/* * PROJECT: ReactOS Setup Library * LICENSE: GPL-2.0+ (https://spdx.org/licenses/GPL-2.0+) * PURPOSE: Partition list functions * COPYRIGHT: Copyright 2003-2018 Casper S. Hornstrup (chorns@users.sourceforge.net) */ #pragma once /* HELPERS FOR PARTITION TYPES **********************************************/ typedef struct _PARTITION_TYPE { UCHAR Type; PCHAR Description; } PARTITION_TYPE, *PPARTITION_TYPE; #define NUM_PARTITION_TYPE_ENTRIES 143 extern PARTITION_TYPE PartitionTypes[NUM_PARTITION_TYPE_ENTRIES]; /* PARTITION UTILITY FUNCTIONS **********************************************/ typedef enum _FORMATSTATE { Unformatted, UnformattedOrDamaged, UnknownFormat, Preformatted, Formatted } FORMATSTATE, *PFORMATSTATE; struct _FILE_SYSTEM; typedef struct _PARTENTRY { LIST_ENTRY ListEntry; /* The disk this partition belongs to */ struct _DISKENTRY *DiskEntry; /* Partition geometry */ ULARGE_INTEGER StartSector; ULARGE_INTEGER SectorCount; BOOLEAN BootIndicator; UCHAR PartitionType; ULONG HiddenSectors; ULONG PartitionNumber; /* Enumerated partition number (primary partitions first -- excluding the extended partition container --, then the logical partitions) */ ULONG PartitionIndex; /* Index in the LayoutBuffer->PartitionEntry[] cached array of the corresponding DiskEntry */ WCHAR DriveLetter; WCHAR VolumeLabel[20]; // CHAR FileSystemName[9]; // NOTE: Superseded by the FileSystem member BOOLEAN LogicalPartition; /* Partition is partitioned disk space */ BOOLEAN IsPartitioned; /* Partition is new, table does not exist on disk yet */ BOOLEAN New; /* Partition was created automatically */ BOOLEAN AutoCreate; /* Partition must be checked */ BOOLEAN NeedsCheck; FORMATSTATE FormatState; struct _FILE_SYSTEM* FileSystem; } PARTENTRY, *PPARTENTRY; typedef struct _BIOSDISKENTRY { LIST_ENTRY ListEntry; ULONG DiskNumber; ULONG Signature; ULONG Checksum; BOOLEAN Recognized; CM_DISK_GEOMETRY_DEVICE_DATA DiskGeometry; CM_INT13_DRIVE_PARAMETER Int13DiskData; } BIOSDISKENTRY, *PBIOSDISKENTRY; typedef struct _DISKENTRY { LIST_ENTRY ListEntry; /* Disk geometry */ ULONGLONG Cylinders; ULONG TracksPerCylinder; ULONG SectorsPerTrack; ULONG BytesPerSector; ULARGE_INTEGER SectorCount; ULONG SectorAlignment; ULONG CylinderAlignment; /* BIOS parameters */ BOOLEAN BiosFound; ULONG BiosDiskNumber; // ULONG Signature; // Obtained from LayoutBuffer->Signature // ULONG Checksum; /* SCSI parameters */ ULONG DiskNumber; // SCSI_ADDRESS; USHORT Port; USHORT Bus; USHORT Id; /* Has the partition list been modified? */ BOOLEAN Dirty; BOOLEAN NewDisk; BOOLEAN NoMbr; /* MBR is absent */ // See r40437 UNICODE_STRING DriverName; PDRIVE_LAYOUT_INFORMATION LayoutBuffer; // TODO: When adding support for GPT disks: // Use PDRIVE_LAYOUT_INFORMATION_EX which indicates whether // the disk is MBR, GPT, or unknown (uninitialized). // Depending on the style, either use the MBR or GPT partition info. /* Pointer to the unique extended partition on this disk */ PPARTENTRY ExtendedPartition; LIST_ENTRY PrimaryPartListHead; LIST_ENTRY LogicalPartListHead; } DISKENTRY, *PDISKENTRY; typedef struct _PARTLIST { /* * Disk & Partition iterators. * * NOTE that when CurrentPartition != NULL, then CurrentPartition->DiskEntry * must be the same as CurrentDisk. We should however keep the two members * separated as we can have a current (selected) disk without any current * partition, if the former does not contain any. */ PDISKENTRY CurrentDisk; PPARTENTRY CurrentPartition; /* * The system partition where the boot manager resides. * The corresponding system disk is obtained via: * SystemPartition->DiskEntry. */ PPARTENTRY SystemPartition; /* * The original system partition in case we are redefining it because * we do not have write support on it. * Please note that this is partly a HACK and MUST NEVER happen on * architectures where real system partitions are mandatory (because then * they are formatted in FAT FS and we support write operation on them). * The corresponding original system disk is obtained via: * OriginalSystemPartition->DiskEntry. */ PPARTENTRY OriginalSystemPartition; LIST_ENTRY DiskListHead; LIST_ENTRY BiosDiskListHead; } PARTLIST, *PPARTLIST; #define PARTITION_TBL_SIZE 4 #include typedef struct _PARTITION { unsigned char BootFlags; /* bootable? 0=no, 128=yes */ unsigned char StartingHead; /* beginning head number */ unsigned char StartingSector; /* beginning sector number */ unsigned char StartingCylinder; /* 10 bit nmbr, with high 2 bits put in begsect */ unsigned char PartitionType; /* Operating System type indicator code */ unsigned char EndingHead; /* ending head number */ unsigned char EndingSector; /* ending sector number */ unsigned char EndingCylinder; /* also a 10 bit nmbr, with same high 2 bit trick */ unsigned int StartingBlock; /* first sector relative to start of disk */ unsigned int SectorCount; /* number of sectors in partition */ } PARTITION, *PPARTITION; typedef struct _PARTITION_SECTOR { UCHAR BootCode[440]; /* 0x000 */ ULONG Signature; /* 0x1B8 */ UCHAR Reserved[2]; /* 0x1BC */ PARTITION Partition[PARTITION_TBL_SIZE]; /* 0x1BE */ USHORT Magic; /* 0x1FE */ } PARTITION_SECTOR, *PPARTITION_SECTOR; #include typedef struct { LIST_ENTRY ListEntry; ULONG DiskNumber; ULONG Identifier; ULONG Signature; } BIOS_DISK, *PBIOS_DISK; ULONGLONG AlignDown( IN ULONGLONG Value, IN ULONG Alignment); ULONGLONG AlignUp( IN ULONGLONG Value, IN ULONG Alignment); ULONGLONG RoundingDivide( IN ULONGLONG Dividend, IN ULONGLONG Divisor); PPARTLIST CreatePartitionList(VOID); VOID DestroyPartitionList( IN PPARTLIST List); PDISKENTRY GetDiskByBiosNumber( IN PPARTLIST List, IN ULONG BiosDiskNumber); PDISKENTRY GetDiskByNumber( IN PPARTLIST List, IN ULONG DiskNumber); PDISKENTRY GetDiskBySCSI( IN PPARTLIST List, IN USHORT Port, IN USHORT Bus, IN USHORT Id); PDISKENTRY GetDiskBySignature( IN PPARTLIST List, IN ULONG Signature); PPARTENTRY GetPartition( // IN PPARTLIST List, IN PDISKENTRY DiskEntry, IN ULONG PartitionNumber); BOOLEAN GetDiskOrPartition( IN PPARTLIST List, IN ULONG DiskNumber, IN ULONG PartitionNumber OPTIONAL, OUT PDISKENTRY* pDiskEntry, OUT PPARTENTRY* pPartEntry OPTIONAL); BOOLEAN SelectPartition( IN PPARTLIST List, IN ULONG DiskNumber, IN ULONG PartitionNumber); PPARTENTRY GetNextPartition( IN PPARTLIST List); PPARTENTRY GetPrevPartition( IN PPARTLIST List); BOOLEAN CreatePrimaryPartition( IN PPARTLIST List, IN ULONGLONG SectorCount, IN BOOLEAN AutoCreate); BOOLEAN CreateExtendedPartition( IN PPARTLIST List, IN ULONGLONG SectorCount); BOOLEAN CreateLogicalPartition( IN PPARTLIST List, IN ULONGLONG SectorCount, IN BOOLEAN AutoCreate); VOID DeleteCurrentPartition( IN PPARTLIST List); VOID CheckActiveSystemPartition( IN PPARTLIST List); BOOLEAN WritePartitionsToDisk( IN PPARTLIST List); BOOLEAN SetMountedDeviceValue( IN WCHAR Letter, IN ULONG Signature, IN LARGE_INTEGER StartingOffset); BOOLEAN SetMountedDeviceValues( IN PPARTLIST List); VOID SetPartitionType( IN PPARTENTRY PartEntry, IN UCHAR PartitionType); ERROR_NUMBER PrimaryPartitionCreationChecks( IN PPARTLIST List); ERROR_NUMBER ExtendedPartitionCreationChecks( IN PPARTLIST List); ERROR_NUMBER LogicalPartitionCreationChecks( IN PPARTLIST List); BOOLEAN GetNextUnformattedPartition( IN PPARTLIST List, OUT PDISKENTRY *pDiskEntry OPTIONAL, OUT PPARTENTRY *pPartEntry); BOOLEAN GetNextUncheckedPartition( IN PPARTLIST List, OUT PDISKENTRY *pDiskEntry OPTIONAL, OUT PPARTENTRY *pPartEntry); /* EOF */