_LOCK_FAILED 32778 #define ERROR_PMM_UNLOCK_FAILED 32779 #define ERROR_PMM_MOVE_INCOMPLETE 32780 #define ERROR_UCOM_DRIVE_RENAMED 32781 #define ERROR_UCOM_FILENAME_TRUNCATED 32782 #define ERROR_UCOM_BUFFER_LENGTH 32783 #define ERROR_MON_CHAIN_HANDLE 32784 #define ERROR_MON_NOT_REGISTERED 32785 #define ERROR_SMG_ALREADY_TOP 32786 #define ERROR_PMM_ARENA_MODIFIED 32787 #define ERROR_SMG_PRINTER_OPEN 32788 #define ERROR_PMM_SET_FLAGS_FAILED 32789 #define ERROR_INVALID_DOS_DD 32790 #define ERROR_BLOCKED 32791 #define ERROR_NOBLOCK 32792 #define ERROR_INSTANCE_SHARED 32793 #define ERROR_NO_OBJECT 32794 #define ERROR_PARTIAL_ATTACH 32795 #define ERROR_INCACHE 32796 #define ERROR_SWAP_IO_PROBLEMS 32797 #define ERROR_CROSSES_OBJECT_BOUNDARY 32798 #define ERROR_LONGLOCK 32799 #define ERROR_SHORTLOCK 32800 #define ERROR_UVIRTLOCK 32801 #define ERROR_ALIASLOCK 32802 #define ERROR_ALIAS 32803 #define ERROR_NO_MORE_HANDLES 32804 #define ERROR_SCAN_TERMINATED 32805 #define ERROR_TERMINATOR_NOT_FOUND 32806 #define ERROR_NOT_DIRECT_CHILD 32807 #define ERROR_DELAY_FREE 32808 #define ERROR_GUARDPAGE 32809 #define ERROR_SWAPERROR 32900 #define ERROR_LDRERROR 32901 #define ERROR_NOMEMORY 32902 #define ERROR_NOACCESS 32903 #define ERROR_NO_DLL_TERM 32904 #define ERROR_CPSIO_CODE_PAGE_INVALID 65026 #define ERROR_CPSIO_NO_SPOOLER 65027 #define ERROR_CPSIO_FONT_ID_INVALID 65028 #define ERROR_CPSIO_INTERNAL_ERROR 65033 #define ERROR_CPSIO_INVALID_PTR_NAME 65034 #define ERROR_CPSIO_NOT_ACTIVE 65037 #define ERROR_CPSIO_PID_FULL 65039 #define ERROR_CPSIO_PID_NOT_FOUND 65040 #define ERROR_CPSIO_READ_CTL_SEQ 65043 #define ERROR_CPSIO_READ_FNT_DEF 65045 #define ERROR_CPSIO_WRITE_ERROR 65047 #define ERROR_CPSIO_WRITE_FULL_ERROR 65048 #define ERROR_CPSIO_WRITE_HANDLE_BAD 65049 #define ERROR_CPSIO_SWIT_LOAD 65074 #define ERROR_CPSIO_INV_COMMAND 65077 #define ERROR_CPSIO_NO_FONT_SWIT 65078 #define ERROR_ENTRY_IS_CALLGATE 65079 #endif /* INCL_DOSERRORS */ /* ----------------------------- ERRORS ----------------------------------- */ #if defined (INCL_DOSERRORS) #define ERRACT_RETRY 1 #define ERRACT_DLYRET 2 #define ERRACT_USER 3 #define ERRACT_ABORT 4 #define ERRACT_PANIC 5 #define ERRACT_IGNORE 6 #define ERRACT_INTRET 7 #define ERRCLASS_OUTRES 1 #define ERRCLASS_TEMPSIT 2 #define ERRCLASS_AUTH 3 #define ERRCLASS_INTRN 4 #define ERRCLASS_HRDFAIL 5 #define ERRCLASS_SYSFAIL 6 #define ERRCLASS_APPERR 7 #define ERRCLASS_NOTFND 8 #define ERRCLASS_BADFMT 9 #define ERRCLASS_LOCKED 10 #define ERRCLASS_MEDIA 11 #define ERRCLASS_ALREADY 12 #define ERRCLASS_UNK 13 #define ERRCLASS_CANT 14 #define ERRCLASS_TIME 15 #define ERRLOC_UNK 1 #define ERRLOC_DISK 2 #define ERRLOC_NET 3 #define ERRLOC_SERDEV 4 #define ERRLOC_MEM 5 #endif /* INCL_DOSERRORS */ #if defined (INCL_DOSMISC) #define FERR_DISABLEHARDERR 0x0000L #define FERR_ENABLEHARDERR 0x0001L #define FERR_ENABLEEXCEPTION 0x0000L #define FERR_DISABLEEXCEPTION 0x0002L #define BEGIN_LIBPATH 1 #define END_LIBPATH 2 ULONG DosErrClass (ULONG ulCode, PULONG pulClass, PULONG pulAction, PULONG pulLocus); ULONG DosError (ULONG ulError); ULONG DosQueryExtLIBPATH (PCSZ pszExtLIBPATH, ULONG flags); ULONG DosSetExtLIBPATH (PCSZ pszExtLIBPATH, ULONG flags); #endif /* INCL_DOSMISC */ /* ----------------------------- FONTS ------------------------------------ */ #define FACESIZE 32 #define FATTR_SEL_ITALIC 0x0001 #define FATTR_SEL_UNDERSCORE 0x0002 #define FATTR_SEL_OUTLINE 0x0008 #define FATTR_SEL_STRIKEOUT 0x0010 #define FATTR_SEL_BOLD 0x0020 #define FATTR_TYPE_KERNING 0x0004 #define FATTR_TYPE_MBCS 0x0008 #define FATTR_TYPE_DBCS 0x0010 #define FATTR_TYPE_ANTIALIASED 0x0020 #define FATTR_FONTUSE_NOMIX 0x0002 #define FATTR_FONTUSE_OUTLINE 0x0004 #define FATTR_FONTUSE_TRANSFORMABLE 0x0008 #define FM_TYPE_FIXED 0x0001 #define FM_TYPE_LICENSED 0x0002 #define FM_TYPE_KERNING 0x0004 #define FM_TYPE_DBCS 0x0010 #define FM_TYPE_MBCS 0x0018 #define FM_TYPE_64K 0x8000 #define FM_TYPE_ATOMS 0x4000 #define FM_TYPE_FAMTRUNC 0x2000 #define FM_TYPE_FACETRUNC 0x1000 #define FM_DEFN_OUTLINE 0x0001 #define FM_DEFN_IFI 0x0002 #define FM_DEFN_WIN 0x0004 #define FM_DEFN_GENERIC 0x8000 #define FM_SEL_ITALIC 0x0001 #define FM_SEL_UNDERSCORE 0x0002 #define FM_SEL_NEGATIVE 0x0004 #define FM_SEL_OUTLINE 0x0008 #define FM_SEL_STRIKEOUT 0x0010 #define FM_SEL_BOLD 0x0020 #define FM_SEL_ISO9241_TESTED 0x0040 #define FM_CAP_NOMIX 0x0001 #define FM_ISO_9518_640 0x01 #define FM_ISO_9515_640 0x02 #define FM_ISO_9515_1024 0x04 #define FM_ISO_9517_640 0x08 #define FM_ISO_9517_1024 0x10 typedef struct _PANOSE { BYTE bFamilyType; BYTE bSerifStyle; BYTE bWeight; BYTE bProportion; BYTE bContrast; BYTE bStrokeVariation; BYTE bArmStyle; BYTE bLetterform; BYTE bMidline; BYTE bXHeight; BYTE fbPassedISO; BYTE fbFailedISO; } PANOSE; typedef struct _FONTMETRICS { CHAR szFamilyname[FACESIZE]; CHAR szFacename[FACESIZE]; USHORT idRegistry; USHORT usCodePage; LONG lEmHeight; LONG lXHeight; LONG lMaxAscender; LONG lMaxDescender; LONG lLowerCaseAscent; LONG lLowerCaseDescent; LONG lInternalLeading; LONG lExternalLeading; LONG lAveCharWidth; LONG lMaxCharInc; LONG lEmInc; LONG lMaxBaselineExt; SHORT sCharSlope; SHORT sInlineDir; SHORT sCharRot; USHORT usWeightClass; USHORT usWidthClass; SHORT sXDeviceRes; SHORT sYDeviceRes; SHORT sFirstChar; SHORT sLastChar; SHORT sDefaultChar; SHORT sBreakChar; SHORT sNominalPointSize; SHORT sMinimumPointSize; SHORT sMaximumPointSize; USHORT fsType; USHORT fsDefn; USHORT fsSelection; USHORT fsCapabilities; LONG lSubscriptXSize; LONG lSubscriptYSize; LONG lSubscriptXOffset; LONG lSubscriptYOffset; LONG lSuperscriptXSize; LONG lSuperscriptYSize; LONG lSuperscriptXOffset; LONG lSuperscriptYOffset; LONG lUnderscoreSize; LONG lUnderscorePosition; LONG lStrikeoutSize; LONG lStrikeoutPosition; SHORT sKerningPairs; SHORT sFamilyClass; LONG lMatch; LONG FamilyNameAtom; LONG FaceNameAtom; PANOSE panose; } FONTMETRICS; typedef FONTMETRICS *PFONTMETRICS; typedef struct _FATTRS { USHORT usRecordLength; USHORT fsSelection; LONG lMatch; CHAR szFacename[FACESIZE]; USHORT idRegistry; USHORT usCodePage; LONG lMaxBaselineExt; LONG lAveCharWidth; USHORT fsType; USHORT fsFontUse; } FATTRS; typedef FATTRS *PFATTRS; /* ------------------------- MEMORY MANAGEMENT ---------------------------- */ #if defined (INCL_DOSMEMMGR) || !defined (INCL_NOCOMMON) #define PAG_READ 0x0001 #define PAG_WRITE 0x0002 #define PAG_EXECUTE 0x0004 #define PAG_GUARD 0x0008 #define PAG_COMMIT 0x0010 #define PAG_DECOMMIT 0x0020 #define OBJ_TILE 0x0040 #define OBJ_PROTECTED 0x0080 #define OBJ_GETTABLE 0x0100 #define OBJ_GIVEABLE 0x0200 #define PAG_DEFAULT 0x0400 #define PAG_SHARED 0x2000 #define PAG_FREE 0x4000 #define PAG_BASE 0x00010000 #define DOSSUB_INIT 0x0001 #define DOSSUB_GROW 0x0002 #define DOSSUB_SPARSE_OBJ 0x0004 #define DOSSUB_SERIALIZE 0x0008 #define fPERM (PAG_EXECUTE | PAG_READ | PAG_WRITE) #define fSHARE (OBJ_GETTABLE | OBJ_GIVEABLE) #define fALLOC (fPERM | OBJ_TILE | PAG_COMMIT) #define fALLOCSHR (fPERM | fSHARE | OBJ_TILE | PAG_COMMIT) #define fGETNMSHR (fPERM) #define fGETSHR (fPERM) #define fGIVESHR (fPERM) #define fSET (fPERM|PAG_COMMIT|PAG_DECOMMIT|PAG_DEFAULT) ULONG DosAllocMem (PPVOID pBaseAddress, ULONG ulObjectSize, ULONG ulAllocationFlags); ULONG DosAllocSharedMem (PPVOID pBaseAddress, PCSZ pszName, ULONG ulObjectSize, ULONG ulAllocationFlags); ULONG DosFreeMem (PVOID pBaseAddress); ULONG DosGetNamedSharedMem (PPVOID pBaseAddress, PCSZ pszSharedMemName, ULONG ulAttributeFlags); ULONG DosGetSharedMem (CPVOID pBaseAddress, ULONG ulAttributeFlags); ULONG DosGiveSharedMem (CPVOID pBaseAddress, PID idProcessId, ULONG ulAttributeFlags); ULONG DosQueryMem (CPVOID pBaseAddress, PULONG pulRegionSize, PULONG pulAllocationFlags); ULONG DosSetMem (CPVOID pBaseAddress, ULONG ulRegionSize, ULONG ulAttributeFlags); ULONG DosSubAllocMem (PVOID pOffset, PPVOID pBlockOffset, ULONG ulSize); ULONG DosSubFreeMem (PVOID pOffset, PVOID pBlockOffset, ULONG ulSize); ULONG DosSubSetMem (PVOID pOffset, ULONG ulFlags, ULONG ulSize); ULONG DosSubUnsetMem (PVOID pOffset); #endif /* INCL_DOSMEMMGR || !INCL_NOCOMMON */ /* --------------------------- FILE SYSTEM -------------------------------- */ #define CCHMAXPATH 260 #define CCHMAXPATHCOMP 256 #if defined (INCL_DOSMISC) #define DSP_IMPLIEDCUR 1 #define DSP_PATHREF 2 #define DSP_IGNORENETERR 4 #endif #if defined (INCL_DOSFILEMGR) || !defined (INCL_NOCOMMON) #define DCPY_EXISTING 0x0001 #define DCPY_APPEND 0x0002 #define DCPY_FAILEAS 0x0004 #define DSPI_WRTTHRU 0x0010 #define EAT_BINARY 0xfffe #define EAT_ASCII 0xfffd #define EAT_BITMAP 0xfffb #define EAT_METAFILE 0xfffa #define EAT_ICON 0xfff9 #define EAT_EA 0xffee #define EAT_MVMT 0xffdf #define EAT_MVST 0xffde #define EAT_ASN1 0xffdd #define ENUMEA_LEVEL_NO_VALUE 1 #define ENUMEA_REFTYPE_FHANDLE 0 #define ENUMEA_REFTYPE_PATH 1 #define ENUMEA_REFTYPE_MAX ENUMEA_REFTYPE_PATH #define ENUMEA_REFTYPE_FHANDLE 0 #define ENUMEA_REFTYPE_PATH 1 #define FEA_NEEDEA 0x80 #define FHB_DSKREMOTE 0x8000 #define FHB_CHRDEVREMOTE 0x8000 #define FHB_PIPEREMOTE 0x8000 #define FHT_DISKFILE 0x0000 #define FHT_CHRDEV 0x0001 #define FHT_PIPE 0x0002 #define FIL_STANDARD 1 #define FIL_QUERYEASIZE 2 #define FIL_QUERYEASFROMLIST 3 #define FIL_QUERYFULLNAME 5 /* DosQueryPathInfo */ #define FILE_BEGIN 0 #define FILE_CURRENT 1 #define FILE_END 2 #define FILE_NORMAL 0x0000 #define FILE_READONLY 0x0001 #define FILE_HIDDEN 0x0002 #define FILE_SYSTEM 0x0004 #define FILE_DIRECTORY 0x0010 #define FILE_ARCHIVED 0x0020 #define FILE_IGNORE 0x10000 #define FILE_EXISTED 0x0001 #define FILE_CREATED 0x0002 #define FILE_TRUNCATED 0x0003 #define FILE_OPEN 0x0001 #define FILE_TRUNCATE 0x0002 #define FILE_CREATE 0x0010 #define FS_ATTACH 0 #define FS_DETACH 1 #define FS_SPOOLATTACH 2 #define FS_SPOOLDETACH 3 #define FSAIL_QUERYNAME 1 #define FSAIL_DEVNUMBER 2 #define FSAIL_DRVNUMBER 3 #define FSAT_CHARDEV 1 #define FSAT_PSEUDODEV 2 #define FSAT_LOCALDRV 3 #define FSAT_REMOTEDRV 4 #define FSCTL_HANDLE 1 #define FSCTL_PATHNAME 2 #define FSCTL_FSDNAME 3 #define FSCTL_ERROR_INFO 1 #define FSCTL_MAX_EASIZE 2 #define FSCTL_GET_NEXT_ROUTE_NAME 3 #define FSCTL_DAEMON_QUERY 4 #define FSCTL_QUERY_COMPLETE 0 #define FSCTL_QUERY_AGAIN 1 #define FSIL_ALLOC 1 #define FSIL_VOLSER 2 #define HANDTYPE_FILE 0x0000 #define HANDTYPE_DEVICE 0x0001 #define HANDTYPE_PIPE 0x0002 #define HANDTYPE_PROTECTED 0x4000 #define HANDTYPE_NETWORK 0x8000 #define HDIR_SYSTEM 1 #define HDIR_CREATE ((HDIR)-1) #define MUST_HAVE_READONLY (FILE_READONLY | (FILE_READONLY << 8)) #define MUST_HAVE_HIDDEN (FILE_HIDDEN | (FILE_HIDDEN << 8)) #define MUST_HAVE_SYSTEM (FILE_SYSTEM | (FILE_SYSTEM << 8)) #define MUST_HAVE_DIRECTORY (FILE_DIRECTORY | (FILE_DIRECTORY << 8)) #define MUST_HAVE_ARCHIVED (FILE_ARCHIVED | (FILE_ARCHIVED << 8)) #define OPEN_ACTION_FAIL_IF_EXISTS 0x0000 #define OPEN_ACTION_OPEN_IF_EXISTS 0x0001 #define OPEN_ACTION_REPLACE_IF_EXISTS 0x0002 #define OPEN_ACTION_FAIL_IF_NEW 0x0000 #define OPEN_ACTION_CREATE_IF_NEW 0x0010 #define OPEN_ACCESS_READONLY 0x0000 #define OPEN_ACCESS_WRITEONLY 0x0001 #define OPEN_ACCESS_READWRITE 0x0002 #define OPEN_SHARE_DENYREADWRITE 0x0010 #define OPEN_SHARE_DENYWRITE 0x0020 #define OPEN_SHARE_DENYREAD 0x0030 #define OPEN_SHARE_DENYNONE 0x0040 #define OPEN_FLAGS_NOINHERIT 0x0080 #define OPEN_FLAGS_NO_LOCALITY 0x0000 #define OPEN_FLAGS_SEQUENTIAL 0x0100 #define OPEN_FLAGS_RANDOM 0x0200 #define OPEN_FLAGS_RANDOMSEQUENTIAL 0x0300 #define OPEN_FLAGS_NO_CACHE 0x1000 #define OPEN_FLAGS_FAIL_ON_ERROR 0x2000 #define OPEN_FLAGS_WRITE_THROUGH 0x4000 #define OPEN_FLAGS_DASD 0x8000 #define OPEN_FLAGS_NONSPOOLED 0x40000 #define OPEN_FLAGS_PROTECTED_HANDLE 0x40000000 #define SEARCH_PATH 0x0000 #define SEARCH_CUR_DIRECTORY 0x0001 #define SEARCH_ENVIRONMENT 0x0002 #define SEARCH_IGNORENETERRS 0x0004 typedef LHANDLE HFILE; typedef HFILE *PHFILE; typedef ULONG FHLOCK; typedef PULONG PFHLOCK; typedef LHANDLE HDIR; typedef HDIR *PHDIR; typedef struct _FTIME { USHORT twosecs : 5; USHORT minutes : 6; USHORT hours : 5; } FTIME; typedef FTIME *PFTIME; typedef struct _FDATE { USHORT day : 5; USHORT month : 4; USHORT year : 7; } FDATE; typedef FDATE *PFDATE; typedef struct _FEA { BYTE fEA; BYTE cbName; USHORT cbValue; } FEA; typedef FEA *PFEA; typedef struct _FEALIST { ULONG cbList; FEA list[1]; } FEALIST; typedef FEALIST *PFEALIST; typedef struct _GEA { BYTE cbName; CHAR szName[1]; } GEA; typedef GEA *PGEA; typedef struct _GEALIST { ULONG cbList; GEA list[1]; } GEALIST; typedef GEALIST *PGEALIST; typedef struct _EAOP { PGEALIST fpGEAList; PFEALIST fpFEAList; ULONG oError; } EAOP; typedef EAOP *PEAOP; typedef struct _FEA2 { ULONG oNextEntryOffset; BYTE fEA; BYTE cbName; USHORT cbValue; CHAR szName[1]; } FEA2; typedef FEA2 *PFEA2; typedef struct _FEA2LIST { ULONG cbList; FEA2 list[1]; } FEA2LIST; typedef FEA2LIST *PFEA2LIST; typedef struct _GEA2 { ULONG oNextEntryOffset; BYTE cbName; CHAR szName[1]; } GEA2; typedef GEA2 *PGEA2; typedef struct _GEA2LIST { ULONG cbList; GEA2 list[1]; } GEA2LIST; typedef GEA2LIST *PGEA2LIST; typedef struct _EAOP2 { PGEA2LIST fpGEA2List; PFEA2LIST fpFEA2List; ULONG oError; } EAOP2; typedef EAOP2 *PEAOP2; typedef struct _DENA1 { UCHAR reserved; UCHAR cbName; USHORT cbValue; UCHAR szName[1]; } DENA1; typedef DENA1 *PDENA1; typedef FEA2 DENA2; typedef PFEA2 PDENA2; typedef struct _EASIZEBUF { USHORT cbMaxEASize; ULONG cbMaxEAListSize; /* Packed? */ } EASIZEBUF; typedef EASIZEBUF *PEASIZEBUF; typedef struct _ROUTENAMEBUF { ULONG hRouteHandle; UCHAR szRouteName; } ROUTENAMEBUF; typedef ROUTENAMEBUF *PROUTENAMEBUF; typedef struct _FSDTHREAD { USHORT usFunc; USHORT usStackSize; ULONG ulPriorityClass; LONG lPriorityLevel; } FSDTHREAD; typedef struct _FSDDAEMON { USHORT usNumThreads; USHORT usMoreFlag; USHORT usCallInstance; FSDTHREAD tdThrds[16]; } FSDDAEMON; typedef struct _FILEFINDBUF { FDATE fdateCreation; FTIME ftimeCreation; FDATE fdateLastAccess; FTIME ftimeLastAccess; FDATE fdateLastWrite; FTIME ftimeLastWrite; ULONG cbFile; ULONG cbFileAlloc; USHORT attrFile; UCHAR cchName; CHAR achName[CCHMAXPATHCOMP]; } FILEFINDBUF; typedef FILEFINDBUF *PFILEFINDBUF; typedef struct _FILEFINDBUF2 { FDATE fdateCreation; FTIME ftimeCreation; FDATE fdateLastAccess; FTIME ftimeLastAccess; FDATE fdateLastWrite; FTIME ftimeLastWrite; ULONG cbFile; ULONG cbFileAlloc; USHORT attrFile; ULONG cbList; UCHAR cchName; CHAR achName[CCHMAXPATHCOMP]; } FILEFINDBUF2; typedef FILEFINDBUF2 *PFILEFINDBUF2; typedef struct _FILEFINDBUF3 { ULONG oNextEntryOffset; FDATE fdateCreation; FTIME ftimeCreation; FDATE fdateLastAccess; FTIME ftimeLastAccess; FDATE fdateLastWrite; FTIME ftimeLastWrite; ULONG cbFile; ULONG cbFileAlloc; ULONG attrFile; UCHAR cchName; CHAR achName[CCHMAXPATHCOMP]; } FILEFINDBUF3; typedef FILEFINDBUF3 *PFILEFINDBUF3; typedef struct _FILEFINDBUF4 { ULONG oNextEntryOffset; FDATE fdateCreation; FTIME ftimeCreation; FDATE fdateLastAccess; FTIME ftimeLastAccess; FDATE fdateLastWrite; FTIME ftimeLastWrite; ULONG cbFile; ULONG cbFileAlloc; ULONG attrFile; ULONG cbList; UCHAR cchName; CHAR achName[CCHMAXPATHCOMP]; } FILEFINDBUF4; typedef FILEFINDBUF4 *PFILEFINDBUF4; typedef struct _FILELOCK { LONG lOffset; LONG lRange; } FILELOCK; typedef FILELOCK *PFILELOCK; typedef struct _FILESTATUS { FDATE fdateCreation; FTIME ftimeCreation; FDATE fdateLastAccess; FTIME ftimeLastAccess; FDATE fdateLastWrite; FTIME ftimeLastWrite; ULONG cbFile; ULONG cbFileAlloc; USHORT attrFile; } FILESTATUS; typedef FILESTATUS *PFILESTATUS; typedef struct _FILESTATUS2 { FDATE fdateCreation; FTIME ftimeCreation; FDATE fdateLastAccess; FTIME ftimeLastAccess; FDATE fdateLastWrite; FTIME ftimeLastWrite; ULONG cbFile; ULONG cbFileAlloc; USHORT attrFile; ULONG cbList; } FILESTATUS2; typedef FILESTATUS2 *PFILESTATUS2; typedef struct _FILESTATUS3 { FDATE fdateCreation; FTIME ftimeCreation; FDATE fdateLastAccess; FTIME ftimeLastAccess; FDATE fdateLastWrite; FTIME ftimeLastWrite; ULONG cbFile; ULONG cbFileAlloc; ULONG attrFile; } FILESTATUS3; typedef FILESTATUS3 *PFILESTATUS3; typedef struct _FILESTATUS4 { FDATE fdateCreation; FTIME ftimeCreation; FDATE fdateLastAccess; FTIME ftimeLastAccess; FDATE fdateLastWrite; FTIME ftimeLastWrite; ULONG cbFile; ULONG cbFileAlloc; ULONG attrFile; ULONG cbList; } FILESTATUS4; typedef FILESTATUS4 *PFILESTATUS4; typedef struct _FSALLOCATE { ULONG idFileSystem; ULONG cSectorUnit; ULONG cUnit; ULONG cUnitAvail; USHORT cbSector; } FSALLOCATE; typedef FSALLOCATE *PFSALLOCATE; typedef struct _FSQBUFFER { USHORT iType; USHORT cbName; UCHAR szName[1]; USHORT cbFSDName; UCHAR szFSDName[1]; USHORT cbFSAData; UCHAR rgFSAData[1]; } FSQBUFFER; typedef FSQBUFFER *PFSQBUFFER; typedef struct _FSQBUFFER2 { USHORT iType; USHORT cbName; USHORT cbFSDName; USHORT cbFSAData; UCHAR szName[1]; UCHAR szFSDName[1]; UCHAR rgFSAData[1]; } FSQBUFFER2; typedef FSQBUFFER2 *PFSQBUFFER2; typedef struct _SPOOLATTACH { USHORT hNmPipe; ULONG ulKey; } SPOOLATTACH; typedef SPOOLATTACH *PSPOOLATTACH; typedef struct _VOLUMELABEL { BYTE cch; CHAR szVolLabel[12]; } VOLUMELABEL; typedef VOLUMELABEL *PVOLUMELABEL; typedef struct _FSINFO { FDATE fdateCreation; FTIME ftimeCreation; VOLUMELABEL vol; } FSINFO; typedef FSINFO *PFSINFO; ULONG DosCancelLockRequest (HFILE hFile, __const__ FILELOCK *pfl); ULONG DosClose (HFILE hFile); ULONG DosCopy (PCSZ pszSource, PCSZ pszTarget, ULONG ulOption); ULONG DosCreateDir (PCSZ pszDirName, PEAOP2 pEABuf); ULONG DosDelete (PCSZ pszFileName); ULONG DosDeleteDir (PCSZ pszDirName); ULONG DosDupHandle (HFILE hFile, PHFILE phFile); ULONG DosEditName (ULONG ulLevel, PCSZ pszSource, PCSZ pszEdit, PBYTE pszTargetBuf, ULONG ulTargetBufLength); ULONG DosEnumAttribute (ULONG ulRefType, CPVOID pvFile, ULONG ulEntry, PVOID pvBuf, ULONG ulBufLength, PULONG pulCount, ULONG ulInfoLevel); ULONG DosFindClose (HDIR hDir); ULONG DosFindFirst (PCSZ pszFileSpec, PHDIR phDir, ULONG flAttribute, PVOID pFindBuf, ULONG ulFindBufLength, PULONG pulFileNames, ULONG ulInfoLevel); ULONG DosFindNext (HDIR hDir, PVOID pFindBuf, ULONG ulFindBufLength, PULONG pulFileNames); ULONG DosForceDelete (PCSZ pszFileName); ULONG DosFSAttach (PCSZ pszDevice, PCSZ pszFilesystem, __const__ VOID *pData, ULONG ulDataLength, ULONG ulFlag); ULONG DosFSCtl (PVOID pData, ULONG ulDataLengthMax, PULONG pulDataLength, PVOID pParmList, ULONG ulParmLengthMax, PULONG pulParmLength, ULONG ulFunction, PCSZ pszRouteName, HFILE hFile, ULONG ulMethod); ULONG DosMove (PCSZ pszOldName, PCSZ pszNewName); ULONG DosOpen (PCSZ pszFileName, PHFILE phFile, PULONG pulAction, ULONG ulFileSize, ULONG ulAttribute, ULONG ulOpenFlags, ULONG ulOpenMode, PEAOP2 pEABuf); ULONG DosProtectClose (HFILE hFile, FHLOCK fhFileHandleLockID); ULONG DosProtectEnumAttribute (ULONG ulRefType, CPVOID pvFile, ULONG ulEntry, PVOID pvBuf, ULONG ulBufLength, PULONG pulCount, ULONG ulInfoLevel, FHLOCK fhFileHandleLockID); ULONG DosProtectOpen (PCSZ pszFileName, PHFILE phFile, PULONG pulAction, ULONG ulFileSize, ULONG ulAttribute, ULONG ulOpenFlags, ULONG ulOpenMode, PEAOP2 pEABuf, PFHLOCK pfhFileHandleLockID); ULONG DosProtectQueryFHState (HFILE hFile, PULONG pulMode, FHLOCK fhFileHandleLockID); ULONG DosProtectQueryFileInfo (HFILE hFile, ULONG ulInfoLevel, PVOID pInfoBuffer, ULONG ulInfoLength, FHLOCK fhFileHandleLockID); ULONG DosProtectRead (HFILE hFile, PVOID pBuffer, ULONG ulLength, PULONG pulBytesRead, FHLOCK fhFileHandleLockID); ULONG DosProtectSetFHState (HFILE hFile, ULONG ulMode, FHLOCK fhFileHandleLockID); ULONG DosProtectSetFileInfo (HFILE hFile, ULONG ulInfoLevel, PVOID pInfoBuffer, ULONG ulInfoLength, FHLOCK fhFileHandleLockID); ULONG DosProtectSetFileLocks (HFILE hFile, __const__ FILELOCK *pflUnlock, __const__ FILELOCK *pflLock, ULONG ulTimeout, ULONG ulFlags, FHLOCK fhFileHandleLockID); ULONG DosProtectSetFilePtr (HFILE hFile, LONG lOffset, ULONG ulOrigin, PULONG pulPos, FHLOCK fhFileHandleLockID); ULONG DosProtectSetFileSize (HFILE hFile, ULONG ulSize, FHLOCK fhFileHandleLockID); ULONG DosProtectWrite (HFILE hFile, CPVOID pBuffer, ULONG ulLength, PULONG pulBytesWritten, FHLOCK fhFileHandleLockID); ULONG DosQueryCurrentDir (ULONG ulDrive, PBYTE pPath, PULONG pulPathLength); ULONG DosQueryCurrentDisk (PULONG pulDrive, PULONG pulLogical); ULONG DosQueryFHState (HFILE hFile, PULONG pulMode); ULONG DosQueryFileInfo (HFILE hFile, ULONG ulInfoLevel, PVOID pInfoBuffer, ULONG ulInfoLength); ULONG DosQueryFSAttach (PCSZ pszDeviceName, ULONG ulOrdinal, ULONG ulFSAInfoLevel, PFSQBUFFER2 pfsqb, PULONG pulBufLength); ULONG DosQueryFSInfo (ULONG ulDrive, ULONG ulInfoLevel, PVOID pBuf, ULONG ulBufLength); ULONG DosQueryHType (HFILE hFile, PULONG pulType, PULONG pulAttr); ULONG DosQueryPathInfo (PCSZ pszPathName, ULONG ulInfoLevel, PVOID pInfoBuffer, ULONG ulInfoLength); ULONG DosQueryVerify (PBOOL32 pVerify); ULONG DosRead (HFILE hFile, PVOID pBuffer, ULONG ulLength, PULONG pulBytesRead); ULONG DosResetBuffer (HFILE hf); ULONG DosSetCurrentDir (PCSZ pszDir); ULONG DosSetDefaultDisk (ULONG ulDrive); ULONG DosSetFHState (HFILE hFile, ULONG ulMode); ULONG DosSetFileInfo (HFILE hFile, ULONG ulInfoLevel, PVOID pInfoBuffer, ULONG ulInfoLength); ULONG DosSetFileLocks (HFILE hFile, __const__ FILELOCK *pflUnlock, __const__ FILELOCK *pflLock, ULONG ulTimeout, ULONG ulFlags); ULONG DosSetFilePtr (HFILE hFile, LONG lOffset, ULONG ulOrigin, PULONG pulPos); ULONG DosSetFileSize (HFILE hFile, ULONG ulSize); ULONG DosSetFSInfo (ULONG ulDrive, ULONG ulInfoLevel, PVOID pBuf, ULONG ulBufLength); ULONG DosSetMaxFH (ULONG ulCount); ULONG DosSetPathInfo (PCSZ pszPathName, ULONG ulInfoLevel, PVOID pInfoBuffer, ULONG ulInfoLength, ULONG ulOptions); ULONG DosSetRelMaxFH (PLONG pulReqCount, PULONG pulCurMaxFH); ULONG DosSetVerify (BOOL32 f32Verify); ULONG DosShutdown (ULONG ulReserved); ULONG DosWrite (HFILE hFile, CPVOID pBuffer, ULONG ulLength, PULONG pulBytesWritten); #endif /* INCL_DOSFILEMGR || !INCL_NOCOMMON */ #if defined (INCL_DOSMISC) ULONG DosSearchPath (ULONG ulControl, PCSZ pszPath, PCSZ pszFilename, PBYTE pBuf, ULONG ulBufLength); #endif /* INCL_DOSMISC */ /* ---------------------------- DEVICE I/O -------------------------------- */ #if defined (INCL_DOSDEVICES) #define DEVINFO_PRINTER 0 #define DEVINFO_RS232 1 #define DEVINFO_FLOPPY 2 #define DEVINFO_COPROCESSOR 3 #define DEVINFO_SUBMODEL 4 #define DEVINFO_MODEL 5 #define DEVINFO_ADAPTER 6 #define INFO_COUNT_PARTITIONABLE_DISKS 1 #define INFO_GETIOCTLHANDLE 2 #define INFO_FREEIOCTLHANDLE 3 ULONG DosDevConfig (PVOID pInfo, ULONG ulItem); ULONG DosDevIOCtl (HFILE hDevice, ULONG ulCategory, ULONG ulFunction, PVOID pParams, ULONG ulParamsLengthMax, PULONG pulParamsLength, PVOID pData, ULONG ulDataLengthMax, PULONG pulDataLength); ULONG DosPhysicalDisk (ULONG ulFunction, PVOID pBuffer, ULONG ulBufferLength, PVOID pParams, ULONG ulParamsLength); #endif /* INCL_DOSDEVICES */ #if defined (INCL_DOSDEVIOCTL) #define IOCTL_ASYNC 0x0001 #define IOCTL_SCR_AND_PTRDRAW 0x0003 #define IOCTL_KEYBOARD 0x0004 #define IOCTL_PRINTER 0x0005 #define IOCTL_LIGHTPEN 0x0006 #define IOCTL_POINTINGDEVICE 0x0007 #define IOCTL_DISK 0x0008 #define IOCTL_PHYSICALDISK 0x0009 #define IOCTL_MONITOR 0x000a #define IOCTL_GENERAL 0x000b #define IOCTL_POWER 0x000c #define IOCTL_OEMHLP 0x0080 #define IOCTL_TESTCFG_SYS 0x0080 #define IOCTL_CDROMDISK 0x0080 #define IOCTL_CDROMAUDIO 0x0081 #define IOCTL_TOUCH_DEVDEP 0x0081 #define IOCTL_TOUCH_DEVINDEP 0x0081 #define ASYNC_SETBAUDRATE 0x0041 #define ASYNC_SETLINECTRL 0x0042 #define ASYNC_EXTSETBAUDRATE 0x0043 #define ASYNC_TRANSMITIMM 0x0044 #define ASYNC_SETBREAKOFF 0x0045 #define ASYNC_SETMODEMCTRL 0x0046 #define ASYNC_STOPTRANSMIT 0x0047 #define ASYNC_STARTTRANSMIT 0x0048 #define ASYNC_SETBREAKON 0x004b #define ASYNC_SETDCBINFO 0x0053 #define ASYNC_SETENHANCEDMODEPARMS 0x0054 #define ASYNC_GETBAUDRATE 0x0061 #define ASYNC_GETLINECTRL 0x0062 #define ASYNC_EXTGETBAUDRATE 0x0063 #define ASYNC_GETCOMMSTATUS 0x0064 #define ASYNC_GETLINESTATUS 0x0065 #define ASYNC_GETMODEMOUTPUT 0x0066 #define ASYNC_GETMODEMINPUT 0x0067 #define ASYNC_GETINQUECOUNT 0x0068 #define ASYNC_GETOUTQUECOUNT 0x0069 #define ASYNC_GETCOMMERROR 0x006d #define ASYNC_GETCOMMEVENT 0x0072 #define ASYNC_GETDCBINFO 0x0073 #define ASYNC_GETENHANCEDMODEPARMS 0x0074 #define SCR_ALLOCLDT 0x0070 #define SCR_DEALLOCLDT 0x0071 #define PTR_GETPTRDRAWADDRESS 0x0072 #define VID_INITCALLVECTOR 0x0073 #define SCR_ABIOSPASSTHRU 0x0074 #define SCR_ALLOCLDTOFF 0x0075 #define SCR_ALLOCLDTBGVAL 0x0076 #define SCR_ALLOCVIDEOBUFFER 0x007e #define SCR_GETROMFONTADDR 0x007f #define KBD_SETTRANSTABLE 0x0050 #define KBD_SETINPUTMODE 0x0051 #define KBD_SETINTERIMFLAG 0x0052 #define KBD_SETSHIFTSTATE 0x0053 #define KBD_SETTYPAMATICRATE 0x0054 #define KBD_SETFGNDSCREENGRP 0x0055 #define KBD_SETSESMGRHOTKEY 0x0056 #define KBD_SETFOCUS 0x0057 #define KBD_SETKCB 0x0058 #define KBD_SETREADNOTIFICATION 0x0059 #define KBD_ALTERKBDLED 0x005a #define KBD_SETNLS 0x005c #define KBD_CREATE 0x005d #define KBD_DESTROY 0x005e #define KBD_GETINPUTMODE 0x0071 #define KBD_GETINTERIMFLAG 0x0072 #define KBD_GETSHIFTSTATE 0x0073 #define KBD_READCHAR 0x0074 #define KBD_PEEKCHAR 0x0075 #define KBD_GETSESMGRHOTKEY 0x0076 #define KBD_GETKEYBDTYPE 0x0077 #define KBD_GETCODEPAGEID 0x0078 #define KBD_XLATESCAN 0x0079 #define KBD_QUERYKBDHARDWAREID 0x007a #define KBD_QUERYKBDCODEPAGESUPPORT 0x007b #define PRT_QUERYJOBHANDLE 0x0021 #define PRT_SETFRAMECTL 0x0042 #define PRT_SETINFINITERETRY 0x0044 #define PRT_INITPRINTER 0x0046 #define PRT_ACTIVATEFONT 0x0048 #define PRT_SETPRINTJOBTITLE 0x004d #define PRT_SETIRQTIMEOUT 0x004e #define PRT_GETFRAMECTL 0x0062 #define PRT_GETINFINITERETRY 0x0064 #define PRT_GETPRINTERSTATUS 0x0066 #define PRT_QUERYACTIVEFONT 0x0069 #define PRT_VERIFYFONT 0x006a #define PRT_QUERYIRQTIMEOUT 0x006e #define MOU_ALLOWPTRDRAW 0x0050 #define MOU_UPDATEDISPLAYMODE 0x0051 #define MOU_SCREENSWITCH 0x0052 #define MOU_SETSCALEFACTORS 0x0053 #define MOU_SETEVENTMASK 0x0054 #define MOU_SETHOTKEYBUTTON 0x0055 #define MOU_REASSIGNTHRESHOLDVALUES 0x0055 /* ? */ #define MOU_SETPTRSHAPE 0x0056 #define MOU_DRAWPTR 0x0057 #define MOU_UNMARKCOLLISIONAREA 0x0057 /* ? */ #define MOU_REMOVEPTR 0x0058 #define MOU_MARKCOLLISIONAREA 0x0058 /* ? */ #define MOU_SETPTRPOS 0x0059 #define MOU_SETPROTDRAWADDRESS 0x005a #define MOU_SETREALDRAWADDRESS 0x005b #define MOU_SETMOUSTATUS 0x005c #define MOU_DISPLAYMODECHANGE 0x005d #define MOU_GETBUTTONCOUNT 0x0060 #define MOU_GETMICKEYCOUNT 0x0061 #define MOU_GETMOUSTATUS 0x0062 #define MOU_READEVENTQUE 0x0063 #define MOU_GETQUESTATUS 0x0064 #define MOU_GETEVENTMASK 0x0065 #define MOU_GETSCALEFACTORS 0x0066 #define MOU_GETPTRPOS 0x0067 #define MOU_GETPTRSHAPE 0x0068 #define MOU_GETHOTKEYBUTTON 0x0069 #define MOU_QUERYTHRESHOLDVALUES 0x0069 /* ? */ #define MOU_VER 0x006a #define MOU_QUERYPOINTERID 0x006b /* ? */ #define DSK_LOCKDRIVE 0x0000 #define DSK_UNLOCKDRIVE 0x0001 #define DSK_REDETERMINEMEDIA 0x0002 #define DSK_SETLOGICALMAP 0x0003 #define DSK_BEGINFORMAT 0x0004 #define DSK_BLOCKREMOVABLE 0x0020 #define DSK_GETLOGICALMAP 0x0021 #define DSK_UNLOCKEJECTMEDIA 0x0040 #define DSK_SETDEVICEPARAMS 0x0043 #define DSK_WRITETRACK 0x0044 #define DSK_FORMATVERIFY 0x0045 #define DSK_DISKETTECONTROL 0x005d #define DSK_QUERYMEDIASENSE 0x0060 #define DSK_GETDEVICEPARAMS 0x0063 #define DSK_READTRACK 0x0064 #define DSK_VERIFYTRACK 0x0065 #define DSK_GETLOCKSTATUS 0x0066 #define PDSK_LOCKPHYSDRIVE 0x0000 #define PDSK_UNLOCKPHYSDRIVE 0x0001 #define PDSK_WRITEPHYSTRACK 0x0044 #define PDSK_GETPHYSDEVICEPARAMS 0x0063 #define PDSK_READPHYSTRACK 0x0064 #define PDSK_VERIFYPHYSTRACK 0x0065 #define POWER_SENDPOWEREVENT 0x0040 #define POWER_SETPOWEREVENTRES 0x0041 #define POWER_GETPOWERSTATUS 0x0060 #define POWER_GETPOWEREVENT 0x0061 #define POWER_GETPOWERINFO 0x0062 #define OEMHLP_GETOEMADAPTIONINFO 0x0000 #define OEMHLP_GETMACHINEINFO 0x0001 #define OEMHLP_GETDISPLAYCOMBCODE 0x0002 #define OEMHLP_GETVIDEOFONTS 0x0003 #define OEMHLP_READEISACONFIGINFO 0x0004 #define OEMHLP_GETROMBIOSINFO 0x0005 #define OEMHLP_GETMISCVIDEOINFO 0x0006 #define OEMHLP_GETVIDEOADAPTER 0x0007 #define OEMHLP_GETSVGAINFO 0x0008 #define OEMHLP_GETMEMINFO 0x0009 #define OEMHLP_GETDMQSINFO 0x000a #define OEMHLP_PCI 0x000b #define TESTCFG_SYS_GETBIOSADAPTER 0x0040 #define TESTCFG_SYS_ISSUEINIOINSTR 0x0041 #define TESTCFG_SYS_ISSUEOUTIOINSTR 0x0042 #define TESTCFG_SYS_GETBUSARCH 0x0060 #define TESTCFG_SYS_GETALLPOSIDS 0x0061 #define TESTCFG_SYS_GETALLEISAIDS 0x0062 #define CDROMDISK_RESETDRIVE 0x0040 #define CDROMDISK_EJECTDISK 0x0044 #define CDROMDISK_LOCKUNLOCKDOOR 0x0046 #define CDROMDISK_SEEK 0x0050 #define CDROMDISK_DEVICESTATUS 0x0060 #define CDROMDISK_GETDRIVER 0x0061 #define CDROMDISK_GETSECTORSIZE 0x0063 #define CDROMDISK_GETHEADLOC 0x0070 #define CDROMDISK_READLONG 0x0072 #define CDROMDISK_GETVOLUMESIZE 0x0078 #define CDROMDISK_GETUPC 0x0079 #define CDROMAUDIO_SETCHANNELCTRL 0x0040 #define CDROMAUDIO_PLAYAUDIO 0x0050 #define CDROMAUDIO_STOPAUDIO 0x0051 #define CDROMAUDIO_RESUMEAUDIO 0x0052 #define CDROMAUDIO_GETCHANNEL 0x0060 #define CDROMAUDIO_GETAUDIODISK 0x0061 #define CDROMAUDIO_GETAUDIOTRACK 0x0062 #define CDROMAUDIO_GETSUBCHANNELQ 0x0063 #define CDROMAUDIO_GETAUDIOSTATUS 0x0065 #define TOUCH_DEVDEP_SETCALIBCONST 0x0052 #define TOUCH_DEVDEP_READDATA 0x0053 #define TOUCH_DEVDEP_SETDATAMODE 0x0054 #define TOUCH_DEVDEP_SETCLICKLOCK 0x0055 #define TOUCH_DEVDEP_SETTOUCHTHRESHOLD 0x0056 #define TOUCH_DEVDEP_SETEMULXY 0x0057 #define TOUCH_DEVDEP_SETDATAREPORTRATE 0x0058 #define TOUCH_DEVDEP_SETLOWPASSFILTER 0x0059 #define TOUCH_DEVDEP_WRITEMEMLOC 0x005a #define TOUCH_DEVDEP_GETCALIBCONST 0x0060 #define TOUCH_DEVDEP_GETDATAMODE 0x0061 #define TOUCH_DEVDEP_GETCLICKLOCK 0x0062 #define TOUCH_DEVDEP_GETTOUCHTHRESHOLD 0x0063 #define TOUCH_DEVDEP_GETEMULXY 0x0064 #define TOUCH_DEVDEP_GETDATAREPORTRATE 0x0065 #define TOUCH_DEVDEP_GETLOWPASSFILTER 0x0066 #define TOUCH_DEVDEP_READMEMLOC 0x0067 #define TOUCH_DEVINDEP_SETCOORDSYS 0x0050 #define TOUCH_DEVINDEP_SETSELECTMECH 0x0052 #define TOUCH_DEVINDEP_SETEVENTMASK 0x0053 #define TOUCH_DEVINDEP_SETQUEUESIZE 0x0054 #define TOUCH_DEVINDEP_SETEMULSTATE 0x0055 #define TOUCH_DEVINDEP_GETCOORDSYS 0x0060 #define TOUCH_DEVINDEP_GETSELECTMECH 0x0062 #define TOUCH_DEVINDEP_GETEVENTMASK 0x0063 #define TOUCH_DEVINDEP_GETQUEUESIZE 0x0064 #define TOUCH_DEVINDEP_GETEMULSTATE 0x0065 #define TOUCH_DEVINDEP_GETREADEVENTQUEUE 0x0066 #define MON_REGISTERMONITOR 0x0040 #define DEV_FLUSHINPUT 0x0001 #define DEV_FLUSHOUTPUT 0x0002 #define DEV_SYSTEMNOTIFYPDD 0x0041 #define DEV_QUERYMONSUPPORT 0x0060 #define RX_QUE_OVERRUN 0x0001 #define RX_HARDWARE_OVERRUN 0x0002 #define PARITY_ERROR 0x0004 #define FRAMING_ERROR 0x0008 #define CHAR_RECEIVED 0x0001 #define LAST_CHAR_SENT 0x0004 #define CTS_CHANGED 0x0008 #define DSR_CHANGED 0x0010 #define DCD_CHANGED 0x0020 #define BREAK_DETECTED 0x0040 #define ERROR_OCCURRED 0x0080 #define RI_DETECTED 0x0100 #define TX_WAITING_FOR_CTS 0x0001 #define TX_WAITING_FOR_DSR 0x0002 #define TX_WAITING_FOR_DCD 0x0004 #define TX_WAITING_FOR_XON 0x0008 #define TX_WAITING_TO_SEND_XON 0x0010 #define TX_WAITING_WHILE_BREAK_ON 0x0020 #define TX_WAITING_TO_SEND_IMM 0x0040 #define RX_WAITING_FOR_DSR 0x0080 #define WRITE_REQUEST_QUEUED 0x0001 #define DATA_IN_TX_QUE 0x0002 #define HARDWARE_TRANSMITTING 0x0004 #define CHAR_READY_TO_SEND_IMM 0x0008 #define WAITING_TO_SEND_XON 0x0010 #define WAITING_TO_SEND_XOFF 0x0020 #define CTS_ON 0x10 #define DSR_ON 0x20 #define RI_ON 0x40 #define DCD_ON 0x80 #define MODE_DTR_CONTROL 0x01 #define MODE_DTR_HANDSHAKE 0x02 #define MODE_CTS_HANDSHAKE 0x08 #define MODE_DSR_HANDSHAKE 0x10 #define MODE_DCD_HANDSHAKE 0x20 #define MODE_DSR_SENSITIVITY 0x40 #define MODE_AUTO_TRANSMIT 0x01 #define MODE_AUTO_RECEIVE 0x02 #define MODE_ERROR_CHAR 0x04 #define MODE_NULL_STRIPPING 0x08 #define MODE_BREAK_CHAR 0x10 #define MODE_RTS_CONTROL 0x40 #define MODE_RTS_HANDSHAKE 0x80 #define MODE_TRANSMIT_TOGGLE 0xc0 #define MODE_NO_WRITE_TIMEOUT 0x01 #define MODE_READ_TIMEOUT 0x02 #define MODE_WAIT_READ_TIMEOUT 0x04 #define MODE_NOWAIT_READ_TIMEOUT 0x06 #define DTR_ON 0x01 #define RTS_ON 0x02 #define DTR_OFF 0xfe #define RTS_OFF 0xfd #define ASCII_MODE 0x00 #define BINARY_MODE 0x80 #define CONVERSION_REQUEST 0x20 #define INTERIM_CHAR 0x80 #define HOTKEY_MAX_COUNT 0x0000 #define HOTKEY_CURRENT_COUNT 0x0001 #define KBD_DATA_RECEIVED 0x0001 #define KBD_DATA_BINARY 0x8000 #define KBD_READ_WAIT 0x0000 #define KBD_READ_NOWAIT 0x8000 #define SHIFT_REPORT_MODE 0x01 #define RIGHTSHIFT 0x0001 #define LEFTSHIFT 0x0002 #define CONTROL 0x0004 #define ALT 0x0008 #define SCROLLLOCK_ON 0x0010 #define NUMLOCK_ON 0x0020 #define CAPSLOCK_ON 0x0040 #define INSERT_ON 0x0080 #define LEFTCONTROL 0x0100 #define LEFTALT 0x0200 #define RIGHTCONTROL 0x0400 #define RIGHTALT 0x0800 #define SCROLLLOCK 0x1000 #define NUMLOCK 0x2000 #define CAPSLOCK 0x4000 #define SYSREQ 0x8000 #define PRINTER_TIMEOUT 0x0001 #define PRINTER_IO_ERROR 0x0008 #define PRINTER_SELECTED 0x0010 #define PRINTER_OUT_OF_PAPER 0x0020 #define PRINTER_ACKNOWLEDGED 0x0040 #define PRINTER_NOT_BUSY 0x0080 #define MOUSE_MOTION 0x0001 #define MOUSE_MOTION_WITH_BN1_DOWN 0x0002 #define MOUSE_BN1_DOWN 0x0004 #define MOUSE_MOTION_WITH_BN2_DOWN 0x0008 #define MOUSE_BN2_DOWN 0x0010 #define MOUSE_MOTION_WITH_BN3_DOWN 0x0020 #define MOUSE_BN3_DOWN 0x0040 #define MHK_BUTTON1 0x0001 #define MHK_BUTTON2 0x0002 #define MHK_BUTTON3 0x0004 #define MOU_NOWAIT 0x0000 #define MOU_WAIT 0x0001 #define MHK_NO_HOTKEY 0x0000 #define MOUSE_QUEUEBUSY 0x0001 #define MOUSE_BLOCKREAD 0x0002 #define MOUSE_FLUSH 0x0004 #define MOUSE_UNSUPPORTED_MODE 0x0008 #define MOUSE_DISABLED 0x0100 #define MOUSE_MICKEYS 0x0200 #define BUILD_BPB_FROM_MEDIUM 0x00 #define REPLACE_BPB_FOR_DEVICE 0x01 #define REPLACE_BPB_FOR_MEDIUM 0x02 #define DEVTYPE_48TPI 0x0000 #define DEVTYPE_96TPI 0x0001 #define DEVTYPE_35 0x0002 #define DEVTYPE_8SD 0x0003 #define DEVTYPE_8DD 0x0004 #define DEVTYPE_FIXED 0x0005 #define DEVTYPE_TAPE 0x0006 #define DEVTYPE_UNKNOWN 0x0007 #define SCREENDD_GETCURRENTBANK 0x00 #define SCREENDD_SETCURRENTBANK 0x01 #define SCREENDD_SVGA_ID 0x08 #define SCREENDD_SVGA_OEM 0x09 #define SCREENDD_UPDATEMEMORY 0x0a #define SCREENDD_GETLINEARACCESS 0x0b #define SCREENDD_GETGLOBALACCESS 0x0c #define SCREENDD_FREEGLOBALACCESS 0x0d #define SCREENDD_REGISTER_RING0_CALLER 0x0e #define SCREENDD_WAIT_ON_RING0_CALLER 0x0f #define SCREENDD_CATEGORY 0x80 #define SCREENDD_NAME "SCREEN$" #define GETLINEAR_FLAG_MAPPHYSICAL 0x00000010 #define GETLINEAR_FLAG_MAPPROCESS 0x00000020 #define GETLINEAR_FLAG_MAPSHARED 0x00000400 #define GETLINEAR_FLAG_MAPATTACH 0x80000000 #define EGA_BIT 4 #define VGA_BIT 8 #define EGAVGA_BIT (EGA_BIT|VGA_BIT) #define READ_BANK 0 #define WRITE_BANK 1 #define MODE_TEXT 0 #define MODE_PLANAR 1 #define MODE_LINEAR 2 typedef struct _DCBINFO { USHORT usWriteTimeout; USHORT usReadTimeout; BYTE fbCtlHndShake; BYTE fbFlowReplace; BYTE fbTimeout; BYTE bErrorReplacementChar; BYTE bBreakReplacementChar; BYTE bXONChar; BYTE bXOFFChar; } DCBINFO; typedef DCBINFO *PDCBINFO; typedef struct _LINECONTROL { BYTE bDataBits; BYTE bParity; BYTE bStopBits; BYTE fTransBreak; } LINECONTROL; typedef LINECONTROL *PLINECONTROL; typedef struct _MODEMSTATUS { BYTE fbModemOn; BYTE fbModemOff; } MODEMSTATUS; typedef MODEMSTATUS *PMODEMSTATUS; typedef struct _KBDTYPE { USHORT usType; USHORT reserved1; USHORT reserved2; } KBDTYPE; typedef KBDTYPE *PKBDTYPE; typedef struct _RATEDELAY { USHORT usDelay; USHORT usRate; } RATEDELAY; typedef RATEDELAY *PRATEDELAY; typedef struct _CODEPAGEINFO { PBYTE pbTransTable; USHORT idCodePage; USHORT idTable; } CODEPAGEINFO; typedef CODEPAGEINFO *PCODEPAGEINFO; typedef struct _CPID { USHORT idCodePage; USHORT Reserved; } CPID; typedef CPID *PCPID; typedef struct _SHIFTSTATE { USHORT fsState; BYTE fNLS; } SHIFTSTATE; typedef SHIFTSTATE *PSHIFTSTATE; typedef struct _HOTKEY { USHORT fsHotKey; UCHAR uchScancodeMake; UCHAR uchScancodeBreak; USHORT idHotKey; } HOTKEY; typedef HOTKEY *PHOTKEY; typedef struct _PTRDRAWFUNCTION { USHORT usReturnCode; PFN pfnDraw; PCH pchDataSeg; } PTRDRAWFUNCTION; typedef PTRDRAWFUNCTION *PPTRDRAWFUNCTION; typedef struct _PTRDRAWADDRESS { USHORT reserved; PTRDRAWFUNCTION ptrdfnc; } PTRDRAWADDRESS; typedef PTRDRAWADDRESS *PPTRDRAWADDRESS; typedef struct _PTRDRAWDATA { USHORT cb; USHORT usConfig; USHORT usFlag; } PTRDRAWDATA; typedef PTRDRAWDATA *PPTRDRAWDATA; typedef struct _TRACKLAYOUT { BYTE bCommand; USHORT usHead; USHORT usCylinder; USHORT usFirstSector; USHORT cSectors; struct { USHORT usSectorNumber; USHORT usSectorSize; } TrackTable[1]; } TRACKLAYOUT; typedef TRACKLAYOUT *PTRACKLAYOUT; typedef struct _TRACKFORMAT { BYTE bCommand; USHORT usHead; USHORT usCylinder; USHORT usReserved; USHORT cSectors; struct { BYTE bCylinder; BYTE bHead; BYTE idSector; BYTE bBytesSector; } FormatTable[1]; } TRACKFORMAT; typedef TRACKFORMAT *PTRACKFORMAT; typedef struct _BIOSPARAMETERBLOCK { USHORT usBytesPerSector; BYTE bSectorsPerCluster; USHORT usReservedSectors; BYTE cFATs; USHORT cRootEntries; USHORT cSectors; BYTE bMedia; USHORT usSectorsPerFAT; USHORT usSectorsPerTrack; USHORT cHeads; ULONG cHiddenSectors; ULONG cLargeSectors; BYTE abReserved[6]; USHORT cCylinders; BYTE bDeviceType; USHORT fsDeviceAttr; } BIOSPARAMETERBLOCK; typedef BIOSPARAMETERBLOCK *PBIOSPARAMETERBLOCK; typedef struct _DEVICEPARAMETERBLOCK { USHORT reserved1; USHORT cCylinders; USHORT cHeads; USHORT cSectorsPerTrack; USHORT reserved2; USHORT reserved3; USHORT reserved4; USHORT reserved5; } DEVICEPARAMETERBLOCK; typedef DEVICEPARAMETERBLOCK *PDEVICEPARAMETERBLOCK; typedef struct _MONITORPOSITION { USHORT fPosition; USHORT index; ULONG pbInBuf; USHORT offOutBuf; } MONITORPOSITION; typedef MONITORPOSITION *PMONITORPOSITION; typedef struct _FRAME { BYTE bCharsPerLine; BYTE bLinesPerInch; } FRAME; typedef FRAME *PFRAME; typedef struct _LDTADDRINFO { PULONG pulPhysAddr; USHORT cb; } LDTADDRINFO; typedef LDTADDRINFO *PLDTADDRINFO; typedef struct _SCREENGROUP { USHORT idScreenGrp; USHORT fTerminate; } SCREENGROUP; typedef SCREENGROUP *PSCREENGROUP; typedef struct _RXQUEUE { USHORT cch; USHORT cb; } RXQUEUE; typedef RXQUEUE *PRXQUEUE; typedef struct _GETLINIOCTLDATA { ULONG PacketLength; ULONG PhysicalAddress; ULONG ApertureSize; PBYTE LinearAddress; ULONG LinearFlags; } GETLINIOCTLDATA; typedef GETLINIOCTLDATA *PGETLINIOCTLDATA; typedef struct _BANKINFO { ULONG ulBankLength; USHORT usBank; USHORT usVideoModeType; USHORT usReadWriteMode; } BANKINFO; typedef struct _GLOBALIOCTLDATA { ULONG ProcessAddress; ULONG AddressLength; ULONG GlobalAddress; } GLOBALIOCTLDATA; typedef struct _OEMSVGAINFO { USHORT AdapterType; USHORT ChipType; ULONG Memory; } OEMSVGAINFO; typedef struct _OEMINFO { ULONG OEMLength; USHORT Manufacturer; ULONG ManufacturerData; } OEMINFO; typedef struct _GETGLOBALPACKET { ULONG GlobalPktLength; GLOBALIOCTLDATA GlobalPktData[1]; } GETGLOBALPACKET; #endif /* INCL_DOSDEVIOCTL */ /* -------------------- NATIONAL LANGUAGE SUPPORT ------------------------- */ #if defined (INCL_DOSNLS) typedef struct _COUNTRYCODE { ULONG country; ULONG codepage; } COUNTRYCODE; typedef COUNTRYCODE *PCOUNTRYCODE; typedef struct _COUNTRYINFO { ULONG country; ULONG codepage; ULONG fsDateFmt; CHAR szCurrency[5]; CHAR szThousandsSeparator[2]; CHAR szDecimal[2]; CHAR szDateSeparator[2]; CHAR szTimeSeparator[2]; UCHAR fsCurrencyFmt; UCHAR cDecimalPlace; UCHAR fsTimeFmt; USHORT abReserved1[2]; CHAR szDataSeparator[2]; USHORT abReserved2[5]; } COUNTRYINFO; typedef COUNTRYINFO *PCOUNTRYINFO; ULONG DosMapCase (ULONG ulLength, __const__ COUNTRYCODE *pCountryCode, PCHAR pchString); ULONG DosQueryCollate (ULONG ulLength, __const__ COUNTRYCODE *pCountryCode, PCHAR pchBuffer, PULONG pulDataLength); ULONG DosQueryCp (ULONG ulLength, PULONG pCodePageList, PULONG pDataLength); ULONG DosQueryCtryInfo (ULONG ulLength, PCOUNTRYCODE pCountryCode, PCOUNTRYINFO pCountryInfo, PULONG pulDataLength); ULONG DosQueryDBCSEnv (ULONG ulLength, PCOUNTRYCODE pCountryCode, PCHAR pBuf); ULONG DosSetProcessCp (ULONG ulCodePage); #endif /* INCL_DOSNLS */ /* -------------------------- DYNAMIC LINKING ----------------------------- */ #if defined (INCL_DOSMODULEMGR) #define PT_16BIT 0 #define PT_32BIT 1 ULONG DosFreeModule (HMODULE hmod); ULONG DosLoadModule (PSZ pszObject, ULONG uObjectLen, PCSZ pszModule, PHMODULE phmod); ULONG DosQueryModuleHandle (PCSZ pszModname, PHMODULE phmod); ULONG DosQueryModuleName (HMODULE hmod, ULONG ulNameLength, PCHAR pNameBuf); ULONG DosQueryProcAddr (HMODULE hmod, ULONG ulOrdinal, PCSZ pszProcName, PPFN pProcAddr); ULONG DosQueryProcType (HMODULE hmod, ULONG ulOrdinal, PCSZ pszProcName, PULONG pulProcType); #endif /* INCL_DOSMODULEMGR */ /* ----------------------------- RESOURCES -------------------------------- */ #if defined (INCL_DOSRESOURCES) || !defined (INCL_NOCOMMON) #define RT_POINTER 1 #define RT_BITMAP 2 #define RT_MENU 3 #define RT_DIALOG 4 #define RT_STRING 5 #define RT_FONTDIR 6 #define RT_FONT 7 #define RT_ACCELTABLE 8 #define RT_RCDATA 9 #define RT_MESSAGE 10 #define RT_DLGINCLUDE 11 #define RT_VKEYTBL 12 #define RT_KEYTBL 13 #define RT_CHARTBL 14 #define RT_DISPLAYINFO 15 #define RT_FKASHORT 16 #define RT_FKALONG 17 #define RT_HELPTABLE 18 #define RT_HELPSUBTABLE 19 #define RT_FDDIR 20 #define RT_FD 21 #define RT_MAX 22 #define RF_ORDINALID 0x80000000L ULONG DosFreeResource (PVOID pResAddr); ULONG DosGetResource (HMODULE hmod, ULONG ulTypeID, ULONG ulNameID, PPVOID pOffset); ULONG DosQueryResourceSize (HMODULE hmod, ULONG ulTypeID, ULONG ulNameID, PULONG pulSize); #endif /* INCL_DOSRESOURCES || !INCL_NOCOMMON */ /* -------------------------------- TASKS --------------------------------- */ #if defined (INCL_DOSPROCESS) || !defined (INCL_NOCOMMON) #define EXIT_THREAD 0 #define EXIT_PROCESS 1 ULONG DosBeep (ULONG ulFrequency, ULONG ulDuration); VOID DosExit (ULONG ulAction, ULONG ulResult) __attribute__ ((__noreturn__)); #endif /* INCL_DOSPROCESS || !defined (INCL_NOCOMMON) */ #if defined (INCL_DOSPROCESS) #define CREATE_READY 0 #define CREATE_SUSPENDED 1 #define STACK_SPARSE 0 #define STACK_COMMITTED 2 #define DCWA_PROCESS 0 #define DCWA_PROCESSTREE 1 #define DCWW_WAIT 0 #define DCWW_NOWAIT 1 #define DKP_PROCESSTREE 0 #define DKP_PROCESS 1 #define EXEC_SYNC 0 #define EXEC_ASYNC 1 #define EXEC_ASYNCRESULT 2 #define EXEC_TRACE 3 #define EXEC_BACKGROUND 4 #define EXEC_LOAD 5 #define EXEC_ASYNCRESULTDB 6 #define EXLST_ADD 1 #define EXLST_REMOVE 2 #define EXLST_EXIT 3 #define PRTYC_NOCHANGE 0 #define PRTYC_IDLETIME 1 #define PRTYC_REGULAR 2 #define PRTYC_TIMECRITICAL 3 #define PRTYC_FOREGROUNDSERVER 4 #define PRTYD_MINIMUM (-31) #define PRTYD_MAXIMUM 31 #define PRTYS_PROCESS 0 #define PRTYS_PROCESSTREE 1 #define PRTYS_THREAD 2 #define TC_EXIT 0 #define TC_HARDERROR 1 #define TC_TRAP 2 #define TC_KILLPROCESS 3 #define TC_EXCEPTION 4 typedef struct _RESULTCODES { ULONG codeTerminate; ULONG codeResult; } RESULTCODES; typedef RESULTCODES *PRESULTCODES; typedef struct tib2_s { ULONG tib2_ultid; ULONG tib2_ulpri; ULONG tib2_version; USHORT tib2_usMCCount; USHORT tib2_fMCForceFlag; } TIB2; typedef TIB2 *PTIB2; typedef struct tib_s { PVOID tib_pexchain; PVOID tib_pstack; PVOID tib_pstacklimit; PTIB2 tib_ptib2; ULONG tib_version; ULONG tib_ordinal; } TIB; typedef TIB *PTIB; typedef struct pib_s { ULONG pib_ulpid; ULONG pib_ulppid; ULONG pib_hmte; PCHAR pib_pchcmd; PCHAR pib_pchenv; ULONG pib_flstatus; ULONG pib_ultype; } PIB; typedef PIB *PPIB; typedef VOID (*PFNTHREAD)(ULONG ulThreadArg); typedef VOID (*PFNEXITLIST)(ULONG ulArg); ULONG DosAllocThreadLocalMemory (ULONG cb, PULONG *p); ULONG DosCreateThread (PTID ptidThreadID, PFNTHREAD pfnThreadAddr, ULONG ulThreadArg, ULONG ulFlags, ULONG ulStackSize); ULONG DosEnterCritSec (VOID); ULONG DosExecPgm (PCHAR pObjname, LONG lObjnameLength, ULONG ulFlagS, PCSZ pszArg, PCSZ pszEnv, PRESULTCODES pReturnCodes, PCSZ pszName); ULONG DosExitCritSec (VOID); ULONG DosExitList (ULONG ulOrder, PFNEXITLIST pfn); ULONG DosFreeThreadLocalMemory (ULONG *p); ULONG DosGetInfoBlocks (PTIB *ptib, PPIB *ppib); ULONG DosKillProcess (ULONG ulAction, PID pid); ULONG DosKillThread (TID tid); ULONG DosResumeThread (TID tid); ULONG DosSetPriority (ULONG ulScope, ULONG ulClass, LONG lDelta, ULONG ulID); ULONG DosSleep (ULONG ulInterval); ULONG DosSuspendThread (TID tid); ULONG DosVerifyPidTid (PID pid, TID tid); ULONG DosWaitChild (ULONG ulAction, ULONG ulWait, PRESULTCODES pReturnCodes, PPID ppidOut, PID pidIn); ULONG DosWaitThread (PTID ptid, ULONG ulWait); #endif /* INCL_DOSPROCESS */ /* ------------------------------ SESSIONS -------------------------------- */ #if defined (INCL_DOSSESMGR) || defined (INCL_DOSFILEMGR) #define FAPPTYP_NOTSPEC 0x0000 #define FAPPTYP_NOTWINDOWCOMPAT 0x0001 #define FAPPTYP_WINDOWCOMPAT 0x0002 #define FAPPTYP_WINDOWAPI 0x0003 #define FAPPTYP_BOUND 0x0008 #define FAPPTYP_DLL 0x0010 #define FAPPTYP_DOS 0x0020 #define FAPPTYP_PHYSDRV 0x0040 #define FAPPTYP_VIRTDRV 0x0080 #define FAPPTYP_PROTDLL 0x0100 #define FAPPTYP_WINDOWSREAL 0x0200 #define FAPPTYP_WINDOWSPROT 0x0400 #define FAPPTYP_WINDOWSPROT31 0x1000 #define FAPPTYP_32BIT 0x4000 #define FAPPTYP_EXETYPE 0x0003 #define FAPPTYP_RESERVED (~(FAPPTYP_WINDOWAPI | FAPPTYP_BOUND | \ FAPPTYP_DLL | FAPPTYP_DOS | \ FAPPTYP_PHYSDRV | FAPPTYP_VIRTDRV | \ FAPPTYP_PROTDLL | FAPPTYP_32BIT)) #endif /* INCL_DOSSESMGR || INCL_DOSFILEMGR */ #if defined (INCL_DOSSESMGR) #define SET_SESSION_UNCHANGED 0 #define SET_SESSION_SELECTABLE 1 #define SET_SESSION_NON_SELECTABLE 2 #define SET_SESSION_BOND 1 #define SET_SESSION_NO_BOND 2 #define SSF_RELATED_INDEPENDENT 0 #define SSF_RELATED_CHILD 1 #define SSF_FGBG_FORE 0 #define SSF_FGBG_BACK 1 #define SSF_TRACEOPT_NONE 0 #define SSF_TRACEOPT_TRACE 1 #define SSF_TRACEOPT_TRACEALL 2 #define SSF_INHERTOPT_SHELL 0 #define SSF_INHERTOPT_PARENT 1 #define SSF_TYPE_DEFAULT 0 #define SSF_TYPE_FULLSCREEN 1 #define SSF_TYPE_WINDOWABLEVIO 2 #define SSF_TYPE_PM 3 #define SSF_TYPE_VDM 4 #define SSF_TYPE_GROUP 5 #define SSF_TYPE_DLL 6 #define SSF_TYPE_WINDOWEDVDM 7 #define SSF_TYPE_PDD 8 #define SSF_TYPE_VDD 9 #define SSF_CONTROL_VISIBLE 0x0000 #define SSF_CONTROL_INVISIBLE 0x0001 #define SSF_CONTROL_MAXIMIZE 0x0002 #define SSF_CONTROL_MINIMIZE 0x0004 #define SSF_CONTROL_NOAUTOCLOSE 0x0008 #define SSF_CONTROL_SETPOS 0x8000 #define STOP_SESSION_SPECIFIED 0 #define STOP_SESSION_ALL 1 typedef struct _STARTDATA { USHORT Length; USHORT Related; USHORT FgBg; USHORT TraceOpt; PSZ PgmTitle; PSZ PgmName; PBYTE PgmInputs; PBYTE TermQ; PBYTE Environment; USHORT InheritOpt; USHORT SessionType; PSZ IconFile; ULONG PgmHandle; USHORT PgmControl; USHORT InitXPos; USHORT InitYPos; USHORT InitXSize; USHORT InitYSize; USHORT Reserved; PSZ ObjectBuffer; ULONG ObjectBuffLen; } STARTDATA; typedef STARTDATA *PSTARTDATA; typedef struct _STATUSDATA { USHORT Length; USHORT SelectInd; USHORT BondInd; } STATUSDATA; typedef STATUSDATA *PSTATUSDATA; ULONG DosQueryAppType (PCSZ pszName, PULONG pulFlags); ULONG DosSelectSession (ULONG ulIDSession); ULONG DosSetSession (ULONG ulIDSession, PSTATUSDATA psd); ULONG DosStartSession (PSTARTDATA psd, PULONG pulIDSession, PPID ppid); ULONG DosStopSession (ULONG ulScope, ULONG ulIDSession); #endif /* INCL_DOSSESMGR */ /* ----------------------------- SEMAPHORES ------------------------------- */ #if defined (INCL_DOSSEMAPHORES) || !defined (INCL_NOCOMMON) #define DC_SEM_SHARED 0x01 #define DCMW_WAIT_ANY 0x02 #define DCMW_WAIT_ALL 0x04 #define SEM_INDEFINITE_WAIT ((ULONG)-1) #define SEM_IMMEDIATE_RETURN 0 typedef ULONG HEV; typedef HEV *PHEV; typedef struct _PSEMRECORD /* Note 1 */ { HSEM hsemCur; ULONG ulUser; } SEMRECORD; typedef SEMRECORD *PSEMRECORD; #endif /* INCL_DOSSEMAPHORES || !INCL_NOCOMMON */ #if defined (INCL_DOSSEMAPHORES) ULONG DosCloseEventSem (HEV hev); ULONG DosCreateEventSem (PCSZ pszName, PHEV phev, ULONG ulAttr, BOOL32 fState); ULONG DosOpenEventSem (PCSZ pszName, PHEV phev); ULONG DosPostEventSem (HEV hev); ULONG DosQueryEventSem (HEV hev, PULONG pulCount); ULONG DosResetEventSem (HEV hev, PULONG pulCount); ULONG DosWaitEventSem (HEV hev, ULONG ulTimeout); ULONG DosCloseMutexSem (HMTX hmtx); ULONG DosCreateMutexSem (PCSZ pszName, PHMTX phmtx, ULONG ulAttr, BOOL32 fState); ULONG DosOpenMutexSem (PCSZ pszName, PHMTX phmtx); ULONG DosQueryMutexSem (HMTX hmtx, PPID ppid, PTID ptid, PULONG pulCount); ULONG DosReleaseMutexSem (HMTX hmtx); ULONG DosRequestMutexSem (HMTX hmtx, ULONG ulTimeout); ULONG DosAddMuxWaitSem (HMUX hmux, PSEMRECORD pSemRec); ULONG DosCloseMuxWaitSem (HMUX hmux); ULONG DosCreateMuxWaitSem (PCSZ pszName, PHMUX phmux, ULONG ulcSemRec, PSEMRECORD pSemRec, ULONG ulAttr); ULONG DosDeleteMuxWaitSem (HMUX hmux, HSEM hSem); ULONG DosOpenMuxWaitSem (PCSZ pszName, PHMUX phmux); ULONG DosQueryMuxWaitSem (HMUX hmux, PULONG pulcSemRec, PSEMRECORD pSemRec, PULONG pulAttr); ULONG DosWaitMuxWaitSem (HMUX hmux, ULONG ulTimeout, PULONG pulUser); #endif /* INCL_DOSSEMAPHORES */ /* ---------------------------- NAMED PIPES ------------------------------- */ #define NP_INDEFINITE_WAIT ((ULONG)-1) #define NP_DEFAULT_WAIT 0 #define NP_STATE_DISCONNECTED 1 #define NP_STATE_LISTENING 2 #define NP_STATE_CONNECTED 3 #define NP_STATE_CLOSING 4 #define NP_ACCESS_INBOUND 0x0000 #define NP_ACCESS_OUTBOUND 0x0001 #define NP_ACCESS_DUPLEX 0x0002 #define NP_INHERIT 0x0000 #define NP_NOINHERIT 0x0080 #define NP_WRITEBEHIND 0x0000 #define NP_NOWRITEBEHIND 0x4000 #define NP_READMODE_BYTE 0x0000 #define NP_READMODE_MESSAGE 0x0100 #define NP_TYPE_BYTE 0x0000 #define NP_TYPE_MESSAGE 0x0400 #define NP_END_CLIENT 0x0000 #define NP_END_SERVER 0x4000 #define NP_WAIT 0x0000 #define NP_NOWAIT 0x8000 #define NP_UNLIMITED_INSTANCES 0x00ff #define NP_NBLK NO_WAIT #define NP_SERVER NP_END_SERVER #define NP_WMESG NP_TYPE_MESSAGE #define NP_RMESG NP_READMODE_MESSAGE #define NP_ICOUNT 0x00ff #define NPSS_EOI 0 #define NPSS_RDATA 1 #define NPSS_WSPACE 2 #define NPSS_CLOSE 3 #define NPSS_WAIT 0x0001 typedef struct _AVAILDATA { USHORT cbpipe; USHORT cbmessage; } AVAILDATA; typedef AVAILDATA *PAVAILDATA; typedef struct _PIPEINFO { USHORT cbOut; USHORT cbIn; BYTE cbMaxInst; BYTE cbCurInst; BYTE cbName; CHAR szName[1]; } PIPEINFO; typedef PIPEINFO *PPIPEINFO; typedef struct _PIPESEMSTATE { BYTE fStatus; BYTE fFlag; USHORT usKey; USHORT usAvail; } PIPESEMSTATE; typedef PIPESEMSTATE *PPIPESEMSTATE; ULONG DosCallNPipe (PCSZ pszName, PVOID pInbuf, ULONG ulInbufLength, PVOID pOutbuf, ULONG ulOutbufSize, PULONG pulActualLength, ULONG ulTimeout); ULONG DosConnectNPipe (HPIPE hpipe); ULONG DosCreateNPipe (PCSZ pszName, PHPIPE phpipe, ULONG ulOpenMode, ULONG ulPipeMode, ULONG ulInbufLength, ULONG ulOutbufLength, ULONG ulTimeout); ULONG DosDisConnectNPipe (HPIPE hpipe); ULONG DosPeekNPipe (HPIPE hpipe, PVOID pBuf, ULONG ulBufLength, PULONG pulActualLength, PAVAILDATA pAvail, PULONG pulState); ULONG DosQueryNPHState (HPIPE hpipe, PULONG pulState); ULONG DosQueryNPipeInfo (HPIPE hpipe, ULONG ulInfoLevel, PVOID pBuf, ULONG ulBufLength); ULONG DosQueryNPipeSemState (HSEM hsem, PPIPESEMSTATE pState, ULONG ulBufLength); ULONG DosRawReadNPipe (PCSZ pszName, ULONG ulCount, PULONG pulLength, PVOID pBuf); ULONG DosRawWriteNPipe (PCSZ pszName, ULONG ulCount); ULONG DosSetNPHState (HPIPE hpipe, ULONG ulState); ULONG DosSetNPipeSem (HPIPE hpipe, HSEM hsem, ULONG ulKey); ULONG DosTransactNPipe (HPIPE hpipe, PVOID pOutbuf, ULONG ulOutbufLength, PVOID pInbuf, ULONG ulInbufLength, PULONG pulBytesRead); ULONG DosWaitNPipe (PCSZ pszName, ULONG ulTimeout); /* ------------------------------- QUEUES --------------------------------- */ #if defined (INCL_DOSQUEUES) #define QUE_FIFO 0x0000 #define QUE_LIFO 0x0001 #define QUE_PRIORITY 0x0002 #define QUE_NOCONVERT_ADDRESS 0x0000 #define QUE_CONVERT_ADDRESS 0x0004 typedef struct _REQUESTDATA { PID pid; ULONG ulData; } REQUESTDATA; typedef REQUESTDATA *PREQUESTDATA; ULONG DosCreatePipe (PHFILE phfReadHandle, PHFILE phfWriteHandle, ULONG ulPipeSize); ULONG DosCloseQueue (HQUEUE hq); ULONG DosCreateQueue (PHQUEUE phq, ULONG ulPriority, PCSZ pszName); ULONG DosOpenQueue (PPID ppid, PHQUEUE phq, PCSZ pszName); ULONG DosPeekQueue (HQUEUE hq, PREQUESTDATA pRequest, PULONG pulDataLength, PPVOID pDataAddress, PULONG pulElement, BOOL32 fNowait, PBYTE pPriority, HEV hsem); ULONG DosPurgeQueue (HQUEUE hq); ULONG DosQueryQueue (HQUEUE hq, PULONG pulCount); ULONG DosReadQueue (HQUEUE hq, PREQUESTDATA pRequest, PULONG pulDataLength, PPVOID pDataAddress, ULONG pulElement, BOOL32 fNowait, PBYTE pPriority, HEV hsem); ULONG DosWriteQueue (HQUEUE hq, ULONG ulRequest, ULONG ulDataLength, PVOID pData, ULONG ulPriority); #endif /* INCL_DOSQUEUES */ /* --------------------------- EXCEPTIONS --------------------------------- */ #if defined (INCL_DOSEXCEPTIONS) #define CONTEXT_CONTROL 0x0001 #define CONTEXT_INTEGER 0x0002 #define CONTEXT_SEGMENTS 0x0004 #define CONTEXT_FLOATING_POINT 0x0008 #define CONTEXT_FULL (CONTEXT_CONTROL | CONTEXT_INTEGER | \ CONTEXT_SEGMENTS | CONTEXT_FLOATING_POINT) #define EH_NONCONTINUABLE 0x0001 #define EH_UNWINDING 0x0002 #define EH_EXIT_UNWIND 0x0004 #define EH_STACK_INVALID 0x0008 #define EH_NESTED_CALL 0x0010 #define SIG_UNSETFOCUS 0 #define SIG_SETFOCUS 1 #define UNWIND_ALL 0 #define XCPT_CONTINUE_SEARCH 0x00000000 #define XCPT_CONTINUE_EXECUTION 0xffffffff #define XCPT_CONTINUE_STOP 0x00716668 #define XCPT_SIGNAL_INTR 1 #define XCPT_SIGNAL_KILLPROC 3 #define XCPT_SIGNAL_BREAK 4 #define XCPT_FATAL_EXCEPTION 0xc0000000 #define XCPT_SEVERITY_CODE 0xc0000000 #define XCPT_CUSTOMER_CODE 0x20000000 #define XCPT_FACILITY_CODE 0x1fff0000 #define XCPT_EXCEPTION_CODE 0x0000ffff #define XCPT_UNKNOWN_ACCESS 0x00000000 #define XCPT_READ_ACCESS 0x00000001 #define XCPT_WRITE_ACCESS 0x00000002 #define XCPT_EXECUTE_ACCESS 0x00000004 #define XCPT_SPACE_ACCESS 0x00000008 #define XCPT_LIMIT_ACCESS 0x00000010 #define XCPT_DATA_UNKNOWN 0xffffffff #define XCPT_GUARD_PAGE_VIOLATION 0x80000001 #define XCPT_UNABLE_TO_GROW_STACK 0x80010001 #define XCPT_ACCESS_VIOLATION 0xc0000005 #define XCPT_IN_PAGE_ERROR 0xc0000006 #define XCPT_ILLEGAL_INSTRUCTION 0xc000001c #define XCPT_INVALID_LOCK_SEQUENCE 0xc000001d #define XCPT_NONCONTINUABLE_EXCEPTION 0xc0000024 #define XCPT_INVALID_DISPOSITION 0xc0000025 #define XCPT_UNWIND 0xc0000026 #define XCPT_BAD_STACK 0xc0000027 #define XCPT_INVALID_UNWIND_TARGET 0xc0000028 #define XCPT_ARRAY_BOUNDS_EXCEEDED 0xc0000093 #define XCPT_FLOAT_DENORMAL_OPERAND 0xc0000094 #define XCPT_FLOAT_DIVIDE_BY_ZERO 0xc0000095 #define XCPT_FLOAT_INEXACT_RESULT 0xc0000096 #define XCPT_FLOAT_INVALID_OPERATION 0xc0000097 #define XCPT_FLOAT_OVERFLOW 0xc0000098 #define XCPT_FLOAT_STACK_CHECK 0xc0000099 #define XCPT_FLOAT_UNDERFLOW 0xc000009a #define XCPT_INTEGER_DIVIDE_BY_ZERO 0xc000009b #define XCPT_INTEGER_OVERFLOW 0xc000009c #define XCPT_PRIVILEGED_INSTRUCTION 0xc000009d #define XCPT_DATATYPE_MISALIGNMENT 0xc000009e #define XCPT_BREAKPOINT 0xc000009f #define XCPT_SINGLE_STEP 0xc00000a0 #define XCPT_PROCESS_TERMINATE 0xc0010001 #define XCPT_ASYNC_PROCESS_TERMINATE 0xc0010002 #define XCPT_SIGNAL 0xc0010003 typedef struct _fpreg /* Note 1 */ { ULONG losig; ULONG hisig; USHORT signexp; } FPREG; typedef FPREG *PFPREG; typedef struct _CONTEXT /* Note 1 */ { ULONG ContextFlags; ULONG ctx_env[7]; FPREG ctx_stack[8]; ULONG ctx_SegGs; ULONG ctx_SegFs; ULONG ctx_SegEs; ULONG ctx_SegDs; ULONG ctx_RegEdi; ULONG ctx_RegEsi; ULONG ctx_RegEax; ULONG ctx_RegEbx; ULONG ctx_RegEcx; ULONG ctx_RegEdx; ULONG ctx_RegEbp; ULONG ctx_RegEip; ULONG ctx_SegCs; ULONG ctx_EFlags; ULONG ctx_RegEsp; ULONG ctx_SegSs; } CONTEXTRECORD; typedef CONTEXTRECORD *PCONTEXTRECORD; #define EXCEPTION_MAXIMUM_PARAMETERS 4 typedef struct _EXCEPTIONREPORTRECORD { ULONG ExceptionNum; ULONG fHandlerFlags; struct _EXCEPTIONREPORTRECORD * NestedExceptionReportRecord; PVOID ExceptionAddress; ULONG cParameters; ULONG ExceptionInfo[EXCEPTION_MAXIMUM_PARAMETERS]; } EXCEPTIONREPORTRECORD; typedef EXCEPTIONREPORTRECORD *PEXCEPTIONREPORTRECORD; struct _EXCEPTIONREGISTRATIONRECORD; typedef ULONG _ERR (PEXCEPTIONREPORTRECORD pReport, struct _EXCEPTIONREGISTRATIONRECORD *pRegistration, PCONTEXTRECORD pContext, PVOID pWhatever); typedef _ERR *ERR; typedef struct _EXCEPTIONREGISTRATIONRECORD { struct _EXCEPTIONREGISTRATIONRECORD * __volatile__ prev_structure; ERR __volatile__ ExceptionHandler; } EXCEPTIONREGISTRATIONRECORD; typedef EXCEPTIONREGISTRATIONRECORD *PEXCEPTIONREGISTRATIONRECORD; #define END_OF_CHAIN ((PEXCEPTIONREGISTRATIONRECORD)(-1)) ULONG DosAcknowledgeSignalException (ULONG ulSignal); ULONG DosEnterMustComplete (PULONG pulNesting); ULONG DosExitMustComplete (PULONG pulNesting); ULONG DosQueryThreadContext (TID tid, ULONG ulLevel, PCONTEXTRECORD pContext); ULONG DosRaiseException (PEXCEPTIONREPORTRECORD pXRepRec); ULONG DosSendSignalException (PID pid, ULONG ulSignal); ULONG DosSetExceptionHandler (PEXCEPTIONREGISTRATIONRECORD pXRegRec); ULONG DosSetSignalExceptionFocus (BOOL32 flag, PULONG pulTimes); ULONG DosUnsetExceptionHandler (PEXCEPTIONREGISTRATIONRECORD pXRegRec); ULONG DosUnwindException (PEXCEPTIONREGISTRATIONRECORD pXRegRec, PVOID pJumpThere, PEXCEPTIONREPORTRECORD pXRepRec); #endif /* INCL_DOSEXCEPTIONS */ /* --------------------------- INFORMATION -------------------------------- */ #if defined (INCL_DOSMISC) #define QSV_MAX_PATH_LENGTH 1 #define QSV_MAX_TEXT_SESSIONS 2 #define QSV_MAX_PM_SESSIONS 3 #define QSV_MAX_VDM_SESSIONS 4 #define QSV_BOOT_DRIVE 5 #define QSV_DYN_PRI_VARIATION 6 #define QSV_MAX_WAIT 7 #define QSV_MIN_SLICE 8 #define QSV_MAX_SLICE 9 #define QSV_PAGE_SIZE 10 #define QSV_VERSION_MAJOR 11 #define QSV_VERSION_MINOR 12 #define QSV_VERSION_REVISION 13 #define QSV_MS_COUNT 14 #define QSV_TIME_LOW 15 #define QSV_TIME_HIGH 16 #define QSV_TOTPHYSMEM 17 #define QSV_TOTRESMEM 18 #define QSV_TOTAVAILMEM 19 #define QSV_MAXPRMEM 20 #define QSV_MAXSHMEM 21 #define QSV_TIMER_INTERVAL 22 #define QSV_MAX_COMP_LENGTH 23 #define QSV_FOREGROUND_FS_SESSION 24 #define QSV_FOREGROUND_PROCESS 25 #define QSV_MAX QSV_FOREGROUND_PROCESS #define SIS_MMIOADDR 0 #define SIS_MEC_TABLE 1 #define SIS_SYS_LOG 2 ULONG DosQuerySysInfo (ULONG ulStart, ULONG ulLast, PVOID pBuf, ULONG ulBufLength); ULONG DosScanEnv (PCSZ pszName, PSZ *pszValue); ULONG DosQueryRASInfo (ULONG Index, PPVOID Addr); #endif /* INCL_DOSMISC */ /* ---------------------------- TIMERS ------------------------------------ */ #if defined (INCL_DOSDATETIME) || !defined (INCL_NOCOMMON) typedef struct _DATETIME { UCHAR hours; UCHAR minutes; UCHAR seconds; UCHAR hundredths; UCHAR day; UCHAR month; USHORT year; SHORT timezone; UCHAR weekday; } DATETIME; typedef DATETIME *PDATETIME; ULONG DosGetDateTime (PDATETIME pdt); ULONG DosSetDateTime (__const__ DATETIME *pdt); #endif /* INCL_DOSDATETIME || !INCL_NOCOMMON */ #if defined (INCL_DOSDATETIME) typedef LHANDLE HTIMER; typedef HTIMER *PHTIMER; ULONG DosAsyncTimer (ULONG ulMilliSec, HSEM hsem, PHTIMER phtimer); ULONG DosStartTimer (ULONG ulMilliSec, HSEM hsem, PHTIMER phtimer); ULONG DosStopTimer (HTIMER htimer); #endif /* INCL_DOSDATETIME */ #if defined (INCL_DOSPROFILE) typedef struct _QWORD { ULONG ulLo; ULONG ulHi; } QWORD; typedef QWORD *PQWORD; ULONG DosTmrQueryFreq (PULONG pulTmrFreq); ULONG DosTmrQueryTime (PQWORD pqwTmrTime); #endif /* INCL_DOSPROFILE */ /* ---------------------- VIRTUAL DOS MACHINES----------------------------- */ typedef USHORT SGID; #if defined (INCL_DOSMVDM) typedef LHANDLE HVDD; typedef HVDD *PHVDD; ULONG DosCloseVDD (HVDD hvdd); ULONG DosOpenVDD (PCSZ pszVDD, PHVDD phvdd); ULONG DosQueryDOSProperty (SGID sgidSesssionID, PCSZ pszName, ULONG ulBufferLength, PSZ pBuffer); ULONG DosRequestVDD (HVDD hvdd, SGID sgidSessionID, ULONG ulCommand, ULONG ulInputBufferLength, PVOID pInputBuffer, ULONG ulOutputBufferLength, PVOID pOutputBuffer); ULONG DosSetDOSProperty (SGID sgidSessionID, PCSZ pszName, ULONG ulBufferLength, PCSZ pBuffer); #endif /* INCL_DOSMVDM */ /* --------------------------- DEBUGGING ---------------------------------- */ #if defined (INCL_DOSPROCESS) #define DBG_C_Null 0 #define DBG_C_ReadMem 1 #define DBG_C_ReadMem_I 1 #define DBG_C_ReadMem_D 2 #define DBG_C_ReadReg 3 #define DBG_C_WriteMem 4 #define DBG_C_WriteMem_I 4 #define DBG_C_WriteMem_D 5 #define DBG_C_WriteReg 6 #define DBG_C_Go 7 #define DBG_C_Term 8 #define DBG_C_SStep 9 #define DBG_C_Stop 10 #define DBG_C_Freeze 11 #define DBG_C_Resume 12 #define DBG_C_NumToAddr 13 #define DBG_C_ReadCoRegs 14 #define DBG_C_WriteCoRegs 15 #define DBG_C_ThrdStat 17 #define DBG_C_MapROAlias 18 #define DBG_C_MapRWAlias 19 #define DBG_C_UnMapAlias 20 #define DBG_C_Connect 21 #define DBG_C_ReadMemBuf 22 #define DBG_C_WriteMemBuf 23 #define DBG_C_SetWatch 24 #define DBG_C_ClearWatch 25 #define DBG_C_RangeStep 26 #define DBG_C_Continue 27 #define DBG_C_AddrToObject 28 #define DBG_C_XchngOpcode 29 #define DBG_C_LinToSel 30 #define DBG_C_SelToLin 31 #define DBG_N_Success 0 #define DBG_N_Error (-1) #define DBG_N_ProcTerm (-6) #define DBG_N_Exception (-7) #define DBG_N_ModuleLoad (-8) #define DBG_N_CoError (-9) #define DBG_N_ThreadTerm (-10) #define DBG_N_AsyncStop (-11) #define DBG_N_NewProc (-12) #define DBG_N_AliasFree (-13) #define DBG_N_Watchpoint (-14) #define DBG_N_ThreadCreate (-15) #define DBG_N_ModuleFree (-16) #define DBG_N_RangeStep (-17) #define DBG_D_Thawed 0 #define DBG_D_Frozen 1 #define DBG_T_Runnable 0 #define DBG_T_Suspended 1 #define DBG_T_Blocked 2 #define DBG_T_CritSec 3 #define DBG_L_386 1 #define DBG_LEN_387 108 #define DBG_CO_387 1 #define DBG_O_OBJMTE 0x10000000 #define DBG_W_Global 0x00000001 #define DBG_W_Local 0x00000002 #define DBG_W_Execute 0x00010000 #define DBG_W_Write 0x00020000 #define DBG_W_ReadWrite 0x00030000 #define DBG_X_PRE_FIRST_CHANCE 0x00000000 #define DBG_X_FIRST_CHANCE 0x00000001 #define DBG_X_LAST_CHANCE 0x00000002 #define DBG_X_STACK_INVALID 0x00000003 typedef struct _TStat { UCHAR DbgState; UCHAR TState; USHORT TPriority; } TStat_t; typedef struct _uDB { ULONG Pid; ULONG Tid; LONG Cmd; LONG Value; ULONG Addr; ULONG Buffer; ULONG Len; ULONG Index; ULONG MTE; ULONG EAX; ULONG ECX; ULONG EDX; ULONG EBX; ULONG ESP; ULONG EBP; ULONG ESI; ULONG EDI; ULONG EFlags; ULONG EIP; ULONG CSLim; ULONG CSBase; UCHAR CSAcc; UCHAR CSAtr; USHORT CS; ULONG DSLim; ULONG DSBase; UCHAR DSAcc; UCHAR DSAtr; USHORT DS; ULONG ESLim; ULONG ESBase; UCHAR ESAcc; UCHAR ESAtr; USHORT ES; ULONG FSLim; ULONG FSBase; UCHAR FSAcc; UCHAR FSAtr; USHORT FS; ULONG GSLim; ULONG GSBase; UCHAR GSAcc; UCHAR GSAtr; USHORT GS; ULONG SSLim; ULONG SSBase; UCHAR SSAcc; UCHAR SSAtr; USHORT SS; } uDB_t; ULONG DosDebug (uDB_t *pDebugBuffer); #endif /* INCL_DOSPROCESS */ /* ---------------------------- MESSAGES ---------------------------------- */ #if defined (INCL_DOSMISC) ULONG DosGetMessage (PCHAR *pTable, ULONG ulTableEntries, PCHAR pBuffer, ULONG ulBufferLengthMax, ULONG ulMsgnNumber, PCSZ pszFile, PULONG pulBufferLength); ULONG DosInsertMessage (PCHAR *pTable, ULONG ulCount, PCSZ pszMsg, ULONG ulMsgLength, PCHAR pBuffer, ULONG ulBufferLengthMax, PULONG pulBufferLength); ULONG DosPutMessage (HFILE hfile, ULONG ulMessageLength, PCHAR pMessage); ULONG DosQueryMessageCP (PCHAR pBuffer, ULONG ulBufferLengthMax, PCSZ pszFilename, PULONG pulBufferLength); #endif /* INCL_DOSMISC */ /* ----------------------------- RAS -------------------------------------- */ #if defined (INCL_DOSRAS) #define DDP_DISABLEPROCDUMP 0 #define DDP_ENABLEPROCDUMP 1 #define DDP_PERFORMPROCDUMP 2 #define LF_LOGENABLE 0x0001 #define LF_LOGAVAILABLE 0x0002 #define SIS_MMIOADDR 0 #define SIS_MEC_TABLE 1 #define SIS_SYS_LOG 2 #define SPU_DISABLESUPPRESSION 0 #define SPU_ENABLESUPPRESSION 1 ULONG DosDumpProcess (ULONG ulFlag, ULONG ulDrive, PID pid); ULONG DosForceSystemDump (ULONG ulReserved); ULONG DosQueryRASInfo (ULONG ulIndex, PPVOID addr); ULONG DosSuppressPopUps (ULONG ulFlag, ULONG ulDrive); #endif /* INCL_DOSRAS */ /* ---------------------------- REXX -------------------------------------- */ #define RXAUTOBUFLEN 256 typedef struct _RXSTRING { ULONG strlength; PCH strptr; } RXSTRING; typedef RXSTRING *PRXSTRING; typedef struct _RXSYSEXIT { PSZ sysexit_name; LONG sysexit_code; } RXSYSEXIT; typedef RXSYSEXIT *PRXSYSEXIT; #define RXNULLSTRING(r) ((r).strptr == (PCH)0) #define RXZEROLENSTRING(r) ((r).strptr != (PCH)0 && (r).strlength == 0) #define RXVALIDSTRING(r) ((r).strptr != (PCH)0 && (r).strlength != 0) #define RXSTRLEN(r) (RXNULLSTRING(r) ? 0 : (r).strlength) #define RXSTRPTR(r) (r).strptr #define MAKERXSTRING(r,p,l) \ ((r).strptr = (PCH)p, (r).strlength = (ULONG)l) #define RXCOMMAND 0 #define RXSUBROUTINE 1 #define RXFUNCTION 2 #if defined (INCL_RXSUBCOM) #define RXSUBCOM_DROPPABLE 0x0000 #define RXSUBCOM_NONDROP 0x0001 #define RXSUBCOM_ISREG 0x0001 #define RXSUBCOM_ERROR 0x0001 #define RXSUBCOM_FAILURE 0x0002 #define RXSUBCOM_BADENTRY 1001 #define RXSUBCOM_NOEMEM 1002 #define RXSUBCOM_BADTYPE 1003 #define RXSUBCOM_NOTINIT 1004 #define RXSUBCOM_OK 0 #define RXSUBCOM_DUP 10 #define RXSUBCOM_MAXREG 20 #define RXSUBCOM_NOTREG 30 #define RXSUBCOM_NOCANDROP 40 #define RXSUBCOM_LOADERR 50 #define RXSUBCOM_NOPROC 127 typedef ULONG RexxSubcomHandler (PRXSTRING prxCommand, PUSHORT pusFlags, PRXSTRING prxResult); ULONG RexxDeregisterSubcom (PCSZ pszEnvName, PCSZ pszModuleName); ULONG RexxQuerySubcom (PCSZ pszEnvName, PCSZ pszModuleName, PUSHORT pusFlags, PUCHAR pUserWord); ULONG RexxRegisterSubcomDll (PCSZ pszEnvName, PCSZ pszModuleName, PCSZ pszEntryPoint, PUCHAR pUserArea, ULONG ulDropAuth); ULONG RexxRegisterSubcomExe (PCSZ pszEnvName, PFN pfnEntryPoint, PUCHAR pUserArea); #define REXXDEREGISTERSUBCOM RexxDeregisterSubcom #define REXXREGISTERSUBCOMDLL RexxRegisterSubcomDll #define REXXREGISTERSUBCOMEXE RexxRegisterSubcomExe #define REXXQUERYSUBCOM RexxQuerySubcom #endif /* INCL_RXSUBCOM */ #if defined (INCL_RXSHV) #define RXSHV_SET 0x0000 #define RXSHV_FETCH 0x0001 #define RXSHV_DROPV 0x0002 #define RXSHV_SYSET 0x0003 #define RXSHV_SYFET 0x0004 #define RXSHV_SYDRO 0x0005 #define RXSHV_NEXTV 0x0006 #define RXSHV_PRIV 0x0007 #define RXSHV_EXIT 0x0008 #define RXSHV_NOAVL 144 #define RXSHV_OK 0x0000 #define RXSHV_NEWV 0x0001 #define RXSHV_LVAR 0x0002 #define RXSHV_TRUNC 0x0004 #define RXSHV_BADN 0x0008 #define RXSHV_MEMFL 0x0010 #define RXSHV_BADF 0x0080 typedef struct _SHVBLOCK { struct _SHVBLOCK *shvnext; RXSTRING shvname; RXSTRING shvvalue; ULONG shvnamelen; ULONG shvvaluelen; UCHAR shvcode; UCHAR shvret; } SHVBLOCK; typedef SHVBLOCK *PSHVBLOCK; ULONG RexxVariablePool (PSHVBLOCK pRequest); #define REXXVARIABLEPOOL RexxVariablePool #endif /* INCL_RXSHV */ #if defined (INCL_RXFUNC) #define RXFUNC_DYNALINK 1 #define RXFUNC_CALLENTRY 2 #define RXFUNC_OK 0 #define RXFUNC_DEFINED 10 #define RXFUNC_NOMEM 20 #define RXFUNC_NOTREG 30 #define RXFUNC_MODNOTFND 40 #define RXFUNC_ENTNOTFND 50 #define RXFUNC_NOTINIT 60 #define RXFUNC_BADTYPE 70 typedef ULONG RexxFunctionHandler (PCSZ pszName, ULONG ulArgCount, PRXSTRING prxArgList, PCSZ pszQueueName, PRXSTRING prxResult); ULONG RexxDeregisterFunction (PCSZ pszFuncName); ULONG RexxQueryFunction (PCSZ pszFuncName); ULONG RexxRegisterFunctionDll (PCSZ pszFuncName, PCSZ pszModuleName, PCSZ pszEntryPoint); ULONG RexxRegisterFunctionExe (PCSZ pszFuncName, RexxFunctionHandler *pfnEntryPoint); #define REXXDEREGISTERFUNCTION RexxDeregisterFunction #define REXXQUERYFUNCTION RexxQueryFunction #define REXXREGISTERFUNCTIONDLL RexxRegisterFunctionDll #define REXXREGISTERFUNCTIONEXE RexxRegisterFunctionExe #endif /* INCL_RXFUNC */ #if defined (INCL_RXSYSEXIT) #define RXEXIT_DROPPABLE 0x0000 #define RXEXIT_NONDROP 0x0001 #define RXEXIT_HANDLED 0 #define RXEXIT_NOT_HANDLED 1 #define RXEXIT_RAISE_ERROR (-1) #define RXEXIT_ISREG 0x0001 #define RXEXIT_ERROR 0x0001 #define RXEXIT_FAILURE 0x0002 #define RXEXIT_BADENTRY 1001 #define RXEXIT_NOEMEM 1002 #define RXEXIT_BADTYPE 1003 #define RXEXIT_NOTINIT 1004 #define RXEXIT_OK 0 #define RXEXIT_DUP 10 #define RXEXIT_MAXREG 20 #define RXEXIT_NOTREG 30 #define RXEXIT_NOCANDROP 40 #define RXEXIT_LOADERR 50 #define RXEXIT_NOPROC 127 #define RXENDLST 0 #define RXFNC 2 #define RXFNCCAL 1 #define RXCMD 3 #define RXCMDHST 1 #define RXMSQ 4 #define RXMSQPLL 1 #define RXMSQPSH 2 #define RXMSQSIZ 3 #define RXMSQNAM 20 #define RXSIO 5 #define RXSIOSAY 1 #define RXSIOTRC 2 #define RXSIOTRD 3 #define RXSIODTR 4 #define RXSIOTLL 5 #define RXHLT 7 #define RXHLTCLR 1 #define RXHLTTST 2 #define RXTRC 8 #define RXTRCTST 1 #define RXINI 9 #define RXINIEXT 1 #define RXTER 10 #define RXTEREXT 1 #define RXNOOFEXITS 11 typedef PUCHAR PEXIT; typedef struct _RXFNC_FLAGS { ULONG rxfferr : 1; ULONG rxffnfnd : 1; ULONG rxffsub : 1; } RXFNC_FLAGS; typedef struct _RXFNCCAL_PARM { RXFNC_FLAGS rxfnc_flags; PUCHAR rxfnc_name; USHORT rxfnc_namel; PUCHAR rxfnc_que; USHORT rxfnc_quel; USHORT rxfnc_argc; PRXSTRING rxfnc_argv; RXSTRING rxfnc_retc; } RXFNCCAL_PARM; typedef struct _RXCMD_FLAGS { ULONG rxfcfail : 1; ULONG rxfcerr : 1; } RXCMD_FLAGS; typedef struct _RXCMDHST_PARM { RXCMD_FLAGS rxcmd_flags; PUCHAR rxcmd_address; USHORT rxcmd_addressl; PUCHAR rxcmd_dll; USHORT rxcmd_dll_len; RXSTRING rxcmd_command; RXSTRING rxcmd_retc; } RXCMDHST_PARM; typedef struct _RXMSQPLL_PARM { RXSTRING rxmsq_retc; } RXMSQPLL_PARM; typedef struct _RXMSQ_FLAGS { ULONG rxfmlifo : 1; } RXMSQ_FLAGS; typedef struct _RXMSQPSH_PARM { RXMSQ_FLAGS rxmsq_flags; RXSTRING rxmsq_value; } RXMSQPSH_PARM; typedef struct _RXMSQSIZ_PARM { ULONG rxmsq_size; } RXMSQSIZ_PARM; typedef struct _RXMSQNAM_PARM { RXSTRING rxmsq_name; } RXMSQNAM_PARM; typedef struct _RXSIOSAY_PARM { RXSTRING rxsio_string; } RXSIOSAY_PARM; typedef struct _RXSIOTRC_PARM { RXSTRING rxsio_string; } RXSIOTRC_PARM; typedef struct _RXSIOTRD_PARM { RXSTRING rxsiotrd_retc; } RXSIOTRD_PARM; typedef struct _RXSIODR_PARM { RXSTRING rxsiodtr_retc; } RXSIODTR_PARM; typedef struct _RXHLT_FLAGS { ULONG rxfhhalt : 1; } RXHLT_FLAGS; typedef struct _RXHLTTST_PARM { RXHLT_FLAGS rxhlt_flags; } RXHLTTST_PARM; typedef struct _RXTRC_FLAGS { ULONG rxftrace : 1; } RXTRC_FLAGS; typedef struct _RXTRCTST_PARM { RXTRC_FLAGS rxtrc_flags; } RXTRCTST_PARM; typedef LONG RexxExitHandler (LONG lExitNumber, LONG lSubfunction, PEXIT pParmBlock); ULONG RexxDeregisterExit (PCSZ pszEnvName, PCSZ pszModuleName); ULONG RexxQueryExit (PCSZ pszEnvName, PCSZ pszModuleName, PUSHORT pusFlag, PUCHAR pUserWord); ULONG RexxRegisterExitDll (PCSZ pszEnvName, PCSZ pszModuleName, PCSZ pszEntryName, PUCHAR pUserArea, ULONG ulDropAuth); ULONG RexxRegisterExitExe (PCSZ pszEnvName, PFN pfnEntryPoint, PUCHAR pUserArea); #define REXXDEREGISTEREXIT RexxDeregisterExit #define REXXQUERYEXIT RexxQueryExit #define REXXREGISTEREXITDLL RexxRegisterExitDll #define REXXREGISTEREXITEXE RexxRegisterExitExe #endif /* INCL_RXSYSEXIT */ #if defined (INCL_RXARI) #define RXARI_OK 0 #define RXARI_NOT_FOUND 1 #define RXARI_PROCESSING_ERROR 2 ULONG RexxResetTrace (PID pid, TID tid); ULONG RexxSetHalt (PID pid, TID tid); ULONG RexxSetTrace (PID pid, TID tid); #define REXXRESETTRACE RexxResetTrace #define REXXSETHALT RexxSetHalt #define REXXSETTRACE RexxSetTrace #endif /* INCL_RXARI */ #if defined (INCL_RXMACRO) #define RXMACRO_SEARCH_BEFORE 1 #define RXMACRO_SEARCH_AFTER 2 #define RXMACRO_OK 0 #define RXMACRO_NO_STORAGE 1 #define RXMACRO_NOT_FOUND 2 #define RXMACRO_EXTENSION_REQUIRED 3 #define RXMACRO_ALREADY_EXISTS 4 #define RXMACRO_FILE_ERROR 5 #define RXMACRO_SIGNATURE_ERROR 6 #define RXMACRO_SOURCE_NOT_FOUND 7 #define RXMACRO_INVALID_POSITION 8 #define RXMACRO_NOT_INIT 9 ULONG RexxAddMacro (PCSZ pszFuncName, PCSZ pszSourceFile, ULONG ulPosition); ULONG RexxClearMacroSpace (VOID); ULONG RexxDropMacro (PCSZ pszFuncName); ULONG RexxLoadMacroSpace (ULONG ulFuncCout, PCSZ *apszFuncNames, PCSZ pszMacroLibFile); ULONG RexxQueryMacro (PCSZ pszFuncName, PUSHORT pusPosition); ULONG RexxReorderMacro(PCSZ pszFuncName, ULONG ulPosition); ULONG RexxSaveMacroSpace (ULONG ulFuncCount, PCSZ *apszFuncNames, PCSZ pszMacroLibFile); #define REXXADDMACRO RexxAddMacro #define REXXCLEARMACROSPACE RexxClearMacroSpace #define REXXDROPMACRO RexxDropMacro #define REXXSAVEMACROSPACE RexxSaveMacroSpace #define REXXLOADMACROSPACE RexxLoadMacroSpace #define REXXQUERYMACRO RexxQueryMacro #define REXXREORDERMACRO RexxReorderMacro #endif /* INCL_RXMACRO */ LONG RexxStart (LONG lArgCount, PRXSTRING prxArgList, PCSZ pszProgramName, PRXSTRING prxInstore, PCSZ pszEnvName, LONG lCallType, PRXSYSEXIT pExits, PSHORT psReturnCode, PRXSTRING prxResult); #define REXXSTART RexxStart /* ----------------------- PRESENTATION MANAGER --------------------------- */ #define CTLS_WM_BIDI_FIRST 0x390 #define CTLS_WM_BIDI_LAST 0x39f #if defined (INCL_NLS) #define WM_DBCSFIRST 0x00b0 #define WM_DBCSLAST 0x00cf #endif /* INCL_NLS */ #define WC_FRAME ((PSZ)0xffff0001) #define WC_COMBOBOX ((PSZ)0xffff0002) #define WC_BUTTON ((PSZ)0xffff0003) #define WC_MENU ((PSZ)0xffff0004) #define WC_STATIC ((PSZ)0xffff0005) #define WC_ENTRYFIELD ((PSZ)0xffff0006) #define WC_LISTBOX ((PSZ)0xffff0007) #define WC_SCROLLBAR ((PSZ)0xffff0008) #define WC_TITLEBAR ((PSZ)0xffff0009) #define WC_MLE ((PSZ)0xffff000a) #define WC_APPSTAT ((PSZ)0xffff0010) #define WC_KBDSTAT ((PSZ)0xffff0011) #define WC_PECIC ((PSZ)0xffff0012) #define WC_DBE_KKPOPUP ((PSZ)0xffff0013) #define WC_SPINBUTTON ((PSZ)0xffff0020) #define WC_CONTAINER ((PSZ)0xffff0025) #define WC_SLIDER ((PSZ)0xffff0026) #define WC_VALUESET ((PSZ)0xffff0027) #define WC_NOTEBOOK ((PSZ)0xffff0028) #define WC_PENFIRST ((PSZ)0xffff0029) #define WC_PENLAST ((PSZ)0xffff002c) #define WC_MMPMFIRST ((PSZ)0xffff0040) #define WC_CIRCULARSLIDER ((PSZ)0xffff0041) #define WC_MMPMLAST ((PSZ)0xffff004f) #define WS_VISIBLE 0x80000000 #define WS_DISABLED 0x40000000 #define WS_CLIPCHILDREN 0x20000000 #define WS_CLIPSIBLINGS 0x10000000 #define WS_PARENTCLIP 0x08000000 #define WS_SAVEBITS 0x04000000 #define WS_SYNCPAINT 0x02000000 #define WS_MINIMIZED 0x01000000 #define WS_MAXIMIZED 0x00800000 #define WS_ANIMATE 0x00400000 #define WS_GROUP 0x00010000 #define WS_TABSTOP 0x00020000 #define WS_MULTISELECT 0x00040000 #define CS_MOVENOTIFY 0x00000001 #define CS_SIZEREDRAW 0x00000004 #define CS_HITTEST 0x00000008 #define CS_PUBLIC 0x00000010 #define CS_FRAME 0x00000020 #define CS_CLIPCHILDREN 0x20000000 #define CS_CLIPSIBLINGS 0x10000000 #define CS_PARENTCLIP 0x08000000 #define CS_SAVEBITS 0x04000000 #define CS_SYNCPAINT 0x02000000 #define MID_NONE (-1) #define MID_ERROR (-1) #define DB_PATCOPY 0x0000 #define DB_PATINVERT 0x0001 #define DB_DESTINVERT 0x0002 #define DB_AREAMIXMODE 0x0003 #define DB_ROP 0x0007 #define DB_INTERIOR 0x0008 #define DB_AREAATTRS 0x0010 #define DB_STANDARD 0x0100 #define DB_DLGBORDER 0x0200 #define DBM_NORMAL 0x0000 #define DBM_INVERT 0x0001 #define DBM_HALFTONE 0x0002 #define DBM_STRETCH 0x0004 #define DBM_IMAGEATTRS 0x0008 #define DT_LEFT 0x00000000 #define DT_QUERYEXTENT 0x00000002 #define DT_UNDERSCORE 0x00000010 #define DT_STRIKEOUT 0x00000020 #define DT_TEXTATTRS 0x00000040 #define DT_EXTERNALLEADING 0x00000080 #define DT_CENTER 0x00000100 #define DT_RIGHT 0x00000200 #define DT_TOP 0x00000000 #define DT_VCENTER 0x00000400 #define DT_BOTTOM 0x00000800 #define DT_HALFTONE 0x00001000 #define DT_MNEMONIC 0x00002000 #define DT_WORDBREAK 0x00004000 #define DT_ERASERECT 0x00008000 #define QW_NEXT 0 #define QW_PREV 1 #define QW_TOP 2 #define QW_BOTTOM 3 #define QW_OWNER 4 #define QW_PARENT 5 #define QW_NEXTTOP 6 #define QW_PREVTOP 7 #define QW_FRAMEOWNER 8 #define SWP_SIZE 0x0001 #define SWP_MOVE 0x0002 #define SWP_ZORDER 0x0004 #define SWP_SHOW 0x0008 #define SWP_HIDE 0x0010 #define SWP_NOREDRAW 0x0020 #define SWP_NOADJUST 0x0040 #define SWP_ACTIVATE 0x0080 #define SWP_DEACTIVATE 0x0100 #define SWP_EXTSTATECHANGE 0x0200 #define SWP_MINIMIZE 0x0400 #define SWP_MAXIMIZE 0x0800 #define SWP_RESTORE 0x1000 #define SWP_FOCUSACTIVATE 0x2000 #define SWP_FOCUSDEACTIVATE 0x4000 #define SWP_NOAUTOCLOSE 0x8000 #define AWP_MINIMIZED 0x00010000 #define AWP_MAXIMIZED 0x00020000 #define AWP_RESTORED 0x00040000 #define AWP_ACTIVATE 0x00080000 #define AWP_DEACTIVATE 0x00100000 #define HWND_DESKTOP ((HWND)1) #define HWND_OBJECT ((HWND)2) #define HWND_TOP ((HWND)3) #define HWND_BOTTOM ((HWND)4) #define HWND_THREADCAPTURE ((HWND)5) #define EAF_DEFAULTOWNER 0x0001 #define EAF_UNCHANGEABLE 0x0002 #define EAF_REUSEICON 0x0004 #define ICON_FILE 1 #define ICON_RESOURCE 2 #define ICON_DATA 3 #define ICON_CLEAR 4 #define SZDDEFMT_RTF "Rich Text Format" #define SZDDEFMT_PTRPICT "Printer_Picture" #define STR_DLLNAME "keyremap" #if defined (INCL_WINERRORS) #define PMERR_INVALID_HWND 0x1001 #define PMERR_INVALID_HMQ 0x1002 #define PMERR_PARAMETER_OUT_OF_RANGE 0x1003 #define PMERR_WINDOW_LOCK_UNDERFLOW 0x1004 #define PMERR_WINDOW_LOCK_OVERFLOW 0x1005 #define PMERR_BAD_WINDOW_LOCK_COUNT 0x1006 #define PMERR_WINDOW_NOT_LOCKED 0x1007 #define PMERR_INVALID_SELECTOR 0x1008 #define PMERR_CALL_FROM_WRONG_THREAD 0x1009 #define PMERR_RESOURCE_NOT_FOUND 0x100a #define PMERR_INVALID_STRING_PARM 0x100b #define PMERR_INVALID_HHEAP 0x100c #define PMERR_INVALID_HEAP_POINTER 0x100d #define PMERR_INVALID_HEAP_SIZE_PARM 0x100e #define PMERR_INVALID_HEAP_SIZE 0x100f #define PMERR_INVALID_HEAP_SIZE_WORD 0x1010 #define PMERR_HEAP_OUT_OF_MEMORY 0x1011 #define PMERR_HEAP_MAX_SIZE_REACHED 0x1012 #define PMERR_INVALID_HATOMTBL 0x1013 #define PMERR_INVALID_ATOM 0x1014 #define PMERR_INVALID_ATOM_NAME 0x1015 #define PMERR_INVALID_INTEGER_ATOM 0x1016 #define PMERR_ATOM_NAME_NOT_FOUND 0x1017 #define PMERR_QUEUE_TOO_LARGE 0x1018 #define PMERR_INVALID_FLAG 0x1019 #define PMERR_INVALID_HACCEL 0x101a #define PMERR_INVALID_HPTR 0x101b #define PMERR_INVALID_HENUM 0x101c #define PMERR_INVALID_SRC_CODEPAGE 0x101d #define PMERR_INVALID_DST_CODEPAGE 0x101e #define PMERR_UNKNOWN_COMPONENT_ID 0x101f #define PMERR_UNKNOWN_ERROR_CODE 0x1020 #define PMERR_SEVERITY_LEVELS 0x1021 #define PMERR_INVALID_RESOURCE_FORMAT 0x1034 #define PMERR_NO_MSG_QUEUE 0x1036 #define PMERR_CANNOT_SET_FOCUS 0x1037 #define PMERR_QUEUE_FULL 0x1038 #define PMERR_LIBRARY_LOAD_FAILED 0x1039 #define PMERR_PROCEDURE_LOAD_FAILED 0x103a #define PMERR_LIBRARY_DELETE_FAILED 0x103b #define PMERR_PROCEDURE_DELETE_FAILED 0x103c #define PMERR_ARRAY_TOO_LARGE 0x103d #define PMERR_ARRAY_TOO_SMALL 0x103e #define PMERR_DATATYPE_ENTRY_BAD_INDEX 0x103f #define PMERR_DATATYPE_ENTRY_CTL_BAD 0x1040 #define PMERR_DATATYPE_ENTRY_CTL_MISS 0x1041 #define PMERR_DATATYPE_ENTRY_INVALID 0x1042 #define PMERR_DATATYPE_ENTRY_NOT_NUM 0x1043 #define PMERR_DATATYPE_ENTRY_NOT_OFF 0x1044 #define PMERR_DATATYPE_INVALID 0x1045 #define PMERR_DATATYPE_NOT_UNIQUE 0x1046 #define PMERR_DATATYPE_TOO_LONG 0x1047 #define PMERR_DATATYPE_TOO_SMALL 0x1048 #define PMERR_DIRECTION_INVALID 0x1049 #define PMERR_INVALID_HAB 0x104a #define PMERR_INVALID_HSTRUCT 0x104d #define PMERR_LENGTH_TOO_SMALL 0x104e #define PMERR_MSGID_TOO_SMALL 0x104f #define PMERR_NO_HANDLE_ALLOC 0x1050 #define PMERR_NOT_IN_A_PM_SESSION 0x1051 #define PMERR_MSG_QUEUE_ALREADY_EXISTS 0x1052 #define PMERR_SEND_MSG_TIMEOUT 0x1053 #define PMERROR_SEND_MSG_FAILED 0x1054 #define PMERR_OLD_RESOURCE 0x1055 #define PMERR_WPDSERVER_IS_ACTIVE 0x1056 #define PMERR_WPDSERVER_NOT_STARTED 0x1057 #define PMERR_SOMDD_IS_ACTIVE 0x1058 #define PMERR_SOMDD_NOT_STARTED 0x1059 #define PMERR_BIDI_FIRST 0x10f0 #define PMERR_BIDI_LAST 0x10ff #endif /* INCL_WINERRORS */ #if defined (INCL_SHLERRORS) #define PMERR_INVALID_PIB 0x1101 #define PMERR_INSUFF_SPACE_TO_ADD 0x1102 #define PMERR_INVALID_GROUP_HANDLE 0x1103 #define PMERR_DUPLICATE_TITLE 0x1104 #define PMERR_INVALID_TITLE 0x1105 #define PMERR_HANDLE_NOT_IN_GROUP 0x1107 #define PMERR_INVALID_TARGET_HANDLE 0x1106 #define PMERR_INVALID_PATH_STATEMENT 0x1108 #define PMERR_NO_PROGRAM_FOUND 0x1109 #define PMERR_INVALID_BUFFER_SIZE 0x110a #define PMERR_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL 0x110b #define PMERR_PL_INITIALISATION_FAIL 0x110c #define PMERR_CANT_DESTROY_SYS_GROUP 0x110d #define PMERR_INVALID_TYPE_CHANGE 0x110e #define PMERR_INVALID_PROGRAM_HANDLE 0x110f #define PMERR_NOT_CURRENT_PL_VERSION 0x1110 #define PMERR_INVALID_CIRCULAR_REF 0x1111 #define PMERR_MEMORY_ALLOCATION_ERR 0x1112 #define PMERR_MEMORY_DEALLOCATION_ERR 0x1113 #define PMERR_TASK_HEADER_TOO_BIG 0x1114 #define PMERR_INVALID_INI_FILE_HANDLE 0x1115 #define PMERR_MEMORY_SHARE 0x1116 #define PMERR_OPEN_QUEUE 0x1117 #define PMERR_CREATE_QUEUE 0x1118 #define PMERR_WRITE_QUEUE 0x1119 #define PMERR_READ_QUEUE 0x111a #define PMERR_CALL_NOT_EXECUTED 0x111b #define PMERR_UNKNOWN_APIPKT 0x111c #define PMERR_INITHREAD_EXISTS 0x111d #define PMERR_CREATE_THREAD 0x111e #define PMERR_NO_HK_PROFILE_INSTALLED 0x111f #define PMERR_INVALID_DIRECTORY 0x1120 #define PMERR_WILDCARD_IN_FILENAME 0x1121 #define PMERR_FILENAME_BUFFER_FULL 0x1122 #define PMERR_FILENAME_TOO_LONG 0x1123 #define PMERR_INI_FILE_IS_SYS_OR_USER 0x1124 #define PMERR_BROADCAST_PLMSG 0x1125 #define PMERR_190_INIT_DONE 0x1126 #define PMERR_HMOD_FOR_PMSHAPI 0x1127 #define PMERR_SET_HK_PROFILE 0x1128 #define PMERR_API_NOT_ALLOWED 0x1129 #define PMERR_INI_STILL_OPEN 0x112a #define PMERR_PROGDETAILS_NOT_IN_INI 0x112b #define PMERR_PIBSTRUCT_NOT_IN_INI 0x112c #define PMERR_INVALID_DISKPROGDETAILS 0x112d #define PMERR_PROGDETAILS_READ_FAILURE 0x112e #define PMERR_PROGDETAILS_WRITE_FAILURE 0x112f #define PMERR_PROGDETAILS_QSIZE_FAILURE 0x1130 #define PMERR_INVALID_PROGDETAILS 0x1131 #define PMERR_SHEPROFILEHOOK_NOT_FOUND 0x1132 #define PMERR_190PLCONVERTED 0x1133 #define PMERR_FAILED_TO_CONVERT_INI_PL 0x1134 #define PMERR_PMSHAPI_NOT_INITIALISED 0x1135 #define PMERR_INVALID_SHELL_API_HOOK_ID 0x1136 #define PMERR_DOS_ERROR 0x1200 #define PMERR_NO_SPACE 0x1201 #define PMERR_INVALID_SWITCH_HANDLE 0x1202 #define PMERR_NO_HANDLE 0x1203 #define PMERR_INVALID_PROCESS_ID 0x1204 #define PMERR_NOT_SHELL 0x1205 #define PMERR_INVALID_WINDOW 0x1206 #define PMERR_INVALID_POST_MSG 0x1207 #define PMERR_INVALID_PARAMETERS 0x1208 #define PMERR_INVALID_PROGRAM_TYPE 0x1209 #define PMERR_NOT_EXTENDED_FOCUS 0x120a #define PMERR_INVALID_SESSION_ID 0x120b #define PMERR_SMG_INVALID_ICON_FILE 0x120c #define PMERR_SMG_ICON_NOT_CREATED 0x120d #define PMERR_SHL_DEBUG 0x120e #define PMERR_OPENING_INI_FILE 0x1301 #define PMERR_INI_FILE_CORRUPT 0x1302 #define PMERR_INVALID_PARM 0x1303 #define PMERR_NOT_IN_IDX 0x1304 #define PMERR_NO_ENTRIES_IN_GROUP 0x1305 #define PMERR_INI_WRITE_FAIL 0x1306 #define PMERR_IDX_FULL 0x1307 #define PMERR_INI_PROTECTED 0x1308 #define PMERR_MEMORY_ALLOC 0x1309 #define PMERR_INI_INIT_ALREADY_DONE 0x130a #define PMERR_INVALID_INTEGER 0x130b #define PMERR_INVALID_ASCIIZ 0x130c #define PMERR_CAN_NOT_CALL_SPOOLER 0x130d #define PMERR_VALIDATION_REJECTED 0x130d /*!*/ #define PMERR_WARNING_WINDOW_NOT_KILLED 0x1401 #define PMERR_ERROR_INVALID_WINDOW 0x1402 #define PMERR_ALREADY_INITIALIZED 0x1403 #define PMERR_MSG_PROG_NO_MOU 0x1405 #define PMERR_MSG_PROG_NON_RECOV 0x1406 #define PMERR_WINCONV_INVALID_PATH 0x1407 #define PMERR_PI_NOT_INITIALISED 0x1408 #define PMERR_PL_NOT_INITIALISED 0x1409 #define PMERR_NO_TASK_MANAGER 0x140a #define PMERR_SAVE_NOT_IN_PROGRESS 0x140b #define PMERR_NO_STACK_SPACE 0x140c #define PMERR_INVALID_COLR_FIELD 0x140d #define PMERR_INVALID_COLR_VALUE 0x140e #define PMERR_COLR_WRITE 0x140f #define PMERR_TARGET_FILE_EXISTS 0x1501 #define PMERR_SOURCE_SAME_AS_TARGET 0x1502 #define PMERR_SOURCE_FILE_NOT_FOUND 0x1503 #define PMERR_INVALID_NEW_PATH 0x1504 #define PMERR_TARGET_FILE_NOT_FOUND 0x1505 #define PMERR_INVALID_DRIVE_NUMBER 0x1506 #define PMERR_NAME_TOO_LONG 0x1507 #define PMERR_NOT_ENOUGH_ROOM_ON_DISK 0x1508 #define PMERR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEM 0x1509 #define PMERR_LOG_DRV_DOES_NOT_EXIST 0x150b #define PMERR_INVALID_DRIVE 0x150c #define PMERR_ACCESS_DENIED 0x150d #define PMERR_NO_FIRST_SLASH 0x150e #define PMERR_READ_ONLY_FILE 0x150f #define PMERR_GROUP_PROTECTED 0x151f #define PMERR_INVALID_PROGRAM_CATEGORY 0x152f #define PMERR_INVALID_APPL 0x1530 #define PMERR_CANNOT_START 0x1531 #define PMERR_STARTED_IN_BACKGROUND 0x1532 #define PMERR_INVALID_HAPP 0x1533 #define PMERR_CANNOT_STOP 0x1534 #define PMERR_INVALID_FREE_MESSAGE_ID 0x1630 #define PMERR_FUNCTION_NOT_SUPPORTED 0x1641 #define PMERR_INVALID_ARRAY_COUNT 0x1642 #define PMERR_INVALID_LENGTH 0x1643 #define PMERR_INVALID_BUNDLE_TYPE 0x1644 #define PMERR_INVALID_PARAMETER 0x1645 #define PMERR_INVALID_NUMBER_OF_PARMS 0x1646 #define PMERR_GREATER_THAN_64K 0x1647 #define PMERR_INVALID_PARAMETER_TYPE 0x1648 #define PMERR_NEGATIVE_STRCOND_DIM 0x1649 #define PMERR_INVALID_NUMBER_OF_TYPES 0x164a #define PMERR_INCORRECT_HSTRUCT 0x164b #define PMERR_INVALID_ARRAY_SIZE 0x164c #define PMERR_INVALID_CONTROL_DATATYPE 0x164d #define PMERR_INCOMPLETE_CONTROL_SEQU 0x164e #define PMERR_INVALID_DATATYPE 0x164f #define PMERR_INCORRECT_DATATYPE 0x1650 #define PMERR_NOT_SELF_DESCRIBING_DTYP 0x1651 #define PMERR_INVALID_CTRL_SEQ_INDEX 0x1652 #define PMERR_INVALID_TYPE_FOR_LENGTH 0x1653 #define PMERR_INVALID_TYPE_FOR_OFFSET 0x1654 #define PMERR_INVALID_TYPE_FOR_MPARAM 0x1655 #define PMERR_INVALID_MESSAGE_ID 0x1656 #define PMERR_C_LENGTH_TOO_SMALL 0x1657 #define PMERR_APPL_STRUCTURE_TOO_SMALL 0x1658 #define PMERR_INVALID_ERRORINFO_HANDLE 0x1659 #define PMERR_INVALID_CHARACTER_INDEX 0x165a #endif /* INCL_SHLERRORS */ #if defined (INCL_GPIERRORS) #define PMERR_OK 0x0000 #define PMERR_ALREADY_IN_AREA 0x2001 #define PMERR_ALREADY_IN_ELEMENT 0x2002 #define PMERR_ALREADY_IN_PATH 0x2003 #define PMERR_ALREADY_IN_SEG 0x2004 #define PMERR_AREA_INCOMPLETE 0x2005 #define PMERR_BASE_ERROR 0x2006 #define PMERR_BITBLT_LENGTH_EXCEEDED 0x2007 #define PMERR_BITMAP_IN_USE 0x2008 #define PMERR_BITMAP_IS_SELECTED 0x2009 #define PMERR_BITMAP_NOT_FOUND 0x200a #define PMERR_BITMAP_NOT_SELECTED 0x200b #define PMERR_BOUNDS_OVERFLOW 0x200c #define PMERR_CALLED_SEG_IS_CHAINED 0x200d #define PMERR_CALLED_SEG_IS_CURRENT 0x200e #define PMERR_CALLED_SEG_NOT_FOUND 0x200f #define PMERR_CANNOT_DELETE_ALL_DATA 0x2010 #define PMERR_CANNOT_REPLACE_ELEMENT_0 0x2011 #define PMERR_COL_TABLE_NOT_REALIZABLE 0x2012 #define PMERR_COL_TABLE_NOT_REALIZED 0x2013 #define PMERR_COORDINATE_OVERFLOW 0x2014 #define PMERR_CORR_FORMAT_MISMATCH 0x2015 #define PMERR_DATA_TOO_LONG 0x2016 #define PMERR_DC_IS_ASSOCIATED 0x2017 #define PMERR_DESC_STRING_TRUNCATED 0x2018 #define PMERR_DEVICE_DRIVER_ERROR_1 0x2019 #define PMERR_DEVICE_DRIVER_ERROR_2 0x201a #define PMERR_DEVICE_DRIVER_ERROR_3 0x201b #define PMERR_DEVICE_DRIVER_ERROR_4 0x201c #define PMERR_DEVICE_DRIVER_ERROR_5 0x201d #define PMERR_DEVICE_DRIVER_ERROR_6 0x201e #define PMERR_DEVICE_DRIVER_ERROR_7 0x201f #define PMERR_DEVICE_DRIVER_ERROR_8 0x2020 #define PMERR_DEVICE_DRIVER_ERROR_9 0x2021 #define PMERR_DEVICE_DRIVER_ERROR_10 0x2022 #define PMERR_DEV_FUNC_NOT_INSTALLED 0x2023 #define PMERR_DOSOPEN_FAILURE 0x2024 #define PMERR_DOSREAD_FAILURE 0x2025 #define PMERR_DRIVER_NOT_FOUND 0x2026 #define PMERR_DUP_SEG 0x2027 #define PMERR_DYNAMIC_SEG_SEQ_ERROR 0x2028 #define PMERR_DYNAMIC_SEG_ZERO_INV 0x2029 #define PMERR_ELEMENT_INCOMPLETE 0x202a #define PMERR_ESC_CODE_NOT_SUPPORTED 0x202b #define PMERR_EXCEEDS_MAX_SEG_LENGTH 0x202c #define PMERR_FONT_AND_MODE_MISMATCH 0x202d #define PMERR_FONT_FILE_NOT_LOADED 0x202e #define PMERR_FONT_NOT_LOADED 0x202f #define PMERR_FONT_TOO_BIG 0x2030 #define PMERR_HARDWARE_INIT_FAILURE 0x2031 #define PMERR_HBITMAP_BUSY 0x2032 #define PMERR_HDC_BUSY 0x2033 #define PMERR_HRGN_BUSY 0x2034 #define PMERR_HUGE_FONTS_NOT_SUPPORTED 0x2035 #define PMERR_ID_HAS_NO_BITMAP 0x2036 #define PMERR_IMAGE_INCOMPLETE 0x2037 #define PMERR_INCOMPAT_COLOR_FORMAT 0x2038 #define PMERR_INCOMPAT_COLOR_OPTIONS 0x2039 #define PMERR_INCOMPATIBLE_BITMAP 0x203a #define PMERR_INCOMPATIBLE_METAFILE 0x203b #define PMERR_INCORRECT_DC_TYPE 0x203c #define PMERR_INSUFFICIENT_DISK_SPACE 0x203d #define PMERR_INSUFFICIENT_MEMORY 0x203e #define PMERR_INV_ANGLE_PARM 0x203f #define PMERR_INV_ARC_CONTROL 0x2040 #define PMERR_INV_AREA_CONTROL 0x2041 #define PMERR_INV_ARC_POINTS 0x2042 #define PMERR_INV_ATTR_MODE 0x2043 #define PMERR_INV_BACKGROUND_COL_ATTR 0x2044 #define PMERR_INV_BACKGROUND_MIX_ATTR 0x2045 #define PMERR_INV_BITBLT_MIX 0x2046 #define PMERR_INV_BITBLT_STYLE 0x2047 #define PMERR_INV_BITMAP_DIMENSION 0x2048 #define PMERR_INV_BOX_CONTROL 0x2049 #define PMERR_INV_BOX_ROUNDING_PARM 0x204a #define PMERR_INV_CHAR_ANGLE_ATTR 0x204b #define PMERR_INV_CHAR_DIRECTION_ATTR 0x204c #define PMERR_INV_CHAR_MODE_ATTR 0x204d #define PMERR_INV_CHAR_POS_OPTIONS 0x204e #define PMERR_INV_CHAR_SET_ATTR 0x204f #define PMERR_INV_CHAR_SHEAR_ATTR 0x2050 #define PMERR_INV_CLIP_PATH_OPTIONS 0x2051 #define PMERR_INV_CODEPAGE 0x2052 #define PMERR_INV_COLOR_ATTR 0x2053 #define PMERR_INV_COLOR_DATA 0x2054 #define PMERR_INV_COLOR_FORMAT 0x2055 #define PMERR_INV_COLOR_INDEX 0x2056 #define PMERR_INV_COLOR_OPTIONS 0x2057 #define PMERR_INV_COLOR_START_INDEX 0x2058 #define PMERR_INV_COORD_OFFSET 0x2059 #define PMERR_INV_COORD_SPACE 0x205a #define PMERR_INV_COORDINATE 0x205b #define PMERR_INV_CORRELATE_DEPTH 0x205c #define PMERR_INV_CORRELATE_TYPE 0x205d #define PMERR_INV_CURSOR_BITMAP 0x205e #define PMERR_INV_DC_DATA 0x205f #define PMERR_INV_DC_TYPE 0x2060 #define PMERR_INV_DEVICE_NAME 0x2061 #define PMERR_INV_DEV_MODES_OPTIONS 0x2062 #define PMERR_INV_DRAW_CONTROL 0x2063 #define PMERR_INV_DRAW_VALUE 0x2064 #define PMERR_INV_DRAWING_MODE 0x2065 #define PMERR_INV_DRIVER_DATA 0x2066 #define PMERR_INV_DRIVER_NAME 0x2067 #define PMERR_INV_DRAW_BORDER_OPTION 0x2068 #define PMERR_INV_EDIT_MODE 0x2069 #define PMERR_INV_ELEMENT_OFFSET 0x206a #define PMERR_INV_ELEMENT_POINTER 0x206b #define PMERR_INV_END_PATH_OPTIONS 0x206c #define PMERR_INV_ESC_CODE 0x206d #define PMERR_INV_ESCAPE_DATA 0x206e #define PMERR_INV_EXTENDED_LCID 0x206f #define PMERR_INV_FILL_PATH_OPTIONS 0x2070 #define PMERR_INV_FIRST_CHAR 0x2071 #define PMERR_INV_FONT_ATTRS 0x2072 #define PMERR_INV_FONT_FILE_DATA 0x2073 #define PMERR_INV_FOR_THIS_DC_TYPE 0x2074 #define PMERR_INV_FORMAT_CONTROL 0x2075 #define PMERR_INV_FORMS_CODE 0x2076 #define PMERR_INV_FONTDEF 0x2077 #define PMERR_INV_GEOM_LINE_WIDTH_ATTR 0x2078 #define PMERR_INV_GETDATA_CONTROL 0x2079 #define PMERR_INV_GRAPHICS_FIELD 0x207a #define PMERR_INV_HBITMAP 0x207b #define PMERR_INV_HDC 0x207c #define PMERR_INV_HJOURNAL 0x207d #define PMERR_INV_HMF 0x207e #define PMERR_INV_HPS 0x207f #define PMERR_INV_HRGN 0x2080 #define PMERR_INV_ID 0x2081 #define PMERR_INV_IMAGE_DATA_LENGTH 0x2082 #define PMERR_INV_IMAGE_DIMENSION 0x2083 #define PMERR_INV_IMAGE_FORMAT 0x2084 #define PMERR_INV_IN_AREA 0x2085 #define PMERR_INV_IN_CALLED_SEG 0x2086 #define PMERR_INV_IN_CURRENT_EDIT_MODE 0x2087 #define PMERR_INV_IN_DRAW_MODE 0x2088 #define PMERR_INV_IN_ELEMENT 0x2089 #define PMERR_INV_IN_IMAGE 0x208a #define PMERR_INV_IN_PATH 0x208b #define PMERR_INV_IN_RETAIN_MODE 0x208c #define PMERR_INV_IN_SEG 0x208d #define PMERR_INV_IN_VECTOR_SYMBOL 0x208e #define PMERR_INV_INFO_TABLE 0x208f #define PMERR_INV_JOURNAL_OPTION 0x2090 #define PMERR_INV_KERNING_FLAGS 0x2091 #define PMERR_INV_LENGTH_OR_COUNT 0x2092 #define PMERR_INV_LINE_END_ATTR 0x2093 #define PMERR_INV_LINE_JOIN_ATTR 0x2094 #define PMERR_INV_LINE_TYPE_ATTR 0x2095 #define PMERR_INV_LINE_WIDTH_ATTR 0x2096 #define PMERR_INV_LOGICAL_ADDRESS 0x2097 #define PMERR_INV_MARKER_BOX_ATTR 0x2098 #define PMERR_INV_MARKER_SET_ATTR 0x2099 #define PMERR_INV_MARKER_SYMBOL_ATTR 0x209a #define PMERR_INV_MATRIX_ELEMENT 0x209b #define PMERR_INV_MAX_HITS 0x209c #define PMERR_INV_METAFILE 0x209d #define PMERR_INV_METAFILE_LENGTH 0x209e #define PMERR_INV_METAFILE_OFFSET 0x209f #define PMERR_INV_MICROPS_DRAW_CONTROL 0x20a0 #define PMERR_INV_MICROPS_FUNCTION 0x20a1 #define PMERR_INV_MICROPS_ORDER 0x20a2 #define PMERR_INV_MIX_ATTR 0x20a3 #define PMERR_INV_MODE_FOR_OPEN_DYN 0x20a4 #define PMERR_INV_MODE_FOR_REOPEN_SEG 0x20a5 #define PMERR_INV_MODIFY_PATH_MODE 0x20a6 #define PMERR_INV_MULTIPLIER 0x20a7 #define PMERR_INV_NESTED_FIGURES 0x20a8 #define PMERR_INV_OR_INCOMPAT_OPTIONS 0x20a9 #define PMERR_INV_ORDER_LENGTH 0x20aa #define PMERR_INV_ORDERING_PARM 0x20ab #define PMERR_INV_OUTSIDE_DRAW_MODE 0x20ac #define PMERR_INV_PAGE_VIEWPORT 0x20ad #define PMERR_INV_PATH_ID 0x20ae #define PMERR_INV_PATH_MODE 0x20af #define PMERR_INV_PATTERN_ATTR 0x20b0 #define PMERR_INV_PATTERN_REF_PT_ATTR 0x20b1 #define PMERR_INV_PATTERN_SET_ATTR 0x20b2 #define PMERR_INV_PATTERN_SET_FONT 0x20b3 #define PMERR_INV_PICK_APERTURE_OPTION 0x20b4 #define PMERR_INV_PICK_APERTURE_POSN 0x20b5 #define PMERR_INV_PICK_APERTURE_SIZE 0x20b6 #define PMERR_INV_PICK_NUMBER 0x20b7 #define PMERR_INV_PLAY_METAFILE_OPTION 0x20b8 #define PMERR_INV_PRIMITIVE_TYPE 0x20b9 #define PMERR_INV_PS_SIZE 0x20ba #define PMERR_INV_PUTDATA_FORMAT 0x20bb #define PMERR_INV_QUERY_ELEMENT_NO 0x20bc #define PMERR_INV_RECT 0x20bd #define PMERR_INV_REGION_CONTROL 0x20be #define PMERR_INV_REGION_MIX_MODE 0x20bf #define PMERR_INV_REPLACE_MODE_FUNC 0x20c0 #define PMERR_INV_RESERVED_FIELD 0x20c1 #define PMERR_INV_RESET_OPTIONS 0x20c2 #define PMERR_INV_RGBCOLOR 0x20c3 #define PMERR_INV_SCAN_START 0x20c4 #define PMERR_INV_SEG_ATTR 0x20c5 #define PMERR_INV_SEG_ATTR_VALUE 0x20c6 #define PMERR_INV_SEG_CH_LENGTH 0x20c7 #define PMERR_INV_SEG_NAME 0x20c8 #define PMERR_INV_SEG_OFFSET 0x20c9 #define PMERR_INV_SETID 0x20ca #define PMERR_INV_SETID_TYPE 0x20cb #define PMERR_INV_SET_VIEWPORT_OPTION 0x20cc #define PMERR_INV_SHARPNESS_PARM 0x20cd #define PMERR_INV_SOURCE_OFFSET 0x20ce #define PMERR_INV_STOP_DRAW_VALUE 0x20cf #define PMERR_INV_TRANSFORM_TYPE 0x20d0 #define PMERR_INV_USAGE_PARM 0x20d1 #define PMERR_INV_VIEWING_LIMITS 0x20d2 #define PMERR_JFILE_BUSY 0x20d3 #define PMERR_JNL_FUNC_DATA_TOO_LONG 0x20d4 #define PMERR_KERNING_NOT_SUPPORTED 0x20d5 #define PMERR_LABEL_NOT_FOUND 0x20d6 #define PMERR_MATRIX_OVERFLOW 0x20d7 #define PMERR_METAFILE_INTERNAL_ERROR 0x20d8 #define PMERR_METAFILE_IN_USE 0x20d9 #define PMERR_METAFILE_LIMIT_EXCEEDED 0x20da #define PMERR_NAME_STACK_FULL 0x20db #define PMERR_NOT_CREATED_BY_DEVOPENDC 0x20dc #define PMERR_NOT_IN_AREA 0x20dd #define PMERR_NOT_IN_DRAW_MODE 0x20de #define PMERR_NOT_IN_ELEMENT 0x20df #define PMERR_NOT_IN_IMAGE 0x20e0 #define PMERR_NOT_IN_PATH 0x20e1 #define PMERR_NOT_IN_RETAIN_MODE 0x20e2 #define PMERR_NOT_IN_SEG 0x20e3 #define PMERR_NO_BITMAP_SELECTED 0x20e4 #define PMERR_NO_CURRENT_ELEMENT 0x20e5 #define PMERR_NO_CURRENT_SEG 0x20e6 #define PMERR_NO_METAFILE_RECORD_HANDLE 0x20e7 #define PMERR_ORDER_TOO_BIG 0x20e8 #define PMERR_OTHER_SET_ID_REFS 0x20e9 #define PMERR_OVERRAN_SEG 0x20ea #define PMERR_OWN_SET_ID_REFS 0x20eb #define PMERR_PATH_INCOMPLETE 0x20ec #define PMERR_PATH_LIMIT_EXCEEDED 0x20ed #define PMERR_PATH_UNKNOWN 0x20ee #define PMERR_PEL_IS_CLIPPED 0x20ef #define PMERR_PEL_NOT_AVAILABLE 0x20f0 #define PMERR_PRIMITIVE_STACK_EMPTY 0x20f1 #define PMERR_PROLOG_ERROR 0x20f2 #define PMERR_PROLOG_SEG_ATTR_NOT_SET 0x20f3 #define PMERR_PS_BUSY 0x20f4 #define PMERR_PS_IS_ASSOCIATED 0x20f5 #define PMERR_RAM_JNL_FILE_TOO_SMALL 0x20f6 #define PMERR_REALIZE_NOT_SUPPORTED 0x20f7 #define PMERR_REGION_IS_CLIP_REGION 0x20f8 #define PMERR_RESOURCE_DEPLETION 0x20f9 #define PMERR_SEG_AND_REFSEG_ARE_SAME 0x20fa #define PMERR_SEG_CALL_RECURSIVE 0x20fb #define PMERR_SEG_CALL_STACK_EMPTY 0x20fc #define PMERR_SEG_CALL_STACK_FULL 0x20fd #define PMERR_SEG_IS_CURRENT 0x20fe #define PMERR_SEG_NOT_CHAINED 0x20ff #define PMERR_SEG_NOT_FOUND 0x2100 #define PMERR_SEG_STORE_LIMIT_EXCEEDED 0x2101 #define PMERR_SETID_IN_USE 0x2102 #define PMERR_SETID_NOT_FOUND 0x2103 #define PMERR_STARTDOC_NOT_ISSUED 0x2104 #define PMERR_STOP_DRAW_OCCURRED 0x2105 #define PMERR_TOO_MANY_METAFILES_IN_USE 0x2106 #define PMERR_TRUNCATED_ORDER 0x2107 #define PMERR_UNCHAINED_SEG_ZERO_INV 0x2108 #define PMERR_UNSUPPORTED_ATTR 0x2109 #define PMERR_UNSUPPORTED_ATTR_VALUE 0x210a #define PMERR_ENDDOC_NOT_ISSUED 0x210b #define PMERR_PS_NOT_ASSOCIATED 0x210c #define PMERR_INV_FLOOD_FILL_OPTIONS 0x210d #define PMERR_INV_FACENAME 0x210e #define PMERR_PALETTE_SELECTED 0x210f #define PMERR_NO_PALETTE_SELECTED 0x2110 #define PMERR_INV_HPAL 0x2111 #define PMERR_PALETTE_BUSY 0x2112 #define PMERR_START_POINT_CLIPPED 0x2113 #define PMERR_NO_FILL 0x2114 #define PMERR_INV_FACENAMEDESC 0x2115 #define PMERR_INV_BITMAP_DATA 0x2116 #define PMERR_INV_CHAR_ALIGN_ATTR 0x2117 #define PMERR_INV_HFONT 0x2118 #define PMERR_HFONT_IS_SELECTED 0x2119 #define PMERR_DRVR_NOT_SUPPORTED 0x2120 #define PMERR_INV_INKPS_FUNCTION 0x2121 #endif /* INCL_GPIERRORS */ #if defined (INCL_WPERRORS) #define WPERR_PROTECTED_CLASS 0x1700 #define WPERR_INVALID_CLASS 0x1701 #define WPERR_INVALID_SUPERCLASS 0x1702 #define WPERR_NO_MEMORY 0x1703 #define WPERR_SEMAPHORE_ERROR 0x1704 #define WPERR_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL 0x1705 #define WPERR_CLSLOADMOD_FAILED 0x1706 #define WPERR_CLSPROCADDR_FAILED 0x1707 #define WPERR_OBJWORD_LOCATION 0x1708 #define WPERR_INVALID_OBJECT 0x1709 #define WPERR_MEMORY_CLEANUP 0x170a #define WPERR_INVALID_MODULE 0x170b #define WPERR_INVALID_OLDCLASS 0x170c #define WPERR_INVALID_NEWCLASS 0x170d #define WPERR_NOT_IMMEDIATE_CHILD 0x170e #define WPERR_NOT_WORKPLACE_CLASS 0x170f #define WPERR_CANT_REPLACE_METACLS 0x1710 #define WPERR_INI_FILE_WRITE 0x1711 #define WPERR_INVALID_FOLDER 0x1712 #define WPERR_BUFFER_OVERFLOW 0x1713 #define WPERR_OBJECT_NOT_FOUND 0x1714 #define WPERR_INVALID_HFIND 0x1715 #define WPERR_INVALID_COUNT 0x1716 #define WPERR_INVALID_BUFFER 0x1717 #define WPERR_ALREADY_EXISTS 0x1718 #define WPERR_INVALID_FLAGS 0x1719 #define WPERR_INVALID_OBJECTID 0x1720 #define WPERR_INVALID_TARGET_OBJECT 0x1721 #endif /* INCL_WPERRORS */ #if defined (INCL_SPLERRORS) #define PMERR_SPL_DRIVER_ERROR 0x4001 #define PMERR_SPL_DEVICE_ERROR 0x4002 #define PMERR_SPL_DEVICE_NOT_INSTALLED 0x4003 #define PMERR_SPL_QUEUE_ERROR 0x4004 #define PMERR_SPL_INV_HSPL 0x4005 #define PMERR_SPL_NO_DISK_SPACE 0x4006 #define PMERR_SPL_NO_MEMORY 0x4007 #define PMERR_SPL_PRINT_ABORT 0x4008 #define PMERR_SPL_SPOOLER_NOT_INSTALLED 0x4009 #define PMERR_SPL_INV_FORMS_CODE 0x400a #define PMERR_SPL_INV_PRIORITY 0x400b #define PMERR_SPL_NO_FREE_JOB_ID 0x400c #define PMERR_SPL_NO_DATA 0x400d #define PMERR_SPL_INV_TOKEN 0x400e #define PMERR_SPL_INV_DATATYPE 0x400f #define PMERR_SPL_PROCESSOR_ERROR 0x4010 #define PMERR_SPL_INV_JOB_ID 0x4011 #define PMERR_SPL_JOB_NOT_PRINTING 0x4012 #define PMERR_SPL_JOB_PRINTING 0x4013 #define PMERR_SPL_QUEUE_ALREADY_EXISTS 0x4014 #define PMERR_SPL_INV_QUEUE_NAME 0x4015 #define PMERR_SPL_QUEUE_NOT_EMPTY 0x4016 #define PMERR_SPL_DEVICE_ALREADY_EXISTS 0x4017 #define PMERR_SPL_DEVICE_LIMIT_REACHED 0x4018 #define PMERR_SPL_STATUS_STRING_TRUNC 0x4019 #define PMERR_SPL_INV_LENGTH_OR_COUNT 0x401a #define PMERR_SPL_FILE_NOT_FOUND 0x401b #define PMERR_SPL_CANNOT_OPEN_FILE 0x401c #define PMERR_SPL_DRIVER_NOT_INSTALLED 0x401d #define PMERR_SPL_INV_PROCESSOR_DATTYPE 0x401e #define PMERR_SPL_INV_DRIVER_DATATYPE 0x401f #define PMERR_SPL_PROCESSOR_NOT_INST 0x4020 #define PMERR_SPL_NO_SUCH_LOG_ADDRESS 0x4021 #define PMERR_SPL_PRINTER_NOT_FOUND 0x4022 #define PMERR_SPL_DD_NOT_FOUND 0x4023 #define PMERR_SPL_QUEUE_NOT_FOUND 0x4024 #define PMERR_SPL_MANY_QUEUES_ASSOC 0x4025 #define PMERR_SPL_NO_QUEUES_ASSOCIATED 0x4026 #define PMERR_SPL_INI_FILE_ERROR 0x4027 #define PMERR_SPL_NO_DEFAULT_QUEUE 0x4028 #define PMERR_SPL_NO_CURRENT_FORMS_CODE 0x4029 #define PMERR_SPL_NOT_AUTHORISED 0x402a #define PMERR_SPL_TEMP_NETWORK_ERROR 0x402b #define PMERR_SPL_HARD_NETWORK_ERROR 0x402c #define PMERR_DEL_NOT_ALLOWED 0x402d #define PMERR_CANNOT_DEL_QP_REF 0x402e #define PMERR_CANNOT_DEL_QNAME_REF 0x402f #define PMERR_CANNOT_DEL_PRINTER_DD_REF 0x4030 #define PMERR_CANNOT_DEL_PRN_NAME_REF 0x4031 #define PMERR_CANNOT_DEL_PRN_ADDR_REF 0x4032 #define PMERR_SPOOLER_QP_NOT_DEFINED 0x4033 #define PMERR_PRN_NAME_NOT_DEFINED 0x4034 #define PMERR_PRN_ADDR_NOT_DEFINED 0x4035 #define PMERR_PRINTER_DD_NOT_DEFINED 0x4036 #define PMERR_PRINTER_QUEUE_NOT_DEFINED 0x4037 #define PMERR_PRN_ADDR_IN_USE 0x4038 #define PMERR_SPL_TOO_MANY_OPEN_FILES 0x4039 #define PMERR_SPL_CP_NOT_REQD 0x403a #define PMERR_SPL_PORT_SHUTDOWN 0x403b #define PMERR_SPL_NOT_HANDLED 0x403c #define PMERR_SPL_CNV_NOT_INIT 0x403d #define PMERR_SPL_INIT_IN_PROGRESS 0x403e #define PMERR_SPL_TYPE_NOT_AVAIL 0x403f #define PMERR_UNABLE_TO_CLOSE_DEVICE 0x4040 #define PMERR_SPL_SESSION_TERM 0x4041 #define PMERR_SPL_NOT_REGISTERED 0x4042 #endif /* INCL_SPLERRORS */ #if defined (INCL_PICERRORS) #define PMERR_INV_TYPE 0x5001 #define PMERR_INV_CONV 0x5002 #define PMERR_INV_SEGLEN 0x5003 #define PMERR_DUP_SEGNAME 0x5004 #define PMERR_INV_XFORM 0x5005 #define PMERR_INV_VIEWLIM 0x5006 #define PMERR_INV_3DCOORD 0x5007 #define PMERR_SMB_OVFLOW 0x5008 #define PMERR_SEG_OVFLOW 0x5009 #define PMERR_PIC_DUP_FILENAME 0x5010 #endif /* INCL_PICERRORS */ #if defined (INCL_WINERRORS) #define WINDBG_HWND_NOT_DESTROYED 0x1022 #define WINDBG_HPTR_NOT_DESTROYED 0x1023 #define WINDBG_HACCEL_NOT_DESTROYED 0x1024 #define WINDBG_HENUM_NOT_DESTROYED 0x1025 #define WINDBG_VISRGN_SEM_BUSY 0x1026 #define WINDBG_USER_SEM_BUSY 0x1027 #define WINDBG_DC_CACHE_BUSY 0x1028 #define WINDBG_HOOK_STILL_INSTALLED 0x1029 #define WINDBG_WINDOW_STILL_LOCKED 0x102a #define WINDBG_UPDATEPS_ASSERTION_FAIL 0x102b #define WINDBG_SENDMSG_WITHIN_USER_SEM 0x102c #define WINDBG_USER_SEM_NOT_ENTERED 0x102d #define WINDBG_PROC_NOT_EXPORTED 0x102e #define WINDBG_BAD_SENDMSG_HWND 0x102f #define WINDBG_ABNORMAL_EXIT 0x1030 #define WINDBG_INTERNAL_REVISION 0x1031 #define WINDBG_INITSYSTEM_FAILED 0x1032 #define WINDBG_HATOMTBL_NOT_DESTROYED 0x1033 #define WINDBG_WINDOW_UNLOCK_WAIT 0x1035 #endif /* INCL_WINERRORS */ #define WRECT RECTL #define PWRECT PRECTL #define WPOINT POINTL #define PWPOINT PPOINTL typedef LHANDLE HACCEL; typedef LHANDLE HRGN; typedef HRGN *PHRGN; typedef VOID *MRESULT; typedef MRESULT *PMRESULT; typedef VOID *MPARAM; typedef MPARAM *PMPARAM; typedef LHANDLE HPOINTER; typedef HMODULE HLIB; typedef HLIB *PHLIB; typedef LONG COLOR; typedef COLOR *PCOLOR; typedef LHANDLE HAB; typedef HAB *PHAB; typedef LHANDLE HPS; typedef HPS *PHPS; typedef LHANDLE HDC; typedef HDC *PHDC; typedef LHANDLE HWND; typedef HWND *PHWND; typedef LHANDLE HMQ; typedef LHANDLE HPAL; typedef HPAL *PHPAL; typedef LHANDLE HBITMAP; typedef HBITMAP *PHBITMAP; typedef ULONG ERRORID; typedef ERRORID *PERRORID; typedef MRESULT FNWP (HWND hwnd, ULONG msg, MPARAM mp1, MPARAM mp2); typedef FNWP *PFNWP; #define ERRORIDERROR(errid) (LOUSHORT (errid)) #define ERRORIDSEV(errid) (HIUSHORT (errid)) #define MAKEERRORID(sev,error) (ERRORID)(MAKEULONG ((error), (sev))) typedef struct _POINTL { LONG x; LONG y; } POINTL; typedef POINTL *PPOINTL; typedef struct _POINTS { SHORT x; SHORT y; } POINTS; typedef POINTS *PPOINTS; typedef struct _RECTL { LONG xLeft; LONG yBottom; LONG xRight; LONG yTop; } RECTL; typedef RECTL *PRECTL; #if defined (INCL_WINMESSAGEMGR) || !defined (INCL_NOCOMMON) #define WM_NULL 0x0000 #define WM_CREATE 0x0001 #define WM_DESTROY 0x0002 #define WM_ENABLE 0x0004 #define WM_SHOW 0x0005 #define WM_MOVE 0x0006 #define WM_SIZE 0x0007 #define WM_ADJUSTWINDOWPOS 0x0008 #define WM_CALCVALIDRECTS 0x0009 #define WM_SETWINDOWPARAMS 0x000a #define WM_QUERYWINDOWPARAMS 0x000b #define WM_HITTEST 0x000c #define WM_ACTIVATE 0x000d #define WM_SETFOCUS 0x000f #define WM_SETSELECTION 0x0010 #define WM_PPAINT 0x0011 #define WM_PSETFOCUS 0x0012 #define WM_PSYSCOLORCHANGE 0x0013 #define WM_PSIZE 0x0014 #define WM_PACTIVATE 0x0015 #define WM_PCONTROL 0x0016 #define WM_COMMAND 0x0020 #define WM_SYSCOMMAND 0x0021 #define WM_HELP 0x0022 #define WM_PAINT 0x0023 #define WM_TIMER 0x0024 #define WM_SEM1 0x0025 #define WM_SEM2 0x0026 #define WM_SEM3 0x0027 #define WM_SEM4 0x0028 #define WM_CLOSE 0x0029 #define WM_QUIT 0x002a #define WM_SYSCOLORCHANGE 0x002b #define WM_SYSVALUECHANGED 0x002d #define WM_APPTERMINATENOTIFY 0x002e #define WM_PRESPARAMCHANGED 0x002f #define WM_CONTROL 0x0030 #define WM_VSCROLL 0x0031 #define WM_HSCROLL 0x0032 #define WM_INITMENU 0x0033 #define WM_MENUSELECT 0x0034 #define WM_MENUEND 0x0035 #define WM_DRAWITEM 0x0036 #define WM_MEASUREITEM 0x0037 #define WM_CONTROLPOINTER 0x0038 #define WM_QUERYDLGCODE 0x003a #define WM_INITDLG 0x003b #define WM_SUBSTITUTESTRING 0x003c #define WM_MATCHMNEMONIC 0x003d #define WM_SAVEAPPLICATION 0x003e #define WM_HELPBASE 0x0f00 #define WM_HELPTOP 0x0fff #define WM_USER 0x1000 #define CMDSRC_OTHER 0 #define CMDSRC_PUSHBUTTON 1 #define CMDSRC_MENU 2 #define CMDSRC_ACCELERATOR 3 #define CMDSRC_FONTDLG 4 #define CMDSRC_FILEDLG 5 #define CMDSRC_PRINTDLG 6 #define CMDSRC_COLORDLG 7 #define PM_NOREMOVE 0x0000 #define PM_REMOVE 0x0001 #define RUM_IN 1 #define RUM_OUT 2 #define RUM_INOUT 3 #define SMD_DELAYED 0x0001 #define SMD_IMMEDIATE 0x0002 #define SSM_SYNCHRONOUS 0x0001 #define SSM_ASYNCHRONOUS 0x0002 #define SSM_MIXED 0x0003 #define WLI_NOBUTTONUP 0x0002 #if defined (INCL_WINTYPES) #define DTYP_USER 16384 #define DTYP_CTL_ARRAY 1 #define DTYP_CTL_PARRAY (-1) #define DTYP_CTL_OFFSET 2 #define DTYP_CTL_LENGTH 3 #define DTYP_ACCEL 28 #define DTYP_ACCELTABLE 29 #define DTYP_ARCPARAMS 38 #define DTYP_AREABUNDLE 139 #define DTYP_ATOM 90 #define DTYP_BITMAPINFO 60 #define DTYP_BITMAPINFOHEADER 61 #define DTYP_BITMAPINFO2 170 #define DTYP_BITMAPINFOHEADER2 171 #define DTYP_BIT16 20 #define DTYP_BIT32 21 #define DTYP_BIT8 19 #define DTYP_BOOL 18 #define DTYP_BTNCDATA 35 #define DTYP_BYTE 13 #define DTYP_CATCHBUF 141 #define DTYP_CHAR 15 #define DTYP_CHARBUNDLE 135 #define DTYP_CLASSINFO 95 #define DTYP_COUNT2 93 #define DTYP_COUNT2B 70 #define DTYP_COUNT2CH 82 #define DTYP_COUNT4 152 #define DTYP_COUNT4B 42 #define DTYP_CPID 57 #define DTYP_CREATESTRUCT 98 #define DTYP_CURSORINFO 34 #define DTYP_DEVOPENSTRUC 124 #define DTYP_DLGTEMPLATE 96 #define DTYP_DLGTITEM 97 #define DTYP_ENTRYFDATA 127 #define DTYP_ERRORID 45 #define DTYP_FATTRS 75 #define DTYP_FFDESCS 142 #define DTYP_FIXED 99 #define DTYP_FONTMETRICS 74 #define DTYP_FRAMECDATA 144 #define DTYP_GRADIENTL 48 #define DTYP_HAB 10 #define DTYP_HACCEL 30 #define DTYP_HAPP 146 #define DTYP_HATOMTBL 91 #define DTYP_HBITMAP 62 #define DTYP_HCINFO 46 #define DTYP_HDC 132 #define DTYP_HENUM 117 #define DTYP_HHEAP 109 #define DTYP_HINI 53 #define DTYP_HLIB 147 #define DTYP_HMF 85 #define DTYP_HMQ 86 #define DTYP_HPOINTER 106 #define DTYP_HPROGRAM 131 #define DTYP_HPS 12 #define DTYP_HRGN 116 #define DTYP_HSEM 140 #define DTYP_HSPL 32 #define DTYP_HSWITCH 66 #define DTYP_HVPS 58 #define DTYP_HWND 11 #define DTYP_IDENTITY 133 #define DTYP_IDENTITY4 169 #define DTYP_IMAGEBUNDLE 136 #define DTYP_INDEX2 81 #define DTYP_IPT 155 #define DTYP_KERNINGPAIRS 118 #define DTYP_LENGTH2 68 #define DTYP_LENGTH4 69 #define DTYP_LINEBUNDLE 137 #define DTYP_LONG 25 #define DTYP_MARKERBUNDLE 138 #define DTYP_MATRIXLF 113 #define DTYP_MLECTLDATA 161 #define DTYP_MLEMARGSTRUCT 157 #define DTYP_MLEOVERFLOW 158 #define DTYP_OFFSET2B 112 #define DTYP_OWNERITEM 154 #define DTYP_PID 92 #define DTYP_PIX 156 #define DTYP_POINTERINFO 105 #define DTYP_POINTL 77 #define DTYP_PROGCATEGORY 129 #define DTYP_PROGRAMENTRY 128 #define DTYP_PROGTYPE 130 #define DTYP_PROPERTY2 88 #define DTYP_PROPERTY4 89 #define DTYP_QMSG 87 #define DTYP_RECTL 121 #define DTYP_RESID 125 #define DTYP_RGB 111 #define DTYP_RGNRECT 115 #define DTYP_SBCDATA 159 #define DTYP_SEGOFF 126 #define DTYP_SHORT 23 #define DTYP_SIZEF 101 #define DTYP_SIZEL 102 #define DTYP_STRL 17 #define DTYP_STR16 40 #define DTYP_STR32 37 #define DTYP_STR64 47 #define DTYP_STR8 33 #define DTYP_SWBLOCK 63 #define DTYP_SWCNTRL 64 #define DTYP_SWENTRY 65 #define DTYP_SWP 31 #define DTYP_TID 104 #define DTYP_TIME 107 #define DTYP_TRACKINFO 73 #define DTYP_UCHAR 22 #define DTYP_ULONG 26 #define DTYP_USERBUTTON 36 #define DTYP_USHORT 24 #define DTYP_WIDTH4 108 #define DTYP_WNDPARAMS 83 #define DTYP_WNDPROC 84 #define DTYP_WPOINT 59 #define DTYP_WRECT 55 #define DTYP_XYWINSIZE 52 #define DTYP_PACCEL (-28) #define DTYP_PACCELTABLE (-29) #define DTYP_PARCPARAMS (-38) #define DTYP_PAREABUNDLE (-139) #define DTYP_PATOM (-90) #define DTYP_PBITMAPINFO (-60) #define DTYP_PBITMAPINFOHEADER (-61) #define DTYP_PBITMAPINFO2 (-170) #define DTYP_PBITMAPINFOHEADER2 (-171) #define DTYP_PBIT16 (-20) #define DTYP_PBIT32 (-21) #define DTYP_PBIT8 (-19) #define DTYP_PBOOL (-18) #define DTYP_PBTNCDATA (-35) #define DTYP_PBYTE (-13) #define DTYP_PCATCHBUF (-141) #define DTYP_PCHAR (-15) #define DTYP_PCHARBUNDLE (-135) #define DTYP_PCLASSINFO (-95) #define DTYP_PCOUNT2 (-93) #define DTYP_PCOUNT2B (-70) #define DTYP_PCOUNT2CH (-82) #define DTYP_PCOUNT4 (-152) #define DTYP_PCOUNT4B (-42) #define DTYP_PCPID (-57) #define DTYP_PCREATESTRUCT (-98) #define DTYP_PCURSORINFO (-34) #define DTYP_PDEVOPENSTRUC (-124) #define DTYP_PDLGTEMPLATE (-96) #define DTYP_PDLGTITEM (-97) #define DTYP_PENTRYFDATA (-127) #define DTYP_PERRORID (-45) #define DTYP_PFATTRS (-75) #define DTYP_PFFDESCS (-142) #define DTYP_PFIXED (-99) #define DTYP_PFONTMETRICS (-74) #define DTYP_PFRAMECDATA (-144) #define DTYP_PGRADIENTL (-48) #define DTYP_PHAB (-10) #define DTYP_PHACCEL (-30) #define DTYP_PHAPP (-146) #define DTYP_PHATOMTBL (-91) #define DTYP_PHBITMAP (-62) #define DTYP_PHCINFO (-46) #define DTYP_PHDC (-132) #define DTYP_PHENUM (-117) #define DTYP_PHHEAP (-109) #define DTYP_PHINI (-53) #define DTYP_PHLIB (-147) #define DTYP_PHMF (-85) #define DTYP_PHMQ (-86) #define DTYP_PHPOINTER (-106) #define DTYP_PHPROGRAM (-131) #define DTYP_PHPS (-12) #define DTYP_PHRGN (-116) #define DTYP_PHSEM (-140) #define DTYP_PHSPL (-32) #define DTYP_PHSWITCH (-66) #define DTYP_PHVPS (-58) #define DTYP_PHWND (-11) #define DTYP_PIDENTITY (-133) #define DTYP_PIDENTITY4 (-169) #define DTYP_PIMAGEBUNDLE (-136) #define DTYP_PINDEX2 (-81) #define DTYP_PIPT (-155) #define DTYP_PKERNINGPAIRS (-118) #define DTYP_PLENGTH2 (-68) #define DTYP_PLENGTH4 (-69) #define DTYP_PLINEBUNDLE (-137) #define DTYP_PLONG (-25) #define DTYP_PMARKERBUNDLE (-138) #define DTYP_PMATRIXLF (-113) #define DTYP_PMLECTLDATA (-161) #define DTYP_PMLEMARGSTRUCT (-157) #define DTYP_PMLEOVERFLOW (-158) #define DTYP_POFFSET2B (-112) #define DTYP_POWNERITEM (-154) #define DTYP_PPID (-92) #define DTYP_PPIX (-156) #define DTYP_PPOINTERINFO (-105) #define DTYP_PPOINTL (-77) #define DTYP_PPROGCATEGORY (-129) #define DTYP_PPROGRAMENTRY (-128) #define DTYP_PPROGTYPE (-130) #define DTYP_PPROPERTY2 (-88) #define DTYP_PPROPERTY4 (-89) #define DTYP_PQMSG (-87) #define DTYP_PRECTL (-121) #define DTYP_PRESID (-125) #define DTYP_PRGB (-111) #define DTYP_PRGNRECT (-115) #define DTYP_PSBCDATA (-159) #define DTYP_PSEGOFF (-126) #define DTYP_PSHORT (-23) #define DTYP_PSIZEF (-101) #define DTYP_PSIZEL (-102) #define DTYP_PSTRL (-17) #define DTYP_PSTR16 (-40) #define DTYP_PSTR32 (-37) #define DTYP_PSTR64 (-47) #define DTYP_PSTR8 (-33) #define DTYP_PSWBLOCK (-63) #define DTYP_PSWCNTRL (-64) #define DTYP_PSWENTRY (-65) #define DTYP_PSWP (-31) #define DTYP_PTID (-104) #define DTYP_PTIME (-107) #define DTYP_PTRACKINFO (-73) #define DTYP_PUCHAR (-22) #define DTYP_PULONG (-26) #define DTYP_PUSERBUTTON (-36) #define DTYP_PUSHORT (-24) #define DTYP_PWIDTH4 (-108) #define DTYP_PWNDPARAMS (-83) #define DTYP_PWNDPROC (-84) #define DTYP_PWPOINT (-59) #define DTYP_PWRECT (-55) #define DTYP_PXYWINSIZE (-52) #endif /* INCL_WINTYPES */ typedef struct _QMSG { HWND hwnd; ULONG msg; MPARAM mp1; MPARAM mp2; ULONG time; POINTL ptl; ULONG reserved; } QMSG; typedef QMSG *PQMSG; typedef struct _COMMANDMSG { USHORT cmd; USHORT unused; USHORT source; USHORT fMouse; } CMDMSG; typedef CMDMSG *PCMDMSG; typedef struct _MQINFO { ULONG cb; PID pid; TID tid; ULONG cmsgs; PVOID pReserved; } MQINFO; typedef MQINFO *PMQINFO; #define COMMANDMSG(pmsg) ((PCMDMSG)((PBYTE)pmsg + sizeof (ULONG))) BOOL WinCancelShutdown (HMQ hmq, BOOL fCancelAlways); HMQ WinCreateMsgQueue (HAB hab, LONG cmsg); BOOL WinDestroyMsgQueue (HMQ hmq); MRESULT WinDispatchMsg (HAB hab, PQMSG pqmsg); BOOL WinGetMsg (HAB hab, PQMSG pqmsg, HWND hwndFilter, ULONG msgFilterFirst, ULONG msgFilterLast); BOOL WinLockInput (HMQ hmq, ULONG fLock); BOOL WinPeekMsg (HAB hab, PQMSG pqmsg, HWND hwndFilter, ULONG msgFilterFirst, ULONG msgFilterLast, ULONG fl); BOOL WinPostMsg (HWND hwnd, ULONG msg, MPARAM mp1, MPARAM mp2); HMQ WinQueueFromID (HAB hab, PID pid, TID tid); BOOL WinQueryQueueInfo (HMQ hmq, PMQINFO pmqi, ULONG cbCopy); HMQ WinQuerySendMsg (HAB hab, HMQ hmqSender, HMQ hmqReceiver, PQMSG pqmsg); BOOL WinRegisterUserDatatype (HAB hab, LONG datatype, LONG count, PLONG types); BOOL WinRegisterUserMsg (HAB hab, ULONG msgid, LONG datatype1, LONG dir1, LONG datatype2, LONG dir2, LONG datatyper); BOOL WinReplyMsg (HAB hab, HMQ hmqSender, HMQ hmqReceiver, MRESULT mresult); MRESULT WinSendMsg (HWND hwnd, ULONG msg, MPARAM mp1, MPARAM mp2); BOOL WinSetMsgMode (HAB hab, PCSZ classname, LONG control); BOOL WinSetSynchroMode (HAB hab, LONG mode); BOOL WinThreadAssocQueue (HAB hab, HMQ hmq); BOOL WinWakeThread (HMQ hmq); #endif /* INCL_WINMESSAGEMGR || !INCL_NOCOMMON */ typedef struct _SWP { ULONG fl; LONG cy; LONG cx; LONG y; LONG x; HWND hwndInsertBehind; HWND hwnd; ULONG ulReserved1; ULONG ulReserved2; } SWP; typedef SWP *PSWP; typedef struct _ICONINFO { ULONG cb; ULONG fFormat; PSZ pszFileName; HMODULE hmod; ULONG resid; ULONG cbIconData; PVOID pIconData; } ICONINFO; typedef ICONINFO *PICONINFO; #define MPVOID ((MPARAM)0) #define MPFROMP(x) ((MPARAM)((ULONG)(x))) #define MPFROMHWND(x) ((MPARAM)(HWND)(x)) #define MPFROMCHAR(x) ((MPARAM)(ULONG)(USHORT)(x)) #define MPFROMSHORT(x) ((MPARAM)(ULONG)(USHORT)(x)) #define MPFROM2SHORT(x1,x2) ((MPARAM)MAKELONG (x1, x2)) #define MPFROMSH2CH(s,c1,c2) ((MPARAM)MAKELONG (s, MAKESHORT (c1, c2))) #define MPFROMLONG(x) ((MPARAM)(ULONG)(x)) #define PVOIDFROMMP(mp) ((PVOID)(mp)) #define HWNDFROMMP(mp) ((HWND)(mp)) #define CHAR1FROMMP(mp) ((UCHAR)(ULONG)(mp)) #define CHAR2FROMMP(mp) ((UCHAR)((ULONG)mp >> 8)) #define CHAR3FROMMP(mp) ((UCHAR)((ULONG)mp >> 16)) #define CHAR4FROMMP(mp) ((UCHAR)((ULONG)mp >> 24)) #define SHORT1FROMMP(mp) ((USHORT)(ULONG)(mp)) #define SHORT2FROMMP(mp) ((USHORT)((ULONG)mp >> 16)) #define LONGFROMMP(mp) ((ULONG)(mp)) #define MRFROMP(x) ((MRESULT)(PVOID)(x)) #define MRFROMSHORT(x) ((MRESULT)(ULONG)(USHORT)(x)) #define MRFROM2SHORT(x1,x2) ((MRESULT)MAKELONG (x1, x2)) #define MRFROMLONG(x) ((MRESULT)(ULONG)(x)) #define PVOIDFROMMR(mr) ((VOID *)(mr)) #define SHORT1FROMMR(mr) ((USHORT)((ULONG)mr)) #define SHORT2FROMMR(mr) ((USHORT)((ULONG)mr >> 16)) #define LONGFROMMR(mr) ((ULONG)(mr)) HWND WinCreateWindow (HWND hwndParent, PCSZ pszClass, PCSZ pszName, ULONG flStyle, LONG x, LONG y, LONG cx, LONG cy, HWND hwndOwner, HWND hwndInsertBehind, ULONG id, PVOID pCtlData, PVOID pPresParams); BOOL WinDrawBitmap (HPS hpsDst, HBITMAP hbm, __const__ RECTL *pwrcSrc, __const__ POINTL *pptlDst, LONG clrFore, LONG clrBack, ULONG fl); BOOL WinDrawBorder (HPS hps, __const__ RECTL *prcl, LONG cx, LONG cy, LONG clrFore, LONG clrBack, ULONG flCmd); LONG WinDrawText (HPS hps, LONG cchText, PCCH lpchText, PRECTL prcl, LONG clrFore, LONG clrBack, ULONG flCmd); BOOL WinEnableWindow (HWND hwnd, BOOL fEnable); BOOL WinEnableWindowUpdate (HWND hwnd, BOOL fEnable); BOOL WinInvalidateRect (HWND hwnd, __const__ RECTL *prcl, BOOL fIncludeChildren); BOOL WinInvalidateRegion (HWND hwnd, HRGN hrgn, BOOL fIncludeChildren); BOOL WinInvertRect (HPS hps, __const__ RECTL *prcl); BOOL WinIsChild (HWND hwnd, HWND hwndParent); BOOL WinIsWindow (HAB hab, HWND hwnd); BOOL WinIsWindowEnabled (HWND hwnd); BOOL WinIsWindowVisible (HWND hwnd); LONG WinLoadMessage (HAB hab, HMODULE hmod, ULONG id, LONG cchMax, PSZ pchBuffer); LONG WinLoadString (HAB hab, HMODULE hmod, ULONG id, LONG cchMax, PSZ pchBuffer); LONG WinMultWindowFromIDs (HWND hwndParent, PHWND prghwnd, ULONG idFirst, ULONG idLast); HWND WinQueryDesktopWindow (HAB hab, HDC hdc); HWND WinQueryObjectWindow (HWND hwndDesktop); HPOINTER WinQueryPointer (HWND hwndDesktop); HWND WinQueryWindow (HWND hwnd, LONG cmd); BOOL WinQueryWindowPos (HWND hwnd, PSWP pswp); BOOL WinQueryWindowProcess (HWND hwnd, PPID ppid, PTID ptid); LONG WinQueryWindowText (HWND hwnd, LONG cchBufferMax, PCH pchBuffer); LONG WinQueryWindowTextLength (HWND hwnd); BOOL WinSetMultWindowPos (HAB hab, __const__ SWP *pswp, ULONG cswp); BOOL WinSetOwner (HWND hwnd, HWND hwndNewOwner); BOOL WinSetParent (HWND hwnd, HWND hwndNewParent, BOOL fRedraw); BOOL WinSetWindowPos (HWND hwnd, HWND hwndInsertBehind, LONG x, LONG y, LONG cx, LONG cy, ULONG fl); BOOL WinSetWindowText (HWND hwnd, PCSZ pszText); BOOL WinUpdateWindow (HWND hwnd); HWND WinWindowFromID (HWND hwndParent, ULONG id); #if defined (INCL_WINFRAMEMGR) || !defined (INCL_NOCOMMON) #define FCF_TITLEBAR 0x00000001 #define FCF_SYSMENU 0x00000002 #define FCF_MENU 0x00000004 #define FCF_SIZEBORDER 0x00000008 #define FCF_MINBUTTON 0x00000010 #define FCF_MAXBUTTON 0x00000020 #define FCF_MINMAX (FCF_MINBUTTON|FCF_MAXBUTTON) #define FCF_VERTSCROLL 0x00000040 #define FCF_HORZSCROLL 0x00000080 #define FCF_DLGBORDER 0x00000100 #define FCF_BORDER 0x00000200 #define FCF_SHELLPOSITION 0x00000400 #define FCF_TASKLIST 0x00000800 #define FCF_NOBYTEALIGN 0x00001000 #define FCF_NOMOVEWITHOWNER 0x00002000 #define FCF_ICON 0x00004000 #define FCF_ACCELTABLE 0x00008000 #define FCF_SYSMODAL 0x00010000 #define FCF_SCREENALIGN 0x00020000 #define FCF_MOUSEALIGN 0x00040000 #define FCF_PALETTE_NORMAL 0x00080000 #define FCF_PALETTE_HELP 0x00100000 #define FCF_PALETTE_POPUPODD 0x00200000 #define FCF_PALETTE_POPUPEVEN 0x00400000 #define FCF_HIDEBUTTON 0x01000000 #define FCF_HIDEMAX 0x01000020 #define FCF_AUTOICON 0x40000000 #if defined (INCL_NLS) #define FCF_DBE_APPSTAT 0x80000000 #endif /* INCL_NLS */ #define FCF_STANDARD 0x0000cc3f #define FF_FLASHWINDOW 0x0001 #define FF_ACTIVE 0x0002 #define FF_FLASHHILITE 0x0004 #define FF_OWNERHIDDEN 0x0008 #define FF_DLGDISMISSED 0x0010 #define FF_OWNERDISABLED 0x0020 #define FF_SELECTED 0x0040 #define FF_NOACTIVATESWP 0x0080 #define FF_DIALOGBOX 0x0100 #define FS_ICON 0x00000001 #define FS_ACCELTABLE 0x00000002 #define FS_SHELLPOSITION 0x00000004 #define FS_TASKLIST 0x00000008 #define FS_NOBYTEALIGN 0x00000010 #define FS_NOMOVEWITHOWNER 0x00000020 #define FS_SYSMODAL 0x00000040 #define FS_DLGBORDER 0x00000080 #define FS_BORDER 0x00000100 #define FS_SCREENALIGN 0x00000200 #define FS_MOUSEALIGN 0x00000400 #define FS_SIZEBORDER 0x00000800 #define FS_AUTOICON 0x00001000 #if defined (INCL_NLS) #define FS_DBE_APPSTAT 0x00008000 #endif /* INCL_NLS */ #define FS_STANDARD 0x0000000f typedef struct _FRAMECDATA { USHORT cb; ULONG flCreateFlags; USHORT hmodResources; USHORT idResources; } FRAMECDATA; typedef FRAMECDATA *PFRAMECDATA; HWND WinCreateStdWindow (HWND hwndParent, ULONG flStyle, PULONG pflCreateFlags, PCSZ pszClientClass, PCSZ pszTitle, ULONG styleClient, HMODULE hmod, ULONG idResources, PHWND phwndClient); #endif /* INCL_WINFRAMEMGR || !INCL_NOCOMMON */ #if defined (INCL_WINFRAMEMGR) #define WM_FLASHWINDOW 0x0040 #define WM_FORMATFRAME 0x0041 #define WM_UPDATEFRAME 0x0042 #define WM_FOCUSCHANGE 0x0043 #define WM_SETBORDERSIZE 0x0044 #define WM_TRACKFRAME 0x0045 #define WM_MINMAXFRAME 0x0046 #define WM_SETICON 0x0047 #define WM_QUERYICON 0x0048 #define WM_SETACCELTABLE 0x0049 #define WM_QUERYACCELTABLE 0x004a #define WM_TRANSLATEACCEL 0x004b #define WM_QUERYTRACKINFO 0x004c #define WM_QUERYBORDERSIZE 0x004d #define WM_NEXTMENU 0x004e #define WM_ERASEBACKGROUND 0x004f #define WM_QUERYFRAMEINFO 0x0050 #define WM_QUERYFOCUSCHAIN 0x0051 #define WM_OWNERPOSCHANGE 0x0052 #define WM_CALCFRAMERECT 0x0053 #define WM_WINDOWPOSCHANGED 0x0055 #define WM_ADJUSTFRAMEPOS 0x0056 #define WM_QUERYFRAMECTLCOUNT 0x0059 #define WM_QUERYHELPINFO 0x005b #define WM_SETHELPINFO 0x005c #define WM_ERROR 0x005d #define WM_REALIZEPALETTE 0x005e #define FI_FRAME 0x00000001 #define FI_OWNERHIDE 0x00000002 #define FI_ACTIVATEOK 0x00000004 #define FI_NOMOVEWITHOWNER 0x00000008 #define FID_SYSMENU 0x8002 #define FID_TITLEBAR 0x8003 #define FID_MINMAX 0x8004 #define FID_MENU 0x8005 #define FID_VERTSCROLL 0x8006 #define FID_HORZSCROLL 0x8007 #define FID_CLIENT 0x8008 #define FID_DBE_APPSTAT 0x8010 #define FID_DBE_KBDSTAT 0x8011 #define FID_DBE_PECIC 0x8012 #define FID_DBE_KKPOPUP 0x8013 #define SC_SIZE 0x8000 #define SC_MOVE 0x8001 #define SC_MINIMIZE 0x8002 #define SC_MAXIMIZE 0x8003 #define SC_CLOSE 0x8004 #define SC_NEXT 0x8005 #define SC_APPMENU 0x8006 #define SC_SYSMENU 0x8007 #define SC_RESTORE 0x8008 #define SC_NEXTFRAME 0x8009 #define SC_NEXTWINDOW 0x8010 #define SC_TASKMANAGER 0x8011 #define SC_HELPKEYS 0x8012 #define SC_HELPINDEX 0x8013 #define SC_HELPEXTENDED 0x8014 #define SC_SWITCHPANELIDS 0x8015 #define SC_DBE_FIRST 0x8018 #define SC_DBE_LAST 0x801f #define SC_BEGINDRAG 0x8020 #define SC_ENDDRAG 0x8021 #define SC_SELECT 0x8022 #define SC_OPEN 0x8023 #define SC_CONTEXTMENU 0x8024 #define SC_CONTEXTHELP 0x8025 #define SC_TEXTEDIT 0x8026 #define SC_BEGINSELECT 0x8027 #define SC_ENDSELECT 0x8028 #define SC_WINDOW 0x8029 #define SC_HIDE 0x802a typedef LHANDLE HSAVEWP; BOOL WinCalcFrameRect (HWND hwndFrame, PRECTL prcl, BOOL fClient); BOOL WinCreateFrameControls (HWND hwndFrame, PFRAMECDATA pfcdata, PCSZ pszTitle); BOOL WinFlashWindow (HWND hwndFrame, BOOL fFlash); BOOL WinGetMaxPosition (HWND hwnd, PSWP pswp); BOOL WinGetMinPosition (HWND hwnd, PSWP pswp, __const__ POINTL *pptl); BOOL WinSaveWindowPos (HSAVEWP hsvwp, PSWP pswp, ULONG cswp); #endif /* INCL_WINFRAMEMGR */ #if defined (INCL_WINWINDOWMGR) || !defined (INCL_NOCOMMON) #define PSF_LOCKWINDOWUPDATE 0x0001 #define PSF_CLIPUPWARDS 0x0002 #define PSF_CLIPDOWNWARDS 0x0004 #define PSF_CLIPSIBLINGS 0x0008 #define PSF_CLIPCHILDREN 0x0010 #define PSF_PARENTCLIP 0x0020 #define QV_OS2 0x0000 #define QV_CMS 0x0001 #define QV_TSO 0x0002 #define QV_TSOBATCH 0x0003 #define QV_OS400 0x0004 #define SW_SCROLLCHILDREN 0x0001 #define SW_INVALIDATERGN 0x0002 typedef struct _QVERSDATA { USHORT environment; USHORT version; } QVERSDATA; typedef QVERSDATA *PQVERSDATA; HPS WinBeginPaint (HWND hwnd, HPS hps, PRECTL prclPaint); MRESULT WinDefWindowProc (HWND hwnd, ULONG msg, MPARAM mp1, MPARAM mp2); BOOL WinDestroyWindow (HWND hwnd); BOOL WinEndPaint (HPS hps); BOOL WinFillRect (HPS hps, __const__ RECTL *prcl, LONG lColor); HPS WinGetClipPS (HWND hwnd, HWND hwndClip, ULONG fl); HPS WinGetPS (HWND hwnd); HAB WinInitialize (ULONG fsOptions); BOOL WinIsWindowShowing (HWND hwnd); HDC WinOpenWindowDC (HWND hwnd); HAB WinQueryAnchorBlock (HWND hwnd); ULONG WinQueryVersion (HAB hab); BOOL WinQueryWindowRect (HWND hwnd, PRECTL prclDest); BOOL WinRegisterClass (HAB hab, PCSZ pszClassName, PFNWP pfnWndProc, ULONG flStyle, ULONG cbWindowData); BOOL WinReleasePS (HPS hps); LONG WinScrollWindow (HWND hwnd, LONG dx, LONG dy, __const__ RECTL *prclScroll, __const__ RECTL *prclClip, HRGN hrgnUpdate, PRECTL prclUpdate, ULONG rgfsw); BOOL WinSetActiveWindow (HWND hwndDesktop, HWND hwnd); BOOL WinShowWindow (HWND hwnd, BOOL fShow); BOOL WinTerminate (HAB hab); #endif /* INCL_WINWINDOWMGR || !INCL_NOCOMMON */ #if defined (INCL_WINWINDOWMGR) #define WM_QUERYCONVERTPOS 0x00b0 #define QCP_CONVERT 0x0001 #define QCP_NOCONVERT 0x0000 #define QWS_USER 0 #define QWS_ID (-1) #define QWS_MIN (-1) #define QWL_USER 0 #define QWL_STYLE (-2) #define QWP_PFNWP (-3) #define QWL_HMQ (-4) #define QWL_RESERVED (-5) #define QWL_PENDATA (-7) #define QWL_BD_ATTR (-9) #define QWL_BD_STAT (-10) #define QWL_KBDLAYER (-11) #define QWL_MIN (-11) #define QWL_HHEAP 0x0004 #define QWL_HWNDFOCUSSAVE 0x0018 #define QWL_DEFBUTTON 0x0040 #define QWL_PSSCBLK 0x0048 #define QWL_PFEPBLK 0x004c #define QWL_PSTATBLK 0x0050 #define QWS_FLAGS 0x0008 #define QWS_RESULT 0x000a #define QWS_XRESTORE 0x000c #define QWS_YRESTORE 0x000e #define QWS_CXRESTORE 0x0010 #define QWS_CYRESTORE 0x0012 #define QWS_XMINIMIZE 0x0014 #define QWS_YMINIMIZE 0x0016 typedef struct _CLASSINFO { ULONG flClassStyle; PFNWP pfnWindowProc; ULONG cbWindowData; } CLASSINFO; typedef CLASSINFO *PCLASSINFO; typedef struct _CREATESTRUCT { PVOID pPresParams; PVOID pCtlData; ULONG id; HWND hwndInsertBehind; HWND hwndOwner; LONG cy; LONG cx; LONG y; LONG x; ULONG flStyle; PSZ pszText; PSZ pszClass; HWND hwndParent; } CREATESTRUCT; typedef CREATESTRUCT *PCREATESTRUCT; typedef LHANDLE HENUM; HENUM WinBeginEnumWindows (HWND hwnd); BOOL WinEndEnumWindows (HENUM henum); LONG WinExcludeUpdateRegion (HPS hps, HWND hwnd); HWND WinGetNextWindow (HENUM henum); HPS WinGetScreenPS (HWND hwndDesktop); BOOL WinIsThreadActive (HAB hab); BOOL WinLockVisRegions (HWND hwndDesktop, BOOL fLock); BOOL WinLockWindowUpdate (HWND hwndDesktop, HWND hwndLockUpdate); BOOL WinMapWindowPoints (HWND hwndFrom, HWND hwndTo, PPOINTL prgptl, LONG cwpt); HWND WinQueryActiveWindow (HWND hwndDesktop); BOOL WinQueryClassInfo (HAB hab, PCSZ pszClassName, PCLASSINFO pClassInfo); LONG WinQueryClassName (HWND hwnd, LONG cchMax, PCH pch); BOOL WinQueryUpdateRect (HWND hwnd, PRECTL prcl); LONG WinQueryUpdateRegion (HWND hwnd, HRGN hrgn); HWND WinQuerySysModalWindow (HWND hwndDesktop); HDC WinQueryWindowDC (HWND hwnd); PVOID WinQueryWindowPtr (HWND hwnd, LONG index); ULONG WinQueryWindowULong (HWND hwnd, LONG index); USHORT WinQueryWindowUShort (HWND hwnd, LONG index); BOOL WinSetSysModalWindow (HWND hwndDesktop, HWND hwnd); BOOL WinSetWindowBits (HWND hwnd, LONG index, ULONG flData, ULONG flMask); BOOL WinSetWindowPtr (HWND hwnd, LONG index, PVOID p); BOOL WinSetWindowULong (HWND hwnd, LONG index, ULONG ul); BOOL WinSetWindowUShort (HWND hwnd, LONG index, USHORT us); PFNWP WinSubclassWindow (HWND hwnd, PFNWP pfnwp); BOOL WinValidateRect (HWND hwnd, __const__ RECTL *prcl, BOOL fIncludeChildren); BOOL WinValidateRegion (HWND hwnd, HRGN hrgn, BOOL fIncludeChildren); HWND WinWindowFromDC (HDC hdc); HWND WinWindowFromPoint (HWND hwnd, __const__ POINTL *pptl, BOOL fChildren); #endif /* INCL_WINWINDOWMGR */ #if defined (INCL_WINACCELERATORS) #define AF_CHAR 0x0001 #define AF_VIRTUALKEY 0x0002 #define AF_SCANCODE 0x0004 #define AF_SHIFT 0x0008 #define AF_CONTROL 0x0010 #define AF_ALT 0x0020 #define AF_LONEKEY 0x0040 #define AF_SYSCOMMAND 0x0100 #define AF_HELP 0x0200 typedef struct _ACCEL { USHORT fs; USHORT key; USHORT cmd; } ACCEL; typedef ACCEL *PACCEL; typedef struct _ACCELTABLE { USHORT cAccel; USHORT codepage; ACCEL aaccel[1]; } ACCELTABLE; typedef ACCELTABLE *PACCELTABLE; ULONG WinCopyAccelTable (HACCEL haccel, PACCELTABLE pAccelTable, ULONG cbCopyMax); HACCEL WinCreateAccelTable (HAB hab, PACCELTABLE pAccelTable); BOOL WinDestroyAccelTable (HACCEL haccel); HACCEL WinLoadAccelTable (HAB hab, HMODULE hmod, ULONG idAccelTable); HACCEL WinQueryAccelTable (HAB hab, HWND hwndFrame); BOOL WinSetAccelTable (HAB hab, HACCEL haccel, HWND hwndFrame); BOOL WinTranslateAccel (HAB hab, HWND hwnd, HACCEL haccel, PQMSG pqmsg); #endif /* INCL_WINACCELERATORS */ #if defined (INCL_WINATOM) typedef LHANDLE HATOMTBL; typedef ULONG ATOM; #define MAKEINTATOM(x) ((PCH)MAKEULONG (x, 0xffff)) ATOM WinAddAtom (HATOMTBL hAtomTbl, PCSZ pszAtomName); HATOMTBL WinCreateAtomTable (ULONG cbInitial, ULONG cBuckets); ATOM WinDeleteAtom (HATOMTBL hAtomTbl, ATOM atom); HATOMTBL WinDestroyAtomTable (HATOMTBL hAtomTbl); ATOM WinFindAtom (HATOMTBL hAtomTbl, PCSZ pszAtomName); ULONG WinQueryAtomLength (HATOMTBL hAtomTbl, ATOM atom); ULONG WinQueryAtomName (HATOMTBL hAtomTbl, ATOM atom, PSZ pchBuffer, ULONG cchBufferMax); ULONG WinQueryAtomUsage (HATOMTBL hAtomTbl, ATOM atom); HATOMTBL WinQuerySystemAtomTable (VOID); #endif /* INCL_WINATOM */ #if defined (INCL_WINBUTTONS) #define BDS_HILITED 0x0100 #define BDS_DISABLED 0x0200 #define BDS_DEFAULT 0x0400 #define BM_CLICK 0x0120 #define BM_QUERYCHECKINDEX 0x0121 #define BM_QUERYHILITE 0x0122 #define BM_SETHILITE 0x0123 #define BM_QUERYCHECK 0x0124 #define BM_SETCHECK 0x0125 #define BM_SETDEFAULT 0x0126 #define BN_CLICKED 1 #define BN_DBLCLICKED 2 #define BN_PAINT 3 #define BS_PUSHBUTTON 0 #define BS_CHECKBOX 1 #define BS_AUTOCHECKBOX 2 #define BS_RADIOBUTTON 3 #define BS_AUTORADIOBUTTON 4 #define BS_3STATE 5 #define BS_AUTO3STATE 6 #define BS_USERBUTTON 7 #define BS_PRIMARYSTYLES 0x000f #define BS_TEXT 0x0010 #define BS_MINIICON 0x0020 #define BS_BITMAP 0x0040 #define BS_ICON 0x0080 #define BS_HELP 0x0100 #define BS_SYSCOMMAND 0x0200 #define BS_DEFAULT 0x0400 #define BS_NOPOINTERFOCUS 0x0800 #define BS_NOBORDER 0x1000 #define BS_NOCURSORSELECT 0x2000 #define BS_AUTOSIZE 0x4000 typedef struct _BTNCDATA { USHORT cb; USHORT fsCheckState; USHORT fsHiliteState; LHANDLE hImage; } BTNCDATA; typedef BTNCDATA *PBTNCDATA; typedef struct _USERBUTTON { HWND hwnd; HPS hps; ULONG fsState; ULONG fsStateOld; } USERBUTTON; typedef USERBUTTON *PUSERBUTTON; #endif /* INCL_WINBUTTONS */ #if defined (INCL_WINCLIPBOARD) || defined (INCL_WINDDE) #define WM_RENDERFMT 0x0060 #define WM_RENDERALLFMTS 0x0061 #define WM_DESTROYCLIPBOARD 0x0062 #define WM_PAINTCLIPBOARD 0x0063 #define WM_SIZECLIPBOARD 0x0064 #define WM_HSCROLLCLIPBOARD 0x0065 #define WM_VSCROLLCLIPBOARD 0x0066 #define WM_DRAWCLIPBOARD 0x0067 #define CF_TEXT 1 #define CF_BITMAP 2 #define CF_DSPTEXT 3 #define CF_DSPBITMAP 4 #define CF_METAFILE 5 #define CF_DSPMETAFILE 6 #define CF_PALETTE 9 #define CF_MMPMFIRST 10 #define CF_MMPMLAST 19 #define SZFMT_TEXT "#1" #define SZFMT_BITMAP "#2" #define SZFMT_DSPTEXT "#3" #define SZFMT_DSPBITMAP "#4" #define SZFMT_METAFILE "#5" #define SZFMT_DSPMETAFILE "#6" #define SZFMT_PALETTE "#9" #define SZFMT_SYLK "Sylk" #define SZFMT_DIF "Dif" #define SZFMT_TIFF "Tiff" #define SZFMT_OEMTEXT "OemText" #define SZFMT_DIB "Dib" #define SZFMT_OWNERDISPLAY "OwnerDisplay" #define SZFMT_LINK "Link" #define SZFMT_METAFILEPICT "MetaFilePict" #define SZFMT_DSPMETAFILEPICT "DspMetaFilePict" #define SZFMT_CPTEXT "Codepage Text" typedef struct _CPTEXT { USHORT idCountry; USHORT usCodepage; USHORT usLangID; USHORT usSubLangID; BYTE abText[1]; } CPTEXT; typedef CPTEXT *PCPTEXT; typedef struct _MFP { POINTL sizeBounds; POINTL sizeMM; ULONG cbLength; USHORT mapMode; USHORT reserved; BYTE abData[1]; } MFP; typedef MFP *PMFP; #endif /* INCL_WINCLIPBOARD || INCL_WINDDE */ #if defined (INCL_WINCLIPBOARD) #define CFI_OWNERFREE 0x0001 #define CFI_OWNERDISPLAY 0x0002 #define CFI_HANDLE 0x0200 #define CFI_POINTER 0x0400 BOOL WinCloseClipbrd (HAB hab); BOOL WinEmptyClipbrd (HAB hab); ULONG WinEnumClipbrdFmts (HAB hab, ULONG fmt); BOOL WinOpenClipbrd (HAB hab); ULONG WinQueryClipbrdData (HAB hab, ULONG fmt); BOOL WinQueryClipbrdFmtInfo (HAB hab, ULONG fmt, PULONG prgfFmtInfo); HWND WinQueryClipbrdOwner (HAB hab); HWND WinQueryClipbrdViewer (HAB hab); BOOL WinSetClipbrdData (HAB hab, ULONG ulData, ULONG fmt, ULONG rgfFmtInfo); BOOL WinSetClipbrdOwner (HAB hab, HWND hwnd); BOOL WinSetClipbrdViewer (HAB hab, HWND hwndNewClipViewer); #endif /* INCL_WINCLIPBOARD */ #if defined (INCL_WINDDE) #define WM_DDE_FIRST 0x00a0 #define WM_DDE_INITIATE 0x00a0 #define WM_DDE_REQUEST 0x00a1 #define WM_DDE_ACK 0x00a2 #define WM_DDE_DATA 0x00a3 #define WM_DDE_ADVISE 0x00a4 #define WM_DDE_UNADVISE 0x00a5 #define WM_DDE_POKE 0x00a6 #define WM_DDE_EXECUTE 0x00a7 #define WM_DDE_TERMINATE 0x00a8 #define WM_DDE_INITIATEACK 0x00a9 #define WM_DDE_LAST 0x00af #define DDE_FACK 0x0001 #define DDE_FBUSY 0x0002 #define DDE_FNODATA 0x0004 #define DDE_FACKREQ 0x0008 #define DDE_FRESPONSE 0x0010 #define DDE_NOTPROCESSED 0x0020 #define DDE_FRESERVED 0x00c0 #define DDE_FAPPSTATUS 0xff00 #define DDECTXT_CASESENSITIVE 0x0001 #define DDEFMT_TEXT 0x0001 #define DDEPM_RETRY 0x0001 #define DDEPM_NOFREE 0x0002 #define SZDDESYS_TOPIC "System" #define SZDDESYS_ITEM_TOPICS "Topics" #define SZDDESYS_ITEM_SYSITEMS "SysItems" #define SZDDESYS_ITEM_RTNMSG "ReturnMessage" #define SZDDESYS_ITEM_STATUS "Status" #define SZDDESYS_ITEM_FORMATS "Formats" #define SZDDESYS_ITEM_SECURITY "Security" #define SZDDESYS_ITEM_ITEMFORMATS "ItemFormats" #define SZDDESYS_ITEM_HELP "Help" #define SZDDESYS_ITEM_PROTOCOLS "Protocols" #define SZDDESYS_ITEM_RESTART "Restart" typedef struct _CONVCONTEXT { ULONG cb; ULONG fsContext; ULONG idCountry; ULONG usCodepage; ULONG usLangID; ULONG usSubLangID; } CONVCONTEXT; typedef CONVCONTEXT *PCONVCONTEXT; typedef struct _DDEINIT { ULONG cb; PSZ pszAppName; PSZ pszTopic; ULONG offConvContext; } DDEINIT; typedef DDEINIT *PDDEINIT; typedef struct _DDESTRUCT { ULONG cbData; USHORT fsStatus; USHORT usFormat; USHORT offszItemName; USHORT offabData; } DDESTRUCT; typedef DDESTRUCT *PDDESTRUCT; #define DDES_PSZITEMNAME(pddes) \ (((PSZ)pddes) + ((PDDESTRUCT)pddes)->offszItemName) #define DDES_PABDATA(pddes) \ (((PBYTE)pddes) + ((PDDESTRUCT)pddes)->offabData) #define DDEI_PCONVCONTEXT(pddei) \ ((PCONVCONTEXT)((PBYTE)pddei + pddei->offConvContext)) BOOL WinDdeInitiate (HWND hwndClient, PCSZ pszAppName, PCSZ pszTopicName, __const__ CONVCONTEXT *pcctxt); BOOL WinDdePostMsg (HWND hwndTo, HWND hwndFrom, ULONG wm, __const__ DDESTRUCT *pddest, ULONG flOptions); MRESULT WinDdeRespond (HWND hwndClient, HWND hwndServer, PCSZ pszAppName, PCSZ pszTopicName, __const__ CONVCONTEXT *pcctxt); #endif /* INCL_WINDDE */ #if defined (INCL_WINCOUNTRY) #define WCS_ERROR 0 #define WCS_EQ 1 #define WCS_LT 2 #define WCS_GT 3 ULONG WinCompareStrings (HAB hab, ULONG idcp, ULONG idcc, PCSZ psz1, PCSZ psz2, ULONG reserved); UCHAR WinCpTranslateChar (HAB hab, ULONG cpSrc, UCHAR chSrc, ULONG cpDst); BOOL WinCpTranslateString (HAB hab, ULONG cpSrc, PCSZ pszSrc, ULONG cpDst, ULONG cchDestMax, PSZ pchDest); PSZ WinNextChar (HAB hab, ULONG idcp, ULONG idcc, PCSZ psz); PSZ WinPrevChar (HAB hab, ULONG idcp, ULONG idcc, PCSZ pszStart, PCSZ psz); ULONG WinQueryCp (HMQ hmq); ULONG WinQueryCpList (HAB hab, ULONG ccpMax, PULONG prgcp); BOOL WinSetCp (HMQ hmq, ULONG idCodePage); ULONG WinUpper (HAB hab, ULONG idcp, ULONG idcc, PSZ psz); ULONG WinUpperChar (HAB hab, ULONG idcp, ULONG idcc, ULONG c); #endif /* INCL_WINCOUNTRY */ #if defined (INCL_WINCURSORS) || !defined (INCL_NOCOMMON) #define CURSOR_SOLID 0x0000 #define CURSOR_HALFTONE 0x0001 #define CURSOR_FRAME 0x0002 #define CURSOR_FLASH 0x0004 #define CURSOR_BIDI_FIRST 0x0100 #define CURSOR_BIDI_LAST 0x0200 #define CURSOR_SETPOS 0x8000 BOOL WinCreateCursor (HWND hwnd, LONG x, LONG y, LONG cx, LONG cy, ULONG fs, PRECTL prclClip); BOOL WinDestroyCursor (HWND hwnd); BOOL WinShowCursor (HWND hwnd, BOOL fShow); #endif /* INCL_WINCURSORS || !INCL_NOCOMMON */ #if defined (INCL_WINCURSORS) typedef struct _CURSORINFO { HWND hwnd; LONG x; LONG y; LONG cx; LONG cy; ULONG fs; RECTL rclClip; } CURSORINFO; typedef CURSORINFO *PCURSORINFO; BOOL WinQueryCursorInfo (HWND hwndDesktop, PCURSORINFO pCursorInfo); #endif /* INCL_WINCURSORS */ #if defined (INCL_WINDESKTOP) #define SDT_DESTROY 0x0001 #define SDT_NOBKGND 0x0002 #define SDT_TILE 0x0004 #define SDT_SCALE 0x0008 #define SDT_PATTERN 0x0010 #define SDT_CENTER 0x0020 #define SDT_RETAIN 0x0040 #define SDT_LOADFILE 0x0080 typedef struct _DESKTOP { ULONG cbSize; HBITMAP hbm; LONG x; LONG y; ULONG fl; LONG lTileCount; CHAR szFile[260]; } DESKTOP; typedef DESKTOP *PDESKTOP; BOOL WinQueryDesktopBkgnd (HWND hwndDesktop, PDESKTOP pdsk); HBITMAP WinSetDesktopBkgnd (HWND hwndDesktop, __const__ DESKTOP *pdskNew); #endif /* INCL_WINDESKTOP */ #if defined (INCL_WINDIALOGS) || !defined (INCL_NOCOMMON) #define DID_OK 1 #define DID_CANCEL 2 #define DID_ERROR 0xffff #define MB_OK 0x0000 #define MB_OKCANCEL 0x0001 #define MB_RETRYCANCEL 0x0002 #define MB_ABORTRETRYIGNORE 0x0003 #define MB_YESNO 0x0004 #define MB_YESNOCANCEL 0x0005 #define MB_CANCEL 0x0006 #define MB_ENTER 0x0007 #define MB_ENTERCANCEL 0x0008 #define MB_NOICON 0x0000 #define MB_CUANOTIFICATION 0x0000 #define MB_ICONQUESTION 0x0010 #define MB_ICONEXCLAMATION 0x0020 #define MB_CUAWARNING 0x0020 #define MB_ICONASTERISK 0x0030 #define MB_ICONHAND 0x0040 #define MB_CUACRITICAL 0x0040 #define MB_QUERY MB_ICONQUESTION #define MB_WARNING MB_CUAWARNING #define MB_INFORMATION MB_ICONASTERISK #define MB_CRITICAL MB_CUACRITICAL #define MB_ERROR MB_CRITICAL #define MB_CUSTOMICON 0x0080 #define MB_DEFBUTTON1 0x0000 #define MB_DEFBUTTON2 0x0100 #define MB_DEFBUTTON3 0x0200 #define MB_APPLMODAL 0x0000 #define MB_SYSTEMMODAL 0x1000 #define MB_HELP 0x2000 #define MB_MOVEABLE 0x4000 #define MB_NONMODAL 0x8000 #define MBID_OK 1 #define MBID_CANCEL 2 #define MBID_ABORT 3 #define MBID_RETRY 4 #define MBID_IGNORE 5 #define MBID_YES 6 #define MBID_NO 7 #define MBID_HELP 8 #define MBID_ENTER 9 #define MBID_ERROR 0xffff #define WA_WARNING 0 #define WA_NOTE 1 #define WA_ERROR 2 #define WA_CDEFALARMS 3 #if 0 /* Multimedia */ #define WA_WINDOWOPEN 3 #define WA_WINDOWCLOSE 4 #define WA_BEGINDRAG 5 #define WA_ENDDRAG 6 #define WA_STARTUP 7 #define WA_SHUTDOWN 8 #define WA_SHRED 9 #define WA_CWINALARMS 13 #endif /* 0 */ #define MAX_MBDTEXT 70 typedef struct _MB2D { CHAR achText[MAX_MBDTEXT+1]; CHAR _pad[1]; ULONG idButton; LONG flStyle; } MB2D; typedef MB2D *PMB2D; typedef struct _MB2INFO { ULONG cb; HPOINTER hIcon; ULONG cButtons; ULONG flStyle; HWND hwndNotify; MB2D mb2d[1]; } MB2INFO; typedef MB2INFO *PMB2INFO; #define WinCheckButton(hwndDlg,id,usCheckState) \ ((ULONG)WinSendDlgItemMsg (hwndDlg, id, BM_SETCHECK, \ MPFROMSHORT (usCheckState), (MPARAM)NULL)) #define WinEnableControl(hwndDlg,id,fEnable) \ WinEnableWindow (WinWindowFromID (hwndDlg, id), fEnable) #define WinIsControlEnabled(hwndDlg,id) \ ((BOOL)WinIsWindowEnabled (WinWindowFromID (hwndDlg, id))) #define WinQueryButtonCheckstate(hwndDlg,id) \ ((ULONG)WinSendDlgItemMsg (hwndDlg, id, BM_QUERYCHECK, \ (MPARAM)NULL, (MPARAM)NULL)) BOOL WinAlarm (HWND hwndDesktop, ULONG rgfType); MRESULT WinDefDlgProc (HWND hwndDlg, ULONG msg, MPARAM mp1, MPARAM mp2); BOOL WinDismissDlg (HWND hwndDlg, ULONG usResult); ULONG WinDlgBox (HWND hwndParent, HWND hwndOwner, PFNWP pfnDlgProc, HMODULE hmod, ULONG idDlg, PVOID pCreateParams); BOOL WinGetDlgMsg (HWND hwndDlg, PQMSG pqmsg); HWND WinLoadDlg (HWND hwndParent, HWND hwndOwner, PFNWP pfnDlgProc, HMODULE hmod, ULONG idDlg, PVOID pCreateParams); ULONG WinMessageBox (HWND hwndParent, HWND hwndOwner, PCSZ pszText, PCSZ pszCaption, ULONG idWindow, ULONG flStyle); ULONG WinMessageBox2 (HWND hwndParent, HWND hwndOwner, PCSZ pszText, PCSZ pszCaption, ULONG idWindow, PMB2INFO pmb2info); BOOL WinQueryDlgItemShort (HWND hwndDlg, ULONG idItem, PSHORT pResult, BOOL fSigned); ULONG WinQueryDlgItemText (HWND hwndDlg, ULONG idItem, LONG cchBufferMax, PSZ pchBuffer); LONG WinQueryDlgItemTextLength (HWND hwndDlg, ULONG idItem); BOOL WinSetDlgItemShort (HWND hwndDlg, ULONG idItem, USHORT usValue, BOOL fSigned); BOOL WinSetDlgItemText (HWND hwndDlg, ULONG idItem, PCSZ pszText); #endif /* INCL_WINDIALOGS || !defined (INCL_NOCOMMON) */ #if defined (INCL_WINDIALOGS) #define DLGC_ENTRYFIELD 0x0001 #define DLGC_BUTTON 0x0002 #define DLGC_RADIOBUTTON 0x0004 #define DLGC_STATIC 0x0008 #define DLGC_DEFAULT 0x0010 #define DLGC_PUSHBUTTON 0x0020 #define DLGC_CHECKBOX 0x0040 #define DLGC_SCROLLBAR 0x0080 #define DLGC_MENU 0x0100 #define DLGC_TABONCLICK 0x0200 #define DLGC_MLE 0x0400 #define EDI_FIRSTTABITEM 0 #define EDI_LASTTABITEM 1 #define EDI_NEXTTABITEM 2 #define EDI_PREVTABITEM 3 #define EDI_FIRSTGROUPITEM 4 #define EDI_LASTGROUPITEM 5 #define EDI_NEXTGROUPITEM 6 #define EDI_PREVGROUPITEM 7 typedef struct _DLGTITEM { USHORT fsItemStatus; USHORT cChildren; USHORT cchClassName; USHORT offClassName; USHORT cchText; USHORT offText; ULONG flStyle; SHORT x; SHORT y; SHORT cx; SHORT cy; USHORT id; USHORT offPresParams; USHORT offCtlData; } DLGTITEM; typedef DLGTITEM *PDLGTITEM; typedef struct _DLGTEMPLATE { USHORT cbTemplate; USHORT type; USHORT codepage; USHORT offadlgti; USHORT fsTemplateStatus; USHORT iItemFocus; USHORT coffPresParams; DLGTITEM adlgti[1]; } DLGTEMPLATE; typedef DLGTEMPLATE *PDLGTEMPLATE; HWND WinCreateDlg (HWND hwndParent, HWND hwndOwner, PFNWP pfnDlgProc, PDLGTEMPLATE pdlgt, PVOID pCreateParams); HWND WinEnumDlgItem (HWND hwndDlg, HWND hwnd, ULONG code); BOOL WinMapDlgPoints (HWND hwndDlg, PPOINTL prgwptl, ULONG cwpt, BOOL fCalcWindowCoords); ULONG WinProcessDlg (HWND hwndDlg); MRESULT WinSendDlgItemMsg (HWND hwndDlg, ULONG idItem, ULONG msg, MPARAM mp1, MPARAM mp2); LONG WinSubstituteStrings (HWND hwnd, PCSZ pszSrc, LONG cchDstMax, PSZ pszDst); #endif /* INCL_WINDIALOGS */ #if defined (INCL_WINENTRYFIELDS) #define CBID_LIST 0x029a #define CBID_EDIT 0x029b #define CBM_SHOWLIST 0x0170 #define CBM_HILITE 0x0171 #define CBM_ISLISTSHOWING 0x0172 #define CBN_EFCHANGE 1 #define CBN_EFSCROLL 2 #define CBN_MEMERROR 3 #define CBN_LBSELECT 4 #define CBN_LBSCROLL 5 #define CBN_SHOWLIST 6 #define CBN_ENTER 7 #define CBS_SIMPLE 0x0001 #define CBS_DROPDOWN 0x0002 #define CBS_DROPDOWNLIST 0x0004 #define CBS_COMPATIBLE 0x0008 #define EM_QUERYCHANGED 0x0140 #define EM_QUERYSEL 0x0141 #define EM_SETSEL 0x0142 #define EM_SETTEXTLIMIT 0x0143 #define EM_CUT 0x0144 #define EM_COPY 0x0145 #define EM_CLEAR 0x0146 #define EM_PASTE 0x0147 #define EM_QUERYFIRSTCHAR 0x0148 #define EM_SETFIRSTCHAR 0x0149 #define EM_QUERYREADONLY 0x014a #define EM_SETREADONLY 0x014b #define EM_SETINSERTMODE 0x014c #define EN_SETFOCUS 0x0001 #define EN_KILLFOCUS 0x0002 #define EN_CHANGE 0x0004 #define EN_SCROLL 0x0008 #define EN_MEMERROR 0x0010 #define EN_OVERFLOW 0x0020 #define EN_INSERTMODETOGGLE 0x0040 #define ES_LEFT 0x0000 #define ES_CENTER 0x0001 #define ES_RIGHT 0x0002 #define ES_AUTOSCROLL 0x0004 #define ES_MARGIN 0x0008 #define ES_AUTOTAB 0x0010 #define ES_READONLY 0x0020 #define ES_COMMAND 0x0040 #define ES_UNREADABLE 0x0080 #define ES_AUTOSIZE 0x0200 #if defined (INCL_NLS) #define ES_ANY 0x0000 #define ES_SBCS 0x1000 #define ES_DBCS 0x2000 #define ES_MIXED 0x3000 #endif /* INCL_NLS */ typedef struct _COMBOCDATA { ULONG cbSize; ULONG reserved; PVOID pHWXCtlData; } COMBOCDATA; typedef COMBOCDATA *PCOMBOCDATA; typedef struct _ENTRYFDATA { USHORT cb; USHORT cchEditLimit; USHORT ichMinSel; USHORT ichMaxSel; PVOID pHWXCtlData; } ENTRYFDATA; typedef ENTRYFDATA *PENTRYFDATA; #endif /* INCL_WINENTRYFIELDS */ #if defined (INCL_WINERRORS) typedef struct _ERRINFO { ULONG cbFixedErrInfo; ERRORID idError; ULONG cDetailLevel; ULONG offaoffszMsg; ULONG offBinaryData; } ERRINFO; typedef ERRINFO *PERRINFO; ERRORID WinGetLastError (HAB hab); BOOL WinFreeErrorInfo (PERRINFO perrinfo); PERRINFO WinGetErrorInfo (HAB hab); #endif /* INCL_WINERRORS */ #if defined (INCL_WINFRAMECTLS) #define TBM_SETHILITE 0x01e3 #define TBM_QUERYHILITE 0x01e4 #endif /* INCL_WINFRAMECTLS */ #if defined (INCL_WINHOOKS) #define HK_SENDMSG 0 #define HK_INPUT 1 #define HK_MSGFILTER 2 #define HK_JOURNALRECORD 3 #define HK_JOURNALPLAYBACK 4 #define HK_HELP 5 #define HK_LOADER 6 #define HK_REGISTERUSERMSG 7 #define HK_MSGCONTROL 8 #define HK_PLIST_ENTRY 9 #define HK_PLIST_EXIT 10 #define HK_FINDWORD 11 #define HK_CODEPAGECHANGED 12 #define HK_WINDOWDC 15 #define HK_DESTROYWINDOW 16 #define HK_CHECKMSGFILTER 20 #define HK_MSGINPUT 21 #define HK_ALARM 22 #define HK_LOCKUP 23 #define HK_FLUSHBUF 24 #define HLPM_FRAME (-1) #define HLPM_WINDOW (-2) #define HLPM_MENU (-3) #define HMQ_CURRENT ((HMQ)1) #define LHK_DELETEPROC 1 #define LHK_DELETELIB 2 #define LHK_LOADPROC 3 #define LHK_LOADLIB 4 #define MCHK_MSGINTEREST 1 #define MCHK_CLASSMSGINTEREST 2 #define MCHK_SYNCHRONISATION 3 #define MCHK_MSGMODE 4 #define MSGF_DIALOGBOX 1 #define MSGF_MESSAGEBOX 2 #define MSGF_DDEPOSTMSG 3 #define MSGF_TRACK 8 #define PM_MODEL_1X 0 #define PM_MODEL_2X 1 #define RUMHK_DATATYPE 1 #define RUMHK_MSG 2 typedef struct _SMHSTRUCT { MPARAM mp2; MPARAM mp1; ULONG msg; HWND hwnd; ULONG model; } SMHSTRUCT; typedef SMHSTRUCT *PSMHSTRUCT; BOOL WinCallMsgFilter (HAB hab, PQMSG pqmsg, ULONG msgf); BOOL WinReleaseHook (HAB hab, HMQ hmq, LONG iHook, PFN pfnHook, HMODULE hmod); BOOL WinSetHook (HAB hab, HMQ hmq, LONG iHook, PFN pfnHook, HMODULE hmod); #endif /* INCL_WINHOOKS */ #if defined (INCL_WININPUT) || !defined (INCL_NOCOMMON) #define FC_NOSETFOCUS 0x0001 #define FC_NOBRINGTOTOP 0x0001 /*!*/ #define FC_NOLOSEFOCUS 0x0002 #define FC_NOBRINGTOPFIRSTWINDOW 0x0002 /*!*/ #define FC_NOSETACTIVE 0x0004 #define FC_NOLOSEACTIVE 0x0008 #define FC_NOSETSELECTION 0x0010 #define FC_NOLOSESELECTION 0x0020 #define QFC_NEXTINCHAIN 0x0001 #define QFC_ACTIVE 0x0002 #define QFC_FRAME 0x0003 #define QFC_SELECTACTIVE 0x0004 #define QFC_PARTOFCHAIN 0x0005 BOOL WinFocusChange (HWND hwndDesktop, HWND hwndSetFocus, ULONG flFocusChange); BOOL WinLockupSystem (HAB hab); BOOL WinSetFocus (HWND hwndDesktop, HWND hwndSetFocus); BOOL WinUnlockSystem (HAB hab, PCSZ pszPassword); #endif /* INCL_WININPUT || !INCL_NOCOMMON */ #if defined (INCL_WININPUT) #define WM_MOUSEFIRST 0x0070 #define WM_MOUSEMOVE 0x0070 #define WM_BUTTONCLICKFIRST 0x0071 #define WM_BUTTON1DOWN 0x0071 #define WM_BUTTON1UP 0x0072 #define WM_BUTTON1DBLCLK 0x0073 #define WM_BUTTON2DOWN 0x0074 #define WM_BUTTON2UP 0x0075 #define WM_BUTTON2DBLCLK 0x0076 #define WM_BUTTON3DOWN 0x0077 #define WM_BUTTON3UP 0x0078 #define WM_BUTTON3DBLCLK 0x0079 #define WM_BUTTONCLICKLAST 0x0079 #define WM_MOUSELAST 0x0079 #define WM_CHAR 0x007a #define WM_VIOCHAR 0x007b #define WM_JOURNALNOTIFY 0x007c #define WM_MOUSEMAP 0x007d #define WM_VRNDISABLED 0x007e #define WM_VRNENABLED 0x007f #define WM_EXTMOUSEFIRST 0x0410 #define WM_CHORD 0x0410 #define WM_BUTTON1MOTIONSTART 0x0411 #define WM_BUTTON1MOTIONEND 0x0412 #define WM_BUTTON1CLICK 0x0413 #define WM_BUTTON2MOTIONSTART 0x0414 #define WM_BUTTON2MOTIONEND 0x0415 #define WM_BUTTON2CLICK 0x0416 #define WM_BUTTON3MOTIONSTART 0x0417 #define WM_BUTTON3MOTIONEND 0x0418 #define WM_BUTTON3CLICK 0x0419 #define WM_EXTMOUSELAST 0x0419 #define WM_MOUSETRANSLATEFIRST 0x0420 #define WM_BEGINDRAG 0x0420 #define WM_ENDDRAG 0x0421 #define WM_SINGLESELECT 0x0422 #define WM_OPEN 0x0423 #define WM_CONTEXTMENU 0x0424 #define WM_CONTEXTHELP 0x0425 #define WM_TEXTEDIT 0x0426 #define WM_BEGINSELECT 0x0427 #define WM_ENDSELECT 0x0428 #define WM_MOUSETRANSLATELAST 0x0428 #define WM_PICKUP 0x0429 #define WM_PENFIRST 0x0481 #define WM_PENLAST 0x049f #define WM_MMPMFIRST 0x0500 #define WM_MMPMLAST 0x05ff #define WM_BIDI_FIRST 0x0bd0 #define WM_BIDI_LAST 0x0bff #define INP_NONE 0x0000 #define INP_KBD 0x0001 #define INP_MULT 0x0002 #define INP_RES2 0x0004 #define INP_SHIFT 0x0008 #define INP_CTRL 0x0010 #define INP_ALT 0x0020 #define INP_RES3 0x0040 #define INP_RES4 0x0080 #define INP_IGNORE 0xffff #define JRN_QUEUESTATUS 0x0001 #define JRN_PHYSKEYSTATE 0x0002 #define KC_NONE 0x0000 #define KC_CHAR 0x0001 #define KC_VIRTUALKEY 0x0002 #define KC_SCANCODE 0x0004 #define KC_SHIFT 0x0008 #define KC_CTRL 0x0010 #define KC_ALT 0x0020 #define KC_KEYUP 0x0040 #define KC_PREVDOWN 0x0080 #define KC_LONEKEY 0x0100 #define KC_DEADKEY 0x0200 #define KC_COMPOSITE 0x0400 #define KC_INVALIDCOMP 0x0800 #define KC_TOGGLE 0x1000 #define KC_INVALIDCHAR 0x2000 #define KC_DBCSRSRVD1 0x4000 #define KC_DBCSRSRVD2 0x8000 #define VK_BUTTON1 0x0001 #define VK_BUTTON2 0x0002 #define VK_BUTTON3 0x0003 #define VK_BREAK 0x0004 #define VK_BACKSPACE 0x0005 #define VK_TAB 0x0006 #define VK_BACKTAB 0x0007 #define VK_NEWLINE 0x0008 #define VK_SHIFT 0x0009 #define VK_CTRL 0x000a #define VK_ALT 0x000b #define VK_ALTGRAF 0x000c #define VK_PAUSE 0x000d #define VK_CAPSLOCK 0x000e #define VK_ESC 0x000f #define VK_SPACE 0x0010 #define VK_PAGEUP 0x0011 #define VK_PAGEDOWN 0x0012 #define VK_END 0x0013 #define VK_HOME 0x0014 #define VK_LEFT 0x0015 #define VK_UP 0x0016 #define VK_RIGHT 0x0017 #define VK_DOWN 0x0018 #define VK_PRINTSCRN 0x0019 #define VK_INSERT 0x001a #define VK_DELETE 0x001b #define VK_SCRLLOCK 0x001c #define VK_NUMLOCK 0x001d #define VK_ENTER 0x001e #define VK_SYSRQ 0x001f #define VK_F1 0x0020 #define VK_F2 0x0021 #define VK_F3 0x0022 #define VK_F4 0x0023 #define VK_F5 0x0024 #define VK_F6 0x0025 #define VK_F7 0x0026 #define VK_F8 0x0027 #define VK_F9 0x0028 #define VK_F10 0x0029 #define VK_F11 0x002a #define VK_F12 0x002b #define VK_F13 0x002c #define VK_F14 0x002d #define VK_F15 0x002e #define VK_F16 0x002f #define VK_F17 0x0030 #define VK_F18 0x0031 #define VK_F19 0x0032 #define VK_F20 0x0033 #define VK_F21 0x0034 #define VK_F22 0x0035 #define VK_F23 0x0036 #define VK_F24 0x0037 #define VK_ENDDRAG 0x0038 #define VK_CLEAR 0x0039 #define VK_EREOF 0x003a #define VK_PA1 0x003b #define VK_ATTN 0x003c #define VK_CRSEL 0x003d #define VK_EXSEL 0x003e #define VK_COPY 0x003f #define VK_BLK1 0x0040 #define VK_BLK2 0x0041 #define VK_MENU VK_F10 #if defined (INCL_NLS) #define VK_DBCSFIRST 0x0080 #define VK_DBCSLAST 0x00ff #define VK_BIDI_FIRST 0x00e0 #define VK_BIDI_LAST 0x00ff #endif /* INCL_NLS */ #define VK_USERFIRST 0x0100 #define VK_USERLAST 0x01ff typedef struct _CHARMSG { USHORT fs; UCHAR cRepeat; UCHAR scancode; USHORT chr; USHORT vkey; } CHRMSG; typedef CHRMSG *PCHRMSG; typedef struct _MOUSEMSG { SHORT x; SHORT y; USHORT codeHitTest; USHORT fsInp; } MSEMSG; typedef MSEMSG *PMSEMSG; #define CHARMSG(pmsg) ((PCHRMSG)((PBYTE)pmsg + sizeof (ULONG))) #define MOUSEMSG(pmsg) ((PMSEMSG)((PBYTE)pmsg + sizeof (ULONG))) BOOL WinCheckInput (HAB hab); BOOL WinEnablePhysInput (HWND hwndDesktop, BOOL fEnable); LONG WinGetKeyState (HWND hwndDesktop, LONG vkey); LONG WinGetPhysKeyState (HWND hwndDesktop, LONG sc); BOOL WinIsPhysInputEnabled (HWND hwndDesktop); HWND WinQueryCapture (HWND hwndDesktop); HWND WinQueryFocus (HWND hwndDesktop); ULONG WinQueryVisibleRegion (HWND hwnd, HRGN hrgn); BOOL WinSetCapture (HWND hwndDesktop, HWND hwnd); BOOL WinSetKeyboardStateTable (HWND hwndDesktop, PBYTE pKeyStateTable, BOOL fSet); BOOL WinSetVisibleRegionNotify (HWND hwnd, BOOL fEnable); #endif /* INCL_WININPUT */ #if defined (INCL_WINLISTBOXES) #define LS_MULTIPLESEL 0x0001 #define LS_OWNERDRAW 0x0002 #define LS_NOADJUSTPOS 0x0004 #define LS_HORZSCROLL 0x0008 #define LS_EXTENDEDSEL 0x0010 #define LN_SELECT 1 #define LN_SETFOCUS 2 #define LN_KILLFOCUS 3 #define LN_SCROLL 4 #define LN_ENTER 5 #define LM_QUERYITEMCOUNT 0x0160 #define LM_INSERTITEM 0x0161 #define LM_SETTOPINDEX 0x0162 #define LM_DELETEITEM 0x0163 #define LM_SELECTITEM 0x0164 #define LM_QUERYSELECTION 0x0165 #define LM_SETITEMTEXT 0x0166 #define LM_QUERYITEMTEXTLENGTH 0x0167 #define LM_QUERYITEMTEXT 0x0168 #define LM_SETITEMHANDLE 0x0169 #define LM_QUERYITEMHANDLE 0x016a #define LM_SEARCHSTRING 0x016b #define LM_SETITEMHEIGHT 0x016c #define LM_QUERYTOPINDEX 0x016d #define LM_DELETEALL 0x016e #define LM_INSERTMULTITEMS 0x016f #define LM_SETITEMWIDTH 0x0660 /* ? */ #define LIT_CURSOR (-4) #define LIT_ERROR (-3) #define LIT_MEMERROR (-2) #define LIT_NONE (-1) #define LIT_FIRST (-1) #define LIT_END (-1) #define LIT_SORTASCENDING (-2) #define LIT_SORTDESCENDING (-3) #define LSS_SUBSTRING 0x0001 #define LSS_PREFIX 0x0002 #define LSS_CASESENSITIVE 0x0004 typedef struct _LBOXINFO { LONG lItemIndex; ULONG ulItemCount; ULONG reserved; ULONG reserved2; } LBOXINFO; typedef LBOXINFO *PLBOXINFO; #define WinDeleteLboxItem(hwndLbox,index) \ ((LONG)WinSendMsg (hwndLbox, LM_DELETEITEM, MPFROMLONG (index), \ (MPARAM)NULL)) #define WinInsertLboxItem(hwndLbox,index,psz) \ ((LONG)WinSendMsg (hwndLbox, LM_INSERTITEM, MPFROMLONG(index), \ MPFROMP (psz))) #define WinQueryLboxCount(hwndLbox) \ ((LONG)WinSendMsg (hwndLbox, LM_QUERYITEMCOUNT, (MPARAM)NULL, \ (MPARAM)NULL)) #define WinQueryLboxItemText(hwndLbox,index,psz,cchMax) \ ((LONG)WinSendMsg (hwndLbox, LM_QUERYITEMTEXT, \ MPFROM2SHORT((index), (cchMax)), MPFROMP (psz))) #define WinQueryLboxItemTextLength(hwndLbox,index) \ ((SHORT)WinSendMsg (hwndLbox, LM_QUERYITEMTEXTLENGTH, \ MPFROMSHORT (index), (MPARAM)NULL)) #define WinQueryLboxSelectedItem(hwndLbox) \ ((LONG)WinSendMsg (hwndLbox, LM_QUERYSELECTION, MPFROMLONG (LIT_FIRST), \ (MPARAM)NULL)) #define WinSetLboxItemText(hwndLbox,index,psz) \ ((BOOL)WinSendMsg (hwndLbox, LM_SETITEMTEXT, \ MPFROMLONG (index), MPFROMP (psz))) #endif /* INCL_WINLISTBOXES */ #if defined (INCL_WINLOAD) BOOL WinDeleteLibrary (HAB hab, HLIB libhandle); BOOL WinDeleteProcedure (HAB hab, PFNWP wndproc); HLIB WinLoadLibrary (HAB hab, PCSZ libname); PFNWP WinLoadProcedure (HAB hab, HLIB libhandle, PSZ procname); #endif /* INCL_WINLOAD */ #if defined (INCL_WINMENUS) #define MIA_NODISMISS 0x0020 #define MIA_FRAMED 0x1000 #define MIA_CHECKED 0x2000 #define MIA_DISABLED 0x4000 #define MIA_HILITED 0x8000 #define MIS_TEXT 0x0001 #define MIS_BITMAP 0x0002 #define MIS_SEPARATOR 0x0004 #define MIS_OWNERDRAW 0x0008 #define MIS_SUBMENU 0x0010 #define MIS_MULTMENU 0x0020 #define MIS_SYSCOMMAND 0x0040 #define MIS_HELP 0x0080 #define MIS_STATIC 0x0100 #define MIS_BUTTONSEPARATOR 0x0200 #define MIS_BREAK 0x0400 #define MIS_BREAKSEPARATOR 0x0800 #define MIS_GROUP 0x1000 #define MIS_SINGLE 0x2000 #define MIT_END (-1) #define MIT_NONE (-1) #define MIT_MEMERROR (-1) #define MIT_ERROR (-1) #define MIT_FIRST (-2) #define MIT_LAST (-3) #define MM_INSERTITEM 0x0180 #define MM_DELETEITEM 0x0181 #define MM_QUERYITEM 0x0182 #define MM_SETITEM 0x0183 #define MM_QUERYITEMCOUNT 0x0184 #define MM_STARTMENUMODE 0x0185 #define MM_ENDMENUMODE 0x0186 #define MM_REMOVEITEM 0x0188 #define MM_SELECTITEM 0x0189 #define MM_QUERYSELITEMID 0x018a #define MM_QUERYITEMTEXT 0x018b #define MM_QUERYITEMTEXTLENGTH 0x018c #define MM_SETITEMHANDLE 0x018d #define MM_SETITEMTEXT 0x018e #define MM_ITEMPOSITIONFROMID 0x018f #define MM_ITEMIDFROMPOSITION 0x0190 #define MM_QUERYITEMATTR 0x0191 #define MM_SETITEMATTR 0x0192 #define MM_ISITEMVALID 0x0193 #define MM_QUERYITEMRECT 0x0194 #define MM_QUERYDEFAULTITEMID 0x0431 #define MM_SETDEFAULTITEMID 0x0432 #define MS_ACTIONBAR 0x0001 #define MS_TITLEBUTTON 0x0002 #define MS_VERTICALFLIP 0x0004 #define MS_CONDITIONALCASCADE 0x0040 #define PU_POSITIONONITEM 0x0001 #define PU_HCONSTRAIN 0x0002 #define PU_VCONSTRAIN 0x0004 #define PU_NONE 0x0000 #define PU_MOUSEBUTTON1DOWN 0x0008 #define PU_MOUSEBUTTON2DOWN 0x0010 #define PU_MOUSEBUTTON3DOWN 0x0018 #define PU_SELECTITEM 0x0020 #define PU_MOUSEBUTTON1 0x0040 #define PU_MOUSEBUTTON2 0x0080 #define PU_MOUSEBUTTON3 0x0100 #define PU_KEYBOARD 0x0200 typedef struct _MENUITEM { SHORT iPosition; USHORT afStyle; USHORT afAttribute; USHORT id; HWND hwndSubMenu; ULONG hItem; } MENUITEM; typedef MENUITEM *PMENUITEM; typedef struct _mti /* Note 1 */ { USHORT afStyle; USHORT pad; USHORT idItem; CHAR c[2]; } MTI; typedef struct _mt /* Note 1 */ { ULONG len; USHORT codepage; USHORT reserved; USHORT cMti; MTI rgMti[1]; } MT; typedef MT *LPMT; typedef struct _OWNERITEM { HWND hwnd; HPS hps; ULONG fsState; ULONG fsAttribute; ULONG fsStateOld; ULONG fsAttributeOld; RECTL rclItem; LONG idItem; ULONG hItem; } OWNERITEM; typedef OWNERITEM *POWNERITEM; #define WinCheckMenuItem(hwndMenu,id,fcheck) \ ((BOOL)WinSendMsg (hwndMenu, MM_SETITEMATTR, \ MPFROM2SHORT (id, TRUE), \ MPFROM2SHORT (MIA_CHECKED, \ ((USHORT)(fcheck) ? MIA_CHECKED : 0)))) #define WinEnableMenuItem(hwndMenu,id,fEnable) \ ((BOOL)WinSendMsg (hwndMenu, MM_SETITEMATTR, MPFROM2SHORT (id, TRUE), \ MPFROM2SHORT (MIA_DISABLED, \ ((USHORT)(fEnable) ? 0 : MIA_DISABLED)))) #define WinIsMenuItemChecked(hwndMenu,id) \ ((BOOL)WinSendMsg (hwndMenu, MM_QUERYITEMATTR, \ MPFROM2SHORT (id, TRUE), \ MPFROMLONG (MIA_CHECKED))) #define WinIsMenuItemEnabled(hwndMenu,id) \ (!(BOOL)WinSendMsg (hwndMenu, MM_QUERYITEMATTR, \ MPFROM2SHORT (id, TRUE), \ MPFROMLONG (MIA_DISABLED))) #define WinIsMenuItemValid(hwndMenu,id) \ ((BOOL)WinSendMsg (hwndMenu, MM_ISITEMVALID, \ MPFROM2SHORT (id, TRUE), MPFROMLONG (FALSE))) #define WinSetMenuItemText(hwndMenu,id,psz) \ ((BOOL)WinSendMsg (hwndMenu, MM_SETITEMTEXT, \ MPFROMLONG (id), MPFROMP (psz))) HWND WinCreateMenu (HWND hwndParent, CPVOID lpmt); HWND WinLoadMenu (HWND hwndFrame, HMODULE hmod, ULONG idMenu); BOOL WinPopupMenu (HWND hwndParent, HWND hwndOwner, HWND hwndMenu, LONG x, LONG y, LONG idItem, ULONG fs); #endif /* INCL_WINMENUS */ #if defined (INCL_WINMESSAGEMGR) #define BMSG_POST 0x0000 #define BMSG_SEND 0x0001 #define BMSG_POSTQUEUE 0x0002 #define BMSG_DESCENDANTS 0x0004 #define BMSG_FRAMEONLY 0x0008 #define CVR_ALIGNLEFT 0x0001 #define CVR_ALIGNBOTTOM 0x0002 #define CVR_ALIGNRIGHT 0x0004 #define CVR_ALIGNTOP 0x0008 #define CVR_REDRAW 0x0010 #define HT_NORMAL 0 #define HT_TRANSPARENT (-1) #define HT_DISCARD (-2) #define HT_ERROR (-3) #define QS_KEY 0x0001 #define QS_MOUSEBUTTON 0x0002 #define QS_MOUSEMOVE 0x0004 #define QS_MOUSE 0x0006 #define QS_TIMER 0x0008 #define QS_PAINT 0x0010 #define QS_POSTMSG 0x0020 #define QS_SEM1 0x0040 #define QS_SEM2 0x0080 #define QS_SEM3 0x0100 #define QS_SEM4 0x0200 #define QS_SENDMSG 0x0400 #define QS_MSGINPUT 0x0800 #define SMIM_ALL 0x0eff #define SMI_NOINTEREST 0x0001 #define SMI_INTEREST 0x0002 #define SMI_RESET 0x0004 #define SMI_AUTODISPATCH 0x0008 #define WPM_TEXT 0x0001 #define WPM_CTLDATA 0x0002 #define WPM_PRESPARAMS 0x0004 #define WPM_CCHTEXT 0x0008 #define WPM_CBCTLDATA 0x0010 #define WPM_CBPRESPARAMS 0x0020 typedef struct _WNDPARAMS { ULONG fsStatus; ULONG cchText; PSZ pszText; ULONG cbPresParams; PVOID pPresParams; ULONG cbCtlData; PVOID pCtlData; } WNDPARAMS; typedef WNDPARAMS *PWNDPARAMS; BOOL WinBroadcastMsg (HWND hwnd, ULONG msg, MPARAM mp1, MPARAM mp2, ULONG rgf); BOOL WinInSendMsg (HAB hab); BOOL WinPostQueueMsg (HMQ hmq, ULONG msg, MPARAM mp1, MPARAM mp2); BOOL WinQueryMsgPos (HAB hab, PPOINTL pptl); ULONG WinQueryMsgTime (HAB hab); ULONG WinQueryQueueStatus (HWND hwndDesktop); ULONG WinRequestMutexSem (HMTX hmtx, ULONG ulTimeout); BOOL WinSetClassMsgInterest (HAB hab, PCSZ pszClassName, ULONG msg_class, LONG control); BOOL WinSetMsgInterest (HWND hwnd, ULONG msg_class, LONG control); ULONG WinWaitEventSem (HEV hev, ULONG ulTimeout); BOOL WinWaitMsg (HAB hab, ULONG msgFirst, ULONG msgLast); ULONG WinWaitMuxWaitSem (HMUX hmux, ULONG ulTimeout, PULONG pulUser); #endif /* INCL_WINMESSAGEMGR */ #if defined (INCL_WINPALETTE) LONG WinRealizePalette (HWND hwnd, HPS hps, PULONG pcclr); #endif /* INCL_WINPALETTE */ #if defined (INCL_WINPOINTERS) #define DP_NORMAL 0x0000 #define DP_HALFTONED 0x0001 #define DP_INVERTED 0x0002 #define DP_MINI 0x0004 #define SBMP_OLD_SYSMENU 1 #define SBMP_OLD_SBUPARROW 2 #define SBMP_OLD_SBDNARROW 3 #define SBMP_OLD_SBRGARROW 4 #define SBMP_OLD_SBLFARROW 5 #define SBMP_MENUCHECK 6 #define SBMP_OLD_CHECKBOXES 7 #define SBMP_BTNCORNERS 8 #define SBMP_OLD_MINBUTTON 9 #define SBMP_OLD_MAXBUTTON 10 #define SBMP_OLD_RESTOREBUTTON 11 #define SBMP_OLD_CHILDSYSMENU 12 #define SBMP_DRIVE 15 #define SBMP_FILE 16 #define SBMP_FOLDER 17 #define SBMP_TREEPLUS 18 #define SBMP_TREEMINUS 19 #define SBMP_PROGRAM 22 #define SBMP_MENUATTACHED 23 #define SBMP_SIZEBOX 24 #define SBMP_SYSMENU 25 #define SBMP_MINBUTTON 26 #define SBMP_MAXBUTTON 27 #define SBMP_RESTOREBUTTON 28 #define SBMP_CHILDSYSMENU 29 #define SBMP_SYSMENUDEP 30 #define SBMP_MINBUTTONDEP 31 #define SBMP_MAXBUTTONDEP 32 #define SBMP_RESTOREBUTTONDEP 33 #define SBMP_CHILDSYSMENUDEP 34 #define SBMP_SBUPARROW 35 #define SBMP_SBDNARROW 36 #define SBMP_SBLFARROW 37 #define SBMP_SBRGARROW 38 #define SBMP_SBUPARROWDEP 39 #define SBMP_SBDNARROWDEP 40 #define SBMP_SBLFARROWDEP 41 #define SBMP_SBRGARROWDEP 42 #define SBMP_SBUPARROWDIS 43 #define SBMP_SBDNARROWDIS 44 #define SBMP_SBLFARROWDIS 45 #define SBMP_SBRGARROWDIS 46 #define SBMP_COMBODOWN 47 #define SBMP_CHECKBOXES 48 #define SBMP_HIDE 50 #define SBMP_HIDEDEP 51 #define SBMP_CLOSE 52 #define SBMP_CLOSEDEP 53 #define SPTR_ARROW 1 #define SPTR_TEXT 2 #define SPTR_WAIT 3 #define SPTR_SIZE 4 #define SPTR_MOVE 5 #define SPTR_SIZENWSE 6 #define SPTR_SIZENESW 7 #define SPTR_SIZEWE 8 #define SPTR_SIZENS 9 #define SPTR_APPICON 10 #define SPTR_ICONINFORMATION 11 #define SPTR_ICONQUESTION 12 #define SPTR_ICONERROR 13 #define SPTR_ICONWARNING 14 #define SPTR_ILLEGAL 18 #define SPTR_FILE 19 #define SPTR_FOLDER 20 #define SPTR_MULTFILE 21 #define SPTR_PROGRAM 22 #define SPTR_DISPLAY_PTRS 22 #define SPTR_PENFIRST 23 #define SPTR_PENLAST 39 #define SPTR_CPTR 39 #define SPTR_HANDICON SPTR_ICONERROR #define SPTR_QUESICON SPTR_ICONQUESTION #define SPTR_BANGICON SPTR_ICONWARNING #define SPTR_NOTEICON SPTR_ICONINFORMATION typedef struct _POINTERINFO { ULONG fPointer; LONG xHotspot; LONG yHotspot; HBITMAP hbmPointer; HBITMAP hbmColor; HBITMAP hbmMiniPointer; HBITMAP hbmMiniColor; } POINTERINFO; typedef POINTERINFO *PPOINTERINFO; HPOINTER WinCreatePointer (HWND hwndDesktop, HBITMAP hbmPointer, BOOL fPointer, LONG xHotspot, LONG yHotspot); HPOINTER WinCreatePointerIndirect (HWND hwndDesktop, __const__ POINTERINFO *pptri); BOOL WinDestroyPointer (HPOINTER hptr); BOOL WinDrawPointer (HPS hps, LONG x, LONG y, HPOINTER hptr, ULONG fs); HBITMAP WinGetSysBitmap (HWND hwndDesktop, ULONG ibm); HPOINTER WinLoadPointer (HWND hwndDesktop, HMODULE hmod, ULONG idres); BOOL WinLockPointerUpdate (HWND hwndDesktop, HPOINTER hptrNew, ULONG ulTimeInterval); BOOL WinQueryPointerPos (HWND hwndDesktop, PPOINTL pptl); BOOL WinQueryPointerInfo (HPOINTER hptr, PPOINTERINFO pPointerInfo); HPOINTER WinQuerySysPointer (HWND hwndDesktop, LONG lId, BOOL fCopy); BOOL WinQuerySysPointerData (HWND hwndDesktop, ULONG ulId, PICONINFO pIconInfo); BOOL WinSetPointer (HWND hwndDesktop, HPOINTER hptrNew); BOOL WinSetPointerOwner (HPOINTER hptr, PID pid, BOOL fDestroy); BOOL WinSetPointerPos (HWND hwndDesktop, LONG x, LONG y); BOOL WinSetSysPointerData (HWND hwndDesktop, ULONG ulId, __const__ ICONINFO *pIconInfo); BOOL WinShowPointer (HWND hwndDesktop, BOOL fShow); #endif /* INCL_WINPOINTERS */ #if defined (INCL_WINRECTANGLES) BOOL WinCopyRect (HAB hab, PRECTL prclDst, __const__ RECTL *prclSrc); BOOL WinEqualRect (HAB hab, __const__ RECTL *prcl1, __const__ RECTL *prcl2); BOOL WinInflateRect (HAB hab, PRECTL prcl, LONG cx, LONG cy); BOOL WinIntersectRect (HAB hab, PRECTL prclDst, __const__ RECTL *prclSrc1, __const__ RECTL *prclSrc2); BOOL WinIsRectEmpty (HAB hab, __const__ RECTL *prcl); BOOL WinMakePoints (HAB hab, PPOINTL pwpt, ULONG cwpt); BOOL WinMakeRect (HAB hab, PRECTL pwrc); BOOL WinOffsetRect (HAB hab, PRECTL prcl, LONG cx, LONG cy); BOOL WinPtInRect (HAB hab, __const__ RECTL *prcl, __const__ POINTL *pptl); BOOL WinSetRect (HAB hab, PRECTL prcl, LONG xLeft, LONG yBottom, LONG xRight, LONG yTop); BOOL WinSetRectEmpty (HAB hab, PRECTL prcl); BOOL WinSubtractRect (HAB hab, PRECTL prclDst, __const__ RECTL *prclSrc1, __const__ RECTL *prclSrc2); BOOL WinUnionRect (HAB hab, PRECTL prclDst, __const__ RECTL *prclSrc1, __const__ RECTL *prclSrc2); #endif /* INCL_WINRECTANGLES */ #if defined (INCL_WINSCROLLBARS) #define SB_LINEUP 1 #define SB_LINEDOWN 2 #define SB_LINELEFT 1 #define SB_LINERIGHT 2 #define SB_PAGEUP 3 #define SB_PAGEDOWN 4 #define SB_PAGELEFT 3 #define SB_PAGERIGHT 4 #define SB_SLIDERTRACK 5 #define SB_SLIDERPOSITION 6 #define SB_ENDSCROLL 7 #define SBM_SETSCROLLBAR 0x01a0 #define SBM_SETPOS 0x01a1 #define SBM_QUERYPOS 0x01a2 #define SBM_QUERYRANGE 0x01a3 #define SBM_SETTHUMBSIZE 0x01a6 #define SBS_HORZ 0 #define SBS_VERT 1 #define SBS_THUMBSIZE 2 #define SBS_AUTOTRACK 4 #define SBS_AUTOSIZE 0x2000 typedef struct _SBCDATA { USHORT cb; USHORT sHilite; SHORT posFirst; SHORT posLast; SHORT posThumb; SHORT cVisible; SHORT cTotal; } SBCDATA; typedef SBCDATA *PSBCDATA; #endif /* INCL_WINSCROLLBARS */ #if defined (INCL_WINSTATICS) #define SM_SETHANDLE 0x0100 #define SM_QUERYHANDLE 0x0101 #define SS_TEXT 0x0001 #define SS_GROUPBOX 0x0002 #define SS_ICON 0x0003 #define SS_BITMAP 0x0004 #define SS_FGNDRECT 0x0005 #define SS_HALFTONERECT 0x0006 #define SS_BKGNDRECT 0x0007 #define SS_FGNDFRAME 0x0008 #define SS_HALFTONEFRAME 0x0009 #define SS_BKGNDFRAME 0x000a #define SS_SYSICON 0x000b #define SS_AUTOSIZE 0x0040 #define WM_MSGBOXINIT 0x010e #define WM_MSGBOXDISMISS 0x010f #endif /* INCL_WINSTATICS */ #if defined (INCL_WINSYS) #define CCF_GLOBAL 0x0000 #define CCF_APPLICATION 0x0001 #define CCF_COUNTCOLORS 0x0010 #define CCF_ALLCOLORS 0x0020 #define CCI_FOREGROUND 1 #define CCI_FOREGROUNDREADONLY 2 #define CCI_BACKGROUND 3 #define CCI_BACKGROUNDDIALOG 4 #define CCI_DISABLEDFOREGROUND 5 #define CCI_DISABLEDFOREGROUNDREADONLY 6 #define CCI_DISABLEDBACKGROUND 7 #define CCI_DISABLEDBACKGROUNDDIALOG 8 #define CCI_HIGHLIGHTFOREGROUND 9 #define CCI_HIGHLIGHTBACKGROUND 10 #define CCI_HIGHLIGHTBACKGROUNDDIALOG 11 #define CCI_INACTIVEFOREGROUND 12 #define CCI_INACTIVEFOREGROUNDDIALOG 13 #define CCI_INACTIVEBACKGROUND 14 #define CCI_INACTIVEBACKGROUNDTEXT 15 #define CCI_ACTIVEFOREGROUND 16 #define CCI_ACTIVEFOREGROUNDDIALOG 17 #define CCI_ACTIVEBACKGROUND 18 #define CCI_ACTIVEBACKGROUNDTEXT 19 #define CCI_PAGEBACKGROUND 20 #define CCI_PAGEFOREGROUND 21 #define CCI_FIELDBACKGROUND 22 #define CCI_BORDER 23 #define CCI_BORDERLIGHT 24 #define CCI_BORDERDARK 25 #define CCI_BORDER2 26 #define CCI_BORDER2LIGHT 27 #define CCI_BORDER2DARK 28 #define CCI_BORDERDEFAULT 29 #define CCI_BUTTONBACKGROUND 30 #define CCI_BUTTONFOREGROUND 31 #define CCI_BUTTONBORDERLIGHT 32 #define CCI_BUTTONBORDERDARK 33 #define CCI_ARROW 34 #define CCI_DISABLEDARROW 35 #define CCI_ARROWBORDERLIGHT 36 #define CCI_ARROWBORDERDARK 37 #define CCI_CHECKLIGHT 38 #define CCI_CHECKMIDDLE 39 #define CCI_CHECKDARK 40 #define CCI_ICONFOREGROUND 41 #define CCI_ICONBACKGROUND 42 #define CCI_ICONBACKGROUNDDESKTOP 43 #define CCI_ICONHILITEFOREGROUND 44 #define CCI_ICONHILITEBACKGROUND 45 #define CCI_MAJORTABFOREGROUND 46 #define CCI_MAJORTABBACKGROUND 47 #define CCI_MINORTABFOREGROUND 48 #define CCI_MINORTABBACKGROUND 49 #define CCI_MAXINDEX 49 #define CCT_STATIC 1 #define CCT_STATICTEXT 2 #define CCT_GROUPBOX 3 #define CCT_PUSHBUTTON 4 #define CCT_CHECKBOX 5 #define CCT_RADIOBUTTON 6 #define CCT_ENTRYFIELD 7 #define CCT_LISTBOX 8 #define CCT_COMBOBOX 9 #define CCT_SCROLLBAR 10 #define CCT_FRAME 11 #define CCT_MENU 12 #define CCT_TITLEBAR 13 #define CCT_SPINBUTTON 14 #define CCT_SLIDER 15 #define CCT_CIRCULARSLIDER 16 #define CCT_VALUESET 17 #define CCT_MLE 18 #define CCT_CONTAINER 19 #define CCT_NOTEBOOK 20 #define CCT_MAXTYPE 20 #define CCV_NOTFOUND (-1) #define CCV_IGNORE (-2) #define CCV_DEFAULT (-3) #define PP_FOREGROUNDCOLOR 1 #define PP_FOREGROUNDCOLORINDEX 2 #define PP_BACKGROUNDCOLOR 3 #define PP_BACKGROUNDCOLORINDEX 4 #define PP_HILITEFOREGROUNDCOLOR 5 #define PP_HILITEFOREGROUNDCOLORINDEX 6 #define PP_HILITEBACKGROUNDCOLOR 7 #define PP_HILITEBACKGROUNDCOLORINDEX 8 #define PP_DISABLEDFOREGROUNDCOLOR 9 #define PP_DISABLEDFOREGROUNDCOLORINDEX 10 #define PP_DISABLEDBACKGROUNDCOLOR 11 #define PP_DISABLEDBACKGROUNDCOLORINDEX 12 #define PP_BORDERCOLOR 13 #define PP_BORDERCOLORINDEX 14 #define PP_FONTNAMESIZE 15 #define PP_FONTHANDLE 16 #define PP_RESERVED 17 #define PP_ACTIVECOLOR 18 #define PP_ACTIVECOLORINDEX 19 #define PP_INACTIVECOLOR 20 #define PP_INACTIVECOLORINDEX 21 #define PP_ACTIVETEXTFGNDCOLOR 22 #define PP_ACTIVETEXTFGNDCOLORINDEX 23 #define PP_ACTIVETEXTBGNDCOLOR 24 #define PP_ACTIVETEXTBGNDCOLORINDEX 25 #define PP_INACTIVETEXTFGNDCOLOR 26 #define PP_INACTIVETEXTFGNDCOLORINDEX 27 #define PP_INACTIVETEXTBGNDCOLOR 28 #define PP_INACTIVETEXTBGNDCOLORINDEX 29 #define PP_SHADOW 30 #define PP_MENUFOREGROUNDCOLOR 31 #define PP_MENUFOREGROUNDCOLORINDEX 32 #define PP_MENUBACKGROUNDCOLOR 33 #define PP_MENUBACKGROUNDCOLORINDEX 34 #define PP_MENUHILITEFGNDCOLOR 35 #define PP_MENUHILITEFGNDCOLORINDEX 36 #define PP_MENUHILITEBGNDCOLOR 37 #define PP_MENUHILITEBGNDCOLORINDEX 38 #define PP_MENUDISABLEDFGNDCOLOR 39 #define PP_MENUDISABLEDFGNDCOLORINDEX 40 #define PP_MENUDISABLEDBGNDCOLOR 41 #define PP_MENUDISABLEDBGNDCOLORINDEX 42 #define PP_SHADOWTEXTCOLOR 43 #define PP_SHADOWTEXTCOLORINDEX 44 #define PP_SHADOWHILITEFGNDCOLOR 45 #define PP_SHADOWHILITEFGNDCOLORINDEX 46 #define PP_SHADOWHILITEBGNDCOLOR 47 #define PP_SHADOWHILITEBGNDCOLORINDEX 48 #define PP_ICONTEXTBACKGROUNDCOLOR 49 #define PP_ICONTEXTBACKGROUNDCOLORINDEX 50 #define PP_BORDERLIGHTCOLOR 51 #define PP_BORDERDARKCOLOR 52 #define PP_BORDER2COLOR 53 #define PP_BORDER2LIGHTCOLOR 54 #define PP_BORDER2DARKCOLOR 55 #define PP_BORDERDEFAULTCOLOR 56 #define PP_FIELDBACKGROUNDCOLOR 57 #define PP_BUTTONBACKGROUNDCOLOR 58 #define PP_BUTTONBORDERLIGHTCOLOR 59 #define PP_BUTTONBORDERDARKCOLOR 60 #define PP_ARROWCOLOR 61 #define PP_ARROWBORDERLIGHTCOLOR 62 #define PP_ARROWBORDERDARKCOLOR 63 #define PP_ARROWDISABLEDCOLOR 64 #define PP_CHECKLIGHTCOLOR 65 #define PP_CHECKMIDDLECOLOR 66 #define PP_CHECKDARKCOLOR 67 #define PP_PAGEFOREGROUNDCOLOR 68 #define PP_PAGEBACKGROUNDCOLOR 69 #define PP_MAJORTABFOREGROUNDCOLOR 70 #define PP_MAJORTABBACKGROUNDCOLOR 71 #define PP_MINORTABFOREGROUNDCOLOR 72 #define PP_MINORTABBACKGROUNDCOLOR 73 #define PP_BIDI_FIRST 0x0100 #define PP_BIDI_LAST 0x012f #define PP_USER 0x8000 #define QPF_NOINHERIT 0x0001 #define QPF_ID1COLORINDEX 0x0002 #define QPF_ID2COLORINDEX 0x0004 #define QPF_PURERGBCOLOR 0x0008 #define QPF_VALIDFLAGS 0x000f #define SV_SWAPBUTTON 0 #define SV_DBLCLKTIME 1 #define SV_CXDBLCLK 2 #define SV_CYDBLCLK 3 #define SV_CXSIZEBORDER 4 #define SV_CYSIZEBORDER 5 #define SV_ALARM 6 #define SV_CURSORRATE 9 #define SV_FIRSTSCROLLRATE 10 #define SV_SCROLLRATE 11 #define SV_NUMBEREDLISTS 12 #define SV_WARNINGFREQ 13 #define SV_NOTEFREQ 14 #define SV_ERRORFREQ 15 #define SV_WARNINGDURATION 16 #define SV_NOTEDURATION 17 #define SV_ERRORDURATION 18 #define SV_CXSCREEN 20 #define SV_CYSCREEN 21 #define SV_CXVSCROLL 22 #define SV_CYHSCROLL 23 #define SV_CYVSCROLLARROW 24 #define SV_CXHSCROLLARROW 25 #define SV_CXBORDER 26 #define SV_CYBORDER 27 #define SV_CXDLGFRAME 28 #define SV_CYDLGFRAME 29 #define SV_CYTITLEBAR 30 #define SV_CYVSLIDER 31 #define SV_CXHSLIDER 32 #define SV_CXMINMAXBUTTON 33 #define SV_CYMINMAXBUTTON 34 #define SV_CYMENU 35 #define SV_CXFULLSCREEN 36 #define SV_CYFULLSCREEN 37 #define SV_CXICON 38 #define SV_CYICON 39 #define SV_CXPOINTER 40 #define SV_CYPOINTER 41 #define SV_DEBUG 42 #define SV_CMOUSEBUTTONS 43 #define SV_CPOINTERBUTTONS 43 #define SV_POINTERLEVEL 44 #define SV_CURSORLEVEL 45 #define SV_TRACKRECTLEVEL 46 #define SV_CTIMERS 47 #define SV_MOUSEPRESENT 48 #define SV_CXBYTEALIGN 49 #define SV_CXALIGN 49 #define SV_CYBYTEALIGN 50 #define SV_CYALIGN 50 #define SV_DESKTOPWORKAREAYTOP 51 #define SV_DESKTOPWORKAREAYBOTTOM 52 #define SV_DESKTOPWORKAREAXRIGHT 53 #define SV_DESKTOPWORKAREAXLEFT 54 #define SV_NOTRESERVED 56 #define SV_EXTRAKEYBEEP 57 #define SV_SETLIGHTS 58 #define SV_INSERTMODE 59 #define SV_MENUROLLDOWNDELAY 64 #define SV_MENUROLLUPDELAY 65 #define SV_ALTMNEMONIC 66 #define SV_TASKLISTMOUSEACCESS 67 #define SV_CXICONTEXTWIDTH 68 #define SV_CICONTEXTLINES 69 #define SV_CHORDTIME 70 #define SV_CXCHORD 71 #define SV_CYCHORD 72 #define SV_CXMOTIONSTART 73 #define SV_CYMOTIONSTART 74 #define SV_BEGINDRAG 75 #define SV_ENDDRAG 76 #define SV_SINGLESELECT 77 #define SV_OPEN 78 #define SV_CONTEXTMENU 79 #define SV_CONTEXTHELP 80 #define SV_TEXTEDIT 81 #define SV_BEGINSELECT 82 #define SV_ENDSELECT 83 #define SV_BEGINDRAGKB 84 #define SV_ENDDRAGKB 85 #define SV_SELECTKB 86 #define SV_OPENKB 87 #define SV_CONTEXTMENUKB 88 #define SV_CONTEXTHELPKB 89 #define SV_TEXTEDITKB 90 #define SV_BEGINSELECTKB 91 #define SV_ENDSELECTKB 92 #define SV_ANIMATION 93 #define SV_ANIMATIONSPEED 94 #define SV_MONOICONS 95 #define SV_KBDALTERED 96 #define SV_PRINTSCREEN 97 #define SV_LOCKSTARTINPUT 98 #define SV_DYNAMICDRAG 99 #define SV_CSYSVALUES 100 #define SYSCLR_SHADOWHILITEBGND (-50) #define SYSCLR_SHADOWHILITEFGND (-49) #define SYSCLR_SHADOWTEXT (-48) #define SYSCLR_ENTRYFIELD (-47) #define SYSCLR_MENUDISABLEDTEXT (-46) #define SYSCLR_MENUHILITE (-45) #define SYSCLR_MENUHILITEBGND (-44) #define SYSCLR_PAGEBACKGROUND (-43) #define SYSCLR_FIELDBACKGROUND (-42) #define SYSCLR_BUTTONLIGHT (-41) #define SYSCLR_BUTTONMIDDLE (-40) #define SYSCLR_BUTTONDARK (-39) #define SYSCLR_BUTTONDEFAULT (-38) #define SYSCLR_TITLEBOTTOM (-37) #define SYSCLR_SHADOW (-36) #define SYSCLR_ICONTEXT (-35) #define SYSCLR_DIALOGBACKGROUND (-34) #define SYSCLR_HILITEFOREGROUND (-33) #define SYSCLR_HILITEBACKGROUND (-32) #define SYSCLR_INACTIVETITLETEXTBGND (-31) #define SYSCLR_ACTIVETITLETEXTBGND (-30) #define SYSCLR_INACTIVETITLETEXT (-29) #define SYSCLR_ACTIVETITLETEXT (-28) #define SYSCLR_OUTPUTTEXT (-27) #define SYSCLR_WINDOWSTATICTEXT (-26) #define SYSCLR_SCROLLBAR (-25) #define SYSCLR_BACKGROUND (-24) #define SYSCLR_ACTIVETITLE (-23) #define SYSCLR_INACTIVETITLE (-22) #define SYSCLR_MENU (-21) #define SYSCLR_WINDOW (-20) #define SYSCLR_WINDOWFRAME (-19) #define SYSCLR_MENUTEXT (-18) #define SYSCLR_WINDOWTEXT (-17) #define SYSCLR_TITLETEXT (-16) #define SYSCLR_ACTIVEBORDER (-15) #define SYSCLR_INACTIVEBORDER (-14) #define SYSCLR_APPWORKSPACE (-13) #define SYSCLR_HELPBACKGROUND (-12) #define SYSCLR_HELPTEXT (-11) #define SYSCLR_HELPHILITE (-10) #define SYSCLR_CSYSCOLORS 41 #define WM_CTLCOLORCHANGE 0x0129 #define WM_QUERYCTLTYPE 0x0130 /*0x012a?*/ typedef struct _CTLCOLOR { LONG clrIndex; LONG clrValue; } CTLCOLOR; typedef CTLCOLOR *PCTLCOLOR; typedef struct _PARAM { ULONG id; ULONG cb; BYTE ab[1]; } PARAM; typedef PARAM *NPPARAM; typedef PARAM *PPARAM; typedef struct _PRESPARAMS { ULONG cb; PARAM aparam[1]; } PRESPARAMS; typedef PRESPARAMS *NPPRESPARAMS; typedef PRESPARAMS *PPRESPARAMS; LONG WinQueryControlColors (HWND hwnd, LONG clrType, ULONG flCtlColor, ULONG cCtlColor, PCTLCOLOR pCtlColor); ULONG WinQueryPresParam (HWND hwnd, ULONG id1, ULONG id2, PULONG pulId, ULONG cbBuf, PVOID pbBuf, ULONG fs); LONG WinQuerySysColor (HWND hwndDesktop, LONG clr, LONG lReserved); LONG WinQuerySysValue (HWND hwndDesktop, LONG iSysValue); BOOL WinRemovePresParam (HWND hwnd, ULONG id); LONG WinSetControlColors (HWND hwnd, LONG clrType, ULONG flCtlColor, ULONG cCtlColor, PCTLCOLOR pCtlColor); BOOL WinSetPresParam (HWND hwnd, ULONG id, ULONG cbParam, PVOID pbParam); BOOL WinSetSysColors (HWND hwndDesktop, ULONG flOptions, ULONG flFormat, LONG clrFirst, ULONG cclr, __const__ LONG *pclr); BOOL WinSetSysValue (HWND hwndDesktop, LONG iSysValue, LONG lValue); #endif /* INCL_WINSYS */ #if defined (INCL_WINTHUNKAPI) PFN WinQueryClassThunkProc (PCSZ pszClassname); LONG WinQueryWindowModel (HWND hwnd); PFN WinQueryWindowThunkProc (HWND hwnd); BOOL WinSetClassThunkProc (PCSZ pszClassname, PFN pfnThunkProc); BOOL WinSetWindowThunkProc (HWND hwnd, PFN pfnThunkProc); #endif /* INCL_WINTHUNKAPI */ #if defined (INCL_WINTIMER) #define TID_CURSOR 0xffff #define TID_SCROLL 0xfffe #define TID_FLASHWINDOW 0xfffd #define TID_USERMAX 0x7fff ULONG WinGetCurrentTime (HAB hab); ULONG WinStartTimer (HAB hab, HWND hwnd, ULONG idTimer, ULONG dtTimeout); BOOL WinStopTimer (HAB hab, HWND hwnd, ULONG idTimer); #endif /* INCL_WINTIMER */ #if defined (INCL_WINTRACKRECT) #define TF_LEFT 0x0001 #define TF_TOP 0x0002 #define TF_RIGHT 0x0004 #define TF_BOTTOM 0x0008 #define TF_SETPOINTERPOS 0x0010 #define TF_GRID 0x0020 #define TF_STANDARD 0x0040 #define TF_ALLINBOUNDARY 0x0080 #define TF_VALIDATETRACKRECT 0x0100 #define TF_PARTINBOUNDARY 0x0200 #define TF_MOVE 0x000f typedef struct _TRACKINFO { LONG cxBorder; LONG cyBorder; LONG cxGrid; LONG cyGrid; LONG cxKeyboard; LONG cyKeyboard; RECTL rclTrack; RECTL rclBoundary; POINTL ptlMinTrackSize; POINTL ptlMaxTrackSize; ULONG fs; } TRACKINFO; typedef TRACKINFO *PTRACKINFO; BOOL WinShowTrackRect (HWND hwnd, BOOL fShow); BOOL WinTrackRect (HWND hwnd, HPS hps, PTRACKINFO pti); #endif /* INCL_WINTRACKRECT */ /* -------------------- MULTIPLE LINE ENTRIES ----------------------------- */ #if defined (INCL_WINMLE) #define MLS_WORDWRAP 0x0001 #define MLS_BORDER 0x0002 #define MLS_VSCROLL 0x0004 #define MLS_HSCROLL 0x0008 #define MLS_READONLY 0x0010 #define MLS_IGNORETAB 0x0020 #define MLS_DISABLEUNDO 0x0040 #define MLFFMTRECT_FORMATRECT 0x0007 #define MLFFMTRECT_LIMITHORZ 0x0001 #define MLFFMTRECT_LIMITVERT 0x0002 #define MLFFMTRECT_MATCHWINDOW 0x0004 #define MLFIE_CFTEXT 0 #define MLFIE_NOTRANS 1 #define MLFIE_WINFMT 2 #define MLFIE_RTF 3 #define MLFEFR_RESIZE 0x0001 #define MLFEFR_TABSTOP 0x0002 #define MLFEFR_FONT 0x0004 #define MLFEFR_TEXT 0x0008 #define MLFEFR_WORDWRAP 0x0010 #define MLFETL_TEXTBYTES 0x0020 #define MLFMARGIN_LEFT 0x0001 #define MLFMARGIN_BOTTOM 0x0002 #define MLFMARGIN_RIGHT 0x0003 #define MLFMARGIN_TOP 0x0004 #define MLFQS_MINMAXSEL 0 #define MLFQS_MINSEL 1 #define MLFQS_MAXSEL 2 #define MLFQS_ANCHORSEL 3 #define MLFQS_CURSORSEL 4 #define MLFCLPBD_TOOMUCHTEXT 0x0001 #define MLFCLPBD_ERROR 0x0002 #define MLFSEARCH_CASESENSITIVE 0x0001 #define MLFSEARCH_SELECTMATCH 0x0002 #define MLFSEARCH_CHANGEALL 0x0004 #define MLM_SETTEXTLIMIT 0x01b0 #define MLM_QUERYTEXTLIMIT 0x01b1 #define MLM_SETFORMATRECT 0x01b2 #define MLM_QUERYFORMATRECT 0x01b3 #define MLM_SETWRAP 0x01b4 #define MLM_QUERYWRAP 0x01b5 #define MLM_SETTABSTOP 0x01b6 #define MLM_QUERYTABSTOP 0x01b7 #define MLM_SETREADONLY 0x01b8 #define MLM_QUERYREADONLY 0x01b9 #define MLM_QUERYCHANGED 0x01ba #define MLM_SETCHANGED 0x01bb #define MLM_QUERYLINECOUNT 0x01bc #define MLM_CHARFROMLINE 0x01bd #define MLM_LINEFROMCHAR 0x01be #define MLM_QUERYLINELENGTH 0x01bf #define MLM_QUERYTEXTLENGTH 0x01c0 #define MLM_FORMAT 0x01c1 #define MLM_SETIMPORTEXPORT 0x01c2 #define MLM_IMPORT 0x01c3 #define MLM_EXPORT 0x01c4 #define MLM_DELETE 0x01c6 #define MLM_QUERYFORMATLINELENGTH 0x01c7 #define MLM_QUERYFORMATTEXTLENGTH 0x01c8 #define MLM_INSERT 0x01c9 #define MLM_SETSEL 0x01ca #define MLM_QUERYSEL 0x01cb #define MLM_QUERYSELTEXT 0x01cc #define MLM_QUERYUNDO 0x01cd #define MLM_UNDO 0x01ce #define MLM_RESETUNDO 0x01cf #define MLM_QUERYFONT 0x01d0 #define MLM_SETFONT 0x01d1 #define MLM_SETTEXTCOLOR 0x01d2 #define MLM_QUERYTEXTCOLOR 0x01d3 #define MLM_SETBACKCOLOR 0x01d4 #define MLM_QUERYBACKCOLOR 0x01d5 #define MLM_QUERYFIRSTCHAR 0x01d6 #define MLM_SETFIRSTCHAR 0x01d7 #define MLM_CUT 0x01d8 #define MLM_COPY 0x01d9 #define MLM_PASTE 0x01da #define MLM_CLEAR 0x01db #define MLM_ENABLEREFRESH 0x01dc #define MLM_DISABLEREFRESH 0x01dd #define MLM_SEARCH 0x01de #define MLM_QUERYIMPORTEXPORT 0x01df #define MLN_OVERFLOW 0x0001 #define MLN_PIXHORZOVERFLOW 0x0002 #define MLN_PIXVERTOVERFLOW 0x0003 #define MLN_TEXTOVERFLOW 0x0004 #define MLN_VSCROLL 0x0005 #define MLN_HSCROLL 0x0006 #define MLN_CHANGE 0x0007 #define MLN_SETFOCUS 0x0008 #define MLN_KILLFOCUS 0x0009 #define MLN_MARGIN 0x000a #define MLN_SEARCHPAUSE 0x000b #define MLN_MEMERROR 0x000c #define MLN_UNDOOVERFLOW 0x000d #define MLN_CLPBDFAIL 0x000f typedef LONG IPT; typedef IPT *PIPT; typedef LONG PIX; typedef ULONG LINE; typedef struct _FORMATRECT /* Note 1 */ { LONG cxFormat; LONG cyFormat; } MLEFORMATRECT; typedef MLEFORMATRECT *PFORMATRECT; typedef struct _MLECTLDATA { USHORT cbCtlData; USHORT afIEFormat; ULONG cchText; IPT iptAnchor; IPT iptCursor; LONG cxFormat; LONG cyFormat; ULONG afFormatFlags; PVOID pHWXCtlData; } MLECTLDATA; typedef MLECTLDATA *PMLECTLDATA; typedef struct _MLEOVERFLOW { ULONG afErrInd; LONG nBytesOver; LONG pixHorzOver; LONG pixVertOver; } MLEOVERFLOW; typedef MLEOVERFLOW *POVERFLOW; typedef struct _MLEMARGSTRUCT { USHORT afMargins; USHORT usMouMsg; IPT iptNear; } MLEMARGSTRUCT; typedef MLEMARGSTRUCT *PMARGSTRUCT; typedef struct _SEARCH /* Note 1 */ { USHORT cb; USHORT _pad; PCHAR pchFind; PCHAR pchReplace; SHORT cchFind; SHORT cchReplace; IPT iptStart; IPT iptStop; USHORT cchFound; } MLE_SEARCHDATA; typedef MLE_SEARCHDATA *PMLE_SEARCHDATA; #endif /* INCL_WINMLE */ /* --------------- GRAPHICS PROGRAMMING INTERFACE ------------------------- */ #define GPI_ERROR 0 #define GPI_OK 1 #define GPI_ALTERROR (-1) #define HRGN_ERROR ((HRGN)(-1)) #define CLR_ERROR (-255) #define CLR_NOINDEX (-254) #define CLR_FALSE (-5) #define CLR_TRUE (-4) #define CLR_DEFAULT (-3) #define CLR_WHITE (-2) #define CLR_BLACK (-1) #define CLR_BACKGROUND 0 #define CLR_BLUE 1 #define CLR_RED 2 #define CLR_PINK 3 #define CLR_GREEN 4 #define CLR_CYAN 5 #define CLR_YELLOW 6 #define CLR_NEUTRAL 7 #define CLR_DARKGRAY 8 #define CLR_DARKBLUE 9 #define CLR_DARKRED 10 #define CLR_DARKPINK 11 #define CLR_DARKGREEN 12 #define CLR_DARKCYAN 13 #define CLR_BROWN 14 #define CLR_PALEGRAY 15 #define RGB_ERROR (-255) #define RGB_BLACK 0x00000000 #define RGB_BLUE 0x000000ff #define RGB_GREEN 0x0000ff00 #define RGB_CYAN 0x0000ffff #define RGB_RED 0x00ff0000 #define RGB_PINK 0x00ff00ff #define RGB_YELLOW 0x00ffff00 #define RGB_WHITE 0x00ffffff #define PRIM_LINE 1 #define PRIM_CHAR 2 #define PRIM_MARKER 3 #define PRIM_AREA 4 #define PRIM_IMAGE 5 #define AM_ERROR (-1) #define AM_PRESERVE 0 #define AM_NOPRESERVE 1 #define FM_ERROR (-1) #define FM_DEFAULT 0 #define FM_OR 1 #define FM_OVERPAINT 2 #define FM_LEAVEALONE 5 #define FM_XOR 4 #define FM_AND 6 #define FM_SUBTRACT 7 #define FM_MASKSRCNOT 8 #define FM_ZERO 9 #define FM_NOTMERGESRC 10 #define FM_NOTXORSRC 11 #define FM_INVERT 12 #define FM_MERGESRCNOT 13 #define FM_NOTCOPYSRC 14 #define FM_MERGENOTSRC 15 #define FM_NOTMASKSRC 16 #define FM_ONE 17 #define BM_ERROR (-1) #define BM_DEFAULT 0 #define BM_OR 1 #define BM_OVERPAINT 2 #define BM_LEAVEALONE 5 #define BM_XOR 4 #define BM_AND 6 #define BM_SUBTRACT 7 #define BM_MASKSRCNOT 8 #define BM_ZERO 9 #define BM_NOTMERGESRC 10 #define BM_NOTXORSRC 11 #define BM_INVERT 12 #define BM_MERGESRCNOT 13 #define BM_NOTCOPYSRC 14 #define BM_MERGENOTSRC 15 #define BM_NOTMASKSRC 16 #define BM_ONE 17 #define BM_SRCTRANSPARENT 18 #define BM_DESTTRANSPARENT 19 #define LINETYPE_ERROR (-1) #define LINETYPE_DEFAULT 0 #define LINETYPE_DOT 1 #define LINETYPE_SHORTDASH 2 #define LINETYPE_DASHDOT 3 #define LINETYPE_DOUBLEDOT 4 #define LINETYPE_LONGDASH 5 #define LINETYPE_DASHDOUBLEDOT 6 #define LINETYPE_SOLID 7 #define LINETYPE_INVISIBLE 8 #define LINETYPE_ALTERNATE 9 #define LINEWIDTH_ERROR (-1) #define LINEWIDTH_DEFAULT 0L #define LINEWIDTH_NORMAL 0x00010000 #define LINEWIDTH_THICK 0x00020000 #define LINEWIDTHGEOM_ERROR (-1) #define LINEEND_ERROR (-1) #define LINEEND_DEFAULT 0 #define LINEEND_FLAT 1 #define LINEEND_SQUARE 2 #define LINEEND_ROUND 3 #define LINEJOIN_ERROR (-1) #define LINEJOIN_DEFAULT 0 #define LINEJOIN_BEVEL 1 #define LINEJOIN_ROUND 2 #define LINEJOIN_MITRE 3 #define CHDIRN_ERROR (-1) #define CHDIRN_DEFAULT 0 #define CHDIRN_LEFTRIGHT 1 #define CHDIRN_TOPBOTTOM 2 #define CHDIRN_RIGHTLEFT 3 #define CHDIRN_BOTTOMTOP 4 #define TA_NORMAL_HORIZ 0x0001 #define TA_LEFT 0x0002 #define TA_CENTER 0x0003 #define TA_RIGHT 0x0004 #define TA_STANDARD_HORIZ 0x0005 #define TA_NORMAL_VERT 0x0100 #define TA_TOP 0x0200 #define TA_HALF 0x0300 #define TA_BASE 0x0400 #define TA_BOTTOM 0x0500 #define TA_STANDARD_VERT 0x0600 #define CM_ERROR (-1) #define CM_DEFAULT 0 #define CM_MODE1 1 #define CM_MODE2 2 #define CM_MODE3 3 #define MARKSYM_ERROR (-1) #define MARKSYM_DEFAULT 0 #define MARKSYM_CROSS 1 #define MARKSYM_PLUS 2 #define MARKSYM_DIAMOND 3 #define MARKSYM_SQUARE 4 #define MARKSYM_SIXPOINTSTAR 5 #define MARKSYM_EIGHTPOINTSTAR 6 #define MARKSYM_SOLIDDIAMOND 7 #define MARKSYM_SOLIDSQUARE 8 #define MARKSYM_DOT 9 #define MARKSYM_SMALLCIRCLE 10 #define MARKSYM_BLANK 64 #define TXTBOX_TOPLEFT 0 #define TXTBOX_BOTTOMLEFT 1 #define TXTBOX_TOPRIGHT 2 #define TXTBOX_BOTTOMRIGHT 3 #define TXTBOX_CONCAT 4 #define TXTBOX_COUNT 5 #define PVIS_ERROR 0 #define PVIS_INVISIBLE 1 #define PVIS_VISIBLE 2 #define RVIS_ERROR 0 #define RVIS_INVISIBLE 1 #define RVIS_PARTIAL 2 #define RVIS_VISIBLE 3 #define FONT_DEFAULT 1 #define FONT_MATCH 2 #define LCIDT_FONT 6 #define LCIDT_BITMAP 7 #define LCID_ALL (-1) #define CHS_OPAQUE 0x0001 #define CHS_VECTOR 0x0002 #define CHS_LEAVEPOS 0x0008 #define CHS_CLIP 0x0010 #define CHS_UNDERSCORE 0x0200 #define CHS_STRIKEOUT 0x0400 #define FWEIGHT_DONT_CARE 0 #define FWEIGHT_ULTRA_LIGHT 1 #define FWEIGHT_EXTRA_LIGHT 2 #define FWEIGHT_LIGHT 3 #define FWEIGHT_SEMI_LIGHT 4 #define FWEIGHT_NORMAL 5 #define FWEIGHT_SEMI_BOLD 6 #define FWEIGHT_BOLD 7 #define FWEIGHT_EXTRA_BOLD 8 #define FWEIGHT_ULTRA_BOLD 9 #define FWIDTH_DONT_CARE 0 #define FWIDTH_ULTRA_CONDENSED 1 #define FWIDTH_EXTRA_CONDENSED 2 #define FWIDTH_CONDENSED 3 #define FWIDTH_SEMI_CONDENSED 4 #define FWIDTH_NORMAL 5 #define FWIDTH_SEMI_EXPANDED 6 #define FWIDTH_EXPANDED 7 #define FWIDTH_EXTRA_EXPANDED 8 #define FWIDTH_ULTRA_EXPANDED 9 #define FTYPE_ITALIC 0x0001 #define FTYPE_ITALIC_DONT_CARE 0x0002 #define FTYPE_OBLIQUE 0x0004 #define FTYPE_OBLIQUE_DONT_CARE 0x0008 #define FTYPE_ROUNDED 0x0010 #define FTYPE_ROUNDED_DONT_CARE 0x0020 #define QFA_PUBLIC 1 #define QFA_PRIVATE 2 #define QFA_ERROR GPI_ALTERROR #define QF_PUBLIC 0x0001 #define QF_PRIVATE 0x0002 #define QF_NO_GENERIC 0x0004 #define QF_NO_DEVICE 0x0008 #define QCD_LCT_FORMAT 0 #define QCD_LCT_LOINDEX 1 #define QCD_LCT_HIINDEX 2 #define QCD_LCT_OPTIONS 3 #define QLCT_ERROR (-1) #define QLCT_RGB (-2) #define QLCT_NOTLOADED (-1) #define PAL_ERROR (-1) #define PC_RESERVED 0x01 #define PC_EXPLICIT 0x02 #define PC_NOCOLLAPSE 0x04 #define SCP_ALTERNATE 0 #define SCP_WINDING 2 #define SCP_AND 4 #define SCP_RESET 0 #define SCP_INCL 0 #define SCP_EXCL 8 #define MPATH_STROKE 6 #define FPATH_ALTERNATE 0 #define FPATH_WINDING 2 #define FPATH_INCL 0 #define FPATH_EXCL 8 #define CVTC_WORLD 1 #define CVTC_MODEL 2 #define CVTC_DEFAULTPAGE 3 #define CVTC_PAGE 4 #define CVTC_DEVICE 5 #define TRANSFORM_REPLACE 0 #define TRANSFORM_ADD 1 #define TRANSFORM_PREEMPT 2 #define SEGEM_ERROR 0 #define SEGEM_INSERT 1 #define SEGEM_REPLACE 2 #define POLYGON_NOBOUNDARY 0x0000 #define POLYGON_BOUNDARY 0x0001 #define POLYGON_ALTERNATE 0x0000 #define POLYGON_WINDING 0x0002 #define POLYGON_INCL 0x0000 #define POLYGON_EXCL 0x0008 #define POLYGON_FILL 0x0000 #define POLYGON_NOFILL 0x0010 #define LCOL_RESET 0x0001 #define LCOL_REALIZABLE 0x0002 #define LCOL_PURECOLOR 0x0004 #define LCOL_OVERRIDE_DEFAULT_COLORS 0x0008 #define LCOL_REALIZED 0x0010 #define LCOLF_DEFAULT 0 #define LCOLF_INDRGB 1 #define LCOLF_CONSECRGB 2 #define LCOLF_RGB 3 #define LCOLF_PALETTE 4 #define LCOLOPT_REALIZED 0x0001 #define LCOLOPT_INDEX 0x0002 #define BA_NOBOUNDARY 0 #define BA_BOUNDARY 0x0001 #define BA_ALTERNATE 0 #define BA_WINDING 0x0002 #define BA_INCL 0 #define BA_EXCL 8 #define DRO_FILL 1 #define DRO_OUTLINE 2 #define DRO_OUTLINEFILL 3 #define PATSYM_ERROR (-1) #define PATSYM_DEFAULT 0 #define PATSYM_DENSE1 1 #define PATSYM_DENSE2 2 #define PATSYM_DENSE3 3 #define PATSYM_DENSE4 4 #define PATSYM_DENSE5 5 #define PATSYM_DENSE6 6 #define PATSYM_DENSE7 7 #define PATSYM_DENSE8 8 #define PATSYM_VERT 9 #define PATSYM_HORIZ 10 #define PATSYM_DIAG1 11 #define PATSYM_DIAG2 12 #define PATSYM_DIAG3 13 #define PATSYM_DIAG4 14 #define PATSYM_NOSHADE 15 #define PATSYM_SOLID 16 #define PATSYM_HALFTONE 17 #define PATSYM_HATCH 18 #define PATSYM_DIAGHATCH 19 #define PATSYM_BLANK 64 #define LCID_ERROR (-1) #define LCID_DEFAULT 0 #define CRGN_OR 1 #define CRGN_COPY 2 #define CRGN_XOR 4 #define CRGN_AND 6 #define CRGN_DIFF 7 #define RGN_ERROR 0 #define RGN_NULL 1 #define RGN_RECT 2 #define RGN_COMPLEX 3 #define PRGN_ERROR 0 #define PRGN_OUTSIDE 1 #define PRGN_INSIDE 2 #define RRGN_ERROR 0 #define RRGN_OUTSIDE 1 #define RRGN_PARTIAL 2 #define RRGN_INSIDE 3 #define EQRGN_ERROR 0 #define EQRGN_NOTEQUAL 1 #define EQRGN_EQUAL 2 #define RECTDIR_LFRT_TOPBOT 1 #define RECTDIR_RTLF_TOPBOT 2 #define RECTDIR_LFRT_BOTTOP 3 #define RECTDIR_RTLF_BOTTOP 4 #define PMF_SEGBASE 0 #define PMF_LOADTYPE 1 #define PMF_RESOLVE 2 #define PMF_LCIDS 3 #define PMF_RESET 4 #define PMF_SUPPRESS 5 #define PMF_COLORTABLES 6 #define PMF_COLORREALIZABLE 7 #define PMF_DEFAULTS 8 #define PMF_DELETEOBJECTS 9 #define RS_DEFAULT 0 #define RS_NODISCARD 1 #define LC_DEFAULT 0 #define LC_NOLOAD 1 #define LC_LOADDISC 3 #define LT_DEFAULT 0 #define LT_NOMODIFY 1 #define LT_ORIGINALVIEW 4 #define RES_DEFAULT 0 #define RES_NORESET 1 #define RES_RESET 2 #define SUP_DEFAULT 0 #define SUP_NOSUPPRESS 1 #define SUP_SUPPRESS 2 #define CTAB_DEFAULT 0 #define CTAB_NOMODIFY 1 #define CTAB_REPLACE 3 #define CTAB_REPLACEPALETTE 4 #define CREA_DEFAULT 0 #define CREA_REALIZE 1 #define CREA_NOREALIZE 2 #define CREA_DOREALIZE 3 #define DDEF_DEFAULT 0 #define DDEF_IGNORE 1 #define DDEF_LOADDISC 3 #define DOBJ_DEFAULT 0 #define DOBJ_NODELETE 1 #define DOBJ_DELETE 2 #define RSP_DEFAULT 0 #define RSP_NODISCARD 1 #define LBB_COLOR 0x0001 #define LBB_BACK_COLOR 0x0002 #define LBB_MIX_MODE 0x0004 #define LBB_BACK_MIX_MODE 0x0008 #define LBB_WIDTH 0x0010 #define LBB_GEOM_WIDTH 0x0020 #define LBB_TYPE 0x0040 #define LBB_END 0x0080 #define LBB_JOIN 0x0100 #define CBB_COLOR 0x0001 #define CBB_BACK_COLOR 0x0002 #define CBB_MIX_MODE 0x0004 #define CBB_BACK_MIX_MODE 0x0008 #define CBB_SET 0x0010 #define CBB_MODE 0x0020 #define CBB_BOX 0x0040 #define CBB_ANGLE 0x0080 #define CBB_SHEAR 0x0100 #define CBB_DIRECTION 0x0200 #define CBB_TEXT_ALIGN 0x0400 #define CBB_EXTRA 0x0800 #define CBB_BREAK_EXTRA 0x1000 #define MBB_COLOR 0x0001 #define MBB_BACK_COLOR 0x0002 #define MBB_MIX_MODE 0x0004 #define MBB_BACK_MIX_MODE 0x0008 #define MBB_SET 0x0010 #define MBB_SYMBOL 0x0020 #define MBB_BOX 0x0040 #define ABB_COLOR 0x0001 #define ABB_BACK_COLOR 0x0002 #define ABB_MIX_MODE 0x0004 #define ABB_BACK_MIX_MODE 0x0008 #define ABB_SET 0x0010 #define ABB_SYMBOL 0x0020 #define ABB_REF_POINT 0x0040 #define IBB_COLOR 0x0001 #define IBB_BACK_COLOR 0x0002 #define IBB_MIX_MODE 0x0004 #define IBB_BACK_MIX_MODE 0x0008 typedef PVOID PBUNDLE; typedef LONG FIXED; typedef FIXED *PFIXED; typedef LHANDLE HMF; typedef HMF *PHMF; typedef struct _SIZEL { LONG cx; LONG cy; } SIZEL; typedef SIZEL *PSIZEL; typedef struct _RGNRECT { ULONG ircStart; ULONG crc; ULONG crcReturned; ULONG ulDirection; } RGNRECT; typedef RGNRECT *PRGNRECT; typedef struct _MATRIXLF { FIXED fxM11; FIXED fxM12; LONG lM13; FIXED fxM21; FIXED fxM22; LONG lM23; LONG lM31; LONG lM32; LONG lM33; } MATRIXLF; typedef MATRIXLF *PMATRIXLF; typedef struct _ARCPARAMS { LONG lP; LONG lQ; LONG lR; LONG lS; } ARCPARAMS; typedef ARCPARAMS *PARCPARAMS; typedef struct _SIZEF { FIXED cx; FIXED cy; } SIZEF; typedef SIZEF *PSIZEF; typedef struct _POLYGON { ULONG ulPoints; PPOINTL aPointl; } POLYGON; typedef POLYGON *PPOLYGON; typedef struct _POLYSET { ULONG ulPolys; POLYGON aPolygon[1]; } POLYSET; typedef POLYSET *PPOLYSET; typedef struct _GRADIENTL { LONG x; LONG y; } GRADIENTL; typedef GRADIENTL *PGRADIENTL; typedef struct _KERNINGPAIRS { SHORT sFirstChar; SHORT sSecondChar; LONG lKerningAmount; } KERNINGPAIRS; typedef KERNINGPAIRS *PKERNINGPAIRS; typedef struct _FACENAMEDESC { USHORT usSize; USHORT usWeightClass; USHORT usWidthClass; USHORT usReserved; ULONG flOptions; } FACENAMEDESC; typedef FACENAMEDESC *PFACENAMEDESC; typedef CHAR FFDESCS[2][FACESIZE]; typedef FFDESCS *PFFDESCS; typedef struct _FFDESCS2 { ULONG cbLength; ULONG cbFacenameOffset; BYTE abFamilyName[1]; } FFDESCS2; typedef FFDESCS2 *PFFDESCS2; typedef struct _LINEBUNDLE { LONG lColor; LONG lBackColor; USHORT usMixMode; USHORT usBackMixMode; FIXED fxWidth; LONG lGeomWidth; USHORT usType; USHORT usEnd; USHORT usJoin; USHORT usReserved; } LINEBUNDLE; typedef LINEBUNDLE *PLINEBUNDLE; typedef struct _CHARBUNDLE { LONG lColor; LONG lBackColor; USHORT usMixMode; USHORT usBackMixMode; USHORT usSet; USHORT usPrecision; SIZEF sizfxCell; POINTL ptlAngle; POINTL ptlShear; USHORT usDirection; USHORT usTextAlign; FIXED fxExtra; FIXED fxBreakExtra; } CHARBUNDLE; typedef CHARBUNDLE *PCHARBUNDLE; typedef struct _MARKERBUNDLE { LONG lColor; LONG lBackColor; USHORT usMixMode; USHORT usBackMixMode; USHORT usSet; USHORT usSymbol; SIZEF sizfxCell; } MARKERBUNDLE; typedef MARKERBUNDLE *PMARKERBUNDLE; typedef struct _AREABUNDLE { LONG lColor; LONG lBackColor; USHORT usMixMode; USHORT usBackMixMode; USHORT usSet; USHORT usSymbol; POINTL ptlRefPoint; } AREABUNDLE; typedef AREABUNDLE *PAREABUNDLE; typedef struct _IMAGEBUNDLE { LONG lColor; LONG lBackColor; USHORT usMixMode; USHORT usBackMixMode; } IMAGEBUNDLE; typedef IMAGEBUNDLE *PIMAGEBUNDLE; #define MAKEFIXED(i,f) MAKELONG(f,i) #define FIXEDFRAC(fx) (LOUSHORT(fx)) #define FIXEDINT(fx) ((SHORT)HIUSHORT(fx)) LONG GpiAnimatePalette (HPAL hpal, ULONG ulFormat, ULONG ulStart, ULONG ulCount, __const__ ULONG *aulTable); BOOL GpiBeginArea (HPS hps, ULONG flOptions); BOOL GpiBeginElement (HPS hps, LONG lType, PCSZ pszDesc); BOOL GpiBeginPath (HPS hps, LONG lPath); LONG GpiBox (HPS hps, LONG lControl, __const__ POINTL *pptlPoint, LONG lHRound, LONG lVRound); LONG GpiCallSegmentMatrix (HPS hps, LONG lSegment, LONG lCount, __const__ MATRIXLF *pmatlfArray, LONG lOptions); LONG GpiCharString (HPS hps, LONG lCount, PCCH pchString); LONG GpiCharStringAt (HPS hps, __const__ POINTL *pptlPoint, LONG lCount, PCCH pchString); LONG GpiCharStringPos (HPS hps, __const__ RECTL *prclRect, ULONG flOptions, LONG lCount, PCCH pchString, __const__ LONG *alAdx); LONG GpiCharStringPosAt (HPS hps, __const__ POINTL *pptlStart, __const__ RECTL *prclRect, ULONG flOptions, LONG lCount, PCCH pchString, __const__ LONG *alAdx); BOOL GpiCloseFigure (HPS hps); LONG GpiCombineRegion (HPS hps, HRGN hrgnDest, HRGN hrgnSrc1, HRGN hrgnSrc2, LONG lMode); BOOL GpiComment (HPS hps, LONG lLength, __const__ BYTE *pbData); BOOL GpiConvert (HPS hps, LONG lSrc, LONG lTarg, LONG lCount, PPOINTL aptlPoints); BOOL GpiConvertWithMatrix (HPS hps, LONG lCountp, PPOINTL aptlPoints, LONG lCount, __const__ MATRIXLF *pmatlfArray); HMF GpiCopyMetaFile (HMF hmf); BOOL GpiCreateLogColorTable (HPS hps, ULONG flOptions, LONG lFormat, LONG lStart, LONG lCount, __const__ LONG *alTable); LONG GpiCreateLogFont (HPS hps, __const__ STR8 *pName, LONG lLcid, __const__ FATTRS *pfatAttrs); HPAL GpiCreatePalette (HAB hab, ULONG flOptions, ULONG ulFormat, ULONG ulCount, __const__ ULONG *aulTable); HRGN GpiCreateRegion (HPS hps, LONG lCount, __const__ RECTL *arclRectangles); BOOL GpiDeleteElement (HPS hps); BOOL GpiDeleteElementRange (HPS hps, LONG lFirstElement, LONG lLastElement); BOOL GpiDeleteElementsBetweenLabels (HPS hps, LONG lFirstLabel, LONG lLastLabel); BOOL GpiDeleteMetaFile (HMF hmf); BOOL GpiDeletePalette (HPAL hpal); BOOL GpiDeleteSetId (HPS hps, LONG lLcid); BOOL GpiDestroyRegion (HPS hps, HRGN hrgn); LONG GpiElement (HPS hps, LONG lType, PCSZ pszDesc, LONG lLength, __const__ BYTE *pbData); LONG GpiEndArea (HPS hps); BOOL GpiEndElement (HPS hps); BOOL GpiEndPath (HPS hps); LONG GpiEqualRegion (HPS hps, HRGN hrgnSrc1, HRGN hrgnSrc2); LONG GpiExcludeClipRectangle (HPS hps, __const__ RECTL *prclRectangle); LONG GpiFillPath (HPS hps, LONG lPath, LONG lOptions); LONG GpiFrameRegion (HPS hps, HRGN hrgn, __const__ SIZEL *thickness); LONG GpiFullArc (HPS hps, LONG lControl, FIXED fxMultiplier); LONG GpiImage (HPS hps, LONG lFormat, __const__ SIZEL *psizlImageSize, LONG lLength, __const__ BYTE *pbData); LONG GpiIntersectClipRectangle (HPS hps, __const__ RECTL *prclRectangle); BOOL GpiLabel (HPS hps, LONG lLabel); LONG GpiLine (HPS hps, __const__ POINTL *pptlEndPoint); BOOL GpiLoadFonts (HAB hab, PCSZ pszFilename); HMF GpiLoadMetaFile (HAB hab, PCSZ pszFilename); BOOL GpiLoadPublicFonts (HAB hab, PCSZ pszFileName); LONG GpiMarker (HPS hps, __const__ POINTL *pptlPoint); BOOL GpiModifyPath (HPS hps, LONG lPath, LONG lMode); BOOL GpiMove (HPS hps, __const__ POINTL *pptlPoint); LONG GpiOffsetClipRegion (HPS hps, __const__ POINTL *pptlPoint); BOOL GpiOffsetElementPointer (HPS hps, LONG loffset); BOOL GpiOffsetRegion (HPS hps, HRGN Hrgn, __const__ POINTL *pptlOffset); LONG GpiOutlinePath (HPS hps, LONG lPath, LONG lOptions); LONG GpiPaintRegion (HPS hps, HRGN hrgn); LONG GpiPartialArc (HPS hps, __const__ POINTL *pptlCenter, FIXED fxMultiplier, FIXED fxStartAngle, FIXED fxSweepAngle); HRGN GpiPathToRegion (HPS GpiH, LONG lPath, LONG lOptions); LONG GpiPlayMetaFile (HPS hps, HMF hmf, LONG lCount1, __const__ LONG *alOptarray, PLONG plSegCount, LONG lCount2, PSZ pszDesc); LONG GpiPointArc (HPS hps, __const__ POINTL *pptl2); LONG GpiPolyFillet (HPS hps, LONG lCount, __const__ POINTL *aptlPoints); LONG GpiPolyFilletSharp (HPS hps, LONG lCount, __const__ POINTL *aptlPoints, __const__ FIXED *afxPoints); LONG GpiPolygons (HPS hps, ULONG ulCount, __const__ POLYGON *paplgn, ULONG flOptions, ULONG flModel); LONG GpiPolyLine (HPS hps, LONG lCount, __const__ POINTL *aptlPoints); LONG GpiPolyLineDisjoint (HPS hps, LONG lCount, __const__ POINTL *aptlPoints); LONG GpiPolyMarker (HPS hps, LONG lCount, __const__ POINTL *aptlPoints); LONG GpiPolySpline (HPS hps, LONG lCount, __const__ POINTL *aptlPoints); BOOL GpiPop (HPS hps, LONG lCount); LONG GpiPtInRegion (HPS hps, HRGN hrgn, __const__ POINTL *pptlPoint); LONG GpiPtVisible (HPS hps, __const__ POINTL *pptlPoint); BOOL GpiQueryArcParams (HPS hps, PARCPARAMS parcpArcParams); LONG GpiQueryAttrMode (HPS hps); LONG GpiQueryAttrs (HPS hps, LONG lPrimType, ULONG flAttrMask, PBUNDLE ppbunAttrs); LONG GpiQueryBackColor (HPS hps); LONG GpiQueryBackMix (HPS hps); BOOL GpiQueryCharAngle (HPS hps, PGRADIENTL pgradlAngle); BOOL GpiQueryCharBox (HPS hps, PSIZEF psizfxSize); BOOL GpiQueryCharBreakExtra (HPS hps, PFIXED BreakExtra); LONG GpiQueryCharDirection (HPS hps); BOOL GpiQueryCharExtra (HPS hps, PFIXED Extra); LONG GpiQueryCharMode (HPS hps); LONG GpiQueryCharSet (HPS hps); BOOL GpiQueryCharShear (HPS hps, PPOINTL pptlShear); BOOL GpiQueryCharStringPos (HPS hps, ULONG flOptions, LONG lCount, PCCH pchString, PLONG alXincrements, PPOINTL aptlPositions); BOOL GpiQueryCharStringPosAt (HPS hps, PPOINTL pptlStart, ULONG flOptions, LONG lCount, PCCH pchString, PLONG alXincrements, PPOINTL aptlPositions); LONG GpiQueryClipBox (HPS hps, PRECTL prclBound); HRGN GpiQueryClipRegion (HPS hps); LONG GpiQueryColor (HPS hps); BOOL GpiQueryColorData (HPS hps, LONG lCount, PLONG alArray); LONG GpiQueryColorIndex (HPS hps, ULONG flOptions, LONG lRgbColor); ULONG GpiQueryCp (HPS hps); BOOL GpiQueryCurrentPosition (HPS hps, PPOINTL pptlPoint); BOOL GpiQueryDefArcParams (HPS hps, PARCPARAMS parcpArcParams); BOOL GpiQueryDefAttrs (HPS hps, LONG lPrimType, ULONG flAttrMask, PBUNDLE ppbunAttrs); BOOL GpiQueryDefCharBox (HPS hps, PSIZEL psizlSize); BOOL GpiQueryDefTag (HPS hps, PLONG plTag); BOOL GpiQueryDefViewingLimits (HPS hps, PRECTL prclLimits); BOOL GpiQueryDefaultViewMatrix (HPS hps, LONG lCount, PMATRIXLF pmatlfArray); LONG GpiQueryEditMode (HPS hps); LONG GpiQueryElement (HPS hps, LONG lOff, LONG lMaxLength, PBYTE pbData); LONG GpiQueryElementPointer (HPS hps); LONG GpiQueryElementType (HPS hps, PLONG plType, LONG lLength, PSZ pszData); ULONG GpiQueryFaceString (HPS PS, PCSZ FamilyName, PFACENAMEDESC attrs, LONG length, PSZ CompoundFaceName); ULONG GpiQueryFontAction (HAB anchor, ULONG options); LONG GpiQueryFontFileDescriptions (HAB hab, PCSZ pszFilename, PLONG plCount, PFFDESCS affdescsNames); BOOL GpiQueryFontMetrics (HPS hps, LONG lMetricsLength, PFONTMETRICS pfmMetrics); LONG GpiQueryFonts (HPS hps, ULONG flOptions, PCSZ pszFacename, PLONG plReqFonts, LONG lMetricsLength, PFONTMETRICS afmMetrics); LONG GpiQueryFullFontFileDescs (HAB hab, PCSZ pszFilename, PLONG plCount, PVOID pNames, PLONG plNamesBuffLength); BOOL GpiQueryGraphicsField (HPS hps, PRECTL prclField); LONG GpiQueryKerningPairs (HPS hps, LONG lCount, PKERNINGPAIRS akrnprData); LONG GpiQueryLineEnd (HPS hps); LONG GpiQueryLineJoin (HPS hps); LONG GpiQueryLineType (HPS hps); FIXED GpiQueryLineWidth (HPS hps); LONG GpiQueryLineWidthGeom (HPS hps); LONG GpiQueryLogColorTable (HPS hps, ULONG flOptions, LONG lStart, LONG lCount, PLONG alArray); BOOL GpiQueryLogicalFont (HPS PS, LONG lcid, PSTR8 name, PFATTRS attrs, LONG length); LONG GpiQueryMarker (HPS hps); BOOL GpiQueryMarkerBox (HPS hps, PSIZEF psizfxSize); LONG GpiQueryMarkerSet (HPS hps); BOOL GpiQueryMetaFileBits (HMF hmf, LONG lOffset, LONG lLength, PBYTE pbData); LONG GpiQueryMetaFileLength (HMF hmf); LONG GpiQueryMix (HPS hps); BOOL GpiQueryModelTransformMatrix (HPS hps, LONG lCount, PMATRIXLF pmatlfArray); LONG GpiQueryNearestColor (HPS hps, ULONG flOptions, LONG lRgbIn); LONG GpiQueryNumberSetIds (HPS hps); BOOL GpiQueryPageViewport (HPS hps, PRECTL prclViewport); HPAL GpiQueryPalette (HPS hps); LONG GpiQueryPaletteInfo (HPAL hpal, HPS hps, ULONG flOptions, ULONG ulStart, ULONG ulCount, PULONG aulArray); LONG GpiQueryPattern (HPS hps); BOOL GpiQueryPatternRefPoint (HPS hps, PPOINTL pptlRefPoint); LONG GpiQueryPatternSet (HPS hps); LONG GpiQueryRealColors (HPS hps, ULONG flOptions, LONG lStart, LONG lCount, PLONG alColors); LONG GpiQueryRegionBox (HPS hps, HRGN hrgn, PRECTL prclBound); BOOL GpiQueryRegionRects (HPS hps, HRGN hrgn, PRECTL prclBound, PRGNRECT prgnrcControl, PRECTL prclRect); LONG GpiQueryRGBColor (HPS hps, ULONG flOptions, LONG lColorIndex); BOOL GpiQuerySegmentTransformMatrix (HPS hps, LONG lSegid, LONG lCount, PMATRIXLF pmatlfArray); BOOL GpiQuerySetIds (HPS hps, LONG lCount, PLONG alTypes, PSTR8 aNames, PLONG allcids); BOOL GpiQueryTextAlignment (HPS hps, PLONG plHoriz, PLONG plVert); BOOL GpiQueryTextBox (HPS hps, LONG lCount1, PCH pchString, LONG lCount2, PPOINTL aptlPoints); BOOL GpiQueryViewingLimits (HPS hps, PRECTL prclLimits); BOOL GpiQueryViewingTransformMatrix (HPS hps, LONG lCount, PMATRIXLF pmatlfArray); BOOL GpiQueryWidthTable (HPS hps, LONG lFirstChar, LONG lCount, PLONG alData); LONG GpiRectInRegion (HPS hps, HRGN hrgn, __const__ RECTL *prclRect); LONG GpiRectVisible (HPS hps, __const__ RECTL *prclRectangle); BOOL GpiRotate (HPS hps, PMATRIXLF pmatlfArray, LONG lOptions, FIXED fxAngle, __const__ POINTL *pptlCenter); BOOL GpiSaveMetaFile (HMF hmf, PCSZ pszFilename); BOOL GpiScale (HPS hps, PMATRIXLF pmfatlfArray, LONG lOptions, __const__ FIXED *afxScale, __const__ POINTL *pptlCenter); HPAL GpiSelectPalette (HPS hps, HPAL hpal); BOOL GpiSetArcParams (HPS hps, __const__ ARCPARAMS *parcpArcParams); BOOL GpiSetAttrMode (HPS hps, LONG lMode); BOOL GpiSetAttrs (HPS hps, LONG lPrimType, ULONG flAttrMask, ULONG flDefMask, __const__ VOID *ppbunAttrs); BOOL GpiSetBackColor (HPS hps, LONG lColor); BOOL GpiSetBackMix (HPS hps, LONG lMixMode); BOOL GpiSetCharAngle (HPS hps, __const__ GRADIENTL *pgradlAngle); BOOL GpiSetCharBox (HPS hps, __const__ SIZEF *psizfxBox); BOOL GpiSetCharBreakExtra (HPS hps, FIXED BreakExtra); BOOL GpiSetCharDirection (HPS hps, LONG lDirection); BOOL GpiSetCharExtra (HPS hps, FIXED Extra); BOOL GpiSetCharMode (HPS hps, LONG lMode); BOOL GpiSetCharSet (HPS hps, LONG llcid); BOOL GpiSetCharShear (HPS hps, __const__ POINTL *pptlAngle); BOOL GpiSetClipPath (HPS hps, LONG lPath, LONG lOptions); LONG GpiSetClipRegion (HPS hps, HRGN hrgn, PHRGN phrgnOld); BOOL GpiSetColor (HPS hps, LONG lColor); BOOL GpiSetCp (HPS hps, ULONG ulCodePage); BOOL GpiSetCurrentPosition (HPS hps, __const__ POINTL *pptlPoint); BOOL GpiSetDefArcParams (HPS hps, __const__ ARCPARAMS *parcpArcParams); BOOL GpiSetDefAttrs (HPS hps, LONG lPrimType, ULONG flAttrMask, __const__ VOID *ppbunAttrs); BOOL GpiSetDefaultViewMatrix (HPS hps, LONG lCount, __const__ MATRIXLF *pmatlfarray, LONG lOptions); BOOL GpiSetDefTag (HPS hps, LONG lTag); BOOL GpiSetDefViewingLimits (HPS hps, __const__ RECTL *prclLimits); BOOL GpiSetEditMode (HPS hps, LONG lMode); BOOL GpiSetElementPointer (HPS hps, LONG lElement); BOOL GpiSetElementPointerAtLabel (HPS hps, LONG lLabel); BOOL GpiSetGraphicsField (HPS hps, __const__ RECTL *prclField); BOOL GpiSetLineEnd (HPS hps, LONG lLineEnd); BOOL GpiSetLineJoin (HPS hps, LONG lLineJoin); BOOL GpiSetLineType (HPS hps, LONG lLineType); BOOL GpiSetLineWidth (HPS hps, FIXED fxLineWidth); BOOL GpiSetLineWidthGeom (HPS hps, LONG lLineWidth); BOOL GpiSetMarker (HPS hps, LONG lSymbol); BOOL GpiSetMarkerBox (HPS hps, __const__ SIZEF *psizfxSize); BOOL GpiSetMarkerSet (HPS hps, LONG lSet); BOOL GpiSetMetaFileBits (HMF hmf, LONG lOffset, LONG lLength, __const__ BYTE *pbBuffer); BOOL GpiSetMix (HPS hps, LONG lMixMode); BOOL GpiSetModelTransformMatrix (HPS hps, LONG lCount, __const__ MATRIXLF *pmatlfArray, LONG lOptions); BOOL GpiSetPageViewport (HPS hps, __const__ RECTL *prclViewport); BOOL GpiSetPaletteEntries (HPAL hpal, ULONG ulFormat, ULONG ulStart, ULONG ulCount, __const__ ULONG *aulTable); BOOL GpiSetPattern (HPS hps, LONG lPatternSymbol); BOOL GpiSetPatternRefPoint (HPS hps, __const__ POINTL *pptlRefPoint); BOOL GpiSetPatternSet (HPS hps, LONG lSet); BOOL GpiSetRegion (HPS hps, HRGN hrgn, LONG lcount, __const__ RECTL *arclRectangles); BOOL GpiSetSegmentTransformMatrix (HPS hps, LONG lSegid, LONG lCount, __const__ MATRIXLF *pmatlfarray, LONG lOptions); BOOL GpiSetTextAlignment (HPS hps, LONG lHoriz, LONG lVert); BOOL GpiSetViewingLimits (HPS hps, __const__ RECTL *prclLimits); BOOL GpiSetViewingTransformMatrix (HPS hps, LONG lCount, __const__ MATRIXLF *pmatlfArray, LONG lOptions); LONG GpiStrokePath (HPS hps, LONG lPath, ULONG flOptions); BOOL GpiTranslate (HPS hps, PMATRIXLF pmatlfArray, LONG lOptions, __const__ POINTL *pptlTranslation); BOOL GpiUnloadFonts (HAB hab, PCSZ pszFilename); BOOL GpiUnloadPublicFonts (HAB hab, PCSZ pszFilename); #if defined (INCL_GPIBITMAPS) || !defined (INCL_NOCOMMON) #define ROP_SRCCOPY 0x00cc #define ROP_SRCPAINT 0x00ee #define ROP_SRCAND 0x0088 #define ROP_SRCINVERT 0x0066 #define ROP_SRCERASE 0x0044 #define ROP_NOTSRCCOPY 0x0033 #define ROP_NOTSRCERASE 0x0011 #define ROP_MERGECOPY 0x00c0 #define ROP_MERGEPAINT 0x00bb #define ROP_PATCOPY 0x00f0 #define ROP_PATPAINT 0x00fb #define ROP_PATINVERT 0x005a #define ROP_DSTINVERT 0x0055 #define ROP_ZERO 0x0000 #define ROP_ONE 0x00ff #define BBO_OR 0 #define BBO_AND 1 #define BBO_IGNORE 2 #define BBO_PAL_COLORS 4 #define BBO_NO_COLOR_INFO 8 #define FF_BOUNDARY 0 #define FF_SURFACE 1 #define HBM_ERROR ((HBITMAP)(-1)) LONG GpiBitBlt (HPS hpsTarget, HPS hpsSource, LONG lCount, __const__ POINTL *aptlPoints, LONG lRop, ULONG flOptions); BOOL GpiDeleteBitmap (HBITMAP hbm); HBITMAP GpiLoadBitmap (HPS hps, HMODULE Resource, ULONG idBitmap, LONG lWidth, LONG lHeight); HBITMAP GpiSetBitmap (HPS hps, HBITMAP hbm); LONG GpiWCBitBlt (HPS hpsTarget, HBITMAP hbmSource, LONG lCount, __const__ POINTL *aptlPoints, LONG lRop, ULONG flOptions); #endif /* INCL_GPIBITMAPS */ #if defined (INCL_GPIBITMAPS) #define BFT_ICON 0x4349 #define BFT_BMAP 0x4d42 #define BFT_POINTER 0x5450 #define BFT_COLORICON 0x4943 #define BFT_COLORPOINTER 0x5043 #define BFT_BITMAPARRAY 0x4142 #define CBD_BITS 0 #define CBD_COMPRESSION 1 #define CBD_DECOMPRESSION 2 #define CBD_COLOR_CONVERSION 0x0001 #define CBM_INIT 0x0004 #define BCA_UNCOMP 0 #define BCA_RLE8 1 #define BCA_RLE4 2 #define BCA_HUFFMAN1D 3 #define BCA_RLE24 4 #define BMB_ERROR (-1) #define BRU_METRIC 0 #define BRA_BOTTOMUP 0 #define BRH_NOTHALFTONED 0 #define BRH_ERRORDIFFUSION 1 #define BRH_PANDA 2 #define BRH_SUPERCIRCLE 3 #define BCE_PALETTE (-1) #define BCE_RGB 0 typedef struct _RGB { BYTE bBlue; BYTE bGreen; BYTE bRed; } RGB; typedef struct _RGB2 { BYTE bBlue; BYTE bGreen; BYTE bRed; BYTE fcOptions; } RGB2; typedef RGB2 *PRGB2; typedef struct _BITMAPINFOHEADER { ULONG cbFix; USHORT cx; USHORT cy; USHORT cPlanes; USHORT cBitCount; } BITMAPINFOHEADER; typedef BITMAPINFOHEADER *PBITMAPINFOHEADER; typedef struct _BITMAPINFO { ULONG cbFix; USHORT cx; USHORT cy; USHORT cPlanes; USHORT cBitCount; RGB argbColor[1]; } BITMAPINFO; typedef BITMAPINFO *PBITMAPINFO; typedef struct _BITMAPINFO2 { ULONG cbFix; ULONG cx; ULONG cy; USHORT cPlanes; USHORT cBitCount; ULONG ulCompression; ULONG cbImage; ULONG cxResolution; ULONG cyResolution; ULONG cclrUsed; ULONG cclrImportant; USHORT usUnits; USHORT usReserved; USHORT usRecording; USHORT usRendering; ULONG cSize1; ULONG cSize2; ULONG ulColorEncoding; ULONG ulIdentifier; RGB2 argbColor[1]; } BITMAPINFO2; typedef BITMAPINFO2 *PBITMAPINFO2; typedef struct _BITMAPINFOHEADER2 { ULONG cbFix; ULONG cx; ULONG cy; USHORT cPlanes; USHORT cBitCount; ULONG ulCompression; ULONG cbImage; ULONG cxResolution; ULONG cyResolution; ULONG cclrUsed; ULONG cclrImportant; USHORT usUnits; USHORT usReserved; USHORT usRecording; USHORT usRendering; ULONG cSize1; ULONG cSize2; ULONG ulColorEncoding; ULONG ulIdentifier; } BITMAPINFOHEADER2; typedef BITMAPINFOHEADER2 *PBITMAPINFOHEADER2; typedef struct _BITMAPFILEHEADER { USHORT usType; ULONG cbSize; SHORT xHotspot; SHORT yHotspot; ULONG offBits; BITMAPINFOHEADER bmp; } BITMAPFILEHEADER; typedef BITMAPFILEHEADER *PBITMAPFILEHEADER; typedef struct _BITMAPARRAYFILEHEADER { USHORT usType; ULONG cbSize; ULONG offNext; USHORT cxDisplay; USHORT cyDisplay; BITMAPFILEHEADER bfh; } BITMAPARRAYFILEHEADER; typedef BITMAPARRAYFILEHEADER *PBITMAPARRAYFILEHEADER; typedef struct _BITMAPFILEHEADER2 { USHORT usType; ULONG cbSize; SHORT xHotspot; SHORT yHotspot; ULONG offBits; BITMAPINFOHEADER2 bmp2; } BITMAPFILEHEADER2; typedef BITMAPFILEHEADER2 *PBITMAPFILEHEADER2; typedef struct _BITMAPARRAYFILEHEADER2 { USHORT usType; ULONG cbSize; ULONG offNext; USHORT cxDisplay; USHORT cyDisplay; BITMAPFILEHEADER2 bfh2; } BITMAPARRAYFILEHEADER2; typedef BITMAPARRAYFILEHEADER2 *PBITMAPARRAYFILEHEADER2; HBITMAP GpiCreateBitmap (HPS hps, __const__ BITMAPINFOHEADER2 *pbmpNew, ULONG flOptions, __const__ BYTE *pbInitData, __const__ BITMAPINFO2 *pbmiInfoTable); LONG GpiDrawBits (HPS hps, __const__ VOID *pBits, __const__ BITMAPINFO2 *pbmiInfoTable, LONG lCount, __const__ POINTL *aptlPoints, LONG lRop, ULONG flOptions); LONG GpiFloodFill (HPS hps, LONG lOptions, LONG lColor); LONG GpiQueryBitmapBits (HPS hps, LONG lScanStart, LONG lScans, PBYTE pbBuffer, PBITMAPINFO2 pbmiInfoTable); BOOL GpiQueryBitmapDimension (HBITMAP hbm, PSIZEL psizlBitmapDimension); HBITMAP GpiQueryBitmapHandle (HPS hps, LONG lLcid); BOOL GpiQueryBitmapInfoHeader (HBITMAP hbm, PBITMAPINFOHEADER2 pbmpData); BOOL GpiQueryBitmapParameters (HBITMAP hbm, PBITMAPINFOHEADER pbmpData); BOOL GpiQueryDeviceBitmapFormats (HPS hps, LONG lCount, PLONG alArray); LONG GpiSetBitmapBits (HPS hps, LONG lScanStart, LONG lScans, __const__ BYTE *pbBuffer, __const__ BITMAPINFO2 *pbmiInfoTable); LONG GpiQueryPel (HPS hps, PPOINTL pptlPoint); BOOL GpiSetBitmapDimension (HBITMAP hbm, __const__ SIZEL *psizlBitmapDimension); BOOL GpiSetBitmapId (HPS hps, HBITMAP hbm, LONG lLcid); LONG GpiSetPel (HPS hps, __const__ POINTL *pptlPoint); #endif /* INCL_GPIBITMAPS */ #if defined (INCL_GPICONTROL) || !defined (INCL_NOCOMMON) #define GPIA_NOASSOC 0x0000 #define GPIA_ASSOC 0x4000 #define GPIF_DEFAULT 0x0000 #define GPIF_SHORT 0x0100 #define GPIF_LONG 0x0200 #define GPIM_AREAEXCL 0x8000 #define GPIT_NORMAL 0x0000 #define GPIT_MICRO 0x1000 #define GPIT_INK 0x2000 #define HDC_ERROR ((HDC)(-1)) #define PU_ARBITRARY 0x0004 #define PU_PELS 0x0008 #define PU_LOMETRIC 0x000c #define PU_HIMETRIC 0x0010 #define PU_LOENGLISH 0x0014 #define PU_HIENGLISH 0x0018 #define PU_TWIPS 0x001c BOOL GpiAssociate (HPS hps, HDC hdc); HPS GpiCreatePS (HAB hab, HDC hdc, PSIZEL psizlSize, ULONG flOptions); BOOL GpiDestroyPS (HPS hps); BOOL GpiErase (HPS hps); HDC GpiQueryDevice (HPS hps); BOOL GpiRestorePS (HPS hps, LONG lPSid); LONG GpiSavePS (HPS hps); #endif /* INCL_GPICONTROL */ #if defined (INCL_GPICONTROL) #define DCTL_ERASE 1 #define DCTL_DISPLAY 2 #define DCTL_BOUNDARY 3 #define DCTL_DYNAMIC 4 #define DCTL_CORRELATE 5 #define DCTL_ERROR (-1) #define DCTL_OFF 0 #define DCTL_ON 1 #define DM_ERROR 0 #define DM_DRAW 1 #define DM_RETAIN 2 #define DM_DRAWANDRETAIN 3 #define GPIE_SEGMENT 0 #define GPIE_ELEMENT 1 #define GPIE_DATA 2 #define GRES_ATTRS 0x0001 #define GRES_SEGMENTS 0x0002 #define GRES_ALL 0x0004 #define PS_UNITS 0x00fc #define PS_FORMAT 0x0f00 #define PS_TYPE 0x1000 #define PS_MODE 0x2000 #define PS_ASSOCIATE 0x4000 #define PS_NORESET 0x8000 #define SDW_ERROR (-1) #define SDW_OFF 0 #define SDW_ON 1 LONG GpiErrorSegmentData (HPS hps, PLONG plSegment, PLONG plContext); LONG GpiQueryDrawControl (HPS hps, LONG lControl); LONG GpiQueryDrawingMode (HPS hps); ULONG GpiQueryPS (HPS hps, PSIZEL psizlSize); BOOL GpiResetPS (HPS hps, ULONG flOptions); LONG GpiQueryStopDraw (HPS hps); BOOL GpiSetDrawControl (HPS hps, LONG lControl, LONG lValue); BOOL GpiSetDrawingMode (HPS hps, LONG lMode); BOOL GpiSetPS (HPS hps, __const__ SIZEL *psizlsize, ULONG flOptions); BOOL GpiSetStopDraw (HPS hps, LONG lValue); #endif /* INCL_GPICONTROL */ #if defined (INCL_GPICORRELATION) #define GPI_HITS 2 #define PICKAP_DEFAULT 0 #define PICKAP_REC 2 #define PICKSEL_VISIBLE 0 #define PICKSEL_ALL 1 LONG GpiCorrelateChain (HPS hps, LONG lType, __const__ POINTL *pptlPick, LONG lMaxHits, LONG lMaxDepth, PLONG pl2); LONG GpiCorrelateFrom (HPS hps, LONG lFirstSegment, LONG lLastSegment, LONG lType, __const__ POINTL *pptlPick, LONG lMaxHits, LONG lMaxDepth, PLONG plSegTag); LONG GpiCorrelateSegment (HPS hps, LONG lSegment, LONG lType, __const__ POINTL *pptlPick, LONG lMaxHits, LONG lMaxDepth, PLONG alSegTag); BOOL GpiQueryBoundaryData (HPS hps, PRECTL prclBoundary); BOOL GpiQueryPickAperturePosition (HPS hps, PPOINTL pptlPoint); BOOL GpiQueryPickApertureSize (HPS hps, PSIZEL psizlSize); BOOL GpiQueryTag (HPS hps, PLONG plTag); BOOL GpiResetBoundaryData (HPS hps); BOOL GpiSetPickAperturePosition (HPS hps, __const__ POINTL *pptlPick); BOOL GpiSetPickApertureSize (HPS hps, LONG lOptions, __const__ SIZEL *psizlSize); BOOL GpiSetTag (HPS hps, LONG lTag); #endif /* INCL_GPICORRELATION */ #if defined (INCL_GPIINK) #define PPE_KEEPPATH 0 #define PPE_ERASEPATH 1 #define PPS_INKMOVE 0 #define PPS_INKDOWN 1 #define PPS_INKUP 2 BOOL GpiBeginInkPath (HPS hps, LONG lPath, ULONG flOptions); BOOL GpiEndInkPath (HPS hps, ULONG flOptions); LONG GpiStrokeInkPath (HPS hps, LONG lPath, LONG lCount, __const__ POINTL *aptlPoints, ULONG flOptions); #endif /* INCL_GPIINK */ #if defined (INCL_GPISEGMENTS) #define DFORM_NOCONV 0 #define DFORM_S370SHORT 1 #define DFORM_PCSHORT 2 #define DFORM_PCLONG 4 #define ATTR_ERROR (-1) #define ATTR_DETECTABLE 1 #define ATTR_VISIBLE 2 #define ATTR_CHAINED 6 #define ATTR_DYNAMIC 8 #define ATTR_FASTCHAIN 9 #define ATTR_PROP_DETECTABLE 10 #define ATTR_PROP_VISIBLE 11 #define ATTR_OFF 0 #define ATTR_ON 1 #define LOWER_PRI (-1) #define HIGHER_PRI 1 BOOL GpiCloseSegment (HPS hps); BOOL GpiDeleteSegment (HPS hps, LONG lSegid); BOOL GpiDeleteSegments (HPS hps, LONG lFirstSegment, LONG lLastSegment); BOOL GpiDrawChain (HPS hps); BOOL GpiDrawDynamics (HPS hps); BOOL GpiDrawFrom (HPS hps, LONG lFirstSegment, LONG lLastSegment); BOOL GpiDrawSegment (HPS hps, LONG lSegment); LONG GpiGetData (HPS hps, LONG lSegid, PLONG plOffset, LONG lFormat, LONG lLength, PBYTE pbData); BOOL GpiOpenSegment (HPS hps, LONG lSegment); LONG GpiPutData (HPS hps, LONG lFormat, PLONG plCount, __const__ BYTE *pbData); LONG GpiQueryInitialSegmentAttrs (HPS hps, LONG lAttribute); LONG GpiQuerySegmentAttrs (HPS hps, LONG lSegid, LONG lAttribute); LONG GpiQuerySegmentNames (HPS hps, LONG lFirstSegid, LONG lLastSegid, LONG lMax, PLONG alSegids); LONG GpiQuerySegmentPriority (HPS hps, LONG lRefSegid, LONG lOrder); BOOL GpiRemoveDynamics (HPS hps, LONG lFirstSegid, LONG lLastSegid); BOOL GpiSetInitialSegmentAttrs (HPS hps, LONG lAttribute, LONG lValue); BOOL GpiSetSegmentAttrs (HPS hps, LONG lSegid, LONG lAttribute, LONG lValue); BOOL GpiSetSegmentPriority (HPS hps, LONG lSegid, LONG lRefSegid, LONG lOrder); #endif /* INCL_GPISEGMENTS */ /* ---------------------- DEVICE CONTEXTS --------------------------------- */ #define DEV_ERROR 0 #define DEV_OK 1 #define DEV_BAD_PARAMETERS 2 #define DEV_WARNING 3 #define DEV_PROP_BUF_TOO_SMALL 4 #define DEV_ITEM_BUF_TOO_SMALL 5 #define DEV_INV_INP_JOBPROPERTIES 6 #define ADDRESS 0 #define DRIVER_NAME 1 #define DRIVER_DATA 2 #define DATA_TYPE 3 #define COMMENT 4 #define PROC_NAME 5 #define PROC_PARAMS 6 #define SPL_PARAMS 7 #define NETWORK_PARAMS 8 #define OD_SCREEN 0 #define OD_QUEUED 2 #define OD_DIRECT 5 #define OD_INFO 6 #define OD_METAFILE 7 #define OD_MEMORY 8 #define OD_METAFILE_NOQUERY 9 #define CAPS_FAMILY 0 #define CAPS_IO_CAPS 1 #define CAPS_TECHNOLOGY 2 #define CAPS_DRIVER_VERSION 3 #define CAPS_WIDTH 4 #define CAPS_HEIGHT 5 #define CAPS_WIDTH_IN_CHARS 6 #define CAPS_HEIGHT_IN_CHARS 7 #define CAPS_HORIZONTAL_RESOLUTION 8 #define CAPS_VERTICAL_RESOLUTION 9 #define CAPS_CHAR_WIDTH 10 #define CAPS_CHAR_HEIGHT 11 #define CAPS_SMALL_CHAR_WIDTH 12 #define CAPS_SMALL_CHAR_HEIGHT 13 #define CAPS_COLORS 14 #define CAPS_COLOR_PLANES 15 #define CAPS_COLOR_BITCOUNT 16 #define CAPS_COLOR_TABLE_SUPPORT 17 #define CAPS_MOUSE_BUTTONS 18 #define CAPS_FOREGROUND_MIX_SUPPORT 19 #define CAPS_BACKGROUND_MIX_SUPPORT 20 #define CAPS_DEVICE_WINDOWING 31 #define CAPS_ADDITIONAL_GRAPHICS 32 #define CAPS_VIO_LOADABLE_FONTS 21 #define CAPS_WINDOW_BYTE_ALIGNMENT 22 #define CAPS_BITMAP_FORMATS 23 #define CAPS_RASTER_CAPS 24 #define CAPS_MARKER_HEIGHT 25 #define CAPS_MARKER_WIDTH 26 #define CAPS_DEVICE_FONTS 27 #define CAPS_GRAPHICS_SUBSET 28 #define CAPS_GRAPHICS_VERSION 29 #define CAPS_GRAPHICS_VECTOR_SUBSET 30 #define CAPS_PHYS_COLORS 33 #define CAPS_COLOR_INDEX 34 #define CAPS_GRAPHICS_CHAR_WIDTH 35 #define CAPS_GRAPHICS_CHAR_HEIGHT 36 #define CAPS_HORIZONTAL_FONT_RES 37 #define CAPS_VERTICAL_FONT_RES 38 #define CAPS_DEVICE_FONT_SIM 39 #define CAPS_LINEWIDTH_THICK 40 #define CAPS_DEVICE_POLYSET_POINTS 41 #define CAPS_IO_DUMMY 1 #define CAPS_IO_SUPPORTS_OP 2 #define CAPS_IO_SUPPORTS_IP 3 #define CAPS_IO_SUPPORTS_IO 4 #define CAPS_TECH_UNKNOWN 0 #define CAPS_TECH_VECTOR_PLOTTER 1 #define CAPS_TECH_RASTER_DISPLAY 2 #define CAPS_TECH_RASTER_PRINTER 3 #define CAPS_TECH_RASTER_CAMERA 4 #define CAPS_TECH_POSTSCRIPT 5 #define CAPS_COLTABL_RGB_8 0x0001 #define CAPS_COLTABL_RGB_8_PLUS 0x0002 #define CAPS_COLTABL_TRUE_MIX 0x0004 #define CAPS_COLTABL_REALIZE 0x0008 #define CAPS_FM_OR 0x0001 #define CAPS_FM_OVERPAINT 0x0002 #define CAPS_FM_XOR 0x0008 #define CAPS_FM_LEAVEALONE 0x0010 #define CAPS_FM_AND 0x0020 #define CAPS_FM_GENERAL_BOOLEAN 0x0040 #define CAPS_BM_OR 0x0001 #define CAPS_BM_OVERPAINT 0x0002 #define CAPS_BM_XOR 0x0008 #define CAPS_BM_LEAVEALONE 0x0010 #define CAPS_BM_AND 0x0020 #define CAPS_BM_GENERAL_BOOLEAN 0x0040 #define CAPS_BM_SRCTRANSPARENT 0x0080 #define CAPS_BM_DESTTRANSPARENT 0x0100 #define CAPS_DEV_WINDOWING_SUPPORT 0x0001 #define CAPS_DEV_FONT_SIM_BOLD 0x0001 #define CAPS_DEV_FONT_SIM_ITALIC 0x0002 #define CAPS_DEV_FONT_SIM_UNDERSCORE 0x0004 #define CAPS_DEV_FONT_SIM_STRIKEOUT 0x0008 #define CAPS_VDD_DDB_TRANSFER 0x0001 #define CAPS_GRAPHICS_KERNING_SUPPORT 0x0002 #define CAPS_FONT_OUTLINE_DEFAULT 0x0004 #define CAPS_FONT_IMAGE_DEFAULT 0x0008 #define CAPS_SCALED_DEFAULT_MARKERS 0x0040 #define CAPS_COLOR_CURSOR_SUPPORT 0x0080 #define CAPS_PALETTE_MANAGER 0x0100 #define CAPS_COSMETIC_WIDELINE_SUPPORT 0x0200 #define CAPS_DIRECT_FILL 0x0400 #define CAPS_REBUILD_FILLS 0x0800 #define CAPS_CLIP_FILLS 0x1000 #define CAPS_ENHANCED_FONTMETRICS 0x2000 #define CAPS_TRANSFORM_SUPPORT 0x4000 #define CAPS_EXTERNAL_16_BITCOUNT 0x8000 #define CAPS_BYTE_ALIGN_REQUIRED 0 #define CAPS_BYTE_ALIGN_RECOMMENDED 1 #define CAPS_BYTE_ALIGN_NOT_REQUIRED 2 #define CAPS_RASTER_BITBLT 0x0001 #define CAPS_RASTER_BANDING 0x0002 #define CAPS_RASTER_BITBLT_SCALING 0x0004 #define CAPS_RASTER_SET_PEL 0x0010 #define CAPS_RASTER_FONTS 0x0020 #define CAPS_RASTER_FLOOD_FILL 0x0040 #define DEVESC_ERROR (-1) #define DEVESC_NOTIMPLEMENTED 0 #define DEVESC_QUERYESCSUPPORT 0 #define DEVESC_GETSCALINGFACTOR 1 #define DEVESC_QUERYVIOCELLSIZES 2 #define DEVESC_GETCP 8000 #define DEVESC_STARTDOC 8150 #define DEVESC_ENDDOC 8151 #define DEVESC_NEXTBAND 8152 #define DEVESC_ABORTDOC 8153 #define DEVESC_GETJOBID 8160 #define DEVESC_QUERY_RASTER 8161 #define DEVESC_QUERYSIZE 8162 #define DEVESC_QUERYJOBPROPERTIES 8163 #define DEVESC_SETJOBPROPERTIES 8164 #define DEVESC_DEFAULTJOBPROPERTIES 8165 #define DEVESC_CHANGEOUTPUTPORT 8166 #define DEVESC_NEWFRAME 16300 #define DEVESC_DRAFTMODE 16301 #define DEVESC_FLUSHOUTPUT 16302 #define DEVESC_RAWDATA 16303 #define DEVESC_SETMODE 16304 #define DEVESC_SEP 16305 #define DEVESC_MACRO 16307 #define DEVESC_BEGIN_BITBLT 16309 #define DEVESC_END_BITBLT 16310 #define DEVESC_SEND_COMPDATA 16311 #define DEVESC_DBE_FIRST 24450 #define DEVESC_DBE_LAST 24455 #define DEVESC_CHAR_EXTRA 16998 #define DEVESC_BREAK_EXTRA 16999 #define DEVESC_STD_JOURNAL 32600 #define DEVESC_STARTDOC_WPROP 49150 #define DEVESC_NEWFRAME_WPROP 49151 #define DPDM_ERROR (-1) #define DPDM_NONE 0 #define DPDM_POSTJOBPROP 0 #define DPDM_CHANGEPROP 1 #define DPDM_QUERYJOBPROP 2 #define DQHC_ERROR (-1) #define HCAPS_CURRENT 1 #define HCAPS_SELECTABLE 2 typedef PSZ *PDEVOPENDATA; typedef struct _DRIVDATA { LONG cb; LONG lVersion; CHAR szDeviceName[32]; CHAR abGeneralData[1]; } DRIVDATA; typedef DRIVDATA *PDRIVDATA; typedef struct _DEVOPENSTRUC { PSZ pszLogAddress; PSZ pszDriverName; PDRIVDATA pdriv; PSZ pszDataType; PSZ pszComment; PSZ pszQueueProcName; PSZ pszQueueProcParams; PSZ pszSpoolerParams; PSZ pszNetworkParams; } DEVOPENSTRUC; typedef DEVOPENSTRUC *PDEVOPENSTRUC; typedef struct _ESCMODE { ULONG mode; BYTE modedata[1]; } ESCMODE; typedef ESCMODE *PESCMODE; typedef struct _VIOSIZECOUNT { LONG maxcount; LONG count; } VIOSIZECOUNT; typedef VIOSIZECOUNT *PVIOSIZECOUNT; typedef struct _VIOFONTCELLSIZE { LONG cx; LONG cy; } VIOFONTCELLSIZE; typedef VIOFONTCELLSIZE *PVIOFONTCELLSIZE; typedef struct _SFACTORS { LONG x; LONG y; } SFACTORS; typedef SFACTORS *PSFACTORS; typedef struct _BANDRECT { LONG xleft; LONG ybottom; LONG xright; LONG ytop; } BANDRECT; typedef BANDRECT *PBANDRECT; typedef struct _HCINFO { CHAR szFormname[32]; LONG cx; LONG cy; LONG xLeftClip; LONG yBottomClip; LONG xRightClip; LONG yTopClip; LONG xPels; LONG yPels; LONG flAttributes; } HCINFO; typedef HCINFO *PHCINFO; HMF DevCloseDC (HDC hdc); LONG DevEscape (HDC hdc, LONG lCode, LONG lInCount, PBYTE pbInData, PLONG plOutCount, PBYTE pbOutData); HDC DevOpenDC (HAB hab, LONG lType, PCSZ pszToken, LONG lCount, PDEVOPENDATA pdopData, HDC hdcComp); LONG DevPostDeviceModes (HAB hab, PDRIVDATA pdrivDriverData , PCSZ pszDriverName, PCSZ pszDeviceName, PCSZ pszName, ULONG flOptions); BOOL DevQueryCaps (HDC hdc, LONG lStart, LONG lCount, PLONG alArray); BOOL DevQueryDeviceNames (HAB hab, PCSZ pszDriverName, PLONG pldn, PSTR32 aDeviceName, PSTR64 aDeviceDesc, PLONG pldt, PSTR16 aDataType); LONG DevQueryHardcopyCaps (HDC hdc, LONG lStartForm, LONG lForms, PHCINFO phciHcInfo); /* ------------------ PRESENTATION MANAGER SHELL -------------------------- */ #define MAXNAMEL 60 #define HINI_PROFILE (HINI)0 #define HINI_USERPROFILE (HINI)(-1) #define HINI_SYSTEMPROFILE (HINI)(-2) #define HINI_USER HINI_USERPROFILE #define HINI_SYSTEM HINI_SYSTEMPROFILE typedef LHANDLE HSWITCH; typedef HSWITCH *PHSWITCH; typedef LHANDLE HPROGRAM; typedef HPROGRAM *PHPROGRAM; typedef LHANDLE HINI; typedef HINI *PHINI; typedef LHANDLE HAPP; typedef struct _PRFPROFILE { ULONG cchUserName; PSZ pszUserName; ULONG cchSysName; PSZ pszSysName; } PRFPROFILE; typedef PRFPROFILE *PPRFPROFILE; #if defined (INCL_WINPROGRAMLIST) #define MAXPATHL 128 #define SGH_ROOT (HPROGRAM)(-1L) #define PROG_DEFAULT 0 #define PROG_FULLSCREEN 1 #define PROG_WINDOWABLEVIO 2 #define PROG_PM 3 #define PROG_GROUP 5 #define PROG_REAL 4 #define PROG_VDM 4 #define PROG_WINDOWEDVDM 7 #define PROG_DLL 6 #define PROG_PDD 8 #define PROG_VDD 9 #define PROG_WINDOW_REAL 10 #define PROG_WINDOW_PROT 11 #define PROG_WINDOW_AUTO 12 #define PROG_SEAMLESSVDM 13 #define PROG_SEAMLESSCOMMON 14 #define PROG_30_STDSEAMLESSCOMMON 14 #define PROG_31_STDSEAMLESSVDM 15 #define PROG_31_STDSEAMLESSCOMMON 16 #define PROG_31_ENHSEAMLESSVDM 17 #define PROG_31_ENHSEAMLESSCOMMON 18 #define PROG_31_ENH 19 #define PROG_31_STD 20 #define PROG_DOS_GAME 21 #define PROG_WIN_GAME 22 #define PROG_DOS_MODE 23 #define PROG_RESERVED 255 #define SAF_VALIDFLAGS 0x001f #define SAF_INSTALLEDCMDLINE 0x0001 #define SAF_STARTCHILDAPP 0x0002 #define SAF_MAXIMIZED 0x0004 #define SAF_MINIMIZED 0x0008 #define SAF_BACKGROUND 0x0010 #define SHE_VISIBLE 0x00 #define SHE_INVISIBLE 0x01 #define SHE_RESERVED 0xff #define SHE_UNPROTECTED 0x00 #define SHE_PROTECTED 0x02 typedef ULONG PROGCATEGORY; typedef PROGCATEGORY *PPROGCATEGORY; typedef struct _HPROGARRAY { HPROGRAM ahprog[1]; } HPROGARRAY; typedef HPROGARRAY *PHPROGARRAY; typedef struct _PROGTYPE { PROGCATEGORY progc; ULONG fbVisible; } PROGTYPE; typedef PROGTYPE *PPROGTYPE; typedef struct _PROGTITLE { HPROGRAM hprog; PROGTYPE progt; PSZ pszTitle; } PROGTITLE; typedef PROGTITLE *PPROGTITLE; typedef struct _PROGDETAILS { ULONG Length; PROGTYPE progt; PSZ pszTitle; PSZ pszExecutable; PSZ pszParameters; PSZ pszStartupDir; PSZ pszIcon; PSZ pszEnvironment; SWP swpInitial; } PROGDETAILS; typedef PROGDETAILS *PPROGDETAILS; HPROGRAM PrfAddProgram (HINI hini, PPROGDETAILS pDetails, HPROGRAM hprogGroup); BOOL PrfChangeProgram (HINI hini, HPROGRAM hprog, PPROGDETAILS pDetails); HPROGRAM PrfCreateGroup (HINI hini, PCSZ pszTitle, UCHAR chVisibility); BOOL PrfDestroyGroup (HINI hini, HPROGRAM hprogGroup); PROGCATEGORY PrfQueryProgramCategory (HINI hini, PCSZ pszExe); ULONG PrfQueryProgramHandle (HINI hini, PCSZ pszExe, PHPROGARRAY phprogArray, ULONG cchBufferMax, PULONG pulCount); ULONG PrfQueryProgramTitles (HINI hini, HPROGRAM hprogGroup, PPROGTITLE pTitles, ULONG ulBufferLength, PULONG pulCount); ULONG PrfQueryDefinition (HINI hini, HPROGRAM hprog, PPROGDETAILS pDetails, ULONG ulBufferLength); BOOL PrfRemoveProgram (HINI hini, HPROGRAM hprog); HAPP WinStartApp (HWND hwndNotify, PPROGDETAILS pDetails, PCSZ pszParams, PVOID Reserved, ULONG fbOptions); BOOL WinTerminateApp (HAPP happ); #endif /* INCL_WINPROGRAMLIST */ #if defined (INCL_WINSWITCHLIST) || !defined (INCL_NOCOMMON) #define SWL_INVISIBLE 0x01 #define SWL_GRAYED 0x02 #define SWL_VISIBLE 0x04 #define SWL_NOTJUMPABLE 0x01 #define SWL_JUMPABLE 0x02 typedef struct _SWCNTRL { HWND hwnd; HWND hwndIcon; HPROGRAM hprog; PID idProcess; ULONG idSession; ULONG uchVisibility; ULONG fbJump; CHAR szSwtitle[MAXNAMEL+4]; ULONG bProgType; } SWCNTRL; typedef SWCNTRL *PSWCNTRL; HSWITCH WinAddSwitchEntry (__const__ SWCNTRL *pswctl); ULONG WinRemoveSwitchEntry (HSWITCH hsw); #endif /* INCL_WINSWITCHLIST || !INCL_NOCOMMON */ #if defined (INCL_WINSWITCHLIST) typedef struct _SWENTRY { HSWITCH hswitch; SWCNTRL swctl; } SWENTRY; typedef SWENTRY *PSWENTRY; typedef struct _SWBLOCK { ULONG cswentry; SWENTRY aswentry[1]; } SWBLOCK; typedef SWBLOCK *PSWBLOCK; ULONG WinChangeSwitchEntry (HSWITCH hsw, __const__ SWCNTRL *pswctl); HSWITCH WinCreateSwitchEntry (HAB hab, __const__ SWCNTRL *pswctl); ULONG WinQuerySessionTitle (HAB hab, ULONG usSession, PSZ pszTitle, ULONG usTitlelen); ULONG WinQuerySwitchEntry (HSWITCH hsw, PSWCNTRL pswctl); HSWITCH WinQuerySwitchHandle (HWND hwnd, PID pid); ULONG WinQuerySwitchList (HAB hab, PSWBLOCK pswblk, ULONG usDataLength); ULONG WinQueryTaskSizePos (HAB hab, ULONG usScreenGroup, PSWP pswp); ULONG WinQueryTaskTitle (ULONG usSession, PSZ pszTitle, ULONG usTitlelen); ULONG WinSwitchToProgram (HSWITCH hsw); #endif /* INCL_WINSWITCHLIST */ #if defined (INCL_WINSHELLDATA) #define PL_ALTERED 0x008e BOOL PrfCloseProfile (HINI hini); HINI PrfOpenProfile (HAB hab, PCSZ pszFileName); BOOL PrfQueryProfile (HAB hab, PPRFPROFILE pPrfProfile); BOOL PrfQueryProfileData (HINI hini, PCSZ pszApp, PCSZ pszKey, PVOID pBuffer, PULONG pulBufferLength); LONG PrfQueryProfileInt (HINI hini, PCSZ pszApp, PCSZ pszKey, LONG sDefault); BOOL PrfQueryProfileSize (HINI hini, PCSZ pszApp, PCSZ pszKey, PULONG pulReqLen); ULONG PrfQueryProfileString (HINI hini, PCSZ pszApp, PCSZ pszKey, PCSZ pszDefault, PVOID pBuffer, ULONG ulBufferLength); BOOL PrfReset (HAB hab, __const__ PRFPROFILE *pPrfProfile); BOOL PrfWriteProfileData (HINI hini, PCSZ pszApp, PCSZ pszKey, CPVOID pData, ULONG ulDataLength); BOOL PrfWriteProfileString (HINI hini, PCSZ pszApp, PCSZ pszKey, PCSZ pszData); #endif /* INCL_WINSHELLDATA */ /* ------------------ STANDARD DIALOGS: FILE ------------------------------ */ #if defined (INCL_WINSTDFILE) #define FDM_FILTER (WM_USER+40) #define FDM_VALIDATE (WM_USER+41) #define FDM_ERROR (WM_USER+42) #define DID_FILE_DIALOG 256 #define DID_FILENAME_TXT 257 #define DID_FILENAME_ED 258 #define DID_DRIVE_TXT 259 #define DID_DRIVE_CB 260 #define DID_FILTER_TXT 261 #define DID_FILTER_CB 262 #define DID_DIRECTORY_TXT 263 #define DID_DIRECTORY_LB 264 #define DID_FILES_TXT 265 #define DID_FILES_LB 266 #define DID_HELP_PB 267 #define DID_APPLY_PB 268 #define DID_READ_ONLY 269 #define DID_DIRECTORY_SELECTED 270 #define DID_OK_PB DID_OK #define DID_CANCEL_PB DID_CANCEL #define FDS_CENTER 0x00000001 #define FDS_CUSTOM 0x00000002 #define FDS_FILTERUNION 0x00000004 #define FDS_HELPBUTTON 0x00000008 #define FDS_APPLYBUTTON 0x00000010 #define FDS_PRELOAD_VOLINFO 0x00000020 #define FDS_MODELESS 0x00000040 #define FDS_INCLUDE_EAS 0x00000080 #define FDS_OPEN_DIALOG 0x00000100 #define FDS_SAVEAS_DIALOG 0x00000200 #define FDS_MULTIPLESEL 0x00000400 #define FDS_ENABLEFILELB 0x00000800 #define FDS_NATIONAL_LANGUAGE 0x80000000 #define FDS_EFSELECTION 0 #define FDS_LBSELECTION 1 #define FDS_SUCCESSFUL 0 #define FDS_ERR_DEALLOCATE_MEMORY 1 #define FDS_ERR_FILTER_TRUNC 2 #define FDS_ERR_INVALID_DIALOG 3 #define FDS_ERR_INVALID_DRIVE 4 #define FDS_ERR_INVALID_FILTER 5 #define FDS_ERR_INVALID_PATHFILE 6 #define FDS_ERR_OUT_OF_MEMORY 7 #define FDS_ERR_PATH_TOO_LONG 8 #define FDS_ERR_TOO_MANY_FILE_TYPES 9 #define FDS_ERR_INVALID_VERSION 10 #define FDS_ERR_INVALID_CUSTOM_HANDLE 11 #define FDS_ERR_DIALOG_LOAD_ERROR 12 #define FDS_ERR_DRIVE_ERROR 13 #define IDS_FILE_ALL_FILES_SELECTOR 1000 #define IDS_FILE_BACK_CUR_PATH 1001 #define IDS_FILE_BACK_PREV_PATH 1002 #define IDS_FILE_BACK_SLASH 1003 #define IDS_FILE_BASE_FILTER 1004 #define IDS_FILE_BLANK 1005 #define IDS_FILE_COLON 1006 #define IDS_FILE_DOT 1007 #define IDS_FILE_DRIVE_LETTERS 1008 #define IDS_FILE_FWD_CUR_PATH 1009 #define IDS_FILE_FWD_PREV_PATH 1010 #define IDS_FILE_FORWARD_SLASH 1011 #define IDS_FILE_PARENT_DIR 1012 #define IDS_FILE_Q_MARK 1013 #define IDS_FILE_SPLAT 1014 #define IDS_FILE_SPLAT_DOT 1015 #define IDS_FILE_SAVEAS_TITLE 1016 #define IDS_FILE_SAVEAS_FILTER_TXT 1017 #define IDS_FILE_SAVEAS_FILENM_TXT 1018 #define IDS_FILE_DUMMY_FILE_NAME 1019 #define IDS_FILE_DUMMY_FILE_EXT 1020 #define IDS_FILE_DUMMY_DRIVE 1021 #define IDS_FILE_DUMMY_ROOT_DIR 1022 #define IDS_FILE_PATH_PTR 1023 #define IDS_FILE_VOLUME_PREFIX 1024 #define IDS_FILE_VOLUME_SUFFIX 1025 #define IDS_FILE_PATH_PTR2 1026 #define IDS_FILE_INVALID_CHARS 1027 #define IDS_FILE_ETC_BACK_SLASH 1028 #define IDS_FILE_OPEN_PARENTHESIS 1029 #define IDS_FILE_CLOSE_PARENTHESIS 1030 #define IDS_FILE_SEMICOLON 1031 #define IDS_FILE_BAD_DRIVE_NAME 1100 #define IDS_FILE_BAD_DRIVE_OR_PATH_NAME 1101 #define IDS_FILE_BAD_FILE_NAME 1102 #define IDS_FILE_BAD_FQF 1103 #define IDS_FILE_BAD_NETWORK_NAME 1104 #define IDS_FILE_BAD_SUB_DIR_NAME 1105 #define IDS_FILE_DRIVE_NOT_AVAILABLE 1106 #define IDS_FILE_FQFNAME_TOO_LONG 1107 #define IDS_FILE_OPEN_DIALOG_NOTE 1108 #define IDS_FILE_PATH_TOO_LONG 1109 #define IDS_FILE_SAVEAS_DIALOG_NOTE 1110 #define IDS_FILE_DRIVE_DISK_CHANGE 1120 #define IDS_FILE_DRIVE_NOT_READY 1122 #define IDS_FILE_DRIVE_LOCKED 1123 #define IDS_FILE_DRIVE_NO_SECTOR 1124 #define IDS_FILE_DRIVE_SOME_ERROR 1125 #define IDS_FILE_DRIVE_INVALID 1126 #define IDS_FILE_INSERT_DISK_NOTE 1127 #define IDS_FILE_OK_WHEN_READY 1128 typedef PSZ APSZ[1]; typedef APSZ *PAPSZ; typedef struct _FILEDLG { ULONG cbSize; ULONG fl; ULONG ulUser; LONG lReturn; LONG lSRC; PSZ pszTitle; PSZ pszOKButton; PFNWP pfnDlgProc; PSZ pszIType; PAPSZ papszITypeList; PSZ pszIDrive; PAPSZ papszIDriveList; HMODULE hMod; CHAR szFullFile[CCHMAXPATH]; PAPSZ papszFQFilename; ULONG ulFQFCount; USHORT usDlgId; SHORT x; SHORT y; SHORT sEAType; } FILEDLG; typedef FILEDLG *PFILEDLG; MRESULT WinDefFileDlgProc (HWND hwnd, ULONG msg, MPARAM mp1, MPARAM mp2); HWND WinFileDlg (HWND hwndP, HWND hwndO, PFILEDLG pfild); BOOL WinFreeFileDlgList (PAPSZ papszFQFilename); #endif /* INCL_WINSTDFILE */ /* ------------------ STANDARD DIALOGS: FONT ------------------------------ */ #if defined (INCL_WINSTDFONT) #define FNTM_FACENAMECHANGED (WM_USER+50) #define FNTM_POINTSIZECHANGED (WM_USER+51) #define FNTM_STYLECHANGED (WM_USER+52) #define FNTM_COLORCHANGED (WM_USER+53) #define FNTM_UPDATEPREVIEW (WM_USER+54) #define FNTM_FILTERLIST (WM_USER+55) #define FNTS_CENTER 0x00000001 #define FNTS_CUSTOM 0x00000002 #define FNTS_OWNERDRAWPREVIEW 0x00000004 #define FNTS_HELPBUTTON 0x00000008 #define FNTS_APPLYBUTTON 0x00000010 #define FNTS_RESETBUTTON 0x00000020 #define FNTS_MODELESS 0x00000040 #define FNTS_INITFROMFATTRS 0x00000080 #define FNTS_BITMAPONLY 0x00000100 #define FNTS_VECTORONLY 0x00000200 #define FNTS_FIXEDWIDTHONLY 0x00000400 #define FNTS_PROPORTIONALONLY 0x00000800 #define FNTS_NOSYNTHESIZEDFONTS 0x00001000 #define FNTS_NATIONAL_LANGUAGE 0x80000000 #define FNTF_NOVIEWSCREENFONTS 0x0001 #define FNTF_NOVIEWPRINTERFONTS 0x0002 #define FNTF_SCREENFONTSELECTED 0x0004 #define FNTF_PRINTERFONTSELECTED 0x0008 #define CLRC_FOREGROUND 1 #define CLRC_BACKGROUND 2 #define FNTI_BITMAPFONT 0x0001 #define FNTI_VECTORFONT 0x0002 #define FNTI_FIXEDWIDTHFONT 0x0004 #define FNTI_PROPORTIONALFONT 0x0008 #define FNTI_SYNTHESIZED 0x0010 #define FNTI_DEFAULTLIST 0x0020 #define FNTI_FAMILYNAME 0x0100 #define FNTI_STYLENAME 0x0200 #define FNTI_POINTSIZE 0x0400 #define FNTS_SUCCESSFUL 0 #define FNTS_ERR_INVALID_DIALOG 3 #define FNTS_ERR_ALLOC_SHARED_MEM 4 #define FNTS_ERR_INVALID_PARM 5 #define FNTS_ERR_OUT_OF_MEMORY 7 #define FNTS_ERR_INVALID_VERSION 10 #define FNTS_ERR_DIALOG_LOAD_ERROR 12 #define DID_FONT_DIALOG 300 #define DID_NAME 301 #define DID_STYLE 302 #define DID_DISPLAY_FILTER 303 #define DID_PRINTER_FILTER 304 #define DID_SIZE 305 #define DID_SAMPLE 306 #define DID_OUTLINE 307 #define DID_UNDERSCORE 308 #define DID_STRIKEOUT 309 #define DID_HELP_BUTTON 310 #define DID_APPLY_BUTTON 311 #define DID_RESET_BUTTON 312 #define DID_OK_BUTTON DID_OK #define DID_CANCEL_BUTTON DID_CANCEL #define DID_NAME_PREFIX 313 #define DID_STYLE_PREFIX 314 #define DID_SIZE_PREFIX 315 #define DID_SAMPLE_GROUPBOX 316 #define DID_EMPHASIS_GROUPBOX 317 #define DID_FONT_ISO_SUPPORT 318 #define DID_FONT_ISO_UNTESTED 319 #define IDS_FONT_SAMPLE 350 #define IDS_FONT_BLANK 351 #define IDS_FONT_KEY_0 352 #define IDS_FONT_KEY_9 353 #define IDS_FONT_KEY_SEP 354 #define IDS_FONT_DISP_ONLY 355 #define IDS_FONT_PRINTER_ONLY 356 #define IDS_FONT_COMBINED 357 #define IDS_FONT_WEIGHT1 358 #define IDS_FONT_WEIGHT2 359 #define IDS_FONT_WEIGHT3 360 #define IDS_FONT_WEIGHT4 361 #define IDS_FONT_WEIGHT5 362 #define IDS_FONT_WEIGHT6 363 #define IDS_FONT_WEIGHT7 364 #define IDS_FONT_WEIGHT8 365 #define IDS_FONT_WEIGHT9 366 #define IDS_FONT_WIDTH1 367 #define IDS_FONT_WIDTH2 368 #define IDS_FONT_WIDTH3 369 #define IDS_FONT_WIDTH4 370 #define IDS_FONT_WIDTH5 371 #define IDS_FONT_WIDTH6 372 #define IDS_FONT_WIDTH7 373 #define IDS_FONT_WIDTH8 374 #define IDS_FONT_WIDTH9 375 #define IDS_FONT_OPTION0 376 #define IDS_FONT_OPTION1 377 #define IDS_FONT_OPTION2 378 #define IDS_FONT_OPTION3 379 #define IDS_FONT_POINT_SIZE_LIST 380 typedef struct _FONTDLG { ULONG cbSize; HPS hpsScreen; HPS hpsPrinter; PSZ pszTitle; PSZ pszPreview; PSZ pszPtSizeList; PFNWP pfnDlgProc; PSZ pszFamilyname; FIXED fxPointSize; ULONG fl; ULONG flFlags; ULONG flType; ULONG flTypeMask; ULONG flStyle; ULONG flStyleMask; LONG clrFore; LONG clrBack; ULONG ulUser; LONG lReturn; LONG lSRC; LONG lEmHeight; LONG lXHeight; LONG lExternalLeading; HMODULE hMod; FATTRS fAttrs; SHORT sNominalPointSize; USHORT usWeight; USHORT usWidth; SHORT x; SHORT y; USHORT usDlgId; USHORT usFamilyBufLen; USHORT usReserved; } FONTDLG; typedef FONTDLG *PFONTDLG; typedef struct _STYLECHANGE { USHORT usWeight; USHORT usWeightOld; USHORT usWidth; USHORT usWidthOld; ULONG flType; ULONG flTypeOld; ULONG flTypeMask; ULONG flTypeMaskOld; ULONG flStyle; ULONG flStyleOld; ULONG flStyleMask; ULONG flStyleMaskOld; } STYLECHANGE; typedef STYLECHANGE *PSTYLECHANGE; HWND WinFontDlg (HWND hwndP, HWND hwndO, PFONTDLG pfntd); MRESULT WinDefFontDlgProc (HWND hwnd, ULONG msg, MPARAM mp1, MPARAM mp2); #endif /* INCL_WINSTDFONT */ /* -------------------------- SPIN BUTTON --------------------------------- */ #if defined (INCL_WINSTDSPIN) #define SPBS_ALLCHARACTERS 0x0000 #define SPBS_NUMERICONLY 0x0001 #define SPBS_READONLY 0x0002 #define SPBS_SERVANT 0x0000 #define SPBS_MASTER 0x0010 #define SPBS_JUSTDEFAULT 0x0000 #define SPBS_JUSTRIGHT 0x0004 #define SPBS_JUSTLEFT 0x0008 #define SPBS_JUSTCENTER 0x000c #define SPBS_NOBORDER 0x0020 #define SPBS_PADWITHZEROS 0x0080 #define SPBS_FASTSPIN 0x0100 #define SPBM_OVERRIDESETLIMITS 0x0200 #define SPBM_QUERYLIMITS 0x0201 #define SPBM_SETTEXTLIMIT 0x0202 #define SPBM_SPINUP 0x0203 #define SPBM_SPINDOWN 0x0204 #define SPBM_QUERYVALUE 0x0205 #define SPBM_SETARRAY 0x0206 #define SPBM_SETLIMITS 0x0207 #define SPBM_SETCURRENTVALUE 0x0208 #define SPBM_SETMASTER 0x0209 #define SPBN_UPARROW 0x020a #define SPBN_DOWNARROW 0x020b #define SPBN_ENDSPIN 0x020c #define SPBN_CHANGE 0x020d #define SPBN_SETFOCUS 0x020e #define SPBN_KILLFOCUS 0x020f #define SPBQ_UPDATEIFVALID 0 #define SPBQ_ALWAYSUPDATE 1 #define SPBQ_DONOTUPDATE 3 #endif /* INCL_WINSTDSPIN */ /* ----------------------------- SLIDER ----------------------------------- */ #if defined (INCL_WINSTDSLIDER) #define SLM_ADDDETENT 0x0369 #define SLM_QUERYDETENTPOS 0x036a #define SLM_QUERYSCALETEXT 0x036b #define SLM_QUERYSLIDERINFO 0x036c #define SLM_QUERYTICKPOS 0x036d #define SLM_QUERYTICKSIZE 0x036e #define SLM_REMOVEDETENT 0x036f #define SLM_SETSCALETEXT 0x0370 #define SLM_SETSLIDERINFO 0x0371 #define SLM_SETTICKSIZE 0x0372 #define SLN_CHANGE 1 #define SLN_SLIDERTRACK 2 #define SLN_SETFOCUS 3 #define SLN_KILLFOCUS 4 #define SLS_HORIZONTAL 0x0000 #define SLS_VERTICAL 0x0001 #define SLS_CENTER 0x0000 #define SLS_BOTTOM 0x0002 #define SLS_TOP 0x0004 #define SLS_LEFT 0x0002 #define SLS_RIGHT 0x0004 #define SLS_SNAPTOINCREMENT 0x0008 #define SLS_BUTTONSBOTTOM 0x0010 #define SLS_BUTTONSTOP 0x0020 #define SLS_BUTTONSLEFT 0x0010 #define SLS_BUTTONSRIGHT 0x0020 #define SLS_OWNERDRAW 0x0040 #define SLS_READONLY 0x0080 #define SLS_RIBBONSTRIP 0x0100 #define SLS_HOMEBOTTOM 0x0000 #define SLS_HOMETOP 0x0200 #define SLS_HOMELEFT 0x0000 #define SLS_HOMERIGHT 0x0200 #define SLS_PRIMARYSCALE1 0x0000 #define SLS_PRIMARYSCALE2 0x0400 #define SMA_SCALE1 0x0001 #define SMA_SCALE2 0x0002 #define SMA_SHAFTDIMENSIONS 0x0000 #define SMA_SHAFTPOSITION 0x0001 #define SMA_SLIDERARMDIMENSIONS 0x0002 #define SMA_SLIDERARMPOSITION 0x0003 #define SMA_RANGEVALUE 0x0000 #define SMA_INCREMENTVALUE 0x0001 #define SMA_SETALLTICKS 0xffff #define SDA_RIBBONSTRIP 1 #define SDA_SLIDERSHAFT 2 #define SDA_BACKGROUND 3 #define SDA_SLIDERARM 4 #define PMERR_UPDATE_IN_PROGRESS 0x1f06 #define SLDERR_INVALID_PARAMETERS (-1) typedef struct _SLDCDATA { ULONG cbSize; USHORT usScale1Increments; USHORT usScale1Spacing; USHORT usScale2Increments; USHORT usScale2Spacing; } SLDCDATA; typedef SLDCDATA *PSLDCDATA; #endif /* INCL_WINSTDSLIDER */ /* ------------------------- CIRCULAR SLIDER ------------------------------ */ #if defined (INCL_WINCIRCULARSLIDER) #define CSM_QUERYRANGE 0x053d #define CSM_SETRANGE 0x053e #define CSM_QUERYVALUE 0x053f #define CSM_SETVALUE 0x0540 #define CSM_QUERYRADIUS 0x0541 #define CSM_SETINCREMENT 0x0542 #define CSM_QUERYINCREMENT 0x0543 #define CSM_SETBITMAPDATA 0x0544 #define CSN_SETFOCUS 0x0548 #define CSN_CHANGED 0x0549 #define CSN_TRACKING 0x054a #define CSN_QUERYBACKGROUNDCOLOR 0x054b #define CSS_NOBUTTON 0x0001 #define CSS_NOTEXT 0x0002 #define CSS_NONUMBER 0x0004 #define CSS_POINTSELECT 0x0008 #define CSS_360 0x0010 #define CSS_MIDPOINT 0x0020 #define CSS_PROPORTIONALTICKS 0x0040 #define CSS_NOTICKS 0x0080 #define CSS_CIRCULARVALUE 0x0100 typedef struct _CSBITMAPDATA { HBITMAP hbmLeftUp; HBITMAP hbmLeftDown; HBITMAP hbmRightUp; HBITMAP hbmRightDown; } CSBITMAPDATA; typedef CSBITMAPDATA *PCSBITMAPDATA; #endif /* INCL_WINCIRCULARSLIDER */ /* ---------------------------- NOTEBOOK ---------------------------------- */ #if defined (INCL_WINSTDBOOK) #define BFA_PAGEDATA 0x0001 #define BFA_PAGEFROMHWND 0x0002 #define BFA_PAGEFROMDLGTEMPLATE 0x0004 #define BFA_PAGEFROMDLGRES 0x0008 #define BFA_STATUSLINE 0x0010 #define BFA_MAJORTABBITMAP 0x0020 #define BFA_MINORTABBITMAP 0x0040 #define BFA_MAJORTABTEXT 0x0080 #define BFA_MINORTABTEXT 0x0100 #define BFA_BIDIINFO 0x0200 #define BKM_CALCPAGERECT 0x0353 #define BKM_DELETEPAGE 0x0354 #define BKM_INSERTPAGE 0x0355 #define BKM_INVALIDATETABS 0x0356 #define BKM_TURNTOPAGE 0x0357 #define BKM_QUERYPAGECOUNT 0x0358 #define BKM_QUERYPAGEID 0x0359 #define BKM_QUERYPAGEDATA 0x035a #define BKM_QUERYPAGEWINDOWHWND 0x035b #define BKM_QUERYTABBITMAP 0x035c #define BKM_QUERYTABTEXT 0x035d #define BKM_SETDIMENSIONS 0x035e #define BKM_SETPAGEDATA 0x035f #define BKM_SETPAGEWINDOWHWND 0x0360 #define BKM_SETSTATUSLINETEXT 0x0361 #define BKM_SETTABBITMAP 0x0362 #define BKM_SETTABTEXT 0x0363 #define BKM_SETNOTEBOOKCOLORS 0x0364 #define BKM_QUERYPAGESTYLE 0x0365 #define BKM_QUERYSTATUSLINETEXT 0x0366 #define BKM_SETPAGEINFO 0x0367 #define BKM_QUERYPAGEINFO 0x0368 #define BKM_SETTABCOLOR 0x0374 #define BKM_SETNOTEBOOKBUTTONS 0x0375 #define BKN_PAGESELECTED 0x0082 #define BKN_NEWPAGESIZE 0x0083 #define BKN_HELP 0x0084 #define BKN_PAGEDELETED 0x0085 #define BKN_PAGESELECTEDPENDING 0x0086 #define BKA_ALL 0x0001 #define BKA_SINGLE 0x0002 #define BKA_TAB 0x0004 #define BKA_LAST 0x0002 #define BKA_FIRST 0x0004 #define BKA_NEXT 0x0008 #define BKA_PREV 0x0010 #define BKA_TOP 0x0020 #define BKA_MAJORTAB 0x0001 #define BKA_MINORTAB 0x0002 #define BKA_PAGEBUTTON 0x0100 #define BKA_STATUSTEXTON 0x0001 #define BKA_MAJOR 0x0040 #define BKA_MINOR 0x0080 #define BKA_AUTOPAGESIZE 0x0100 #define BKA_END 0x0200 #define BKA_TEXT 0x0400 #define BKA_BITMAP 0x0800 #define BKA_AUTOCOLOR (-1) #define BKA_MAXBUTTONID 7999 #define BKS_BACKPAGESBR 0x0001 #define BKS_BACKPAGESBL 0x0002 #define BKS_BACKPAGESTR 0x0004 #define BKS_BACKPAGESTL 0x0008 #define BKS_MAJORTABRIGHT 0x0010 #define BKS_MAJORTABLEFT 0x0020 #define BKS_MAJORTABTOP 0x0040 #define BKS_MAJORTABBOTTOM 0x0080 #define BKS_SQUARETABS 0x0000 #define BKS_ROUNDEDTABS 0x0100 #define BKS_POLYGONTABS 0x0200 #define BKS_SOLIDBIND 0x0000 #define BKS_SPIRALBIND 0x0400 #define BKS_STATUSTEXTLEFT 0x0000 #define BKS_STATUSTEXTRIGHT 0x1000 #define BKS_STATUSTEXTCENTER 0x2000 #define BKS_TABTEXTLEFT 0x0000 #define BKS_TABTEXTRIGHT 0x4000 #define BKS_TABTEXTCENTER 0x8000 #define BKS_BUTTONAREA 0x0200 #define BKS_TABBEDDIALOG 0x0800 #define BKA_BACKGROUNDPAGECOLORINDEX 0x0001 #define BKA_BACKGROUNDPAGECOLOR 0x0002 #define BKA_BACKGROUNDMAJORCOLORINDEX 0x0003 #define BKA_BACKGROUNDMAJORCOLOR 0x0004 #define BKA_BACKGROUNDMINORCOLORINDEX 0x0005 #define BKA_BACKGROUNDMINORCOLOR 0x0006 #define BKA_FOREGROUNDMAJORCOLORINDEX 0x0007 #define BKA_FOREGROUNDMAJORCOLOR 0x0008 #define BKA_FOREGROUNDMINORCOLORINDEX 0x0009 #define BKA_FOREGROUNDMINORCOLOR 0x000a #define BOOKERR_INVALID_PARAMETERS (-1) typedef struct _BOOKTEXT { PSZ pString; ULONG textLen; } BOOKTEXT; typedef BOOKTEXT *PBOOKTEXT; typedef struct _NOTEBOOKBUTTON { PSZ pszText; ULONG idButton; LHANDLE hImage; LONG flStyle; } NOTEBOOKBUTTON; typedef NOTEBOOKBUTTON *PNOTEBOOKBUTTON; typedef struct _DELETENOTIFY { HWND hwndBook; HWND hwndPage; ULONG ulAppPageData; HBITMAP hbmTab; } DELETENOTIFY; typedef DELETENOTIFY *PDELETENOTIFY; typedef struct _PAGESELECTNOTIFY { HWND hwndBook; ULONG ulPageIdCur; ULONG ulPageIdNew; } PAGESELECTNOTIFY; typedef PAGESELECTNOTIFY *PPAGESELECTNOTIFY; typedef struct _BOOKPAGEINFO { ULONG cb; ULONG fl; BOOL bLoadDlg; ULONG ulPageData; HWND hwndPage; PFN pfnPageDlgProc; ULONG idPageDlg; HMODULE hmodPageDlg; PVOID pPageDlgCreateParams; PDLGTEMPLATE pdlgtPage; ULONG cbStatusLine; PSZ pszStatusLine; HBITMAP hbmMajorTab; HBITMAP hbmMinorTab; ULONG cbMajorTab; PSZ pszMajorTab; ULONG cbMinorTab; PSZ pszMinorTab; PVOID pBidiInfo; } BOOKPAGEINFO; typedef BOOKPAGEINFO *PBOOKPAGEINFO; #endif /* INCL_WINSTDBOOK */ /* -------------------------- DRAG AND DROP ------------------------------- */ #if defined (INCL_WINSTDDRAG) #define PMERR_NOT_DRAGGING 0x1f00 #define PMERR_ALREADY_DRAGGING 0x1f01 #define WM_DRAGFIRST 0x0310 #define WM_DRAGLAST 0x032f #define DM_DROP 0x032f #define DM_DRAGOVER 0x032e #define DM_DRAGLEAVE 0x032d #define DM_DROPHELP 0x032c #define DM_ENDCONVERSATION 0x032b #define DM_PRINT 0x032a #define DM_RENDER 0x0329 #define DM_RENDERCOMPLETE 0x0328 #define DM_RENDERPREPARE 0x0327 #define DM_DRAGFILECOMPLETE 0x0326 #define DM_EMPHASIZETARGET 0x0325 #define DM_DRAGERROR 0x0324 #define DM_FILERENDERED 0x0323 #define DM_RENDERFILE 0x0322 #define DM_DRAGOVERNOTIFY 0x0321 #define DM_PRINTOBJECT 0x0320 #define DM_DISCARDOBJECT 0x031f #define DM_DROPNOTIFY 0x031e #define MSGF_DRAG 0x0010 #define DC_OPEN 0x0001 #define DC_REF 0x0002 #define DC_GROUP 0x0004 #define DC_CONTAINER 0x0008 #define DC_PREPARE 0x0010 #define DC_REMOVEABLEMEDIA 0x0020 #define DF_MOVE 0x0001 #define DF_SOURCE 0x0002 #define DF_SUCCESSFUL 0x0004 #define DFF_MOVE 1 #define DFF_COPY 2 #define DFF_DELETE 3 #define DGS_DRAGINPROGRESS 0x0001 #define DGS_LAZYDRAGINPROGRESS 0x0002 #define DME_IGNOREABORT 1 #define DME_IGNORECONTINUE 2 #define DME_REPLACE 3 #define DME_RETRY 4 #define DMFL_TARGETSUCCESSFUL 0x0001 #define DMFL_TARGETFAIL 0x0002 #define DMFL_NATIVERENDER 0x0004 #define DMFL_RENDERRETRY 0x0008 #define DMFL_RENDEROK 0x0010 #define DMFL_RENDERFAIL 0x0020 #define DO_DEFAULT 0xbffe #define DO_UNKNOWN 0xbfff #define DO_COPYABLE 0x0001 #define DO_MOVEABLE 0x0002 #define DO_LINKABLE 0x0004 #define DO_CREATEABLE 0x0008 #define DO_CREATEPROGRAMOBJECTABLE 0x0010 #define DO_COPY 0x0010 #define DO_MOVE 0x0020 #define DO_LINK 0x0018 #define DO_CREATE 0x0040 #define DO_CREATEPROGRAMOBJECT 0x0080 #define DOR_NODROP 0x0000 #define DOR_DROP 0x0001 #define DOR_NODROPOP 0x0002 #define DOR_NEVERDROP 0x0003 #define DRG_ICON 0x0001 #define DRG_BITMAP 0x0002 #define DRG_POLYGON 0x0004 #define DRG_STRETCH 0x0008 #define DRG_TRANSPARENT 0x0010 #define DRG_CLOSED 0x0020 #define DRG_MINIBITMAP 0x0040 #define DRR_SOURCE 1 #define DRR_TARGET 2 #define DRR_ABORT 3 #define DRT_ASM "Assembler Code" #define DRT_BASIC "BASIC Code" #define DRT_BINDATA "Binary Data" #define DRT_BITMAP "Bitmap" #define DRT_C "C Code" #define DRT_COBOL "COBOL Code" #define DRT_DLL "Dynamic Link Library" #define DRT_DOSCMD "DOS Command File" #define DRT_EXE "Executable" #define DRT_FORTRAN "FORTRAN Code" #define DRT_ICON "Icon" #define DRT_LIB "Library" #define DRT_METAFILE "Metafile" #define DRT_OS2CMD "OS/2 Command File" #define DRT_PASCAL "Pascal Code" #define DRT_RESOURCE "Resource File" #define DRT_TEXT "Plain Text" #define DRT_UNKNOWN "Unknown" typedef LHANDLE HSTR; typedef struct _DRAGIMAGE { USHORT cb; USHORT cptl; LHANDLE hImage; SIZEL sizlStretch; ULONG fl; SHORT cxOffset; SHORT cyOffset; } DRAGIMAGE; typedef DRAGIMAGE *PDRAGIMAGE; typedef struct _DRAGINFO { ULONG cbDraginfo; USHORT cbDragitem; USHORT usOperation; HWND hwndSource; SHORT xDrop; SHORT yDrop; USHORT cditem; USHORT usReserved; } DRAGINFO; typedef DRAGINFO *PDRAGINFO; typedef struct _DRAGITEM { HWND hwndItem; ULONG ulItemID; HSTR hstrType; HSTR hstrRMF; HSTR hstrContainerName; HSTR hstrSourceName; HSTR hstrTargetName; SHORT cxOffset; SHORT cyOffset; USHORT fsControl; USHORT fsSupportedOps; } DRAGITEM; typedef DRAGITEM *PDRAGITEM; typedef struct _DRAGTRANSFER { ULONG cb; HWND hwndClient; PDRAGITEM pditem; HSTR hstrSelectedRMF; HSTR hstrRenderToName; ULONG ulTargetInfo; USHORT usOperation; USHORT fsReply; } DRAGTRANSFER; typedef DRAGTRANSFER *PDRAGTRANSFER; typedef struct _RENDERFILE { HWND hwndDragFiles; HSTR hstrSource; HSTR hstrTarget; USHORT fMove; USHORT usRsvd; } RENDERFILE; typedef RENDERFILE *PRENDERFILE; BOOL DrgAcceptDroppedFiles (HWND hwnd, PCSZ pszPath, PCSZ pszTypes, ULONG ulDefaultOp, ULONG ulReserved); BOOL DrgAccessDraginfo (PDRAGINFO pdinfo); HSTR DrgAddStrHandle (PCSZ psz); PDRAGINFO DrgAllocDraginfo (ULONG cDitem); PDRAGTRANSFER DrgAllocDragtransfer (ULONG cdxfer); BOOL DrgCancelLazyDrag (VOID); BOOL DrgDeleteDraginfoStrHandles (PDRAGINFO pdinfo); BOOL DrgDeleteStrHandle (HSTR hstr); HWND DrgDrag (HWND hwndSource, PDRAGINFO pdinfo, PDRAGIMAGE pdimg, ULONG cdimg, LONG vkTerminate, PVOID pReserved); BOOL DrgDragFiles (HWND hwnd, PSZ *apszFiles, PSZ *apszTypes, PSZ *apszTargets, ULONG cFiles, HPOINTER hptrDrag, ULONG vkTerm, BOOL fSourceRender, ULONG ulReserved); BOOL DrgFreeDraginfo (PDRAGINFO pdinfo); BOOL DrgFreeDragtransfer (PDRAGTRANSFER pdxfer); HPS DrgGetPS (HWND hwnd); BOOL DrgLazyDrag (HWND hwndSource, PDRAGINFO pDraginfo, PDRAGIMAGE pdimg, ULONG cdimg, PVOID pReserved); BOOL DrgLazyDrop (HWND hwndTarget, ULONG ulOperation, PPOINTL pptlDrop); BOOL DrgPostTransferMsg (HWND hwnd, ULONG msg, PDRAGTRANSFER pdxfer, ULONG fl, ULONG ulReserved, BOOL fRetry); BOOL DrgPushDraginfo (PDRAGINFO pdinfo, HWND hwndDest); PDRAGINFO DrgQueryDraginfoPtr (PDRAGINFO pReserved); PDRAGINFO DrgQueryDraginfoPtrFromHwnd (HWND hwndSource); PDRAGINFO DrgQueryDraginfoPtrFromDragitem (__const__ DRAGITEM *pDragitem); BOOL DrgQueryDragitem (PDRAGINFO pdinfo, ULONG cbBuffer, PDRAGITEM pditem, ULONG iItem); ULONG DrgQueryDragitemCount (PDRAGINFO pdinfo); PDRAGITEM DrgQueryDragitemPtr (PDRAGINFO pdinfo, ULONG ulIndex); ULONG DrgQueryDragStatus (VOID); BOOL DrgQueryNativeRMF (PDRAGITEM pditem, ULONG cbBuffer, PCHAR pBuffer); ULONG DrgQueryNativeRMFLen (PDRAGITEM pditem); ULONG DrgQueryStrName (HSTR hstr, ULONG cbBuffer, PSZ pBuffer); ULONG DrgQueryStrNameLen (HSTR hstr); BOOL DrgQueryTrueType (PDRAGITEM pditem, ULONG cbBuffer, PSZ pBuffer); ULONG DrgQueryTrueTypeLen (PDRAGITEM pditem); PDRAGINFO DrgReallocDraginfo (PDRAGINFO pDraginfoOld, ULONG cditem); BOOL DrgReleasePS (HPS hps); MRESULT DrgSendTransferMsg (HWND hwnd, ULONG msg, MPARAM mp1, MPARAM mp2); BOOL DrgSetDragImage (PDRAGINFO pdinfo, PDRAGIMAGE pdimg, ULONG cdimg, PVOID pReserved); BOOL DrgSetDragitem (PDRAGINFO pdinfo, PDRAGITEM pditem, ULONG cbBuffer, ULONG iItem); BOOL DrgSetDragPointer (PDRAGINFO pdinfo, HPOINTER hptr); BOOL DrgVerifyNativeRMF (PDRAGITEM pditem, PCSZ pszRMF); BOOL DrgVerifyRMF (PDRAGITEM pditem, PCSZ pszMech, PCSZ pszFmt); BOOL DrgVerifyTrueType (PDRAGITEM pditem, PCSZ pszType); BOOL DrgVerifyType (PDRAGITEM pditem, PCSZ pszType); BOOL DrgVerifyTypeSet (PDRAGITEM pditem, PCSZ pszType, ULONG cbMatch, PSZ pszMatch); #endif /* INCL_WINSTDDRAG */ /* -------------------------- VALUE SET ----------------------------------- */ #if defined (INCL_WINSTDVALSET) #define VDA_ITEM 0x0001 #define VDA_ITEMBACKGROUND 0x0002 #define VDA_SURROUNDING 0x0003 #define VDA_BACKGROUND 0x0004 #define VIA_BITMAP 0x0001 #define VIA_ICON 0x0002 #define VIA_TEXT 0x0004 #define VIA_RGB 0x0008 #define VIA_COLORINDEX 0x0010 #define VIA_OWNERDRAW 0x0020 #define VIA_DISABLED 0x0040 #define VIA_DRAGGABLE 0x0080 #define VIA_DROPONABLE 0x0100 #define VM_QUERYITEM 0x0375 #define VM_QUERYITEMATTR 0x0376 #define VM_QUERYMETRICS 0x0377 #define VM_QUERYSELECTEDITEM 0x0378 #define VM_SELECTITEM 0x0379 #define VM_SETITEM 0x037a #define VM_SETITEMATTR 0x037b #define VM_SETMETRICS 0x037c #define VMA_ITEMSIZE 0x0001 #define VMA_ITEMSPACING 0x0002 #define VN_SELECT 0x0078 #define VN_ENTER 0x0079 #define VN_DRAGLEAVE 0x007a #define VN_DRAGOVER 0x007b #define VN_DROP 0x007c #define VN_DROPHELP 0x007d #define VN_INITDRAG 0x007e #define VN_SETFOCUS 0x007f #define VN_KILLFOCUS 0x0080 #define VN_HELP 0x0081 #define VS_BITMAP 0x0001 #define VS_ICON 0x0002 #define VS_TEXT 0x0004 #define VS_RGB 0x0008 #define VS_COLORINDEX 0x0010 #define VS_BORDER 0x0020 #define VS_ITEMBORDER 0x0040 #define VS_SCALEBITMAPS 0x0080 #define VS_RIGHTTOLEFT 0x0100 #define VS_OWNERDRAW 0x0200 #define VSERR_INVALID_PARAMETERS (-1) typedef struct _VSCDATA { ULONG cbSize; USHORT usRowCount; USHORT usColumnCount; } VSCDATA; typedef VSCDATA *PVSCDATA; typedef struct _VSDRAGINIT { HWND hwnd; LONG x; LONG y; LONG cx; LONG cy; USHORT usRow; USHORT usColumn; } VSDRAGINIT; typedef VSDRAGINIT *PVSDRAGINIT; typedef struct _VSDRAGINFO { PDRAGINFO pDragInfo; USHORT usRow; USHORT usColumn; } VSDRAGINFO; typedef VSDRAGINFO *PVSDRAGINFO; typedef struct _VSTEXT { PSZ pszItemText; ULONG ulBufLen; } VSTEXT; typedef VSTEXT *PVSTEXT; #endif /* INCL_WINSTDVALSET */ /* ---------------------------- CONTAINER --------------------------------- */ #if defined (INCL_WINSTDCNR) #define CA_CONTAINERTITLE 0x00000200 #define CA_TITLESEPARATOR 0x00000400 #define CA_TITLELEFT 0x00000800 #define CA_TITLERIGHT 0x00001000 #define CA_TITLECENTER 0x00002000 #define CA_OWNERDRAW 0x00004000 #define CA_DETAILSVIEWTITLES 0x00008000 #define CA_ORDEREDTARGETEMPH 0x00010000 #define CA_DRAWBITMAP 0x00020000 #define CA_DRAWICON 0x00040000 #define CA_TITLEREADONLY 0x00080000 #define CA_OWNERPAINTBACKGROUND 0x00100000 #define CA_MIXEDTARGETEMPH 0x00200000 #define CA_TREELINE 0x00400000 #define CCS_EXTENDSEL 0x0001 #define CCS_MULTIPLESEL 0x0002 #define CCS_SINGLESEL 0x0004 #define CCS_AUTOPOSITION 0x0008 #define CCS_VERIFYPOINTERS 0x0010 #define CCS_READONLY 0x0020 #define CCS_MINIRECORDCORE 0x0040 #define CCS_MINIICONS 0x0800 #define CCS_NOCONTROLPTR 0x1000 #define CFA_LEFT 0x00000001 #define CFA_RIGHT 0x00000002 #define CFA_CENTER 0x00000004 #define CFA_TOP 0x00000008 #define CFA_VCENTER 0x00000010 #define CFA_BOTTOM 0x00000020 #define CFA_INVISIBLE 0x00000040 #define CFA_BITMAPORICON 0x00000100 #define CFA_SEPARATOR 0x00000200 #define CFA_HORZSEPARATOR 0x00000400 #define CFA_STRING 0x00000800 #define CFA_OWNER 0x00001000 #define CFA_DATE 0x00002000 #define CFA_TIME 0x00004000 #define CFA_FIREADONLY 0x00008000 #define CFA_FITITLEREADONLY 0x00010000 #define CFA_ULONG 0x00020000 #define CFA_RANGE 0x00040000 #define CFA_NEWCOMP 0x00080000 #define CFA_OBJECT 0x00100000 #define CFA_LIST 0x00200000 #define CFA_CLASS 0x00400000 #define CFA_IGNORE 0x80000000 #define CID_LEFTCOLTITLEWND 0x7ff0 #define CID_RIGHTCOLTITLEWND 0x7ff1 #define CID_BLANKBOX 0x7ff2 #define CID_HSCROLL 0x7ff3 #define CID_RIGHTHSCROLL 0x7ff4 #define CID_CNRTITLEWND 0x7ff5 #define CID_LEFTDVWND 0x7ff7 #define CID_RIGHTDVWND 0x7ff8 #define CID_VSCROLL 0x7ff9 #define CID_MLE 0x7ffa #define CM_ALLOCDETAILFIELDINFO 0x0330 #define CM_ALLOCRECORD 0x0331 #define CM_ARRANGE 0x0332 #define CM_ERASERECORD 0x0333 #define CM_FILTER 0x0334 #define CM_FREEDETAILFIELDINFO 0x0335 #define CM_FREERECORD 0x0336 #define CM_HORZSCROLLSPLITWINDOW 0x0337 #define CM_INSERTDETAILFIELDINFO 0x0338 #define CM_INSERTRECORD 0x0339 #define CM_INVALIDATEDETAILFIELDINFO 0x033a #define CM_INVALIDATERECORD 0x033b #define CM_PAINTBACKGROUND 0x033c #define CM_QUERYCNRINFO 0x033d #define CM_QUERYDETAILFIELDINFO 0x033e #define CM_QUERYDRAGIMAGE 0x033f #define CM_QUERYRECORD 0x0340 #define CM_QUERYRECORDEMPHASIS 0x0341 #define CM_QUERYRECORDFROMRECT 0x0342 #define CM_QUERYRECORDRECT 0x0343 #define CM_QUERYVIEWPORTRECT 0x0344 #define CM_REMOVEDETAILFIELDINFO 0x0345 #define CM_REMOVERECORD 0x0346 #define CM_SCROLLWINDOW 0x0347 #define CM_SEARCHSTRING 0x0348 #define CM_SETCNRINFO 0x0349 #define CM_SETRECORDEMPHASIS 0x034a #define CM_SORTRECORD 0x034b #define CM_OPENEDIT 0x034c #define CM_CLOSEEDIT 0x034d #define CM_COLLAPSETREE 0x034e #define CM_EXPANDTREE 0x034f #define CM_QUERYRECORDINFO 0x0350 #define CM_INSERTRECORDARRAY 0x0351 #define CM_MOVETREE 0x0352 #define CM_SETTEXTVISIBILITY 0x0353 #define CM_SETGRIDINFO 0x0354 #define CM_QUERYGRIDINFO 0x0355 #define CM_SNAPTOGRID 0x0356 #define CMA_TOP 0x0001 #define CMA_BOTTOM 0x0002 #define CMA_LEFT 0x0004 #define CMA_RIGHT 0x0008 #define CMA_PERIMETER 0x0010 #define CMA_USER 0x0020 #define CMA_FIRST 0x0010 #define CMA_LAST 0x0020 #define CMA_END 0x0040 #define CMA_PREV 0x0080 #define CMA_NEXT 0x0100 #define CMA_HORIZONTAL 0x0200 #define CMA_VERTICAL 0x0400 #define CMA_ICON 0x0800 #define CMA_TEXT 0x1000 #define CMA_PARTIAL 0x2000 #define CMA_COMPLETE 0x4000 #define CMA_PARENT 0x0001 #define CMA_FIRSTCHILD 0x0002 #define CMA_LASTCHILD 0x0004 #define CMA_CNRTITLE 0x0001 #define CMA_DELTA 0x0002 #define CMA_FLWINDOWATTR 0x0004 #define CMA_LINESPACING 0x0008 #define CMA_PFIELDINFOLAST 0x0010 #define CMA_PSORTRECORD 0x0020 #define CMA_PTLORIGIN 0x0040 #define CMA_SLBITMAPORICON 0x0080 #define CMA_XVERTSPLITBAR 0x0100 #define CMA_PFIELDINFOOBJECT 0x0200 #define CMA_TREEICON 0x0400 #define CMA_TREEBITMAP 0x0800 #define CMA_CXTREEINDENT 0x1000 #define CMA_CXTREELINE 0x2000 #define CMA_SLTREEBITMAPORICON 0x4000 #define CMA_ITEMORDER 0x0001 #define CMA_WINDOW 0x0002 #define CMA_WORKSPACE 0x0004 #define CMA_ZORDER 0x0008 #define CMA_DELTATOP 0x0001 #define CMA_DELTABOT 0x0002 #define CMA_DELTAHOME 0x0004 #define CMA_DELTAEND 0x0008 #define CMA_NOREPOSITION 0x0001 #define CMA_REPOSITION 0x0002 #define CMA_TEXTCHANGED 0x0004 #define CMA_ERASE 0x0008 #define CMA_NOTEXTCHANGED 0x0010 #define CMA_FILTER 0x1000 #define CMA_FREE 0x0001 #define CMA_INVALIDATE 0x0002 #define CMA_ARRANGESTANDARD 0x0000 #define CMA_ARRANGEGRID 0x0001 #define CMA_ARRANGESELECTED 0x0002 #define CMA_AVAIL 0x0001 #define CMA_UNAVAIL 0x0002 #define CN_DRAGAFTER 0x0065 #define CN_DRAGLEAVE 0x0066 #define CN_DRAGOVER 0x0067 #define CN_DROP 0x0068 #define CN_DROPHELP 0x0069 #define CN_ENTER 0x006a #define CN_INITDRAG 0x006b #define CN_EMPHASIS 0x006c #define CN_KILLFOCUS 0x006d #define CN_SCROLL 0x006e #define CN_QUERYDELTA 0x006f #define CN_SETFOCUS 0x0070 #define CN_REALLOCPSZ 0x0071 #define CN_BEGINEDIT 0x0072 #define CN_ENDEDIT 0x0073 #define CN_COLLAPSETREE 0x0074 #define CN_EXPANDTREE 0x0075 #define CN_HELP 0x0076 #define CN_CONTEXTMENU 0x0077 #define CN_VERIFYEDIT 0x0086 #define CN_PICKUP 0x0087 #define CN_DROPNOTIFY 0x0088 #define CN_GRIDRESIZED 0x0089 #define CRA_SELECTED 0x00000001 #define CRA_TARGET 0x00000002 #define CRA_CURSORED 0x00000004 #define CRA_INUSE 0x00000008 #define CRA_FILTERED 0x00000010 #define CRA_DROPONABLE 0x00000020 #define CRA_RECORDREADONLY 0x00000040 #define CRA_EXPANDED 0x00000080 #define CRA_COLLAPSED 0x00000100 #define CRA_PICKED 0x00000200 #define CRA_LOCKED 0x00000400 #define CRA_DISABLED 0x00001000 #define CRA_SOURCE 0x00004000 #define CRA_IGNORE 0x00008000 #define CRA_OWNERFREE 0x00010000 #define CRA_OWNERDRAW 0x00020000 #define CV_TEXT 0x00000001 #define CV_NAME 0x00000002 #define CV_ICON 0x00000004 #define CV_DETAIL 0x00000008 #define CV_FLOW 0x00000010 #define CV_MINI 0x00000020 #define CV_TREE 0x00000040 #define CV_GRID 0x00000080 #define CV_EXACTLENGTH 0x10000000 #define PMERR_NOFILTERED_ITEMS 0x1f02 #define PMERR_COMPARISON_FAILED 0x1f03 #define PMERR_RECORD_CURRENTLY_INSERTED 0x1f04 #define PMERR_FI_CURRENTLY_INSERTED 0x1f05 typedef struct _TREEITEMDESC { HBITMAP hbmExpanded; HBITMAP hbmCollapsed; HPOINTER hptrExpanded; HPOINTER hptrCollapsed; } TREEITEMDESC; typedef TREEITEMDESC *PTREEITEMDESC; typedef struct _FIELDINFO { ULONG cb; ULONG flData; ULONG flTitle; PVOID pTitleData; ULONG offStruct; PVOID pUserData; struct _FIELDINFO *pNextFieldInfo; ULONG cxWidth; } FIELDINFO; typedef FIELDINFO *PFIELDINFO; typedef struct _RECORDCORE { ULONG cb; ULONG flRecordAttr; POINTL ptlIcon; struct _RECORDCORE *preccNextRecord; PSZ pszIcon; HPOINTER hptrIcon; HPOINTER hptrMiniIcon; HBITMAP hbmBitmap; HBITMAP hbmMiniBitmap; PTREEITEMDESC pTreeItemDesc; PSZ pszText; PSZ pszName; PSZ pszTree; } RECORDCORE; typedef RECORDCORE *PRECORDCORE; typedef struct _MINIRECORDCORE { ULONG cb; ULONG flRecordAttr; POINTL ptlIcon; struct _MINIRECORDCORE *preccNextRecord; PSZ pszIcon; HPOINTER hptrIcon; } MINIRECORDCORE; typedef MINIRECORDCORE *PMINIRECORDCORE; typedef struct _TREEMOVE { PRECORDCORE preccMove; PRECORDCORE preccNewParent; PRECORDCORE pRecordOrder; BOOL flMoveSiblings; } TREEMOVE; typedef TREEMOVE *PTREEMOVE; typedef struct _CNRINFO { ULONG cb; PVOID pSortRecord; PFIELDINFO pFieldInfoLast; PFIELDINFO pFieldInfoObject; PSZ pszCnrTitle; ULONG flWindowAttr; POINTL ptlOrigin; ULONG cDelta; ULONG cRecords; SIZEL slBitmapOrIcon; SIZEL slTreeBitmapOrIcon; HBITMAP hbmExpanded; HBITMAP hbmCollapsed; HPOINTER hptrExpanded; HPOINTER hptrCollapsed; LONG cyLineSpacing; LONG cxTreeIndent; LONG cxTreeLine; ULONG cFields; LONG xVertSplitbar; } CNRINFO; typedef CNRINFO *PCNRINFO; typedef struct _GRIDSQUARE { ULONG ulNumber; ULONG ulState; RECTL rctlSquare; } GRIDSQUARE; typedef GRIDSQUARE *PGRIDSQUARE; typedef struct _GRIDINFO { ULONG cb; SHORT cxGrid; SHORT cyGrid; SHORT sGridRows; SHORT sGridCols; LONG cGridSquares; PGRIDSQUARE pGrid; } GRIDINFO; typedef GRIDINFO *PGRIDINFO; typedef struct _CDATE { UCHAR day; UCHAR month; USHORT year; } CDATE; typedef CDATE *PCDATE; typedef struct _CTIME { UCHAR hours; UCHAR minutes; UCHAR seconds; UCHAR ucReserved; } CTIME; typedef CTIME *PCTIME; typedef struct _CNRDRAGINIT { HWND hwndCnr; PRECORDCORE pRecord; LONG x; LONG y; LONG cx; LONG cy; } CNRDRAGINIT; typedef CNRDRAGINIT *PCNRDRAGINIT; typedef struct _FIELDINFOINSERT { ULONG cb; PFIELDINFO pFieldInfoOrder; ULONG fInvalidateFieldInfo; ULONG cFieldInfoInsert; } FIELDINFOINSERT; typedef FIELDINFOINSERT *PFIELDINFOINSERT; typedef struct _RECORDINSERT { ULONG cb; PRECORDCORE pRecordOrder; PRECORDCORE pRecordParent; ULONG fInvalidateRecord; ULONG zOrder; ULONG cRecordsInsert; } RECORDINSERT; typedef RECORDINSERT *PRECORDINSERT; typedef struct _QUERYRECFROMRECT { ULONG cb; RECTL rect; ULONG fsSearch; } QUERYRECFROMRECT; typedef QUERYRECFROMRECT *PQUERYRECFROMRECT; typedef struct _QUERYRECORDRECT { ULONG cb; PRECORDCORE pRecord; ULONG fRightSplitWindow; ULONG fsExtent; } QUERYRECORDRECT; typedef QUERYRECORDRECT *PQUERYRECORDRECT; typedef struct _SEARCHSTRING { ULONG cb; PSZ pszSearch; ULONG fsPrefix; ULONG fsCaseSensitive; ULONG usView; } SEARCHSTRING; typedef SEARCHSTRING *PSEARCHSTRING; typedef struct _CNRDRAGINFO { PDRAGINFO pDragInfo; PRECORDCORE pRecord; } CNRDRAGINFO; typedef CNRDRAGINFO *PCNRDRAGINFO; typedef struct _CNRLAZYDRAGINFO { PDRAGINFO pDragInfo; PRECORDCORE pRecord; HWND hwndTarget; } CNRLAZYDRAGINFO; typedef CNRLAZYDRAGINFO *PCNRLAZYDRAGINFO; typedef struct _NOTIFYRECORDEMPHASIS { HWND hwndCnr; PRECORDCORE pRecord; ULONG fEmphasisMask; } NOTIFYRECORDEMPHASIS; typedef NOTIFYRECORDEMPHASIS *PNOTIFYRECORDEMPHASIS; typedef struct _NOTIFYRECORDENTER { HWND hwndCnr; ULONG fKey; PRECORDCORE pRecord; } NOTIFYRECORDENTER; typedef NOTIFYRECORDENTER *PNOTIFYRECORDENTER; typedef struct _NOTIFYDELTA { HWND hwndCnr; ULONG fDelta; } NOTIFYDELTA; typedef NOTIFYDELTA *PNOTIFYDELTA; typedef struct _NOTIFYSCROLL { HWND hwndCnr; LONG lScrollInc; ULONG fScroll; } NOTIFYSCROLL; typedef NOTIFYSCROLL *PNOTIFYSCROLL; typedef struct _CNREDITDATA { ULONG cb; HWND hwndCnr; PRECORDCORE pRecord; PFIELDINFO pFieldInfo; PSZ *ppszText; ULONG cbText; ULONG id; } CNREDITDATA; typedef CNREDITDATA *PCNREDITDATA; typedef struct _OWNERBACKGROUND { HWND hwnd; HPS hps; RECTL rclBackground; LONG idWindow; } OWNERBACKGROUND; typedef OWNERBACKGROUND *POWNERBACKGROUND; typedef struct _CNRDRAWITEMINFO { PRECORDCORE pRecord; PFIELDINFO pFieldInfo; } CNRDRAWITEMINFO; typedef CNRDRAWITEMINFO *PCNRDRAWITEMINFO; #endif /* INCL_WINSTDCNR */ /* ------------------------- WORKPLACE SHELL ------------------------------ */ #if defined (INCL_WPCLASS) || !defined (INCL_NOCOMMON) #define CCHMAXCLASS 3 #define QC_First 0 #define QC_Next 1 #define QC_Last 2 #define QC_FIRST QC_First #define QC_NEXT QC_Next #define QC_LAST QC_Last #define CO_FAILIFEXISTS 0 #define CO_REPLACEIFEXISTS 1 #define CO_UPDATEIFEXISTS 2 #if !defined (LOCATION_DESKTOP) #define LOCATION_DESKTOP ((PSZ)0xffff0001) #endif typedef struct _OBJCLASS { struct _OBJCLASS *pNext; PSZ pszClassName; PSZ pszModName; } OBJCLASS; typedef OBJCLASS *POBJCLASS; HOBJECT WinCopyObject (HOBJECT hObjectofObject, HOBJECT hObjectofDest, ULONG ulReserved); HOBJECT WinCreateObject (PCSZ pszClassName, PCSZ pszTitle, PCSZ pszSetupString, PCSZ pszLocation, ULONG ulFlags); HOBJECT WinCreateShadow (HOBJECT hObjectofObject, HOBJECT hObjectofDest, ULONG ulReserved); BOOL WinDeregisterObjectClass (PCSZ pszClassName); BOOL WinDestroyObject (HOBJECT hObject); BOOL WinEnumObjectClasses (POBJCLASS pObjClass, PULONG pulSize); BOOL WinIsSOMDDReady (VOID); BOOL WinIsWPDServerReady (VOID); HOBJECT WinMoveObject (HOBJECT hObjectofObject, HOBJECT hObjectofDest, ULONG ulReserved); BOOL WinOpenObject (HOBJECT hObject, ULONG ulView, BOOL fFlag); BOOL WinQueryActiveDesktopPathname (PSZ pszPathName, ULONG ulSize); HOBJECT WinQueryObject (PCSZ pszObjectID); BOOL WinQueryObjectPath (HOBJECT hobject, PSZ pszPathName, ULONG ulSize); BOOL WinRegisterObjectClass (PCSZ pszClassName, PCSZ pszModName); BOOL WinReplaceObjectClass (PCSZ pszOldClassName, PCSZ pszNewClassName, BOOL fReplace); ULONG WinRestartSOMDD (BOOL fState); ULONG WinRestartWPDServer (BOOL fState); BOOL WinSaveObject (HOBJECT hObject, BOOL fAsync); BOOL WinSetObjectData (HOBJECT hObject, PCSZ pszSetupString); #endif /* INCL_WPCLASS || !INCL_NOCOMMON */ #if !defined (INCL_NOCOMMON) BOOL WinFreeFileIcon (HPOINTER hptr); HPOINTER WinLoadFileIcon (PCSZ pszFileName, BOOL fPrivate); BOOL WinRestoreWindowPos (PCSZ pszAppName, PCSZ pszKeyName, HWND hwnd); #if defined (INCL_WINPOINTERS) BOOL WinSetFileIcon (PCSZ pszFileName, __const__ ICONINFO *pIconInfo); #endif BOOL WinShutdownSystem (HAB hab, HMQ hmq); BOOL WinStoreWindowPos (PCSZ pszAppName, PCSZ pszKeyName, HWND hwnd); #endif /* !INCL_NOCOMMON */ /* ---------------------------- SPOOLER ----------------------------------- */ #if defined (INCL_SPL) #define SPL_ERROR 0 #define SPL_OK 1 #define SPL_INI_SPOOLER "PM_SPOOLER" #define SPL_INI_QUEUE "PM_SPOOLER_QUEUE" #define SPL_INI_PRINTER "PM_SPOOLER_PRINTER" #define SPL_INI_PRINTERDESCR "PM_SPOOLER_PRINTER_DESCR" #define SPL_INI_QUEUEDESCR "PM_SPOOLER_QUEUE_DESCR" #define SPL_INI_QUEUEDD "PM_SPOOLER_QUEUE_DD" #define SPL_INI_QUEUEDDDATA "PM_SPOOLER_QUEUE_DDDATA" #define SPLC_ABORT 1 #define SPLC_PAUSE 2 #define SPLC_CONTINUE 3 #define SPLDATA_PRINTERJAM 0x0001 #define SPLDATA_FORMCHGREQD 0x0002 #define SPLDATA_CARTCHGREQD 0x0004 #define SPLDATA_PENCHGREQD 0x0008 #define SPLDATA_DATAERROR 0x0010 #define SPLDATA_UNEXPECTERROR 0x0020 #define SPLDATA_OTHER 0x8000 #define SPLINFO_QPERROR 0x0001 #define SPLINFO_DDERROR 0x0002 #define SPLINFO_SPLERROR 0x0004 #define SPLINFO_OTHERERROR 0x0080 #define SPLINFO_INFORMATION 0x0100 #define SPLINFO_WARNING 0x0200 #define SPLINFO_ERROR 0x0400 #define SPLINFO_SEVERE 0x0800 #define SPLINFO_USERINTREQD 0x1000 #define SPLPORT_VERSION_REGULAR 0 #define SPLPORT_VERSION_VIRTUAL 1 #define SSQL_ERROR (-1) #define QP_RAWDATA_BYPASS 0x0001 #define QP_PRINT_SEPARATOR_PAGE 0x0002 #define QPDAT_ADDRESS 0 #define QPDAT_DRIVER_NAME 1 #define QPDAT_DRIVER_DATA 2 #define QPDAT_DATA_TYPE 3 #define QPDAT_COMMENT 4 #define QPDAT_PROC_PARAMS 5 #define QPDAT_SPL_PARAMS 6 #define QPDAT_NET_PARAMS 7 #define QPDAT_DOC_NAME 8 #define QPDAT_QUEUE_NAME 9 #define QPDAT_TOKEN 10 #define QPDAT_JOBID 11 typedef LHANDLE HSPL; typedef LHANDLE HSTD; typedef HSTD *PHSTD; typedef PSZ *PQMOPENDATA; typedef unsigned long SPLERR; typedef struct _SQPOPENDATA { PSZ pszLogAddress; PSZ pszDriverName; PDRIVDATA pdriv; PSZ pszDataType; PSZ pszComment; PSZ pszProcParams; PSZ pszSpoolParams; PSZ pszNetworkParams; PSZ pszDocName; PSZ pszQueueName; PSZ pszToken; USHORT idJobId; } SQPOPENDATA; typedef SQPOPENDATA *PSQPOPENDATA; BOOL SplStdClose (HDC hdc); BOOL SplStdDelete (HSTD hMetaFile); BOOL SplStdGetBits (HSTD hMetaFile, LONG offData, LONG cbData, PCH pchData); BOOL SplStdOpen (HDC hdc); LONG SplStdQueryLength (HSTD hMetaFile); BOOL SplStdStart (HDC hdc); HSTD SplStdStop (HDC hdc); SPLERR SplControlDevice (PSZ pszComputerName, PSZ pszPortName, ULONG ulControl); SPLERR SplCopyJob (PCSZ pszSrcComputerName, PCSZ pszSrcQueueName, ULONG ulSrcJob, PCSZ pszTrgComputerName, PCSZ pszTrgQueueName, PULONG pulTrgJob); SPLERR SplCreateDevice (PSZ pszComputerName, ULONG ulLevel, PVOID pBuf, ULONG cbBuf); SPLERR SplCreatePort (PCSZ pszComputerName, PCSZ pszPortName, PCSZ pszPortDriver, ULONG ulVersion, PVOID pBuf, ULONG cbBuf); SPLERR SplCreateQueue (PSZ pszComputerName, ULONG ulLevel, PVOID pBuf, ULONG cbBuf); SPLERR SplDeleteDevice (PSZ pszComputerName, PSZ pszPrintDeviceName); SPLERR SplDeleteJob (PSZ pszComputerName, PSZ pszQueueName, ULONG ulJob); SPLERR SplDeletePort (PCSZ pszComputerName, PCSZ pszPortName); SPLERR SplDeleteQueue (PSZ pszComputerName, PSZ pszQueueName); SPLERR SplEnumDevice (PSZ pszComputerName, ULONG ulLevel, PVOID pBuf, ULONG cbBuf, PULONG pcReturned, PULONG pcTotal, PULONG pcbNeeded, PVOID pReserved); SPLERR SplEnumDriver (PSZ pszComputerName, ULONG ulLevel, PVOID pBuf, ULONG cbBuf, PULONG pcReturned, PULONG pcTotal, PULONG pcbNeeded, PVOID pReserved); SPLERR SplEnumJob (PSZ pszComputerName, PSZ pszQueueName, ULONG ulLevel, PVOID pBuf, ULONG cbBuf, PULONG pcReturned, PULONG pcTotal, PULONG pcbNeeded, PVOID pReserved); SPLERR SplEnumPort (PCSZ pszComputerName, ULONG ulLevel, PVOID pBuf, ULONG cbBuf, PULONG pcReturned, PULONG pcTotal, PULONG pcbNeeded, PVOID pReserved); SPLERR SplEnumPrinter (PSZ pszComputerName, ULONG uLevel, ULONG flType, PVOID pBuf, ULONG cbbuf, PULONG pcReturned, PULONG pcTotal, PULONG pcbNeeded, PVOID pReserved); SPLERR SplEnumQueue (PSZ pszComputerName, ULONG ulLevel, PVOID pBuf, ULONG cbBuf, PULONG pcReturned, PULONG pcTotal, PULONG pcbNeeded, PVOID pReserved); SPLERR SplEnumQueueProcessor (PSZ pszComputerName, ULONG ulLevel, PVOID pBuf, ULONG cbBuf, PULONG pcReturned, PULONG pcTotal, PULONG pcbNeeded, PVOID pReserved); SPLERR SplHoldJob (PCSZ pszComputerName, PCSZ pszQueueName, ULONG ulJob); SPLERR SplHoldQueue (PSZ pszComputerName, PSZ pszQueueName); SPLERR SplPurgeQueue (PSZ pszComputerName, PSZ pszQueueName); SPLERR SplQueryDevice (PSZ pszComputerName, PSZ pszPrintDeviceName, ULONG ulLevel, PVOID pBuf, ULONG cbBuf, PULONG pcbNeeded); SPLERR SplQueryDriver (PCSZ pszComputerName, PCSZ pszDriverName, PCSZ pszPrinterName, ULONG ulLevel, PVOID pBuf, ULONG cbBuf, PULONG pcbNeeded); SPLERR SplQueryJob (PSZ pszComputerName, PSZ pszQueueName, ULONG ulJob, ULONG ulLevel, PVOID pBuf, ULONG cbBuf, PULONG pcbNeeded); SPLERR SplQueryPort (PCSZ pszComputerName, PCSZ pszPortName, ULONG ulLevel, PVOID pBuf, ULONG cbBuf, PULONG pcbNeeded); SPLERR SplQueryQueue (PSZ pszComputerName, PSZ pszQueueName, ULONG ulLevel, PVOID pBuf, ULONG cbBuf, PULONG pcbNeeded); SPLERR SplReleaseJob (PCSZ pszComputerName, PCSZ pszQueueName, ULONG ulJob); SPLERR SplReleaseQueue (PSZ pszComputerName, PSZ pszQueueName); SPLERR SplSetDevice (PSZ pszComputerName, PSZ pszPrintDeviceName, ULONG ulLevel, PVOID pBuf, ULONG cbBuf, ULONG ulParmNum); SPLERR SplSetDriver (PCSZ pszComputerName, PCSZ pszDriverName, PCSZ pszPrinterName, ULONG ulLevel, PVOID pBuf, ULONG cbBuf, ULONG ulParmNum); SPLERR SplSetJob (PSZ pszComputerName, PSZ pszQueueName, ULONG ulJob, ULONG ulLevel, PVOID pBuf, ULONG cbBuf, ULONG ulParmNum); SPLERR SplSetPort (PCSZ pszComputerName, PCSZ pszPortName, ULONG ulLevel, PVOID pBuf, ULONG cbBuf, ULONG ulParmNum); SPLERR SplSetQueue (PSZ pszComputerName, PSZ pszQueueName, ULONG ulLevel, PVOID pBuf, ULONG cbBuf, ULONG ulParmNum); ULONG SplMessageBox (PSZ pszLogAddr, ULONG fErrInfo, ULONG fErrData, PSZ pszText, PSZ pszCaption, ULONG idWindow, ULONG fStyle); BOOL SplQmAbort (HSPL hspl); BOOL SplQmAbortDoc (HSPL hspl); BOOL SplQmClose (HSPL hspl); BOOL SplQmEndDoc (HSPL hspl); ULONG SplQmGetJobID (HSPL hspl, ULONG ulLevel, PVOID pBuf, ULONG cbBuf, PULONG pcbNeeded); BOOL SplQmNewPage (HSPL hspl, ULONG ulPageNumber); HSPL SplQmOpen (PSZ pszToken, LONG lCount, PQMOPENDATA pqmdopData); BOOL SplQmStartDoc (HSPL hspl, PSZ pszDocName); BOOL SplQmWrite (HSPL hspl, LONG lCount, PVOID pData); #if defined (INCL_SPLDOSPRINT) #define CNLEN 15 #define DTLEN 9 #define PDLEN 8 #define QNLEN 12 #define UNLEN 20 #define DRIV_DEVICENAME_SIZE 31 #define DRIV_NAME_SIZE 8 #define FORMNAME_SIZE 31 #define MAXCOMMENTSZ 48 #define PRINTERNAME_SIZE 32 #define QP_DATATYPE_SIZE 15 #define PRD_STATUS_MASK 0x0003 #define PRD_DEVSTATUS 0x0ffc #define PRD_ACTIVE 0 #define PRD_PAUSED 1 #define PRD_DELETE 0 #define PRD_PAUSE 1 #define PRD_CONT 2 #define PRD_RESTART 3 #define PRD_LOGADDR_PARMNUM 3 #define PRD_COMMENT_PARMNUM 7 #define PRD_DRIVERS_PARMNUM 8 #define PRD_TIMEOUT_PARMNUM 10 #define PRJ_NOTIFYNAME_PARMNUM 3 #define PRJ_DATATYPE_PARMNUM 4 #define PRJ_PARMS_PARMNUM 5 #define PRJ_POSITION_PARMNUM 6 #define PRJ_JOBFILEINUSE_PARMNUM 7 #define PRJ_COMMENT_PARMNUM 11 #define PRJ_DOCUMENT_PARMNUM 12 #define PRJ_STATUSCOMMENT_PARMNUM 13 #define PRJ_PRIORITY_PARMNUM 14 #define PRJ_PROCPARMS_PARMNUM 16 #define PRJ_DRIVERDATA_PARMNUM 18 #define PRJ_SPOOLFILENAME_PARMNUM 19 #define PRJ_PAGESSPOOLED_PARMNUM 20 #define PRJ_PAGESSENT_PARMNUM 21 #define PRJ_PAGESPRINTED_PARMNUM 22 #define PRJ_TIMEPRINTED_PARMNUM 23 #define PRJ_EXTENDSTATUS_PARMNUM 24 #define PRJ_STARTPAGE_PARMNUM 25 #define PRJ_ENDPAGE_PARMNUM 26 #define PRJ_MAXPARMNUM 26 #define PRJ_QSTATUS 0x0003 #define PRJ_DEVSTATUS 0x0ffc #define PRJ_COMPLETE 0x0004 #define PRJ_INTERV 0x0008 #define PRJ_ERROR 0x0010 #define PRJ_DESTOFFLINE 0x0020 #define PRJ_DESTPAUSED 0x0040 #define PRJ_NOTIFY 0x0080 #define PRJ_DESTNOPAPER 0x0100 #define PRJ_DESTFORMCHG 0x0200 #define PRJ_DESTCRTCHG 0x0400 #define PRJ_DESTPENCHG 0x0800 #define PRJ_JOBFILEINUSE 0x4000 #define PRJ_DELETED 0x8000 #define PRJ_QS_QUEUED 0 #define PRJ_QS_PAUSED 1 #define PRJ_QS_SPOOLING 2 #define PRJ_QS_PRINTING 3 #define PRJ_MAX_PRIORITY 99 #define PRJ_MIN_PRIORITY 1 #define PRJ_NO_PRIORITY 0 #define PRJ4_INPRINTER 0x0001 #define PRJ4_STACKED 0x0002 #define PRJ4_HELDINPRINTER 0x0004 #define PRJ4_JOBSTARTED 0x0008 #define PRPO_PORT_DRIVER 1 #define PRPO_PROTOCOL_CNV 2 #define PRPO_MODE 3 #define PRPO_PRIORITY 4 #define PRPORT_AUTODETECT 1 #define PRPORT_DISABLE_BIDI 2 #define PRPORT_ENABLE_BIDI 3 #define PRQ_PRIORITY_PARMNUM 2 #define PRQ_STARTTIME_PARMNUM 3 #define PRQ_UNTILTIME_PARMNUM 4 #define PRQ_SEPARATOR_PARMNUM 5 #define PRQ_PROCESSOR_PARMNUM 6 #define PRQ_DESTINATIONS_PARMNUM 7 #define PRQ_PARMS_PARMNUM 8 #define PRQ_COMMENT_PARMNUM 9 #define PRQ_TYPE_PARMNUM 10 #define PRQ_PRINTERS_PARMNUM 12 #define PRQ_DRIVERNAME_PARMNUM 13 #define PRQ_DRIVERDATA_PARMNUM 14 #define PRQ_REMOTE_COMPUTER_PARMNUM 15 #define PRQ_REMOTE_QUEUE_PARMNUM 16 #define PRQ_MAXPARMNUM 16 #define PRQ_MAX_PRIORITY 1 #define PRQ_DEF_PRIORITY 5 #define PRQ_MIN_PRIORITY 9 #define PRQ_NO_PRIORITY 0 #define PRQ_STATUS_MASK 3 #define PRQ_ACTIVE 0 #define PRQ_PAUSED 1 #define PRQ_ERROR 2 #define PRQ_PENDING 3 #define PRQ3_PAUSED 0x0001 #define PRQ3_PENDING 0x0002 #define PRQ3_TYPE_RAW 0x0001 #define PRQ3_TYPE_BYPASS 0x0002 #define PRQ3_TYPE_APPDEFAULT 0x0004 #define SPL_PR_QUEUE 0x0001 #define SPL_PR_DIRECT_DEVICE 0x0002 #define SPL_PR_QUEUED_DEVICE 0x0004 #define SPL_PR_LOCAL_ONLY 0x0100 typedef struct _DRIVPROPS { PSZ pszKeyName; ULONG cbBuf; PVOID pBuf; } DRIVPROPS; typedef DRIVPROPS *PDRIVPROPS; typedef struct _PRINTERINFO { ULONG flType; PSZ pszComputerName; PSZ pszPrintDestinationName; PSZ pszDescription; PSZ pszLocalName; } PRINTERINFO; typedef PRINTERINFO *PPRINTERINFO; typedef struct _PRJINFO { USHORT uJobId; CHAR szUserName[UNLEN+1]; CHAR pad_1; CHAR szNotifyName[CNLEN+1]; CHAR szDataType[DTLEN+1]; PSZ pszParms; USHORT uPosition; USHORT fsStatus; PSZ pszStatus; ULONG ulSubmitted; ULONG ulSize; PSZ pszComment; } PRJINFO; typedef PRJINFO *PPRJINFO; typedef struct _PRJINFO2 { USHORT uJobId; USHORT uPriority; PSZ pszUserName; USHORT uPosition; USHORT fsStatus; ULONG ulSubmitted; ULONG ulSize; PSZ pszComment; PSZ pszDocument; } PRJINFO2; typedef PRJINFO2 *PPRJINFO2; typedef struct _PRJINFO3 { USHORT uJobId; USHORT uPriority; PSZ pszUserName; USHORT uPosition; USHORT fsStatus; ULONG ulSubmitted; ULONG ulSize; PSZ pszComment; PSZ pszDocument; PSZ pszNotifyName; PSZ pszDataType; PSZ pszParms; PSZ pszStatus; PSZ pszQueue; PSZ pszQProcName; PSZ pszQProcParms; PSZ pszDriverName; PDRIVDATA pDriverData; PSZ pszPrinterName; } PRJINFO3; typedef PRJINFO3 *PPRJINFO3; typedef struct _PRJINFO4 { USHORT uJobId; USHORT uPriority; PSZ pszUserName; USHORT uPosition; USHORT fsStatus; ULONG ulSubmitted; ULONG ulSize; PSZ pszComment; PSZ pszDocument; PSZ pszSpoolFileName; PSZ pszPortName; PSZ pszStatus; ULONG ulPagesSpooled; ULONG ulPagesSent; ULONG ulPagesPrinted; ULONG ulTimePrinted; ULONG ulExtendJobStatus; ULONG ulStartPage; ULONG ulEndPage; } PRJINFO4; typedef PRJINFO4 *PPRJINFO4; typedef struct _PRDINFO { CHAR szName[PDLEN+1]; CHAR szUserName[UNLEN+1]; USHORT uJobId; USHORT fsStatus; PSZ pszStatus; USHORT time; } PRDINFO; typedef PRDINFO *PPRDINFO; typedef struct _PRDINFO3 { PSZ pszPrinterName; PSZ pszUserName; PSZ pszLogAddr; USHORT uJobId; USHORT fsStatus; PSZ pszStatus; PSZ pszComment; PSZ pszDrivers; USHORT time; USHORT usTimeOut; } PRDINFO3; typedef PRDINFO3 *PPRDINFO3; typedef struct _PRQINFO { CHAR szName[QNLEN+1]; CHAR pad_1; USHORT uPriority; USHORT uStartTime; USHORT uUntilTime; PSZ pszSepFile; PSZ pszPrProc; PSZ pszDestinations; PSZ pszParms; PSZ pszComment; USHORT fsStatus; USHORT cJobs; } PRQINFO; typedef PRQINFO *PPRQINFO; typedef struct _PRQINFO3 { PSZ pszName; USHORT uPriority; USHORT uStartTime; USHORT uUntilTime; USHORT fsType; PSZ pszSepFile; PSZ pszPrProc; PSZ pszParms; PSZ pszComment; USHORT fsStatus; USHORT cJobs; PSZ pszPrinters; PSZ pszDriverName; PDRIVDATA pDriverData; } PRQINFO3; typedef PRQINFO3 *PPRQINFO3; typedef struct _PRQINFO6 { PSZ pszName; USHORT uPriority; USHORT uStartTime; USHORT uUntilTime; USHORT fsType; PSZ pszSepFile; PSZ pszPrProc; PSZ pszParms; PSZ pszComment; USHORT fsStatus; USHORT cJobs; PSZ pszPrinters; PSZ pszDriverName; PDRIVDATA pDriverData; PSZ pszRemoteComputerName; PSZ pszRemoteQueueName; } PRQINFO6; typedef PRQINFO6 *PPRQINFO6; typedef struct _PRIDINFO { USHORT uJobId; CHAR szComputerName[CNLEN+1]; CHAR szQueueName[QNLEN+1]; CHAR pad_1; } PRIDINFO; typedef PRIDINFO *PPRIDINFO; typedef struct _PRDRIVINFO { CHAR szDrivName[DRIV_NAME_SIZE+1+DRIV_DEVICENAME_SIZE+1]; } PRDRIVINFO; typedef PRDRIVINFO *PPRDRIVINFO; typedef struct _PRDRIVINFO2 { PSZ pszPrinterName; PSZ pszDriverName; USHORT usFlags; USHORT cDriverProps; } PRDRIVINFO2; typedef PRDRIVINFO2 *PPRDRIVINFO2; typedef struct _PRQPROCINFO { CHAR szQProcName[QNLEN+1]; } PRQPROCINFO; typedef PRQPROCINFO *PPRQPROCINFO; typedef struct _PRPORTINFO { CHAR szPortName[PDLEN+1]; } PRPORTINFO; typedef PRPORTINFO *PPRPORTINFO; typedef struct _PRPORTINFO1 { PSZ pszPortName; PSZ pszPortDriverName; PSZ pszPortDriverPathName; } PRPORTINFO1; typedef PRPORTINFO1 *PPRPORTINFO1; typedef struct _PRPORTINFO2 { PSZ pszPortName; PSZ pszPortDriver; PSZ pszProtocolConverter; ULONG ulReserved; ULONG ulMode; ULONG ulPriority; } PRPORTINFO2; typedef PRPORTINFO2 *PPRPORTINFO2; typedef struct _QMJOBINFO { ULONG ulJobID; PSZ pszComputerName; PSZ pszQueueName; } QMJOBINFO; typedef QMJOBINFO *PQMJOBINFO; #endif /* INCL_SPLDOSPRINT */ #endif /* INCL_SPL */ /* -------------------------- HELP MANAGER -------------------------------- */ #if defined (INCL_WINHELP) #define CMIC_HIDE_PANEL_ID 0x0000 #define CMIC_SHOW_PANEL_ID 0x0001 #define CMIC_TOGGLE_PANEL_ID 0x0002 #define CTRL_PREVIOUS_ID ((USHORT)0x0001) #define CTRL_SEARCH_ID ((USHORT)0x0002) #define CTRL_PRINT_ID ((USHORT)0x0003) #define CTRL_INDEX_ID ((USHORT)0x0004) #define CTRL_CONTENTS_ID ((USHORT)0x0005) #define CTRL_BACK_ID ((USHORT)0x0006) #define CTRL_FORWARD_ID ((USHORT)0x0007) #define CTRL_TUTORIAL_ID ((USHORT)0x00ff) #define CTRL_USER_ID_BASE ((USHORT)0x0101) #define HM_MSG_BASE 0x0220 #define HM_DISMISS_WINDOW 0x0221 #define HM_DISPLAY_HELP 0x0222 #define HM_EXT_HELP 0x0223 #define HM_GENERAL_HELP 0x0223 /*!*/ #define HM_SET_ACTIVE_WINDOW 0x0224 #define HM_LOAD_HELP_TABLE 0x0225 #define HM_CREATE_HELP_TABLE 0x0226 #define HM_SET_HELP_WINDOW_TITLE 0x0227 #define HM_SET_SHOW_PANEL_ID 0x0228 #define HM_REPLACE_HELP_FOR_HELP 0x0229 #define HM_REPLACE_USING_HELP 0x0229 /*!*/ #define HM_HELP_INDEX 0x022a #define HM_HELP_CONTENTS 0x022b #define HM_KEYS_HELP 0x022c #define HM_SET_HELP_LIBRARY_NAME 0x022d #define HM_ERROR 0x022e #define HM_HELPSUBITEM_NOT_FOUND 0x022f #define HM_QUERY_KEYS_HELP 0x0230 #define HM_TUTORIAL 0x0231 #define HM_EXT_HELP_UNDEFINED 0x0232 #define HM_GENERAL_HELP_UNDEFINED 0x0232 /*!*/ #define HM_ACTIONBAR_COMMAND 0x0233 #define HM_INFORM 0x0234 #define HM_SET_OBJCOM_WINDOW 0x0238 #define HM_UPDATE_OBJCOM_WINDOW_CHAIN 0x0239 #define HM_QUERY_DDF_DATA 0x023a #define HM_INVALIDATE_DDF_DATA 0x023b #define HM_QUERY 0x023c #define HM_SET_COVERPAGE_SIZE 0x023d #define HM_NOTIFY 0x0242 #define HM_SET_USERDATA 0x0243 #define HM_CONTROL 0x0244 #define HM_RESOURCEID 0 #define HM_PANELNAME 1 #define HMERR_NO_FRAME_WND_IN_CHAIN 0x1001 #define HMERR_INVALID_ASSOC_APP_WND 0x1002 #define HMERR_INVALID_ASSOC_HELP_INST 0x1003 #define HMERR_INVALID_DESTROY_HELP_INST 0x1004 #define HMERR_NO_HELP_INST_IN_CHAIN 0x1005 #define HMERR_INVALID_HELP_INSTANCE_HDL 0x1006 #define HMERR_INVALID_QUERY_APP_WND 0x1007 #define HMERR_HELP_INST_CALLED_INVALID 0x1008 #define HMERR_HELPTABLE_UNDEFINE 0x1009 #define HMERR_HELP_INSTANCE_UNDEFINE 0x100a #define HMERR_HELPITEM_NOT_FOUND 0x100b #define HMERR_INVALID_HELPSUBITEM_SIZE 0x100c #define HMERR_HELPSUBITEM_NOT_FOUND 0x100d #define HMERR_INDEX_NOT_FOUND 0x2001 #define HMERR_CONTENT_NOT_FOUND 0x2002 #define HMERR_OPEN_LIB_FILE 0x2003 #define HMERR_READ_LIB_FILE 0x2004 #define HMERR_CLOSE_LIB_FILE 0x2005 #define HMERR_INVALID_LIB_FILE 0x2006 #define HMERR_NO_MEMORY 0x2007 #define HMERR_ALLOCATE_SEGMENT 0x2008 #define HMERR_FREE_MEMORY 0x2009 #define HMERR_PANEL_NOT_FOUND 0x2010 #define HMERR_DATABASE_NOT_OPEN 0x2011 #define HMERR_LOAD_DLL 0x2013 #define HMPANELTYPE_NUMBER 0 #define HMPANELTYPE_NAME 1 #define HMQVP_NUMBER 0x0001 #define HMQVP_NAME 0x0002 #define HMQVP_GROUP 0x0003 #define HMQW_COVERPAGE 0x0001 #define HMQW_INDEX 0x0002 #define HMQW_TOC 0x0003 #define HMQW_SEARCH 0x0004 #define HMQW_VIEWPAGES 0x0005 #define HMQW_LIBRARY 0x0006 #define HMQW_VIEWPORT 0x0007 #define HMQW_OBJCOM_WINDOW 0x0008 #define HMQW_INSTANCE 0x0009 #define HMQW_ACTIVEVIEWPORT 0x000a #define CONTROL_SELECTED 0x000b #define HMQW_GROUP_VIEWPORT 0x00f1 #define HMQW_RES_VIEWPORT 0x00f2 #define USERDATA 0x00f3 #define HWND_PARENT (HWND)NULL #define OPEN_COVERPAGE 0x0001 #define OPEN_PAGE 0x0002 #define SWAP_PAGE 0x0003 #define OPEN_TOC 0x0004 #define OPEN_INDEX 0x0005 #define OPEN_HISTORY 0x0006 #define OPEN_SEARCH_HIT_LIST 0x0007 #define OPEN_LIBRARY 0x0008 typedef USHORT HELPSUBTABLE; typedef HELPSUBTABLE *PHELPSUBTABLE; typedef struct _ACVP { ULONG cb; HAB hAB; HMQ hmq; ULONG ObjectID; HWND hWndParent; HWND hWndOwner; HWND hWndACVP; } ACVP; typedef ACVP *PACVP; typedef struct _HELPTABLE { USHORT idAppWindow; PHELPSUBTABLE phstHelpSubTable; USHORT idExtPanel; } HELPTABLE; typedef HELPTABLE *PHELPTABLE; typedef struct _HELPINIT { ULONG cb; ULONG ulReturnCode; PSZ pszTutorialName; PHELPTABLE phtHelpTable; HMODULE hmodHelpTableModule; HMODULE hmodAccelActionBarModule; ULONG idAccelTable; ULONG idActionBar; PSZ pszHelpWindowTitle; ULONG fShowPanelId; PSZ pszHelpLibraryName; } HELPINIT; typedef HELPINIT *PHELPINIT; BOOL WinAssociateHelpInstance (HWND hwndHelpInstance, HWND hwndApp); HWND WinCreateHelpInstance (HAB hab, PHELPINIT phinitHMInitStructure); BOOL WinCreateHelpTable (HWND hwndHelpInstance, __const__ HELPTABLE *phtHelpTable); BOOL WinDestroyHelpInstance (HWND hwndHelpInstance); BOOL WinLoadHelpTable (HWND hwndHelpInstance, ULONG idHelpTable, HMODULE Module); HWND WinQueryHelpInstance (HWND hwndApp); #endif /* INCL_WINHELP */ #if defined (INCL_DDF) #define ART_RUNIN 0x0010 #define ART_LEFT 0x0001 #define ART_RIGHT 0x0002 #define ART_CENTER 0x0004 #define CLR_UNCHANGED (-6) #define HMBT_NONE 1 #define HMBT_ALL 2 #define HMBT_FIT 3 #define HMERR_DDF_MEMORY 0x3001 #define HMERR_DDF_ALIGN_TYPE 0x3002 #define HMERR_DDF_BACKCOLOR 0x3003 #define HMERR_DDF_FORECOLOR 0x3004 #define HMERR_DDF_FONTSTYLE 0x3005 #define HMERR_DDF_REFTYPE 0x3006 #define HMERR_DDF_LIST_UNCLOSED 0x3007 #define HMERR_DDF_LIST_UNINITIALIZED 0x3008 #define HMERR_DDF_LIST_BREAKTYPE 0x3009 #define HMERR_DDF_LIST_SPACING 0x300A #define HMERR_DDF_HINSTANCE 0x300B #define HMERR_DDF_EXCEED_MAX_LENGTH 0x300C #define HMERR_DDF_EXCEED_MAX_INC 0x300D #define HMERR_DDF_INVALID_DDF 0x300E #define HMERR_DDF_FORMAT_TYPE 0x300F #define HMERR_DDF_INVALID_PARM 0x3010 #define HMERR_DDF_INVALID_FONT 0x3011 #define HMERR_DDF_SEVERE 0x3012 #define HMLS_SINGLELINE 1 #define HMLS_DOUBLELINE 2 #define REFERENCE_BY_ID 0 #define REFERENCE_BY_RES 1 typedef VOID *HDDF; BOOL DdfBeginList (HDDF hddf, ULONG ulWidthDT, ULONG fBreakType, ULONG fSpacing); BOOL DdfBitmap (HDDF hddf, HBITMAP hbm, ULONG fAlign); BOOL DdfEndList (HDDF hddf); BOOL DdfHyperText (HDDF hddf, PCSZ pszText, PCSZ pszReference, ULONG fReferenceType); BOOL DdfInform (HDDF hddf, PCSZ pszText, ULONG resInformNumber); HDDF DdfInitialize (HWND hwndHelpInstance, ULONG cbBuffer, ULONG ulIncrement); BOOL DdfListItem (HDDF hddf, PCSZ pszTerm, PCSZ pszDescription); BOOL DdfMetafile (HDDF hddf, HMF hmf, __const__ RECTL *prclRect); BOOL DdfPara (HDDF hddf); BOOL DdfSetColor (HDDF hddf, COLOR fBackColor, COLOR fForColor); BOOL DdfSetFont (HDDF hddf, PCSZ pszFaceName, ULONG ulWidth, ULONG ulHeight); BOOL DdfSetFontStyle (HDDF hddf, ULONG fFontStyle); BOOL DdfSetFormat (HDDF hddf, ULONG fFormatType); BOOL DdfSetTextAlign (HDDF hddf, ULONG fAlign); BOOL DdfText (HDDF hddf, PCSZ pszText); #endif /* INCL_DDF */ /* ---------------------- Advanced Video ---------------------------------- */ #if defined (INCL_FONTFILEFORMAT) #define FONTDEFFONT1 0x0047 #define FONTDEFFONT2 0x0042 #define FONTDEFFONT3 0x0042 #define FONTDEFCHAR1 0x0081 #define FONTDEFCHAR2 0x0081 #define FONTDEFCHAR3 0x00b8 #define FONTDEFDEVFONT 0x2000 #define FONTDEFFOCA32 0x4000 #define SPACE_UNDEF 0x8000 #define FONT_SIGNATURE 0xfffffffe #define FONT_METRICS 0x00000001 #define FONT_DEFINITION 0x00000002 #define FONT_KERNPAIRS 0x00000003 #define FONT_ADDITIONALMETRICS 0x00000004 #define FONT_ENDRECORD 0xffffffff #define QUERY_PUBLIC_FONTS 0x0001 #define QUERY_PRIVATE_FONTS 0x0002 #define CDEF_GENERIC 0x0001 #define CDEF_BOLD 0x0002 #define CDEF_ITALIC 0x0004 #define CDEF_UNDERSCORE 0x0008 #define CDEF_STRIKEOUT 0x0010 #define CDEF_OUTLINE 0x0020 typedef struct _FOCAMETRICS { ULONG ulIdentity; ULONG ulSize; CHAR szFamilyname[32]; CHAR szFacename[32]; SHORT usRegistryId; SHORT usCodePage; SHORT yEmHeight; SHORT yXHeight; SHORT yMaxAscender; SHORT yMaxDescender; SHORT yLowerCaseAscent; SHORT yLowerCaseDescent; SHORT yInternalLeading; SHORT yExternalLeading; SHORT xAveCharWidth; SHORT xMaxCharInc; SHORT xEmInc; SHORT yMaxBaselineExt; SHORT sCharSlope; SHORT sInlineDir; SHORT sCharRot; USHORT usWeightClass; USHORT usWidthClass; SHORT xDeviceRes; SHORT yDeviceRes; SHORT usFirstChar; SHORT usLastChar; SHORT usDefaultChar; SHORT usBreakChar; SHORT usNominalPointSize; SHORT usMinimumPointSize; SHORT usMaximumPointSize; SHORT fsTypeFlags; SHORT fsDefn; SHORT fsSelectionFlags; SHORT fsCapabilities; SHORT ySubscriptXSize; SHORT ySubscriptYSize; SHORT ySubscriptXOffset; SHORT ySubscriptYOffset; SHORT ySuperscriptXSize; SHORT ySuperscriptYSize; SHORT ySuperscriptXOffset; SHORT ySuperscriptYOffset; SHORT yUnderscoreSize; SHORT yUnderscorePosition; SHORT yStrikeoutSize; SHORT yStrikeoutPosition; SHORT usKerningPairs; SHORT sFamilyClass; PSZ pszDeviceNameOffset; } FOCAMETRICS; typedef FOCAMETRICS *PFOCAMETRICS; typedef struct _FONTFILEMETRICS { ULONG ulIdentity; ULONG ulSize; CHAR szFamilyname[32]; CHAR szFacename[32]; SHORT usRegistryId; SHORT usCodePage; SHORT yEmHeight; SHORT yXHeight; SHORT yMaxAscender; SHORT yMaxDescender; SHORT yLowerCaseAscent; SHORT yLowerCaseDescent; SHORT yInternalLeading; SHORT yExternalLeading; SHORT xAveCharWidth; SHORT xMaxCharInc; SHORT xEmInc; SHORT yMaxBaselineExt; SHORT sCharSlope; SHORT sInlineDir; SHORT sCharRot; USHORT usWeightClass; USHORT usWidthClass; SHORT xDeviceRes; SHORT yDeviceRes; SHORT usFirstChar; SHORT usLastChar; SHORT usDefaultChar; SHORT usBreakChar; SHORT usNominalPointSize; SHORT usMinimumPointSize; SHORT usMaximumPointSize; SHORT fsTypeFlags; SHORT fsDefn; SHORT fsSelectionFlags; SHORT fsCapabilities; SHORT ySubscriptXSize; SHORT ySubscriptYSize; SHORT ySubscriptXOffset; SHORT ySubscriptYOffset; SHORT ySuperscriptXSize; SHORT ySuperscriptYSize; SHORT ySuperscriptXOffset; SHORT ySuperscriptYOffset; SHORT yUnderscoreSize; SHORT yUnderscorePosition; SHORT yStrikeoutSize; SHORT yStrikeoutPosition; SHORT usKerningPairs; SHORT sFamilyClass; ULONG ulReserved; PANOSE panose; } FONTFILEMETRICS; typedef FONTFILEMETRICS *PFONTFILEMETRICS; typedef struct _FONTDEFINITIONHEADER { ULONG ulIdentity; ULONG ulSize; SHORT fsFontdef; SHORT fsChardef; SHORT usCellSize; SHORT xCellWidth; SHORT yCellHeight; SHORT xCellIncrement; SHORT xCellA; SHORT xCellB; SHORT xCellC; SHORT pCellBaseOffset; } FONTDEFINITIONHEADER; typedef FONTDEFINITIONHEADER *PFONTDEFINITIONHEADER; typedef struct _FONTSIGNATURE { ULONG ulIdentity; ULONG ulSize; CHAR achSignature[12]; } FONTSIGNATURE; typedef FONTSIGNATURE *PFONTSIGNATURE; typedef struct _ADDITIONALMETRICS { ULONG ulIdentity; ULONG ulSize; PANOSE panose; } ADDITIONALMETRICS; typedef ADDITIONALMETRICS *PADDITIONALMETRICS; typedef struct _FOCAFONT { FONTSIGNATURE fsSignature; FOCAMETRICS fmMetrics; FONTDEFINITIONHEADER fdDefinitions; } FOCAFONT; typedef FOCAFONT *PFOCAFONT; typedef FOCAFONT FOCAFONT32; typedef FOCAFONT32 *PFOCAFONT32; #endif /* INCL_FONTFILEFORMAT */ /* ---------------------- Advanced Video ---------------------------------- */ #if defined (INCL_AVIO) #define FORMAT_CGA 0x0001 #define FORMAT_4BYTE 0x0003 #define VQF_PUBLIC 0x0001 #define VQF_PRIVATE 0x0002 typedef USHORT HVPS; typedef HVPS *PHVPS; USHORT VioAssociate (HDC hdc, HVPS hvps); USHORT VioCreateLogFont (PFATTRS pfatattrs, LONG llcid, PSTR8 pName, HVPS hvps); USHORT VioCreatePS (PHVPS phvps, SHORT sDepth, SHORT sWidth, SHORT sFormat, SHORT sAttrs, HVPS hvpsReserved); USHORT VioDeleteSetId (LONG llcid, HVPS hvps); USHORT VioDestroyPS (HVPS hvps); USHORT VioGetDeviceCellSize (PSHORT psHeight, PSHORT psWidth, HVPS hvps); USHORT VioGetOrg (PSHORT psRow, PSHORT psColumn, HVPS hvps); USHORT VioQueryFonts (PLONG plRemfonts, PFONTMETRICS afmMetrics, LONG lMetricsLength, PLONG plFonts, PSZ pszFacename, ULONG flOptions, HVPS hvps); USHORT VioQuerySetIds (PLONG allcids, PSTR8 pNames, PLONG alTypes, LONG lcount, HVPS hvps); USHORT VioSetDeviceCellSize (SHORT sHeight, SHORT sWidth, HVPS hvps); USHORT VioSetOrg (SHORT sRow, SHORT sColumn, HVPS hvps); USHORT VioShowPS (SHORT sDepth, SHORT sWidth, SHORT soffCell, HVPS hvps); MRESULT WinDefAVioWindowProc (HWND hwnd, USHORT msg, ULONG mp1, ULONG mp2); #endif /* INCL_AVIO */ /* --------------------------- MONITORS ----------------------------------- */ #if defined (INCL_DOSMONITORS) #define MONITOR_DEFAULT 0x0000 #define MONITOR_BEGIN 0x0001 #define MONITOR_END 0x0002 typedef SHANDLE HMONITOR; typedef HMONITOR *PHMONITOR; typedef struct _MONIN { USHORT cb; BYTE abReserved[18]; BYTE abBuffer[108]; } MONIN; typedef MONIN *PMONIN; typedef struct _MONOUT { USHORT cb; UCHAR buffer[18]; BYTE abBuf[108]; } MONOUT; typedef MONOUT *PMONOUT; USHORT DosMonOpen (PSZ pszDevName, PHMONITOR phmon); USHORT DosMonClose (HMONITOR hmon); USHORT DosMonReg (HMONITOR hmon, PBYTE pbInBuf, PBYTE pbOutBuf, USHORT fPosition, USHORT usIndex); USHORT DosMonRead (PBYTE pbInBuf, USHORT fWait, PBYTE pbDataBuf, PUSHORT pcbData); USHORT DosMonWrite (PBYTE pbOutBuf, PBYTE pbDataBuf, USHORT cbData); #endif /* INCL_DOSMONITORS */ /* -------------------------- SUBSYSTEMS ---------------------------------- */ #if defined (INCL_KBD) #define IO_WAIT 0 #define IO_NOWAIT 1 #define KBDSTF_RIGHTSHIFT 0x0001 #define KBDSTF_LEFTSHIFT 0x0002 #define KBDSTF_CONTROL 0x0004 #define KBDSTF_ALT 0x0008 #define KBDSTF_SCROLLLOCK_ON 0x0010 #define KBDSTF_NUMLOCK_ON 0x0020 #define KBDSTF_CAPSLOCK_ON 0x0040 #define KBDSTF_INSERT_ON 0x0080 #define KBDSTF_LEFTCONTROL 0x0100 #define KBDSTF_LEFTALT 0x0200 #define KBDSTF_RIGHTCONTROL 0x0400 #define KBDSTF_RIGHTALT 0x0800 #define KBDSTF_SCROLLLOCK 0x1000 #define KBDSTF_NUMLOCK 0x2000 #define KBDSTF_CAPSLOCK 0x4000 #define KBDSTF_SYSREQ 0x8000 #define KBDTRF_SHIFT_KEY_IN 0x01 #define KBDTRF_EXTENDED_CODE 0x02 #define KBDTRF_CONVERSION_REQUEST 0x20 #define KBDTRF_FINAL_CHAR_IN 0x40 #define KBDTRF_INTERIM_CHAR_IN 0x80 #define KEYBOARD_ECHO_ON 0x0001 #define KEYBOARD_ECHO_OFF 0x0002 #define KEYBOARD_BINARY_MODE 0x0004 #define KEYBOARD_ASCII_MODE 0x0008 #define KEYBOARD_MODIFY_STATE 0x0010 #define KEYBOARD_MODIFY_INTERIM 0x0020 #define KEYBOARD_MODIFY_TURNAROUND 0x0040 #define KEYBOARD_2B_TURNAROUND 0x0080 #define KEYBOARD_SHIFT_REPORT 0x0100 #define KR_KBDCHARIN 0x00000001 #define KR_KBDPEEK 0x00000002 #define KR_KBDFLUSHBUFFER 0x00000004 #define KR_KBDGETSTATUS 0x00000008 #define KR_KBDSETSTATUS 0x00000010 #define KR_KBDSTRINGIN 0x00000020 #define KR_KBDOPEN 0x00000040 #define KR_KBDCLOSE 0x00000080 #define KR_KBDGETFOCUS 0x00000100 #define KR_KBDFREEFOCUS 0x00000200 #define KR_KBDGETCP 0x00000400 #define KR_KBDSETCP 0x00000800 #define KR_KBDXLATE 0x00001000 #define KR_KBDSETCUSTXT 0x00002000 typedef USHORT HKBD; typedef HKBD *PHKBD; typedef struct _KBDKEYINFO { UCHAR chChar; UCHAR chScan; UCHAR fbStatus; UCHAR bNlsShift; USHORT fsState; ULONG time; } KBDKEYINFO; typedef KBDKEYINFO *PKBDKEYINFO; typedef struct _KBDINFO { USHORT cb; USHORT fsMask; USHORT chTurnAround; USHORT fsInterim; USHORT fsState; } KBDINFO; typedef KBDINFO *PKBDINFO; typedef struct _KBDHWID { USHORT cb; USHORT idKbd; USHORT usReserved1; USHORT usReserved2; } KBDHWID; typedef KBDHWID *PKBDHWID; typedef struct _KBDTRANS { UCHAR chChar; UCHAR chScan; UCHAR fbStatus; UCHAR bNlsShift; USHORT fsState; ULONG time; USHORT fsDD; USHORT fsXlate; USHORT fsShift; USHORT sZero; } KBDTRANS; typedef KBDTRANS *PKBDTRANS; typedef struct _STRINGINBUF { USHORT cb; USHORT cchIn; } STRINGINBUF; typedef STRINGINBUF *PSTRINGINBUF; USHORT KbdCharIn (PKBDKEYINFO pkbci, USHORT fWait, HKBD hkbd); USHORT KbdClose (HKBD hkbd); USHORT KbdDeRegister (VOID); USHORT KbdFlushBuffer (HKBD hkbd); USHORT KbdFreeFocus (HKBD hkbd); USHORT KbdGetCp (ULONG ulReserved, PUSHORT pidCP, HKBD hkbd); USHORT KbdGetFocus (USHORT fWait, HKBD hkbd); USHORT KbdGetHWID (PKBDHWID pkbdhwid, HKBD hkbd); USHORT KbdGetStatus (PKBDINFO pkbdinfo, HKBD hkbd); USHORT KbdOpen (PHKBD phkbd); USHORT KbdPeek (PKBDKEYINFO pkbci, HKBD hkbd); USHORT KbdRegister (PCSZ pszModName, PCSZ pszEntryName, ULONG ulFunMask); USHORT KbdSetCp (USHORT usReserved, USHORT idCP, HKBD hkbd); USHORT KbdSetCustXt (PUSHORT pusCodePage, HKBD hkbd); USHORT KbdSetFgnd (VOID); USHORT KbdSetHWID (PKBDHWID pkbdhwid, HKBD hkbd); USHORT KbdSetStatus (PKBDINFO pkbdinfo, HKBD hkbd); USHORT KbdStringIn (PCH pch, PSTRINGINBUF pchIn, USHORT fWait, HKBD hkbd); USHORT KbdSynch (USHORT fWait); USHORT KbdXlate (PKBDTRANS pkbdtrans, HKBD hkbd); #endif /* INCL_KBD */ #if defined (INCL_VIO) #define ANSI_OFF 0 #define ANSI_ON 1 #define COLORS_2 0x01 #define COLORS_4 0x02 #define COLORS_16 0x04 #define VGMT_OTHER 0x01 #define VGMT_GRAPHICS 0x02 #define VGMT_DISABLEBURST 0x04 #define VP_NOWAIT 0x0000 #define VP_WAIT 0x0001 #define VP_OPAQUE 0x0000 #define VP_TRANSPARENT 0x0002 #define VMWR_POPUP 0 #define VMWN_POPUP 0 #define VSRWI_SAVEANDREDRAW 0 #define VSRWI_REDRAW 1 #define VSRWN_SAVE 0 #define VSRWN_REDRAW 1 #define UNDOI_GETOWNER 0 #define UNDOI_RELEASEOWNER 1 #define UNDOK_ERRORCODE 0 #define UNDOK_TERMINATE 1 #define LOCKIO_NOWAIT 0 #define LOCKIO_WAIT 1 #define LOCK_SUCCESS 0 #define LOCK_FAIL 1 #define VCC_SBCSCHAR 0 #define VCC_DBCSFULLCHAR 1 #define VCC_DBCS1STHALF 2 #define VCC_DBCS2NDHALF 3 #define VGFI_GETCURFONT 0 #define VGFI_GETROMFONT 1 #define VIO_CONFIG_CURRENT 0 #define VIO_CONFIG_PRIMARY 1 #define VIO_CONFIG_SECONDARY 2 #define DISPLAY_MONOCHROME 0 #define DISPLAY_CGA 1 #define DISPLAY_EGA 2 #define DISPLAY_VGA 3 #define DISPLAY_8514A 7 #define DISPLAY_IMAGEADAPTER 8 #define DISPLAY_XGA 9 #define MONITOR_MONOCHROME 0x0000 #define MONITOR_COLOR 0x0001 #define MONITOR_ENHANCED 0x0002 #define MONITOR_8503 0x0003 #define MONITOR_851X_COLOR 0x0004 #define MONITOR_8514 0x0009 #define MONITOR_FLATPANEL 0x000a #define MONITOR_8507_8604 0x000b #define MONITOR_8515 0x000c #define MONITOR_9515 0x000f #define MONITOR_9517 0x0011 #define MONITOR_9518 0x0012 #define VR_VIOGETCURPOS 0x00000001 #define VR_VIOGETCURTYPE 0x00000002 #define VR_VIOGETMODE 0x00000004 #define VR_VIOGETBUF 0x00000008 #define VR_VIOGETPHYSBUF 0x00000010 #define VR_VIOSETCURPOS 0x00000020 #define VR_VIOSETCURTYPE 0x00000040 #define VR_VIOSETMODE 0x00000080 #define VR_VIOSHOWBUF 0x00000100 #define VR_VIOREADCHARSTR 0x00000200 #define VR_VIOREADCELLSTR 0x00000400 #define VR_VIOWRTNCHAR 0x00000800 #define VR_VIOWRTNATTR 0x00001000 #define VR_VIOWRTNCELL 0x00002000 #define VR_VIOWRTTTY 0x00004000 #define VR_VIOWRTCHARSTR 0x00008000 #define VR_VIOWRTCHARSTRATT 0x00010000 #define VR_VIOWRTCELLSTR 0x00020000 #define VR_VIOSCROLLUP 0x00040000 #define VR_VIOSCROLLDN 0x00080000 #define VR_VIOSCROLLLF 0x00100000 #define VR_VIOSCROLLRT 0x00200000 #define VR_VIOSETANSI 0x00400000 #define VR_VIOGETANSI 0x00800000 #define VR_VIOPRTSC 0x01000000 #define VR_VIOSCRLOCK 0x02000000 #define VR_VIOSCRUNLOCK 0x04000000 #define VR_VIOSAVREDRAWWAIT 0x08000000 #define VR_VIOSAVREDRAWUNDO 0x10000000 #define VR_VIOPOPUP 0x20000000 #define VR_VIOENDPOPUP 0x40000000 #define VR_VIOPRTSCTOGGLE 0x80000000 #define VR_VIOMODEWAIT 0x00000001 #define VR_VIOMODEUNDO 0x00000002 #define VR_VIOGETFONT 0x00000004 #define VR_VIOGETCONFIG 0x00000008 #define VR_VIOSETCP 0x00000010 #define VR_VIOGETCP 0x00000020 #define VR_VIOSETFONT 0x00000040 #define VR_VIOGETSTATE 0x00000080 #define VR_VIOSETSTATE 0x00000100 typedef USHORT HVIO; typedef HVIO *PHVIO; typedef struct _VIOMODEINFO { USHORT cb; UCHAR fbType; UCHAR color; USHORT col; USHORT row; USHORT hres; USHORT vres; UCHAR fmt_ID; UCHAR attrib; ULONG buf_addr; ULONG buf_length; ULONG full_length; ULONG partial_length; PCH ext_data_addr; } VIOMODEINFO; typedef VIOMODEINFO *PVIOMODEINFO; typedef struct _VIOCONFIGINFO { USHORT cb; USHORT adapter; USHORT display; ULONG cbMemory; USHORT Configuration; USHORT VDHVersion; USHORT Flags; ULONG HWBufferSize; ULONG FullSaveSize; ULONG PartSaveSize; USHORT EMAdaptersOFF; USHORT EMDisplaysOFF; } VIOCONFIGINFO; typedef VIOCONFIGINFO *PVIOCONFIGINFO; typedef struct _VIOPHYSBUF { PBYTE pBuf; ULONG cb; SEL asel[1]; } VIOPHYSBUF; typedef VIOPHYSBUF *PVIOPHYSBUF; typedef struct _VIOPALSTATE { USHORT cb; USHORT type; USHORT iFirst; USHORT acolor[1]; } VIOPALSTATE; typedef VIOPALSTATE *PVIOPALSTATE; typedef struct _VIOOVERSCAN { USHORT cb; USHORT type; USHORT color; } VIOOVERSCAN; typedef VIOOVERSCAN *PVIOOVERSCAN; typedef struct _VIOINTENSITY { USHORT cb; USHORT type; USHORT fs; } VIOINTENSITY; typedef VIOINTENSITY *PVIOINTENSITY; typedef struct _VIOCOLORREG { USHORT cb; USHORT type; USHORT firstcolorreg; USHORT numcolorregs; PCH colorregaddr; } VIOCOLORREG; typedef VIOCOLORREG *PVIOCOLORREG; typedef struct _VIOSETULINELOC { USHORT cb; USHORT type; USHORT scanline; } VIOSETULINELOC; typedef VIOSETULINELOC *PVIOSETULINELOC; typedef struct _VIOSETTARGET { USHORT cb; USHORT type; USHORT defaultalgorithm; } VIOSETTARGET; typedef VIOSETTARGET *PVIOSETTARGET; typedef struct _VIOCURSORINFO { USHORT yStart; USHORT cEnd; USHORT cx; USHORT attr; } VIOCURSORINFO; typedef VIOCURSORINFO *PVIOCURSORINFO; typedef struct _VIOFONTINFO { USHORT cb; USHORT type; USHORT cxCell; USHORT cyCell; ULONG pbData; /* PVOID16 / _far16ptr */ USHORT cbData; } VIOFONTINFO; typedef VIOFONTINFO *PVIOFONTINFO; USHORT VioCheckCharType (PUSHORT pType, USHORT usRow, USHORT usColumn, HVIO hvio); USHORT VioDeRegister (VOID); USHORT VioEndPopUp (HVIO hvio); USHORT VioGetAnsi (PUSHORT pfAnsi, HVIO hvio); USHORT VioGetBuf (PULONG pLVB, PUSHORT pcbLVB, HVIO hvio); USHORT VioGetConfig (USHORT usConfigId, PVIOCONFIGINFO pvioin, HVIO hvio); USHORT VioGetCp (USHORT usReserved, PUSHORT pusCodePage, HVIO hvio); USHORT VioGetCurPos (PUSHORT pusRow, PUSHORT pusColumn, HVIO hvio); USHORT VioGetCurType (PVIOCURSORINFO pvioCursorInfo, HVIO hvio); USHORT VioGetFont (PVIOFONTINFO pviofi, HVIO hvio); USHORT VioGetMode (PVIOMODEINFO pvioModeInfo, HVIO hvio); USHORT VioGetPhysBuf (PVIOPHYSBUF pvioPhysBuf, USHORT usReserved); USHORT VioGetState (PVOID pState, HVIO hvio); USHORT VioGlobalReg (PCSZ pszModName, PCSZ pszEntryName, ULONG ulFunMask1, ULONG ulFunMask2, USHORT usReturn); USHORT VioModeUndo (USHORT usOwnerInd, USHORT usKillInd, USHORT usReserved); USHORT VioModeWait (USHORT usReqType, PUSHORT pNotifyType, USHORT usReserved); USHORT VioPopUp (PUSHORT pfWait, HVIO hvio); USHORT VioPrtSc (HVIO hvio); USHORT VioPrtScToggle (HVIO hvio); USHORT VioReadCellStr (PCH pchCellStr, PUSHORT pcb, USHORT usRow, USHORT usColumn, HVIO hvio); USHORT VioReadCharStr (PCH pch, PUSHORT pcb, USHORT usRow, USHORT usColumn, HVIO hvio); USHORT VioRegister (PCSZ pszModName, PCSZ pszEntryName, ULONG ulFunMask1, ULONG ulFunMask2); USHORT VioSavRedrawUndo (USHORT usOwnerInd, USHORT usKillInd, USHORT usReserved); USHORT VioSavRedrawWait (USHORT usRedrawInd, PUSHORT pusNotifyType, USHORT usReserved); USHORT VioScrLock (USHORT fWait, PUCHAR pfNotLocked, HVIO hvio); USHORT VioScrollDn (USHORT usTopRow, USHORT usLeftCol, USHORT usBotRow, USHORT usRightCol, USHORT cbLines, PBYTE pCell, HVIO hvio); USHORT VioScrollLf (USHORT usTopRow, USHORT usLeftCol, USHORT usBotRow, USHORT usRightCol, USHORT cbCol, PBYTE pCell, HVIO hvio); USHORT VioScrollRt (USHORT usTopRow, USHORT usLeftCol, USHORT usBotRow, USHORT usRightCol, USHORT cbCol, PBYTE pCell, HVIO hvio); USHORT VioScrollUp (USHORT usTopRow, USHORT usLeftCol, USHORT usBotRow, USHORT usRightCol, USHORT cbLines, PBYTE pCell, HVIO hvio); USHORT VioScrUnLock (HVIO hvio); USHORT VioSetAnsi (USHORT fAnsi, HVIO hvio); USHORT VioSetCp (USHORT usReserved, USHORT usCodePage, HVIO hvio); USHORT VioSetCurPos (USHORT usRow, USHORT usColumn, HVIO hvio); USHORT VioSetCurType (PVIOCURSORINFO pvioCursorInfo, HVIO hvio); USHORT VioSetFont (PVIOFONTINFO pviofi, HVIO hvio); USHORT VioSetMode (PVIOMODEINFO pvioModeInfo, HVIO hvio); USHORT VioSetState (CPVOID pState, HVIO hvio); USHORT VioShowBuf (USHORT offLVB, USHORT cb, HVIO hvio); USHORT VioWrtCellStr (PCCH pchCellStr, USHORT cb, USHORT usRow, USHORT usColumn, HVIO hvio); USHORT VioWrtCharStr (PCCH pch, USHORT cb, USHORT usRow, USHORT usColumn, HVIO hvio); USHORT VioWrtCharStrAtt (PCCH pch, USHORT cb, USHORT usRow, USHORT usColumn, PBYTE pAttr, HVIO hvio); USHORT VioWrtNAttr (__const__ BYTE *pAttr, USHORT cb, USHORT usRow, USHORT usColumn, HVIO hvio); USHORT VioWrtNCell (__const__ BYTE *pCell, USHORT cb, USHORT usRow, USHORT usColumn, HVIO hvio); USHORT VioWrtNChar (PCCH pch, USHORT cb, USHORT usRow, USHORT usColumn, HVIO hvio); USHORT VioWrtTTY (PCCH pch, USHORT cb, HVIO hvio); #endif /* INCL_VIO */ #if defined (INCL_MOU) #define MHK_BUTTON1 0x0001 #define MHK_BUTTON2 0x0002 #define MHK_BUTTON3 0x0004 #define MOU_NOWAIT 0x0000 #define MOU_WAIT 0x0001 #define MOUSE_MOTION 0x0001 #define MOUSE_MOTION_WITH_BN1_DOWN 0x0002 #define MOUSE_BN1_DOWN 0x0004 #define MOUSE_MOTION_WITH_BN2_DOWN 0x0008 #define MOUSE_BN2_DOWN 0x0010 #define MOUSE_MOTION_WITH_BN3_DOWN 0x0020 #define MOUSE_BN3_DOWN 0x0040 #define MOUSE_QUEUEBUSY 0x0001 #define MOUSE_BLOCKREAD 0x0002 #define MOUSE_FLUSH 0x0004 #define MOUSE_UNSUPPORTED_MODE 0x0008 #define MOUSE_DISABLED 0x0100 #define MOUSE_MICKEYS 0x0200 #define MOU_NODRAW 0x0001 #define MOU_DRAW 0x0000 #define MOU_MICKEYS 0x0002 #define MOU_PELS 0x0000 #define MR_MOUGETNUMBUTTONS 0x00000001 #define MR_MOUGETNUMMICKEYS 0x00000002 #define MR_MOUGETDEVSTATUS 0x00000004 #define MR_MOUGETNUMQUEEL 0x00000008 #define MR_MOUREADEVENTQUE 0x00000010 #define MR_MOUGETSCALEFACT 0x00000020 #define MR_MOUGETEVENTMASK 0x00000040 #define MR_MOUSETSCALEFACT 0x00000080 #define MR_MOUSETEVENTMASK 0x00000100 #define MR_MOUOPEN 0x00000800 #define MR_MOUCLOSE 0x00001000 #define MR_MOUGETPTRSHAPE 0x00002000 #define MR_MOUSETPTRSHAPE 0x00004000 #define MR_MOUDRAWPTR 0x00008000 #define MR_MOUREMOVEPTR 0x00010000 #define MR_MOUGETPTRPOS 0x00020000 #define MR_MOUSETPTRPOS 0x00040000 #define MR_MOUINITREAL 0x00080000 #define MR_MOUSETDEVSTATUS 0x00100000 typedef USHORT HMOU; typedef HMOU *PHMOU; typedef struct _MOUEVENTINFO { USHORT fs; ULONG time; SHORT row; SHORT col; } MOUEVENTINFO; typedef MOUEVENTINFO *PMOUEVENTINFO; typedef struct _MOUQUEINFO { USHORT cEvents; USHORT cmaxEvents; } MOUQUEINFO; typedef MOUQUEINFO *PMOUQUEINFO; typedef struct _PTRLOC { USHORT row; USHORT col; } PTRLOC; typedef PTRLOC *PPTRLOC; typedef struct _NOPTRRECT { USHORT row; USHORT col; USHORT cRow; USHORT cCol; } NOPTRRECT; typedef NOPTRRECT *PNOPTRRECT; typedef struct _PTRSHAPE { USHORT cb; USHORT col; USHORT row; USHORT colHot; USHORT rowHot; } PTRSHAPE; typedef PTRSHAPE *PPTRSHAPE; typedef struct _SCALEFACT { USHORT rowScale; USHORT colScale; } SCALEFACT; typedef SCALEFACT *PSCALEFACT; typedef struct _THRESHOLD { USHORT Length; USHORT Level1; USHORT Lev1Mult; USHORT Level2; USHORT lev2Mult; } THRESHOLD; typedef THRESHOLD *PTHRESHOLD; USHORT MouClose (HMOU hmou); USHORT MouDeRegister (VOID); USHORT MouDrawPtr (HMOU hmou); USHORT MouFlushQue (HMOU hmou); USHORT MouGetDevStatus (PUSHORT pfsDevStatus, HMOU hmou); USHORT MouGetEventMask (PUSHORT pfsEvents, HMOU hmou); USHORT MouGetNumButtons (PUSHORT pcButtons, HMOU hmou); USHORT MouGetNumMickeys (PUSHORT pcMickeys, HMOU hmou); USHORT MouGetNumQueEl (PMOUQUEINFO qmouqi, HMOU hmou); USHORT MouGetPtrPos (PPTRLOC pmouLoc, HMOU hmou); USHORT MouGetPtrShape (PBYTE pBuf, PPTRSHAPE pmoupsInfo, HMOU hmou); USHORT MouGetScaleFact (PSCALEFACT pmouscFactors, HMOU hmou); USHORT MouGetThreshold (PTHRESHOLD pthreshold, HMOU hmou); USHORT MouInitReal (PCSZ pszDriverName); USHORT MouOpen (PCSZ pszDvrName, PHMOU phmou); USHORT MouReadEventQue (PMOUEVENTINFO pmouevEvent, PUSHORT pfWait, HMOU hmou); USHORT MouRegister (PCSZ pszModName, PCSZ pszEntryName, ULONG ulFunMask); USHORT MouRemovePtr (PNOPTRRECT pmourtRect, HMOU hmou); USHORT MouSetDevStatus (PUSHORT pfsDevStatus, HMOU hmou); USHORT MouSetEventMask (PUSHORT pfsEvents, HMOU hmou); USHORT MouSetPtrPos (PPTRLOC pmouLoc, HMOU hmou); USHORT MouSetPtrShape (PBYTE pBuf, PPTRSHAPE pmoupsInfo, HMOU hmou); USHORT MouSetScaleFact (PSCALEFACT pmouscFactors, HMOU hmou); USHORT MouSetThreshold (PTHRESHOLD pthreshold, HMOU hmou); USHORT MouSynch (USHORT fWait); #endif /* INCL_MOU */ /* ------------------------------ THE END --------------------------------- */ #pragma pack(4) #endif /* not _OS2EMX_H */ /* Note 1: There are some inconsistencies in the structure names defined in the header files of the IBM Developer's Toolkit for OS/2. To make C++ modules compiled with those headers linkable with C++ modules compiled with this header, we have to use the same (questionable) structure names. */ /* * Local variables: * indent-tabs-mode: t * end: */