/* * COPYRIGHT: See COPYING in the top level directory * PROJECT: ReactOS Client/Server Runtime SubSystem * FILE: subsystems/win32/csrsrv/session.c * PURPOSE: CSR Server DLL Session Implementation * PROGRAMMERS: Alex Ionescu (alex@relsoft.net) */ /* INCLUDES *******************************************************************/ #include "srv.h" #define NDEBUG #include /* DATA ***********************************************************************/ RTL_CRITICAL_SECTION CsrNtSessionLock; LIST_ENTRY CsrNtSessionList; PSB_API_ROUTINE CsrServerSbApiDispatch[SbpMaxApiNumber - SbpCreateSession] = { CsrSbCreateSession, CsrSbTerminateSession, CsrSbForeignSessionComplete, CsrSbCreateProcess }; PCHAR CsrServerSbApiName[SbpMaxApiNumber - SbpCreateSession] = { "SbCreateSession", "SbTerminateSession", "SbForeignSessionComplete", "SbCreateProcess" }; /* PRIVATE FUNCTIONS **********************************************************/ /*++ * @name CsrInitializeNtSessionList * * The CsrInitializeNtSessionList routine sets up support for CSR Sessions. * * @param None * * @return None * * @remarks None. * *--*/ NTSTATUS NTAPI CsrInitializeNtSessionList(VOID) { /* Initialize the Session List */ InitializeListHead(&CsrNtSessionList); /* Initialize the Session Lock */ return RtlInitializeCriticalSection(&CsrNtSessionLock); } /*++ * @name CsrAllocateNtSession * * The CsrAllocateNtSession routine allocates a new CSR NT Session. * * @param SessionId * Session ID of the CSR NT Session to allocate. * * @return Pointer to the newly allocated CSR NT Session. * * @remarks None. * *--*/ PCSR_NT_SESSION NTAPI CsrAllocateNtSession(IN ULONG SessionId) { PCSR_NT_SESSION NtSession; /* Allocate an NT Session Object */ NtSession = RtlAllocateHeap(CsrHeap, HEAP_ZERO_MEMORY, sizeof(CSR_NT_SESSION)); if (NtSession) { /* Setup the Session Object */ NtSession->SessionId = SessionId; NtSession->ReferenceCount = 1; /* Insert it into the Session List */ CsrAcquireNtSessionLock(); InsertHeadList(&CsrNtSessionList, &NtSession->SessionLink); CsrReleaseNtSessionLock(); } else { ASSERT(NtSession != NULL); } /* Return the Session (or NULL) */ return NtSession; } /*++ * @name CsrReferenceNtSession * * The CsrReferenceNtSession increases the reference count of a CSR NT Session. * * @param Session * Pointer to the CSR NT Session to reference. * * @return None. * * @remarks None. * *--*/ VOID NTAPI CsrReferenceNtSession(IN PCSR_NT_SESSION Session) { /* Acquire the lock */ CsrAcquireNtSessionLock(); /* Sanity checks */ ASSERT(!IsListEmpty(&Session->SessionLink)); ASSERT(Session->SessionId != 0); ASSERT(Session->ReferenceCount != 0); /* Increase the reference count */ Session->ReferenceCount++; /* Release the lock */ CsrReleaseNtSessionLock(); } /*++ * @name CsrDereferenceNtSession * * The CsrDereferenceNtSession decreases the reference count of a * CSR NT Session. * * @param Session * Pointer to the CSR NT Session to reference. * * @param ExitStatus * If this is the last reference to the session, this argument * specifies the exit status. * * @return None. * * @remarks CsrDereferenceNtSession will complete the session if * the last reference to it has been closed. * *--*/ VOID NTAPI CsrDereferenceNtSession(IN PCSR_NT_SESSION Session, IN NTSTATUS ExitStatus) { /* Acquire the lock */ CsrAcquireNtSessionLock(); /* Sanity checks */ ASSERT(!IsListEmpty(&Session->SessionLink)); ASSERT(Session->SessionId != 0); ASSERT(Session->ReferenceCount != 0); /* Dereference the Session Object */ if ((--Session->ReferenceCount) == 0) { /* Remove it from the list */ RemoveEntryList(&Session->SessionLink); /* Release the lock */ CsrReleaseNtSessionLock(); /* Tell SM that we're done here */ SmSessionComplete(CsrSmApiPort, Session->SessionId, ExitStatus); /* Free the Session Object */ RtlFreeHeap(CsrHeap, 0, Session); } else { /* Release the lock, the Session is still active */ CsrReleaseNtSessionLock(); } } /* SESSION MANAGER FUNCTIONS **************************************************/ /*++ * @name CsrSbCreateSession * * The CsrSbCreateSession API is called by the Session Manager whenever a new * session is created. * * @param ApiMessage * Pointer to the Session Manager API Message. * * @return TRUE in case of success, FALSE otherwise. * * @remarks The CsrSbCreateSession routine will initialize a new CSR NT * Session and allocate a new CSR Process for the subsystem process. * *--*/ BOOLEAN NTAPI CsrSbCreateSession(IN PSB_API_MSG ApiMessage) { PSB_CREATE_SESSION_MSG CreateSession = &ApiMessage->CreateSession; HANDLE hProcess, hThread; PCSR_PROCESS CsrProcess; PCSR_THREAD CsrThread; PCSR_SERVER_DLL ServerDll; PVOID ProcessData; NTSTATUS Status; KERNEL_USER_TIMES KernelTimes; ULONG i; /* Save the Process and Thread Handles */ hProcess = CreateSession->ProcessInfo.ProcessHandle; hThread = CreateSession->ProcessInfo.ThreadHandle; /* Lock the Processes */ CsrAcquireProcessLock(); /* Allocate a new process */ CsrProcess = CsrAllocateProcess(); if (!CsrProcess) { /* Fail */ ApiMessage->ReturnValue = STATUS_NO_MEMORY; CsrReleaseProcessLock(); return TRUE; } /* Set the exception port */ Status = NtSetInformationProcess(hProcess, ProcessExceptionPort, &CsrApiPort, sizeof(HANDLE)); /* Check for success */ if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { /* Fail the request */ CsrDeallocateProcess(CsrProcess); CsrReleaseProcessLock(); /* Strange as it seems, NTSTATUSes are actually returned */ return (BOOLEAN)STATUS_NO_MEMORY; } /* Get the Create Time */ Status = NtQueryInformationThread(hThread, ThreadTimes, &KernelTimes, sizeof(KERNEL_USER_TIMES), NULL); /* Check for success */ if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { /* Fail the request */ CsrDeallocateProcess(CsrProcess); CsrReleaseProcessLock(); /* Strange as it seems, NTSTATUSes are actually returned */ return (BOOLEAN)Status; } /* Allocate a new Thread */ CsrThread = CsrAllocateThread(CsrProcess); if (!CsrThread) { /* Fail the request */ CsrDeallocateProcess(CsrProcess); CsrReleaseProcessLock(); ApiMessage->ReturnValue = STATUS_NO_MEMORY; return TRUE; } /* Setup the Thread Object */ CsrThread->CreateTime = KernelTimes.CreateTime; CsrThread->ClientId = CreateSession->ProcessInfo.ClientId; CsrThread->ThreadHandle = hThread; ProtectHandle(hThread); CsrThread->Flags = 0; /* Insert it into the Process List */ CsrInsertThread(CsrProcess, CsrThread); /* Setup Process Data */ CsrProcess->ClientId = CreateSession->ProcessInfo.ClientId; CsrProcess->ProcessHandle = hProcess; CsrProcess->NtSession = CsrAllocateNtSession(CreateSession->SessionId); /* Set the Process Priority */ CsrSetBackgroundPriority(CsrProcess); /* Get the first data location */ ProcessData = &CsrProcess->ServerData[CSR_SERVER_DLL_MAX]; /* Loop every DLL */ for (i = 0; i < CSR_SERVER_DLL_MAX; i++) { /* Get the current Server */ ServerDll = CsrLoadedServerDll[i]; /* Check if the DLL is loaded and has Process Data */ if (ServerDll && ServerDll->SizeOfProcessData) { /* Write the pointer to the data */ CsrProcess->ServerData[i] = ProcessData; /* Move to the next data location */ ProcessData = (PVOID)((ULONG_PTR)ProcessData + ServerDll->SizeOfProcessData); } else { /* Nothing for this Process */ CsrProcess->ServerData[i] = NULL; } } /* Insert the Process */ CsrInsertProcess(NULL, CsrProcess); /* Activate the Thread */ ApiMessage->ReturnValue = NtResumeThread(hThread, NULL); /* Release lock and return */ CsrReleaseProcessLock(); return TRUE; } /*++ * @name CsrSbForeignSessionComplete * * The CsrSbForeignSessionComplete API is called by the Session Manager * whenever a foreign session is completed (ie: terminated). * * @param ApiMessage * Pointer to the Session Manager API Message. * * @return TRUE in case of success, FALSE otherwise. * * @remarks The CsrSbForeignSessionComplete API is not yet implemented. * *--*/ BOOLEAN NTAPI CsrSbForeignSessionComplete(IN PSB_API_MSG ApiMessage) { /* Deprecated/Unimplemented in NT */ ApiMessage->ReturnValue = STATUS_NOT_IMPLEMENTED; return TRUE; } /*++ * @name CsrSbTerminateSession * * The CsrSbTerminateSession API is called by the Session Manager * whenever a foreign session should be destroyed. * * @param ApiMessage * Pointer to the Session Manager API Message. * * @return TRUE in case of success, FALSE otherwise. * * @remarks The CsrSbTerminateSession API is not yet implemented. * *--*/ BOOLEAN NTAPI CsrSbTerminateSession(IN PSB_API_MSG ApiMessage) { ApiMessage->ReturnValue = STATUS_NOT_IMPLEMENTED; return TRUE; } /*++ * @name CsrSbCreateProcess * * The CsrSbCreateProcess API is called by the Session Manager * whenever a foreign session is created and a new process should be started. * * @param ApiMessage * Pointer to the Session Manager API Message. * * @return TRUE in case of success, FALSE otherwise. * * @remarks The CsrSbCreateProcess API is not yet implemented. * *--*/ BOOLEAN NTAPI CsrSbCreateProcess(IN PSB_API_MSG ApiMessage) { ApiMessage->ReturnValue = STATUS_NOT_IMPLEMENTED; return TRUE; } /*++ * @name CsrSbApiHandleConnectionRequest * * The CsrSbApiHandleConnectionRequest routine handles and accepts a new * connection request to the SM API LPC Port. * * @param ApiMessage * Pointer to the incoming CSR API Message which contains the * connection request. * * @return STATUS_SUCCESS in case of success, or status code which caused * the routine to error. * * @remarks None. * *--*/ NTSTATUS NTAPI CsrSbApiHandleConnectionRequest(IN PSB_API_MSG Message) { NTSTATUS Status; REMOTE_PORT_VIEW RemotePortView; HANDLE hPort; /* Set the Port View Structure Length */ RemotePortView.Length = sizeof(REMOTE_PORT_VIEW); /* Accept the connection */ Status = NtAcceptConnectPort(&hPort, NULL, (PPORT_MESSAGE)Message, TRUE, NULL, &RemotePortView); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { DPRINT1("CSRSS: Sb Accept Connection failed %lx\n", Status); return Status; } /* Complete the Connection */ Status = NtCompleteConnectPort(hPort); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { DPRINT1("CSRSS: Sb Complete Connection failed %lx\n",Status); } /* Return status */ return Status; } /*++ * @name CsrSbApiRequestThread * * The CsrSbApiRequestThread routine handles incoming messages or connection * requests on the SM API LPC Port. * * @param Parameter * System-default user-defined parameter. Unused. * * @return The thread exit code, if the thread is terminated. * * @remarks Before listening on the port, the routine will first attempt * to connect to the user subsystem. * *--*/ VOID NTAPI CsrSbApiRequestThread(IN PVOID Parameter) { NTSTATUS Status; SB_API_MSG ReceiveMsg; PSB_API_MSG ReplyMsg = NULL; PVOID PortContext; ULONG MessageType; /* Start the loop */ while (TRUE) { /* Wait for a message to come in */ Status = NtReplyWaitReceivePort(CsrSbApiPort, &PortContext, &ReplyMsg->h, &ReceiveMsg.h); /* Check if we didn't get success */ if (Status != STATUS_SUCCESS) { /* If we only got a warning, keep going */ if (NT_SUCCESS(Status)) continue; /* We failed big time, so start out fresh */ ReplyMsg = NULL; DPRINT1("CSRSS: ReceivePort failed - Status == %X\n", Status); continue; } /* Save the message type */ MessageType = ReceiveMsg.h.u2.s2.Type; /* Check if this is a connection request */ if (MessageType == LPC_CONNECTION_REQUEST) { /* Handle connection request */ CsrSbApiHandleConnectionRequest(&ReceiveMsg); /* Start over */ ReplyMsg = NULL; continue; } /* Check if the port died */ if (MessageType == LPC_PORT_CLOSED) { /* Close the handle if we have one */ if (PortContext) NtClose((HANDLE)PortContext); /* Client died, start over */ ReplyMsg = NULL; continue; } else if (MessageType == LPC_CLIENT_DIED) { /* Client died, start over */ ReplyMsg = NULL; continue; } /* * It's an API Message, check if it's within limits. If it's not, * the NT Behaviour is to set this to the Maximum API. */ if (ReceiveMsg.ApiNumber > SbpMaxApiNumber) { ReceiveMsg.ApiNumber = SbpMaxApiNumber; DPRINT1("CSRSS: %lx is invalid Sb ApiNumber\n", ReceiveMsg.ApiNumber); } /* Reuse the message */ ReplyMsg = &ReceiveMsg; /* Make sure that the message is supported */ if (ReceiveMsg.ApiNumber < SbpMaxApiNumber) { /* Call the API */ if (!CsrServerSbApiDispatch[ReceiveMsg.ApiNumber](&ReceiveMsg)) { DPRINT1("CSRSS: %s Session Api called and failed\n", CsrServerSbApiName[ReceiveMsg.ApiNumber]); /* It failed, so return nothing */ ReplyMsg = NULL; } } else { /* We don't support this API Number */ ReplyMsg->ReturnValue = STATUS_NOT_IMPLEMENTED; } } } /* EOF */