/* * PROJECT: ReactOS kernel-mode tests * LICENSE: GPLv2+ - See COPYING in the top level directory * PURPOSE: File system mini-filter support routines * PROGRAMMER: Ged Murphy */ #include #define KMT_FLT_USER_MODE #include "kmtest.h" #include #include #include /* * We need to call the internal function in the service.c file */ DWORD KmtpCreateService( IN PCWSTR ServiceName, IN PCWSTR ServicePath, IN PCWSTR DisplayName OPTIONAL, IN DWORD ServiceType, OUT SC_HANDLE *ServiceHandle); DWORD EnablePrivilegeInCurrentProcess( _In_z_ LPWSTR lpPrivName, _In_ BOOL bEnable); // move to a shared location typedef struct _KMTFLT_MESSAGE_HEADER { ULONG Message; PVOID Buffer; ULONG BufferSize; } KMTFLT_MESSAGE_HEADER, *PKMTFLT_MESSAGE_HEADER; extern HANDLE KmtestHandle; static WCHAR TestServiceName[MAX_PATH]; /** * @name KmtFltCreateService * * Create the specified driver service and return a handle to it * * @param ServiceName * Name of the service to create * @param ServicePath * File name of the driver, relative to the current directory * @param DisplayName * Service display name * @param ServiceHandle * Pointer to a variable to receive the handle to the service * * @return Win32 error code */ DWORD KmtFltCreateService( _In_z_ PCWSTR ServiceName, _In_z_ PCWSTR DisplayName, _Out_ SC_HANDLE *ServiceHandle) { WCHAR ServicePath[MAX_PATH]; StringCbCopyW(ServicePath, sizeof(ServicePath), ServiceName); StringCbCatW(ServicePath, sizeof(ServicePath), L"_drv.sys"); StringCbCopyW(TestServiceName, sizeof(TestServiceName), L"Kmtest-"); StringCbCatW(TestServiceName, sizeof(TestServiceName), ServiceName); return KmtpCreateService(TestServiceName, ServicePath, DisplayName, SERVICE_FILE_SYSTEM_DRIVER, ServiceHandle); } /** * @name KmtFltDeleteService * * Delete the specified filter driver * * @param ServiceName * If *ServiceHandle is NULL, name of the service to delete * @param ServiceHandle * Pointer to a variable containing the service handle. * Will be set to NULL on success * * @return Win32 error code */ DWORD KmtFltDeleteService( _In_opt_z_ PCWSTR ServiceName, _Inout_ SC_HANDLE *ServiceHandle) { return KmtDeleteService(ServiceName, ServiceHandle); } /** * @name KmtFltLoadDriver * * Delete the specified filter driver * * @return Win32 error code */ DWORD KmtFltLoadDriver( _In_ BOOLEAN EnableDriverLoadPrivlege, _In_ BOOLEAN RestartIfRunning, _In_ BOOLEAN ConnectComms, _Out_ HANDLE *hPort ) { DWORD Error; if (EnableDriverLoadPrivlege) { Error = EnablePrivilegeInCurrentProcess(SE_LOAD_DRIVER_NAME , TRUE); if (Error) { return Error; } } Error = KmtFltLoad(TestServiceName); if ((Error == ERROR_SERVICE_ALREADY_RUNNING) && RestartIfRunning) { Error = KmtFltUnload(TestServiceName); if (Error) { // TODO __debugbreak(); } Error = KmtFltLoad(TestServiceName); } if (Error) { return Error; } if (ConnectComms) { Error = KmtFltConnectComms(hPort); } return Error; } /** * @name KmtFltUnloadDriver * * Unload the specified filter driver * * @param hPort * Handle to the filter's comms port * @param DisonnectComms * TRUE to disconnect the comms connection before unloading * * @return Win32 error code */ DWORD KmtFltUnloadDriver( _In_ HANDLE *hPort, _In_ BOOLEAN DisonnectComms) { DWORD Error = ERROR_SUCCESS; if (DisonnectComms) { Error = KmtFltDisconnect(hPort); if (Error) { return Error; } } Error = KmtFltUnload(TestServiceName); if (Error) { // TODO __debugbreak(); } return Error; } /** * @name KmtFltConnectComms * * Create a comms connection to the specified filter * * @param hPort * Handle to the filter's comms port * * @return Win32 error code */ DWORD KmtFltConnectComms( _Out_ HANDLE *hPort) { return KmtFltConnect(TestServiceName, hPort); } /** * @name KmtFltDisconnectComms * * Disconenct from the comms port * * @param hPort * Handle to the filter's comms port * * @return Win32 error code */ DWORD KmtFltDisconnectComms( _In_ HANDLE hPort) { return KmtFltDisconnect(hPort); } /** * @name KmtFltCloseService * * Close the specified driver service handle * * @param ServiceHandle * Pointer to a variable containing the service handle. * Will be set to NULL on success * * @return Win32 error code */ DWORD KmtFltCloseService( _Inout_ SC_HANDLE *ServiceHandle) { return KmtCloseService(ServiceHandle); } /** * @name KmtFltRunKernelTest * * Run the specified filter test part * * @param hPort * Handle to the filter's comms port * @param TestName * Name of the test to run * * @return Win32 error code */ DWORD KmtFltRunKernelTest( _In_ HANDLE hPort, _In_z_ PCSTR TestName) { return KmtFltSendStringToDriver(hPort, KMTFLT_RUN_TEST, TestName); } /** * @name KmtFltSendToDriver * * Send an I/O control message with no arguments to the driver opened with KmtOpenDriver * * @param hPort * Handle to the filter's comms port * @param Message * The message to send to the filter * * @return Win32 error code */ DWORD KmtFltSendToDriver( _In_ HANDLE hPort, _In_ DWORD Message) { assert(hPort); return KmtFltSendBufferToDriver(hPort, Message, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, NULL); } /** * @name KmtFltSendStringToDriver * * Send an I/O control message with a string argument to the driver opened with KmtOpenDriver * * * @param hPort * Handle to the filter's comms port * @param Message * The message associated with the string * @param String * An ANSI string to send to the filter * * @return Win32 error code */ DWORD KmtFltSendStringToDriver( _In_ HANDLE hPort, _In_ DWORD Message, _In_ PCSTR String) { assert(hPort); assert(String); return KmtFltSendBufferToDriver(hPort, Message, (PVOID)String, (DWORD)strlen(String), NULL, 0, NULL); } /** * @name KmtFltSendWStringToDriver * * Send an I/O control message with a wide string argument to the driver opened with KmtOpenDriver * * @param hPort * Handle to the filter's comms port * @param Message * The message associated with the string * @param String * An wide string to send to the filter * * @return Win32 error code */ DWORD KmtFltSendWStringToDriver( _In_ HANDLE hPort, _In_ DWORD Message, _In_ PCWSTR String) { return KmtFltSendBufferToDriver(hPort, Message, (PVOID)String, (DWORD)wcslen(String) * sizeof(WCHAR), NULL, 0, NULL); } /** * @name KmtFltSendUlongToDriver * * Send an I/O control message with an integer argument to the driver opened with KmtOpenDriver * * @param hPort * Handle to the filter's comms port * @param Message * The message associated with the value * @param Value * An 32bit valueng to send to the filter * * @return Win32 error code */ DWORD KmtFltSendUlongToDriver( _In_ HANDLE hPort, _In_ DWORD Message, _In_ DWORD Value) { return KmtFltSendBufferToDriver(hPort, Message, &Value, sizeof(Value), NULL, 0, NULL); } /** * @name KmtSendBufferToDriver * * Send an I/O control message with the specified arguments to the driver opened with KmtOpenDriver * * @param hPort * Handle to the filter's comms port * @param Message * The message associated with the value * @param InBuffer * Pointer to a buffer to send to the filter * @param BufferSize * Size of the buffer pointed to by InBuffer * @param OutBuffer * Pointer to a buffer to receive a response from the filter * @param OutBufferSize * Size of the buffer pointed to by OutBuffer * @param BytesReturned * Number of bytes written in the reply buffer * * @return Win32 error code */ DWORD KmtFltSendBufferToDriver( _In_ HANDLE hPort, _In_ DWORD Message, _In_reads_bytes_(BufferSize) LPVOID InBuffer, _In_ DWORD BufferSize, _Out_writes_bytes_to_opt_(OutBufferSize, *BytesReturned) LPVOID OutBuffer, _In_ DWORD OutBufferSize, _Out_opt_ LPDWORD BytesReturned) { PKMTFLT_MESSAGE_HEADER Ptr; KMTFLT_MESSAGE_HEADER Header; BOOLEAN FreeMemory = FALSE; DWORD InBufferSize; DWORD Error; assert(hPort); if (BufferSize) { assert(InBuffer); InBufferSize = sizeof(KMTFLT_MESSAGE_HEADER) + BufferSize; Ptr = HeapAlloc(GetProcessHeap(), HEAP_ZERO_MEMORY, InBufferSize); if (!Ptr) { return ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; } FreeMemory = TRUE; } else { InBufferSize = sizeof(KMTFLT_MESSAGE_HEADER); Ptr = &Header; } Ptr->Message = Message; if (BufferSize) { Ptr->Buffer = (Ptr + 1); StringCbCopy(Ptr->Buffer, BufferSize, InBuffer); Ptr->BufferSize = BufferSize; } Error = KmtFltSendMessage(hPort, Ptr, InBufferSize, OutBuffer, OutBufferSize, BytesReturned); if (FreeMemory) { HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(), 0, Ptr); } return Error; } /** * @name KmtFltAddAltitude * * Sets up the mini-filter altitude data in the registry * * @param hPort * The altitude string to set * * @return Win32 error code */ DWORD KmtFltAddAltitude( _In_z_ LPWSTR Altitude) { WCHAR DefaultInstance[128]; WCHAR KeyPath[256]; HKEY hKey = NULL; HKEY hSubKey = NULL; DWORD Zero = 0; LONG Error; StringCbCopyW(KeyPath, sizeof(KeyPath), L"SYSTEM\\CurrentControlSet\\Services\\"); StringCbCatW(KeyPath, sizeof(KeyPath), TestServiceName); StringCbCatW(KeyPath, sizeof(KeyPath), L"\\Instances\\"); Error = RegCreateKeyEx(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, KeyPath, 0, NULL, REG_OPTION_NON_VOLATILE, KEY_CREATE_SUB_KEY | KEY_SET_VALUE, NULL, &hKey, NULL); if (Error != ERROR_SUCCESS) { return Error; } StringCbCopyW(DefaultInstance, sizeof(DefaultInstance), TestServiceName); StringCbCatW(DefaultInstance, sizeof(DefaultInstance), L" Instance"); Error = RegSetValueExW(hKey, L"DefaultInstance", 0, REG_SZ, (LPBYTE)DefaultInstance, (wcslen(DefaultInstance) + 1) * sizeof(WCHAR)); if (Error != ERROR_SUCCESS) { goto Quit; } Error = RegCreateKeyW(hKey, DefaultInstance, &hSubKey); if (Error != ERROR_SUCCESS) { goto Quit; } Error = RegSetValueExW(hSubKey, L"Altitude", 0, REG_SZ, (LPBYTE)Altitude, (wcslen(Altitude) + 1) * sizeof(WCHAR)); if (Error != ERROR_SUCCESS) { goto Quit; } Error = RegSetValueExW(hSubKey, L"Flags", 0, REG_DWORD, (LPBYTE)&Zero, sizeof(DWORD)); Quit: if (hSubKey) { RegCloseKey(hSubKey); } if (hKey) { RegCloseKey(hKey); } return Error; } /* * Private functions, not meant for use in kmtests */ DWORD EnablePrivilege( _In_ HANDLE hToken, _In_z_ LPWSTR lpPrivName, _In_ BOOL bEnable) { TOKEN_PRIVILEGES TokenPrivileges; LUID luid; BOOL bSuccess; DWORD dwError = ERROR_SUCCESS; /* Get the luid for this privilege */ if (!LookupPrivilegeValueW(NULL, lpPrivName, &luid)) return GetLastError(); /* Setup the struct with the priv info */ TokenPrivileges.PrivilegeCount = 1; TokenPrivileges.Privileges[0].Luid = luid; TokenPrivileges.Privileges[0].Attributes = bEnable ? SE_PRIVILEGE_ENABLED : 0; /* Enable the privilege info in the token */ bSuccess = AdjustTokenPrivileges(hToken, FALSE, &TokenPrivileges, sizeof(TOKEN_PRIVILEGES), NULL, NULL); if (bSuccess == FALSE) dwError = GetLastError(); /* return status */ return dwError; } DWORD EnablePrivilegeInCurrentProcess( _In_z_ LPWSTR lpPrivName, _In_ BOOL bEnable) { HANDLE hToken; BOOL bSuccess; DWORD dwError = ERROR_SUCCESS; /* Get a handle to our token */ bSuccess = OpenProcessToken(GetCurrentProcess(), TOKEN_ADJUST_PRIVILEGES | TOKEN_QUERY, &hToken); if (bSuccess == FALSE) return GetLastError(); /* Enable the privilege in the agent token */ dwError = EnablePrivilege(hToken, lpPrivName, bEnable); /* We're done with this now */ CloseHandle(hToken); /* return status */ return dwError; }