using System; using System.Xml; using System.Collections; namespace TechBot.Library { public class ErrorCommand : BaseCommand, ICommand { private IServiceOutput serviceOutput; private NtStatusCommand ntStatus; private WinerrorCommand winerror; private HresultCommand hresult; public ErrorCommand(IServiceOutput serviceOutput, string ntstatusXml, string winerrorXml, string hresultXml) { this.serviceOutput = serviceOutput; this.ntStatus = new NtStatusCommand(serviceOutput, ntstatusXml); this.winerror = new WinerrorCommand(serviceOutput, winerrorXml); this.hresult = new HresultCommand(serviceOutput, hresultXml); } public bool CanHandle(string commandName) { return CanHandle(commandName, new string[] { "error" }); } private static int GetSeverity(long error) { return (int)((error >> 30) & 0x3); } private static bool IsCustomer(long error) { return (error & 0x20000000) != 0; } private static bool IsReserved(long error) { return (error & 0x10000000) != 0; } private static int GetFacility(long error) { return (int)((error >> 16) & 0xFFF); } private static short GetCode(long error) { return (short)((error >> 0) & 0xFFFF); } private static string FormatSeverity(long error) { int severity = GetSeverity(error); switch (severity) { case 0: return "SUCCESS"; case 1: return "INFORMATIONAL"; case 2: return "WARNING"; case 3: return "ERROR"; } return null; } private static string FormatFacility(long error) { int facility = GetFacility(error); return facility.ToString(); } private static string FormatCode(long error) { int code = GetCode(error); return code.ToString(); } public void Handle(MessageContext context, string commandName, string parameters) { string originalErrorText = parameters.Trim(); if (originalErrorText.Equals(String.Empty)) { serviceOutput.WriteLine(context, "Please provide an Error Code."); return; } string errorText = originalErrorText; retry: NumberParser np = new NumberParser(); long error = np.Parse(errorText); if (np.Error) { serviceOutput.WriteLine(context, String.Format("{0} is not a valid Error Code.", originalErrorText)); return; } ArrayList descriptions = new ArrayList(); // Error is out of bounds if ((ulong)error > uint.MaxValue) { // Do nothing } // Error is outside of the range [0, 65535]: it cannot be a plain Win32 error code else if ((ulong)error > ushort.MaxValue) { // Customer bit is set: custom error code if (IsCustomer(error)) { string description = String.Format("[custom, severity {0}, facility {1}, code {2}]", FormatSeverity(error), FormatFacility(error), FormatCode(error)); descriptions.Add(description); } // Reserved bit is set: HRESULT_FROM_NT(ntstatus) else if (IsReserved(error)) { int status = (int)(error & 0xCFFFFFFF); string description = ntStatus.GetNtstatusDescription(status); if (description == null) description = status.ToString("X"); description = String.Format("HRESULT_FROM_NT({0})", description); descriptions.Add(description); } // Win32 facility: HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(winerror) else if (GetFacility(error) == 7) { // Must be an error code if (GetSeverity(error) == 2) { short err = GetCode(error); string description = winerror.GetWinerrorDescription(err); if (description == null) description = err.ToString("D"); description = String.Format("HRESULT_FROM_WIN32({0})", description); descriptions.Add(description); } } } string winerrorDescription = winerror.GetWinerrorDescription(error); string ntstatusDescription = ntStatus.GetNtstatusDescription(error); string hresultDescription = hresult.GetHresultDescription(error); if (winerrorDescription != null) descriptions.Add(winerrorDescription); if (ntstatusDescription != null) descriptions.Add(ntstatusDescription); if (hresultDescription != null) descriptions.Add(hresultDescription); if (descriptions.Count == 0) { // Last chance heuristics: attempt to parse a 8-digit decimal as hexadecimal if (errorText.Length == 8) { errorText = "0x" + errorText; goto retry; } serviceOutput.WriteLine(context, String.Format("I don't know about Error Code {0}.", originalErrorText)); } else if (descriptions.Count == 1) { string description = (string)descriptions[0]; serviceOutput.WriteLine(context, String.Format("{0} is {1}.", originalErrorText, description)); } else { serviceOutput.WriteLine(context, String.Format("{0} could be:", originalErrorText)); foreach(string description in descriptions) serviceOutput.WriteLine(context, String.Format("\t{0}", description)); } } public string Help() { return "!error "; } } }