/* * COPYRIGHT: See COPYING in the top level directory * PROJECT: ReactOS Winsock 2 SPI * FILE: lib/mswsock/lib/init.c * PURPOSE: DLL Initialization */ /* INCLUDES ******************************************************************/ #include "precomp.h" /* DATA **********************************************************************/ /* FUNCTIONS *****************************************************************/ /* * @implemented */ BOOL WINAPI WSAttemptAutodialAddr(IN CONST SOCKADDR FAR *Name, IN INT NameLength) { PSOCKADDR_IN Ip = (PSOCKADDR_IN)Name; PSOCKADDR_NB NetBios = (PSOCKADDR_NB)Name; AUTODIAL_ADDR AutodialAdddress; /* Check the family type */ switch (Name->sa_family) { case AF_INET: /* Normal IPv4, set the Autodial Address Data */ AutodialAdddress.Family = AutoDialIp; AutodialAdddress.Ip4Address = Ip->sin_addr; break; case AF_NETBIOS: /* NetBIOS, set the Autodial Address Data*/ AutodialAdddress.Family = AutoDialNetBios; RtlCopyMemory(&AutodialAdddress.NetBiosAddress, NetBios->snb_name, NETBIOS_NAME_LENGTH); break; default: /* Unsupported family type */ return FALSE; } /* Call the public routine */ return AcsHlpAttemptConnection(&AutodialAdddress); } /* * @implemented */ BOOL WINAPI WSAttemptAutodialName(IN CONST LPWSAQUERYSETW Restrictions) { AUTODIAL_ADDR AutodialAdddress; CHAR AnsiIp[17]; LPGUID Guid = Restrictions->lpServiceClassId; /* Make sure we actually have a name */ if (!Restrictions->lpszServiceInstanceName) return FALSE; /* Check if this is the Hostname GUID */ if (!memcmp(Guid, &HostnameGuid, sizeof(GUID))) { /* It is. Set up the Autodial Address Data */ AutodialAdddress.Family = AutoDialIpHost; WideCharToMultiByte(CP_ACP, 0, Restrictions->lpszServiceInstanceName, -1, AutodialAdddress.HostName, INTERNET_MAX_PATH_LENGTH - 1, 0, 0); /* Call the public routine */ return AcsHlpAttemptConnection(&AutodialAdddress); } else if (!memcmp(Guid, &AddressGuid, sizeof(GUID))) { /* It's actually the IP String GUID */ AutodialAdddress.Family = AutoDialIp; /* Convert the IP String to ANSI and then convert it to IP */ WideCharToMultiByte(CP_ACP, 0, Restrictions->lpszServiceInstanceName, -1, AnsiIp, sizeof(AnsiIp) - 1, 0, 0); _strlwr(AnsiIp); AutodialAdddress.Ip4Address.S_un.S_addr = inet_addr(AnsiIp); /* Make sure the IP is valid */ if (AutodialAdddress.Ip4Address.S_un.S_addr == -1) return FALSE; /* Call the public routine */ return AcsHlpAttemptConnection(&AutodialAdddress); } else { /* Unknown GUID type */ return FALSE; } } /* * @implemented */ VOID WINAPI WSNoteSuccessfulHostentLookup(IN CONST CHAR FAR *Name, IN CONST ULONG Address) { AUTODIAL_ADDR AutodialAdddress; AUTODIAL_CONN AutodialConnection; /* Make sure there actually is a name */ if (!(Name) || !strlen(Name)) return; /* Setup the Address */ AutodialAdddress.Family = AutoDialIpHost; strcpy(AutodialAdddress.HostName, Name); /* Setup the new connection */ AutodialConnection.Family = ConnectionIp; AutodialConnection.Ip4Address = Address; AcsHlpNoteNewConnection(&AutodialAdddress, &AutodialConnection); }