/* * ReactOS kernel * Copyright (C) 2006 ReactOS Team * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. */ /* * COPYRIGHT: See COPYING in the top level directory * PROJECT: ReactOS hive maker * FILE: tools/mkhive/cmi.c * PURPOSE: Registry file manipulation routines * PROGRAMMER: Hervé Poussineau */ #define NDEBUG #include "mkhive.h" PVOID NTAPI CmpAllocate( IN SIZE_T Size, IN BOOLEAN Paged, IN ULONG Tag) { return (PVOID)malloc((size_t)Size); } VOID NTAPI CmpFree( IN PVOID Ptr, IN ULONG Quota) { free(Ptr); } static BOOLEAN NTAPI CmpFileRead( IN PHHIVE RegistryHive, IN ULONG FileType, IN PULONG FileOffset, OUT PVOID Buffer, IN SIZE_T BufferLength) { PCMHIVE CmHive = (PCMHIVE)RegistryHive; FILE *File = CmHive->FileHandles[HFILE_TYPE_PRIMARY]; if (fseek(File, *FileOffset, SEEK_SET) != 0) return FALSE; return (fread(Buffer, 1, BufferLength, File) == BufferLength); } static BOOLEAN NTAPI CmpFileWrite( IN PHHIVE RegistryHive, IN ULONG FileType, IN PULONG FileOffset, IN PVOID Buffer, IN SIZE_T BufferLength) { PCMHIVE CmHive = (PCMHIVE)RegistryHive; FILE *File = CmHive->FileHandles[HFILE_TYPE_PRIMARY]; if (fseek(File, *FileOffset, SEEK_SET) != 0) return FALSE; return (fwrite(Buffer, 1, BufferLength, File) == BufferLength); } static BOOLEAN NTAPI CmpFileSetSize( IN PHHIVE RegistryHive, IN ULONG FileType, IN ULONG FileSize, IN ULONG OldFileSize) { DPRINT1("CmpFileSetSize() unimplemented\n"); return FALSE; } static BOOLEAN NTAPI CmpFileFlush( IN PHHIVE RegistryHive, IN ULONG FileType, PLARGE_INTEGER FileOffset, ULONG Length) { PCMHIVE CmHive = (PCMHIVE)RegistryHive; FILE *File = CmHive->FileHandles[HFILE_TYPE_PRIMARY]; return (fflush(File) == 0); } NTSTATUS CmiInitializeHive( IN OUT PCMHIVE Hive, IN PCWSTR Name) { NTSTATUS Status; RtlZeroMemory(Hive, sizeof(*Hive)); DPRINT("Hive 0x%p\n", Hive); Status = HvInitialize(&Hive->Hive, HINIT_CREATE, HIVE_NOLAZYFLUSH, HFILE_TYPE_PRIMARY, 0, CmpAllocate, CmpFree, CmpFileSetSize, CmpFileWrite, CmpFileRead, CmpFileFlush, 1, NULL); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { return Status; } // HACK: See the HACK from r31253 if (!CmCreateRootNode(&Hive->Hive, Name)) { HvFree(&Hive->Hive); return STATUS_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES; } /* Add the new hive to the hive list */ InsertTailList(&CmiHiveListHead, &Hive->HiveList); return STATUS_SUCCESS; } NTSTATUS CmiCreateSecurityKey( IN PHHIVE Hive, IN HCELL_INDEX Cell, IN PUCHAR Descriptor, IN ULONG DescriptorLength) { HCELL_INDEX SecurityCell; PCM_KEY_NODE Node; PCM_KEY_SECURITY Security; Node = (PCM_KEY_NODE)HvGetCell(Hive, Cell); SecurityCell = HvAllocateCell(Hive, FIELD_OFFSET(CM_KEY_SECURITY, Descriptor) + DescriptorLength, Stable, HCELL_NIL); if (SecurityCell == HCELL_NIL) { HvReleaseCell(Hive, Cell); return STATUS_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES; } Node->Security = SecurityCell; Security = (PCM_KEY_SECURITY)HvGetCell(Hive, SecurityCell); Security->Signature = CM_KEY_SECURITY_SIGNATURE; Security->ReferenceCount = 1; Security->DescriptorLength = DescriptorLength; RtlMoveMemory(&Security->Descriptor, Descriptor, DescriptorLength); Security->Flink = Security->Blink = SecurityCell; HvReleaseCell(Hive, SecurityCell); HvReleaseCell(Hive, Cell); return STATUS_SUCCESS; } static NTSTATUS CmiCreateSubKey( IN PCMHIVE RegistryHive, IN HCELL_INDEX ParentKeyCellOffset, IN PCUNICODE_STRING SubKeyName, IN BOOLEAN VolatileKey, OUT HCELL_INDEX* pNKBOffset) { HCELL_INDEX NKBOffset; PCM_KEY_NODE NewKeyCell; UNICODE_STRING KeyName; HSTORAGE_TYPE Storage; /* Skip leading path separator if present */ if (SubKeyName->Buffer[0] == OBJ_NAME_PATH_SEPARATOR) { KeyName.Buffer = &SubKeyName->Buffer[1]; KeyName.Length = KeyName.MaximumLength = SubKeyName->Length - sizeof(WCHAR); } else { KeyName = *SubKeyName; } Storage = (VolatileKey ? Volatile : Stable); NKBOffset = HvAllocateCell(&RegistryHive->Hive, FIELD_OFFSET(CM_KEY_NODE, Name) + CmpNameSize(&RegistryHive->Hive, &KeyName), Storage, HCELL_NIL); if (NKBOffset == HCELL_NIL) { return STATUS_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES; } NewKeyCell = (PCM_KEY_NODE)HvGetCell(&RegistryHive->Hive, NKBOffset); if (NewKeyCell == NULL) { HvFreeCell(&RegistryHive->Hive, NKBOffset); return STATUS_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES; } NewKeyCell->Signature = CM_KEY_NODE_SIGNATURE; NewKeyCell->Flags = (VolatileKey ? KEY_IS_VOLATILE : 0); KeQuerySystemTime(&NewKeyCell->LastWriteTime); NewKeyCell->Parent = ParentKeyCellOffset; NewKeyCell->SubKeyCounts[Stable] = 0; NewKeyCell->SubKeyCounts[Volatile] = 0; NewKeyCell->SubKeyLists[Stable] = HCELL_NIL; NewKeyCell->SubKeyLists[Volatile] = HCELL_NIL; NewKeyCell->ValueList.Count = 0; NewKeyCell->ValueList.List = HCELL_NIL; NewKeyCell->Security = HCELL_NIL; NewKeyCell->Class = HCELL_NIL; NewKeyCell->ClassLength = 0; NewKeyCell->MaxNameLen = 0; NewKeyCell->MaxClassLen = 0; NewKeyCell->MaxValueNameLen = 0; NewKeyCell->MaxValueDataLen = 0; NewKeyCell->NameLength = CmpCopyName(&RegistryHive->Hive, NewKeyCell->Name, &KeyName); if (NewKeyCell->NameLength < KeyName.Length) NewKeyCell->Flags |= KEY_COMP_NAME; /* Inherit the security from the parent */ if (ParentKeyCellOffset == HCELL_NIL) { // We are in fact creating a root key. // This is not handled there, but when we // call CmCreateRootNode instead. ASSERT(FALSE); } else { /* Get the parent node */ PCM_KEY_NODE ParentKeyCell; ParentKeyCell = (PCM_KEY_NODE)HvGetCell(&RegistryHive->Hive, ParentKeyCellOffset); if (ParentKeyCell) { /* Inherit the security block of the parent */ NewKeyCell->Security = ParentKeyCell->Security; if (NewKeyCell->Security != HCELL_NIL) { PCM_KEY_SECURITY Security; Security = (PCM_KEY_SECURITY)HvGetCell(&RegistryHive->Hive, NewKeyCell->Security); ++Security->ReferenceCount; HvReleaseCell(&RegistryHive->Hive, NewKeyCell->Security); } HvReleaseCell(&RegistryHive->Hive, ParentKeyCellOffset); } } HvReleaseCell(&RegistryHive->Hive, NKBOffset); *pNKBOffset = NKBOffset; return STATUS_SUCCESS; } NTSTATUS CmiAddSubKey( IN PCMHIVE RegistryHive, IN HCELL_INDEX ParentKeyCellOffset, IN PCUNICODE_STRING SubKeyName, IN BOOLEAN VolatileKey, OUT HCELL_INDEX *pBlockOffset) { PCM_KEY_NODE ParentKeyCell; HCELL_INDEX NKBOffset; NTSTATUS Status; /* Create the new key */ Status = CmiCreateSubKey(RegistryHive, ParentKeyCellOffset, SubKeyName, VolatileKey, &NKBOffset); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) return Status; /* Mark the parent cell as dirty */ HvMarkCellDirty(&RegistryHive->Hive, ParentKeyCellOffset, FALSE); if (!CmpAddSubKey(&RegistryHive->Hive, ParentKeyCellOffset, NKBOffset)) { /* FIXME: delete newly created cell */ // CmpFreeKeyByCell(&RegistryHive->Hive, NewCell /*NKBOffset*/, FALSE); ASSERT(FALSE); return STATUS_UNSUCCESSFUL; } /* Get the parent node */ ParentKeyCell = (PCM_KEY_NODE)HvGetCell(&RegistryHive->Hive, ParentKeyCellOffset); if (!ParentKeyCell) { /* FIXME: delete newly created cell */ return STATUS_UNSUCCESSFUL; } VERIFY_KEY_CELL(ParentKeyCell); /* Update the timestamp */ KeQuerySystemTime(&ParentKeyCell->LastWriteTime); /* Check if we need to update name maximum, update it if so */ if (ParentKeyCell->MaxNameLen < SubKeyName->Length) ParentKeyCell->MaxNameLen = SubKeyName->Length; /* Release the cell */ HvReleaseCell(&RegistryHive->Hive, ParentKeyCellOffset); *pBlockOffset = NKBOffset; return STATUS_SUCCESS; } NTSTATUS CmiAddValueKey( IN PCMHIVE RegistryHive, IN PCM_KEY_NODE Parent, IN PCUNICODE_STRING ValueName, OUT PCM_KEY_VALUE *pValueCell, OUT HCELL_INDEX *pValueCellOffset) { PCELL_DATA ValueListCell; PCM_KEY_VALUE NewValueCell; HCELL_INDEX ValueListCellOffset; HCELL_INDEX NewValueCellOffset; ULONG CellSize; HSTORAGE_TYPE Storage; #ifndef FIELD_SIZE #define FIELD_SIZE(type, field) (sizeof(((type *)0)->field)) #endif Storage = (Parent->Flags & KEY_IS_VOLATILE) ? Volatile : Stable; if (Parent->ValueList.List == HCELL_NIL) { /* Allocate some room for the value list */ CellSize = FIELD_SIZE(CELL_DATA, u.KeyList) + (3 * sizeof(HCELL_INDEX)); ValueListCellOffset = HvAllocateCell(&RegistryHive->Hive, CellSize, Storage, HCELL_NIL); if (ValueListCellOffset == HCELL_NIL) return STATUS_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES; ValueListCell = (PCELL_DATA)HvGetCell(&RegistryHive->Hive, ValueListCellOffset); if (!ValueListCell) { HvFreeCell(&RegistryHive->Hive, ValueListCellOffset); return STATUS_UNSUCCESSFUL; } Parent->ValueList.List = ValueListCellOffset; } else { ValueListCell = (PCELL_DATA)HvGetCell(&RegistryHive->Hive, Parent->ValueList.List); if (!ValueListCell) return STATUS_UNSUCCESSFUL; CellSize = ABS_VALUE(HvGetCellSize(&RegistryHive->Hive, ValueListCell)); if (Parent->ValueList.Count >= CellSize / sizeof(HCELL_INDEX)) { CellSize *= 2; ValueListCellOffset = HvReallocateCell(&RegistryHive->Hive, Parent->ValueList.List, CellSize); if (ValueListCellOffset == HCELL_NIL) return STATUS_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES; ValueListCell = (PCELL_DATA)HvGetCell(&RegistryHive->Hive, ValueListCellOffset); if (!ValueListCell) return STATUS_UNSUCCESSFUL; Parent->ValueList.List = ValueListCellOffset; } } NewValueCellOffset = HvAllocateCell(&RegistryHive->Hive, FIELD_OFFSET(CM_KEY_VALUE, Name) + CmpNameSize(&RegistryHive->Hive, (PUNICODE_STRING)ValueName), Storage, HCELL_NIL); if (NewValueCellOffset == HCELL_NIL) { return STATUS_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES; } NewValueCell = (PCM_KEY_VALUE)HvGetCell(&RegistryHive->Hive, NewValueCellOffset); if (NewValueCell == NULL) { HvFreeCell(&RegistryHive->Hive, NewValueCellOffset); return STATUS_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES; } NewValueCell->Signature = CM_KEY_VALUE_SIGNATURE; NewValueCell->NameLength = CmpCopyName(&RegistryHive->Hive, NewValueCell->Name, (PUNICODE_STRING)ValueName); /* Check for compressed name */ if (NewValueCell->NameLength < ValueName->Length) { /* This is a compressed name */ NewValueCell->Flags = VALUE_COMP_NAME; } else { /* No flags to set */ NewValueCell->Flags = 0; } NewValueCell->Type = 0; NewValueCell->DataLength = 0; NewValueCell->Data = HCELL_NIL; ValueListCell->u.KeyList[Parent->ValueList.Count] = NewValueCellOffset; Parent->ValueList.Count++; HvMarkCellDirty(&RegistryHive->Hive, Parent->ValueList.List, FALSE); HvMarkCellDirty(&RegistryHive->Hive, NewValueCellOffset, FALSE); *pValueCell = NewValueCell; *pValueCellOffset = NewValueCellOffset; return STATUS_SUCCESS; }