/* * PROJECT: PAINT for ReactOS * LICENSE: LGPL * FILE: base/applications/paint/definitions.h * PURPOSE: Defines the resource ids and other stuff * PROGRAMMERS: Benedikt Freisen */ /* DEFINES **********************************************************/ #define HISTORYSIZE 11 /* HISTORYSIZE = number of possible undo-steps + 1 */ #define SIZEOF(a) (sizeof(a) / sizeof((a)[0])) /* sizeof for string constants; equals max. number of characters */ #define IDI_APPICON 500 #define IDB_TOOLBARICONS 510 #define IDI_TRANSPARENT 526 #define IDI_NONTRANSPARENT 527 #define IDC_FILL 530 #define IDC_COLOR 531 #define IDC_ZOOM 532 #define IDC_PEN 533 #define IDC_AIRBRUSH 534 #define IDI_HORZSTRETCH 535 #define IDI_VERTSTRETCH 536 #define ID_MENU 501 #define IDM_FILENEW 201 #define IDM_FILEOPEN 202 #define IDM_FILESAVE 203 #define IDM_FILESAVEAS 204 #define IDM_FILEASWALLPAPERPLANE 210 #define IDM_FILEASWALLPAPERCENTERED 211 #define IDM_FILEASWALLPAPERSTRETCHED 212 #define IDM_FILEEXIT 205 #define IDM_EDITUNDO 220 #define IDM_EDITREDO 221 #define IDM_EDITCUT 222 #define IDM_EDITCOPY 223 #define IDM_EDITPASTE 224 #define IDM_EDITDELETESELECTION 225 #define IDM_EDITINVERTSELECTION 226 #define IDM_EDITSELECTALL 227 #define IDM_EDITCOPYTO 228 #define IDM_EDITPASTEFROM 229 #define IDM_VIEWTOOLBOX 230 #define IDM_VIEWCOLORPALETTE 231 #define IDM_VIEWSTATUSBAR 232 #define IDM_FORMATICONBAR 233 #define IDM_VIEWZOOM125 234 #define IDM_VIEWZOOM25 235 #define IDM_VIEWZOOM50 236 #define IDM_VIEWZOOM100 237 #define IDM_VIEWZOOM200 238 #define IDM_VIEWZOOM400 239 #define IDM_VIEWZOOM800 240 #define IDM_VIEWFULLSCREEN 241 #define IDM_VIEWSHOWGRID 242 #define IDM_VIEWSHOWMINIATURE 243 #define IDM_IMAGEROTATEMIRROR 250 #define IDM_IMAGECHANGESIZE 251 #define IDM_IMAGECROP 252 #define IDM_IMAGEINVERTCOLORS 253 #define IDM_IMAGEATTRIBUTES 254 #define IDM_IMAGEDELETEIMAGE 255 #define IDM_IMAGEDRAWOPAQUE 256 #define IDM_COLORSEDITPALETTE 260 #define IDM_HELPHELPTOPICS 270 #define IDM_HELPINFO 271 //the following 16 numbers need to be in order, increasing by 1 #define ID_FREESEL 600 #define ID_RECTSEL 601 #define ID_RUBBER 602 #define ID_FILL 603 #define ID_COLOR 604 #define ID_ZOOM 605 #define ID_PEN 606 #define ID_BRUSH 607 #define ID_AIRBRUSH 608 #define ID_TEXT 609 #define ID_LINE 610 #define ID_BEZIER 611 #define ID_RECT 612 #define ID_SHAPE 613 #define ID_ELLIPSE 614 #define ID_RRECT 615 //the following 16 numbers need to be in order, increasing by 1 #define TOOL_FREESEL 1 #define TOOL_RECTSEL 2 #define TOOL_RUBBER 3 #define TOOL_FILL 4 #define TOOL_COLOR 5 #define TOOL_ZOOM 6 #define TOOL_PEN 7 #define TOOL_BRUSH 8 #define TOOL_AIRBRUSH 9 #define TOOL_TEXT 10 #define TOOL_LINE 11 #define TOOL_BEZIER 12 #define TOOL_RECT 13 #define TOOL_SHAPE 14 #define TOOL_ELLIPSE 15 #define TOOL_RRECT 16 #define ID_ACCELERATORS 800 #define IDD_MIRRORROTATE 700 #define IDD_MIRRORROTATEGROUP 701 #define IDD_MIRRORROTATERB1 702 #define IDD_MIRRORROTATERB2 703 #define IDD_MIRRORROTATERB3 704 #define IDD_MIRRORROTATERB4 705 #define IDD_MIRRORROTATERB5 706 #define IDD_MIRRORROTATERB6 707 #define IDD_ATTRIBUTES 710 #define IDD_ATTRIBUTESEDIT1 711 #define IDD_ATTRIBUTESEDIT2 712 #define IDD_ATTRIBUTESTEXT1 715 #define IDD_ATTRIBUTESTEXT2 716 #define IDD_ATTRIBUTESTEXT3 717 #define IDD_ATTRIBUTESTEXT4 718 #define IDD_ATTRIBUTESTEXT5 719 #define IDD_ATTRIBUTESTEXT6 720 #define IDD_ATTRIBUTESTEXT7 721 #define IDD_ATTRIBUTESTEXT8 722 #define IDD_ATTRIBUTESSTANDARD 723 #define IDD_ATTRIBUTESGROUP1 724 #define IDD_ATTRIBUTESGROUP2 725 #define IDD_ATTRIBUTESRB1 726 #define IDD_ATTRIBUTESRB2 727 #define IDD_ATTRIBUTESRB3 728 #define IDD_ATTRIBUTESRB4 729 #define IDD_ATTRIBUTESRB5 730 #define IDD_CHANGESIZE 740 #define IDD_CHANGESIZEGROUP 741 #define IDD_CHANGESIZEICON1 742 #define IDD_CHANGESIZETEXT1 743 #define IDD_CHANGESIZEEDIT1 744 #define IDD_CHANGESIZETEXT2 745 #define IDD_CHANGESIZEICON2 746 #define IDD_CHANGESIZETEXT3 747 #define IDD_CHANGESIZEEDIT2 748 #define IDD_CHANGESIZETEXT4 749 #define IDS_PROGRAMNAME 900 #define IDS_WINDOWTITLE 901 #define IDS_INFOTITLE 902 #define IDS_INFOTEXT 903 #define IDS_SAVEPROMPTTEXT 904 #define IDS_DEFAULTFILENAME 905 #define IDS_MINIATURETITLE 906 #define IDS_TOOLTIP1 910 #define IDS_TOOLTIP2 911 #define IDS_TOOLTIP3 912 #define IDS_TOOLTIP4 913 #define IDS_TOOLTIP5 914 #define IDS_TOOLTIP6 915 #define IDS_TOOLTIP7 916 #define IDS_TOOLTIP8 917 #define IDS_TOOLTIP9 918 #define IDS_TOOLTIP10 919 #define IDS_TOOLTIP11 920 #define IDS_TOOLTIP12 921 #define IDS_TOOLTIP13 922 #define IDS_TOOLTIP14 923 #define IDS_TOOLTIP15 924 #define IDS_TOOLTIP16 925 #define IDS_OPENFILTER 926 #define IDS_SAVEFILTER 927 #define IDS_FILESIZE 928 #define IDS_PRINTRES 929