/* * COPYRIGHT: GPL - See COPYING in the top level directory * PROJECT: ReactOS Virtual DOS Machine * FILE: subsystems/mvdm/ntvdm/bios/bios.c * PURPOSE: VDM BIOS Support Library * PROGRAMMERS: Hermes Belusca-Maito (hermes.belusca@sfr.fr) */ /* INCLUDES *******************************************************************/ #include "ntvdm.h" #define NDEBUG #include #include "emulator.h" #include "cpu/callback.h" #include "cpu/bop.h" #include "bios.h" #include "bios32/bios32.h" #include "rom.h" #include "umamgr.h" #include "io.h" #include "hardware/cmos.h" #include /* DEFINES ********************************************************************/ /* BOP Identifiers */ #define BOP_RESET 0x00 // Windows NTVDM (SoftPC) BIOS calls BOP 0x00 // to let the virtual machine perform the POST. #define BOP_EQUIPLIST 0x11 #define BOP_GETMEMSIZE 0x12 /* PRIVATE VARIABLES **********************************************************/ static BOOLEAN Bios32Loaded = FALSE; PBIOS_DATA_AREA Bda; PBIOS_CONFIG_TABLE Bct; /* PRIVATE FUNCTIONS **********************************************************/ /* PUBLIC FUNCTIONS ***********************************************************/ VOID WINAPI WinNtVdmBiosReset(LPWORD Stack) { DisplayMessage(L"You are loading Windows NTVDM BIOS!\n"); // Bios32Post(Stack); DisplayMessage(L"ReactOS NTVDM doesn't support Windows NTVDM BIOS at the moment. The VDM will shut down."); EmulatorTerminate(); } BOOLEAN BiosInitialize(IN LPCSTR BiosFileName, IN LPCSTR RomFiles OPTIONAL) { BOOLEAN Success = FALSE; BOOLEAN Success2 = FALSE; LPCSTR RomFile; LPSTR ptr; ULONG_PTR RomAddress; CHAR RomFileName[MAX_PATH + 10 + 1]; /* Disable interrupts */ setIF(0); /* Initialize the BDA and the BCT pointers */ Bda = (PBIOS_DATA_AREA)SEG_OFF_TO_PTR(BDA_SEGMENT , 0x0000); // The BCT is found at F000:E6F5 for 100% compatible BIOSes. Bct = (PBIOS_CONFIG_TABLE)SEG_OFF_TO_PTR(BIOS_SEGMENT, 0xE6F5); /* Register the BIOS support BOPs */ RegisterBop(BOP_RESET, WinNtVdmBiosReset); // Needed for Windows NTVDM (SoftPC) BIOS. RegisterBop(BOP_EQUIPLIST , BiosEquipmentService); // Needed by Windows NTVDM (SoftPC) BIOS RegisterBop(BOP_GETMEMSIZE, BiosGetMemorySize); // and also NTDOS!! if (BiosFileName == NULL) { Success = Bios32Loaded = Bios32Initialize(); } else if (BiosFileName[0] != '\0') { PVOID BiosLocation = NULL; Success = LoadBios(BiosFileName, &BiosLocation, NULL); DPRINT1("BIOS file '%s' loading %s at address 0x%08x; GetLastError() = %u\n", BiosFileName, Success ? "succeeded" : "failed", BiosLocation, GetLastError()); } else // if (BiosFileName[0] == '\0') { /* Do nothing */ Success = TRUE; } /* Bail out now if we failed to load any BIOS file */ if (!Success) return FALSE; /* Load optional ROMs */ if (RomFiles) { RomFile = RomFiles; while (*RomFile) { strncpy(RomFileName, RomFile, ARRAYSIZE(RomFileName)); RomFileName[ARRAYSIZE(RomFileName)-1] = '\0'; ptr = strchr(RomFileName, '|'); // Since '|' is forbidden as a valid file name, we use it as a separator for the ROM address. if (!ptr) goto Skip; *ptr++ = '\0'; RomAddress = strtoul(ptr, NULL, 0); // ROM segment RomAddress <<= 4; // Convert to real address if (RomAddress == 0) goto Skip; Success2 = LoadRom(RomFileName, (PVOID)RomAddress, NULL); DPRINT1("ROM file '%s' loading %s at address 0x%08x; GetLastError() = %u\n", RomFileName, Success2 ? "succeeded" : "failed", RomAddress, GetLastError()); Skip: RomFile += strlen(RomFile) + 1; } } /* * Boot it up. * The CPU is already in reset-mode so that * CS:IP points to F000:FFF0 as required. */ // DisplayMessage(L"CS:IP=%04X:%04X", getCS(), getIP()); // setCS(0xF000); // setIP(0xFFF0); // /* Enable interrupts */ // setIF(1); /* Initialize the Upper Memory Area Manager */ if (!UmaMgrInitialize()) { wprintf(L"FATAL: Failed to initialize the UMA manager.\n"); return FALSE; } return Success; } VOID BiosCleanup(VOID) { UmaMgrCleanup(); if (Bios32Loaded) Bios32Cleanup(); } /* EOF */