/* * PROJECT: ReactOS Task Manager * LICENSE: LGPL-2.1-or-later (https://spdx.org/licenses/LGPL-2.1-or-later) * PURPOSE: Processes Page * COPYRIGHT: Copyright 1999-2001 Brian Palmer * Copyright 2009 Maxime Vernier * Copyright 2022 Thamatip Chitpong */ #include "precomp.h" #include "proclist.h" #include #define CMP(x1, x2)\ (x1 < x2 ? -1 : (x1 > x2 ? 1 : 0)) #define CONST_STR_LEN(str) (_countof(str) - 1) typedef struct { ULONG ProcessId; } PROCESS_PAGE_LIST_ITEM, *LPPROCESS_PAGE_LIST_ITEM; HWND hProcessPage; /* Process List Property Page */ HWND hProcessPageListCtrl; /* Process ListCtrl Window */ HWND hProcessPageHeaderCtrl; /* Process Header Control */ static HWND hProcessPageEndProcessButton; /* Process End Process button */ static HWND hProcessPageShowAllProcessesButton;/* Process Show All Processes checkbox */ BOOL bProcessPageSelectionMade = FALSE; /* Is item in ListCtrl selected */ static int nProcessPageWidth; static int nProcessPageHeight; #ifdef RUN_PROC_PAGE static HANDLE hProcessThread = NULL; static DWORD dwProcessThread; #endif int CALLBACK ProcessPageCompareFunc(LPARAM lParam1, LPARAM lParam2, LPARAM lParamSort); void AddProcess(ULONG Index); void UpdateProcesses(); void gethmsfromlargeint(LARGE_INTEGER largeint, DWORD *dwHours, DWORD *dwMinutes, DWORD *dwSeconds); void ProcessPageOnNotify(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam); void ProcessPageShowContextMenu(DWORD dwProcessId); BOOL PerfDataGetText(ULONG Index, ULONG ColumnIndex, LPTSTR lpText, ULONG nMaxCount); DWORD WINAPI ProcessPageRefreshThread(void *lpParameter); int ProcessRunning(ULONG ProcessId); void Cleanup(void) { int i; LV_ITEM item; LPPROCESS_PAGE_LIST_ITEM pData; for (i = 0; i < ListView_GetItemCount(hProcessPageListCtrl); i++) { memset(&item, 0, sizeof(LV_ITEM)); item.mask = LVIF_PARAM; item.iItem = i; (void)ListView_GetItem(hProcessPageListCtrl, &item); pData = (LPPROCESS_PAGE_LIST_ITEM)item.lParam; HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(), 0, pData); } } int ProcGetIndexByProcessId(DWORD dwProcessId) { int i; LVITEM item; LPPROCESS_PAGE_LIST_ITEM pData; for (i=0; iProcessId == dwProcessId) { return i; } } return 0; } DWORD GetSelectedProcessId(void) { int Index; LVITEM lvitem; if(ListView_GetSelectedCount(hProcessPageListCtrl) == 1) { Index = ListView_GetSelectionMark(hProcessPageListCtrl); memset(&lvitem, 0, sizeof(LVITEM)); lvitem.mask = LVIF_PARAM; lvitem.iItem = Index; (void)ListView_GetItem(hProcessPageListCtrl, &lvitem); if (lvitem.lParam) return ((LPPROCESS_PAGE_LIST_ITEM)lvitem.lParam)->ProcessId; } return 0; } void ProcessPageUpdate(void) { /* Enable or disable the "End Process" button */ if (ListView_GetSelectedCount(hProcessPageListCtrl)) EnableWindow(hProcessPageEndProcessButton, TRUE); else EnableWindow(hProcessPageEndProcessButton, FALSE); } INT_PTR CALLBACK ProcessPageWndProc(HWND hDlg, UINT message, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { RECT rc; int nXDifference; int nYDifference; int cx, cy; switch (message) { case WM_INITDIALOG: /* * Save the width and height */ GetClientRect(hDlg, &rc); nProcessPageWidth = rc.right; nProcessPageHeight = rc.bottom; /* Update window position */ SetWindowPos(hDlg, NULL, 15, 30, 0, 0, SWP_NOACTIVATE|SWP_NOOWNERZORDER|SWP_NOSIZE|SWP_NOZORDER); /* * Get handles to the controls */ hProcessPageListCtrl = GetDlgItem(hDlg, IDC_PROCESSLIST); hProcessPageHeaderCtrl = ListView_GetHeader(hProcessPageListCtrl); hProcessPageEndProcessButton = GetDlgItem(hDlg, IDC_ENDPROCESS); hProcessPageShowAllProcessesButton = GetDlgItem(hDlg, IDC_SHOWALLPROCESSES); /* * Set the title, and extended window styles for the list control */ SetWindowTextW(hProcessPageListCtrl, L"Processes"); (void)ListView_SetExtendedListViewStyle(hProcessPageListCtrl, ListView_GetExtendedListViewStyle(hProcessPageListCtrl) | LVS_EX_FULLROWSELECT | LVS_EX_HEADERDRAGDROP); AddColumns(); /* * Subclass the process list control so we can intercept WM_ERASEBKGND */ OldProcessListWndProc = (WNDPROC)SetWindowLongPtrW(hProcessPageListCtrl, GWLP_WNDPROC, (LONG_PTR)ProcessListWndProc); #ifdef RUN_PROC_PAGE /* Start our refresh thread */ hProcessThread = CreateThread(NULL, 0, ProcessPageRefreshThread, NULL, 0, &dwProcessThread); #endif /* Refresh page */ ProcessPageUpdate(); return TRUE; case WM_DESTROY: /* Close the event handle, this will make the */ /* refresh thread exit when the wait fails */ #ifdef RUN_PROC_PAGE EndLocalThread(&hProcessThread, dwProcessThread); #endif SaveColumnSettings(); Cleanup(); break; case WM_COMMAND: /* Handle the button clicks */ switch (LOWORD(wParam)) { case IDC_ENDPROCESS: ProcessPage_OnEndProcess(); } break; case WM_SIZE: if (wParam == SIZE_MINIMIZED) return 0; cx = LOWORD(lParam); cy = HIWORD(lParam); nXDifference = cx - nProcessPageWidth; nYDifference = cy - nProcessPageHeight; nProcessPageWidth = cx; nProcessPageHeight = cy; /* Reposition the application page's controls */ GetWindowRect(hProcessPageListCtrl, &rc); cx = (rc.right - rc.left) + nXDifference; cy = (rc.bottom - rc.top) + nYDifference; SetWindowPos(hProcessPageListCtrl, NULL, 0, 0, cx, cy, SWP_NOACTIVATE|SWP_NOOWNERZORDER|SWP_NOMOVE|SWP_NOZORDER); InvalidateRect(hProcessPageListCtrl, NULL, TRUE); GetClientRect(hProcessPageEndProcessButton, &rc); MapWindowPoints(hProcessPageEndProcessButton, hDlg, (LPPOINT)(PRECT)(&rc), sizeof(RECT)/sizeof(POINT)); cx = rc.left + nXDifference; cy = rc.top + nYDifference; SetWindowPos(hProcessPageEndProcessButton, NULL, cx, cy, 0, 0, SWP_NOACTIVATE|SWP_NOOWNERZORDER|SWP_NOSIZE|SWP_NOZORDER); InvalidateRect(hProcessPageEndProcessButton, NULL, TRUE); GetClientRect(hProcessPageShowAllProcessesButton, &rc); MapWindowPoints(hProcessPageShowAllProcessesButton, hDlg, (LPPOINT)(PRECT)(&rc), sizeof(RECT)/sizeof(POINT)); cx = rc.left; cy = rc.top + nYDifference; SetWindowPos(hProcessPageShowAllProcessesButton, NULL, cx, cy, 0, 0, SWP_NOACTIVATE|SWP_NOOWNERZORDER|SWP_NOSIZE|SWP_NOZORDER); InvalidateRect(hProcessPageShowAllProcessesButton, NULL, TRUE); break; case WM_NOTIFY: ProcessPageOnNotify(wParam, lParam); break; case WM_KEYDOWN: if (wParam == VK_DELETE) ProcessPage_OnEndProcess(); break; } return 0; } void ProcessPageOnNotify(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { LPNMHDR pnmh; NMLVDISPINFO* pnmdi; LPNMHEADER pnmhdr; ULONG Index; ULONG ColumnIndex; LPPROCESS_PAGE_LIST_ITEM pData; pnmh = (LPNMHDR) lParam; pnmdi = (NMLVDISPINFO*) lParam; pnmhdr = (LPNMHEADER) lParam; if (pnmh->hwndFrom == hProcessPageListCtrl) { switch (pnmh->code) { case LVN_ITEMCHANGED: ProcessPageUpdate(); break; case LVN_GETDISPINFO: if (!(pnmdi->item.mask & LVIF_TEXT)) break; pData = (LPPROCESS_PAGE_LIST_ITEM)pnmdi->item.lParam; Index = PerfDataGetProcessIndex(pData->ProcessId); ColumnIndex = pnmdi->item.iSubItem; PerfDataGetText(Index, ColumnIndex, pnmdi->item.pszText, (ULONG)pnmdi->item.cchTextMax); break; case NM_RCLICK: ProcessPageShowContextMenu(GetSelectedProcessId()); break; case LVN_KEYDOWN: if (((LPNMLVKEYDOWN)lParam)->wVKey == VK_DELETE) ProcessPage_OnEndProcess(); break; } } else if (pnmh->hwndFrom == hProcessPageHeaderCtrl) { switch (pnmh->code) { case HDN_ITEMCLICK: TaskManagerSettings.SortColumn = ColumnDataHints[pnmhdr->iItem]; TaskManagerSettings.SortAscending = !TaskManagerSettings.SortAscending; (void)ListView_SortItems(hProcessPageListCtrl, ProcessPageCompareFunc, NULL); break; case HDN_ITEMCHANGED: UpdateColumnDataHints(); break; case HDN_ENDDRAG: UpdateColumnDataHints(); break; } } } /* * Adapted from SH_FormatInteger in dll/win32/shell32/dialogs/filedefext.cpp. */ UINT SH_FormatInteger( _In_ LONGLONG Num, _Out_writes_z_(cchResultMax) LPWSTR pwszResult, _In_ UINT cchResultMax) { NUMBERFMTW nf; INT i; INT cchGrouping, cchResult; WCHAR wszNumber[24]; WCHAR wszDecimalSep[8], wszThousandSep[8]; WCHAR wszGrouping[12]; /* Print the number in uniform mode */ StringCchPrintfW(wszNumber, _countof(wszNumber), L"%I64u", Num); /* Get system strings for decimal and thousand separators */ GetLocaleInfoW(LOCALE_USER_DEFAULT, LOCALE_SDECIMAL, wszDecimalSep, _countof(wszDecimalSep)); GetLocaleInfoW(LOCALE_USER_DEFAULT, LOCALE_STHOUSAND, wszThousandSep, _countof(wszThousandSep)); /* Initialize format for printing the number in bytes */ ZeroMemory(&nf, sizeof(nf)); nf.lpDecimalSep = wszDecimalSep; nf.lpThousandSep = wszThousandSep; /* Get system string for groups separator */ cchGrouping = GetLocaleInfoW(LOCALE_USER_DEFAULT, LOCALE_SGROUPING, wszGrouping, _countof(wszGrouping)); /* Convert grouping specs from string to integer */ for (i = 0; i < cchGrouping; i++) { WCHAR wch = wszGrouping[i]; if (wch >= L'0' && wch <= L'9') nf.Grouping = nf.Grouping * 10 + (wch - L'0'); else if (wch != L';') break; } if ((nf.Grouping % 10) == 0) nf.Grouping /= 10; else nf.Grouping *= 10; /* Format the number */ cchResult = GetNumberFormatW(LOCALE_USER_DEFAULT, 0, wszNumber, &nf, pwszResult, cchResultMax); if (!cchResult) return 0; /* GetNumberFormatW returns number of characters including UNICODE_NULL */ return cchResult - 1; } void ProcessPageShowContextMenu(DWORD dwProcessId) { HMENU hMenu; HMENU hSubMenu; HMENU hPriorityMenu; POINT pt; SYSTEM_INFO si; HANDLE hProcess; DWORD dwProcessPriorityClass; WCHAR strDebugger[260]; DWORD dwDebuggerSize; HKEY hKey; if (dwProcessId == 0) return; memset(&si, 0, sizeof(SYSTEM_INFO)); GetCursorPos(&pt); GetSystemInfo(&si); hMenu = LoadMenuW(hInst, MAKEINTRESOURCEW(IDR_PROCESS_PAGE_CONTEXT)); hSubMenu = GetSubMenu(hMenu, 0); hPriorityMenu = GetSubMenu(hSubMenu, 4); hProcess = OpenProcess(PROCESS_QUERY_INFORMATION, FALSE, dwProcessId); dwProcessPriorityClass = GetPriorityClass(hProcess); CloseHandle(hProcess); if (si.dwNumberOfProcessors < 2) RemoveMenu(hSubMenu, ID_PROCESS_PAGE_SETAFFINITY, MF_BYCOMMAND); switch (dwProcessPriorityClass) { case REALTIME_PRIORITY_CLASS: CheckMenuRadioItem(hPriorityMenu, ID_PROCESS_PAGE_SETPRIORITY_REALTIME, ID_PROCESS_PAGE_SETPRIORITY_LOW, ID_PROCESS_PAGE_SETPRIORITY_REALTIME, MF_BYCOMMAND); break; case HIGH_PRIORITY_CLASS: CheckMenuRadioItem(hPriorityMenu, ID_PROCESS_PAGE_SETPRIORITY_REALTIME, ID_PROCESS_PAGE_SETPRIORITY_LOW, ID_PROCESS_PAGE_SETPRIORITY_HIGH, MF_BYCOMMAND); break; case ABOVE_NORMAL_PRIORITY_CLASS: CheckMenuRadioItem(hPriorityMenu, ID_PROCESS_PAGE_SETPRIORITY_REALTIME, ID_PROCESS_PAGE_SETPRIORITY_LOW, ID_PROCESS_PAGE_SETPRIORITY_ABOVENORMAL, MF_BYCOMMAND); break; case NORMAL_PRIORITY_CLASS: CheckMenuRadioItem(hPriorityMenu, ID_PROCESS_PAGE_SETPRIORITY_REALTIME, ID_PROCESS_PAGE_SETPRIORITY_LOW, ID_PROCESS_PAGE_SETPRIORITY_NORMAL, MF_BYCOMMAND); break; case BELOW_NORMAL_PRIORITY_CLASS: CheckMenuRadioItem(hPriorityMenu, ID_PROCESS_PAGE_SETPRIORITY_REALTIME, ID_PROCESS_PAGE_SETPRIORITY_LOW, ID_PROCESS_PAGE_SETPRIORITY_BELOWNORMAL, MF_BYCOMMAND); break; case IDLE_PRIORITY_CLASS: CheckMenuRadioItem(hPriorityMenu, ID_PROCESS_PAGE_SETPRIORITY_REALTIME, ID_PROCESS_PAGE_SETPRIORITY_LOW, ID_PROCESS_PAGE_SETPRIORITY_LOW, MF_BYCOMMAND); break; } if (RegOpenKeyExW(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, L"Software\\Microsoft\\Windows NT\\CurrentVersion\\AeDebug", 0, KEY_READ, &hKey) == ERROR_SUCCESS) { dwDebuggerSize = sizeof(strDebugger); if (RegQueryValueExW(hKey, L"Debugger", NULL, NULL, (LPBYTE)strDebugger, &dwDebuggerSize) == ERROR_SUCCESS) { CharUpper(strDebugger); if (wcsstr(strDebugger, L"DRWTSN32")) EnableMenuItem(hSubMenu, ID_PROCESS_PAGE_DEBUG, MF_BYCOMMAND|MF_DISABLED|MF_GRAYED); } else EnableMenuItem(hSubMenu, ID_PROCESS_PAGE_DEBUG, MF_BYCOMMAND|MF_DISABLED|MF_GRAYED); RegCloseKey(hKey); } else { EnableMenuItem(hSubMenu, ID_PROCESS_PAGE_DEBUG, MF_BYCOMMAND|MF_DISABLED|MF_GRAYED); } TrackPopupMenu(hSubMenu, TPM_LEFTALIGN|TPM_TOPALIGN|TPM_LEFTBUTTON, pt.x, pt.y, 0, hMainWnd, NULL); DestroyMenu(hMenu); } void RefreshProcessPage(void) { #ifdef RUN_PROC_PAGE /* Signal the event so that our refresh thread */ /* will wake up and refresh the process page */ PostThreadMessage(dwProcessThread, WM_TIMER, 0, 0); #endif } DWORD WINAPI ProcessPageRefreshThread(void *lpParameter) { MSG msg; while (1) { /* Wait for an the event or application close */ if (GetMessage(&msg, NULL, 0, 0) <= 0) return 0; if (msg.message == WM_TIMER) { UpdateProcesses(); if (IsWindowVisible(hProcessPage)) InvalidateRect(hProcessPageListCtrl, NULL, FALSE); ProcessPageUpdate(); } } return 0; } void UpdateProcesses() { int i; ULONG l; LV_ITEM item; LPPROCESS_PAGE_LIST_ITEM pData; SendMessage(hProcessPageListCtrl, WM_SETREDRAW, FALSE, 0); /* Remove old processes */ for (i = 0; i < ListView_GetItemCount(hProcessPageListCtrl); i++) { memset(&item, 0, sizeof (LV_ITEM)); item.mask = LVIF_PARAM; item.iItem = i; (void)ListView_GetItem(hProcessPageListCtrl, &item); pData = (LPPROCESS_PAGE_LIST_ITEM)item.lParam; if (!ProcessRunning(pData->ProcessId)) { (void)ListView_DeleteItem(hProcessPageListCtrl, i); HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(), 0, pData); } } /* Check for difference in listview process and performance process counts */ if (ListView_GetItemCount(hProcessPageListCtrl) != PerfDataGetProcessCount()) { /* Add new processes by checking against the current items */ for (l = 0; l < PerfDataGetProcessCount(); l++) { AddProcess(l); } } if (TaskManagerSettings.SortColumn != -1) { (void)ListView_SortItems(hProcessPageListCtrl, ProcessPageCompareFunc, NULL); } SendMessage(hProcessPageListCtrl, WM_SETREDRAW, TRUE, 0); /* Select first item if any */ if ((ListView_GetNextItem(hProcessPageListCtrl, -1, LVNI_FOCUSED | LVNI_SELECTED) == -1) && (ListView_GetItemCount(hProcessPageListCtrl) > 0) && !bProcessPageSelectionMade) { ListView_SetItemState(hProcessPageListCtrl, 0, LVIS_FOCUSED | LVIS_SELECTED, LVIS_FOCUSED | LVIS_SELECTED); bProcessPageSelectionMade = TRUE; } /* else { bProcessPageSelectionMade = FALSE; } */ } BOOL ProcessRunning(ULONG ProcessId) { HANDLE hProcess; DWORD exitCode; if (ProcessId == 0) { return TRUE; } hProcess = OpenProcess(PROCESS_ALL_ACCESS, FALSE, ProcessId); if (hProcess == NULL) { return FALSE; } if (GetExitCodeProcess(hProcess, &exitCode)) { CloseHandle(hProcess); return (exitCode == STILL_ACTIVE); } CloseHandle(hProcess); return FALSE; } void AddProcess(ULONG Index) { LPPROCESS_PAGE_LIST_ITEM pData; int i; LV_ITEM item; BOOL bAlreadyInList = FALSE; ULONG pid; pid = PerfDataGetProcessId(Index); /* Check to see if it's already in our list */ for (i=0; iProcessId == pid) { bAlreadyInList = TRUE; break; } } if (!bAlreadyInList) /* Add */ { pData = (LPPROCESS_PAGE_LIST_ITEM)HeapAlloc(GetProcessHeap(), 0, sizeof(PROCESS_PAGE_LIST_ITEM)); pData->ProcessId = pid; /* Add the item to the list */ memset(&item, 0, sizeof(LV_ITEM)); item.mask = LVIF_TEXT|LVIF_PARAM; item.pszText = LPSTR_TEXTCALLBACK; item.iItem = ListView_GetItemCount(hProcessPageListCtrl); item.lParam = (LPARAM)pData; (void)ListView_InsertItem(hProcessPageListCtrl, &item); } } BOOL PerfDataGetText(ULONG Index, ULONG ColumnIndex, LPTSTR lpText, ULONG nMaxCount) { IO_COUNTERS iocounters; switch (ColumnDataHints[ColumnIndex]) { case COLUMN_IMAGENAME: PerfDataGetImageName(Index, lpText, nMaxCount); return TRUE; case COLUMN_PID: StringCchPrintfW(lpText, nMaxCount, L"%lu", PerfDataGetProcessId(Index)); return TRUE; case COLUMN_USERNAME: PerfDataGetUserName(Index, lpText, nMaxCount); return TRUE; case COLUMN_COMMANDLINE: PerfDataGetCommandLine(Index, lpText, nMaxCount); return TRUE; case COLUMN_SESSIONID: StringCchPrintfW(lpText, nMaxCount, L"%lu", PerfDataGetSessionId(Index)); return TRUE; case COLUMN_CPUUSAGE: StringCchPrintfW(lpText, nMaxCount, L"%02lu", PerfDataGetCPUUsage(Index)); return TRUE; case COLUMN_CPUTIME: { LARGE_INTEGER time; DWORD dwHours; DWORD dwMinutes; DWORD dwSeconds; time = PerfDataGetCPUTime(Index); gethmsfromlargeint(time, &dwHours, &dwMinutes, &dwSeconds); StringCchPrintfW(lpText, nMaxCount, L"%lu:%02lu:%02lu", dwHours, dwMinutes, dwSeconds); return TRUE; } case COLUMN_MEMORYUSAGE: SH_FormatInteger(PerfDataGetWorkingSetSizeBytes(Index) / 1024, lpText, nMaxCount); StringCchCatW(lpText, nMaxCount, L" K"); return TRUE; case COLUMN_PEAKMEMORYUSAGE: SH_FormatInteger(PerfDataGetPeakWorkingSetSizeBytes(Index) / 1024, lpText, nMaxCount); StringCchCatW(lpText, nMaxCount, L" K"); return TRUE; case COLUMN_MEMORYUSAGEDELTA: SH_FormatInteger(PerfDataGetWorkingSetSizeDelta(Index) / 1024, lpText, nMaxCount); StringCchCatW(lpText, nMaxCount, L" K"); return TRUE; case COLUMN_PAGEFAULTS: SH_FormatInteger(PerfDataGetPageFaultCount(Index), lpText, nMaxCount); return TRUE; case COLUMN_PAGEFAULTSDELTA: SH_FormatInteger(PerfDataGetPageFaultCountDelta(Index), lpText, nMaxCount); return TRUE; case COLUMN_VIRTUALMEMORYSIZE: SH_FormatInteger(PerfDataGetVirtualMemorySizeBytes(Index) / 1024, lpText, nMaxCount); StringCchCatW(lpText, nMaxCount, L" K"); return TRUE; case COLUMN_PAGEDPOOL: SH_FormatInteger(PerfDataGetPagedPoolUsagePages(Index) / 1024, lpText, nMaxCount); StringCchCatW(lpText, nMaxCount, L" K"); return TRUE; case COLUMN_NONPAGEDPOOL: SH_FormatInteger(PerfDataGetNonPagedPoolUsagePages(Index) / 1024, lpText, nMaxCount); StringCchCatW(lpText, nMaxCount, L" K"); return TRUE; case COLUMN_BASEPRIORITY: StringCchPrintfW(lpText, nMaxCount, L"%lu", PerfDataGetBasePriority(Index)); return TRUE; case COLUMN_HANDLECOUNT: SH_FormatInteger(PerfDataGetHandleCount(Index), lpText, nMaxCount); return TRUE; case COLUMN_THREADCOUNT: SH_FormatInteger(PerfDataGetThreadCount(Index), lpText, nMaxCount); return TRUE; case COLUMN_USEROBJECTS: SH_FormatInteger(PerfDataGetUSERObjectCount(Index), lpText, nMaxCount); return TRUE; case COLUMN_GDIOBJECTS: SH_FormatInteger(PerfDataGetGDIObjectCount(Index), lpText, nMaxCount); return TRUE; case COLUMN_IOREADS: PerfDataGetIOCounters(Index, &iocounters); SH_FormatInteger(iocounters.ReadOperationCount, lpText, nMaxCount); return TRUE; case COLUMN_IOWRITES: PerfDataGetIOCounters(Index, &iocounters); SH_FormatInteger(iocounters.WriteOperationCount, lpText, nMaxCount); return TRUE; case COLUMN_IOOTHER: PerfDataGetIOCounters(Index, &iocounters); SH_FormatInteger(iocounters.OtherOperationCount, lpText, nMaxCount); return TRUE; case COLUMN_IOREADBYTES: PerfDataGetIOCounters(Index, &iocounters); SH_FormatInteger(iocounters.ReadTransferCount, lpText, nMaxCount); return TRUE; case COLUMN_IOWRITEBYTES: PerfDataGetIOCounters(Index, &iocounters); SH_FormatInteger(iocounters.WriteTransferCount, lpText, nMaxCount); return TRUE; case COLUMN_IOOTHERBYTES: PerfDataGetIOCounters(Index, &iocounters); SH_FormatInteger(iocounters.OtherTransferCount, lpText, nMaxCount); return TRUE; } return FALSE; } void gethmsfromlargeint(LARGE_INTEGER largeint, DWORD *dwHours, DWORD *dwMinutes, DWORD *dwSeconds) { #ifdef _MSC_VER *dwHours = (DWORD)(largeint.QuadPart / 36000000000L); *dwMinutes = (DWORD)((largeint.QuadPart % 36000000000L) / 600000000L); *dwSeconds = (DWORD)(((largeint.QuadPart % 36000000000L) % 600000000L) / 10000000L); #else *dwHours = (DWORD)(largeint.QuadPart / 36000000000LL); *dwMinutes = (DWORD)((largeint.QuadPart % 36000000000LL) / 600000000LL); *dwSeconds = (DWORD)(((largeint.QuadPart % 36000000000LL) % 600000000LL) / 10000000LL); #endif } int largeintcmp(LARGE_INTEGER l1, LARGE_INTEGER l2) { int ret = 0; DWORD dwHours1; DWORD dwMinutes1; DWORD dwSeconds1; DWORD dwHours2; DWORD dwMinutes2; DWORD dwSeconds2; gethmsfromlargeint(l1, &dwHours1, &dwMinutes1, &dwSeconds1); gethmsfromlargeint(l2, &dwHours2, &dwMinutes2, &dwSeconds2); ret = CMP(dwHours1, dwHours2); if (ret == 0) { ret = CMP(dwMinutes1, dwMinutes2); if (ret == 0) { ret = CMP(dwSeconds1, dwSeconds2); } } return ret; } int CALLBACK ProcessPageCompareFunc(LPARAM lParam1, LPARAM lParam2, LPARAM lParamSort) { int ret = 0; LPPROCESS_PAGE_LIST_ITEM Param1; LPPROCESS_PAGE_LIST_ITEM Param2; ULONG IndexParam1; ULONG IndexParam2; WCHAR text1[260]; WCHAR text2[260]; ULONG l1; ULONG l2; LARGE_INTEGER time1; LARGE_INTEGER time2; IO_COUNTERS iocounters1; IO_COUNTERS iocounters2; ULONGLONG ull1; ULONGLONG ull2; if (TaskManagerSettings.SortAscending) { Param1 = (LPPROCESS_PAGE_LIST_ITEM)lParam1; Param2 = (LPPROCESS_PAGE_LIST_ITEM)lParam2; } else { Param1 = (LPPROCESS_PAGE_LIST_ITEM)lParam2; Param2 = (LPPROCESS_PAGE_LIST_ITEM)lParam1; } IndexParam1 = PerfDataGetProcessIndex(Param1->ProcessId); IndexParam2 = PerfDataGetProcessIndex(Param2->ProcessId); if (TaskManagerSettings.SortColumn == COLUMN_IMAGENAME) { PerfDataGetImageName(IndexParam1, text1, _countof(text1)); PerfDataGetImageName(IndexParam2, text2, _countof(text2)); ret = _wcsicmp(text1, text2); } else if (TaskManagerSettings.SortColumn == COLUMN_PID) { l1 = Param1->ProcessId; l2 = Param2->ProcessId; ret = CMP(l1, l2); } else if (TaskManagerSettings.SortColumn == COLUMN_USERNAME) { PerfDataGetUserName(IndexParam1, text1, _countof(text1)); PerfDataGetUserName(IndexParam2, text2, _countof(text2)); ret = _wcsicmp(text1, text2); } else if (TaskManagerSettings.SortColumn == COLUMN_COMMANDLINE) { PerfDataGetCommandLine(IndexParam1, text1, _countof(text1)); PerfDataGetCommandLine(IndexParam2, text2, _countof(text2)); ret = _wcsicmp(text1, text2); } else if (TaskManagerSettings.SortColumn == COLUMN_SESSIONID) { l1 = PerfDataGetSessionId(IndexParam1); l2 = PerfDataGetSessionId(IndexParam2); ret = CMP(l1, l2); } else if (TaskManagerSettings.SortColumn == COLUMN_CPUUSAGE) { l1 = PerfDataGetCPUUsage(IndexParam1); l2 = PerfDataGetCPUUsage(IndexParam2); ret = CMP(l1, l2); } else if (TaskManagerSettings.SortColumn == COLUMN_CPUTIME) { time1 = PerfDataGetCPUTime(IndexParam1); time2 = PerfDataGetCPUTime(IndexParam2); ret = largeintcmp(time1, time2); } else if (TaskManagerSettings.SortColumn == COLUMN_MEMORYUSAGE) { l1 = PerfDataGetWorkingSetSizeBytes(IndexParam1); l2 = PerfDataGetWorkingSetSizeBytes(IndexParam2); ret = CMP(l1, l2); } else if (TaskManagerSettings.SortColumn == COLUMN_PEAKMEMORYUSAGE) { l1 = PerfDataGetPeakWorkingSetSizeBytes(IndexParam1); l2 = PerfDataGetPeakWorkingSetSizeBytes(IndexParam2); ret = CMP(l1, l2); } else if (TaskManagerSettings.SortColumn == COLUMN_MEMORYUSAGEDELTA) { l1 = PerfDataGetWorkingSetSizeDelta(IndexParam1); l2 = PerfDataGetWorkingSetSizeDelta(IndexParam2); ret = CMP(l1, l2); } else if (TaskManagerSettings.SortColumn == COLUMN_PAGEFAULTS) { l1 = PerfDataGetPageFaultCount(IndexParam1); l2 = PerfDataGetPageFaultCount(IndexParam2); ret = CMP(l1, l2); } else if (TaskManagerSettings.SortColumn == COLUMN_PAGEFAULTSDELTA) { l1 = PerfDataGetPageFaultCountDelta(IndexParam1); l2 = PerfDataGetPageFaultCountDelta(IndexParam2); ret = CMP(l1, l2); } else if (TaskManagerSettings.SortColumn == COLUMN_VIRTUALMEMORYSIZE) { l1 = PerfDataGetVirtualMemorySizeBytes(IndexParam1); l2 = PerfDataGetVirtualMemorySizeBytes(IndexParam2); ret = CMP(l1, l2); } else if (TaskManagerSettings.SortColumn == COLUMN_PAGEDPOOL) { l1 = PerfDataGetPagedPoolUsagePages(IndexParam1); l2 = PerfDataGetPagedPoolUsagePages(IndexParam2); ret = CMP(l1, l2); } else if (TaskManagerSettings.SortColumn == COLUMN_NONPAGEDPOOL) { l1 = PerfDataGetNonPagedPoolUsagePages(IndexParam1); l2 = PerfDataGetNonPagedPoolUsagePages(IndexParam2); ret = CMP(l1, l2); } else if (TaskManagerSettings.SortColumn == COLUMN_BASEPRIORITY) { l1 = PerfDataGetBasePriority(IndexParam1); l2 = PerfDataGetBasePriority(IndexParam2); ret = CMP(l1, l2); } else if (TaskManagerSettings.SortColumn == COLUMN_HANDLECOUNT) { l1 = PerfDataGetHandleCount(IndexParam1); l2 = PerfDataGetHandleCount(IndexParam2); ret = CMP(l1, l2); } else if (TaskManagerSettings.SortColumn == COLUMN_THREADCOUNT) { l1 = PerfDataGetThreadCount(IndexParam1); l2 = PerfDataGetThreadCount(IndexParam2); ret = CMP(l1, l2); } else if (TaskManagerSettings.SortColumn == COLUMN_USEROBJECTS) { l1 = PerfDataGetUSERObjectCount(IndexParam1); l2 = PerfDataGetUSERObjectCount(IndexParam2); ret = CMP(l1, l2); } else if (TaskManagerSettings.SortColumn == COLUMN_GDIOBJECTS) { l1 = PerfDataGetGDIObjectCount(IndexParam1); l2 = PerfDataGetGDIObjectCount(IndexParam2); ret = CMP(l1, l2); } else if (TaskManagerSettings.SortColumn == COLUMN_IOREADS) { PerfDataGetIOCounters(IndexParam1, &iocounters1); PerfDataGetIOCounters(IndexParam2, &iocounters2); ull1 = iocounters1.ReadOperationCount; ull2 = iocounters2.ReadOperationCount; ret = CMP(ull1, ull2); } else if (TaskManagerSettings.SortColumn == COLUMN_IOWRITES) { PerfDataGetIOCounters(IndexParam1, &iocounters1); PerfDataGetIOCounters(IndexParam2, &iocounters2); ull1 = iocounters1.WriteOperationCount; ull2 = iocounters2.WriteOperationCount; ret = CMP(ull1, ull2); } else if (TaskManagerSettings.SortColumn == COLUMN_IOOTHER) { PerfDataGetIOCounters(IndexParam1, &iocounters1); PerfDataGetIOCounters(IndexParam2, &iocounters2); ull1 = iocounters1.OtherOperationCount; ull2 = iocounters2.OtherOperationCount; ret = CMP(ull1, ull2); } else if (TaskManagerSettings.SortColumn == COLUMN_IOREADBYTES) { PerfDataGetIOCounters(IndexParam1, &iocounters1); PerfDataGetIOCounters(IndexParam2, &iocounters2); ull1 = iocounters1.ReadTransferCount; ull2 = iocounters2.ReadTransferCount; ret = CMP(ull1, ull2); } else if (TaskManagerSettings.SortColumn == COLUMN_IOWRITEBYTES) { PerfDataGetIOCounters(IndexParam1, &iocounters1); PerfDataGetIOCounters(IndexParam2, &iocounters2); ull1 = iocounters1.WriteTransferCount; ull2 = iocounters2.WriteTransferCount; ret = CMP(ull1, ull2); } else if (TaskManagerSettings.SortColumn == COLUMN_IOOTHERBYTES) { PerfDataGetIOCounters(IndexParam1, &iocounters1); PerfDataGetIOCounters(IndexParam2, &iocounters2); ull1 = iocounters1.OtherTransferCount; ull2 = iocounters2.OtherTransferCount; ret = CMP(ull1, ull2); } return ret; } /** * @brief * Maps an NT "\Device\..." path to its Win32 "DOS" equivalent. * * @param[in] lpDevicePath * The NT device path to convert. * * @param[out] lpDosPath * Receives the converted Win32 path. * * @param[in] dwLength * Size of the lpDosPath buffer in characters. * * @return * The number of characters required (if lpDosPath == NULL or dwLength == 0), * or actually written in the lpDosPath buffer, including the NULL terminator. * Returns 0 in case of failure. **/ static DWORD DevicePathToDosPath( _In_ LPCWSTR lpDevicePath, _Out_writes_to_opt_(dwLength, return) LPWSTR lpDosPath, _In_opt_ DWORD dwLength) { DWORD dwRet = 0; WCHAR szDrive[3] = L"?:"; WCHAR szDeviceName[MAX_PATH]; /* Check if lpDevicePath is a device path */ if (_wcsnicmp(lpDevicePath, L"\\Device\\", CONST_STR_LEN(L"\\Device\\")) != 0) { return 0; } for (szDrive[0] = L'A'; szDrive[0] <= L'`'; szDrive[0]++) { if (QueryDosDeviceW(szDrive, szDeviceName, _countof(szDeviceName)) != 0) { size_t len = wcslen(szDeviceName); if (_wcsnicmp(lpDevicePath, szDeviceName, len) == 0) { /* Get the required length, including the NULL terminator */ dwRet = _countof(szDrive) + wcslen(lpDevicePath + len); if (lpDosPath && (dwLength >= dwRet)) { StringCchPrintfW(lpDosPath, dwLength, L"%s%s", szDrive, lpDevicePath + len); } break; } } } return dwRet; } /** * @brief * Retrieves the Win32 path of an executable image, by handle. * * @param[in] hProcess * Handle to the executable image; it should be opened with * PROCESS_QUERY_INFORMATION access rights. * * @param[out] lpExePath * Receives the Win32 image path. * * @param[in] dwLength * Size of the lpExePath buffer in characters. * * @return * The number of characters required (if lpExePath == NULL or dwLength == 0), * or actually written in the lpExePath buffer, including the NULL terminator. * Returns 0 in case of failure. **/ static DWORD GetProcessExecutablePath( _In_ HANDLE hProcess, _Out_writes_to_opt_(dwLength, return) LPWSTR lpExePath, _In_opt_ DWORD dwLength) { DWORD dwRet = 0; NTSTATUS Status; BYTE StaticBuffer[sizeof(UNICODE_STRING) + (MAX_PATH * sizeof(WCHAR))]; PVOID DynamicBuffer = NULL; PUNICODE_STRING ExePath; ULONG SizeNeeded; Status = NtQueryInformationProcess(hProcess, ProcessImageFileName, StaticBuffer, /* Reserve a NULL terminator */ sizeof(StaticBuffer) - sizeof(WCHAR), &SizeNeeded); if (NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { ExePath = (PUNICODE_STRING)StaticBuffer; } else if (Status == STATUS_INFO_LENGTH_MISMATCH) { /* Allocate the buffer, reserving space for a NULL terminator */ DynamicBuffer = HeapAlloc(GetProcessHeap(), 0, SizeNeeded + sizeof(WCHAR)); if (!DynamicBuffer) return 0; Status = NtQueryInformationProcess(hProcess, ProcessImageFileName, DynamicBuffer, SizeNeeded, &SizeNeeded); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) goto Cleanup; ExePath = DynamicBuffer; } else { return 0; } /* Manually NULL-terminate */ ExePath->Buffer[ExePath->Length / sizeof(WCHAR)] = UNICODE_NULL; /* HACK: Convert device path format into Win32 path format. * Use ProcessImageFileNameWin32 instead if the kernel supports it. */ dwRet = DevicePathToDosPath(ExePath->Buffer, lpExePath, dwLength); Cleanup: HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(), 0, DynamicBuffer); return dwRet; } /** * @brief * Retrieves the Win32 path of an executable image, by identifier. * * @param[in] dwProcessId * Identifier of the running executable image. * * @param[out] lpExePath * Receives the Win32 image path. * * @param[in] dwLength * Size of the lpExePath buffer in characters. * * @return * The number of characters required (if lpExePath == NULL or dwLength == 0), * or actually written in the lpExePath buffer, including the NULL terminator. * Returns 0 in case of failure. **/ static DWORD GetProcessExecutablePathById( _In_ DWORD dwProcessId, _Out_writes_to_opt_(dwLength, return) LPWSTR lpExePath, _In_opt_ DWORD dwLength) { DWORD dwRet = 0; if (dwProcessId == 0) return 0; /* PID = 4 ("System") */ if (dwProcessId == 4) { static const WCHAR szKernelExe[] = L"\\ntoskrnl.exe"; LPWSTR pszSystemDir; UINT uLength; uLength = GetSystemDirectoryW(NULL, 0); if (uLength == 0) return 0; pszSystemDir = HeapAlloc(GetProcessHeap(), 0, uLength * sizeof(WCHAR)); if (!pszSystemDir) return 0; if (GetSystemDirectoryW(pszSystemDir, uLength) != 0) { /* Get the required length, including the NULL terminator */ dwRet = uLength + CONST_STR_LEN(szKernelExe); if (lpExePath && (dwLength >= dwRet)) { StringCchPrintfW(lpExePath, dwLength, L"%s%s", pszSystemDir, szKernelExe); } } HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(), 0, pszSystemDir); } else { HANDLE hProcess; hProcess = OpenProcess(PROCESS_QUERY_INFORMATION, FALSE, dwProcessId); if (hProcess) { dwRet = GetProcessExecutablePath(hProcess, lpExePath, dwLength); CloseHandle(hProcess); } } return dwRet; } void ProcessPage_OnProperties(void) { DWORD dwProcessId; DWORD dwLength; LPWSTR pszExePath; SHELLEXECUTEINFOW info = { 0 }; dwProcessId = GetSelectedProcessId(); /* Retrieve the image path length */ dwLength = GetProcessExecutablePathById(dwProcessId, NULL, 0); if (dwLength == 0) return; /* Allocate and retrieve the image path */ pszExePath = HeapAlloc(GetProcessHeap(), 0, dwLength * sizeof(WCHAR)); if (!pszExePath) return; if (GetProcessExecutablePathById(dwProcessId, pszExePath, dwLength) == 0) goto Cleanup; /* Call the shell to display the file properties */ info.cbSize = sizeof(SHELLEXECUTEINFOW); info.fMask = SEE_MASK_INVOKEIDLIST; info.hwnd = NULL; info.lpVerb = L"properties"; info.lpFile = pszExePath; info.lpParameters = L""; info.lpDirectory = NULL; info.nShow = SW_SHOW; info.hInstApp = NULL; ShellExecuteExW(&info); Cleanup: HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(), 0, pszExePath); } void ProcessPage_OnOpenFileLocation(void) { DWORD dwProcessId; DWORD dwLength; LPWSTR pszExePath; static const WCHAR szCmdFormat[] = L"/select,\"%s\""; LPWSTR pszCmdLine = NULL; dwProcessId = GetSelectedProcessId(); /* Retrieve the image path length */ dwLength = GetProcessExecutablePathById(dwProcessId, NULL, 0); if (dwLength == 0) return; /* Allocate and retrieve the image path */ pszExePath = HeapAlloc(GetProcessHeap(), 0, dwLength * sizeof(WCHAR)); if (!pszExePath) return; if (GetProcessExecutablePathById(dwProcessId, pszExePath, dwLength) == 0) goto Cleanup; /* Build the shell command line */ dwLength += CONST_STR_LEN(szCmdFormat) - CONST_STR_LEN(L"%s"); pszCmdLine = HeapAlloc(GetProcessHeap(), 0, dwLength * sizeof(WCHAR)); if (!pszCmdLine) goto Cleanup; StringCchPrintfW(pszCmdLine, dwLength, szCmdFormat, pszExePath); /* Call the shell to open the file location and select it. If Explorer shell * is not available, use ReactOS's alternative file browser instead. */ ShellExecuteW(NULL, L"open", GetShellWindow() ? L"explorer.exe" : L"filebrowser.exe", pszCmdLine, NULL, SW_SHOWNORMAL); Cleanup: HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(), 0, pszCmdLine); HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(), 0, pszExePath); }