#include #include #include int main() { TCHAR Buffer = 0; DWORD Count = 0; // // We clear the mode, most importantly turn off ENABLE_ECHO_INPUT and ENABLE_LINE_INPUT // This is the same mode as that is set up by getch() when trying to get a char // SetConsoleMode(GetStdHandle(STD_INPUT_HANDLE),0); // // We read one char from the input and then return // ReadConsole(GetStdHandle(STD_INPUT_HANDLE),&Buffer,1,&Count,NULL); // // We print out this char as an int to show that infact a backspace does count as input // _tprintf(TEXT("You printed %c :: "), Buffer); _tprintf(TEXT("With a value %d :: "), Buffer); _tprintf(TEXT("Number of chars received %lu :: "), Count); _tprintf(TEXT("Char equal to backspace %d \n"), (Buffer == TEXT('\b'))); // // :) // return 0; }