/* * COPYRIGHT: GPL, see COPYING in the top level directory * PROJECT: ReactOS kernel * FILE: drivers/base/kddll/kdserial.c * PURPOSE: Serial communication functions for the kernel debugger. * PROGRAMMER: Timo Kreuzer (timo.kreuzer@ewactos.org) */ #include "kddll.h" /****************************************************************************** * \name KdpSendBuffer * \brief Sends a buffer of data to the serial KD port. * \param Buffer Pointer to the data. * \param Size Size of data in bytes. */ VOID NTAPI KdpSendBuffer( IN PVOID Buffer, IN ULONG Size) { INT i; for (i = 0; i < Size; i++) { KdpSendByte(((PUCHAR)Buffer)[i]); } } /****************************************************************************** * \name KdpReceiveBuffer * \brief Recieves data from the KD port and fills a buffer. * \param Buffer Pointer to a buffer that receives the data. * \param Size Size of data to receive in bytes. * \return KDP_PACKET_RECEIVED if successful. * KDP_PACKET_TIMEOUT if the receice timed out. */ KDP_STATUS NTAPI KdpReceiveBuffer( OUT PVOID Buffer, IN ULONG Size) { ULONG i; PUCHAR ByteBuffer = Buffer; KDP_STATUS Status; for (i = 0; i < Size; i++) { /* Try to get a byte from the port */ Status = KdpReceiveByte(&ByteBuffer[i]); if (Status != KDP_PACKET_RECEIVED) { return Status; } } return KDP_PACKET_RECEIVED; } /****************************************************************************** * \name KdpReceivePacketLeader * \brief Recieves a packet leadr from the KD port. * \param PacketLeader Pointer to an ULONG that receives the packet leader. * \return KDP_PACKET_RECEIVED if successful. * KDP_PACKET_TIMEOUT if the receive timed out. * KDP_PACKET_RESEND if a breakin byte was detected. */ KDP_STATUS NTAPI KdpReceivePacketLeader( OUT PULONG PacketLeader) { UCHAR Index = 0, Byte, Buffer[4]; KDP_STATUS KdStatus; /* Set first character to 0 */ Buffer[0] = 0; do { /* Receive a single byte */ KdStatus = KdpReceiveByte(&Byte); /* Check for timeout */ if (KdStatus == KDP_PACKET_TIMEOUT) { /* Check if we already got a breakin byte */ if (Buffer[0] == BREAKIN_PACKET_BYTE) { return KDP_PACKET_RESEND; } /* Report timeout */ return KDP_PACKET_TIMEOUT; } /* Check if we received a byte */ if (KdStatus == KDP_PACKET_RECEIVED) { /* Check if this is a valid packet leader byte */ if (Byte == PACKET_LEADER_BYTE || Byte == CONTROL_PACKET_LEADER_BYTE) { /* Check if we match the first byte */ if (Byte != Buffer[0]) { /* No, this is the new byte 0! */ Index = 0; } /* Store the byte in the buffer */ Buffer[Index] = Byte; /* Continue with next byte */ Index++; continue; } /* Check for breakin byte */ if (Byte == BREAKIN_PACKET_BYTE) { KDDBGPRINT("BREAKIN_PACKET_BYTE\n"); Index = 0; Buffer[0] = Byte; continue; } } /* Restart */ Index = 0; Buffer[0] = 0; } while (Index < 4); /* Enable the debugger */ KdDebuggerNotPresent = FALSE; SharedUserData->KdDebuggerEnabled |= 0x00000002; /* Return the received packet leader */ *PacketLeader = *(PULONG)Buffer; return KDP_PACKET_RECEIVED; }