/* * PROJECT: Ports installer library * LICENSE: GPL - See COPYING in the top level directory * FILE: dll\win32\msports\comdb.c * PURPOSE: COM port database * COPYRIGHT: Copyright 2011 Eric Kohl */ #include "precomp.h" WINE_DEFAULT_DEBUG_CHANNEL(msports); #define BITS_PER_BYTE 8 #define BITMAP_SIZE_INCREMENT 0x400 #define BITMAP_SIZE_INVALID_BITS 0x3FF typedef struct _COMDB { HANDLE hMutex; HKEY hKey; } COMDB, *PCOMDB; LONG WINAPI ComDBClaimNextFreePort(IN HCOMDB hComDB, OUT LPDWORD ComNumber) { PCOMDB pComDB; DWORD dwBitIndex; DWORD dwByteIndex; DWORD dwSize; DWORD dwType; PBYTE pBitmap = NULL; BYTE cMask; LONG lError; TRACE("ComDBClaimNextFreePort(%p %p)\n", hComDB, ComNumber); if (hComDB == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE || hComDB == NULL || ComNumber == NULL) return ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; pComDB = (PCOMDB)hComDB; /* Wait for the mutex */ WaitForSingleObject(pComDB->hMutex, INFINITE); /* Get the required bitmap size */ lError = RegQueryValueExW(pComDB->hKey, L"ComDB", NULL, &dwType, NULL, &dwSize); if (lError != ERROR_SUCCESS) { ERR("Failed to query the bitmap size!\n"); goto done; } /* Allocate the bitmap */ pBitmap = HeapAlloc(GetProcessHeap(), HEAP_ZERO_MEMORY, dwSize); if (pBitmap == NULL) { ERR("Failed to allocate the bitmap!\n"); lError = ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; goto done; } /* Read the bitmap */ lError = RegQueryValueExW(pComDB->hKey, L"ComDB", NULL, &dwType, pBitmap, &dwSize); if (lError != ERROR_SUCCESS) goto done; lError = ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; for (dwBitIndex = 0; dwBitIndex < (dwSize * BITS_PER_BYTE); dwBitIndex++) { /* Calculate the byte index and a mask for the affected bit */ dwByteIndex = dwBitIndex / BITS_PER_BYTE; cMask = 1 << (dwBitIndex % BITS_PER_BYTE); if ((pBitmap[dwByteIndex] & cMask) == 0) { pBitmap[dwByteIndex] |= cMask; *ComNumber = dwBitIndex + 1; lError = ERROR_SUCCESS; break; } } /* Save the bitmap if it was modified */ if (lError == ERROR_SUCCESS) { lError = RegSetValueExW(pComDB->hKey, L"ComDB", 0, REG_BINARY, pBitmap, dwSize); } done:; /* Release the mutex */ ReleaseMutex(pComDB->hMutex); /* Release the bitmap */ if (pBitmap != NULL) HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(), 0, pBitmap); return lError; } LONG WINAPI ComDBClaimPort(IN HCOMDB hComDB, IN DWORD ComNumber, IN BOOL ForceClaim, OUT PBOOL Forced) { PCOMDB pComDB; DWORD dwBitIndex; DWORD dwByteIndex; DWORD dwType; DWORD dwSize; PBYTE pBitmap = NULL; BYTE cMask; LONG lError; TRACE("ComDBClaimPort(%p %lu)\n", hComDB, ComNumber); if (hComDB == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE || hComDB == NULL || ComNumber == 0 || ComNumber > COMDB_MAX_PORTS_ARBITRATED) return ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; pComDB = (PCOMDB)hComDB; /* Wait for the mutex */ WaitForSingleObject(pComDB->hMutex, INFINITE); /* Get the required bitmap size */ lError = RegQueryValueExW(pComDB->hKey, L"ComDB", NULL, &dwType, NULL, &dwSize); if (lError != ERROR_SUCCESS) { ERR("Failed to query the bitmap size!\n"); goto done; } /* Allocate the bitmap */ pBitmap = HeapAlloc(GetProcessHeap(), HEAP_ZERO_MEMORY, dwSize); if (pBitmap == NULL) { ERR("Failed to allocate the bitmap!\n"); lError = ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; goto done; } /* Read the bitmap */ lError = RegQueryValueExW(pComDB->hKey, L"ComDB", NULL, &dwType, pBitmap, &dwSize); if (lError != ERROR_SUCCESS) goto done; /* Get the bit index */ dwBitIndex = ComNumber - 1; /* Check if the bit to set fits into the bitmap */ if (dwBitIndex >= (dwSize * BITS_PER_BYTE)) { FIXME("Resize the bitmap\n"); lError = ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; goto done; } /* Calculate the byte index and a mask for the affected bit */ dwByteIndex = dwBitIndex / BITS_PER_BYTE; cMask = 1 << (dwBitIndex % BITS_PER_BYTE); lError = ERROR_SHARING_VIOLATION; /* Check if the bit is not set */ if ((pBitmap[dwByteIndex] & cMask) == 0) { /* Set the bit */ pBitmap[dwByteIndex] |= cMask; lError = ERROR_SUCCESS; } /* Save the bitmap if it was modified */ if (lError == ERROR_SUCCESS) { lError = RegSetValueExW(pComDB->hKey, L"ComDB", 0, REG_BINARY, pBitmap, dwSize); } done: /* Release the mutex */ ReleaseMutex(pComDB->hMutex); /* Release the bitmap */ if (pBitmap != NULL) HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(), 0, pBitmap); return lError; } LONG WINAPI ComDBClose(IN HCOMDB hComDB) { PCOMDB pComDB; TRACE("ComDBClose(%p)\n", hComDB); if (hComDB == HCOMDB_INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE || hComDB == NULL) return ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; pComDB = (PCOMDB)hComDB; /* Close the registry key */ if (pComDB->hKey != NULL) RegCloseKey(pComDB->hKey); /* Close the mutex */ if (pComDB->hMutex != NULL) CloseHandle(pComDB->hMutex); /* Release the database */ HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(), 0, pComDB); return ERROR_SUCCESS; } LONG WINAPI ComDBGetCurrentPortUsage(IN HCOMDB hComDB, OUT PBYTE Buffer, IN DWORD BufferSize, IN DWORD ReportType, OUT LPDWORD MaxPortsReported) { PCOMDB pComDB; DWORD dwBitIndex; DWORD dwByteIndex; DWORD dwType; DWORD dwSize; PBYTE pBitmap = NULL; BYTE cMask; LONG lError = ERROR_SUCCESS; TRACE("ComDBGetCurrentPortUsage(%p %p %lu %lu %p)\n", hComDB, Buffer, BufferSize, ReportType, MaxPortsReported); if (hComDB == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE || hComDB == NULL || (Buffer == NULL && MaxPortsReported == NULL) || (ReportType != CDB_REPORT_BITS && ReportType != CDB_REPORT_BYTES)) return ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; pComDB = (PCOMDB)hComDB; /* Wait for the mutex */ WaitForSingleObject(pComDB->hMutex, INFINITE); /* Get the required bitmap size */ lError = RegQueryValueExW(pComDB->hKey, L"ComDB", NULL, &dwType, NULL, &dwSize); if (lError != ERROR_SUCCESS) { ERR("Failed to query the bitmap size!\n"); goto done; } /* Allocate the bitmap */ pBitmap = HeapAlloc(GetProcessHeap(), HEAP_ZERO_MEMORY, dwSize); if (pBitmap == NULL) { ERR("Failed to allocate the bitmap!\n"); lError = ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; goto done; } /* Read the bitmap */ lError = RegQueryValueExW(pComDB->hKey, L"ComDB", NULL, &dwType, pBitmap, &dwSize); if (lError != ERROR_SUCCESS) goto done; if (Buffer == NULL) { *MaxPortsReported = dwSize * BITS_PER_BYTE; } else { if (ReportType == CDB_REPORT_BITS) { /* Clear the buffer */ memset(Buffer, 0, BufferSize); memcpy(Buffer, pBitmap, min(dwSize, BufferSize)); if (MaxPortsReported != NULL) *MaxPortsReported = min(dwSize, BufferSize) * BITS_PER_BYTE; } else if (ReportType == CDB_REPORT_BYTES) { /* Clear the buffer */ memset(Buffer, 0, BufferSize); for (dwBitIndex = 0; dwBitIndex < min(dwSize * BITS_PER_BYTE, BufferSize); dwBitIndex++) { /* Calculate the byte index and a mask for the affected bit */ dwByteIndex = dwBitIndex / BITS_PER_BYTE; cMask = 1 << (dwBitIndex % BITS_PER_BYTE); if ((pBitmap[dwByteIndex] & cMask) != 0) Buffer[dwBitIndex] = 1; } } } done:; /* Release the mutex */ ReleaseMutex(pComDB->hMutex); /* Release the bitmap */ HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(), 0, pBitmap); return lError; } LONG WINAPI ComDBOpen(OUT HCOMDB *phComDB) { PCOMDB pComDB; DWORD dwDisposition; DWORD dwType; DWORD dwSize; PBYTE pBitmap; LONG lError; TRACE("ComDBOpen(%p)\n", phComDB); /* Allocate a new database */ pComDB = HeapAlloc(GetProcessHeap(), HEAP_ZERO_MEMORY, sizeof(COMDB)); if (pComDB == NULL) { ERR("Failed to allocate the database!\n"); *phComDB = HCOMDB_INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; return ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED; } /* Create a mutex to protect the database */ pComDB->hMutex = CreateMutexW(NULL, FALSE, L"ComDBMutex"); if (pComDB->hMutex == NULL) { ERR("Failed to create the mutex!\n"); HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(), 0, pComDB); *phComDB = HCOMDB_INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; return ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED; } /* Wait for the mutex */ WaitForSingleObject(pComDB->hMutex, INFINITE); /* Create or open the database key */ lError = RegCreateKeyExW(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, L"System\\CurrentControlSet\\Control\\COM Name Arbiter", 0, NULL, 0, KEY_ALL_ACCESS, NULL, &pComDB->hKey, &dwDisposition); if (lError != ERROR_SUCCESS) goto done; /* Get the required bitmap size */ lError = RegQueryValueExW(pComDB->hKey, L"ComDB", NULL, &dwType, NULL, &dwSize); if (lError == ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND) { /* Allocate a new bitmap */ dwSize = COMDB_MIN_PORTS_ARBITRATED / BITS_PER_BYTE; pBitmap = HeapAlloc(GetProcessHeap(), HEAP_ZERO_MEMORY, dwSize); if (pBitmap == NULL) { ERR("Failed to allocate the bitmap!\n"); lError = ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED; goto done; } /* Write the bitmap to the registry */ lError = RegSetValueExW(pComDB->hKey, L"ComDB", 0, REG_BINARY, pBitmap, dwSize); HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(), 0, pBitmap); } done:; /* Release the mutex */ ReleaseMutex(pComDB->hMutex); if (lError != ERROR_SUCCESS) { /* Clean up in case of failure */ if (pComDB->hKey != NULL) RegCloseKey(pComDB->hKey); if (pComDB->hMutex != NULL) CloseHandle(pComDB->hMutex); HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(), 0, pComDB); *phComDB = HCOMDB_INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; } else { /* Return the database handle */ *phComDB = (HCOMDB)pComDB; } TRACE("done (Error %lu)\n", lError); return lError; } LONG WINAPI ComDBReleasePort(IN HCOMDB hComDB, IN DWORD ComNumber) { PCOMDB pComDB; DWORD dwByteIndex; DWORD dwBitIndex; DWORD dwType; DWORD dwSize; PBYTE pBitmap = NULL; BYTE cMask; LONG lError; TRACE("ComDBReleasePort(%p %lu)\n", hComDB, ComNumber); if (hComDB == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE || ComNumber == 0 || ComNumber > COMDB_MAX_PORTS_ARBITRATED) return ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; pComDB = (PCOMDB)hComDB; /* Wait for the mutex */ WaitForSingleObject(pComDB->hMutex, INFINITE); /* Get the required bitmap size */ lError = RegQueryValueExW(pComDB->hKey, L"ComDB", NULL, &dwType, NULL, &dwSize); if (lError != ERROR_SUCCESS) { ERR("Failed to query the bitmap size!\n"); goto done; } /* Allocate the bitmap */ pBitmap = HeapAlloc(GetProcessHeap(), HEAP_ZERO_MEMORY, dwSize); if (pBitmap == NULL) { ERR("Failed to allocate the bitmap!\n"); lError = ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; goto done; } /* Read the bitmap */ lError = RegQueryValueExW(pComDB->hKey, L"ComDB", NULL, &dwType, pBitmap, &dwSize); if (lError != ERROR_SUCCESS) goto done; /* Get the bit index */ dwBitIndex = ComNumber - 1; /* Check if the bit to set fits into the bitmap */ if (dwBitIndex >= (dwSize * BITS_PER_BYTE)) { lError = ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; goto done; } /* Calculate the byte index and a mask for the affected bit */ dwByteIndex = dwBitIndex / BITS_PER_BYTE; cMask = 1 << (dwBitIndex % BITS_PER_BYTE); /* Release the port */ pBitmap[dwByteIndex] &= ~cMask; lError = RegSetValueExW(pComDB->hKey, L"ComDB", 0, REG_BINARY, pBitmap, dwSize); done:; /* Release the mutex */ ReleaseMutex(pComDB->hMutex); /* Release the bitmap */ if (pBitmap != NULL) HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(), 0, pBitmap); return lError; } LONG WINAPI ComDBResizeDatabase(IN HCOMDB hComDB, IN DWORD NewSize) { PCOMDB pComDB; PBYTE pBitmap = NULL; DWORD dwSize; DWORD dwNewSize; DWORD dwType; LONG lError; TRACE("ComDBResizeDatabase(%p %lu)\n", hComDB, NewSize); if (hComDB == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE || hComDB == NULL || (NewSize & BITMAP_SIZE_INVALID_BITS)) return ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; pComDB = (PCOMDB)hComDB; /* Wait for the mutex */ WaitForSingleObject(pComDB->hMutex, INFINITE); /* Get the required bitmap size */ lError = RegQueryValueExW(pComDB->hKey, L"ComDB", NULL, &dwType, NULL, &dwSize); if (lError != ERROR_SUCCESS) goto done; /* Check the size limits */ if (NewSize > COMDB_MAX_PORTS_ARBITRATED || NewSize <= dwSize * BITS_PER_BYTE) { lError = ERROR_BAD_LENGTH; goto done; } /* Calculate the new bitmap size */ dwNewSize = NewSize / BITS_PER_BYTE; /* Allocate the new bitmap */ pBitmap = HeapAlloc(GetProcessHeap(), HEAP_ZERO_MEMORY, dwSize); if (pBitmap == NULL) { ERR("Failed to allocate the bitmap!\n"); lError = ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED; goto done; } /* Read the current bitmap */ lError = RegQueryValueExW(pComDB->hKey, L"ComDB", NULL, &dwType, pBitmap, &dwSize); if (lError != ERROR_SUCCESS) goto done; /* Write the new bitmap */ lError = RegSetValueExW(pComDB->hKey, L"ComDB", 0, REG_BINARY, pBitmap, dwNewSize); done:; /* Release the mutex */ ReleaseMutex(pComDB->hMutex); if (pBitmap != NULL) HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(), 0, pBitmap); return lError; } /* EOF */