/* * PROJECT: ReactOS HAL * LICENSE: GPL - See COPYING in the top level directory * FILE: hal/halx86/legacy/bus/bushndlr.c * PURPOSE: Generic HAL Bus Handler Support * PROGRAMMERS: Stefan Ginsberg (stefan.ginsberg@reactos.org) */ /* INCLUDES *******************************************************************/ #include #define NDEBUG #include /* GLOBALS ********************************************************************/ KSPIN_LOCK HalpBusDatabaseSpinLock; KEVENT HalpBusDatabaseEvent; LIST_ENTRY HalpAllBusHandlers; PARRAY HalpBusTable; PARRAY HalpConfigTable; /* PRIVATE FUNCTIONS **********************************************************/ PARRAY NTAPI HalpAllocateArray(IN ULONG ArraySize) { PARRAY Array; ULONG Size; /* Compute array size */ if (ArraySize == MAXULONG) ArraySize = 0; Size = ArraySize * sizeof(PARRAY) + sizeof(ARRAY); /* Allocate the array */ Array = ExAllocatePoolWithTag(NonPagedPool, Size, TAG_BUS_HANDLER); if (!Array) KeBugCheckEx(HAL_MEMORY_ALLOCATION, Size, 0, (ULONG_PTR)__FILE__, __LINE__); /* Initialize it */ Array->ArraySize = ArraySize; RtlZeroMemory(Array->Element, sizeof(PVOID) * (ArraySize + 1)); return Array; } VOID NTAPI HalpGrowArray(IN PARRAY *CurrentArray, IN PARRAY *NewArray) { PVOID Tmp; /* Check if the current array doesn't exist yet, or if it's smaller than the new one */ if (!(*CurrentArray) || ((*NewArray)->ArraySize > (*CurrentArray)->ArraySize)) { /* Does it exist (and can it fit?) */ if (*CurrentArray) { /* Copy the current array into the new one */ RtlCopyMemory(&(*NewArray)->Element, &(*CurrentArray)->Element, sizeof(PVOID) * ((*CurrentArray)->ArraySize + 1)); } /* Swap the pointers (XOR swap would be more l33t) */ Tmp = *CurrentArray; *CurrentArray = *NewArray; *NewArray = Tmp; } } PBUS_HANDLER FASTCALL HalpLookupHandler(IN PARRAY Array, IN ULONG Type, IN ULONG Number, IN BOOLEAN AddReference) { PHAL_BUS_HANDLER Bus; PBUS_HANDLER Handler = NULL; /* Make sure the entry exists */ if (Array->ArraySize >= Type) { /* Retrieve it */ Array = Array->Element[Type]; /* Make sure the entry array exists */ if ((Array) && (Array->ArraySize >= Number)) { /* Retrieve the bus and its handler */ Bus = Array->Element[Number]; Handler = &Bus->Handler; /* Reference the handler if needed */ if (AddReference) Bus->ReferenceCount++; } } /* Return the handler */ return Handler; } /** * @brief Handler for buses without configuration space. **/ ULONG NTAPI HalpNoBusData( _In_ PBUS_HANDLER BusHandler, _In_ PBUS_HANDLER RootHandler, _In_ ULONG SlotNumber, _In_ PVOID Buffer, _In_ ULONG Offset, _In_ ULONG Length) { DPRINT1("STUB GetSetBusData(Bus %x:%x.%x)\n", BusHandler->InterfaceType, BusHandler->ConfigurationType, BusHandler->BusNumber); /* Just return a dummy value */ return 0; } /** * @brief Handler for buses without configuration space. **/ NTSTATUS NTAPI HalpNoAdjustResourceList( _In_ PBUS_HANDLER BusHandler, _In_ PBUS_HANDLER RootHandler, _Inout_ PIO_RESOURCE_REQUIREMENTS_LIST* pResourceList) { DPRINT1("STUB Adjustment(Bus %x:%x.%x)\n", BusHandler->InterfaceType, BusHandler->ConfigurationType, BusHandler->BusNumber); return STATUS_UNSUCCESSFUL; } /** * @brief Handler for buses without configuration space. **/ NTSTATUS NTAPI HalpNoAssignSlotResources( _In_ PBUS_HANDLER BusHandler, _In_ PBUS_HANDLER RootHandler, _In_ PUNICODE_STRING RegistryPath, _In_opt_ PUNICODE_STRING DriverClassName, _In_ PDRIVER_OBJECT DriverObject, _In_opt_ PDEVICE_OBJECT DeviceObject, _In_ ULONG SlotNumber, _Inout_ PCM_RESOURCE_LIST* AllocatedResources) { DPRINT1("STUB Assignment(Bus %x:%x.%x)\n", BusHandler->InterfaceType, BusHandler->ConfigurationType, BusHandler->BusNumber); return STATUS_NOT_SUPPORTED; } VOID FASTCALL HaliReferenceBusHandler(IN PBUS_HANDLER Handler) { PHAL_BUS_HANDLER Bus; /* Find and reference the bus handler */ Bus = CONTAINING_RECORD(Handler, HAL_BUS_HANDLER, Handler); Bus->ReferenceCount++; } VOID FASTCALL HaliDereferenceBusHandler(IN PBUS_HANDLER Handler) { PHAL_BUS_HANDLER Bus; /* Find and dereference the bus handler */ Bus = CONTAINING_RECORD(Handler, HAL_BUS_HANDLER, Handler); Bus->ReferenceCount--; ASSERT(Bus->ReferenceCount != 0); } PBUS_HANDLER FASTCALL HaliHandlerForBus(IN INTERFACE_TYPE InterfaceType, IN ULONG BusNumber) { /* Lookup the interface in the bus table */ return HalpLookupHandler(HalpBusTable, InterfaceType, BusNumber, FALSE); } PBUS_HANDLER FASTCALL HaliHandlerForConfigSpace(IN BUS_DATA_TYPE ConfigType, IN ULONG BusNumber) { /* Lookup the configuration in the configuration table */ return HalpLookupHandler(HalpConfigTable, ConfigType, BusNumber, FALSE); } PBUS_HANDLER FASTCALL HaliReferenceHandlerForBus(IN INTERFACE_TYPE InterfaceType, IN ULONG BusNumber) { /* Lookup the interface in the bus table, and reference the handler */ return HalpLookupHandler(HalpBusTable, InterfaceType, BusNumber, TRUE); } PBUS_HANDLER FASTCALL HaliReferenceHandlerForConfigSpace(IN BUS_DATA_TYPE ConfigType, IN ULONG BusNumber) { /* Lookup the configuration in the configuration table and add a reference */ return HalpLookupHandler(HalpConfigTable, ConfigType, BusNumber, TRUE); } PBUS_HANDLER NTAPI HalpContextToBusHandler(IN ULONG_PTR ContextValue) { PLIST_ENTRY NextEntry; PHAL_BUS_HANDLER BusHandler, ThisHandler; /* Start lookup */ NextEntry = HalpAllBusHandlers.Flink; ThisHandler = CONTAINING_RECORD(NextEntry, HAL_BUS_HANDLER, AllHandlers); if (ContextValue) { /* If the list is empty, quit */ if (IsListEmpty(&HalpAllBusHandlers)) return NULL; /* Otherwise, scan the list */ BusHandler = CONTAINING_RECORD(ContextValue, HAL_BUS_HANDLER, Handler); do { /* Check if we've reached the right one */ ThisHandler = CONTAINING_RECORD(NextEntry, HAL_BUS_HANDLER, AllHandlers); if (ThisHandler == BusHandler) break; /* Try the next one */ NextEntry = NextEntry->Flink; } while (NextEntry != &HalpAllBusHandlers); } /* If we looped back to the end, we didn't find anything */ if (NextEntry == &HalpAllBusHandlers) return NULL; /* Otherwise return the handler */ return &ThisHandler->Handler; } #ifndef _MINIHAL_ NTSTATUS NTAPI HaliRegisterBusHandler(IN INTERFACE_TYPE InterfaceType, IN BUS_DATA_TYPE ConfigType, IN ULONG BusNumber, IN INTERFACE_TYPE ParentBusType, IN ULONG ParentBusNumber, IN ULONG ExtraData, IN PINSTALL_BUS_HANDLER InstallCallback, OUT PBUS_HANDLER *ReturnedBusHandler) { PHAL_BUS_HANDLER Bus, OldHandler = NULL; PHAL_BUS_HANDLER* BusEntry; //PVOID CodeHandle; PARRAY InterfaceArray, InterfaceBusNumberArray, ConfigArray, ConfigBusNumberArray; PBUS_HANDLER ParentHandler; KIRQL OldIrql; NTSTATUS Status; /* Make sure we have a valid handler */ ASSERT((InterfaceType != InterfaceTypeUndefined) || (ConfigType != ConfigurationSpaceUndefined)); /* Allocate the bus handler */ Bus = ExAllocatePoolWithTag(NonPagedPool, sizeof(HAL_BUS_HANDLER) + ExtraData, TAG_BUS_HANDLER); if (!Bus) return STATUS_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES; /* Return the handler */ *ReturnedBusHandler = &Bus->Handler; /* FIXME: Fix the kernel first. Don't page us out */ //CodeHandle = MmLockPagableDataSection(&HaliRegisterBusHandler); /* Synchronize with anyone else */ KeWaitForSingleObject(&HalpBusDatabaseEvent, WrExecutive, KernelMode, FALSE, NULL); /* Check for unknown/root bus */ if (BusNumber == -1) { /* We must have an interface */ ASSERT(InterfaceType != InterfaceTypeUndefined); /* Find the right bus */ BusNumber = 0; while (HaliHandlerForBus(InterfaceType, BusNumber)) BusNumber++; } /* Allocate arrays for the handler */ InterfaceArray = HalpAllocateArray(InterfaceType); InterfaceBusNumberArray = HalpAllocateArray(BusNumber); ConfigArray = HalpAllocateArray(ConfigType); ConfigBusNumberArray = HalpAllocateArray(BusNumber); /* Only proceed if all allocations succeeded */ if ((InterfaceArray) && (InterfaceBusNumberArray) && (ConfigArray) && (ConfigBusNumberArray)) { /* Find the parent handler if any */ ParentHandler = HaliReferenceHandlerForBus(ParentBusType, ParentBusNumber); /* Initialize the handler */ RtlZeroMemory(Bus, sizeof(HAL_BUS_HANDLER) + ExtraData); Bus->ReferenceCount = 1; /* Fill out bus data */ Bus->Handler.BusNumber = BusNumber; Bus->Handler.InterfaceType = InterfaceType; Bus->Handler.ConfigurationType = ConfigType; Bus->Handler.ParentHandler = ParentHandler; /* Fill out dummy handlers */ Bus->Handler.GetBusData = HalpNoBusData; Bus->Handler.SetBusData = HalpNoBusData; Bus->Handler.AdjustResourceList = HalpNoAdjustResourceList; Bus->Handler.AssignSlotResources = HalpNoAssignSlotResources; /* Make space for extra data */ if (ExtraData) Bus->Handler.BusData = Bus + 1; /* Check for a parent handler */ if (ParentHandler) { /* Inherit the parent routines */ Bus->Handler.GetBusData = ParentHandler->GetBusData; Bus->Handler.SetBusData = ParentHandler->SetBusData; Bus->Handler.AdjustResourceList = ParentHandler->AdjustResourceList; Bus->Handler.AssignSlotResources = ParentHandler->AssignSlotResources; Bus->Handler.TranslateBusAddress = ParentHandler->TranslateBusAddress; Bus->Handler.GetInterruptVector = ParentHandler->GetInterruptVector; } /* We don't support this yet */ ASSERT(!InstallCallback); /* Lock the buses */ KeAcquireSpinLock(&HalpBusDatabaseSpinLock, &OldIrql); /* Make space for the interface */ HalpGrowArray(&HalpBusTable, &InterfaceArray); /* Check if we really have an interface */ if (InterfaceType != InterfaceTypeUndefined) { /* Make space for the association */ HalpGrowArray((PARRAY*)&HalpBusTable->Element[InterfaceType], &InterfaceBusNumberArray); /* Get the bus handler pointer */ BusEntry = (PHAL_BUS_HANDLER*)&((PARRAY)HalpBusTable->Element[InterfaceType])->Element[BusNumber]; /* Check if there was already a handler there, and set the new one */ if (*BusEntry) OldHandler = *BusEntry; *BusEntry = Bus; } /* Now add a space for the configuration space */ HalpGrowArray(&HalpConfigTable, &ConfigArray); /* Check if we really have one */ if (ConfigType != ConfigurationSpaceUndefined) { /* Make space for this association */ HalpGrowArray((PARRAY*)&HalpConfigTable->Element[ConfigType], &ConfigBusNumberArray); /* Get the bus handler pointer */ BusEntry = (PHAL_BUS_HANDLER*)&((PARRAY)HalpConfigTable->Element[ConfigType])->Element[BusNumber]; if (*BusEntry) { /* Get the old entry, but make sure it's the same we had before */ ASSERT((OldHandler == NULL) || (OldHandler == *BusEntry)); OldHandler = *BusEntry; } /* Set the new entry */ *BusEntry = Bus; } /* Link the adapter */ InsertTailList(&HalpAllBusHandlers, &Bus->AllHandlers); /* Remove the old linkage */ Bus = OldHandler; if (Bus) RemoveEntryList(&Bus->AllHandlers); /* Release the lock */ KeReleaseSpinLock(&HalpBusDatabaseSpinLock, OldIrql); Status = STATUS_SUCCESS; } else { /* Fail */ Status = STATUS_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES; } /* Signal the event */ KeSetEvent(&HalpBusDatabaseEvent, 0, FALSE); /* FIXME: Fix the kernel first. Re-page the function */ //MmUnlockPagableImageSection(CodeHandle); /* Free all allocations */ if (Bus) ExFreePoolWithTag(Bus, TAG_BUS_HANDLER); if (InterfaceArray) ExFreePoolWithTag(InterfaceArray, TAG_BUS_HANDLER); if (InterfaceBusNumberArray) ExFreePoolWithTag(InterfaceBusNumberArray, TAG_BUS_HANDLER); if (ConfigArray) ExFreePoolWithTag(ConfigArray, TAG_BUS_HANDLER); if (ConfigBusNumberArray) ExFreePoolWithTag(ConfigBusNumberArray, TAG_BUS_HANDLER); /* And we're done */ return Status; } #endif VOID NTAPI HalpInitBusHandler(VOID) { /* Setup the bus lock */ KeInitializeSpinLock(&HalpBusDatabaseSpinLock); /* Setup the bus event */ KeInitializeEvent(&HalpBusDatabaseEvent, SynchronizationEvent, TRUE); /* Setup the bus configuration and bus table */ HalpBusTable = HalpAllocateArray(0); HalpConfigTable = HalpAllocateArray(0); /* Setup the bus list */ InitializeListHead(&HalpAllBusHandlers); /* Setup the HAL Dispatch routines */ #ifndef _MINIHAL_ HalRegisterBusHandler = HaliRegisterBusHandler; HalHandlerForBus = HaliHandlerForBus; HalHandlerForConfigSpace = HaliHandlerForConfigSpace; HalReferenceHandlerForBus = HaliReferenceHandlerForBus; HalReferenceBusHandler = HaliReferenceBusHandler; HalDereferenceBusHandler = HaliDereferenceBusHandler; #endif HalPciAssignSlotResources = HalpAssignSlotResources; HalPciTranslateBusAddress = HaliTranslateBusAddress; /* PCI Driver can override */ if (!HalFindBusAddressTranslation) HalFindBusAddressTranslation = HaliFindBusAddressTranslation; } /* EOF */