/* * PROJECT: ReactOS win32 kernel mode subsystem * LICENSE: GPL - See COPYING in the top level directory * FILE: subsystems/win32/win32k/objects/gdipool.c * PURPOSE: Static size allocator for user mode object attributes * PROGRAMMERS: Timo Kreuzer */ /* INCLUDES ******************************************************************/ #include #define NDEBUG #include typedef struct _GDI_POOL_SECTION { LIST_ENTRY leInUseLink; LIST_ENTRY leReadyLink; PVOID pvBaseAddress; ULONG ulCommitBitmap; ULONG cAllocCount; RTL_BITMAP bitmap; ULONG aulBits[1]; } GDI_POOL_SECTION, *PGDI_POOL_SECTION; typedef struct _GDI_POOL { ULONG ulTag; ULONG cjAllocSize; ULONG cjSectionSize; // 32 * cjAllocSize, rounded up to pages ULONG cSlotsPerSection; ULONG cEmptySections; EX_PUSH_LOCK pushlock; // For pool growth #if DBG_ENABLE_EVENT_LOGGING SLIST_HEADER slhLog; #endif LIST_ENTRY leInUseList; LIST_ENTRY leEmptyList; LIST_ENTRY leReadyList; } GDI_POOL; #define GDI_POOL_ALLOCATION_GRANULARITY 64 * 1024 static PGDI_POOL_SECTION GdiPoolAllocateSection(PGDI_POOL pPool) { PGDI_POOL_SECTION pSection; PVOID pvBaseAddress; SIZE_T cjSize; NTSTATUS status; /* Allocate a section object */ cjSize = sizeof(GDI_POOL_SECTION) + pPool->cSlotsPerSection / sizeof(ULONG); pSection = EngAllocMem(0, cjSize, pPool->ulTag); if (!pSection) { return NULL; } /* Reserve user mode memory */ cjSize = GDI_POOL_ALLOCATION_GRANULARITY; pvBaseAddress = NULL; status = ZwAllocateVirtualMemory(NtCurrentProcess(), &pvBaseAddress, 0, &cjSize, MEM_RESERVE, PAGE_READWRITE); if (!NT_SUCCESS(status)) { EngFreeMem(pSection); return NULL; } /* Initialize the section */ pSection->pvBaseAddress = pvBaseAddress; pSection->ulCommitBitmap = 0; pSection->cAllocCount = 0; RtlInitializeBitMap(&pSection->bitmap, pSection->aulBits, pPool->cSlotsPerSection); RtlClearAllBits(&pSection->bitmap); /* Return the section */ return pSection; } static VOID GdiPoolDeleteSection(PGDI_POOL pPool, PGDI_POOL_SECTION pSection) { NTSTATUS status; SIZE_T cjSize = 0; /* Should not have any allocations */ if (pSection->cAllocCount != 0) { DPRINT1("There are %lu allocations left, section=%p, pool=%p\n", pSection->cAllocCount, pSection, pPool); DBG_DUMP_EVENT_LIST(&pPool->slhLog); ASSERT(FALSE); } /* Release the virtual memory */ status = ZwFreeVirtualMemory(NtCurrentProcess(), &pSection->pvBaseAddress, &cjSize, MEM_RELEASE); ASSERT(NT_SUCCESS(status)); /* Free the section object */ EngFreeMem(pSection); } PVOID NTAPI GdiPoolAllocate( PGDI_POOL pPool) { PGDI_POOL_SECTION pSection; ULONG ulIndex, cjOffset, ulPageBit; PLIST_ENTRY ple; PVOID pvAlloc, pvBaseAddress; SIZE_T cjSize; NTSTATUS status; /* Disable APCs and acquire the pool lock */ KeEnterCriticalRegion(); ExAcquirePushLockExclusive(&pPool->pushlock); /* Check if we have a ready section */ if (!IsListEmpty(&pPool->leReadyList)) { /* Get a free section */ ple = pPool->leReadyList.Flink; pSection = CONTAINING_RECORD(ple, GDI_POOL_SECTION, leReadyLink); if (pSection->cAllocCount >= pPool->cSlotsPerSection) { DPRINT1("pSection->cAllocCount=%lu, pPool->cSlotsPerSection=%lu\n", pSection->cAllocCount, pPool->cSlotsPerSection); DBG_DUMP_EVENT_LIST(&pPool->slhLog); ASSERT(FALSE); } ASSERT(pSection->cAllocCount < pPool->cSlotsPerSection); } else { /* No, check if we have something on the empty list */ if (!IsListEmpty(&pPool->leEmptyList)) { /* Yes, remove it from the empty list */ ple = RemoveHeadList(&pPool->leEmptyList); pSection = CONTAINING_RECORD(ple, GDI_POOL_SECTION, leInUseLink); pPool->cEmptySections--; ASSERT(pSection->cAllocCount == 0); } else { /* No, allocate a new section */ pSection = GdiPoolAllocateSection(pPool); if (!pSection) { DPRINT1("Couldn't allocate a section\n"); pvAlloc = NULL; goto done; } } /* Insert it into the in-use and ready list */ InsertHeadList(&pPool->leInUseList, &pSection->leInUseLink); InsertHeadList(&pPool->leReadyList, &pSection->leReadyLink); } /* Find and set a single bit */ ulIndex = RtlFindClearBitsAndSet(&pSection->bitmap, 1, 0); ASSERT(ulIndex != MAXULONG); /* Calculate the allocation address */ cjOffset = ulIndex * pPool->cjAllocSize; pvAlloc = (PVOID)((ULONG_PTR)pSection->pvBaseAddress + cjOffset); /* Check if memory is comitted */ ulPageBit = 1 << (cjOffset / PAGE_SIZE); ulPageBit |= 1 << ((cjOffset + pPool->cjAllocSize - 1) / PAGE_SIZE); if ((pSection->ulCommitBitmap & ulPageBit) != ulPageBit) { /* Commit the pages */ pvBaseAddress = PAGE_ALIGN(pvAlloc); cjSize = ADDRESS_AND_SIZE_TO_SPAN_PAGES(pvAlloc, pPool->cjAllocSize) * PAGE_SIZE; status = ZwAllocateVirtualMemory(NtCurrentProcess(), &pvBaseAddress, 0, &cjSize, MEM_COMMIT, PAGE_READWRITE); if (!NT_SUCCESS(status)) { pvAlloc = NULL; goto done; } pSection->ulCommitBitmap |= ulPageBit; } /* Increase alloc count */ pSection->cAllocCount++; ASSERT(RtlNumberOfSetBits(&pSection->bitmap) == pSection->cAllocCount); DBG_LOGEVENT(&pPool->slhLog, EVENT_ALLOCATE, pvAlloc); /* Check if section is now busy */ if (pSection->cAllocCount == pPool->cSlotsPerSection) { /* Remove the section from the ready list */ RemoveEntryList(&pSection->leReadyLink); } done: /* Release the pool lock and enable APCs */ ExReleasePushLockExclusive(&pPool->pushlock); KeLeaveCriticalRegion(); DPRINT("GdiPoolallocate: %p\n", pvAlloc); return pvAlloc; } VOID NTAPI GdiPoolFree( PGDI_POOL pPool, PVOID pvAlloc) { PLIST_ENTRY ple; PGDI_POOL_SECTION pSection = NULL; ULONG_PTR cjOffset; ULONG ulIndex; DPRINT("GdiPoolFree: %p\n", pvAlloc); /* Disable APCs and acquire the pool lock */ KeEnterCriticalRegion(); ExAcquirePushLockExclusive(&pPool->pushlock); /* Loop all used sections */ for (ple = pPool->leInUseList.Flink; ple != &pPool->leInUseList; ple = ple->Flink) { /* Get the pointer to the section */ pSection = CONTAINING_RECORD(ple, GDI_POOL_SECTION, leInUseLink); /* Calculate offset */ cjOffset = (ULONG_PTR)pvAlloc - (ULONG_PTR)pSection->pvBaseAddress; /* Check if the allocation is from this section */ if (cjOffset < pPool->cjSectionSize) { /* Calculate the index of the allocation */ ulIndex = cjOffset / pPool->cjAllocSize; /* Mark it as free */ ASSERT(RtlTestBit(&pSection->bitmap, ulIndex) == TRUE); RtlClearBit(&pSection->bitmap, ulIndex); /* Decrease allocation count */ pSection->cAllocCount--; ASSERT(RtlNumberOfSetBits(&pSection->bitmap) == pSection->cAllocCount); DBG_LOGEVENT(&pPool->slhLog, EVENT_FREE, pvAlloc); /* Check if the section got valid now */ if (pSection->cAllocCount == pPool->cSlotsPerSection - 1) { /* Insert it into the ready list */ InsertTailList(&pPool->leReadyList, &pSection->leReadyLink); } /* Check if it got empty now */ else if (pSection->cAllocCount == 0) { /* Remove the section from the lists */ RemoveEntryList(&pSection->leInUseLink); RemoveEntryList(&pSection->leReadyLink); if (pPool->cEmptySections >= 1) { /* Delete the section */ GdiPoolDeleteSection(pPool, pSection); } else { /* Insert it into the empty list */ InsertHeadList(&pPool->leEmptyList, &pSection->leInUseLink); pPool->cEmptySections++; } } goto done; } } DbgPrint("failed to free. pvAlloc=%p, base=%p, size=%lx\n", pvAlloc, pSection ? pSection->pvBaseAddress : NULL, pPool->cjSectionSize); ASSERT(FALSE); // KeBugCheck() done: /* Release the pool lock and enable APCs */ ExReleasePushLockExclusive(&pPool->pushlock); KeLeaveCriticalRegion(); } PGDI_POOL NTAPI GdiPoolCreate( ULONG cjAllocSize, ULONG ulTag) { PGDI_POOL pPool; /* Allocate a pool object */ pPool = EngAllocMem(0, sizeof(GDI_POOL), 'lopG'); if (!pPool) return NULL; /* Initialize the object */ ExInitializePushLock(&pPool->pushlock); InitializeListHead(&pPool->leInUseList); InitializeListHead(&pPool->leReadyList); InitializeListHead(&pPool->leEmptyList); pPool->cEmptySections = 0; pPool->cjAllocSize = cjAllocSize; pPool->ulTag = ulTag; pPool->cjSectionSize = GDI_POOL_ALLOCATION_GRANULARITY; pPool->cSlotsPerSection = pPool->cjSectionSize / cjAllocSize; DBG_INITLOG(&pPool->slhLog); return pPool; } VOID NTAPI GdiPoolDestroy(PGDI_POOL pPool) { PGDI_POOL_SECTION pSection; PLIST_ENTRY ple; /* Loop all empty sections, removing them */ while (!IsListEmpty(&pPool->leEmptyList)) { /* Delete the section */ ple = RemoveHeadList(&pPool->leEmptyList); pSection = CONTAINING_RECORD(ple, GDI_POOL_SECTION, leInUseLink); GdiPoolDeleteSection(pPool, pSection); } /* Loop all ready sections, removing them */ while (!IsListEmpty(&pPool->leInUseList)) { /* Delete the section */ ple = RemoveHeadList(&pPool->leInUseList); pSection = CONTAINING_RECORD(ple, GDI_POOL_SECTION, leInUseLink); GdiPoolDeleteSection(pPool, pSection); } DBG_CLEANUP_EVENT_LIST(&pPool->slhLog); EngFreeMem(pPool); }