/* * PROJECT: ReactOS Runtime Library * LICENSE: BSD - See COPYING.ARM in the top level directory * FILE: lib/rtl/avltable.c * PURPOSE: AVL Tree Generic Table Implementation * PROGRAMMERS: ReactOS Portable Systems Group */ /* INCLUDES ******************************************************************/ #include #define NDEBUG #include /* Include RTL version of AVL support */ #include "rtlavl.h" #include "avlsupp.c" /* AVL FUNCTIONS *************************************************************/ /* * @implemented */ VOID NTAPI RtlInitializeGenericTableAvl(IN OUT PRTL_AVL_TABLE Table, IN PRTL_AVL_COMPARE_ROUTINE CompareRoutine, IN PRTL_AVL_ALLOCATE_ROUTINE AllocateRoutine, IN PRTL_AVL_FREE_ROUTINE FreeRoutine, IN PVOID TableContext) { /* Setup the table */ RtlZeroMemory(Table, sizeof(RTL_AVL_TABLE)); Table->BalancedRoot.Parent = &Table->BalancedRoot; Table->CompareRoutine = CompareRoutine; Table->AllocateRoutine = AllocateRoutine; Table->FreeRoutine = FreeRoutine; Table->TableContext = TableContext; } /* * @implemented */ PVOID NTAPI RtlInsertElementGenericTableFullAvl(IN PRTL_AVL_TABLE Table, IN PVOID Buffer, IN ULONG BufferSize, OUT PBOOLEAN NewElement OPTIONAL, IN OUT PVOID NodeOrParent, IN OUT TABLE_SEARCH_RESULT SearchResult) { PRTL_BALANCED_LINKS NewNode; PVOID UserData; /* Check if the entry wasn't already found */ if (SearchResult != TableFoundNode) { /* We're doing an allocation, sanity check */ ASSERT(Table->NumberGenericTableElements != (MAXULONG - 1)); /* Allocate a node */ NewNode = Table->AllocateRoutine(Table, BufferSize + FIELD_OFFSET(TABLE_ENTRY_HEADER, UserData)); if (!NewNode) { /* No memory or other allocation error, fail */ if (NewElement) *NewElement = FALSE; return NULL; } /* Data to return to user */ UserData = &((PTABLE_ENTRY_HEADER)NewNode)->UserData; /* Insert the node in the tree */ RtlpInsertAvlTreeNode(Table, NewNode, NodeOrParent, SearchResult); /* Copy user buffer */ RtlCopyMemory(UserData, Buffer, BufferSize); } else { /* Return the node we already found */ NewNode = NodeOrParent; UserData = &((PTABLE_ENTRY_HEADER)NewNode)->UserData; } /* Return status */ if (NewElement) *NewElement = (SearchResult == TableFoundNode); /* Return pointer to user data */ return UserData; } /* * @implemented */ PVOID NTAPI RtlInsertElementGenericTableAvl(IN PRTL_AVL_TABLE Table, IN PVOID Buffer, IN ULONG BufferSize, OUT PBOOLEAN NewElement OPTIONAL) { PRTL_BALANCED_LINKS NodeOrParent = NULL; TABLE_SEARCH_RESULT Result; /* Get the balanced links and table search result immediately */ Result = RtlpFindAvlTableNodeOrParent(Table, Buffer, &NodeOrParent); /* Now call the routine to do the full insert */ return RtlInsertElementGenericTableFullAvl(Table, Buffer, BufferSize, NewElement, NodeOrParent, Result); } /* * @implemented */ BOOLEAN NTAPI RtlIsGenericTableEmptyAvl(IN PRTL_AVL_TABLE Table) { /* If there's no elements, the table is empty */ return Table->NumberGenericTableElements == 0; } /* * @implemented */ ULONG NTAPI RtlNumberGenericTableElementsAvl(IN PRTL_AVL_TABLE Table) { /* Return the element count */ return Table->NumberGenericTableElements; } /* * @implemented */ PVOID NTAPI RtlLookupElementGenericTableFullAvl(IN PRTL_AVL_TABLE Table, IN PVOID Buffer, IN OUT PVOID *NodeOrParent, IN OUT TABLE_SEARCH_RESULT *SearchResult) { /* Find the node */ *SearchResult = RtlpFindAvlTableNodeOrParent(Table, Buffer, (PRTL_BALANCED_LINKS*)NodeOrParent); if (*SearchResult != TableFoundNode) return NULL; /* Node found, return the user data */ return &((PTABLE_ENTRY_HEADER)*NodeOrParent)->UserData; } /* * @implemented */ PVOID NTAPI RtlLookupElementGenericTableAvl(IN PRTL_AVL_TABLE Table, IN PVOID Buffer) { PRTL_BALANCED_LINKS NodeOrParent; TABLE_SEARCH_RESULT Lookup; /* Call the full function */ return RtlLookupElementGenericTableFullAvl(Table, Buffer, (PVOID*)&NodeOrParent, &Lookup); } /* * @implemented */ PVOID NTAPI RtlEnumerateGenericTableAvl(IN PRTL_AVL_TABLE Table, IN BOOLEAN Restart) { /* Reset the restart key if needed */ if (Restart) Table->RestartKey = NULL; /* Call the full function */ return RtlEnumerateGenericTableWithoutSplayingAvl(Table, (PVOID*)&Table->RestartKey); } /* * @implemented */ PVOID NTAPI RtlLookupFirstMatchingElementGenericTableAvl(IN PRTL_AVL_TABLE Table, IN PVOID Buffer, OUT PVOID *RestartKey) { PRTL_BALANCED_LINKS Node, PreviousNode; TABLE_SEARCH_RESULT SearchResult; RTL_GENERIC_COMPARE_RESULTS Result = GenericEqual; /* Assume failure */ *RestartKey = NULL; /* Find the node */ SearchResult = RtlpFindAvlTableNodeOrParent(Table, Buffer, &Node); if (SearchResult != TableFoundNode) return NULL; /* Scan each predecessor until a match is found */ PreviousNode = Node; while (Result == GenericEqual) { /* Save the node */ Node = PreviousNode; /* Get the predecessor */ PreviousNode = RtlRealPredecessorAvl(Node); if ((!PreviousNode) || (RtlParentAvl(PreviousNode) == PreviousNode)) break; /* Check if this node matches */ Result = RtlpAvlCompareRoutine(Table, Buffer, &((PTABLE_ENTRY_HEADER)PreviousNode)-> UserData); } /* Save the node as the restart key, and return its data */ *RestartKey = Node; return &((PTABLE_ENTRY_HEADER)Node)->UserData; } /* * @unimplemented */ PVOID NTAPI RtlEnumerateGenericTableWithoutSplayingAvl(IN PRTL_AVL_TABLE Table, IN OUT PVOID *RestartKey) { PRTL_BALANCED_LINKS CurrentNode; /* Skip an empty tree */ if (RtlIsGenericTableEmptyAvl(Table)) return NULL; /* Check if we have a starting point */ if (!*RestartKey) { /* We'll have to find it, keep going until the leftmost child */ for (CurrentNode = RtlRightChildAvl(&Table->BalancedRoot); RtlLeftChildAvl(CurrentNode); CurrentNode = RtlLeftChildAvl(CurrentNode)); /* Found it */ *RestartKey = CurrentNode; } else { /* We already had a child, keep going by getting its successor */ CurrentNode = RtlRealSuccessorAvl(*RestartKey); /* If there was one, update the restart key */ if (CurrentNode) *RestartKey = CurrentNode; } /* Return the node's data if it was found, otherwise return NULL */ if (CurrentNode) return &((PTABLE_ENTRY_HEADER)CurrentNode)->UserData; return NULL; } /* * @unimplemented */ PVOID NTAPI RtlGetElementGenericTableAvl(IN PRTL_AVL_TABLE Table, IN ULONG I) { UNIMPLEMENTED; return NULL; } /* * @implemented */ BOOLEAN NTAPI RtlDeleteElementGenericTableAvl(IN PRTL_AVL_TABLE Table, IN PVOID Buffer) { PRTL_BALANCED_LINKS Node; TABLE_SEARCH_RESULT SearchResult; /* Find the node */ SearchResult = RtlpFindAvlTableNodeOrParent(Table, Buffer, &Node); if (SearchResult != TableFoundNode) return FALSE; /* If this node was the key, update it */ if (Node == Table->RestartKey) Table->RestartKey = RtlRealPredecessorAvl(Node); /* Do the delete */ Table->DeleteCount++; RtlpDeleteAvlTreeNode(Table, Node); Table->NumberGenericTableElements--; /* Reset accounting */ Table->WhichOrderedElement = 0; Table->OrderedPointer = NULL; /* Free the node's data */ Table->FreeRoutine(Table, Node); /* It's done */ return TRUE; } /* EOF */