/* * PROJECT: shell32 * LICENSE: LGPL-2.1-or-later (https://spdx.org/licenses/LGPL-2.1-or-later) * PURPOSE: Shell change notification * COPYRIGHT: Copyright 2020 Katayama Hirofumi MZ (katayama.hirofumi.mz@gmail.com) */ #include "precomp.h" WINE_DEFAULT_DEBUG_CHANNEL(shcn); CRITICAL_SECTION SHELL32_ChangenotifyCS; // This function requests creation of the server window if it doesn't exist yet static HWND GetNotificationServer(BOOL bCreate) { static HWND s_hwndServer = NULL; // use cache if any if (s_hwndServer && IsWindow(s_hwndServer)) return s_hwndServer; // get the shell window HWND hwndShell = GetShellWindow(); if (hwndShell == NULL) { TRACE("GetShellWindow() returned NULL\n"); return NULL; } // Get the window of the notification server that runs in explorer HWND hwndServer = (HWND)SendMessageW(hwndShell, WM_DESKTOP_GET_CNOTIFY_SERVER, bCreate, 0); if (!IsWindow(hwndServer)) { ERR("Unable to get server window\n"); hwndServer = NULL; } // save and return s_hwndServer = hwndServer; return hwndServer; } // This function will be called from DllMain.DLL_PROCESS_ATTACH. EXTERN_C void InitChangeNotifications(void) { InitializeCriticalSection(&SHELL32_ChangenotifyCS); } // This function will be called from DllMain.DLL_PROCESS_DETACH. EXTERN_C void FreeChangeNotifications(void) { HWND hwndServer = GetNotificationServer(FALSE); if (hwndServer) SendMessageW(hwndServer, CN_UNREGISTER_PROCESS, GetCurrentProcessId(), 0); DeleteCriticalSection(&SHELL32_ChangenotifyCS); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // There are two delivery methods: "old delivery method" and "new delivery method". // // The old delivery method creates a broker window in the caller process // for message trampoline. The old delivery method is slow and deprecated. // // The new delivery method is enabled by SHCNRF_NewDelivery flag. // With the new delivery method the server directly sends the delivery message. typedef CWinTraits < WS_POPUP | WS_CLIPSIBLINGS | WS_CLIPCHILDREN, WS_EX_TOOLWINDOW > CBrokerTraits; // This class brokers all notifications that don't have the SHCNRF_NewDelivery flag class CChangeNotifyBroker : public CWindowImpl { public: CChangeNotifyBroker(HWND hwndClient, UINT uMsg) : m_hwndClient(hwndClient), m_uMsg(uMsg) { } // Message handlers LRESULT OnBrokerNotification(UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam, BOOL& bHandled) { return BrokerNotification((HANDLE)wParam, (DWORD)lParam); } void OnFinalMessage(HWND) { // The server will destroy this window. // After the window gets destroyed we can delete this broker here. delete this; } DECLARE_WND_CLASS_EX(L"WorkerW", 0, 0) BEGIN_MSG_MAP(CChangeNotifyBroker) MESSAGE_HANDLER(WM_BROKER_NOTIFICATION, OnBrokerNotification) END_MSG_MAP() private: HWND m_hwndClient; UINT m_uMsg; BOOL BrokerNotification(HANDLE hTicket, DWORD dwOwnerPID) { // lock the ticket PIDLIST_ABSOLUTE *ppidl = NULL; LONG lEvent; HANDLE hLock = SHChangeNotification_Lock(hTicket, dwOwnerPID, &ppidl, &lEvent); if (hLock == NULL) { ERR("hLock is NULL\n"); return FALSE; } // perform the delivery TRACE("broker notifying: %p, 0x%x, %p, 0x%lx\n", m_hwndClient, m_uMsg, ppidl, lEvent); SendMessageW(m_hwndClient, m_uMsg, (WPARAM)ppidl, lEvent); // unlock the ticket SHChangeNotification_Unlock(hLock); return TRUE; } }; // This function creates a notification broker for old method. Used in SHChangeNotifyRegister. static HWND CreateNotificationBroker(HWND hwnd, UINT wMsg) { // Create a new broker. It will be freed when the window gets destroyed CChangeNotifyBroker* pBroker = new CChangeNotifyBroker(hwnd, wMsg); if (pBroker == NULL) { ERR("Out of memory\n"); return NULL; } HWND hwndBroker = pBroker->Create(0); if (hwndBroker == NULL) { ERR("hwndBroker == NULL\n"); delete pBroker; } return hwndBroker; } // This function creates a delivery ticket for shell change nofitication. // Used in SHChangeNotify. static HANDLE CreateNotificationParam(LONG wEventId, UINT uFlags, LPCITEMIDLIST pidl1, LPCITEMIDLIST pidl2, DWORD dwOwnerPID, DWORD dwTick) { // pidl1 and pidl2 have variable length. To store them into the delivery ticket, // we have to consider the offsets and the sizes of pidl1 and pidl2. DWORD cbPidl1 = 0, cbPidl2 = 0, ibOffset1 = 0, ibOffset2 = 0; if (pidl1) { cbPidl1 = ILGetSize(pidl1); ibOffset1 = DWORD_ALIGNMENT(sizeof(DELITICKET)); } if (pidl2) { cbPidl2 = ILGetSize(pidl2); ibOffset2 = DWORD_ALIGNMENT(ibOffset1 + cbPidl1); } // allocate the delivery ticket DWORD cbSize = ibOffset2 + cbPidl2; HANDLE hTicket = SHAllocShared(NULL, cbSize, dwOwnerPID); if (hTicket == NULL) { ERR("Out of memory\n"); return NULL; } // lock the ticket LPDELITICKET pTicket = (LPDELITICKET)SHLockSharedEx(hTicket, dwOwnerPID, TRUE); if (pTicket == NULL) { ERR("SHLockSharedEx failed\n"); SHFreeShared(hTicket, dwOwnerPID); return NULL; } // populate the ticket pTicket->dwMagic = DELITICKET_MAGIC; pTicket->wEventId = wEventId; pTicket->uFlags = uFlags; pTicket->ibOffset1 = ibOffset1; pTicket->ibOffset2 = ibOffset2; if (pidl1) memcpy((LPBYTE)pTicket + ibOffset1, pidl1, cbPidl1); if (pidl2) memcpy((LPBYTE)pTicket + ibOffset2, pidl2, cbPidl2); // unlock the ticket and return SHUnlockShared(pTicket); return hTicket; } // This function creates a "handbag" by using a delivery ticket. // The handbag is created in SHChangeNotification_Lock and used in OnBrokerNotification. // hTicket is a ticket handle of a shared memory block and dwOwnerPID is // the owner PID of the ticket. static LPHANDBAG DoGetHandbagFromTicket(HANDLE hTicket, DWORD dwOwnerPID) { // lock and validate the delivery ticket LPDELITICKET pTicket = (LPDELITICKET)SHLockSharedEx(hTicket, dwOwnerPID, FALSE); if (pTicket == NULL || pTicket->dwMagic != DELITICKET_MAGIC) { ERR("pTicket is invalid\n"); SHUnlockShared(pTicket); return NULL; } // allocate the handbag LPHANDBAG pHandbag = (LPHANDBAG)LocalAlloc(LMEM_FIXED, sizeof(HANDBAG)); if (pHandbag == NULL) { ERR("Out of memory\n"); SHUnlockShared(pTicket); return NULL; } // populate the handbag pHandbag->dwMagic = HANDBAG_MAGIC; pHandbag->pTicket = pTicket; pHandbag->pidls[0] = pHandbag->pidls[1] = NULL; if (pTicket->ibOffset1) pHandbag->pidls[0] = (LPITEMIDLIST)((LPBYTE)pTicket + pTicket->ibOffset1); if (pTicket->ibOffset2) pHandbag->pidls[1] = (LPITEMIDLIST)((LPBYTE)pTicket + pTicket->ibOffset2); return pHandbag; } // This function creates a registration entry in SHChangeNotifyRegister function. static HANDLE CreateRegistrationParam(ULONG nRegID, HWND hwnd, UINT wMsg, INT fSources, LONG fEvents, LONG fRecursive, LPCITEMIDLIST pidl, DWORD dwOwnerPID, HWND hwndBroker) { // pidl has variable length. To store it into the registration entry, // we have to consider the length of pidl. DWORD cbPidl = ILGetSize(pidl); DWORD ibPidl = DWORD_ALIGNMENT(sizeof(REGENTRY)); DWORD cbSize = ibPidl + cbPidl; // create the registration entry and lock it HANDLE hRegEntry = SHAllocShared(NULL, cbSize, dwOwnerPID); if (hRegEntry == NULL) { ERR("Out of memory\n"); return NULL; } LPREGENTRY pRegEntry = (LPREGENTRY)SHLockSharedEx(hRegEntry, dwOwnerPID, TRUE); if (pRegEntry == NULL) { ERR("SHLockSharedEx failed\n"); SHFreeShared(hRegEntry, dwOwnerPID); return NULL; } // populate the registration entry pRegEntry->dwMagic = REGENTRY_MAGIC; pRegEntry->cbSize = cbSize; pRegEntry->nRegID = nRegID; pRegEntry->hwnd = hwnd; pRegEntry->uMsg = wMsg; pRegEntry->fSources = fSources; pRegEntry->fEvents = fEvents; pRegEntry->fRecursive = fRecursive; pRegEntry->hwndBroker = hwndBroker; pRegEntry->ibPidl = 0; if (pidl) { pRegEntry->ibPidl = ibPidl; memcpy((LPBYTE)pRegEntry + ibPidl, pidl, cbPidl); } // unlock and return SHUnlockShared(pRegEntry); return hRegEntry; } // This function is the body of SHChangeNotify function. // It creates a delivery ticket and send CN_DELIVER_NOTIFICATION message to // transport the change. static void CreateNotificationParamAndSend(LONG wEventId, UINT uFlags, LPCITEMIDLIST pidl1, LPCITEMIDLIST pidl2, DWORD dwTick) { // get server window HWND hwndServer = GetNotificationServer(FALSE); if (hwndServer == NULL) return; // the ticket owner is the process of the notification server DWORD pid; GetWindowThreadProcessId(hwndServer, &pid); // create a delivery ticket HANDLE hTicket = CreateNotificationParam(wEventId, uFlags, pidl1, pidl2, pid, dwTick); if (hTicket == NULL) return; TRACE("hTicket: %p, 0x%lx\n", hTicket, pid); // send the ticket by using CN_DELIVER_NOTIFICATION if (pid != GetCurrentProcessId() || (uFlags & (SHCNF_FLUSH | SHCNF_FLUSHNOWAIT)) == SHCNF_FLUSH) { SendMessageW(hwndServer, CN_DELIVER_NOTIFICATION, (WPARAM)hTicket, pid); } else { SendNotifyMessageW(hwndServer, CN_DELIVER_NOTIFICATION, (WPARAM)hTicket, pid); } } struct ALIAS_PIDL { INT csidl1; // from INT csidl2; // to LPITEMIDLIST pidl1; // from LPITEMIDLIST pidl2; // to WCHAR szPath1[MAX_PATH]; // from WCHAR szPath2[MAX_PATH]; // to }; static ALIAS_PIDL AliasPIDLs[] = { { CSIDL_PERSONAL, CSIDL_PERSONAL }, { CSIDL_DESKTOP, CSIDL_COMMON_DESKTOPDIRECTORY, }, { CSIDL_DESKTOP, CSIDL_DESKTOPDIRECTORY }, }; static VOID DoInitAliasPIDLs(void) { static BOOL s_bInit = FALSE; if (!s_bInit) { for (SIZE_T i = 0; i < _countof(AliasPIDLs); ++i) { ALIAS_PIDL *alias = &AliasPIDLs[i]; SHGetSpecialFolderLocation(NULL, alias->csidl1, &alias->pidl1); SHGetPathFromIDListW(alias->pidl1, alias->szPath1); SHGetSpecialFolderLocation(NULL, alias->csidl2, &alias->pidl2); SHGetPathFromIDListW(alias->pidl2, alias->szPath2); } s_bInit = TRUE; } } static BOOL DoGetAliasPIDLs(LPITEMIDLIST apidls[2], PCIDLIST_ABSOLUTE pidl) { DoInitAliasPIDLs(); apidls[0] = apidls[1] = NULL; INT k = 0; for (SIZE_T i = 0; i < _countof(AliasPIDLs); ++i) { const ALIAS_PIDL *alias = &AliasPIDLs[i]; if (ILIsEqual(pidl, alias->pidl1)) { if (alias->csidl1 == alias->csidl2) { apidls[k++] = ILCreateFromPathW(alias->szPath2); } else { apidls[k++] = ILClone(alias->pidl2); } if (k >= 2) break; } } return k > 0; } /************************************************************************* * SHChangeNotifyRegister [SHELL32.2] */ EXTERN_C ULONG WINAPI SHChangeNotifyRegister(HWND hwnd, INT fSources, LONG wEventMask, UINT uMsg, INT cItems, SHChangeNotifyEntry *lpItems) { HWND hwndServer, hwndBroker = NULL; HANDLE hRegEntry; INT iItem; ULONG nRegID = INVALID_REG_ID; DWORD dwOwnerPID; LPREGENTRY pRegEntry; TRACE("(%p,0x%08x,0x%08x,0x%08x,%d,%p)\n", hwnd, fSources, wEventMask, uMsg, cItems, lpItems); // sanity check if (wEventMask == 0 || cItems <= 0 || cItems > 0x7FFF || lpItems == NULL || hwnd == NULL || !IsWindow(hwnd)) { return INVALID_REG_ID; } // request the window of the server hwndServer = GetNotificationServer(TRUE); if (hwndServer == NULL) return INVALID_REG_ID; // disable recursive interrupt in specific condition if ((fSources & SHCNRF_RecursiveInterrupt) && !(fSources & SHCNRF_InterruptLevel)) { fSources &= ~SHCNRF_RecursiveInterrupt; } // if it is old delivery method, then create a broker window if ((fSources & SHCNRF_NewDelivery) == 0) { hwndBroker = hwnd = CreateNotificationBroker(hwnd, uMsg); uMsg = WM_BROKER_NOTIFICATION; } // The owner PID is the process ID of the server GetWindowThreadProcessId(hwndServer, &dwOwnerPID); EnterCriticalSection(&SHELL32_ChangenotifyCS); for (iItem = 0; iItem < cItems; ++iItem) { // create a registration entry hRegEntry = CreateRegistrationParam(nRegID, hwnd, uMsg, fSources, wEventMask, lpItems[iItem].fRecursive, lpItems[iItem].pidl, dwOwnerPID, hwndBroker); if (hRegEntry) { TRACE("CN_REGISTER: hwnd:%p, hRegEntry:%p, pid:0x%lx\n", hwndServer, hRegEntry, dwOwnerPID); // send CN_REGISTER to the server SendMessageW(hwndServer, CN_REGISTER, (WPARAM)hRegEntry, dwOwnerPID); // update nRegID pRegEntry = (LPREGENTRY)SHLockSharedEx(hRegEntry, dwOwnerPID, FALSE); if (pRegEntry) { nRegID = pRegEntry->nRegID; SHUnlockShared(pRegEntry); } // free registration entry SHFreeShared(hRegEntry, dwOwnerPID); } if (nRegID == INVALID_REG_ID) { ERR("Delivery failed\n"); if (hwndBroker) { // destroy the broker DestroyWindow(hwndBroker); } break; } // PIDL alias LPITEMIDLIST apidlAlias[2]; if (DoGetAliasPIDLs(apidlAlias, lpItems[iItem].pidl)) { if (apidlAlias[0]) { // create another registration entry hRegEntry = CreateRegistrationParam(nRegID, hwnd, uMsg, fSources, wEventMask, lpItems[iItem].fRecursive, apidlAlias[0], dwOwnerPID, hwndBroker); if (hRegEntry) { TRACE("CN_REGISTER: hwnd:%p, hRegEntry:%p, pid:0x%lx\n", hwndServer, hRegEntry, dwOwnerPID); // send CN_REGISTER to the server SendMessageW(hwndServer, CN_REGISTER, (WPARAM)hRegEntry, dwOwnerPID); // free registration entry SHFreeShared(hRegEntry, dwOwnerPID); } ILFree(apidlAlias[0]); } if (apidlAlias[1]) { // create another registration entry hRegEntry = CreateRegistrationParam(nRegID, hwnd, uMsg, fSources, wEventMask, lpItems[iItem].fRecursive, apidlAlias[1], dwOwnerPID, hwndBroker); if (hRegEntry) { TRACE("CN_REGISTER: hwnd:%p, hRegEntry:%p, pid:0x%lx\n", hwndServer, hRegEntry, dwOwnerPID); // send CN_REGISTER to the server SendMessageW(hwndServer, CN_REGISTER, (WPARAM)hRegEntry, dwOwnerPID); // free registration entry SHFreeShared(hRegEntry, dwOwnerPID); } ILFree(apidlAlias[1]); } } } LeaveCriticalSection(&SHELL32_ChangenotifyCS); return nRegID; } /************************************************************************* * SHChangeNotifyDeregister [SHELL32.4] */ EXTERN_C BOOL WINAPI SHChangeNotifyDeregister(ULONG hNotify) { TRACE("(0x%08x)\n", hNotify); // get the server window HWND hwndServer = GetNotificationServer(FALSE); if (hwndServer == NULL) return FALSE; // send CN_UNREGISTER message and try to unregister BOOL ret = (BOOL)SendMessageW(hwndServer, CN_UNREGISTER, hNotify, 0); if (!ret) ERR("CN_UNREGISTER failed\n"); return ret; } /************************************************************************* * SHChangeNotifyUpdateEntryList [SHELL32.5] */ EXTERN_C BOOL WINAPI SHChangeNotifyUpdateEntryList(DWORD unknown1, DWORD unknown2, DWORD unknown3, DWORD unknown4) { FIXME("(0x%08x, 0x%08x, 0x%08x, 0x%08x)\n", unknown1, unknown2, unknown3, unknown4); return TRUE; } /* for dumping events */ static LPCSTR DumpEvent(LONG event) { if (event == SHCNE_ALLEVENTS) return "SHCNE_ALLEVENTS"; #define DUMPEV(x) ,( event & SHCNE_##x )? #x " " : "" return wine_dbg_sprintf( "%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s" DUMPEV(RENAMEITEM) DUMPEV(CREATE) DUMPEV(DELETE) DUMPEV(MKDIR) DUMPEV(RMDIR) DUMPEV(MEDIAINSERTED) DUMPEV(MEDIAREMOVED) DUMPEV(DRIVEREMOVED) DUMPEV(DRIVEADD) DUMPEV(NETSHARE) DUMPEV(NETUNSHARE) DUMPEV(ATTRIBUTES) DUMPEV(UPDATEDIR) DUMPEV(UPDATEITEM) DUMPEV(SERVERDISCONNECT) DUMPEV(UPDATEIMAGE) DUMPEV(DRIVEADDGUI) DUMPEV(RENAMEFOLDER) DUMPEV(FREESPACE) DUMPEV(EXTENDED_EVENT) DUMPEV(ASSOCCHANGED) DUMPEV(INTERRUPT) ); #undef DUMPEV } /************************************************************************* * SHChangeRegistrationReceive [SHELL32.646] */ EXTERN_C BOOL WINAPI SHChangeRegistrationReceive(LPVOID lpUnknown1, DWORD dwUnknown2) { FIXME("SHChangeRegistrationReceive() stub\n"); return FALSE; } EXTERN_C VOID WINAPI SHChangeNotifyReceiveEx(LONG lEvent, UINT uFlags, LPCITEMIDLIST pidl1, LPCITEMIDLIST pidl2, DWORD dwTick) { // TODO: Queueing notifications CreateNotificationParamAndSend(lEvent, uFlags, pidl1, pidl2, dwTick); } /************************************************************************* * SHChangeNotifyReceive [SHELL32.643] */ EXTERN_C VOID WINAPI SHChangeNotifyReceive(LONG lEvent, UINT uFlags, LPCITEMIDLIST pidl1, LPCITEMIDLIST pidl2) { SHChangeNotifyReceiveEx(lEvent, uFlags, pidl1, pidl2, GetTickCount()); } EXTERN_C VOID WINAPI SHChangeNotifyTransmit(LONG lEvent, UINT uFlags, LPCITEMIDLIST pidl1, LPCITEMIDLIST pidl2, DWORD dwTick) { SHChangeNotifyReceiveEx(lEvent, uFlags, pidl1, pidl2, dwTick); } /************************************************************************* * SHChangeNotify [SHELL32.@] */ EXTERN_C void WINAPI SHChangeNotify(LONG wEventId, UINT uFlags, LPCVOID dwItem1, LPCVOID dwItem2) { LPITEMIDLIST pidl1 = NULL, pidl2 = NULL, pidlTemp1 = NULL, pidlTemp2 = NULL; DWORD dwTick = GetTickCount(); WCHAR szPath1[MAX_PATH], szPath2[MAX_PATH]; LPWSTR psz1, psz2; TRACE("(0x%08x,0x%08x,%p,%p)\n", wEventId, uFlags, dwItem1, dwItem2); switch (uFlags & SHCNF_TYPE) { case SHCNF_IDLIST: pidl1 = (LPITEMIDLIST)dwItem1; pidl2 = (LPITEMIDLIST)dwItem2; break; case SHCNF_PATHA: psz1 = psz2 = NULL; if (dwItem1) { SHAnsiToUnicode((LPCSTR)dwItem1, szPath1, _countof(szPath1)); psz1 = szPath1; } if (dwItem2) { SHAnsiToUnicode((LPCSTR)dwItem2, szPath2, _countof(szPath2)); psz2 = szPath2; } uFlags &= ~SHCNF_TYPE; uFlags |= SHCNF_PATHW; SHChangeNotify(wEventId, uFlags, psz1, psz2); return; case SHCNF_PATHW: if (dwItem1) { pidl1 = pidlTemp1 = SHSimpleIDListFromPathW((LPCWSTR)dwItem1); } if (dwItem2) { pidl2 = pidlTemp2 = SHSimpleIDListFromPathW((LPCWSTR)dwItem2); } break; case SHCNF_PRINTERA: case SHCNF_PRINTERW: FIXME("SHChangeNotify with (uFlags & SHCNF_PRINTER)\n"); return; default: FIXME("unknown type %08x\n", uFlags & SHCNF_TYPE); return; } if (wEventId == 0 || (wEventId & SHCNE_ASSOCCHANGED) || pidl1 != NULL) { TRACE("notifying event %s(%x)\n", DumpEvent(wEventId), wEventId); SHChangeNotifyTransmit(wEventId, uFlags, pidl1, pidl2, dwTick); } if (pidlTemp1) ILFree(pidlTemp1); if (pidlTemp2) ILFree(pidlTemp2); } /************************************************************************* * NTSHChangeNotifyRegister [SHELL32.640] */ EXTERN_C ULONG WINAPI NTSHChangeNotifyRegister(HWND hwnd, INT fSources, LONG fEvents, UINT msg, INT count, SHChangeNotifyEntry *idlist) { return SHChangeNotifyRegister(hwnd, fSources | SHCNRF_NewDelivery, fEvents, msg, count, idlist); } /************************************************************************* * SHChangeNotification_Lock [SHELL32.644] */ EXTERN_C HANDLE WINAPI SHChangeNotification_Lock(HANDLE hTicket, DWORD dwOwnerPID, LPITEMIDLIST **lppidls, LPLONG lpwEventId) { TRACE("%p %08x %p %p\n", hTicket, dwOwnerPID, lppidls, lpwEventId); // create a handbag from the ticket LPHANDBAG pHandbag = DoGetHandbagFromTicket(hTicket, dwOwnerPID); if (pHandbag == NULL || pHandbag->dwMagic != HANDBAG_MAGIC) { ERR("pHandbag is invalid\n"); return NULL; } // populate parameters from the handbag if (lppidls) *lppidls = pHandbag->pidls; if (lpwEventId) *lpwEventId = (pHandbag->pTicket->wEventId & ~SHCNE_INTERRUPT); // return the handbag return pHandbag; } /************************************************************************* * SHChangeNotification_Unlock [SHELL32.645] */ EXTERN_C BOOL WINAPI SHChangeNotification_Unlock(HANDLE hLock) { TRACE("%p\n", hLock); // validate the handbag LPHANDBAG pHandbag = (LPHANDBAG)hLock; if (pHandbag == NULL || pHandbag->dwMagic != HANDBAG_MAGIC) { ERR("pHandbag is invalid\n"); return FALSE; } // free the handbag BOOL ret = SHUnlockShared(pHandbag->pTicket); LocalFree(hLock); return ret; } /************************************************************************* * NTSHChangeNotifyDeregister [SHELL32.641] */ EXTERN_C DWORD WINAPI NTSHChangeNotifyDeregister(ULONG hNotify) { FIXME("(0x%08x):semi stub.\n", hNotify); return SHChangeNotifyDeregister(hNotify); } /************************************************************************* * SHChangeNotifySuspendResume [SHELL32.277] */ EXTERN_C BOOL WINAPI SHChangeNotifySuspendResume(BOOL bSuspend, LPITEMIDLIST pidl, BOOL bRecursive, DWORD dwReserved) { FIXME("SHChangeNotifySuspendResume() stub\n"); return FALSE; }