/* * ReactOS kernel * Copyright (C) 2002, 2014 ReactOS Team * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. * * COPYRIGHT: See COPYING in the top level directory * PROJECT: ReactOS kernel * FILE: drivers/filesystem/ntfs/mft.c * PURPOSE: NTFS filesystem driver * PROGRAMMERS: Eric Kohl * Valentin Verkhovsky * Pierre Schweitzer (pierre@reactos.org) * Hervé Poussineau (hpoussin@reactos.org) * Trevor Thompson */ /* INCLUDES *****************************************************************/ #include "ntfs.h" #define NDEBUG #undef NDEBUG #include /* FUNCTIONS ****************************************************************/ PNTFS_ATTR_CONTEXT PrepareAttributeContext(PNTFS_ATTR_RECORD AttrRecord) { PNTFS_ATTR_CONTEXT Context; Context = ExAllocatePoolWithTag(NonPagedPool, FIELD_OFFSET(NTFS_ATTR_CONTEXT, Record) + AttrRecord->Length, TAG_NTFS); RtlCopyMemory(&Context->Record, AttrRecord, AttrRecord->Length); if (AttrRecord->IsNonResident) { LONGLONG DataRunOffset; ULONGLONG DataRunLength; Context->CacheRun = (PUCHAR)&Context->Record + Context->Record.NonResident.MappingPairsOffset; Context->CacheRunOffset = 0; Context->CacheRun = DecodeRun(Context->CacheRun, &DataRunOffset, &DataRunLength); Context->CacheRunLength = DataRunLength; if (DataRunOffset != -1) { /* Normal run. */ Context->CacheRunStartLCN = Context->CacheRunLastLCN = DataRunOffset; } else { /* Sparse run. */ Context->CacheRunStartLCN = -1; Context->CacheRunLastLCN = 0; } Context->CacheRunCurrentOffset = 0; } return Context; } VOID ReleaseAttributeContext(PNTFS_ATTR_CONTEXT Context) { ExFreePoolWithTag(Context, TAG_NTFS); } /** * @name FindAttribute * @implemented * * Searches a file record for an attribute matching the given type and name. * * @param Offset * Optional pointer to a ULONG that will receive the offset of the found attribute * from the beginning of the record. Can be set to NULL. */ NTSTATUS FindAttribute(PDEVICE_EXTENSION Vcb, PFILE_RECORD_HEADER MftRecord, ULONG Type, PCWSTR Name, ULONG NameLength, PNTFS_ATTR_CONTEXT * AttrCtx, PULONG Offset) { BOOLEAN Found; NTSTATUS Status; FIND_ATTR_CONTXT Context; PNTFS_ATTR_RECORD Attribute; DPRINT("FindAttribute(%p, %p, 0x%x, %S, %u, %p)\n", Vcb, MftRecord, Type, Name, NameLength, AttrCtx); Found = FALSE; Status = FindFirstAttribute(&Context, Vcb, MftRecord, FALSE, &Attribute); while (NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { if (Attribute->Type == Type && Attribute->NameLength == NameLength) { if (NameLength != 0) { PWCHAR AttrName; AttrName = (PWCHAR)((PCHAR)Attribute + Attribute->NameOffset); DPRINT("%.*S, %.*S\n", Attribute->NameLength, AttrName, NameLength, Name); if (RtlCompareMemory(AttrName, Name, NameLength << 1) == (NameLength << 1)) { Found = TRUE; } } else { Found = TRUE; } if (Found) { /* Found it, fill up the context and return. */ DPRINT("Found context\n"); *AttrCtx = PrepareAttributeContext(Attribute); (*AttrCtx)->FileMFTIndex = MftRecord->MFTRecordNumber; if (Offset != NULL) *Offset = Context.Offset; FindCloseAttribute(&Context); return STATUS_SUCCESS; } } Status = FindNextAttribute(&Context, &Attribute); } FindCloseAttribute(&Context); return STATUS_OBJECT_NAME_NOT_FOUND; } ULONGLONG AttributeAllocatedLength(PNTFS_ATTR_RECORD AttrRecord) { if (AttrRecord->IsNonResident) return AttrRecord->NonResident.AllocatedSize; else return AttrRecord->Resident.ValueLength; } ULONGLONG AttributeDataLength(PNTFS_ATTR_RECORD AttrRecord) { if (AttrRecord->IsNonResident) return AttrRecord->NonResident.DataSize; else return AttrRecord->Resident.ValueLength; } void InternalSetResidentAttributeLength(PNTFS_ATTR_CONTEXT AttrContext, PFILE_RECORD_HEADER FileRecord, ULONG AttrOffset, ULONG DataSize) { PNTFS_ATTR_RECORD Destination = (PNTFS_ATTR_RECORD)((ULONG_PTR)FileRecord + AttrOffset); ULONG NextAttributeOffset; DPRINT("InternalSetResidentAttributeLength( %p, %p, %lu, %lu )\n", AttrContext, FileRecord, AttrOffset, DataSize); // update ValueLength Field AttrContext->Record.Resident.ValueLength = Destination->Resident.ValueLength = DataSize; // calculate the record length and end marker offset AttrContext->Record.Length = Destination->Length = DataSize + AttrContext->Record.Resident.ValueOffset; NextAttributeOffset = AttrOffset + AttrContext->Record.Length; // Ensure NextAttributeOffset is aligned to an 8-byte boundary if (NextAttributeOffset % 8 != 0) { USHORT Padding = 8 - (NextAttributeOffset % 8); NextAttributeOffset += Padding; AttrContext->Record.Length += Padding; Destination->Length += Padding; } // advance Destination to the final "attribute" and write the end type Destination = (PNTFS_ATTR_RECORD)((ULONG_PTR)Destination + Destination->Length); Destination->Type = AttributeEnd; // write the final marker (which shares the same offset and type as the Length field) Destination->Length = FILE_RECORD_END; FileRecord->BytesInUse = NextAttributeOffset + (sizeof(ULONG) * 2); } /** * @parameter FileRecord * Pointer to a file record. Must be a full record at least * Fcb->Vcb->NtfsInfo.BytesPerFileRecord bytes large, not just the header. */ NTSTATUS SetAttributeDataLength(PFILE_OBJECT FileObject, PNTFS_FCB Fcb, PNTFS_ATTR_CONTEXT AttrContext, ULONG AttrOffset, PFILE_RECORD_HEADER FileRecord, PLARGE_INTEGER DataSize) { NTSTATUS Status = STATUS_SUCCESS; ULONG BytesPerCluster = Fcb->Vcb->NtfsInfo.BytesPerCluster; // are we truncating the file? if (DataSize->QuadPart < AttributeDataLength(&AttrContext->Record)) { if (!MmCanFileBeTruncated(FileObject->SectionObjectPointer, DataSize)) { DPRINT1("Can't truncate a memory-mapped file!\n"); return STATUS_USER_MAPPED_FILE; } } if (AttrContext->Record.IsNonResident) { ULONGLONG AllocationSize = ROUND_UP(DataSize->QuadPart, BytesPerCluster); PNTFS_ATTR_RECORD DestinationAttribute = (PNTFS_ATTR_RECORD)((ULONG_PTR)FileRecord + AttrOffset); ULONG ExistingClusters = AttrContext->Record.NonResident.AllocatedSize / BytesPerCluster; // do we need to increase the allocation size? if (AttrContext->Record.NonResident.AllocatedSize < AllocationSize) { ULONG ClustersNeeded = (AllocationSize / BytesPerCluster) - ExistingClusters; LARGE_INTEGER LastClusterInDataRun; ULONG NextAssignedCluster; ULONG AssignedClusters; NTSTATUS Status = GetLastClusterInDataRun(Fcb->Vcb, &AttrContext->Record, (PULONGLONG)&LastClusterInDataRun.QuadPart); DPRINT1("GetLastClusterInDataRun returned: %I64u\n", LastClusterInDataRun.QuadPart); DPRINT1("Highest VCN of record: %I64u\n", AttrContext->Record.NonResident.HighestVCN); while (ClustersNeeded > 0) { Status = NtfsAllocateClusters(Fcb->Vcb, LastClusterInDataRun.LowPart + 1, ClustersNeeded, &NextAssignedCluster, &AssignedClusters); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { DPRINT1("Error: Unable to allocate requested clusters!\n"); return Status; } // now we need to add the clusters we allocated to the data run Status = AddRun(Fcb->Vcb, AttrContext, AttrOffset, FileRecord, NextAssignedCluster, AssignedClusters); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { DPRINT1("Error: Unable to add data run!\n"); return Status; } ClustersNeeded -= AssignedClusters; LastClusterInDataRun.LowPart = NextAssignedCluster + AssignedClusters - 1; } } else if (AttrContext->Record.NonResident.AllocatedSize > AllocationSize) { // shrink allocation size ULONG ClustersToFree = ExistingClusters - (AllocationSize / BytesPerCluster); Status = FreeClusters(Fcb->Vcb, AttrContext, AttrOffset, FileRecord, ClustersToFree); } // TODO: is the file compressed, encrypted, or sparse? // NOTE: we need to have acquired the main resource exclusively, as well as(?) the PagingIoResource Fcb->RFCB.AllocationSize.QuadPart = AllocationSize; AttrContext->Record.NonResident.AllocatedSize = AllocationSize; AttrContext->Record.NonResident.DataSize = DataSize->QuadPart; AttrContext->Record.NonResident.InitializedSize = DataSize->QuadPart; DestinationAttribute->NonResident.AllocatedSize = AllocationSize; DestinationAttribute->NonResident.DataSize = DataSize->QuadPart; DestinationAttribute->NonResident.InitializedSize = DataSize->QuadPart; DPRINT("Allocated Size: %I64u\n", DestinationAttribute->NonResident.AllocatedSize); } else { // resident attribute // find the next attribute ULONG NextAttributeOffset = AttrOffset + AttrContext->Record.Length; PNTFS_ATTR_RECORD NextAttribute = (PNTFS_ATTR_RECORD)((PCHAR)FileRecord + NextAttributeOffset); //NtfsDumpFileAttributes(Fcb->Vcb, FileRecord); // Do we need to increase the data length? if (DataSize->QuadPart > AttrContext->Record.Resident.ValueLength) { // There's usually padding at the end of a record. Do we need to extend past it? ULONG MaxValueLength = AttrContext->Record.Length - AttrContext->Record.Resident.ValueOffset; if (MaxValueLength < DataSize->LowPart) { // If this is the last attribute, we could move the end marker to the very end of the file record MaxValueLength += Fcb->Vcb->NtfsInfo.BytesPerFileRecord - NextAttributeOffset - (sizeof(ULONG) * 2); if (MaxValueLength < DataSize->LowPart || NextAttribute->Type != AttributeEnd) { DPRINT1("FIXME: Need to convert attribute to non-resident!\n"); return STATUS_NOT_IMPLEMENTED; } } } else if (DataSize->LowPart < AttrContext->Record.Resident.ValueLength) { // we need to decrease the length if (NextAttribute->Type != AttributeEnd) { DPRINT1("FIXME: Don't know how to decrease length of resident attribute unless it's the final attribute!\n"); return STATUS_NOT_IMPLEMENTED; } } InternalSetResidentAttributeLength(AttrContext, FileRecord, AttrOffset, DataSize->LowPart); } //NtfsDumpFileAttributes(Fcb->Vcb, FileRecord); // write the updated file record back to disk Status = UpdateFileRecord(Fcb->Vcb, Fcb->MFTIndex, FileRecord); if (NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { Fcb->RFCB.FileSize = *DataSize; Fcb->RFCB.ValidDataLength = *DataSize; CcSetFileSizes(FileObject, (PCC_FILE_SIZES)&Fcb->RFCB.AllocationSize); } return STATUS_SUCCESS; } ULONG ReadAttribute(PDEVICE_EXTENSION Vcb, PNTFS_ATTR_CONTEXT Context, ULONGLONG Offset, PCHAR Buffer, ULONG Length) { ULONGLONG LastLCN; PUCHAR DataRun; LONGLONG DataRunOffset; ULONGLONG DataRunLength; LONGLONG DataRunStartLCN; ULONGLONG CurrentOffset; ULONG ReadLength; ULONG AlreadyRead; NTSTATUS Status; if (!Context->Record.IsNonResident) { if (Offset > Context->Record.Resident.ValueLength) return 0; if (Offset + Length > Context->Record.Resident.ValueLength) Length = (ULONG)(Context->Record.Resident.ValueLength - Offset); RtlCopyMemory(Buffer, (PCHAR)&Context->Record + Context->Record.Resident.ValueOffset + Offset, Length); return Length; } /* * Non-resident attribute */ /* * I. Find the corresponding start data run. */ AlreadyRead = 0; // FIXME: Cache seems to be non-working. Disable it for now //if(Context->CacheRunOffset <= Offset && Offset < Context->CacheRunOffset + Context->CacheRunLength * Volume->ClusterSize) if (0) { DataRun = Context->CacheRun; LastLCN = Context->CacheRunLastLCN; DataRunStartLCN = Context->CacheRunStartLCN; DataRunLength = Context->CacheRunLength; CurrentOffset = Context->CacheRunCurrentOffset; } else { LastLCN = 0; DataRun = (PUCHAR)&Context->Record + Context->Record.NonResident.MappingPairsOffset; CurrentOffset = 0; while (1) { DataRun = DecodeRun(DataRun, &DataRunOffset, &DataRunLength); if (DataRunOffset != -1) { /* Normal data run. */ DataRunStartLCN = LastLCN + DataRunOffset; LastLCN = DataRunStartLCN; } else { /* Sparse data run. */ DataRunStartLCN = -1; } if (Offset >= CurrentOffset && Offset < CurrentOffset + (DataRunLength * Vcb->NtfsInfo.BytesPerCluster)) { break; } if (*DataRun == 0) { return AlreadyRead; } CurrentOffset += DataRunLength * Vcb->NtfsInfo.BytesPerCluster; } } /* * II. Go through the run list and read the data */ ReadLength = (ULONG)min(DataRunLength * Vcb->NtfsInfo.BytesPerCluster - (Offset - CurrentOffset), Length); if (DataRunStartLCN == -1) { RtlZeroMemory(Buffer, ReadLength); Status = STATUS_SUCCESS; } else { Status = NtfsReadDisk(Vcb->StorageDevice, DataRunStartLCN * Vcb->NtfsInfo.BytesPerCluster + Offset - CurrentOffset, ReadLength, Vcb->NtfsInfo.BytesPerSector, (PVOID)Buffer, FALSE); } if (NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { Length -= ReadLength; Buffer += ReadLength; AlreadyRead += ReadLength; if (ReadLength == DataRunLength * Vcb->NtfsInfo.BytesPerCluster - (Offset - CurrentOffset)) { CurrentOffset += DataRunLength * Vcb->NtfsInfo.BytesPerCluster; DataRun = DecodeRun(DataRun, &DataRunOffset, &DataRunLength); if (DataRunOffset != (ULONGLONG)-1) { DataRunStartLCN = LastLCN + DataRunOffset; LastLCN = DataRunStartLCN; } else DataRunStartLCN = -1; } while (Length > 0) { ReadLength = (ULONG)min(DataRunLength * Vcb->NtfsInfo.BytesPerCluster, Length); if (DataRunStartLCN == -1) RtlZeroMemory(Buffer, ReadLength); else { Status = NtfsReadDisk(Vcb->StorageDevice, DataRunStartLCN * Vcb->NtfsInfo.BytesPerCluster, ReadLength, Vcb->NtfsInfo.BytesPerSector, (PVOID)Buffer, FALSE); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) break; } Length -= ReadLength; Buffer += ReadLength; AlreadyRead += ReadLength; /* We finished this request, but there still data in this data run. */ if (Length == 0 && ReadLength != DataRunLength * Vcb->NtfsInfo.BytesPerCluster) break; /* * Go to next run in the list. */ if (*DataRun == 0) break; CurrentOffset += DataRunLength * Vcb->NtfsInfo.BytesPerCluster; DataRun = DecodeRun(DataRun, &DataRunOffset, &DataRunLength); if (DataRunOffset != -1) { /* Normal data run. */ DataRunStartLCN = LastLCN + DataRunOffset; LastLCN = DataRunStartLCN; } else { /* Sparse data run. */ DataRunStartLCN = -1; } } /* while */ } /* if Disk */ Context->CacheRun = DataRun; Context->CacheRunOffset = Offset + AlreadyRead; Context->CacheRunStartLCN = DataRunStartLCN; Context->CacheRunLength = DataRunLength; Context->CacheRunLastLCN = LastLCN; Context->CacheRunCurrentOffset = CurrentOffset; return AlreadyRead; } /** * @name WriteAttribute * @implemented * * Writes an NTFS attribute to the disk. It presently borrows a lot of code from ReadAttribute(), * and it still needs more documentation / cleaning up. * * @param Vcb * Volume Control Block indicating which volume to write the attribute to * * @param Context * Pointer to an NTFS_ATTR_CONTEXT that has information about the attribute * * @param Offset * Offset, in bytes, from the beginning of the attribute indicating where to start * writing data * * @param Buffer * The data that's being written to the device * * @param Length * How much data will be written, in bytes * * @param RealLengthWritten * Pointer to a ULONG which will receive how much data was written, in bytes * * @return * STATUS_SUCCESS if successful, an error code otherwise. STATUS_NOT_IMPLEMENTED if * writing to a sparse file. * * @remarks Note that in this context the word "attribute" isn't referring read-only, hidden, * etc. - the file's data is actually stored in an attribute in NTFS parlance. * */ NTSTATUS WriteAttribute(PDEVICE_EXTENSION Vcb, PNTFS_ATTR_CONTEXT Context, ULONGLONG Offset, const PUCHAR Buffer, ULONG Length, PULONG RealLengthWritten) { ULONGLONG LastLCN; PUCHAR DataRun; LONGLONG DataRunOffset; ULONGLONG DataRunLength; LONGLONG DataRunStartLCN; ULONGLONG CurrentOffset; ULONG WriteLength; NTSTATUS Status; PUCHAR SourceBuffer = Buffer; LONGLONG StartingOffset; DPRINT("WriteAttribute(%p, %p, %I64u, %p, %lu, %p)\n", Vcb, Context, Offset, Buffer, Length, RealLengthWritten); *RealLengthWritten = 0; // is this a resident attribute? if (!Context->Record.IsNonResident) { ULONG AttributeOffset; PNTFS_ATTR_CONTEXT FoundContext; PFILE_RECORD_HEADER FileRecord; if (Offset + Length > Context->Record.Resident.ValueLength) { DPRINT1("DRIVER ERROR: Attribute is too small!\n"); return STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER; } FileRecord = ExAllocatePoolWithTag(NonPagedPool, Vcb->NtfsInfo.BytesPerFileRecord, TAG_NTFS); if (!FileRecord) { DPRINT1("Error: Couldn't allocate file record!\n"); return STATUS_NO_MEMORY; } // read the file record ReadFileRecord(Vcb, Context->FileMFTIndex, FileRecord); // find where to write the attribute data to Status = FindAttribute(Vcb, FileRecord, Context->Record.Type, (PCWSTR)((PCHAR)&Context->Record + Context->Record.NameOffset), Context->Record.NameLength, &FoundContext, &AttributeOffset); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { DPRINT1("ERROR: Couldn't find matching attribute!\n"); ExFreePoolWithTag(FileRecord, TAG_NTFS); return Status; } DPRINT("Offset: %I64u, AttributeOffset: %u, ValueOffset: %u\n", Offset, AttributeOffset, Context->Record.Resident.ValueLength); Offset += AttributeOffset + Context->Record.Resident.ValueOffset; if (Offset + Length > Vcb->NtfsInfo.BytesPerFileRecord) { DPRINT1("DRIVER ERROR: Data being written extends past end of file record!\n"); ReleaseAttributeContext(FoundContext); ExFreePoolWithTag(FileRecord, TAG_NTFS); return STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER; } // copy the data being written into the file record RtlCopyMemory((PCHAR)FileRecord + Offset, Buffer, Length); Status = UpdateFileRecord(Vcb, Context->FileMFTIndex, FileRecord); ReleaseAttributeContext(FoundContext); ExFreePoolWithTag(FileRecord, TAG_NTFS); if (NT_SUCCESS(Status)) *RealLengthWritten = Length; return Status; } // This is a non-resident attribute. // I. Find the corresponding start data run. // FIXME: Cache seems to be non-working. Disable it for now //if(Context->CacheRunOffset <= Offset && Offset < Context->CacheRunOffset + Context->CacheRunLength * Volume->ClusterSize) /*if (0) { DataRun = Context->CacheRun; LastLCN = Context->CacheRunLastLCN; DataRunStartLCN = Context->CacheRunStartLCN; DataRunLength = Context->CacheRunLength; CurrentOffset = Context->CacheRunCurrentOffset; } else*/ { LastLCN = 0; DataRun = (PUCHAR)&Context->Record + Context->Record.NonResident.MappingPairsOffset; CurrentOffset = 0; while (1) { DataRun = DecodeRun(DataRun, &DataRunOffset, &DataRunLength); if (DataRunOffset != -1) { // Normal data run. // DPRINT1("Writing to normal data run, LastLCN %I64u DataRunOffset %I64d\n", LastLCN, DataRunOffset); DataRunStartLCN = LastLCN + DataRunOffset; LastLCN = DataRunStartLCN; } else { // Sparse data run. We can't support writing to sparse files yet // (it may require increasing the allocation size). DataRunStartLCN = -1; DPRINT1("FIXME: Writing to sparse files is not supported yet!\n"); return STATUS_NOT_IMPLEMENTED; } // Have we reached the data run we're trying to write to? if (Offset >= CurrentOffset && Offset < CurrentOffset + (DataRunLength * Vcb->NtfsInfo.BytesPerCluster)) { break; } if (*DataRun == 0) { // We reached the last assigned cluster // TODO: assign new clusters to the end of the file. // (Presently, this code will never be reached, the write should have already failed by now) return STATUS_END_OF_FILE; } CurrentOffset += DataRunLength * Vcb->NtfsInfo.BytesPerCluster; } } // II. Go through the run list and write the data /* REVIEWME -- As adapted from NtfsReadAttribute(): We seem to be making a special case for the first applicable data run, but I'm not sure why. Does it have something to do with (not) caching? Is this strategy equally applicable to writing? */ WriteLength = (ULONG)min(DataRunLength * Vcb->NtfsInfo.BytesPerCluster - (Offset - CurrentOffset), Length); StartingOffset = DataRunStartLCN * Vcb->NtfsInfo.BytesPerCluster + Offset - CurrentOffset; // Write the data to the disk Status = NtfsWriteDisk(Vcb->StorageDevice, StartingOffset, WriteLength, Vcb->NtfsInfo.BytesPerSector, (PVOID)SourceBuffer); // Did the write fail? if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { Context->CacheRun = DataRun; Context->CacheRunOffset = Offset; Context->CacheRunStartLCN = DataRunStartLCN; Context->CacheRunLength = DataRunLength; Context->CacheRunLastLCN = LastLCN; Context->CacheRunCurrentOffset = CurrentOffset; return Status; } Length -= WriteLength; SourceBuffer += WriteLength; *RealLengthWritten += WriteLength; // Did we write to the end of the data run? if (WriteLength == DataRunLength * Vcb->NtfsInfo.BytesPerCluster - (Offset - CurrentOffset)) { // Advance to the next data run CurrentOffset += DataRunLength * Vcb->NtfsInfo.BytesPerCluster; DataRun = DecodeRun(DataRun, &DataRunOffset, &DataRunLength); if (DataRunOffset != (ULONGLONG)-1) { DataRunStartLCN = LastLCN + DataRunOffset; LastLCN = DataRunStartLCN; } else DataRunStartLCN = -1; } // Do we have more data to write? while (Length > 0) { // Make sure we don't write past the end of the current data run WriteLength = (ULONG)min(DataRunLength * Vcb->NtfsInfo.BytesPerCluster, Length); // Are we dealing with a sparse data run? if (DataRunStartLCN == -1) { DPRINT1("FIXME: Don't know how to write to sparse files yet! (DataRunStartLCN == -1)\n"); return STATUS_NOT_IMPLEMENTED; } else { // write the data to the disk Status = NtfsWriteDisk(Vcb->StorageDevice, DataRunStartLCN * Vcb->NtfsInfo.BytesPerCluster, WriteLength, Vcb->NtfsInfo.BytesPerSector, (PVOID)SourceBuffer); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) break; } Length -= WriteLength; SourceBuffer += WriteLength; *RealLengthWritten += WriteLength; // We finished this request, but there's still data in this data run. if (Length == 0 && WriteLength != DataRunLength * Vcb->NtfsInfo.BytesPerCluster) break; // Go to next run in the list. if (*DataRun == 0) { // that was the last run if (Length > 0) { // Failed sanity check. DPRINT1("Encountered EOF before expected!\n"); return STATUS_END_OF_FILE; } break; } // Advance to the next data run CurrentOffset += DataRunLength * Vcb->NtfsInfo.BytesPerCluster; DataRun = DecodeRun(DataRun, &DataRunOffset, &DataRunLength); if (DataRunOffset != -1) { // Normal data run. DataRunStartLCN = LastLCN + DataRunOffset; LastLCN = DataRunStartLCN; } else { // Sparse data run. DataRunStartLCN = -1; } } // end while (Length > 0) [more data to write] Context->CacheRun = DataRun; Context->CacheRunOffset = Offset + *RealLengthWritten; Context->CacheRunStartLCN = DataRunStartLCN; Context->CacheRunLength = DataRunLength; Context->CacheRunLastLCN = LastLCN; Context->CacheRunCurrentOffset = CurrentOffset; return Status; } NTSTATUS ReadFileRecord(PDEVICE_EXTENSION Vcb, ULONGLONG index, PFILE_RECORD_HEADER file) { ULONGLONG BytesRead; DPRINT("ReadFileRecord(%p, %I64x, %p)\n", Vcb, index, file); BytesRead = ReadAttribute(Vcb, Vcb->MFTContext, index * Vcb->NtfsInfo.BytesPerFileRecord, (PCHAR)file, Vcb->NtfsInfo.BytesPerFileRecord); if (BytesRead != Vcb->NtfsInfo.BytesPerFileRecord) { DPRINT1("ReadFileRecord failed: %I64u read, %u expected\n", BytesRead, Vcb->NtfsInfo.BytesPerFileRecord); return STATUS_PARTIAL_COPY; } /* Apply update sequence array fixups. */ DPRINT("Sequence number: %u\n", file->SequenceNumber); return FixupUpdateSequenceArray(Vcb, &file->Ntfs); } /** * Searches a file's parent directory (given the parent's index in the mft) * for the given file. Upon finding an index entry for that file, updates * Data Size and Allocated Size values in the $FILE_NAME attribute of that entry. * * (Most of this code was copied from NtfsFindMftRecord) */ NTSTATUS UpdateFileNameRecord(PDEVICE_EXTENSION Vcb, ULONGLONG ParentMFTIndex, PUNICODE_STRING FileName, BOOLEAN DirSearch, ULONGLONG NewDataSize, ULONGLONG NewAllocationSize) { PFILE_RECORD_HEADER MftRecord; PNTFS_ATTR_CONTEXT IndexRootCtx; PINDEX_ROOT_ATTRIBUTE IndexRoot; PCHAR IndexRecord; PINDEX_ENTRY_ATTRIBUTE IndexEntry, IndexEntryEnd; NTSTATUS Status; ULONG CurrentEntry = 0; DPRINT("UpdateFileNameRecord(%p, %I64d, %wZ, %u, %I64u, %I64u)\n", Vcb, ParentMFTIndex, FileName, DirSearch, NewDataSize, NewAllocationSize); MftRecord = ExAllocatePoolWithTag(NonPagedPool, Vcb->NtfsInfo.BytesPerFileRecord, TAG_NTFS); if (MftRecord == NULL) { return STATUS_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES; } Status = ReadFileRecord(Vcb, ParentMFTIndex, MftRecord); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { ExFreePoolWithTag(MftRecord, TAG_NTFS); return Status; } ASSERT(MftRecord->Ntfs.Type == NRH_FILE_TYPE); Status = FindAttribute(Vcb, MftRecord, AttributeIndexRoot, L"$I30", 4, &IndexRootCtx, NULL); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { ExFreePoolWithTag(MftRecord, TAG_NTFS); return Status; } IndexRecord = ExAllocatePoolWithTag(NonPagedPool, Vcb->NtfsInfo.BytesPerIndexRecord, TAG_NTFS); if (IndexRecord == NULL) { ReleaseAttributeContext(IndexRootCtx); ExFreePoolWithTag(MftRecord, TAG_NTFS); return STATUS_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES; } ReadAttribute(Vcb, IndexRootCtx, 0, IndexRecord, Vcb->NtfsInfo.BytesPerIndexRecord); IndexRoot = (PINDEX_ROOT_ATTRIBUTE)IndexRecord; IndexEntry = (PINDEX_ENTRY_ATTRIBUTE)((PCHAR)&IndexRoot->Header + IndexRoot->Header.FirstEntryOffset); // Index root is always resident. IndexEntryEnd = (PINDEX_ENTRY_ATTRIBUTE)(IndexRecord + IndexRoot->Header.TotalSizeOfEntries); DPRINT("IndexRecordSize: %x IndexBlockSize: %x\n", Vcb->NtfsInfo.BytesPerIndexRecord, IndexRoot->SizeOfEntry); Status = UpdateIndexEntryFileNameSize(Vcb, MftRecord, IndexRecord, IndexRoot->SizeOfEntry, IndexEntry, IndexEntryEnd, FileName, &CurrentEntry, &CurrentEntry, DirSearch, NewDataSize, NewAllocationSize); ReleaseAttributeContext(IndexRootCtx); ExFreePoolWithTag(IndexRecord, TAG_NTFS); ExFreePoolWithTag(MftRecord, TAG_NTFS); return Status; } /** * Recursively searches directory index and applies the size update to the $FILE_NAME attribute of the * proper index entry. * (Heavily based on BrowseIndexEntries) */ NTSTATUS UpdateIndexEntryFileNameSize(PDEVICE_EXTENSION Vcb, PFILE_RECORD_HEADER MftRecord, PCHAR IndexRecord, ULONG IndexBlockSize, PINDEX_ENTRY_ATTRIBUTE FirstEntry, PINDEX_ENTRY_ATTRIBUTE LastEntry, PUNICODE_STRING FileName, PULONG StartEntry, PULONG CurrentEntry, BOOLEAN DirSearch, ULONGLONG NewDataSize, ULONGLONG NewAllocatedSize) { NTSTATUS Status; ULONG RecordOffset; PINDEX_ENTRY_ATTRIBUTE IndexEntry; PNTFS_ATTR_CONTEXT IndexAllocationCtx; ULONGLONG IndexAllocationSize; PINDEX_BUFFER IndexBuffer; DPRINT("UpdateIndexEntrySize(%p, %p, %p, %u, %p, %p, %wZ, %u, %u, %u, %I64u, %I64u)\n", Vcb, MftRecord, IndexRecord, IndexBlockSize, FirstEntry, LastEntry, FileName, *StartEntry, *CurrentEntry, DirSearch, NewDataSize, NewAllocatedSize); // find the index entry responsible for the file we're trying to update IndexEntry = FirstEntry; while (IndexEntry < LastEntry && !(IndexEntry->Flags & NTFS_INDEX_ENTRY_END)) { if ((IndexEntry->Data.Directory.IndexedFile & NTFS_MFT_MASK) > 0x10 && *CurrentEntry >= *StartEntry && IndexEntry->FileName.NameType != NTFS_FILE_NAME_DOS && CompareFileName(FileName, IndexEntry, DirSearch)) { *StartEntry = *CurrentEntry; IndexEntry->FileName.DataSize = NewDataSize; IndexEntry->FileName.AllocatedSize = NewAllocatedSize; // indicate that the caller will still need to write the structure to the disk return STATUS_PENDING; } (*CurrentEntry) += 1; ASSERT(IndexEntry->Length >= sizeof(INDEX_ENTRY_ATTRIBUTE)); IndexEntry = (PINDEX_ENTRY_ATTRIBUTE)((PCHAR)IndexEntry + IndexEntry->Length); } /* If we're already browsing a subnode */ if (IndexRecord == NULL) { return STATUS_OBJECT_PATH_NOT_FOUND; } /* If there's no subnode */ if (!(IndexEntry->Flags & NTFS_INDEX_ENTRY_NODE)) { return STATUS_OBJECT_PATH_NOT_FOUND; } Status = FindAttribute(Vcb, MftRecord, AttributeIndexAllocation, L"$I30", 4, &IndexAllocationCtx, NULL); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { DPRINT("Corrupted filesystem!\n"); return Status; } IndexAllocationSize = AttributeDataLength(&IndexAllocationCtx->Record); Status = STATUS_OBJECT_PATH_NOT_FOUND; for (RecordOffset = 0; RecordOffset < IndexAllocationSize; RecordOffset += IndexBlockSize) { ReadAttribute(Vcb, IndexAllocationCtx, RecordOffset, IndexRecord, IndexBlockSize); Status = FixupUpdateSequenceArray(Vcb, &((PFILE_RECORD_HEADER)IndexRecord)->Ntfs); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { break; } IndexBuffer = (PINDEX_BUFFER)IndexRecord; ASSERT(IndexBuffer->Ntfs.Type == NRH_INDX_TYPE); ASSERT(IndexBuffer->Header.AllocatedSize + FIELD_OFFSET(INDEX_BUFFER, Header) == IndexBlockSize); FirstEntry = (PINDEX_ENTRY_ATTRIBUTE)((ULONG_PTR)&IndexBuffer->Header + IndexBuffer->Header.FirstEntryOffset); LastEntry = (PINDEX_ENTRY_ATTRIBUTE)((ULONG_PTR)&IndexBuffer->Header + IndexBuffer->Header.TotalSizeOfEntries); ASSERT(LastEntry <= (PINDEX_ENTRY_ATTRIBUTE)((ULONG_PTR)IndexBuffer + IndexBlockSize)); Status = UpdateIndexEntryFileNameSize(NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, FirstEntry, LastEntry, FileName, StartEntry, CurrentEntry, DirSearch, NewDataSize, NewAllocatedSize); if (Status == STATUS_PENDING) { // write the index record back to disk ULONG Written; // first we need to update the fixup values for the index block Status = AddFixupArray(Vcb, &((PFILE_RECORD_HEADER)IndexRecord)->Ntfs); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { DPRINT1("Error: Failed to update fixup sequence array!\n"); break; } Status = WriteAttribute(Vcb, IndexAllocationCtx, RecordOffset, (const PUCHAR)IndexRecord, IndexBlockSize, &Written); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { DPRINT1("ERROR Performing write!\n"); break; } Status = STATUS_SUCCESS; break; } if (NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { break; } } ReleaseAttributeContext(IndexAllocationCtx); return Status; } /** * UpdateFileRecord * @implemented * Writes a file record to the master file table, at a given index. */ NTSTATUS UpdateFileRecord(PDEVICE_EXTENSION Vcb, ULONGLONG index, PFILE_RECORD_HEADER file) { ULONG BytesWritten; NTSTATUS Status = STATUS_SUCCESS; DPRINT("UpdateFileRecord(%p, %I64x, %p)\n", Vcb, index, file); // Add the fixup array to prepare the data for writing to disk AddFixupArray(Vcb, &file->Ntfs); // write the file record to the master file table Status = WriteAttribute(Vcb, Vcb->MFTContext, index * Vcb->NtfsInfo.BytesPerFileRecord, (const PUCHAR)file, Vcb->NtfsInfo.BytesPerFileRecord, &BytesWritten); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { DPRINT1("UpdateFileRecord failed: %lu written, %lu expected\n", BytesWritten, Vcb->NtfsInfo.BytesPerFileRecord); } // remove the fixup array (so the file record pointer can still be used) FixupUpdateSequenceArray(Vcb, &file->Ntfs); return Status; } NTSTATUS FixupUpdateSequenceArray(PDEVICE_EXTENSION Vcb, PNTFS_RECORD_HEADER Record) { USHORT *USA; USHORT USANumber; USHORT USACount; USHORT *Block; USA = (USHORT*)((PCHAR)Record + Record->UsaOffset); USANumber = *(USA++); USACount = Record->UsaCount - 1; /* Exclude the USA Number. */ Block = (USHORT*)((PCHAR)Record + Vcb->NtfsInfo.BytesPerSector - 2); DPRINT("FixupUpdateSequenceArray(%p, %p)\nUSANumber: %u\tUSACount: %u\n", Vcb, Record, USANumber, USACount); while (USACount) { if (*Block != USANumber) { DPRINT1("Mismatch with USA: %u read, %u expected\n" , *Block, USANumber); return STATUS_UNSUCCESSFUL; } *Block = *(USA++); Block = (USHORT*)((PCHAR)Block + Vcb->NtfsInfo.BytesPerSector); USACount--; } return STATUS_SUCCESS; } NTSTATUS AddFixupArray(PDEVICE_EXTENSION Vcb, PNTFS_RECORD_HEADER Record) { USHORT *pShortToFixUp; unsigned int ArrayEntryCount = Record->UsaCount - 1; unsigned int Offset = Vcb->NtfsInfo.BytesPerSector - 2; int i; PFIXUP_ARRAY fixupArray = (PFIXUP_ARRAY)((UCHAR*)Record + Record->UsaOffset); DPRINT("AddFixupArray(%p, %p)\n fixupArray->USN: %u, ArrayEntryCount: %u\n", Vcb, Record, fixupArray->USN, ArrayEntryCount); fixupArray->USN++; for (i = 0; i < ArrayEntryCount; i++) { DPRINT("USN: %u\tOffset: %u\n", fixupArray->USN, Offset); pShortToFixUp = (USHORT*)((PCHAR)Record + Offset); fixupArray->Array[i] = *pShortToFixUp; *pShortToFixUp = fixupArray->USN; Offset += Vcb->NtfsInfo.BytesPerSector; } return STATUS_SUCCESS; } NTSTATUS ReadLCN(PDEVICE_EXTENSION Vcb, ULONGLONG lcn, ULONG count, PVOID buffer) { LARGE_INTEGER DiskSector; DiskSector.QuadPart = lcn; return NtfsReadSectors(Vcb->StorageDevice, DiskSector.u.LowPart * Vcb->NtfsInfo.SectorsPerCluster, count * Vcb->NtfsInfo.SectorsPerCluster, Vcb->NtfsInfo.BytesPerSector, buffer, FALSE); } BOOLEAN CompareFileName(PUNICODE_STRING FileName, PINDEX_ENTRY_ATTRIBUTE IndexEntry, BOOLEAN DirSearch) { BOOLEAN Ret, Alloc = FALSE; UNICODE_STRING EntryName; EntryName.Buffer = IndexEntry->FileName.Name; EntryName.Length = EntryName.MaximumLength = IndexEntry->FileName.NameLength * sizeof(WCHAR); if (DirSearch) { UNICODE_STRING IntFileName; if (IndexEntry->FileName.NameType != NTFS_FILE_NAME_POSIX) { NT_VERIFY(NT_SUCCESS(RtlUpcaseUnicodeString(&IntFileName, FileName, TRUE))); Alloc = TRUE; } else { IntFileName = *FileName; } Ret = FsRtlIsNameInExpression(&IntFileName, &EntryName, (IndexEntry->FileName.NameType != NTFS_FILE_NAME_POSIX), NULL); if (Alloc) { RtlFreeUnicodeString(&IntFileName); } return Ret; } else { return (RtlCompareUnicodeString(FileName, &EntryName, (IndexEntry->FileName.NameType != NTFS_FILE_NAME_POSIX)) == 0); } } #if 0 static VOID DumpIndexEntry(PINDEX_ENTRY_ATTRIBUTE IndexEntry) { DPRINT1("Entry: %p\n", IndexEntry); DPRINT1("\tData.Directory.IndexedFile: %I64x\n", IndexEntry->Data.Directory.IndexedFile); DPRINT1("\tLength: %u\n", IndexEntry->Length); DPRINT1("\tKeyLength: %u\n", IndexEntry->KeyLength); DPRINT1("\tFlags: %x\n", IndexEntry->Flags); DPRINT1("\tReserved: %x\n", IndexEntry->Reserved); DPRINT1("\t\tDirectoryFileReferenceNumber: %I64x\n", IndexEntry->FileName.DirectoryFileReferenceNumber); DPRINT1("\t\tCreationTime: %I64u\n", IndexEntry->FileName.CreationTime); DPRINT1("\t\tChangeTime: %I64u\n", IndexEntry->FileName.ChangeTime); DPRINT1("\t\tLastWriteTime: %I64u\n", IndexEntry->FileName.LastWriteTime); DPRINT1("\t\tLastAccessTime: %I64u\n", IndexEntry->FileName.LastAccessTime); DPRINT1("\t\tAllocatedSize: %I64u\n", IndexEntry->FileName.AllocatedSize); DPRINT1("\t\tDataSize: %I64u\n", IndexEntry->FileName.DataSize); DPRINT1("\t\tFileAttributes: %x\n", IndexEntry->FileName.FileAttributes); DPRINT1("\t\tNameLength: %u\n", IndexEntry->FileName.NameLength); DPRINT1("\t\tNameType: %x\n", IndexEntry->FileName.NameType); DPRINT1("\t\tName: %.*S\n", IndexEntry->FileName.NameLength, IndexEntry->FileName.Name); } #endif NTSTATUS BrowseIndexEntries(PDEVICE_EXTENSION Vcb, PFILE_RECORD_HEADER MftRecord, PCHAR IndexRecord, ULONG IndexBlockSize, PINDEX_ENTRY_ATTRIBUTE FirstEntry, PINDEX_ENTRY_ATTRIBUTE LastEntry, PUNICODE_STRING FileName, PULONG StartEntry, PULONG CurrentEntry, BOOLEAN DirSearch, ULONGLONG *OutMFTIndex) { NTSTATUS Status; ULONG RecordOffset; PINDEX_ENTRY_ATTRIBUTE IndexEntry; PNTFS_ATTR_CONTEXT IndexAllocationCtx; ULONGLONG IndexAllocationSize; PINDEX_BUFFER IndexBuffer; DPRINT("BrowseIndexEntries(%p, %p, %p, %u, %p, %p, %wZ, %u, %u, %u, %p)\n", Vcb, MftRecord, IndexRecord, IndexBlockSize, FirstEntry, LastEntry, FileName, *StartEntry, *CurrentEntry, DirSearch, OutMFTIndex); IndexEntry = FirstEntry; while (IndexEntry < LastEntry && !(IndexEntry->Flags & NTFS_INDEX_ENTRY_END)) { if ((IndexEntry->Data.Directory.IndexedFile & NTFS_MFT_MASK) > 0x10 && *CurrentEntry >= *StartEntry && IndexEntry->FileName.NameType != NTFS_FILE_NAME_DOS && CompareFileName(FileName, IndexEntry, DirSearch)) { *StartEntry = *CurrentEntry; *OutMFTIndex = (IndexEntry->Data.Directory.IndexedFile & NTFS_MFT_MASK); return STATUS_SUCCESS; } (*CurrentEntry) += 1; ASSERT(IndexEntry->Length >= sizeof(INDEX_ENTRY_ATTRIBUTE)); IndexEntry = (PINDEX_ENTRY_ATTRIBUTE)((PCHAR)IndexEntry + IndexEntry->Length); } /* If we're already browsing a subnode */ if (IndexRecord == NULL) { return STATUS_OBJECT_PATH_NOT_FOUND; } /* If there's no subnode */ if (!(IndexEntry->Flags & NTFS_INDEX_ENTRY_NODE)) { return STATUS_OBJECT_PATH_NOT_FOUND; } Status = FindAttribute(Vcb, MftRecord, AttributeIndexAllocation, L"$I30", 4, &IndexAllocationCtx, NULL); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { DPRINT("Corrupted filesystem!\n"); return Status; } IndexAllocationSize = AttributeDataLength(&IndexAllocationCtx->Record); Status = STATUS_OBJECT_PATH_NOT_FOUND; for (RecordOffset = 0; RecordOffset < IndexAllocationSize; RecordOffset += IndexBlockSize) { ReadAttribute(Vcb, IndexAllocationCtx, RecordOffset, IndexRecord, IndexBlockSize); Status = FixupUpdateSequenceArray(Vcb, &((PFILE_RECORD_HEADER)IndexRecord)->Ntfs); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { break; } IndexBuffer = (PINDEX_BUFFER)IndexRecord; ASSERT(IndexBuffer->Ntfs.Type == NRH_INDX_TYPE); ASSERT(IndexBuffer->Header.AllocatedSize + FIELD_OFFSET(INDEX_BUFFER, Header) == IndexBlockSize); FirstEntry = (PINDEX_ENTRY_ATTRIBUTE)((ULONG_PTR)&IndexBuffer->Header + IndexBuffer->Header.FirstEntryOffset); LastEntry = (PINDEX_ENTRY_ATTRIBUTE)((ULONG_PTR)&IndexBuffer->Header + IndexBuffer->Header.TotalSizeOfEntries); ASSERT(LastEntry <= (PINDEX_ENTRY_ATTRIBUTE)((ULONG_PTR)IndexBuffer + IndexBlockSize)); Status = BrowseIndexEntries(NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, FirstEntry, LastEntry, FileName, StartEntry, CurrentEntry, DirSearch, OutMFTIndex); if (NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { break; } } ReleaseAttributeContext(IndexAllocationCtx); return Status; } NTSTATUS NtfsFindMftRecord(PDEVICE_EXTENSION Vcb, ULONGLONG MFTIndex, PUNICODE_STRING FileName, PULONG FirstEntry, BOOLEAN DirSearch, ULONGLONG *OutMFTIndex) { PFILE_RECORD_HEADER MftRecord; PNTFS_ATTR_CONTEXT IndexRootCtx; PINDEX_ROOT_ATTRIBUTE IndexRoot; PCHAR IndexRecord; PINDEX_ENTRY_ATTRIBUTE IndexEntry, IndexEntryEnd; NTSTATUS Status; ULONG CurrentEntry = 0; DPRINT("NtfsFindMftRecord(%p, %I64d, %wZ, %u, %u, %p)\n", Vcb, MFTIndex, FileName, *FirstEntry, DirSearch, OutMFTIndex); MftRecord = ExAllocatePoolWithTag(NonPagedPool, Vcb->NtfsInfo.BytesPerFileRecord, TAG_NTFS); if (MftRecord == NULL) { return STATUS_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES; } Status = ReadFileRecord(Vcb, MFTIndex, MftRecord); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { ExFreePoolWithTag(MftRecord, TAG_NTFS); return Status; } ASSERT(MftRecord->Ntfs.Type == NRH_FILE_TYPE); Status = FindAttribute(Vcb, MftRecord, AttributeIndexRoot, L"$I30", 4, &IndexRootCtx, NULL); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { ExFreePoolWithTag(MftRecord, TAG_NTFS); return Status; } IndexRecord = ExAllocatePoolWithTag(NonPagedPool, Vcb->NtfsInfo.BytesPerIndexRecord, TAG_NTFS); if (IndexRecord == NULL) { ReleaseAttributeContext(IndexRootCtx); ExFreePoolWithTag(MftRecord, TAG_NTFS); return STATUS_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES; } ReadAttribute(Vcb, IndexRootCtx, 0, IndexRecord, Vcb->NtfsInfo.BytesPerIndexRecord); IndexRoot = (PINDEX_ROOT_ATTRIBUTE)IndexRecord; IndexEntry = (PINDEX_ENTRY_ATTRIBUTE)((PCHAR)&IndexRoot->Header + IndexRoot->Header.FirstEntryOffset); /* Index root is always resident. */ IndexEntryEnd = (PINDEX_ENTRY_ATTRIBUTE)(IndexRecord + IndexRoot->Header.TotalSizeOfEntries); ReleaseAttributeContext(IndexRootCtx); DPRINT("IndexRecordSize: %x IndexBlockSize: %x\n", Vcb->NtfsInfo.BytesPerIndexRecord, IndexRoot->SizeOfEntry); Status = BrowseIndexEntries(Vcb, MftRecord, IndexRecord, IndexRoot->SizeOfEntry, IndexEntry, IndexEntryEnd, FileName, FirstEntry, &CurrentEntry, DirSearch, OutMFTIndex); ExFreePoolWithTag(IndexRecord, TAG_NTFS); ExFreePoolWithTag(MftRecord, TAG_NTFS); return Status; } NTSTATUS NtfsLookupFileAt(PDEVICE_EXTENSION Vcb, PUNICODE_STRING PathName, PFILE_RECORD_HEADER *FileRecord, PULONGLONG MFTIndex, ULONGLONG CurrentMFTIndex) { UNICODE_STRING Current, Remaining; NTSTATUS Status; ULONG FirstEntry = 0; DPRINT("NtfsLookupFileAt(%p, %wZ, %p, %I64x)\n", Vcb, PathName, FileRecord, CurrentMFTIndex); FsRtlDissectName(*PathName, &Current, &Remaining); while (Current.Length != 0) { DPRINT("Current: %wZ\n", &Current); Status = NtfsFindMftRecord(Vcb, CurrentMFTIndex, &Current, &FirstEntry, FALSE, &CurrentMFTIndex); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { return Status; } if (Remaining.Length == 0) break; FsRtlDissectName(Current, &Current, &Remaining); } *FileRecord = ExAllocatePoolWithTag(NonPagedPool, Vcb->NtfsInfo.BytesPerFileRecord, TAG_NTFS); if (*FileRecord == NULL) { DPRINT("NtfsLookupFileAt: Can't allocate MFT record\n"); return STATUS_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES; } Status = ReadFileRecord(Vcb, CurrentMFTIndex, *FileRecord); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { DPRINT("NtfsLookupFileAt: Can't read MFT record\n"); ExFreePoolWithTag(*FileRecord, TAG_NTFS); return Status; } *MFTIndex = CurrentMFTIndex; return STATUS_SUCCESS; } NTSTATUS NtfsLookupFile(PDEVICE_EXTENSION Vcb, PUNICODE_STRING PathName, PFILE_RECORD_HEADER *FileRecord, PULONGLONG MFTIndex) { return NtfsLookupFileAt(Vcb, PathName, FileRecord, MFTIndex, NTFS_FILE_ROOT); } NTSTATUS NtfsFindFileAt(PDEVICE_EXTENSION Vcb, PUNICODE_STRING SearchPattern, PULONG FirstEntry, PFILE_RECORD_HEADER *FileRecord, PULONGLONG MFTIndex, ULONGLONG CurrentMFTIndex) { NTSTATUS Status; DPRINT("NtfsFindFileAt(%p, %wZ, %u, %p, %p, %I64x)\n", Vcb, SearchPattern, *FirstEntry, FileRecord, MFTIndex, CurrentMFTIndex); Status = NtfsFindMftRecord(Vcb, CurrentMFTIndex, SearchPattern, FirstEntry, TRUE, &CurrentMFTIndex); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { DPRINT("NtfsFindFileAt: NtfsFindMftRecord() failed with status 0x%08lx\n", Status); return Status; } *FileRecord = ExAllocatePoolWithTag(NonPagedPool, Vcb->NtfsInfo.BytesPerFileRecord, TAG_NTFS); if (*FileRecord == NULL) { DPRINT("NtfsFindFileAt: Can't allocate MFT record\n"); return STATUS_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES; } Status = ReadFileRecord(Vcb, CurrentMFTIndex, *FileRecord); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { DPRINT("NtfsFindFileAt: Can't read MFT record\n"); ExFreePoolWithTag(*FileRecord, TAG_NTFS); return Status; } *MFTIndex = CurrentMFTIndex; return STATUS_SUCCESS; } /* EOF */