#pragma once extern ATOM AtomMessage; extern ATOM AtomWndObj; /* WNDOBJ list */ extern ATOM AtomLayer; extern ATOM AtomFlashWndState; extern BOOL g_bWindowSnapEnabled; #define HAS_DLGFRAME(Style, ExStyle) \ (((ExStyle) & WS_EX_DLGMODALFRAME) || \ (((Style) & WS_DLGFRAME) && (!((Style) & WS_THICKFRAME)))) #define HAS_THICKFRAME(Style, ExStyle) \ (((Style) & WS_THICKFRAME) && \ (!(((Style) & (WS_DLGFRAME | WS_BORDER)) == WS_DLGFRAME))) #define HAS_THINFRAME(Style, ExStyle) \ (((Style) & WS_BORDER) || (!((Style) & (WS_CHILD | WS_POPUP)))) #define HAS_CLIENTFRAME(Style, ExStyle) \ (((ExStyle) & WS_EX_CLIENTEDGE) || (!((Style) & (WS_CHILD | WS_POPUP)))) #define HAS_MENU(pWnd,style) ((((style) & (WS_CHILD | WS_POPUP)) != WS_CHILD) && (pWnd->IDMenu) && IntIsMenu(UlongToHandle(pWnd->IDMenu))) #define IntIsDesktopWindow(WndObj) \ (WndObj->spwndParent == NULL) #define IntIsBroadcastHwnd(hWnd) \ (hWnd == HWND_BROADCAST || hWnd == HWND_TOPMOST) #define IntWndBelongsToThread(WndObj, W32Thread) \ ((WndObj->head.pti) && (WndObj->head.pti == W32Thread)) #define IntGetWndThreadId(WndObj) \ PsGetThreadId(WndObj->head.pti->pEThread) #define IntGetWndProcessId(WndObj) \ PsGetProcessId(WndObj->head.pti->ppi->peProcess) PWND FASTCALL ValidateHwndNoErr(HWND); BOOL FASTCALL UserUpdateUiState(PWND Wnd, WPARAM wParam); BOOL FASTCALL IntIsWindow(HWND hWnd); HWND* FASTCALL IntWinListChildren(PWND Window); HWND* FASTCALL IntWinListOwnedPopups(PWND Window); VOID FASTCALL IntGetClientRect (PWND WindowObject, RECTL *Rect); INT FASTCALL IntMapWindowPoints(PWND FromWnd, PWND ToWnd, LPPOINT lpPoints, UINT cPoints); BOOL FASTCALL IntIsChildWindow (PWND Parent, PWND Child); VOID FASTCALL IntUnlinkWindow(PWND Wnd); VOID FASTCALL IntLinkHwnd(PWND Wnd, HWND hWndPrev); PWND FASTCALL IntGetParent(PWND Wnd); VOID FASTCALL IntGetWindowBorderMeasures(PWND WindowObject, UINT *cx, UINT *cy); BOOL FASTCALL IntShowOwnedPopups( PWND owner, BOOL fShow ); LRESULT FASTCALL IntDefWindowProc( PWND Window, UINT Msg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam, BOOL Ansi); VOID FASTCALL IntNotifyWinEvent(DWORD, PWND, LONG, LONG, DWORD); #define WINVER_WIN2K _WIN32_WINNT_WIN2K #define WINVER_WINNT4 _WIN32_WINNT_NT4 #define WINVER_WIN31 0x30A PWND FASTCALL IntCreateWindow(CREATESTRUCTW* Cs, PLARGE_STRING WindowName, PCLS Class, PWND ParentWindow, PWND OwnerWindow, PVOID acbiBuffer, PDESKTOP pdeskCreated, DWORD dwVer ); PWND FASTCALL co_UserCreateWindowEx(CREATESTRUCTW* Cs, PUNICODE_STRING ClassName, PLARGE_STRING WindowName, PVOID acbiBuffer, DWORD dwVer ); BOOL FASTCALL IntEnableWindow(HWND,BOOL); BOOL FASTCALL IntIsWindowVisible(PWND); DWORD FASTCALL GetNCHitEx(PWND,POINT); ULONG FASTCALL IntSetStyle(PWND,ULONG,ULONG); PWND FASTCALL VerifyWnd(PWND); PWND FASTCALL IntGetNonChildAncestor(PWND); LONG FASTCALL co_UserSetWindowLong(HWND,DWORD,LONG,BOOL); LONG_PTR FASTCALL co_UserSetWindowLongPtr(HWND, DWORD, LONG_PTR, BOOL); HWND FASTCALL IntGetWindow(HWND,UINT); LRESULT co_UserFreeWindow(PWND,PPROCESSINFO,PTHREADINFO,BOOLEAN); #define HWND_TERMINATOR ((HWND)UlongToHandle(1)) typedef struct tagWINDOWLIST { struct tagWINDOWLIST *pNextList; HWND *phwndLast; HWND *phwndEnd; PTHREADINFO pti; HWND ahwnd[ANYSIZE_ARRAY]; /* Terminated by HWND_TERMINATOR */ } WINDOWLIST, *PWINDOWLIST; extern PWINDOWLIST gpwlList; extern PWINDOWLIST gpwlCache; #define WL_IS_BAD(pwl) ((pwl)->phwndEnd <= (pwl)->phwndLast) #define WL_CAPACITY(pwl) ((pwl)->phwndEnd - &((pwl)->ahwnd[0])) PWINDOWLIST FASTCALL IntBuildHwndList(PWND pwnd, DWORD dwFlags, PTHREADINFO pti); VOID FASTCALL IntFreeHwndList(PWINDOWLIST pwlTarget); HWND FASTCALL IntFindWindow(PWND Parent, PWND ChildAfter, RTL_ATOM ClassAtom, PUNICODE_STRING WindowName); /* Undocumented dwFlags for IntBuildHwndList */ #define IACE_LIST 0x0002 #define IS_WND_CHILD(pWnd) ((pWnd)->style & WS_CHILD) #define IS_WND_MENU(pWnd) ((pWnd)->pcls->atomClassName == gpsi->atomSysClass[ICLS_MENU]) // The IME-like windows are the IME windows and the IME UI windows. // The IME window's class name is "IME". // The IME UI window behaves the User Interface of IME for the user. #define IS_WND_IMELIKE(pWnd) \ (((pWnd)->pcls->style & CS_IME) || \ ((pWnd)->pcls->atomClassName == gpsi->atomSysClass[ICLS_IME])) extern BOOL gfIMEShowStatus; BOOL FASTCALL IntWantImeWindow(PWND pwndTarget); PWND FASTCALL co_IntCreateDefaultImeWindow(PWND pwndTarget, HINSTANCE hInst); BOOL FASTCALL IntImeCanDestroyDefIMEforChild(PWND pImeWnd, PWND pwndTarget); BOOL FASTCALL IntImeCanDestroyDefIME(PWND pImeWnd, PWND pwndTarget); BOOL FASTCALL IntBroadcastImeShowStatusChange(PWND pImeWnd, BOOL bShow); VOID FASTCALL IntNotifyImeShowStatus(PWND pImeWnd); VOID FASTCALL IntCheckImeShowStatusInThread(PWND pImeWnd); static inline VOID ReplaceWndPtr(_Inout_ PWND* ppwnd, _In_opt_ PWND pwndNew) { /* First reference the new one */ if (pwndNew != NULL) { UserReferenceObject(pwndNew); } /* Then dereference the previous one */ if (*ppwnd != NULL) { UserDereferenceObject(*ppwnd); } /* And set */ *ppwnd = pwndNew; } static inline VOID WndSetOwner(_Inout_ PWND pwnd, _In_opt_ PWND pwndOwner) { ReplaceWndPtr(&pwnd->spwndOwner, pwndOwner); } static inline VOID WndSetParent(_Inout_ PWND pwnd, _In_opt_ PWND pwndParent) { ReplaceWndPtr(&pwnd->spwndParent, pwndParent); } static inline VOID WndSetChild(_Inout_ PWND pwnd, _In_opt_ PWND pwndChild) { ReplaceWndPtr(&pwnd->spwndChild, pwndChild); } static inline VOID WndSetNext(_Inout_ PWND pwnd, _In_opt_ PWND pwndNext) { ReplaceWndPtr(&pwnd->spwndNext, pwndNext); } static inline VOID WndSetPrev(_Inout_ PWND pwnd, _In_opt_ PWND pwndPrev) { ReplaceWndPtr(&pwnd->spwndPrev, pwndPrev); } static inline VOID WndSetLastActive(_Inout_ PWND pwnd, _In_opt_ PWND pwndLastActive) { ReplaceWndPtr(&pwnd->spwndLastActive, pwndLastActive); } /* EOF */