/* * PROJECT: ReactOS Applications Manager * LICENSE: GPL-2.0-or-later (https://spdx.org/licenses/GPL-2.0-or-later) * PURPOSE: Functions to parse command-line flags and process them * COPYRIGHT: Copyright 2017 Alexander Shaposhnikov (sanchaez@reactos.org) * Copyright 2020 He Yang (1160386205@qq.com) */ #include "gui.h" #include "unattended.h" #include "configparser.h" #include #include static BOOL MatchCmdOption(LPWSTR argvOption, LPCWSTR szOptToMacth) { WCHAR FirstCharList[] = {L'-', L'/'}; for (UINT i = 0; i < _countof(FirstCharList); i++) { if (argvOption[0] == FirstCharList[i]) { return StrCmpIW(argvOption + 1, szOptToMacth) == 0; } } return FALSE; } static void InitRappsConsole() { // First, try to attach to our parent's console if (!AttachConsole(ATTACH_PARENT_PROCESS)) { // Did we already have a console? if (GetLastError() != ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED) { // No, try to open a new one AllocConsole(); } } ConInitStdStreams(); // Initialize the Console Standard Streams } static CAppInfo * SearchForAppWithDisplayName(CAppDB &db, AppsCategories Type, LPCWSTR Name) { CAtlList List; db.GetApps(List, Type); for (POSITION it = List.GetHeadPosition(); it;) { CAppInfo *Info = List.GetNext(it); if (SearchPatternMatch(Info->szDisplayName, Name)) { return Info; } } return NULL; } static BOOL HandleInstallCommand(CAppDB *db, LPWSTR szCommand, int argcLeft, LPWSTR *argvLeft) { if (argcLeft < 1) { InitRappsConsole(); ConResMsgPrintf(StdOut, NULL, IDS_CMD_NEED_PACKAGE_NAME, szCommand); return FALSE; } CAtlList Applications; for (int i = 0; i < argcLeft; i++) { LPCWSTR PackageName = argvLeft[i]; CAppInfo *AppInfo = db->FindByPackageName(PackageName); if (AppInfo) { Applications.AddTail(AppInfo); } } return DownloadListOfApplications(Applications, TRUE); } static BOOL HandleSetupCommand(CAppDB *db, LPWSTR szCommand, int argcLeft, LPWSTR *argvLeft) { if (argcLeft != 1) { InitRappsConsole(); ConResMsgPrintf(StdOut, NULL, IDS_CMD_NEED_FILE_NAME, szCommand); return FALSE; } CAtlList Applications; HINF InfHandle = SetupOpenInfFileW(argvLeft[0], NULL, INF_STYLE_WIN4, NULL); if (InfHandle == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { return FALSE; } INFCONTEXT Context; if (SetupFindFirstLineW(InfHandle, L"RAPPS", L"Install", &Context)) { WCHAR szPkgName[MAX_PATH]; do { if (SetupGetStringFieldW(&Context, 1, szPkgName, _countof(szPkgName), NULL)) { CAppInfo *AppInfo = db->FindByPackageName(szPkgName); if (AppInfo) { Applications.AddTail(AppInfo); } } } while (SetupFindNextLine(&Context, &Context)); } SetupCloseInfFile(InfHandle); return DownloadListOfApplications(Applications, TRUE); } static BOOL HandleUninstallCommand(CAppDB &db, UINT argcLeft, LPWSTR *argvLeft) { UINT argi = 0, silent = FALSE, byregkeyname = FALSE; for (; argcLeft; ++argi, --argcLeft) { if (!StrCmpIW(argvLeft[argi], L"/S")) ++silent; else if (!StrCmpIW(argvLeft[argi], L"/K")) ++byregkeyname; else break; } if (argcLeft != 1) return FALSE; CStringW buf; LPCWSTR name = argvLeft[argi]; BOOL retval = FALSE; CAppInfo *pInfo = NULL, *pDelete = NULL; if (!byregkeyname) { for (UINT i = ENUM_INSTALLED_MIN; !pInfo && i <= ENUM_INSTALLED_MAX; ++i) { pInfo = SearchForAppWithDisplayName(db, AppsCategories(i), name); } if (!pInfo) { CAvailableApplicationInfo *p = db.FindAvailableByPackageName(name); if (p) { CConfigParser *cp = p->GetConfigParser(); if (cp && cp->GetString(DB_REGNAME, buf) && !buf.IsEmpty()) { name = buf.GetString(); byregkeyname = TRUE; } } } } if (byregkeyname) { // Force a specific key type if requested ([32|64]<\\KeyName>) if (name[0]) { REGSAM wow = 0; UINT i = 1; if (name[i] == '3' && name[i + 1]) wow = KEY_WOW64_32KEY, i += 2; else if (name[i] == '6' && name[i + 1]) wow = KEY_WOW64_64KEY, i += 2; if (name[i++] == '\\') { pInfo = CAppDB::CreateInstalledAppInstance(name + i, name[0] == 'U', wow); } } if (!pInfo) { pInfo = CAppDB::CreateInstalledAppByRegistryKey(name); } pDelete = pInfo; } if (pInfo) { retval = pInfo->UninstallApplication(silent ? UCF_SILENT : UCF_NONE); } delete pDelete; return retval; } static BOOL HandleGenerateInstallerCommand(CAppDB &db, UINT argcLeft, LPWSTR *argvLeft) { if (argcLeft != 2) return FALSE; CAvailableApplicationInfo *pAI = db.FindAvailableByPackageName(argvLeft[0]); if (!pAI) return FALSE; return ExtractAndRunGeneratedInstaller(*pAI, argvLeft[1]); } static BOOL HandleFindCommand(CAppDB *db, LPWSTR szCommand, int argcLeft, LPWSTR *argvLeft) { if (argcLeft < 1) { ConResMsgPrintf(StdOut, NULL, IDS_CMD_NEED_PARAMS, szCommand); return FALSE; } CAtlList List; db->GetApps(List, ENUM_ALL_AVAILABLE); for (int i = 0; i < argcLeft; i++) { LPCWSTR lpszSearch = argvLeft[i]; ConResMsgPrintf(StdOut, NULL, IDS_CMD_FIND_RESULT_FOR, lpszSearch); POSITION CurrentListPosition = List.GetHeadPosition(); while (CurrentListPosition) { CAppInfo *Info = List.GetNext(CurrentListPosition); if (SearchPatternMatch(Info->szDisplayName, lpszSearch) || SearchPatternMatch(Info->szComments, lpszSearch)) { ConPrintf(StdOut, L"%s (%s)\n", Info->szDisplayName.GetString(), Info->szIdentifier.GetString()); } } ConPrintf(StdOut, L"\n"); } return TRUE; } static BOOL HandleInfoCommand(CAppDB *db, LPWSTR szCommand, int argcLeft, LPWSTR *argvLeft) { if (argcLeft < 1) { ConResMsgPrintf(StdOut, NULL, IDS_CMD_NEED_PARAMS, szCommand); return FALSE; } for (int i = 0; i < argcLeft; i++) { LPCWSTR PackageName = argvLeft[i]; CAppInfo *AppInfo = db->FindByPackageName(PackageName); if (!AppInfo) { ConResMsgPrintf(StdOut, NULL, IDS_CMD_PACKAGE_NOT_FOUND, PackageName); } else { ConResMsgPrintf(StdOut, NULL, IDS_CMD_PACKAGE_INFO, PackageName); ConPuts(StdOut, AppInfo->szDisplayName); if (!AppInfo->szDisplayVersion.IsEmpty()) { ConResPrintf(StdOut, IDS_AINFO_VERSION); ConPuts(StdOut, AppInfo->szDisplayVersion); } CStringW License, Size, UrlSite, UrlDownload; AppInfo->GetDisplayInfo(License, Size, UrlSite, UrlDownload); if (!License.IsEmpty()) { ConResPrintf(StdOut, IDS_AINFO_LICENSE); ConPuts(StdOut, License); } if (!Size.IsEmpty()) { ConResPrintf(StdOut, IDS_AINFO_SIZE); ConPuts(StdOut, Size); } if (!UrlSite.IsEmpty()) { ConResPrintf(StdOut, IDS_AINFO_URLSITE); ConPuts(StdOut, UrlSite); } if (AppInfo->szComments) { ConResPrintf(StdOut, IDS_AINFO_DESCRIPTION); ConPuts(StdOut, AppInfo->szComments); } if (!UrlDownload.IsEmpty()) { ConResPrintf(StdOut, IDS_AINFO_URLDOWNLOAD); ConPuts(StdOut, UrlDownload); } ConPuts(StdOut, L"\n"); } ConPuts(StdOut, L"\n"); } return TRUE; } static VOID PrintHelpCommand() { ConPrintf(StdOut, L"\n"); ConResPuts(StdOut, IDS_APPTITLE); ConPrintf(StdOut, L"\n\n"); ConResPuts(StdOut, IDS_CMD_USAGE); ConPrintf(StdOut, L"%ls\n", UsageString); } BOOL ParseCmdAndExecute(LPWSTR lpCmdLine, BOOL bIsFirstLaunch, int nCmdShow) { INT argc; LPWSTR *argv = CommandLineToArgvW(lpCmdLine, &argc); if (!argv) return FALSE; CStringW Directory; GetStorageDirectory(Directory); CAppDB db(Directory); BOOL bAppwizMode = (argc > 1 && MatchCmdOption(argv[1], CMD_KEY_APPWIZ)); if (!bAppwizMode) { if (SettingsInfo.bUpdateAtStart || bIsFirstLaunch) db.RemoveCached(); db.UpdateAvailable(); } db.UpdateInstalled(); if (argc == 1 || bAppwizMode) // RAPPS is launched without options or APPWIZ mode is requested { // Check whether the RAPPS MainWindow is already launched in another process CStringW szWindowText(MAKEINTRESOURCEW(bAppwizMode ? IDS_APPWIZ_TITLE : IDS_APPTITLE)); LPCWSTR pszMutex = bAppwizMode ? L"RAPPWIZ" : szWindowClass; HANDLE hMutex = CreateMutexW(NULL, FALSE, pszMutex); if ((!hMutex) || (GetLastError() == ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS)) { /* If already started, find its window */ HWND hWindow; for (int wait = 2500, inter = 250; wait > 0; wait -= inter) { if ((hWindow = FindWindowW(szWindowClass, szWindowText)) != NULL) break; Sleep(inter); } if (hWindow) { /* Activate the window in the other instance */ ShowWindow(hWindow, SW_SHOW); SwitchToThisWindow(hWindow, TRUE); if (bAppwizMode) PostMessage(hWindow, WM_COMMAND, ID_ACTIVATE_APPWIZ, 0); if (hMutex) CloseHandle(hMutex); return FALSE; } } szWindowText.Empty(); CMainWindow wnd(&db, bAppwizMode); MainWindowLoop(&wnd, nCmdShow); if (hMutex) CloseHandle(hMutex); return TRUE; } if (MatchCmdOption(argv[1], CMD_KEY_INSTALL)) { return HandleInstallCommand(&db, argv[1], argc - 2, argv + 2); } else if (MatchCmdOption(argv[1], CMD_KEY_SETUP)) { return HandleSetupCommand(&db, argv[1], argc - 2, argv + 2); } else if (MatchCmdOption(argv[1], CMD_KEY_UNINSTALL)) { return HandleUninstallCommand(db, argc - 2, argv + 2); } else if (MatchCmdOption(argv[1], CMD_KEY_GENINST)) { return HandleGenerateInstallerCommand(db, argc - 2, argv + 2); } InitRappsConsole(); if (MatchCmdOption(argv[1], CMD_KEY_FIND)) { return HandleFindCommand(&db, argv[1], argc - 2, argv + 2); } else if (MatchCmdOption(argv[1], CMD_KEY_INFO)) { return HandleInfoCommand(&db, argv[1], argc - 2, argv + 2); } else if (MatchCmdOption(argv[1], CMD_KEY_HELP) || MatchCmdOption(argv[1], CMD_KEY_HELP_ALT)) { PrintHelpCommand(); return TRUE; } else { // unrecognized/invalid options ConResPuts(StdOut, IDS_CMD_INVALID_OPTION); PrintHelpCommand(); return FALSE; } }