/* * COPYRIGHT: See COPYING in the top level directory * PROJECT: ReactOS Client/Server Runtime SubSystem * FILE: subsystems/win32/csrsrv/api.c * PURPOSE: CSR Server DLL API LPC Implementation * "\windows\ApiPort" port process management functions * PROGRAMMERS: Alex Ionescu (alex@relsoft.net) */ /* INCLUDES *******************************************************************/ #include "srv.h" #define NDEBUG #include /* GLOBALS ********************************************************************/ BOOLEAN (*CsrClientThreadSetup)(VOID) = NULL; UNICODE_STRING CsrApiPortName; volatile LONG CsrpStaticThreadCount; volatile LONG CsrpDynamicThreadTotal; extern ULONG CsrMaxApiRequestThreads; /* FUNCTIONS ******************************************************************/ /*++ * @name CsrCallServerFromServer * @implemented NT4 * * The CsrCallServerFromServer routine calls a CSR API from within a server. * It avoids using LPC messages since the request isn't coming from a client. * * @param ReceiveMsg * Pointer to the CSR API Message to send to the server. * * @param ReplyMsg * Pointer to the CSR API Message to receive from the server. * * @return STATUS_SUCCESS in case of success, STATUS_ILLEGAL_FUNCTION * if the ApiNumber is invalid, or STATUS_ACCESS_VIOLATION if there * was a problem executing the API. * * @remarks None. * *--*/ NTSTATUS NTAPI CsrCallServerFromServer(IN PCSR_API_MESSAGE ReceiveMsg, IN OUT PCSR_API_MESSAGE ReplyMsg) { ULONG ServerId; PCSR_SERVER_DLL ServerDll; ULONG ApiId; CSR_REPLY_CODE ReplyCode = CsrReplyImmediately; /* Get the Server ID */ ServerId = CSR_API_NUMBER_TO_SERVER_ID(ReceiveMsg->ApiNumber); /* Make sure that the ID is within limits, and the Server DLL loaded */ if ((ServerId >= CSR_SERVER_DLL_MAX) || (!(ServerDll = CsrLoadedServerDll[ServerId]))) { /* We are beyond the Maximum Server ID */ DPRINT1("CSRSS: %lx is invalid ServerDllIndex (%08x)\n", ServerId, ServerDll); ReplyMsg->Status = STATUS_ILLEGAL_FUNCTION; return STATUS_ILLEGAL_FUNCTION; } else { /* Get the API ID, normalized with our Base ID */ ApiId = CSR_API_NUMBER_TO_API_ID(ReceiveMsg->ApiNumber) - ServerDll->ApiBase; /* Make sure that the ID is within limits, and the entry exists */ if ((ApiId >= ServerDll->HighestApiSupported) || ((ServerDll->ValidTable) && !(ServerDll->ValidTable[ApiId]))) { /* We are beyond the Maximum API ID, or it doesn't exist */ DPRINT1("CSRSS: %lx (%s) is invalid ApiTableIndex for %Z or is an " "invalid API to call from the server.\n", ServerDll->ValidTable[ApiId], ((ServerDll->NameTable) && (ServerDll->NameTable[ApiId])) ? ServerDll->NameTable[ApiId] : "*** UNKNOWN ***", &ServerDll->Name); // DbgBreakPoint(); ReplyMsg->Status = STATUS_ILLEGAL_FUNCTION; return STATUS_ILLEGAL_FUNCTION; } } if (CsrDebug & 2) { DPRINT1("CSRSS: %s Api Request received from server process\n", ServerDll->NameTable[ApiId]); } /* Validation complete, start SEH */ _SEH2_TRY { /* Call the API, get the reply code and return the result */ ReplyMsg->Status = ServerDll->DispatchTable[ApiId](ReceiveMsg, &ReplyCode); } _SEH2_EXCEPT(EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER) { /* If we got an exception, return access violation */ ReplyMsg->Status = STATUS_ACCESS_VIOLATION; } _SEH2_END; /* Return success */ return STATUS_SUCCESS; } /*++ * @name CsrApiHandleConnectionRequest * * The CsrApiHandleConnectionRequest routine handles and accepts a new * connection request to the CSR API LPC Port. * * @param ApiMessage * Pointer to the incoming CSR API Message which contains the * connection request. * * @return STATUS_SUCCESS in case of success, or status code which caused * the routine to error. * * @remarks This routine is responsible for attaching the Shared Section to * new clients connecting to CSR. * *--*/ NTSTATUS NTAPI CsrApiHandleConnectionRequest(IN PCSR_API_MESSAGE ApiMessage) { PCSR_THREAD CsrThread = NULL; PCSR_PROCESS CsrProcess = NULL; NTSTATUS Status = STATUS_SUCCESS; PCSR_CONNECTION_INFO ConnectInfo = &ApiMessage->ConnectionInfo; BOOLEAN AllowConnection = FALSE; REMOTE_PORT_VIEW RemotePortView; HANDLE ServerPort; /* Acquire the Process Lock */ CsrAcquireProcessLock(); /* Lookup the CSR Thread */ CsrThread = CsrLocateThreadByClientId(NULL, &ApiMessage->Header.ClientId); /* Check if we have a thread */ if (CsrThread) { /* Get the Process */ CsrProcess = CsrThread->Process; /* Make sure we have a Process as well */ if (CsrProcess) { /* Reference the Process */ CsrLockedReferenceProcess(CsrProcess); /* Release the lock */ CsrReleaseProcessLock(); /* Duplicate the Object Directory */ Status = NtDuplicateObject(NtCurrentProcess(), CsrObjectDirectory, CsrProcess->ProcessHandle, &ConnectInfo->ObjectDirectory, 0, 0, DUPLICATE_SAME_ACCESS | DUPLICATE_SAME_ATTRIBUTES); /* Acquire the lock */ CsrAcquireProcessLock(); /* Check for success */ if (NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { /* Attach the Shared Section */ Status = CsrSrvAttachSharedSection(CsrProcess, ConnectInfo); /* Check how this went */ if (NT_SUCCESS(Status)) AllowConnection = TRUE; } /* Dereference the project */ CsrLockedDereferenceProcess(CsrProcess); } } /* Release the lock */ CsrReleaseProcessLock(); /* Setup the Port View Structure */ RemotePortView.Length = sizeof(REMOTE_PORT_VIEW); RemotePortView.ViewSize = 0; RemotePortView.ViewBase = NULL; /* Save the Process ID */ ConnectInfo->ProcessId = NtCurrentTeb()->ClientId.UniqueProcess; /* Accept the Connection */ Status = NtAcceptConnectPort(&ServerPort, AllowConnection ? UlongToPtr(CsrProcess->SequenceNumber) : 0, &ApiMessage->Header, AllowConnection, NULL, &RemotePortView); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { DPRINT1("CSRSS: NtAcceptConnectPort - failed. Status == %X\n", Status); } else if (AllowConnection) { if (CsrDebug & 2) { DPRINT1("CSRSS: ClientId: %lx.%lx has ClientView: Base=%p, Size=%lx\n", ApiMessage->Header.ClientId.UniqueProcess, ApiMessage->Header.ClientId.UniqueThread, RemotePortView.ViewBase, RemotePortView.ViewSize); } /* Set some Port Data in the Process */ CsrProcess->ClientPort = ServerPort; CsrProcess->ClientViewBase = (ULONG_PTR)RemotePortView.ViewBase; CsrProcess->ClientViewBounds = (ULONG_PTR)((ULONG_PTR)RemotePortView.ViewBase + (ULONG_PTR)RemotePortView.ViewSize); /* Complete the connection */ Status = NtCompleteConnectPort(ServerPort); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { DPRINT1("CSRSS: NtCompleteConnectPort - failed. Status == %X\n", Status); } } else { DPRINT1("CSRSS: Rejecting Connection Request from ClientId: %lx.%lx\n", ApiMessage->Header.ClientId.UniqueProcess, ApiMessage->Header.ClientId.UniqueThread); } /* Return status to caller */ return Status; } /*++ * @name CsrpCheckRequestThreads * * The CsrpCheckRequestThreads routine checks if there are no more threads * to handle CSR API Requests, and creates a new thread if possible, to * avoid starvation. * * @param None. * * @return STATUS_SUCCESS in case of success, STATUS_UNSUCCESSFUL * if a new thread couldn't be created. * * @remarks None. * *--*/ NTSTATUS NTAPI CsrpCheckRequestThreads(VOID) { HANDLE hThread; CLIENT_ID ClientId; NTSTATUS Status; /* Decrease the count, and see if we're out */ if (_InterlockedDecrement(&CsrpStaticThreadCount) == 0) { /* Check if we've still got space for a Dynamic Thread */ if (CsrpDynamicThreadTotal < CsrMaxApiRequestThreads) { /* Create a new dynamic thread */ Status = RtlCreateUserThread(NtCurrentProcess(), NULL, TRUE, 0, 0, 0, (PVOID)CsrApiRequestThread, NULL, &hThread, &ClientId); /* Check success */ if (NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { /* Increase the thread counts */ _InterlockedIncrement(&CsrpStaticThreadCount); _InterlockedIncrement(&CsrpDynamicThreadTotal); /* Add a new server thread */ if (CsrAddStaticServerThread(hThread, &ClientId, CsrThreadIsServerThread)) { /* Activate it */ NtResumeThread(hThread, NULL); } else { /* Failed to create a new static thread */ _InterlockedDecrement(&CsrpStaticThreadCount); _InterlockedDecrement(&CsrpDynamicThreadTotal); /* Terminate it */ DPRINT1("Failing\n"); NtTerminateThread(hThread, 0); NtClose(hThread); /* Return */ return STATUS_UNSUCCESSFUL; } } } } /* Success */ return STATUS_SUCCESS; } /*++ * @name CsrApiRequestThread * * The CsrApiRequestThread routine handles incoming messages or connection * requests on the CSR API LPC Port. * * @param Parameter * System-default user-defined parameter. Unused. * * @return The thread exit code, if the thread is terminated. * * @remarks Before listening on the port, the routine will first attempt * to connect to the user subsystem. * *--*/ NTSTATUS NTAPI CsrApiRequestThread(IN PVOID Parameter) { PTEB Teb = NtCurrentTeb(); LARGE_INTEGER TimeOut; PCSR_THREAD CurrentThread, CsrThread; NTSTATUS Status; CSR_REPLY_CODE ReplyCode; PCSR_API_MESSAGE ReplyMsg; CSR_API_MESSAGE ReceiveMsg; PCSR_PROCESS CsrProcess; PHARDERROR_MSG HardErrorMsg; PVOID PortContext; PCSR_SERVER_DLL ServerDll; PCLIENT_DIED_MSG ClientDiedMsg; PDBGKM_MSG DebugMessage; ULONG ServerId, ApiId, MessageType, i; HANDLE ReplyPort; /* Setup LPC loop port and message */ ReplyMsg = NULL; ReplyPort = CsrApiPort; /* Connect to user32 */ while (!CsrConnectToUser()) { /* Set up the timeout for the connect (30 seconds) */ TimeOut.QuadPart = -30 * 1000 * 1000 * 10; /* Keep trying until we get a response */ Teb->Win32ClientInfo[0] = 0; NtDelayExecution(FALSE, &TimeOut); } /* Get our thread */ CurrentThread = Teb->CsrClientThread; /* If we got an event... */ if (Parameter) { /* Set it, to let stuff waiting on us load */ Status = NtSetEvent((HANDLE)Parameter, NULL); ASSERT(NT_SUCCESS(Status)); /* Increase the Thread Counts */ _InterlockedIncrement(&CsrpStaticThreadCount); _InterlockedIncrement(&CsrpDynamicThreadTotal); } /* Now start the loop */ while (TRUE) { /* Make sure the real CID is set */ Teb->RealClientId = Teb->ClientId; /* Debug check */ if (Teb->CountOfOwnedCriticalSections) { DPRINT1("CSRSRV: FATAL ERROR. CsrThread is Idle while holding %lu critical sections\n", Teb->CountOfOwnedCriticalSections); DPRINT1("CSRSRV: Last Receive Message %lx ReplyMessage %lx\n", &ReceiveMsg, ReplyMsg); DbgBreakPoint(); } /* Wait for a message to come through */ Status = NtReplyWaitReceivePort(ReplyPort, &PortContext, &ReplyMsg->Header, &ReceiveMsg.Header); /* Check if we didn't get success */ if (Status != STATUS_SUCCESS) { /* Was it a failure or another success code? */ if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { /* Check for specific status cases */ if ((Status != STATUS_INVALID_CID) && (Status != STATUS_UNSUCCESSFUL) && ((Status == STATUS_INVALID_HANDLE) || (ReplyPort == CsrApiPort))) { /* Notify the debugger */ DPRINT1("CSRSS: ReceivePort failed - Status == %X\n", Status); DPRINT1("CSRSS: ReplyPortHandle %lx CsrApiPort %lx\n", ReplyPort, CsrApiPort); } /* We failed big time, so start out fresh */ ReplyMsg = NULL; ReplyPort = CsrApiPort; continue; } else { /* A strange "success" code, just try again */ DPRINT1("NtReplyWaitReceivePort returned \"success\" status 0x%x\n", Status); continue; } } /* Use whatever Client ID we got */ Teb->RealClientId = ReceiveMsg.Header.ClientId; /* Get the Message Type */ MessageType = ReceiveMsg.Header.u2.s2.Type; /* Handle connection requests */ if (MessageType == LPC_CONNECTION_REQUEST) { /* Handle the Connection Request */ CsrApiHandleConnectionRequest(&ReceiveMsg); ReplyMsg = NULL; ReplyPort = CsrApiPort; continue; } /* It's some other kind of request. Get the lock for the lookup */ CsrAcquireProcessLock(); /* Now do the lookup to get the CSR_THREAD */ CsrThread = CsrLocateThreadByClientId(&CsrProcess, &ReceiveMsg.Header.ClientId); /* Did we find a thread? */ if (!CsrThread) { /* This wasn't a CSR Thread, release lock */ CsrReleaseProcessLock(); /* If this was an exception, handle it */ if (MessageType == LPC_EXCEPTION) { ReplyMsg = &ReceiveMsg; ReplyPort = CsrApiPort; ReplyMsg->Status = DBG_CONTINUE; } else if (MessageType == LPC_PORT_CLOSED || MessageType == LPC_CLIENT_DIED) { /* The Client or Port are gone, loop again */ ReplyMsg = NULL; ReplyPort = CsrApiPort; } else if (MessageType == LPC_ERROR_EVENT) { /* If it's a hard error, handle this too */ HardErrorMsg = (PHARDERROR_MSG)&ReceiveMsg; /* Default it to unhandled */ HardErrorMsg->Response = ResponseNotHandled; /* Check if there are free api threads */ CsrpCheckRequestThreads(); if (CsrpStaticThreadCount) { /* Loop every Server DLL */ for (i = 0; i < CSR_SERVER_DLL_MAX; i++) { /* Get the Server DLL */ ServerDll = CsrLoadedServerDll[i]; /* Check if it's valid and if it has a Hard Error Callback */ if ((ServerDll) && (ServerDll->HardErrorCallback)) { /* Call it */ ServerDll->HardErrorCallback(NULL /* == CsrThread */, HardErrorMsg); /* If it's handled, get out of here */ if (HardErrorMsg->Response != ResponseNotHandled) break; } } } /* Increase the thread count */ _InterlockedIncrement(&CsrpStaticThreadCount); /* If the response was 0xFFFFFFFF, we'll ignore it */ if (HardErrorMsg->Response == 0xFFFFFFFF) { ReplyMsg = NULL; ReplyPort = CsrApiPort; } else { ReplyMsg = &ReceiveMsg; ReplyPort = CsrApiPort; } } else if (MessageType == LPC_REQUEST) { /* This is an API Message coming from a non-CSR Thread */ ReplyMsg = &ReceiveMsg; ReplyPort = CsrApiPort; ReplyMsg->Status = STATUS_ILLEGAL_FUNCTION; } else if (MessageType == LPC_DATAGRAM) { /* This is an API call, get the Server ID */ ServerId = CSR_API_NUMBER_TO_SERVER_ID(ReceiveMsg.ApiNumber); /* Make sure that the ID is within limits, and the Server DLL loaded */ ServerDll = NULL; if ((ServerId >= CSR_SERVER_DLL_MAX) || (!(ServerDll = CsrLoadedServerDll[ServerId]))) { /* We are beyond the Maximum Server ID */ DPRINT1("CSRSS: %lx is invalid ServerDllIndex (%08x)\n", ServerId, ServerDll); // DbgBreakPoint(); ReplyMsg = NULL; ReplyPort = CsrApiPort; continue; } /* Get the API ID, normalized with our Base ID */ ApiId = CSR_API_NUMBER_TO_API_ID(ReceiveMsg.ApiNumber) - ServerDll->ApiBase; /* Make sure that the ID is within limits, and the entry exists */ if (ApiId >= ServerDll->HighestApiSupported) { /* We are beyond the Maximum API ID, or it doesn't exist */ DPRINT1("CSRSS: %lx is invalid ApiTableIndex for %Z\n", CSR_API_NUMBER_TO_API_ID(ReceiveMsg.ApiNumber), &ServerDll->Name); ReplyPort = CsrApiPort; ReplyMsg = NULL; continue; } if (CsrDebug & 2) { DPRINT1("[%02x] CSRSS: [%02x,%02x] - %s Api called from %08x\n", Teb->ClientId.UniqueThread, ReceiveMsg.Header.ClientId.UniqueProcess, ReceiveMsg.Header.ClientId.UniqueThread, ServerDll->NameTable[ApiId], NULL); } /* Assume success */ ReceiveMsg.Status = STATUS_SUCCESS; /* Validation complete, start SEH */ _SEH2_TRY { /* Make sure we have enough threads */ CsrpCheckRequestThreads(); /* Call the API and get the reply code */ ReplyMsg = NULL; ReplyPort = CsrApiPort; ServerDll->DispatchTable[ApiId](&ReceiveMsg, &ReplyCode); /* Increase the static thread count */ _InterlockedIncrement(&CsrpStaticThreadCount); } _SEH2_EXCEPT(CsrUnhandledExceptionFilter(_SEH2_GetExceptionInformation())) { ReplyMsg = NULL; ReplyPort = CsrApiPort; } _SEH2_END; } else { /* Some other ignored message type */ ReplyMsg = NULL; ReplyPort = CsrApiPort; } /* Keep going */ continue; } /* We have a valid thread, was this an LPC Request? */ if (MessageType != LPC_REQUEST) { /* It's not an API, check if the client died */ if (MessageType == LPC_CLIENT_DIED) { /* Get the information and check if it matches our thread */ ClientDiedMsg = (PCLIENT_DIED_MSG)&ReceiveMsg; if (ClientDiedMsg->CreateTime.QuadPart == CsrThread->CreateTime.QuadPart) { /* Now we reply to the dying client */ ReplyPort = CsrThread->Process->ClientPort; /* Reference the thread */ CsrLockedReferenceThread(CsrThread); /* Destroy the thread in the API Message */ CsrDestroyThread(&ReceiveMsg.Header.ClientId); /* Check if the thread was actually ourselves */ if (CsrProcess->ThreadCount == 1) { /* Kill the process manually here */ CsrDestroyProcess(&CsrThread->ClientId, 0); } /* Remove our extra reference */ CsrLockedDereferenceThread(CsrThread); } /* Release the lock and keep looping */ CsrReleaseProcessLock(); ReplyMsg = NULL; ReplyPort = CsrApiPort; continue; } /* Reference the thread and release the lock */ CsrLockedReferenceThread(CsrThread); CsrReleaseProcessLock(); /* Check if this was an exception */ if (MessageType == LPC_EXCEPTION) { /* Kill the process */ NtTerminateProcess(CsrProcess->ProcessHandle, STATUS_ABANDONED); /* Destroy it from CSR */ CsrDestroyProcess(&ReceiveMsg.Header.ClientId, STATUS_ABANDONED); /* Return a Debug Message */ DebugMessage = (PDBGKM_MSG)&ReceiveMsg; DebugMessage->ReturnedStatus = DBG_CONTINUE; ReplyMsg = &ReceiveMsg; ReplyPort = CsrApiPort; /* Remove our extra reference */ CsrDereferenceThread(CsrThread); } else if (MessageType == LPC_ERROR_EVENT) { /* If it's a hard error, handle this too */ HardErrorMsg = (PHARDERROR_MSG)&ReceiveMsg; /* Default it to unhandled */ HardErrorMsg->Response = ResponseNotHandled; /* Check if there are free api threads */ CsrpCheckRequestThreads(); if (CsrpStaticThreadCount) { /* Loop every Server DLL */ for (i = 0; i < CSR_SERVER_DLL_MAX; i++) { /* Get the Server DLL */ ServerDll = CsrLoadedServerDll[i]; /* Check if it's valid and if it has a Hard Error Callback */ if ((ServerDll) && (ServerDll->HardErrorCallback)) { /* Call it */ ServerDll->HardErrorCallback(CsrThread, HardErrorMsg); /* If it's handled, get out of here */ if (HardErrorMsg->Response != ResponseNotHandled) break; } } } /* Increase the thread count */ _InterlockedIncrement(&CsrpStaticThreadCount); /* If the response was 0xFFFFFFFF, we'll ignore it */ if (HardErrorMsg->Response == 0xFFFFFFFF) { ReplyMsg = NULL; ReplyPort = CsrApiPort; } else { CsrDereferenceThread(CsrThread); ReplyMsg = &ReceiveMsg; ReplyPort = CsrApiPort; } } else { /* Something else */ CsrDereferenceThread(CsrThread); ReplyMsg = NULL; } /* Keep looping */ continue; } /* We got an API Request */ CsrLockedReferenceThread(CsrThread); CsrReleaseProcessLock(); /* This is an API call, get the Server ID */ ServerId = CSR_API_NUMBER_TO_SERVER_ID(ReceiveMsg.ApiNumber); /* Make sure that the ID is within limits, and the Server DLL loaded */ ServerDll = NULL; if ((ServerId >= CSR_SERVER_DLL_MAX) || (!(ServerDll = CsrLoadedServerDll[ServerId]))) { /* We are beyond the Maximum Server ID */ DPRINT1("CSRSS: %lx is invalid ServerDllIndex (%08x)\n", ServerId, ServerDll); // DbgBreakPoint(); ReplyPort = CsrApiPort; ReplyMsg = &ReceiveMsg; ReplyMsg->Status = STATUS_ILLEGAL_FUNCTION; CsrDereferenceThread(CsrThread); continue; } /* Get the API ID, normalized with our Base ID */ ApiId = CSR_API_NUMBER_TO_API_ID(ReceiveMsg.ApiNumber) - ServerDll->ApiBase; /* Make sure that the ID is within limits, and the entry exists */ if (ApiId >= ServerDll->HighestApiSupported) { /* We are beyond the Maximum API ID, or it doesn't exist */ DPRINT1("CSRSS: %lx is invalid ApiTableIndex for %Z\n", CSR_API_NUMBER_TO_API_ID(ReceiveMsg.ApiNumber), &ServerDll->Name); ReplyPort = CsrApiPort; ReplyMsg = &ReceiveMsg; ReplyMsg->Status = STATUS_ILLEGAL_FUNCTION; CsrDereferenceThread(CsrThread); continue; } if (CsrDebug & 2) { DPRINT1("[%02x] CSRSS: [%02x,%02x] - %s Api called from %08x, Process %08x - %08x\n", Teb->ClientId.UniqueThread, ReceiveMsg.Header.ClientId.UniqueProcess, ReceiveMsg.Header.ClientId.UniqueThread, ServerDll->NameTable[ApiId], CsrThread, CsrThread->Process, CsrProcess); } /* Assume success */ ReplyMsg = &ReceiveMsg; ReceiveMsg.Status = STATUS_SUCCESS; /* Now we reply to a particular client */ ReplyPort = CsrThread->Process->ClientPort; /* Check if there's a capture buffer */ if (ReceiveMsg.CsrCaptureData) { /* Capture the arguments */ if (!CsrCaptureArguments(CsrThread, &ReceiveMsg)) { /* Ignore this message if we failed to get the arguments */ CsrDereferenceThread(CsrThread); continue; } } /* Validation complete, start SEH */ _SEH2_TRY { /* Make sure we have enough threads */ CsrpCheckRequestThreads(); Teb->CsrClientThread = CsrThread; /* Call the API, get the reply code and return the result */ ReplyCode = CsrReplyImmediately; ReplyMsg->Status = ServerDll->DispatchTable[ApiId](&ReceiveMsg, &ReplyCode); /* Increase the static thread count */ _InterlockedIncrement(&CsrpStaticThreadCount); Teb->CsrClientThread = CurrentThread; if (ReplyCode == CsrReplyAlreadySent) { if (ReceiveMsg.CsrCaptureData) { CsrReleaseCapturedArguments(&ReceiveMsg); } ReplyMsg = NULL; ReplyPort = CsrApiPort; CsrDereferenceThread(CsrThread); } else if (ReplyCode == CsrReplyDeadClient) { /* Reply to the death message */ NtReplyPort(ReplyPort, &ReplyMsg->Header); /* Reply back to the API port now */ ReplyMsg = NULL; ReplyPort = CsrApiPort; CsrDereferenceThread(CsrThread); } else if (ReplyCode == CsrReplyPending) { ReplyMsg = NULL; ReplyPort = CsrApiPort; } else { if (ReceiveMsg.CsrCaptureData) { CsrReleaseCapturedArguments(&ReceiveMsg); } CsrDereferenceThread(CsrThread); } } _SEH2_EXCEPT(CsrUnhandledExceptionFilter(_SEH2_GetExceptionInformation())) { ReplyMsg = NULL; ReplyPort = CsrApiPort; } _SEH2_END; } /* We're out of the loop for some reason, terminate! */ NtTerminateThread(NtCurrentThread(), Status); return Status; } /*++ * @name CsrApiPortInitialize * * The CsrApiPortInitialize routine initializes the LPC Port used for * communications with the Client/Server Runtime (CSR) and initializes the * static thread that will handle connection requests and APIs. * * @param None * * @return STATUS_SUCCESS in case of success, STATUS_UNSUCCESSFUL otherwise. * * @remarks None. * *--*/ NTSTATUS NTAPI CsrApiPortInitialize(VOID) { ULONG Size; OBJECT_ATTRIBUTES ObjectAttributes; NTSTATUS Status; HANDLE hRequestEvent, hThread; CLIENT_ID ClientId; PLIST_ENTRY ListHead, NextEntry; PCSR_THREAD ServerThread; /* Calculate how much space we'll need for the Port Name */ Size = CsrDirectoryName.Length + sizeof(CSR_PORT_NAME) + sizeof(WCHAR); /* Create the buffer for it */ CsrApiPortName.Buffer = RtlAllocateHeap(CsrHeap, 0, Size); if (!CsrApiPortName.Buffer) return STATUS_NO_MEMORY; /* Setup the rest of the empty string */ CsrApiPortName.Length = 0; CsrApiPortName.MaximumLength = (USHORT)Size; RtlAppendUnicodeStringToString(&CsrApiPortName, &CsrDirectoryName); RtlAppendUnicodeToString(&CsrApiPortName, UNICODE_PATH_SEP); RtlAppendUnicodeToString(&CsrApiPortName, CSR_PORT_NAME); if (CsrDebug & 1) { DPRINT1("CSRSS: Creating %wZ port and associated threads\n", &CsrApiPortName); DPRINT1("CSRSS: sizeof( CONNECTINFO ) == %ld sizeof( API_MSG ) == %ld\n", sizeof(CSR_CONNECTION_INFO), sizeof(CSR_API_MESSAGE)); } /* FIXME: Create a Security Descriptor */ /* Initialize the Attributes */ InitializeObjectAttributes(&ObjectAttributes, &CsrApiPortName, 0, NULL, NULL /* FIXME: Use the Security Descriptor */); /* Create the Port Object */ Status = NtCreatePort(&CsrApiPort, &ObjectAttributes, sizeof(CSR_CONNECTION_INFO), sizeof(CSR_API_MESSAGE), 16 * PAGE_SIZE); if (NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { /* Create the event the Port Thread will use */ Status = NtCreateEvent(&hRequestEvent, EVENT_ALL_ACCESS, NULL, SynchronizationEvent, FALSE); if (NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { /* Create the Request Thread */ Status = RtlCreateUserThread(NtCurrentProcess(), NULL, TRUE, 0, 0, 0, (PVOID)CsrApiRequestThread, (PVOID)hRequestEvent, &hThread, &ClientId); if (NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { /* Add this as a static thread to CSRSRV */ CsrAddStaticServerThread(hThread, &ClientId, CsrThreadIsServerThread); /* Get the Thread List Pointers */ ListHead = &CsrRootProcess->ThreadList; NextEntry = ListHead->Flink; /* Start looping the list */ while (NextEntry != ListHead) { /* Get the Thread */ ServerThread = CONTAINING_RECORD(NextEntry, CSR_THREAD, Link); /* Start it up */ Status = NtResumeThread(ServerThread->ThreadHandle, NULL); /* Is this a Server Thread? */ if (ServerThread->Flags & CsrThreadIsServerThread) { /* If so, then wait for it to initialize */ Status = NtWaitForSingleObject(hRequestEvent, FALSE, NULL); ASSERT(NT_SUCCESS(Status)); } /* Next thread */ NextEntry = NextEntry->Flink; } /* We don't need this anymore */ NtClose(hRequestEvent); } } } /* Return */ return Status; } /*++ * @name CsrConnectToUser * @implemented NT4 * * The CsrConnectToUser connects to the User subsystem. * * @param None * * @return A pointer to the CSR Thread * * @remarks None. * *--*/ PCSR_THREAD NTAPI CsrConnectToUser(VOID) { #if 0 // FIXME: This code is OK, however it is ClientThreadSetup which sucks. NTSTATUS Status; ANSI_STRING DllName; UNICODE_STRING TempName; HANDLE hUser32; STRING StartupName; PTEB Teb = NtCurrentTeb(); PCSR_THREAD CsrThread; BOOLEAN Connected; /* Check if we didn't already find it */ if (!CsrClientThreadSetup) { /* Get the DLL Handle for user32.dll */ RtlInitAnsiString(&DllName, "user32"); RtlAnsiStringToUnicodeString(&TempName, &DllName, TRUE); Status = LdrGetDllHandle(NULL, NULL, &TempName, &hUser32); RtlFreeUnicodeString(&TempName); /* If we got the handle, get the Client Thread Startup Entrypoint */ if (NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { RtlInitAnsiString(&StartupName,"ClientThreadSetup"); Status = LdrGetProcedureAddress(hUser32, &StartupName, 0, (PVOID)&CsrClientThreadSetup); } } /* Connect to user32 */ _SEH2_TRY { Connected = CsrClientThreadSetup(); } _SEH2_EXCEPT(EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER) { Connected = FALSE; } _SEH2_END; if (!Connected) { DPRINT1("CSRSS: CsrConnectToUser failed\n"); return NULL; } /* Save pointer to this thread in TEB */ CsrAcquireProcessLock(); CsrThread = CsrLocateThreadInProcess(NULL, &Teb->ClientId); CsrReleaseProcessLock(); if (CsrThread) Teb->CsrClientThread = CsrThread; /* Return it */ return CsrThread; #else PTEB Teb = NtCurrentTeb(); PCSR_THREAD CsrThread; /* Save pointer to this thread in TEB */ CsrAcquireProcessLock(); CsrThread = CsrLocateThreadInProcess(NULL, &Teb->ClientId); CsrReleaseProcessLock(); if (CsrThread) Teb->CsrClientThread = CsrThread; /* Return it */ return CsrThread; #endif } /*++ * @name CsrQueryApiPort * @implemented NT4 * * The CsrQueryApiPort routine returns a handle to the CSR API LPC port. * * @param None. * * @return A handle to the port. * * @remarks None. * *--*/ HANDLE NTAPI CsrQueryApiPort(VOID) { return CsrApiPort; } /*++ * @name CsrCaptureArguments * @implemented NT5.1 * * The CsrCaptureArguments routine validates a CSR Capture Buffer and * re-captures it into a server CSR Capture Buffer. * * @param CsrThread * Pointer to the CSR Thread performing the validation. * * @param ApiMessage * Pointer to the CSR API Message containing the Capture Buffer * that needs to be validated. * * @return TRUE if validation succeeded, FALSE otherwise. * * @remarks None. * *--*/ BOOLEAN NTAPI CsrCaptureArguments(IN PCSR_THREAD CsrThread, IN PCSR_API_MESSAGE ApiMessage) { PCSR_CAPTURE_BUFFER LocalCaptureBuffer = NULL, RemoteCaptureBuffer = NULL; SIZE_T BufferDistance; ULONG Length = 0; ULONG PointerCount; PULONG_PTR OffsetPointer; ULONG_PTR CurrentOffset; /* Use SEH to make sure this is valid */ _SEH2_TRY { /* Get the buffer we got from whoever called NTDLL */ LocalCaptureBuffer = ApiMessage->CsrCaptureData; Length = LocalCaptureBuffer->Size; /* Now check if the buffer is inside our mapped section */ if (((ULONG_PTR)LocalCaptureBuffer < CsrThread->Process->ClientViewBase) || (((ULONG_PTR)LocalCaptureBuffer + Length) >= CsrThread->Process->ClientViewBounds)) { /* Return failure */ DPRINT1("*** CSRSS: CaptureBuffer outside of ClientView\n"); ApiMessage->Status = STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER; _SEH2_YIELD(return FALSE); } /* Check if the Length is valid */ if ((FIELD_OFFSET(CSR_CAPTURE_BUFFER, PointerOffsetsArray) + (LocalCaptureBuffer->PointerCount * sizeof(PVOID)) > Length) || (Length > MAXWORD)) { /* Return failure */ DPRINT1("*** CSRSS: CaptureBuffer %p has bad length\n", LocalCaptureBuffer); DbgBreakPoint(); ApiMessage->Status = STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER; _SEH2_YIELD(return FALSE); } } _SEH2_EXCEPT(EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER) { /* Return failure */ ApiMessage->Status = STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER; _SEH2_YIELD(return FALSE); } _SEH2_END; /* We validated the incoming buffer, now allocate the remote one */ RemoteCaptureBuffer = RtlAllocateHeap(CsrHeap, HEAP_ZERO_MEMORY, Length); if (!RemoteCaptureBuffer) { /* We're out of memory */ ApiMessage->Status = STATUS_NO_MEMORY; return FALSE; } /* Copy the client's buffer */ RtlMoveMemory(RemoteCaptureBuffer, LocalCaptureBuffer, Length); /* Calculate the difference between our buffer and the client's */ BufferDistance = (ULONG_PTR)RemoteCaptureBuffer - (ULONG_PTR)LocalCaptureBuffer; /* * All the pointer offsets correspond to pointers which point * to the remote data buffer instead of the local one. */ PointerCount = RemoteCaptureBuffer->PointerCount; OffsetPointer = RemoteCaptureBuffer->PointerOffsetsArray; while (PointerCount--) { CurrentOffset = *OffsetPointer; if (CurrentOffset != 0) { /* Get the pointer corresponding to the offset */ CurrentOffset += (ULONG_PTR)ApiMessage; /* Validate the bounds of the current pointed pointer */ if ((*(PULONG_PTR)CurrentOffset >= CsrThread->Process->ClientViewBase) && (*(PULONG_PTR)CurrentOffset < CsrThread->Process->ClientViewBounds)) { /* Modify the pointed pointer to take into account its new position */ *(PULONG_PTR)CurrentOffset += BufferDistance; } else { /* Invalid pointer, fail */ DPRINT1("*** CSRSS: CaptureBuffer MessagePointer outside of ClientView\n"); DbgBreakPoint(); ApiMessage->Status = STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER; } } ++OffsetPointer; } /* Check if we got success */ if (ApiMessage->Status != STATUS_SUCCESS) { /* Failure. Free the buffer and return */ RtlFreeHeap(CsrHeap, 0, RemoteCaptureBuffer); return FALSE; } else { /* Success, save the previous buffer and use the remote capture buffer */ RemoteCaptureBuffer->PreviousCaptureBuffer = LocalCaptureBuffer; ApiMessage->CsrCaptureData = RemoteCaptureBuffer; } /* Success */ return TRUE; } /*++ * @name CsrReleaseCapturedArguments * @implemented NT5.1 * * The CsrReleaseCapturedArguments routine releases a Capture Buffer * that was previously captured with CsrCaptureArguments. * * @param ApiMessage * Pointer to the CSR API Message containing the Capture Buffer * that needs to be released. * * @return None. * * @remarks None. * *--*/ VOID NTAPI CsrReleaseCapturedArguments(IN PCSR_API_MESSAGE ApiMessage) { PCSR_CAPTURE_BUFFER RemoteCaptureBuffer, LocalCaptureBuffer; SIZE_T BufferDistance; ULONG PointerCount; PULONG_PTR OffsetPointer; ULONG_PTR CurrentOffset; /* Get the remote capture buffer */ RemoteCaptureBuffer = ApiMessage->CsrCaptureData; /* Do not continue if there is no captured buffer */ if (!RemoteCaptureBuffer) return; /* If there is one, get the corresponding local capture buffer */ LocalCaptureBuffer = RemoteCaptureBuffer->PreviousCaptureBuffer; /* Free the previous one and use again the local capture buffer */ RemoteCaptureBuffer->PreviousCaptureBuffer = NULL; ApiMessage->CsrCaptureData = LocalCaptureBuffer; /* Calculate the difference between our buffer and the client's */ BufferDistance = (ULONG_PTR)RemoteCaptureBuffer - (ULONG_PTR)LocalCaptureBuffer; /* * All the pointer offsets correspond to pointers which point * to the local data buffer instead of the remote one (revert * the logic of CsrCaptureArguments). */ PointerCount = RemoteCaptureBuffer->PointerCount; OffsetPointer = RemoteCaptureBuffer->PointerOffsetsArray; while (PointerCount--) { CurrentOffset = *OffsetPointer; if (CurrentOffset != 0) { /* Get the pointer corresponding to the offset */ CurrentOffset += (ULONG_PTR)ApiMessage; /* Modify the pointed pointer to take into account its new position */ *(PULONG_PTR)CurrentOffset -= BufferDistance; } ++OffsetPointer; } /* Copy the data back */ RtlMoveMemory(LocalCaptureBuffer, RemoteCaptureBuffer, RemoteCaptureBuffer->Size); /* Free our allocated buffer */ RtlFreeHeap(CsrHeap, 0, RemoteCaptureBuffer); } /*++ * @name CsrValidateMessageBuffer * @implemented NT5.1 * * The CsrValidateMessageBuffer routine validates a captured message buffer * present in the CSR Api Message * * @param ApiMessage * Pointer to the CSR API Message containing the CSR Capture Buffer. * * @param Buffer * Pointer to the message buffer to validate. * * @param ElementCount * Number of elements contained in the message buffer. * * @param ElementSize * Size of each element. * * @return TRUE if validation succeeded, FALSE otherwise. * * @remarks None. * *--*/ BOOLEAN NTAPI CsrValidateMessageBuffer(IN PCSR_API_MESSAGE ApiMessage, IN PVOID *Buffer, IN ULONG ElementCount, IN ULONG ElementSize) { PCSR_CAPTURE_BUFFER CaptureBuffer = ApiMessage->CsrCaptureData; SIZE_T BufferDistance = (ULONG_PTR)Buffer - (ULONG_PTR)ApiMessage; ULONG PointerCount; PULONG_PTR OffsetPointer; /* * Check whether we have a valid buffer pointer, elements * of non-trivial size and that we don't overflow. */ if (!Buffer || ElementSize == 0 || (ULONGLONG)ElementCount * ElementSize > (ULONGLONG)0xFFFFFFFF) { return FALSE; } /* Check if didn't get a buffer and there aren't any arguments to check */ // if (!*Buffer && (ElementCount * ElementSize == 0)) if (!*Buffer && ElementCount == 0) // Here ElementSize != 0 therefore only ElementCount can be == 0 return TRUE; /* Check if we have no capture buffer */ if (!CaptureBuffer) { /* * In this case, check only the Process ID * and if there is a match, we succeed. */ if (NtCurrentTeb()->ClientId.UniqueProcess == ApiMessage->Header.ClientId.UniqueProcess) { return TRUE; } } else { /* Make sure that there is still space left in the buffer */ if ((CaptureBuffer->Size - (ULONG_PTR)*Buffer + (ULONG_PTR)CaptureBuffer) >= (ElementCount * ElementSize)) { /* Perform the validation test */ PointerCount = CaptureBuffer->PointerCount; OffsetPointer = CaptureBuffer->PointerOffsetsArray; while (PointerCount--) { /* * The pointer offset must be equal to the delta between * the addresses of the buffer and of the API message. */ if (*OffsetPointer == BufferDistance) { return TRUE; } ++OffsetPointer; } } } /* Failure */ DPRINT1("CSRSRV: Bad message buffer %p\n", ApiMessage); DbgBreakPoint(); return FALSE; } /*++ * @name CsrValidateMessageString * @implemented NT5.1 * * The CsrValidateMessageString validates a captured Wide-Character String * present in a CSR API Message. * * @param ApiMessage * Pointer to the CSR API Message containing the CSR Capture Buffer. * * @param MessageString * Pointer to the buffer containing the string to validate. * * @return TRUE if validation succeeded, FALSE otherwise. * * @remarks None. * *--*/ BOOLEAN NTAPI CsrValidateMessageString(IN PCSR_API_MESSAGE ApiMessage, IN LPWSTR *MessageString) { if (MessageString) { return CsrValidateMessageBuffer(ApiMessage, (PVOID*)MessageString, wcslen(*MessageString) + 1, sizeof(WCHAR)); } else { return FALSE; } } /* EOF */