/* * Notepad (text.c) * * Copyright 1998,99 Marcel Baur * Copyright 2002 Sylvain Petreolle * Copyright 2002 Andriy Palamarchuk * Copyright 2019-2023 Katayama Hirofumi MZ * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ #include "notepad.h" #include BOOL IsTextNonZeroASCII(const void *pText, DWORD dwSize) { const signed char *pBytes = pText; while (dwSize-- > 0) { if (*pBytes <= 0) return FALSE; ++pBytes; } return TRUE; } ENCODING AnalyzeEncoding(const char *pBytes, DWORD dwSize) { INT flags = IS_TEXT_UNICODE_STATISTICS | IS_TEXT_UNICODE_REVERSE_STATISTICS; if (dwSize <= 1 || IsTextNonZeroASCII(pBytes, dwSize)) return ENCODING_ANSI; if (IsTextUnicode(pBytes, dwSize, &flags)) return ENCODING_UTF16LE; if ((flags & IS_TEXT_UNICODE_REVERSE_MASK) && !(flags & IS_TEXT_UNICODE_ILLEGAL_CHARS)) return ENCODING_UTF16BE; /* is it UTF-8? */ if (MultiByteToWideChar(CP_UTF8, MB_ERR_INVALID_CHARS, pBytes, dwSize, NULL, 0)) return ENCODING_UTF8; return ENCODING_ANSI; } static VOID ReplaceNewLines(LPWSTR pszNew, SIZE_T cchNew, LPCWSTR pszOld, SIZE_T cchOld) { BOOL bPrevCR = FALSE; SIZE_T ichNew, ichOld; for (ichOld = ichNew = 0; ichOld < cchOld; ++ichOld) { WCHAR ch = pszOld[ichOld]; if (ch == L'\n') { if (!bPrevCR) { pszNew[ichNew++] = L'\r'; pszNew[ichNew++] = L'\n'; } } else if (ch == '\r') { pszNew[ichNew++] = L'\r'; pszNew[ichNew++] = L'\n'; } else { pszNew[ichNew++] = ch; } bPrevCR = (ch == L'\r'); } pszNew[ichNew] = UNICODE_NULL; assert(ichNew == cchNew); } static BOOL ProcessNewLinesAndNulls(HLOCAL *phLocal, LPWSTR *ppszText, SIZE_T *pcchText, EOLN *piEoln) { SIZE_T ich, cchText = *pcchText, adwEolnCount[3] = { 0, 0, 0 }, cNonCRLFs; LPWSTR pszText = *ppszText; EOLN iEoln; BOOL bPrevCR = FALSE; /* Replace '\0' with SPACE. Count newlines. */ for (ich = 0; ich < cchText; ++ich) { WCHAR ch = pszText[ich]; if (ch == UNICODE_NULL) pszText[ich] = L' '; if (ch == L'\n') { if (bPrevCR) { adwEolnCount[EOLN_CR]--; adwEolnCount[EOLN_CRLF]++; } else { adwEolnCount[EOLN_LF]++; } } else if (ch == '\r') { adwEolnCount[EOLN_CR]++; } bPrevCR = (ch == L'\r'); } /* Choose the newline code */ if (adwEolnCount[EOLN_CR] > adwEolnCount[EOLN_CRLF]) iEoln = EOLN_CR; else if (adwEolnCount[EOLN_LF] > adwEolnCount[EOLN_CRLF]) iEoln = EOLN_LF; else iEoln = EOLN_CRLF; cNonCRLFs = adwEolnCount[EOLN_CR] + adwEolnCount[EOLN_LF]; if (cNonCRLFs != 0) { /* Allocate a buffer for EM_SETHANDLE */ SIZE_T cchNew = cchText + cNonCRLFs; HLOCAL hLocal = LocalAlloc(LMEM_MOVEABLE, (cchNew + 1) * sizeof(WCHAR)); LPWSTR pszNew = LocalLock(hLocal); if (!pszNew) { LocalFree(hLocal); return FALSE; /* Failure */ } ReplaceNewLines(pszNew, cchNew, pszText, cchText); /* Replace with new data */ LocalUnlock(*phLocal); LocalFree(*phLocal); *phLocal = hLocal; *ppszText = pszNew; *pcchText = cchNew; } *piEoln = iEoln; return TRUE; } BOOL ReadText(HANDLE hFile, HLOCAL *phLocal, ENCODING *pencFile, EOLN *piEoln) { PCHAR pBytes = NULL; LPWSTR pszText, pszNewText = NULL; DWORD dwSize, dwPos; SIZE_T i, cchText, cbContent; BOOL bSuccess = FALSE; ENCODING encFile = ENCODING_ANSI; UINT iCodePage; HANDLE hMapping = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; HLOCAL hNewLocal; dwSize = GetFileSize(hFile, NULL); if (dwSize == INVALID_FILE_SIZE) goto done; if (dwSize == 0) // If file is empty { hNewLocal = LocalReAlloc(*phLocal, sizeof(UNICODE_NULL), LMEM_MOVEABLE); pszNewText = LocalLock(hNewLocal); if (hNewLocal == NULL || pszNewText == NULL) goto done; *pszNewText = UNICODE_NULL; LocalUnlock(hNewLocal); *phLocal = hNewLocal; *piEoln = EOLN_CRLF; *pencFile = ENCODING_UTF8; return TRUE; } hMapping = CreateFileMappingW(hFile, NULL, PAGE_READONLY, 0, 0, NULL); if (hMapping == NULL) goto done; pBytes = MapViewOfFile(hMapping, FILE_MAP_READ, 0, 0, dwSize); if (!pBytes) goto done; /* Look for Byte Order Marks */ dwPos = 0; if ((dwSize >= 2) && (pBytes[0] == 0xFF) && (pBytes[1] == 0xFE)) { encFile = ENCODING_UTF16LE; dwPos += 2; } else if ((dwSize >= 2) && (pBytes[0] == 0xFE) && (pBytes[1] == 0xFF)) { encFile = ENCODING_UTF16BE; dwPos += 2; } else if ((dwSize >= 3) && (pBytes[0] == 0xEF) && (pBytes[1] == 0xBB) && (pBytes[2] == 0xBF)) { encFile = ENCODING_UTF8BOM; dwPos += 3; } else { encFile = AnalyzeEncoding((const char *)pBytes, dwSize); } switch(encFile) { case ENCODING_UTF16BE: case ENCODING_UTF16LE: { /* Re-allocate the buffer for EM_SETHANDLE */ pszText = (LPWSTR) &pBytes[dwPos]; cchText = (dwSize - dwPos) / sizeof(WCHAR); hNewLocal = LocalReAlloc(*phLocal, (cchText + 1) * sizeof(WCHAR), LMEM_MOVEABLE); pszNewText = LocalLock(hNewLocal); if (pszNewText == NULL) goto done; *phLocal = hNewLocal; CopyMemory(pszNewText, pszText, cchText * sizeof(WCHAR)); if (encFile == ENCODING_UTF16BE) /* big endian; Swap bytes */ { BYTE tmp, *pb = (LPBYTE)pszNewText; for (i = 0; i < cchText * 2; i += 2) { tmp = pb[i]; pb[i] = pb[i + 1]; pb[i + 1] = tmp; } } break; } case ENCODING_ANSI: case ENCODING_UTF8: case ENCODING_UTF8BOM: { iCodePage = ((encFile == ENCODING_UTF8 || encFile == ENCODING_UTF8BOM) ? CP_UTF8 : CP_ACP); /* Get ready for ANSI-to-Wide conversion */ cbContent = dwSize - dwPos; cchText = 0; if (cbContent > 0) { cchText = MultiByteToWideChar(iCodePage, 0, &pBytes[dwPos], (INT)cbContent, NULL, 0); if (cchText == 0) goto done; } /* Re-allocate the buffer for EM_SETHANDLE */ hNewLocal = LocalReAlloc(*phLocal, (cchText + 1) * sizeof(WCHAR), LMEM_MOVEABLE); pszNewText = LocalLock(hNewLocal); if (!pszNewText) goto done; *phLocal = hNewLocal; /* Do ANSI-to-Wide conversion */ if (cbContent > 0) { if (!MultiByteToWideChar(iCodePage, 0, &pBytes[dwPos], (INT)cbContent, pszNewText, (INT)cchText)) { goto done; } } break; } DEFAULT_UNREACHABLE; } pszNewText[cchText] = UNICODE_NULL; if (!ProcessNewLinesAndNulls(phLocal, &pszNewText, &cchText, piEoln)) goto done; *pencFile = encFile; bSuccess = TRUE; done: if (pBytes) UnmapViewOfFile(pBytes); if (hMapping != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) CloseHandle(hMapping); if (pszNewText) LocalUnlock(*phLocal); return bSuccess; } static BOOL WriteEncodedText(HANDLE hFile, LPCWSTR pszText, DWORD dwTextLen, ENCODING encFile) { LPBYTE pBytes = NULL; LPBYTE pAllocBuffer = NULL; DWORD dwPos = 0; DWORD dwByteCount; BYTE buffer[1024]; UINT iCodePage = 0; DWORD dwDummy, i; BOOL bSuccess = FALSE; int iBufferSize, iRequiredBytes; BYTE b; while(dwPos < dwTextLen) { switch(encFile) { case ENCODING_UTF16LE: pBytes = (LPBYTE) &pszText[dwPos]; dwByteCount = (dwTextLen - dwPos) * sizeof(WCHAR); dwPos = dwTextLen; break; case ENCODING_UTF16BE: dwByteCount = (dwTextLen - dwPos) * sizeof(WCHAR); if (dwByteCount > sizeof(buffer)) dwByteCount = sizeof(buffer); memcpy(buffer, &pszText[dwPos], dwByteCount); for (i = 0; i < dwByteCount; i += 2) { b = buffer[i+0]; buffer[i+0] = buffer[i+1]; buffer[i+1] = b; } pBytes = (LPBYTE) &buffer[dwPos]; dwPos += dwByteCount / sizeof(WCHAR); break; case ENCODING_ANSI: case ENCODING_UTF8: case ENCODING_UTF8BOM: if (encFile == ENCODING_UTF8 || encFile == ENCODING_UTF8BOM) iCodePage = CP_UTF8; else iCodePage = CP_ACP; iRequiredBytes = WideCharToMultiByte(iCodePage, 0, &pszText[dwPos], dwTextLen - dwPos, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL); if (iRequiredBytes <= 0) { goto done; } else if (iRequiredBytes < sizeof(buffer)) { pBytes = buffer; iBufferSize = sizeof(buffer); } else { pAllocBuffer = (LPBYTE) HeapAlloc(GetProcessHeap(), 0, iRequiredBytes); if (!pAllocBuffer) return FALSE; pBytes = pAllocBuffer; iBufferSize = iRequiredBytes; } dwByteCount = WideCharToMultiByte(iCodePage, 0, &pszText[dwPos], dwTextLen - dwPos, (LPSTR) pBytes, iBufferSize, NULL, NULL); if (!dwByteCount) goto done; dwPos = dwTextLen; break; default: goto done; } if (!WriteFile(hFile, pBytes, dwByteCount, &dwDummy, NULL)) goto done; /* free the buffer, if we have allocated one */ if (pAllocBuffer) { HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(), 0, pAllocBuffer); pAllocBuffer = NULL; } } bSuccess = TRUE; done: if (pAllocBuffer) HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(), 0, pAllocBuffer); return bSuccess; } BOOL WriteText(HANDLE hFile, LPCWSTR pszText, DWORD dwTextLen, ENCODING encFile, EOLN iEoln) { WCHAR wcBom; LPCWSTR pszLF = L"\n"; DWORD dwPos, dwNext; /* Write the proper byte order marks if not ANSI or UTF-8 without BOM */ if (encFile != ENCODING_ANSI && encFile != ENCODING_UTF8) { wcBom = 0xFEFF; if (!WriteEncodedText(hFile, &wcBom, 1, encFile)) return FALSE; } dwPos = 0; /* pszText eoln are always \r\n */ do { /* Find the next eoln */ dwNext = dwPos; while(dwNext < dwTextLen) { if (pszText[dwNext] == '\r' && pszText[dwNext + 1] == '\n') break; dwNext++; } if (dwNext != dwTextLen) { switch (iEoln) { case EOLN_LF: /* Write text (without eoln) */ if (!WriteEncodedText(hFile, &pszText[dwPos], dwNext - dwPos, encFile)) return FALSE; /* Write eoln */ if (!WriteEncodedText(hFile, pszLF, 1, encFile)) return FALSE; break; case EOLN_CR: /* Write text (including \r as eoln) */ if (!WriteEncodedText(hFile, &pszText[dwPos], dwNext - dwPos + 1, encFile)) return FALSE; break; case EOLN_CRLF: /* Write text (including \r\n as eoln) */ if (!WriteEncodedText(hFile, &pszText[dwPos], dwNext - dwPos + 2, encFile)) return FALSE; break; default: return FALSE; } } else { /* Write text (without eoln, since this is the end of the file) */ if (!WriteEncodedText(hFile, &pszText[dwPos], dwNext - dwPos, encFile)) return FALSE; } /* Skip \r\n */ dwPos = dwNext + 2; } while (dwPos < dwTextLen); return TRUE; }