/* * PROJECT: NEC PC-98 series HAL * LICENSE: GPL-2.0-or-later (https://spdx.org/licenses/GPL-2.0-or-later) * PURPOSE: RTC and NVRAM access routines * COPYRIGHT: Copyright 2020 Dmitry Borisov (di.sean@protonmail.com) */ /* INCLUDES ******************************************************************/ #include #define NDEBUG #include #if defined(ALLOC_PRAGMA) && !defined(_MINIHAL_) #pragma alloc_text(INIT, HalpInitializeCmos) #endif /* GLOBALS *******************************************************************/ /* * The PC-98 hardware maps data from the NVRAM directly into the text video * memory address space. Every fourth byte is a "writable data". * * |0x2FE2|0x2FE3|0x2FE4|0x2FE5|0x2FE6|0x2FE7| .... |0x2FFD|0x2FFE| * | D | | | | D | | .... | | D | * * Most of these bits of the NVRAM are already used. There are some reserved * bits in the 0x3FE6 and 0x3FFE that we can use. */ #define NVRAM_START 0x3FE2 #define NVRAM_SIZE 0x1C #define NVRAM_UNUSED_REG 0x14 #define NVRAM_UNUSED_BIT 0x80 static ULONG_PTR MappedNvram; /* PRIVATE FUNCTIONS *********************************************************/ /* Avoid double calls */ #undef BCD_INT static UCHAR BCD_INT( _In_ UCHAR Bcd) { return ((Bcd & 0xF0) >> 4) * 10 + (Bcd & 0x0F); } static UCHAR NTAPI HalpReadNvram( _In_ UCHAR Register) { return READ_REGISTER_UCHAR((PUCHAR)(MappedNvram + Register)); } _Requires_lock_held_(HalpSystemHardwareLock) static VOID NTAPI HalpWriteNvram( _In_ UCHAR Register, _In_ UCHAR Value) { __outbyte(GDC1_IO_o_MODE_FLIPFLOP1, GDC1_NVRAM_UNPROTECT); WRITE_REGISTER_UCHAR((PUCHAR)(MappedNvram + Register), Value); __outbyte(GDC1_IO_o_MODE_FLIPFLOP1, GDC1_NVRAM_PROTECT); } _Requires_lock_held_(HalpSystemHardwareLock) static UCHAR NTAPI HalpRtcReadByte(VOID) { UCHAR i; UCHAR Byte = 0; /* Read byte from single wire bus */ for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) { Byte |= (__inbyte(PPI_IO_i_PORT_B) & 1) << i; __outbyte(RTC_IO_o_DATA, RTC_CLOCK | RTC_CMD_SERIAL_TRANSFER_MODE); KeStallExecutionProcessor(1); __outbyte(RTC_IO_o_DATA, RTC_CMD_SERIAL_TRANSFER_MODE); KeStallExecutionProcessor(1); } return Byte; } _Requires_lock_held_(HalpSystemHardwareLock) static VOID NTAPI HalpRtcWriteBit( _In_ UCHAR Bit) { Bit = (Bit & 1) << 5; __outbyte(RTC_IO_o_DATA, Bit | RTC_CMD_SERIAL_TRANSFER_MODE); KeStallExecutionProcessor(1); __outbyte(RTC_IO_o_DATA, Bit | RTC_CLOCK | RTC_CMD_SERIAL_TRANSFER_MODE); KeStallExecutionProcessor(1); } _Requires_lock_held_(HalpSystemHardwareLock) static VOID NTAPI HalpRtcWriteCommand( _In_ UCHAR Command) { UCHAR i; for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) HalpRtcWriteBit(Command >> i); __outbyte(RTC_IO_o_DATA, RTC_STROBE | RTC_CMD_SERIAL_TRANSFER_MODE); KeStallExecutionProcessor(1); __outbyte(RTC_IO_o_DATA, RTC_CMD_SERIAL_TRANSFER_MODE); KeStallExecutionProcessor(1); } UCHAR NTAPI HalpReadCmos( _In_ UCHAR Reg) { /* Not supported by hardware */ return 0; } VOID NTAPI HalpWriteCmos( _In_ UCHAR Reg, _In_ UCHAR Value) { /* Not supported by hardware */ NOTHING; } ULONG NTAPI HalpGetCmosData( _In_ ULONG BusNumber, _In_ ULONG SlotNumber, _Out_writes_bytes_(Length) PVOID Buffer, _In_ ULONG Length) { /* Not supported by hardware */ return 0; } ULONG NTAPI HalpSetCmosData( _In_ ULONG BusNumber, _In_ ULONG SlotNumber, _In_reads_bytes_(Length) PVOID Buffer, _In_ ULONG Length) { /* Not supported by hardware */ return 0; } INIT_FUNCTION VOID NTAPI HalpInitializeCmos(VOID) { PHYSICAL_ADDRESS PhysicalAddress; /* TODO: Detect TVRAM address */ if (TRUE) PhysicalAddress.QuadPart = VRAM_NORMAL_TEXT + NVRAM_START; else PhysicalAddress.QuadPart = VRAM_HI_RESO_TEXT + NVRAM_START; MappedNvram = (ULONG_PTR)HalpMapPhysicalMemory64(PhysicalAddress, BYTES_TO_PAGES(NVRAM_SIZE)); } /* PUBLIC FUNCTIONS **********************************************************/ ARC_STATUS NTAPI HalGetEnvironmentVariable( _In_ PCH Name, _In_ USHORT ValueLength, _Out_writes_z_(ValueLength) PCH Value) { UCHAR Val; /* Only variable supported on x86 */ if (_stricmp(Name, "LastKnownGood")) return ENOENT; if (!MappedNvram) return ENOENT; HalpAcquireCmosSpinLock(); Val = HalpReadNvram(NVRAM_UNUSED_REG) & NVRAM_UNUSED_BIT; HalpReleaseCmosSpinLock(); /* Check the flag */ if (Val) strncpy(Value, "FALSE", ValueLength); else strncpy(Value, "TRUE", ValueLength); return ESUCCESS; } ARC_STATUS NTAPI HalSetEnvironmentVariable( _In_ PCH Name, _In_ PCH Value) { UCHAR Val; /* Only variable supported on x86 */ if (_stricmp(Name, "LastKnownGood")) return ENOMEM; if (!MappedNvram) return ENOMEM; /* Check if this is true or false */ if (!_stricmp(Value, "TRUE")) { HalpAcquireCmosSpinLock(); Val = HalpReadNvram(NVRAM_UNUSED_REG) | NVRAM_UNUSED_BIT; } else if (!_stricmp(Value, "FALSE")) { HalpAcquireCmosSpinLock(); Val = HalpReadNvram(NVRAM_UNUSED_REG) & ~NVRAM_UNUSED_BIT; } else { /* Fail */ return ENOMEM; } HalpWriteNvram(NVRAM_UNUSED_REG, Val); HalpReleaseCmosSpinLock(); return ESUCCESS; } BOOLEAN NTAPI HalQueryRealTimeClock( _Out_ PTIME_FIELDS Time) { UCHAR Temp; HalpAcquireCmosSpinLock(); HalpRtcWriteCommand(RTC_CMD_TIME_READ); HalpRtcWriteCommand(RTC_CMD_REGISTER_SHIFT); KeStallExecutionProcessor(19); /* Set the time data */ Time->Second = BCD_INT(HalpRtcReadByte()); Time->Minute = BCD_INT(HalpRtcReadByte()); Time->Hour = BCD_INT(HalpRtcReadByte()); Time->Day = BCD_INT(HalpRtcReadByte()); Temp = HalpRtcReadByte(); Time->Weekday = Temp & 0x0F; Time->Month = Temp >> 4; Time->Year = BCD_INT(HalpRtcReadByte()); Time->Milliseconds = 0; Time->Year += (Time->Year >= 80) ? 1900 : 2000; HalpRtcWriteCommand(RTC_CMD_REGISTER_HOLD); HalpReleaseCmosSpinLock(); return TRUE; } BOOLEAN NTAPI HalSetRealTimeClock( _In_ PTIME_FIELDS Time) { UCHAR i, j; UCHAR SysTime[6]; HalpAcquireCmosSpinLock(); HalpRtcWriteCommand(RTC_CMD_REGISTER_SHIFT); SysTime[0] = INT_BCD(Time->Second); SysTime[1] = INT_BCD(Time->Minute); SysTime[2] = INT_BCD(Time->Hour); SysTime[3] = INT_BCD(Time->Day); SysTime[4] = (Time->Month << 4) | (Time->Weekday & 0x0F); SysTime[5] = INT_BCD(Time->Year % 100); /* Write time fields to RTC */ for (i = 0; i < 6; i++) { for (j = 0; j < 8; j++) HalpRtcWriteBit(SysTime[i] >> j); } HalpRtcWriteCommand(RTC_CMD_TIME_SET_COUNTER_HOLD); HalpRtcWriteCommand(RTC_CMD_REGISTER_HOLD); HalpReleaseCmosSpinLock(); return TRUE; }