/** * Test case for PostThreadMessage * (C) 2003 ReactOS * License: LGPL * See: LGPL.txt in top directory. * Author: arty * * Windows thread message queue test case. * Derived from ../event/event.c in part. */ #include #include #include HANDLE hWaitForFailure; HANDLE hOkToPostThreadMessage; HANDLE hOkToTerminate; DWORD WINAPI thread( LPVOID crap ) { MSG msg; /* Failure case ... Wait for the parent to try to post a message before queue creation */ printf( "Waiting to create the message queue.\n" ); WaitForSingleObject(hWaitForFailure,INFINITE); printf( "Creating message queue.\n" ); /* "Create" a message queue */ PeekMessage( &msg, NULL, 0, 0, PM_NOREMOVE ); printf( "Signalling the parent that we're ready.\n" ); /* Signal that it's ok to post */ SetEvent( hOkToPostThreadMessage ); printf( "Listening messages.\n" ); /* Now read some messages */ while( GetMessage( &msg, 0,0,0 ) ) { printf( "Received message: %04x %04x %08lx\n", (msg.message & 0xffff), (msg.wParam & 0xffff), msg.lParam ); assert( !msg.hwnd ); } printf( "Finished receiving messages.\n" ); SetEvent( hOkToTerminate ); return 0; } int main( int argc, char **argv ) { DWORD id; printf( "Creating events\n" ); hOkToPostThreadMessage = CreateEvent( NULL, FALSE, FALSE, NULL ); hOkToTerminate = CreateEvent( NULL, FALSE, FALSE, NULL ); hWaitForFailure = CreateEvent( NULL, FALSE, FALSE, NULL ); printf( "Created events\n" ); if( CreateThread( 0, 0, thread, 0, 0, &id ) == NULL ) { printf( "Couldn't create one thread.\n" ); return 0; } printf( "Posting to non-existent queue\n" ); /* Check failure case */ assert( PostThreadMessage( id, WM_USER + 0, 1, 2 ) == FALSE ); printf( "Signalling thread to advance.\n" ); SetEvent( hWaitForFailure ); printf( "Waiting for signal from thread.\n" ); WaitForSingleObject( hOkToPostThreadMessage, INFINITE ); printf( "Sending three messages, then quit.\n" ); assert( PostThreadMessage( id, WM_USER + 0, 1, 2 ) ); assert( PostThreadMessage( id, WM_USER + 1, 3, 4 ) ); Sleep( 500 ); /* Sleep a bit, so that the queue is empty for a bit. */ assert( PostThreadMessage( id, WM_USER + 2, 5, 6 ) ); assert( PostThreadMessage( id, WM_QUIT, 0,0 ) ); WaitForSingleObject( hOkToTerminate, INFINITE ); printf( "Test complete.\n" ); return 0; }