/* * PROJECT: ReactOS Win32k subsystem * LICENSE: See COPYING in the top level directory * FILE: win32ss/gdi/dib/stretchblt.c * PURPOSE: StretchBlt implementation suitable for all bit depths * PROGRAMMERS: Magnus Olsen * Evgeniy Boltik * Gregor Schneider * Doug Lyons */ #include #define NDEBUG #include BOOLEAN DIB_XXBPP_StretchBlt(SURFOBJ *DestSurf, SURFOBJ *SourceSurf, SURFOBJ *MaskSurf, SURFOBJ *PatternSurface, RECTL *DestRect, RECTL *SourceRect, POINTL *MaskOrigin, BRUSHOBJ *Brush, POINTL *BrushOrigin, XLATEOBJ *ColorTranslation, ROP4 ROP) { LONG sx = 0; LONG sy = 0; LONG DesX; LONG DesY; LONG DstHeight; LONG DstWidth; LONG SrcHeight; LONG SrcWidth; LONG MaskCy; LONG SourceCy; ULONG Color; ULONG Dest, Source = 0, Pattern = 0; ULONG xxBPPMask; BOOLEAN CanDraw; PFN_DIB_GetPixel fnSource_GetPixel = NULL; PFN_DIB_GetPixel fnDest_GetPixel = NULL; PFN_DIB_PutPixel fnDest_PutPixel = NULL; PFN_DIB_GetPixel fnPattern_GetPixel = NULL; PFN_DIB_GetPixel fnMask_GetPixel = NULL; LONG PatternX = 0, PatternY = 0; BOOL UsesSource = ROP4_USES_SOURCE(ROP); BOOL UsesPattern = ROP4_USES_PATTERN(ROP); BOOLEAN bTopToBottom, bLeftToRight; ASSERT(IS_VALID_ROP4(ROP)); fnDest_GetPixel = DibFunctionsForBitmapFormat[DestSurf->iBitmapFormat].DIB_GetPixel; fnDest_PutPixel = DibFunctionsForBitmapFormat[DestSurf->iBitmapFormat].DIB_PutPixel; DPRINT("Dest BPP: %u, DestRect: (%d,%d)-(%d,%d)\n", BitsPerFormat(DestSurf->iBitmapFormat), DestRect->left, DestRect->top, DestRect->right, DestRect->bottom); DstHeight = DestRect->bottom - DestRect->top; DstWidth = DestRect->right - DestRect->left; SrcHeight = SourceRect->bottom - SourceRect->top; SrcWidth = SourceRect->right - SourceRect->left; /* Here we do the tests and set our conditions */ if (((SrcWidth < 0) && (DstWidth < 0)) || ((SrcWidth >= 0) && (DstWidth >= 0))) bLeftToRight = FALSE; else bLeftToRight = TRUE; if (((SrcHeight < 0) && (DstHeight < 0)) || ((SrcHeight >= 0) && (DstHeight >= 0))) bTopToBottom = FALSE; else bTopToBottom = TRUE; /* Make Well Ordered to start */ RECTL_vMakeWellOrdered(DestRect); if (UsesSource) { SourceCy = SourceSurf->sizlBitmap.cy; fnSource_GetPixel = DibFunctionsForBitmapFormat[SourceSurf->iBitmapFormat].DIB_GetPixel; DPRINT("Source BPP: %u, SourceRect: (%d,%d)-(%d,%d)\n", BitsPerFormat(SourceSurf->iBitmapFormat), SourceRect->left, SourceRect->top, SourceRect->right, SourceRect->bottom); } if (MaskSurf) { DPRINT("MaskSurf is not NULL.\n"); fnMask_GetPixel = DibFunctionsForBitmapFormat[MaskSurf->iBitmapFormat].DIB_GetPixel; MaskCy = MaskSurf->sizlBitmap.cy; } DstHeight = DestRect->bottom - DestRect->top; DstWidth = DestRect->right - DestRect->left; SrcHeight = SourceRect->bottom - SourceRect->top; SrcWidth = SourceRect->right - SourceRect->left; /* FIXME: MaskOrigin? */ switch(DestSurf->iBitmapFormat) { case BMF_1BPP: xxBPPMask = 0x1; break; case BMF_4BPP: xxBPPMask = 0xF; break; case BMF_8BPP: xxBPPMask = 0xFF; break; case BMF_16BPP: xxBPPMask = 0xFFFF; break; case BMF_24BPP: xxBPPMask = 0xFFFFFF; break; default: xxBPPMask = 0xFFFFFFFF; } DPRINT("xxBPPMask is 0x%x.\n", xxBPPMask); if (UsesPattern) { DPRINT("UsesPattern is not NULL.\n"); if (PatternSurface) { PatternY = (DestRect->top - BrushOrigin->y) % PatternSurface->sizlBitmap.cy; if (PatternY < 0) { PatternY += PatternSurface->sizlBitmap.cy; } fnPattern_GetPixel = DibFunctionsForBitmapFormat[PatternSurface->iBitmapFormat].DIB_GetPixel; } else { if (Brush) Pattern = Brush->iSolidColor; } } if (PatternSurface) { DPRINT("PatternSurface is not NULL.\n"); } DPRINT("bLeftToRight is '%d' and bTopToBottom is '%d'.\n", bLeftToRight, bTopToBottom); for (DesY = DestRect->top; DesY < DestRect->bottom; DesY++) { if (PatternSurface) { PatternX = (DestRect->left - BrushOrigin->x) % PatternSurface->sizlBitmap.cx; if (PatternX < 0) { PatternX += PatternSurface->sizlBitmap.cx; } } if (UsesSource) { if (bTopToBottom) { sy = SourceRect->bottom-(DesY - DestRect->top) * SrcHeight / DstHeight; // flips about the x-axis } else { sy = SourceRect->top+(DesY - DestRect->top) * SrcHeight / DstHeight; } } for (DesX = DestRect->left; DesX < DestRect->right; DesX++) { CanDraw = TRUE; if (fnMask_GetPixel) { if (bLeftToRight) { sx = SourceRect->right - (DesX - DestRect->left) * SrcWidth / DstWidth; // flips about the y-axis } else { sx = SourceRect->left+(DesX - DestRect->left) * SrcWidth / DstWidth; } if (sx < 0 || sy < 0 || MaskSurf->sizlBitmap.cx < sx || MaskCy < sy || fnMask_GetPixel(MaskSurf, sx, sy) != 0) { CanDraw = FALSE; } } if (UsesSource && CanDraw) { if (bLeftToRight) { sx = SourceRect->right-(DesX - DestRect->left) * SrcWidth / DstWidth; // flips about the y-axis } else { sx = SourceRect->left + (DesX - DestRect->left) * SrcWidth / DstWidth; } if (sx >= 0 && sy >= 0 && SourceSurf->sizlBitmap.cx > sx && SourceCy > sy) { Source = XLATEOBJ_iXlate(ColorTranslation, fnSource_GetPixel(SourceSurf, sx, sy)); } else { Source = 0; CanDraw = ((ROP & 0xFF) != R3_OPINDEX_SRCCOPY); } } if (CanDraw) { if (UsesPattern && PatternSurface) { Pattern = fnPattern_GetPixel(PatternSurface, PatternX, PatternY); PatternX++; PatternX %= PatternSurface->sizlBitmap.cx; } Dest = fnDest_GetPixel(DestSurf, DesX, DesY); Color = DIB_DoRop(ROP, Dest, Source, Pattern) & xxBPPMask; fnDest_PutPixel(DestSurf, DesX, DesY, Color); } } if (PatternSurface) { PatternY++; PatternY %= PatternSurface->sizlBitmap.cy; } } return TRUE; } /* EOF */