HWND CreateBasicWindow (VOID); LPDIRECTDRAW7 DirectDraw; BOOL TestCaps (char* dummy, DWORD Caps, HRESULT test1, HRESULT test2) { LPDIRECTDRAWSURFACE7 Surface = NULL; DDSURFACEDESC2 Desc = { 0 }; Desc.dwHeight = 200; Desc.dwWidth = 200; Desc.dwSize = sizeof (DDSURFACEDESC2); Desc.ddsCaps.dwCaps = Caps; Desc.dwFlags = DDSD_CAPS; BOOL ret = DirectDraw->CreateSurface(&Desc, &Surface, NULL) == test1; Desc.dwFlags = DDSD_CAPS | DDSD_HEIGHT | DDSD_WIDTH; ret = ret && DirectDraw->CreateSurface(&Desc, &Surface, NULL) == test2; if ( Surface ) Surface->Release(); return ret; } BOOL Test_CreateSurface (INT* passed, INT* failed) { LPDIRECTDRAWSURFACE7 Surface = NULL; HWND hwnd; /* Preparations */ if (DirectDrawCreateEx(NULL, (VOID**)&DirectDraw, IID_IDirectDraw7, NULL) != DD_OK) { printf("ERROR: Failed to set up ddraw\n"); return FALSE; } TEST ( DirectDraw->CreateSurface(NULL, NULL, NULL) == DDERR_NOCOOPERATIVELEVELSET); if(!( hwnd = CreateBasicWindow() )) { printf("ERROR: Failed to create window\n"); DirectDraw->Release(); return FALSE; } if (DirectDraw->SetCooperativeLevel (hwnd, DDSCL_NORMAL) != DD_OK) { printf("ERROR: Could not set cooperative level\n"); DirectDraw->Release(); return 0; } /* The Test */ DDSURFACEDESC2 Desc = { 0 }; Desc.dwSize = sizeof (DDSURFACEDESC2); Desc.dwHeight = 200; Desc.dwWidth = 200; TEST ( DirectDraw->CreateSurface(&Desc, &Surface, (IUnknown*)0xdeadbeef) == CLASS_E_NOAGGREGATION ); TEST ( DirectDraw->CreateSurface(NULL, &Surface, NULL) == DDERR_INVALIDPARAMS ); TEST ( DirectDraw->CreateSurface(&Desc, NULL, NULL) == DDERR_INVALIDPARAMS ); TEST ( DirectDraw->CreateSurface(&Desc, &Surface, NULL) == DDERR_INVALIDPARAMS ); // Test (nearly) all possible cap combinations #include "caps_tests.h" DirectDraw->Release(); return TRUE; }