MessageIdTypedef=DWORD SeverityNames=(Success=0x0:STATUS_SEVERITY_SUCCESS Informational=0x1:STATUS_SEVERITY_INFORMATIONAL Warning=0x2:STATUS_SEVERITY_WARNING Error=0x3:STATUS_SEVERITY_ERROR ) FacilityNames=(System=0x0:FACILITY_SYSTEM ) LanguageNames=(English=0x409:MSG00409 German=0x407:MSG00407 Polish=0x415:MSG00415 Portugese=0x816:MSG00416 Romanian=0x418:MSG00418 Russian=0x419:MSG00419 Albanian=0x41C:MSG0041C Turkish=0x41F:MSG0041F Chinese=0x804:MSG00804 Taiwanese=0x404:MSG00404 ) MessageId=10000 SymbolicName=MSG_COMMAND_ACTIVE Severity=Informational Facility=System Language=English On disks with master boot record (MBR) disk formatting, marks the partition with focus as active. Syntax: ACTIVE Writes a value to the disk which is read by the basic input/output system (BIOS) at boot. This value specifies that the partition is a valid system partition. A partition must be selected for this operation to succeed. Caution: DiskPart verifies only that the partition is capable of containing the operating system startup files. DiskPart does not check the contents of the partition. If you mistakenly mark a partition as active and it does not contain the operating system startup files, your computer might not start. Example: ACTIVE . Language=German Markiert auf Datenträgern mit MBR-Datenträgerformat (Master Boot Record) die Partition, die den Fokus hat, als aktive Partition. Syntax: ACTIVE Schreibt einen Wert auf den Datenträger, der Beim Start vom BIOS (Basic Input/Output System) gelesen wird. Durch diesen Wert wird angegeben, dass die Partition eine gültige Systempartition ist. Damit dieser Vorgang erfolgreich ausgeführt werden kann, muss eine Partition ausgewählt sein. Vorsicht: DiskPart überprüft nur, ob die Partition in der Lage ist, die Startdateien des Betriebssystems aufzunehmen. Der Inhalt der Partition wird hierbei nicht überprüft. Falls versehentlich eine Partition als aktiv markiert wird, die nicht die Startdateien des Betriebssystems enthält, kann der Computer möglicherweise nicht gestartet werden. Beispiel: ACTIVE . Language=Polish On disks with master boot record (MBR) disk formatting, marks the partition with focus as active. Syntax: ACTIVE Writes a value to the disk which is read by the basic input/output system (BIOS) at boot. This value specifies that the partition is a valid system partition. A partition must be selected for this operation to succeed. Caution: DiskPart verifies only that the partition is capable of containing the operating system startup files. DiskPart does not check the contents of the partition. If you mistakenly mark a partition as active and it does not contain the operating system startup files, your computer might not start. Example: ACTIVE . Language=Portugese On disks with master boot record (MBR) disk formatting, marks the partition with focus as active. Syntax: ACTIVE Writes a value to the disk which is read by the basic input/output system (BIOS) at boot. This value specifies that the partition is a valid system partition. A partition must be selected for this operation to succeed. Caution: DiskPart verifies only that the partition is capable of containing the operating system startup files. DiskPart does not check the contents of the partition. If you mistakenly mark a partition as active and it does not contain the operating system startup files, your computer might not start. Example: ACTIVE . Language=Romanian On disks with master boot record (MBR) disk formatting, marks the partition with focus as active. Syntax: ACTIVE Writes a value to the disk which is read by the basic input/output system (BIOS) at boot. This value specifies that the partition is a valid system partition. A partition must be selected for this operation to succeed. Caution: DiskPart verifies only that the partition is capable of containing the operating system startup files. DiskPart does not check the contents of the partition. If you mistakenly mark a partition as active and it does not contain the operating system startup files, your computer might not start. Example: ACTIVE . Language=Russian On disks with master boot record (MBR) disk formatting, marks the partition with focus as active. Syntax: ACTIVE Writes a value to the disk which is read by the basic input/output system (BIOS) at boot. This value specifies that the partition is a valid system partition. A partition must be selected for this operation to succeed. Caution: DiskPart verifies only that the partition is capable of containing the operating system startup files. DiskPart does not check the contents of the partition. If you mistakenly mark a partition as active and it does not contain the operating system startup files, your computer might not start. Example: ACTIVE . Language=Albanian On disks with master boot record (MBR) disk formatting, marks the partition with focus as active. Syntax: ACTIVE Writes a value to the disk which is read by the basic input/output system (BIOS) at boot. This value specifies that the partition is a valid system partition. A partition must be selected for this operation to succeed. Caution: DiskPart verifies only that the partition is capable of containing the operating system startup files. DiskPart does not check the contents of the partition. If you mistakenly mark a partition as active and it does not contain the operating system startup files, your computer might not start. Example: ACTIVE . Language=Turkish On disks with master boot record (MBR) disk formatting, marks the partition with focus as active. Syntax: ACTIVE Writes a value to the disk which is read by the basic input/output system (BIOS) at boot. This value specifies that the partition is a valid system partition. A partition must be selected for this operation to succeed. Caution: DiskPart verifies only that the partition is capable of containing the operating system startup files. DiskPart does not check the contents of the partition. If you mistakenly mark a partition as active and it does not contain the operating system startup files, your computer might not start. Example: ACTIVE . Language=Chinese On disks with master boot record (MBR) disk formatting, marks the partition with focus as active. Syntax: ACTIVE Writes a value to the disk which is read by the basic input/output system (BIOS) at boot. This value specifies that the partition is a valid system partition. A partition must be selected for this operation to succeed. Caution: DiskPart verifies only that the partition is capable of containing the operating system startup files. DiskPart does not check the contents of the partition. If you mistakenly mark a partition as active and it does not contain the operating system startup files, your computer might not start. Example: ACTIVE . Language=Taiwanese On disks with master boot record (MBR) disk formatting, marks the partition with focus as active. Syntax: ACTIVE Writes a value to the disk which is read by the basic input/output system (BIOS) at boot. This value specifies that the partition is a valid system partition. A partition must be selected for this operation to succeed. Caution: DiskPart verifies only that the partition is capable of containing the operating system startup files. DiskPart does not check the contents of the partition. If you mistakenly mark a partition as active and it does not contain the operating system startup files, your computer might not start. Example: ACTIVE . MessageId=10001 SymbolicName=MSG_COMMAND_ADD Severity=Informational Facility=System Language=English . Language=German . Language=Polish . Language=Portugese . Language=Romanian . Language=Russian . Language=Albanian . Language=Turkish . Language=Chinese . Language=Taiwanese . MessageId=10002 SymbolicName=MSG_COMMAND_ASSIGN Severity=Informational Facility=System Language=English . Language=German . Language=Polish . Language=Portugese . Language=Romanian . Language=Russian . Language=Albanian . Language=Turkish . Language=Chinese . Language=Taiwanese . MessageId=10003 SymbolicName=MSG_COMMAND_ATTACH Severity=Informational Facility=System Language=English . Language=German . Language=Polish . Language=Portugese . Language=Romanian . Language=Russian . Language=Albanian . Language=Turkish . Language=Chinese . Language=Taiwanese . MessageId=10004 SymbolicName=MSG_COMMAND_ATTRIBUTES Severity=Informational Facility=System Language=English . Language=German . Language=Polish . Language=Portugese . Language=Romanian . Language=Russian . Language=Albanian . Language=Turkish . Language=Chinese . Language=Taiwanese . MessageId=10005 SymbolicName=MSG_COMMAND_AUTOMOUNT Severity=Informational Facility=System Language=English . Language=German . Language=Polish . Language=Portugese . Language=Romanian . Language=Russian . Language=Albanian . Language=Turkish . Language=Chinese . Language=Taiwanese . MessageId=10006 SymbolicName=MSG_COMMAND_BREAK Severity=Informational Facility=System Language=English . Language=German . Language=Polish . Language=Portugese . Language=Romanian . Language=Russian . Language=Albanian . Language=Turkish . Language=Chinese . Language=Taiwanese . MessageId=10007 SymbolicName=MSG_COMMAND_CLEAN Severity=Informational Facility=System Language=English Removes any and all partition or volume formatting from the disk with focus. Syntax: CLEAN [ALL] ALL Specifies that each and every byte\sector on the disk is set to zero, which completely deletes all data contained on the disk. On master boot record (MBR) disks, only the MBR partitioning information and hidden sector information are overwritten. On GUID partition table (GPT) disks, the GPT partitioning information, including the Protective MBR, is overwritten. If the ALL parameter is not used, the first 1MB and the last 1MB of the disk are zeroed. This erases any disk formatting that had been previously applied to the disk. The disk's state after cleaning the disk is 'UNINITIALIZED'. Example: CLEAN . Language=German Entfernt alle Partitions- oder Volumeformatierungen von dem Datenträger mit dem Fokus. Syntax: CLEAN [ALL] ALL Gibt an, dass jedes Byte\jeder Sektor auf dem Datenträger auf Null gesetzt wird. Damit werden alle auf dem Datenträger enthaltenen Daten vollständig gelöscht. Auf MBR-Datenträgern (Master Boot Record) werden nur MBR- Partitionierungsinformationen und Informationen zu ausgeblendeten Sektoren überschrieben. Auf GUID-Partitionstabellen-Datenträgern (GPT) werden die GPT-Partitionierungsinformationen (einschließlich Schutz-MBR) überschrieben. If the ALL parameter is not used, the first 1MB and the last 1MB of the disk are zeroed. This erases any disk formatting that had been previously applied to the disk. The disk's state after cleaning the disk is 'UNINITIALIZED'. Beispiel: CLEAN . Language=Polish Removes any and all partition or volume formatting from the disk with focus. Syntax: CLEAN [ALL] ALL Specifies that each and every byte\sector on the disk is set to zero, which completely deletes all data contained on the disk. On master boot record (MBR) disks, only the MBR partitioning information and hidden sector information are overwritten. On GUID partition table (GPT) disks, the GPT partitioning information, including the Protective MBR, is overwritten. If the ALL parameter is not used, the first 1MB and the last 1MB of the disk are zeroed. This erases any disk formatting that had been previously applied to the disk. The disk's state after cleaning the disk is 'UNINITIALIZED'. Example: CLEAN . Language=Portugese Removes any and all partition or volume formatting from the disk with focus. Syntax: CLEAN [ALL] ALL Specifies that each and every byte\sector on the disk is set to zero, which completely deletes all data contained on the disk. On master boot record (MBR) disks, only the MBR partitioning information and hidden sector information are overwritten. On GUID partition table (GPT) disks, the GPT partitioning information, including the Protective MBR, is overwritten. If the ALL parameter is not used, the first 1MB and the last 1MB of the disk are zeroed. This erases any disk formatting that had been previously applied to the disk. The disk's state after cleaning the disk is 'UNINITIALIZED'. Example: CLEAN . Language=Romanian Removes any and all partition or volume formatting from the disk with focus. Syntax: CLEAN [ALL] ALL Specifies that each and every byte\sector on the disk is set to zero, which completely deletes all data contained on the disk. On master boot record (MBR) disks, only the MBR partitioning information and hidden sector information are overwritten. On GUID partition table (GPT) disks, the GPT partitioning information, including the Protective MBR, is overwritten. If the ALL parameter is not used, the first 1MB and the last 1MB of the disk are zeroed. This erases any disk formatting that had been previously applied to the disk. The disk's state after cleaning the disk is 'UNINITIALIZED'. Example: CLEAN . Language=Russian Removes any and all partition or volume formatting from the disk with focus. Syntax: CLEAN [ALL] ALL Specifies that each and every byte\sector on the disk is set to zero, which completely deletes all data contained on the disk. On master boot record (MBR) disks, only the MBR partitioning information and hidden sector information are overwritten. On GUID partition table (GPT) disks, the GPT partitioning information, including the Protective MBR, is overwritten. If the ALL parameter is not used, the first 1MB and the last 1MB of the disk are zeroed. This erases any disk formatting that had been previously applied to the disk. The disk's state after cleaning the disk is 'UNINITIALIZED'. Example: CLEAN . Language=Albanian Removes any and all partition or volume formatting from the disk with focus. Syntax: CLEAN [ALL] ALL Specifies that each and every byte\sector on the disk is set to zero, which completely deletes all data contained on the disk. On master boot record (MBR) disks, only the MBR partitioning information and hidden sector information are overwritten. On GUID partition table (GPT) disks, the GPT partitioning information, including the Protective MBR, is overwritten. If the ALL parameter is not used, the first 1MB and the last 1MB of the disk are zeroed. This erases any disk formatting that had been previously applied to the disk. The disk's state after cleaning the disk is 'UNINITIALIZED'. Example: CLEAN . Language=Turkish Removes any and all partition or volume formatting from the disk with focus. Syntax: CLEAN [ALL] ALL Specifies that each and every byte\sector on the disk is set to zero, which completely deletes all data contained on the disk. On master boot record (MBR) disks, only the MBR partitioning information and hidden sector information are overwritten. On GUID partition table (GPT) disks, the GPT partitioning information, including the Protective MBR, is overwritten. If the ALL parameter is not used, the first 1MB and the last 1MB of the disk are zeroed. This erases any disk formatting that had been previously applied to the disk. The disk's state after cleaning the disk is 'UNINITIALIZED'. Example: CLEAN . Language=Chinese Removes any and all partition or volume formatting from the disk with focus. Syntax: CLEAN [ALL] ALL Specifies that each and every byte\sector on the disk is set to zero, which completely deletes all data contained on the disk. On master boot record (MBR) disks, only the MBR partitioning information and hidden sector information are overwritten. On GUID partition table (GPT) disks, the GPT partitioning information, including the Protective MBR, is overwritten. If the ALL parameter is not used, the first 1MB and the last 1MB of the disk are zeroed. This erases any disk formatting that had been previously applied to the disk. The disk's state after cleaning the disk is 'UNINITIALIZED'. Example: CLEAN . Language=Taiwanese Removes any and all partition or volume formatting from the disk with focus. Syntax: CLEAN [ALL] ALL Specifies that each and every byte\sector on the disk is set to zero, which completely deletes all data contained on the disk. On master boot record (MBR) disks, only the MBR partitioning information and hidden sector information are overwritten. On GUID partition table (GPT) disks, the GPT partitioning information, including the Protective MBR, is overwritten. If the ALL parameter is not used, the first 1MB and the last 1MB of the disk are zeroed. This erases any disk formatting that had been previously applied to the disk. The disk's state after cleaning the disk is 'UNINITIALIZED'. Example: CLEAN . MessageId=10008 SymbolicName=MSG_COMMAND_COMPACT Severity=Informational Facility=System Language=English . Language=German . Language=Polish . Language=Portugese . Language=Romanian . Language=Russian . Language=Albanian . Language=Turkish . Language=Chinese . Language=Taiwanese . MessageId=10010 SymbolicName=MSG_COMMAND_CONVERT Severity=Informational Facility=System Language=English . Language=German . Language=Polish . Language=Portugese . Language=Romanian . Language=Russian . Language=Albanian . Language=Turkish . Language=Chinese . Language=Taiwanese . MessageId=10011 SymbolicName=MSG_COMMAND_CREATE_PARTITION_EFI Severity=Informational Facility=System Language=English . Language=German . Language=Polish . Language=Portugese . Language=Romanian . Language=Russian . Language=Albanian . Language=Turkish . Language=Chinese . Language=Taiwanese . MessageId=10012 SymbolicName=MSG_COMMAND_CREATE_PARTITION_EXTENDED Severity=Informational Facility=System Language=English . Language=German . Language=Polish . Language=Portugese . Language=Romanian . Language=Russian . Language=Albanian . Language=Turkish . Language=Chinese . Language=Taiwanese . MessageId=10013 SymbolicName=MSG_COMMAND_CREATE_PARTITION_LOGICAL Severity=Informational Facility=System Language=English . Language=German . Language=Polish . Language=Portugese . Language=Romanian . Language=Russian . Language=Albanian . Language=Turkish . Language=Chinese . Language=Taiwanese . MessageId=10014 SymbolicName=MSG_COMMAND_CREATE_PARTITION_MSR Severity=Informational Facility=System Language=English . Language=German . Language=Polish . Language=Portugese . Language=Romanian . Language=Russian . Language=Albanian . Language=Turkish . Language=Chinese . Language=Taiwanese . MessageId=10015 SymbolicName=MSG_COMMAND_CREATE_PARTITION_PRIMARY Severity=Informational Facility=System Language=English . Language=German . Language=Polish . Language=Portugese . Language=Romanian . Language=Russian . Language=Albanian . Language=Turkish . Language=Chinese . Language=Taiwanese . MessageId=10016 SymbolicName=MSG_COMMAND_DELETE_DISK Severity=Informational Facility=System Language=English . Language=German . Language=Polish . Language=Portugese . Language=Romanian . Language=Russian . Language=Albanian . Language=Turkish . Language=Chinese . Language=Taiwanese . MessageId=10017 SymbolicName=MSG_COMMAND_DELETE_PARTITION Severity=Informational Facility=System Language=English Deletes the partition with focus. Syntax: DELETE PARTITION [NOERR] [OVERRIDE] NOERR For scripting only. When an error is encountered, DiskPart continues to process commands as if the error did not occur. Without the NOERR parameter, an error causes DiskPart to exit with an error code. OVERRIDE Enables DiskPart to delete any partition regardless of type. Typically, DiskPart only permits you to delete known data partitions. You cannot delete the system partition, boot partition, or any partition that contains the active paging file or crash dump (memory dump) filed. A partition must be selected for this operation to succeed. Partitions cannot be deleted from dynamic disks or created on dynamic disks. Example: DELETE PARTITION . Language=German Löscht die Partition, die den Fokus hat. Syntax: DELETE PARTITION [NOERR] [OVERRIDE] NOERR Nur für Skripting. Bei einem Fehler setzt DiskPart die Verarbeitung von Befehlen fort, als sei der Fehler nicht aufgetreten. Ohne den Parameter NOERR wird DiskPart bei einem Fehler mit dem entsprechenden Fehlercode beendet. OVERRIDE Ermöglicht DiskPart das Löschen einer beliebigen Partition unabhängig von deren Typ. Normalerweise gestattet DiskPart nur das Löschen bekannter Datenpartitionen. Sie können keine Systempartition, Startpartition oder Partition löschen, die eine aktive Auslagerungsdatei oder ein Absturzabbild (Speicherabbild) enthält. Damit dieser Vorgang erfolgreich ausgeführt werden kann, muss eine Partition ausgewählt sein. Partitionen könnnen nicht von dynamischen Datenträgern gelöscht oder auf dynamischen Datenträgern erstellt werden. Beispiel: DELETE PARTITION . Language=Polish Deletes the partition with focus. Syntax: DELETE PARTITION [NOERR] [OVERRIDE] NOERR For scripting only. When an error is encountered, DiskPart continues to process commands as if the error did not occur. Without the NOERR parameter, an error causes DiskPart to exit with an error code. OVERRIDE Enables DiskPart to delete any partition regardless of type. Typically, DiskPart only permits you to delete known data partitions. You cannot delete the system partition, boot partition, or any partition that contains the active paging file or crash dump (memory dump) filed. A partition must be selected for this operation to succeed. Partitions cannot be deleted from dynamic disks or created on dynamic disks. Example: DELETE PARTITION . Language=Portugese Deletes the partition with focus. Syntax: DELETE PARTITION [NOERR] [OVERRIDE] NOERR For scripting only. When an error is encountered, DiskPart continues to process commands as if the error did not occur. Without the NOERR parameter, an error causes DiskPart to exit with an error code. OVERRIDE Enables DiskPart to delete any partition regardless of type. Typically, DiskPart only permits you to delete known data partitions. You cannot delete the system partition, boot partition, or any partition that contains the active paging file or crash dump (memory dump) filed. A partition must be selected for this operation to succeed. Partitions cannot be deleted from dynamic disks or created on dynamic disks. Example: DELETE PARTITION . Language=Romanian Deletes the partition with focus. Syntax: DELETE PARTITION [NOERR] [OVERRIDE] NOERR For scripting only. When an error is encountered, DiskPart continues to process commands as if the error did not occur. Without the NOERR parameter, an error causes DiskPart to exit with an error code. OVERRIDE Enables DiskPart to delete any partition regardless of type. Typically, DiskPart only permits you to delete known data partitions. You cannot delete the system partition, boot partition, or any partition that contains the active paging file or crash dump (memory dump) filed. A partition must be selected for this operation to succeed. Partitions cannot be deleted from dynamic disks or created on dynamic disks. Example: DELETE PARTITION . Language=Russian Deletes the partition with focus. Syntax: DELETE PARTITION [NOERR] [OVERRIDE] NOERR For scripting only. When an error is encountered, DiskPart continues to process commands as if the error did not occur. Without the NOERR parameter, an error causes DiskPart to exit with an error code. OVERRIDE Enables DiskPart to delete any partition regardless of type. Typically, DiskPart only permits you to delete known data partitions. You cannot delete the system partition, boot partition, or any partition that contains the active paging file or crash dump (memory dump) filed. A partition must be selected for this operation to succeed. Partitions cannot be deleted from dynamic disks or created on dynamic disks. Example: DELETE PARTITION . Language=Albanian Deletes the partition with focus. Syntax: DELETE PARTITION [NOERR] [OVERRIDE] NOERR For scripting only. When an error is encountered, DiskPart continues to process commands as if the error did not occur. Without the NOERR parameter, an error causes DiskPart to exit with an error code. OVERRIDE Enables DiskPart to delete any partition regardless of type. Typically, DiskPart only permits you to delete known data partitions. You cannot delete the system partition, boot partition, or any partition that contains the active paging file or crash dump (memory dump) filed. A partition must be selected for this operation to succeed. Partitions cannot be deleted from dynamic disks or created on dynamic disks. Example: DELETE PARTITION . Language=Turkish Deletes the partition with focus. Syntax: DELETE PARTITION [NOERR] [OVERRIDE] NOERR For scripting only. When an error is encountered, DiskPart continues to process commands as if the error did not occur. Without the NOERR parameter, an error causes DiskPart to exit with an error code. OVERRIDE Enables DiskPart to delete any partition regardless of type. Typically, DiskPart only permits you to delete known data partitions. You cannot delete the system partition, boot partition, or any partition that contains the active paging file or crash dump (memory dump) filed. A partition must be selected for this operation to succeed. Partitions cannot be deleted from dynamic disks or created on dynamic disks. Example: DELETE PARTITION . Language=Chinese Deletes the partition with focus. Syntax: DELETE PARTITION [NOERR] [OVERRIDE] NOERR For scripting only. When an error is encountered, DiskPart continues to process commands as if the error did not occur. Without the NOERR parameter, an error causes DiskPart to exit with an error code. OVERRIDE Enables DiskPart to delete any partition regardless of type. Typically, DiskPart only permits you to delete known data partitions. You cannot delete the system partition, boot partition, or any partition that contains the active paging file or crash dump (memory dump) filed. A partition must be selected for this operation to succeed. Partitions cannot be deleted from dynamic disks or created on dynamic disks. Example: DELETE PARTITION . Language=Taiwanese Deletes the partition with focus. Syntax: DELETE PARTITION [NOERR] [OVERRIDE] NOERR For scripting only. When an error is encountered, DiskPart continues to process commands as if the error did not occur. Without the NOERR parameter, an error causes DiskPart to exit with an error code. OVERRIDE Enables DiskPart to delete any partition regardless of type. Typically, DiskPart only permits you to delete known data partitions. You cannot delete the system partition, boot partition, or any partition that contains the active paging file or crash dump (memory dump) filed. A partition must be selected for this operation to succeed. Partitions cannot be deleted from dynamic disks or created on dynamic disks. Example: DELETE PARTITION . MessageId=10018 SymbolicName=MSG_COMMAND_DELETE_VOLUME Severity=Informational Facility=System Language=English . Language=German . Language=Polish . Language=Portugese . Language=Romanian . Language=Russian . Language=Albanian . Language=Turkish . Language=Chinese . Language=Taiwanese . MessageId=10019 SymbolicName=MSG_COMMAND_DETAIL_DISK Severity=Informational Facility=System Language=English Displays the properties of the selected disk and the list of volumes on the disk. Syntax: DETAIL DISK A disk must be selected for this operation to succeed. Example: DETAIL DISK . Language=German Zeigt die Eigenschaften des ausgewählten Datenträgers und die Liste der Volumes auf dem Datenträger an. Syntax: DETAIL DISK Damit dieser Vorgang erfolgreich ausgeführt werden kann, muss ein Datenträger ausgewählt sein. Beispiel: DETAIL DISK . Language=Polish Displays the properties of the selected disk and the list of volumes on the disk. Syntax: DETAIL DISK A disk must be selected for this operation to succeed. Example: DETAIL DISK . Language=Portugese Displays the properties of the selected disk and the list of volumes on the disk. Syntax: DETAIL DISK A disk must be selected for this operation to succeed. Example: DETAIL DISK . Language=Romanian Displays the properties of the selected disk and the list of volumes on the disk. Syntax: DETAIL DISK A disk must be selected for this operation to succeed. Example: DETAIL DISK . Language=Russian Displays the properties of the selected disk and the list of volumes on the disk. Syntax: DETAIL DISK A disk must be selected for this operation to succeed. Example: DETAIL DISK . Language=Albanian Displays the properties of the selected disk and the list of volumes on the disk. Syntax: DETAIL DISK A disk must be selected for this operation to succeed. Example: DETAIL DISK . Language=Turkish Displays the properties of the selected disk and the list of volumes on the disk. Syntax: DETAIL DISK A disk must be selected for this operation to succeed. Example: DETAIL DISK . Language=Chinese Displays the properties of the selected disk and the list of volumes on the disk. Syntax: DETAIL DISK A disk must be selected for this operation to succeed. Example: DETAIL DISK . Language=Taiwanese Displays the properties of the selected disk and the list of volumes on the disk. Syntax: DETAIL DISK A disk must be selected for this operation to succeed. Example: DETAIL DISK . MessageId=10020 SymbolicName=MSG_COMMAND_DETAIL_PARTITION Severity=Informational Facility=System Language=English . Language=German . Language=Polish . Language=Portugese . Language=Romanian . Language=Russian . Language=Albanian . Language=Turkish . Language=Chinese . Language=Taiwanese . MessageId=10021 SymbolicName=MSG_COMMAND_DETAIL_VOLUME Severity=Informational Facility=System Language=English . Language=German . Language=Polish . Language=Portugese . Language=Romanian . Language=Russian . Language=Albanian . Language=Turkish . Language=Chinese . Language=Taiwanese . MessageId=10022 SymbolicName=MSG_COMMAND_DETACH Severity=Informational Facility=System Language=English . Language=German . Language=Polish . Language=Portugese . Language=Romanian . Language=Russian . Language=Albanian . Language=Turkish . Language=Chinese . Language=Taiwanese . MessageId=10023 SymbolicName=MSG_COMMAND_EXIT Severity=Informational Facility=System Language=English Exits the DiskPart command interpreter. Syntax: EXIT Example: EXIT . Language=German Beendet den Befehlsinterpreter DiskPart. Syntax: EXIT Beispiel: EXIT . Language=Polish Exits the DiskPart command interpreter. Syntax: EXIT Example: EXIT . Language=Portugese Exits the DiskPart command interpreter. Syntax: EXIT Example: EXIT . Language=Romanian Exits the DiskPart command interpreter. Syntax: EXIT Example: EXIT . Language=Russian Exits the DiskPart command interpreter. Syntax: EXIT Example: EXIT . Language=Albanian Exits the DiskPart command interpreter. Syntax: EXIT Example: EXIT . Language=Turkish Exits the DiskPart command interpreter. Syntax: EXIT Example: EXIT . Language=Chinese Exits the DiskPart command interpreter. Syntax: EXIT Example: EXIT . Language=Taiwanese Exits the DiskPart command interpreter. Syntax: EXIT Example: EXIT . MessageId=10024 SymbolicName=MSG_COMMAND_EXPAND Severity=Informational Facility=System Language=English . Language=German . Language=Polish . Language=Portugese . Language=Romanian . Language=Russian . Language=Albanian . Language=Turkish . Language=Chinese . Language=Taiwanese . MessageId=10025 SymbolicName=MSG_COMMAND_EXTEND Severity=Informational Facility=System Language=English . Language=German . Language=Polish . Language=Portugese . Language=Romanian . Language=Russian . Language=Albanian . Language=Turkish . Language=Chinese . Language=Taiwanese . MessageId=10026 SymbolicName=MSG_COMMAND_FILESYSTEMS Severity=Informational Facility=System Language=English Displays information about the current file system for the selected volume, and the supported file systems for formatting the volume. Syntax: FILESYSTEMS A volume must be selected for this operation to succeed. Example: FILESYSTEMS . Language=German Zeigt Informationen zum aktuelle Dateisystem für das ausgewählte Volume und die unterstützten Dateisysteme zum Formatieren des Volumes an. Syntax: FILESYSTEMS Damit diesr Vorgang erfolgreich ausgeführt werden kann, muss ein Volume ausgewählt sein. Beispiel: FILESYSTEMS . Language=Polish Displays information about the current file system for the selected volume, and the supported file systems for formatting the volume. Syntax: FILESYSTEMS A volume must be selected for this operation to succeed. Example: FILESYSTEMS . Language=Portugese Displays information about the current file system for the selected volume, and the supported file systems for formatting the volume. Syntax: FILESYSTEMS A volume must be selected for this operation to succeed. Example: FILESYSTEMS . Language=Romanian Displays information about the current file system for the selected volume, and the supported file systems for formatting the volume. Syntax: FILESYSTEMS A volume must be selected for this operation to succeed. Example: FILESYSTEMS . Language=Russian Displays information about the current file system for the selected volume, and the supported file systems for formatting the volume. Syntax: FILESYSTEMS A volume must be selected for this operation to succeed. Example: FILESYSTEMS . Language=Albanian Displays information about the current file system for the selected volume, and the supported file systems for formatting the volume. Syntax: FILESYSTEMS A volume must be selected for this operation to succeed. Example: FILESYSTEMS . Language=Turkish Displays information about the current file system for the selected volume, and the supported file systems for formatting the volume. Syntax: FILESYSTEMS A volume must be selected for this operation to succeed. Example: FILESYSTEMS . Language=Chinese Displays information about the current file system for the selected volume, and the supported file systems for formatting the volume. Syntax: FILESYSTEMS A volume must be selected for this operation to succeed. Example: FILESYSTEMS . Language=Taiwanese Displays information about the current file system for the selected volume, and the supported file systems for formatting the volume. Syntax: FILESYSTEMS A volume must be selected for this operation to succeed. Example: FILESYSTEMS . MessageId=10027 SymbolicName=MSG_COMMAND_FORMAT Severity=Informational Facility=System Language=English . Language=German . Language=Polish . Language=Portugese . Language=Romanian . Language=Russian . Language=Albanian . Language=Turkish . Language=Chinese . Language=Taiwanese . MessageId=10028 SymbolicName=MSG_COMMAND_GPT Severity=Informational Facility=System Language=English . Language=German . Language=Polish . Language=Portugese . Language=Romanian . Language=Russian . Language=Albanian . Language=Turkish . Language=Chinese . Language=Taiwanese . MessageId=10029 SymbolicName=MSG_COMMAND_HELP Severity=Informational Facility=System Language=English Displays a list of the available commands or detailed help information for a specified command. Syntax: HELP [] The command for which to display detail help. If no command is specified, HELP will display all possible commands. Example: HELP HELP CREATE PARTITION PRIMARY . Language=German Zeigt eine Liste der verfügbaren Befehle oder detaillierte Hilfeinformationen zu einem bestimmten Befehl an. Syntax: HELP [] Der Befehl, zu dem eine detaillierte Hilfe angezeigt werden soll. Wenn kein Befehl angegeben ist, werden mit HELP alle verfügbaren Befehle angezeigt. Beispiel: HELP HELP CREATE PARTITION PRIMARY . Language=Polish Displays a list of the available commands or detailed help information for a specified command. Syntax: HELP [] The command for which to display detail help. If no command is specified, HELP will display all possible commands. Example: HELP HELP CREATE PARTITION PRIMARY . Language=Portugese Displays a list of the available commands or detailed help information for a specified command. Syntax: HELP [] The command for which to display detail help. If no command is specified, HELP will display all possible commands. Example: HELP HELP CREATE PARTITION PRIMARY . Language=Romanian Displays a list of the available commands or detailed help information for a specified command. Syntax: HELP [] The command for which to display detail help. If no command is specified, HELP will display all possible commands. Example: HELP HELP CREATE PARTITION PRIMARY . Language=Russian Displays a list of the available commands or detailed help information for a specified command. Syntax: HELP [] The command for which to display detail help. If no command is specified, HELP will display all possible commands. Example: HELP HELP CREATE PARTITION PRIMARY . Language=Albanian Displays a list of the available commands or detailed help information for a specified command. Syntax: HELP [] The command for which to display detail help. If no command is specified, HELP will display all possible commands. Example: HELP HELP CREATE PARTITION PRIMARY . Language=Turkish Displays a list of the available commands or detailed help information for a specified command. Syntax: HELP [] The command for which to display detail help. If no command is specified, HELP will display all possible commands. Example: HELP HELP CREATE PARTITION PRIMARY . Language=Chinese Displays a list of the available commands or detailed help information for a specified command. Syntax: HELP [] The command for which to display detail help. If no command is specified, HELP will display all possible commands. Example: HELP HELP CREATE PARTITION PRIMARY . Language=Taiwanese Displays a list of the available commands or detailed help information for a specified command. Syntax: HELP [] The command for which to display detail help. If no command is specified, HELP will display all possible commands. Example: HELP HELP CREATE PARTITION PRIMARY . MessageId=10030 SymbolicName=MSG_COMMAND_IMPORT Severity=Informational Facility=System Language=English . Language=German . Language=Polish . Language=Portugese . Language=Romanian . Language=Russian . Language=Albanian . Language=Turkish . Language=Chinese . Language=Taiwanese . MessageId=10031 SymbolicName=MSG_COMMAND_INACTIVE Severity=Informational Facility=System Language=English On disks with master boot record (MBR) disk formatting, marks the partition with focus as inactive. Syntax: INACTIVE The computer may start from the next option specified in the BIOS such as a CD-ROM drive or a Pre-Boot eXecution Environment (PXE)-based boot environment (such as Remote Installation Services (RIS)) when you restart the computer. A partition must be selected for this operation to succeed. Caution: Your computer might not start without an active partition. Do not mark a system or boot partition as inactive unless you are an experienced user with a thorough understanding of Windows storage management. Example: INACTIVE . Language=German Markiert auf Datenträgern mit MBR-Datenträgerformat (Master Boot Record) die Partition, die den Fokus hat, als inaktive Partition. Syntax: INACTIVE Der Computer kann über die nächste im BIOS angegebene Option gestartet werden, z.B. von einem CD-ROM-Laufwerk oder aus einer PXE-basierten (Pre-Boot eXecution Environment) Startumgebung (z.B. Remoteinstallationsdienste, RIS), wenn der Computer neu startet. Damit dieser Vorgang erfolgreich ausgeführt werden kann, muss eine Partition ausgewählt sein. Vorsicht: Möglicherweise kann der Computer nicht gestartet werden, wenn es keine aktive Partition gibt. Markieren Sie eine System- oder Startpartition nur dann als inaktiv, wenn Sie ein erfahrener Benutzer und mit der ReactOS-Speicherverwaltung umfassend vertraut sind. Beispiel: INACTIVE . Language=Polish On disks with master boot record (MBR) disk formatting, marks the partition with focus as inactive. Syntax: INACTIVE The computer may start from the next option specified in the BIOS such as a CD-ROM drive or a Pre-Boot eXecution Environment (PXE)-based boot environment (such as Remote Installation Services (RIS)) when you restart the computer. A partition must be selected for this operation to succeed. Caution: Your computer might not start without an active partition. Do not mark a system or boot partition as inactive unless you are an experienced user with a thorough understanding of Windows storage management. Example: INACTIVE . Language=Portugese On disks with master boot record (MBR) disk formatting, marks the partition with focus as inactive. Syntax: INACTIVE The computer may start from the next option specified in the BIOS such as a CD-ROM drive or a Pre-Boot eXecution Environment (PXE)-based boot environment (such as Remote Installation Services (RIS)) when you restart the computer. A partition must be selected for this operation to succeed. Caution: Your computer might not start without an active partition. Do not mark a system or boot partition as inactive unless you are an experienced user with a thorough understanding of Windows storage management. Example: INACTIVE . Language=Romanian On disks with master boot record (MBR) disk formatting, marks the partition with focus as inactive. Syntax: INACTIVE The computer may start from the next option specified in the BIOS such as a CD-ROM drive or a Pre-Boot eXecution Environment (PXE)-based boot environment (such as Remote Installation Services (RIS)) when you restart the computer. A partition must be selected for this operation to succeed. Caution: Your computer might not start without an active partition. Do not mark a system or boot partition as inactive unless you are an experienced user with a thorough understanding of Windows storage management. Example: INACTIVE . Language=Russian On disks with master boot record (MBR) disk formatting, marks the partition with focus as inactive. Syntax: INACTIVE The computer may start from the next option specified in the BIOS such as a CD-ROM drive or a Pre-Boot eXecution Environment (PXE)-based boot environment (such as Remote Installation Services (RIS)) when you restart the computer. A partition must be selected for this operation to succeed. Caution: Your computer might not start without an active partition. Do not mark a system or boot partition as inactive unless you are an experienced user with a thorough understanding of Windows storage management. Example: INACTIVE . Language=Albanian On disks with master boot record (MBR) disk formatting, marks the partition with focus as inactive. Syntax: INACTIVE The computer may start from the next option specified in the BIOS such as a CD-ROM drive or a Pre-Boot eXecution Environment (PXE)-based boot environment (such as Remote Installation Services (RIS)) when you restart the computer. A partition must be selected for this operation to succeed. Caution: Your computer might not start without an active partition. Do not mark a system or boot partition as inactive unless you are an experienced user with a thorough understanding of Windows storage management. Example: INACTIVE . Language=Turkish On disks with master boot record (MBR) disk formatting, marks the partition with focus as inactive. Syntax: INACTIVE The computer may start from the next option specified in the BIOS such as a CD-ROM drive or a Pre-Boot eXecution Environment (PXE)-based boot environment (such as Remote Installation Services (RIS)) when you restart the computer. A partition must be selected for this operation to succeed. Caution: Your computer might not start without an active partition. Do not mark a system or boot partition as inactive unless you are an experienced user with a thorough understanding of Windows storage management. Example: INACTIVE . Language=Chinese On disks with master boot record (MBR) disk formatting, marks the partition with focus as inactive. Syntax: INACTIVE The computer may start from the next option specified in the BIOS such as a CD-ROM drive or a Pre-Boot eXecution Environment (PXE)-based boot environment (such as Remote Installation Services (RIS)) when you restart the computer. A partition must be selected for this operation to succeed. Caution: Your computer might not start without an active partition. Do not mark a system or boot partition as inactive unless you are an experienced user with a thorough understanding of Windows storage management. Example: INACTIVE . Language=Taiwanese On disks with master boot record (MBR) disk formatting, marks the partition with focus as inactive. Syntax: INACTIVE The computer may start from the next option specified in the BIOS such as a CD-ROM drive or a Pre-Boot eXecution Environment (PXE)-based boot environment (such as Remote Installation Services (RIS)) when you restart the computer. A partition must be selected for this operation to succeed. Caution: Your computer might not start without an active partition. Do not mark a system or boot partition as inactive unless you are an experienced user with a thorough understanding of Windows storage management. Example: INACTIVE . MessageId=10032 SymbolicName=MSG_COMMAND_LIST_DISK Severity=Informational Facility=System Language=English Displays a list of disks. Syntax: LIST DISK Displays a list of disks and information about them, such as their size, amount of available free space, whether the disk is a basic or dynamic disk, and whether the disk uses the master boot record (MBR) or GUID partition table (GPT) partition style. The disk marked with an asterisk (*) has focus. Note that the FREE column does not display the total amount of free space on the disk, but rather the amount of usable free space left on the disk. For example, if you have a 10GB disk with 4 primary partitions covering 5GB, there is no usable free space left (no more partitions may be created). Another example would be you have a 10GB disk with 3 primary partitions and an extended partition covering 8GB. The exended partition is of size 3GB with one logical drive of size 2GB. The disk will show only 1GB as free - the 1GB of free space in the extended partition. Example: LIST DISK . Language=German Zeigt eine Liste der Datenträger an. Syntax: LIST DISK Zeigt eine Liste mit Datenträgern und entsprechenden Informa- tionen an - beispielsweise Größe, verfügbarer Speicherplatz sowie Angaben dazu, ob es sich bei dem Datenträger um einen Basisdatenträger oder um einen dynamischer Datenträger handelt und ob der MBR- oder der GUID-Partitionsstil (Master Boot Record oder GUID-Partitionstabelle) verwendet wird. Den Fokus besitzt der mit einem Sternchen (*) markierte Datenträger. In der Spalte "FREE" wird nicht der gesamte freie Speicherplatz auf dem Datenträger, sondern der verbleibende, verwendbare freie Speicherplatz angezeigt. Bei einem Datenträger mit 10 GB mit 4 primären Partitionen zu 5 GB verbleibt beispielsweise kein freier verwendbarer Speicherplatz (es können keine weiteren Partitionen erstellt werden). Ein weiteres Beispiel ist ein 10 GB Datenträger mit 3 primären Partitionen und einer erweiterten Partition mit 8 GB. Die erweiterte Partition besitzt eine Größe von 3 GB mit einem logischen Laufwerk (2 GB). Für den Datenträger wird nur 1 GB als frei angezeigt - 1 GB freier Speicherplatz in der erweiterten Partition. Beispiel: LIST DISK . Language=Polish Displays a list of disks. Syntax: LIST DISK Displays a list of disks and information about them, such as their size, amount of available free space, whether the disk is a basic or dynamic disk, and whether the disk uses the master boot record (MBR) or GUID partition table (GPT) partition style. The disk marked with an asterisk (*) has focus. Note that the FREE column does not display the total amount of free space on the disk, but rather the amount of usable free space left on the disk. For example, if you have a 10GB disk with 4 primary partitions covering 5GB, there is no usable free space left (no more partitions may be created). Another example would be you have a 10GB disk with 3 primary partitions and an extended partition covering 8GB. The exended partition is of size 3GB with one logical drive of size 2GB. The disk will show only 1GB as free - the 1GB of free space in the extended partition. Example: LIST DISK . Language=Portugese Displays a list of disks. Syntax: LIST DISK Displays a list of disks and information about them, such as their size, amount of available free space, whether the disk is a basic or dynamic disk, and whether the disk uses the master boot record (MBR) or GUID partition table (GPT) partition style. The disk marked with an asterisk (*) has focus. Note that the FREE column does not display the total amount of free space on the disk, but rather the amount of usable free space left on the disk. For example, if you have a 10GB disk with 4 primary partitions covering 5GB, there is no usable free space left (no more partitions may be created). Another example would be you have a 10GB disk with 3 primary partitions and an extended partition covering 8GB. The exended partition is of size 3GB with one logical drive of size 2GB. The disk will show only 1GB as free - the 1GB of free space in the extended partition. Example: LIST DISK . Language=Romanian Displays a list of disks. Syntax: LIST DISK Displays a list of disks and information about them, such as their size, amount of available free space, whether the disk is a basic or dynamic disk, and whether the disk uses the master boot record (MBR) or GUID partition table (GPT) partition style. The disk marked with an asterisk (*) has focus. Note that the FREE column does not display the total amount of free space on the disk, but rather the amount of usable free space left on the disk. For example, if you have a 10GB disk with 4 primary partitions covering 5GB, there is no usable free space left (no more partitions may be created). Another example would be you have a 10GB disk with 3 primary partitions and an extended partition covering 8GB. The exended partition is of size 3GB with one logical drive of size 2GB. The disk will show only 1GB as free - the 1GB of free space in the extended partition. Example: LIST DISK . Language=Russian Displays a list of disks. Syntax: LIST DISK Displays a list of disks and information about them, such as their size, amount of available free space, whether the disk is a basic or dynamic disk, and whether the disk uses the master boot record (MBR) or GUID partition table (GPT) partition style. The disk marked with an asterisk (*) has focus. Note that the FREE column does not display the total amount of free space on the disk, but rather the amount of usable free space left on the disk. For example, if you have a 10GB disk with 4 primary partitions covering 5GB, there is no usable free space left (no more partitions may be created). Another example would be you have a 10GB disk with 3 primary partitions and an extended partition covering 8GB. The exended partition is of size 3GB with one logical drive of size 2GB. The disk will show only 1GB as free - the 1GB of free space in the extended partition. Example: LIST DISK . Language=Albanian Displays a list of disks. Syntax: LIST DISK Displays a list of disks and information about them, such as their size, amount of available free space, whether the disk is a basic or dynamic disk, and whether the disk uses the master boot record (MBR) or GUID partition table (GPT) partition style. The disk marked with an asterisk (*) has focus. Note that the FREE column does not display the total amount of free space on the disk, but rather the amount of usable free space left on the disk. For example, if you have a 10GB disk with 4 primary partitions covering 5GB, there is no usable free space left (no more partitions may be created). Another example would be you have a 10GB disk with 3 primary partitions and an extended partition covering 8GB. The exended partition is of size 3GB with one logical drive of size 2GB. The disk will show only 1GB as free - the 1GB of free space in the extended partition. Example: LIST DISK . Language=Turkish Displays a list of disks. Syntax: LIST DISK Displays a list of disks and information about them, such as their size, amount of available free space, whether the disk is a basic or dynamic disk, and whether the disk uses the master boot record (MBR) or GUID partition table (GPT) partition style. The disk marked with an asterisk (*) has focus. Note that the FREE column does not display the total amount of free space on the disk, but rather the amount of usable free space left on the disk. For example, if you have a 10GB disk with 4 primary partitions covering 5GB, there is no usable free space left (no more partitions may be created). Another example would be you have a 10GB disk with 3 primary partitions and an extended partition covering 8GB. The exended partition is of size 3GB with one logical drive of size 2GB. The disk will show only 1GB as free - the 1GB of free space in the extended partition. Example: LIST DISK . Language=Chinese Displays a list of disks. Syntax: LIST DISK Displays a list of disks and information about them, such as their size, amount of available free space, whether the disk is a basic or dynamic disk, and whether the disk uses the master boot record (MBR) or GUID partition table (GPT) partition style. The disk marked with an asterisk (*) has focus. Note that the FREE column does not display the total amount of free space on the disk, but rather the amount of usable free space left on the disk. For example, if you have a 10GB disk with 4 primary partitions covering 5GB, there is no usable free space left (no more partitions may be created). Another example would be you have a 10GB disk with 3 primary partitions and an extended partition covering 8GB. The exended partition is of size 3GB with one logical drive of size 2GB. The disk will show only 1GB as free - the 1GB of free space in the extended partition. Example: LIST DISK . Language=Taiwanese Displays a list of disks. Syntax: LIST DISK Displays a list of disks and information about them, such as their size, amount of available free space, whether the disk is a basic or dynamic disk, and whether the disk uses the master boot record (MBR) or GUID partition table (GPT) partition style. The disk marked with an asterisk (*) has focus. Note that the FREE column does not display the total amount of free space on the disk, but rather the amount of usable free space left on the disk. For example, if you have a 10GB disk with 4 primary partitions covering 5GB, there is no usable free space left (no more partitions may be created). Another example would be you have a 10GB disk with 3 primary partitions and an extended partition covering 8GB. The exended partition is of size 3GB with one logical drive of size 2GB. The disk will show only 1GB as free - the 1GB of free space in the extended partition. Example: LIST DISK . MessageId=10033 SymbolicName=MSG_COMMAND_LIST_PARTITION Severity=Informational Facility=System Language=English Displays a list of partitions in the partition table for the selected disk. Syntax: LIST PARTITION On dynamic disks, the partitions do not neccessarily correspond to the dynamic volumes on the disk. Partitions may not be created or deleted on dynamic disks. A disk must be selected for this operation to succeed. Example: LIST PARTITION . Language=German Zeigt eine Liste der Partitionen in der Partitionstabelle für den ausgewählten Datenträger an. Syntax: LIST PARTITION Auf dynamischen Datenträgern entsprechen die Partitionen nicht unbedingt den dynamischen Volumes auf dem Datenträger. Partitionen werden auf dynamischen Datenträgern möglicherweise nicht erstellt oder gelöscht. Damit dieser Vorgang erfolgreich ausgeführt werden kann, muss ein Datenträger ausgewählt werden. Beispiel: LIST PARTITION . Language=Polish Displays a list of partitions in the partition table for the selected disk. Syntax: LIST PARTITION On dynamic disks, the partitions do not neccessarily correspond to the dynamic volumes on the disk. Partitions may not be created or deleted on dynamic disks. A disk must be selected for this operation to succeed. Example: LIST PARTITION . Language=Portugese Displays a list of partitions in the partition table for the selected disk. Syntax: LIST PARTITION On dynamic disks, the partitions do not neccessarily correspond to the dynamic volumes on the disk. Partitions may not be created or deleted on dynamic disks. A disk must be selected for this operation to succeed. Example: LIST PARTITION . Language=Romanian Displays a list of partitions in the partition table for the selected disk. Syntax: LIST PARTITION On dynamic disks, the partitions do not neccessarily correspond to the dynamic volumes on the disk. Partitions may not be created or deleted on dynamic disks. A disk must be selected for this operation to succeed. Example: LIST PARTITION . Language=Russian Displays a list of partitions in the partition table for the selected disk. Syntax: LIST PARTITION On dynamic disks, the partitions do not neccessarily correspond to the dynamic volumes on the disk. Partitions may not be created or deleted on dynamic disks. A disk must be selected for this operation to succeed. Example: LIST PARTITION . Language=Albanian Displays a list of partitions in the partition table for the selected disk. Syntax: LIST PARTITION On dynamic disks, the partitions do not neccessarily correspond to the dynamic volumes on the disk. Partitions may not be created or deleted on dynamic disks. A disk must be selected for this operation to succeed. Example: LIST PARTITION . Language=Turkish Displays a list of partitions in the partition table for the selected disk. Syntax: LIST PARTITION On dynamic disks, the partitions do not neccessarily correspond to the dynamic volumes on the disk. Partitions may not be created or deleted on dynamic disks. A disk must be selected for this operation to succeed. Example: LIST PARTITION . Language=Chinese Displays a list of partitions in the partition table for the selected disk. Syntax: LIST PARTITION On dynamic disks, the partitions do not neccessarily correspond to the dynamic volumes on the disk. Partitions may not be created or deleted on dynamic disks. A disk must be selected for this operation to succeed. Example: LIST PARTITION . Language=Taiwanese Displays a list of partitions in the partition table for the selected disk. Syntax: LIST PARTITION On dynamic disks, the partitions do not neccessarily correspond to the dynamic volumes on the disk. Partitions may not be created or deleted on dynamic disks. A disk must be selected for this operation to succeed. Example: LIST PARTITION . MessageId=10034 SymbolicName=MSG_COMMAND_LIST_VOLUME Severity=Informational Facility=System Language=English Displays a list of basic and dynamic volumes which are installed on the local machine. Syntax: LIST VOLUME Example: LIST VOLUME . Language=German Zeigt eine Liste der Basisvolumes und dynamischen Volumes an, die auf dem lokalen Computer installiert sind. Syntax: LIST VOLUME Beispiel: LIST VOLUME . Language=Polish Displays a list of basic and dynamic volumes which are installed on the local machine. Syntax: LIST VOLUME Example: LIST VOLUME . Language=Portugese Displays a list of basic and dynamic volumes which are installed on the local machine. Syntax: LIST VOLUME Example: LIST VOLUME . Language=Romanian Displays a list of basic and dynamic volumes which are installed on the local machine. Syntax: LIST VOLUME Example: LIST VOLUME . Language=Russian Displays a list of basic and dynamic volumes which are installed on the local machine. Syntax: LIST VOLUME Example: LIST VOLUME . Language=Albanian Displays a list of basic and dynamic volumes which are installed on the local machine. Syntax: LIST VOLUME Example: LIST VOLUME . Language=Turkish Displays a list of basic and dynamic volumes which are installed on the local machine. Syntax: LIST VOLUME Example: LIST VOLUME . Language=Chinese Displays a list of basic and dynamic volumes which are installed on the local machine. Syntax: LIST VOLUME Example: LIST VOLUME . Language=Taiwanese Displays a list of basic and dynamic volumes which are installed on the local machine. Syntax: LIST VOLUME Example: LIST VOLUME . MessageId=10035 SymbolicName=MSG_COMMAND_LIST_VDISK Severity=Informational Facility=System Language=English . Language=German . Language=Polish . Language=Portugese . Language=Romanian . Language=Russian . Language=Albanian . Language=Turkish . Language=Chinese . Language=Taiwanese . MessageId=10036 SymbolicName=MSG_COMMAND_MERGE Severity=Informational Facility=System Language=English . Language=German . Language=Polish . Language=Portugese . Language=Romanian . Language=Russian . Language=Albanian . Language=Turkish . Language=Chinese . Language=Taiwanese . MessageId=10037 SymbolicName=MSG_COMMAND_OFFLINE Severity=Informational Facility=System Language=English . Language=German . Language=Polish . Language=Portugese . Language=Romanian . Language=Russian . Language=Albanian . Language=Turkish . Language=Chinese . Language=Taiwanese . MessageId=10038 SymbolicName=MSG_COMMAND_ONLINE Severity=Informational Facility=System Language=English . Language=German . Language=Polish . Language=Portugese . Language=Romanian . Language=Russian . Language=Albanian . Language=Turkish . Language=Chinese . Language=Taiwanese . MessageId=10039 SymbolicName=MSG_COMMAND_RECOVER Severity=Informational Facility=System Language=English . Language=German . Language=Polish . Language=Portugese . Language=Romanian . Language=Russian . Language=Albanian . Language=Turkish . Language=Chinese . Language=Taiwanese . MessageId=10040 SymbolicName=MSG_COMMAND_REM Severity=Informational Facility=System Language=English . Language=German . Language=Polish . Language=Portugese . Language=Romanian . Language=Russian . Language=Albanian . Language=Turkish . Language=Chinese . Language=Taiwanese . MessageId=10041 SymbolicName=MSG_COMMAND_REMOVE Severity=Informational Facility=System Language=English . Language=German . Language=Polish . Language=Portugese . Language=Romanian . Language=Russian . Language=Albanian . Language=Turkish . Language=Chinese . Language=Taiwanese . MessageId=10042 SymbolicName=MSG_COMMAND_REPAIR Severity=Informational Facility=System Language=English . Language=German . Language=Polish . Language=Portugese . Language=Romanian . Language=Russian . Language=Albanian . Language=Turkish . Language=Chinese . Language=Taiwanese . MessageId=10043 SymbolicName=MSG_COMMAND_RESCAN Severity=Informational Facility=System Language=English Locates new disks that may have been added to the computer. Syntax: RESCAN Example: RESCAN . Language=German Sucht nach neuen Datenträgern, die dem Computer möglicherweise hinzugefügt wurden. Syntax: RESCAN Beispiel: RESCAN . Language=Polish Locates new disks that may have been added to the computer. Syntax: RESCAN Example: RESCAN . Language=Portugese Locates new disks that may have been added to the computer. Syntax: RESCAN Example: RESCAN . Language=Romanian Locates new disks that may have been added to the computer. Syntax: RESCAN Example: RESCAN . Language=Russian Locates new disks that may have been added to the computer. Syntax: RESCAN Example: RESCAN . Language=Albanian Locates new disks that may have been added to the computer. Syntax: RESCAN Example: RESCAN . Language=Turkish Locates new disks that may have been added to the computer. Syntax: RESCAN Example: RESCAN . Language=Chinese Locates new disks that may have been added to the computer. Syntax: RESCAN Example: RESCAN . Language=Taiwanese Locates new disks that may have been added to the computer. Syntax: RESCAN Example: RESCAN . MessageId=10044 SymbolicName=MSG_COMMAND_RETAIN Severity=Informational Facility=System Language=English . Language=German . Language=Polish . Language=Portugese . Language=Romanian . Language=Russian . Language=Albanian . Language=Turkish . Language=Chinese . Language=Taiwanese . MessageId=10045 SymbolicName=MSG_COMMAND_SAN Severity=Informational Facility=System Language=English . Language=German . Language=Polish . Language=Portugese . Language=Romanian . Language=Russian . Language=Albanian . Language=Turkish . Language=Chinese . Language=Taiwanese . MessageId=10046 SymbolicName=MSG_COMMAND_SELECT_DISK Severity=Informational Facility=System Language=English Selects the specified disk and shifts the focus to it. Syntax: SELECT DISK= SELECT DISK=SYSTEM SELECT DISK=NEXT SELECT DISK= DISK= The DiskPart disk index number of the disk to receive focus. DISK= The location path of the disk to receive focus. DISK=SYSTEM On BIOS machines, BIOS disk 0 will receive focus. On EFI machines, the disk containing the ESP partition used for the current boot will receive focus. On EFI machines, if there is no ESP, or there is more than one ESP present, or the machine is booted from Windows PE, the command will fail. DISK=NEXT Once a disk is selected, this command is used to iterate over all disks in the disk list. The next disk in the list will receive focus. If the next disk is the start of the enumeration, the command will fail and no disk will have focus. If no options are specified, the select command lists the disk that currently has the focus. You can view the DiskPart index numbers for all disks on the computer by using the LIST DISK command. Example: SELECT DISK=1 SELECT DISK=SYSTEM SELECT DISK=NEXT SELECT DISK=PCIROOT(0)#PCI(0100)#ATA(C00T00L01) . Language=German Dient zum Auswählen des angegebenen Datenträgers sowie zum Festlegen des Fokus auf den Datenträger. Syntax: SELECT DISK= SELECT DISK=SYSTEM SELECT DISK=NEXT SELECT DISK= DISK= Die DiskPart-Datenträgerindexnummer des Datenträgers, auf den der Fokus festgelegt werden soll. DISK= Der Speicherortpfad des Datenträgers, auf den der Fokus festgelegt werden soll. DISK=SYSTEM Bei BIOS-Computern erhält der BIOS-Datenträger "0" den Fokus. Bei EFI-Computern erhält der Datenträger mit der ESP-Partition, der für den aktuellen Startvorgang verwendet wird, den Fokus. Bei EFI-Computern ohne ESP oder mit mehreren ESPs (oder beim Start des Computers unter Ver- wendung von Windows PE) tritt bei Verwendung des Befehls ein Fehler auf. DISK=NEXT Nach Auswahl eines Datenträgers erfolgt mithilfe dieses Befehls eine Iteration durch alle Datenträger in der Daten- trägerliste. Der nächste Datenträger in der Liste erhält den Fokus. Handelt es sich beim nächsten Datenträger um den Beginn der Aufzählung, tritt bei dem Befehl ein Fehler auf, und keiner der Datenträger erhält den Fokus. Ohne Angabe von Optionen wird mithilfe des Befehls "Select" der Datenträger angegeben, der derzeit den Fokus besitzt. Verwenden Sie zum Anzeigen der DiskPart-Indexnummern für alle Datenträger des Computers den Befehl "LIST DISK". Beispiele: SELECT DISK=1 SELECT DISK=SYSTEM SELECT DISK=NEXT SELECT DISK=PCIROOT(0)#PCI(0100)#ATA(C00T00L01) . Language=Polish Selects the specified disk and shifts the focus to it. Syntax: SELECT DISK= SELECT DISK=SYSTEM SELECT DISK=NEXT SELECT DISK= DISK= The DiskPart disk index number of the disk to receive focus. DISK= The location path of the disk to receive focus. DISK=SYSTEM On BIOS machines, BIOS disk 0 will receive focus. On EFI machines, the disk containing the ESP partition used for the current boot will receive focus. On EFI machines, if there is no ESP, or there is more than one ESP present, or the machine is booted from Windows PE, the command will fail. DISK=NEXT Once a disk is selected, this command is used to iterate over all disks in the disk list. The next disk in the list will receive focus. If the next disk is the start of the enumeration, the command will fail and no disk will have focus. If no options are specified, the select command lists the disk that currently has the focus. You can view the DiskPart index numbers for all disks on the computer by using the LIST DISK command. Example: SELECT DISK=1 SELECT DISK=SYSTEM SELECT DISK=NEXT SELECT DISK=PCIROOT(0)#PCI(0100)#ATA(C00T00L01) . Language=Portugese Selects the specified disk and shifts the focus to it. Syntax: SELECT DISK= SELECT DISK=SYSTEM SELECT DISK=NEXT SELECT DISK= DISK= The DiskPart disk index number of the disk to receive focus. DISK= The location path of the disk to receive focus. DISK=SYSTEM On BIOS machines, BIOS disk 0 will receive focus. On EFI machines, the disk containing the ESP partition used for the current boot will receive focus. On EFI machines, if there is no ESP, or there is more than one ESP present, or the machine is booted from Windows PE, the command will fail. DISK=NEXT Once a disk is selected, this command is used to iterate over all disks in the disk list. The next disk in the list will receive focus. If the next disk is the start of the enumeration, the command will fail and no disk will have focus. If no options are specified, the select command lists the disk that currently has the focus. You can view the DiskPart index numbers for all disks on the computer by using the LIST DISK command. Example: SELECT DISK=1 SELECT DISK=SYSTEM SELECT DISK=NEXT SELECT DISK=PCIROOT(0)#PCI(0100)#ATA(C00T00L01) . Language=Romanian Selects the specified disk and shifts the focus to it. Syntax: SELECT DISK= SELECT DISK=SYSTEM SELECT DISK=NEXT SELECT DISK= DISK= The DiskPart disk index number of the disk to receive focus. DISK= The location path of the disk to receive focus. DISK=SYSTEM On BIOS machines, BIOS disk 0 will receive focus. On EFI machines, the disk containing the ESP partition used for the current boot will receive focus. On EFI machines, if there is no ESP, or there is more than one ESP present, or the machine is booted from Windows PE, the command will fail. DISK=NEXT Once a disk is selected, this command is used to iterate over all disks in the disk list. The next disk in the list will receive focus. If the next disk is the start of the enumeration, the command will fail and no disk will have focus. If no options are specified, the select command lists the disk that currently has the focus. You can view the DiskPart index numbers for all disks on the computer by using the LIST DISK command. Example: SELECT DISK=1 SELECT DISK=SYSTEM SELECT DISK=NEXT SELECT DISK=PCIROOT(0)#PCI(0100)#ATA(C00T00L01) . Language=Russian Selects the specified disk and shifts the focus to it. Syntax: SELECT DISK= SELECT DISK=SYSTEM SELECT DISK=NEXT SELECT DISK= DISK= The DiskPart disk index number of the disk to receive focus. DISK= The location path of the disk to receive focus. DISK=SYSTEM On BIOS machines, BIOS disk 0 will receive focus. On EFI machines, the disk containing the ESP partition used for the current boot will receive focus. On EFI machines, if there is no ESP, or there is more than one ESP present, or the machine is booted from Windows PE, the command will fail. DISK=NEXT Once a disk is selected, this command is used to iterate over all disks in the disk list. The next disk in the list will receive focus. If the next disk is the start of the enumeration, the command will fail and no disk will have focus. If no options are specified, the select command lists the disk that currently has the focus. You can view the DiskPart index numbers for all disks on the computer by using the LIST DISK command. Example: SELECT DISK=1 SELECT DISK=SYSTEM SELECT DISK=NEXT SELECT DISK=PCIROOT(0)#PCI(0100)#ATA(C00T00L01) . Language=Albanian Selects the specified disk and shifts the focus to it. Syntax: SELECT DISK= SELECT DISK=SYSTEM SELECT DISK=NEXT SELECT DISK= DISK= The DiskPart disk index number of the disk to receive focus. DISK= The location path of the disk to receive focus. DISK=SYSTEM On BIOS machines, BIOS disk 0 will receive focus. On EFI machines, the disk containing the ESP partition used for the current boot will receive focus. On EFI machines, if there is no ESP, or there is more than one ESP present, or the machine is booted from Windows PE, the command will fail. DISK=NEXT Once a disk is selected, this command is used to iterate over all disks in the disk list. The next disk in the list will receive focus. If the next disk is the start of the enumeration, the command will fail and no disk will have focus. If no options are specified, the select command lists the disk that currently has the focus. You can view the DiskPart index numbers for all disks on the computer by using the LIST DISK command. Example: SELECT DISK=1 SELECT DISK=SYSTEM SELECT DISK=NEXT SELECT DISK=PCIROOT(0)#PCI(0100)#ATA(C00T00L01) . Language=Turkish Selects the specified disk and shifts the focus to it. Syntax: SELECT DISK= SELECT DISK=SYSTEM SELECT DISK=NEXT SELECT DISK= DISK= The DiskPart disk index number of the disk to receive focus. DISK= The location path of the disk to receive focus. DISK=SYSTEM On BIOS machines, BIOS disk 0 will receive focus. On EFI machines, the disk containing the ESP partition used for the current boot will receive focus. On EFI machines, if there is no ESP, or there is more than one ESP present, or the machine is booted from Windows PE, the command will fail. DISK=NEXT Once a disk is selected, this command is used to iterate over all disks in the disk list. The next disk in the list will receive focus. If the next disk is the start of the enumeration, the command will fail and no disk will have focus. If no options are specified, the select command lists the disk that currently has the focus. You can view the DiskPart index numbers for all disks on the computer by using the LIST DISK command. Example: SELECT DISK=1 SELECT DISK=SYSTEM SELECT DISK=NEXT SELECT DISK=PCIROOT(0)#PCI(0100)#ATA(C00T00L01) . Language=Chinese Selects the specified disk and shifts the focus to it. Syntax: SELECT DISK= SELECT DISK=SYSTEM SELECT DISK=NEXT SELECT DISK= DISK= The DiskPart disk index number of the disk to receive focus. DISK= The location path of the disk to receive focus. DISK=SYSTEM On BIOS machines, BIOS disk 0 will receive focus. On EFI machines, the disk containing the ESP partition used for the current boot will receive focus. On EFI machines, if there is no ESP, or there is more than one ESP present, or the machine is booted from Windows PE, the command will fail. DISK=NEXT Once a disk is selected, this command is used to iterate over all disks in the disk list. The next disk in the list will receive focus. If the next disk is the start of the enumeration, the command will fail and no disk will have focus. If no options are specified, the select command lists the disk that currently has the focus. You can view the DiskPart index numbers for all disks on the computer by using the LIST DISK command. Example: SELECT DISK=1 SELECT DISK=SYSTEM SELECT DISK=NEXT SELECT DISK=PCIROOT(0)#PCI(0100)#ATA(C00T00L01) . Language=Taiwanese Selects the specified disk and shifts the focus to it. Syntax: SELECT DISK= SELECT DISK=SYSTEM SELECT DISK=NEXT SELECT DISK= DISK= The DiskPart disk index number of the disk to receive focus. DISK= The location path of the disk to receive focus. DISK=SYSTEM On BIOS machines, BIOS disk 0 will receive focus. On EFI machines, the disk containing the ESP partition used for the current boot will receive focus. On EFI machines, if there is no ESP, or there is more than one ESP present, or the machine is booted from Windows PE, the command will fail. DISK=NEXT Once a disk is selected, this command is used to iterate over all disks in the disk list. The next disk in the list will receive focus. If the next disk is the start of the enumeration, the command will fail and no disk will have focus. If no options are specified, the select command lists the disk that currently has the focus. You can view the DiskPart index numbers for all disks on the computer by using the LIST DISK command. Example: SELECT DISK=1 SELECT DISK=SYSTEM SELECT DISK=NEXT SELECT DISK=PCIROOT(0)#PCI(0100)#ATA(C00T00L01) . MessageId=10047 SymbolicName=MSG_COMMAND_SELECT_PARTITION Severity=Informational Facility=System Language=English Selects the specified partition and shifts the focus to it. Syntax: SELECT PARTITION= PARTITION= The number of the partition to receive the focus. If no partition is specified, the select command lists the current partition with focus. You can specify the partition by its number. You can view the numbers of all partitions on the current disk by using the list partition command. You must first select a disk using the DiskPart select disk command before you can select a partition. Example: SELECT PARTITION=1 . Language=German Wählt die angegebene Partition aus und setzt den Fokus auf diese Partition. Syntax: SELECT PARTITION= PARTITION= Die Nummer der Partition, die den Fokus erhalten soll. Wenn keine Partition angegeben ist, listet der Befehl SELECT die aktuelle Partition auf, die den Fokus hat. Sie können die Partition mit ihrer Nummer angeben. Mit dem Befehl LIST PARTITION können die Nummern aller auf dem aktuellen Datenträger enthaltenen Partitionen angezeigt werden. Bevor Sie eine Partition auswählen können, müssen Sie zunächst mit dem DiskPart-Befehl SELECT DISK einen Datenträger auswählen. Beispiel: SELECT PARTITION=1 . Language=Polish Selects the specified partition and shifts the focus to it. Syntax: SELECT PARTITION= PARTITION= The number of the partition to receive the focus. If no partition is specified, the select command lists the current partition with focus. You can specify the partition by its number. You can view the numbers of all partitions on the current disk by using the list partition command. You must first select a disk using the DiskPart select disk command before you can select a partition. Example: SELECT PARTITION=1 . Language=Portugese Selects the specified partition and shifts the focus to it. Syntax: SELECT PARTITION= PARTITION= The number of the partition to receive the focus. If no partition is specified, the select command lists the current partition with focus. You can specify the partition by its number. You can view the numbers of all partitions on the current disk by using the list partition command. You must first select a disk using the DiskPart select disk command before you can select a partition. Example: SELECT PARTITION=1 . Language=Romanian Selects the specified partition and shifts the focus to it. Syntax: SELECT PARTITION= PARTITION= The number of the partition to receive the focus. If no partition is specified, the select command lists the current partition with focus. You can specify the partition by its number. You can view the numbers of all partitions on the current disk by using the list partition command. You must first select a disk using the DiskPart select disk command before you can select a partition. Example: SELECT PARTITION=1 . Language=Russian Selects the specified partition and shifts the focus to it. Syntax: SELECT PARTITION= PARTITION= The number of the partition to receive the focus. If no partition is specified, the select command lists the current partition with focus. You can specify the partition by its number. You can view the numbers of all partitions on the current disk by using the list partition command. You must first select a disk using the DiskPart select disk command before you can select a partition. Example: SELECT PARTITION=1 . Language=Albanian Selects the specified partition and shifts the focus to it. Syntax: SELECT PARTITION= PARTITION= The number of the partition to receive the focus. If no partition is specified, the select command lists the current partition with focus. You can specify the partition by its number. You can view the numbers of all partitions on the current disk by using the list partition command. You must first select a disk using the DiskPart select disk command before you can select a partition. Example: SELECT PARTITION=1 . Language=Turkish Selects the specified partition and shifts the focus to it. Syntax: SELECT PARTITION= PARTITION= The number of the partition to receive the focus. If no partition is specified, the select command lists the current partition with focus. You can specify the partition by its number. You can view the numbers of all partitions on the current disk by using the list partition command. You must first select a disk using the DiskPart select disk command before you can select a partition. Example: SELECT PARTITION=1 . Language=Chinese Selects the specified partition and shifts the focus to it. Syntax: SELECT PARTITION= PARTITION= The number of the partition to receive the focus. If no partition is specified, the select command lists the current partition with focus. You can specify the partition by its number. You can view the numbers of all partitions on the current disk by using the list partition command. You must first select a disk using the DiskPart select disk command before you can select a partition. Example: SELECT PARTITION=1 . Language=Taiwanese Selects the specified partition and shifts the focus to it. Syntax: SELECT PARTITION= PARTITION= The number of the partition to receive the focus. If no partition is specified, the select command lists the current partition with focus. You can specify the partition by its number. You can view the numbers of all partitions on the current disk by using the list partition command. You must first select a disk using the DiskPart select disk command before you can select a partition. Example: SELECT PARTITION=1 . MessageId=10048 SymbolicName=MSG_COMMAND_SELECT_VOLUME Severity=Informational Facility=System Language=English Selects the specified volume and shifts the focus to it. Syntax: SELECT VOLUME={ | } VOLUME= The number of the volume to receive the focus. VOLUME= The drive letter or mounted folder path of the volume to receive the focus. If no volume is specified, the select command lists the current volume with focus. You can specify the volume by number, drive letter, or mounted folder path. On a basic disk, selecting a volume also gives the corresponding partition focus. You can view the numbers of all volumes on the computer by using the list volume command. Example: SELECT VOLUME=1 SELECT VOLUME=C SELECT VOLUME=C:\\MountH . Language=German Wählt das angegebene Volume aus und setzt den Fokus auf dieses Volume. Syntax: SELECT VOLUME={ | } VOLUME= Die Nummer des Volumes, das den Fokus erhalten soll. VOLUME= Der Laufwerkbuchstabe oder Pfad des eingebundenen Ordners des Volumes, das den Fokus erhalten soll. Wenn kein Volume angegeben ist, listet der Befehl SELECT das aktuelle Volume auf, das den Fokus besitzt. Sie können das Volume mit einer Nummer, einem Laufwerkbuchstaben oder dem Pfad des eingebundenen Ordners angeben. Auf einem Basisdatenträger erhält bei Auswahl eines Volumes auch die entsprechende Partition den Fokus. Mit dem Befehl LIST VOLUME können Sie die Nummern aller auf dem Computer vorhandenen Volumes anzeigen. Beispiel: SELECT VOLUME=1 SELECT VOLUME=C SELECT VOLUME=C:\\MountH . Language=Polish Selects the specified volume and shifts the focus to it. Syntax: SELECT VOLUME={ | } VOLUME= The number of the volume to receive the focus. VOLUME= The drive letter or mounted folder path of the volume to receive the focus. If no volume is specified, the select command lists the current volume with focus. You can specify the volume by number, drive letter, or mounted folder path. On a basic disk, selecting a volume also gives the corresponding partition focus. You can view the numbers of all volumes on the computer by using the list volume command. Example: SELECT VOLUME=1 SELECT VOLUME=C SELECT VOLUME=C:\\MountH . Language=Portugese Selects the specified volume and shifts the focus to it. Syntax: SELECT VOLUME={ | } VOLUME= The number of the volume to receive the focus. VOLUME= The drive letter or mounted folder path of the volume to receive the focus. If no volume is specified, the select command lists the current volume with focus. You can specify the volume by number, drive letter, or mounted folder path. On a basic disk, selecting a volume also gives the corresponding partition focus. You can view the numbers of all volumes on the computer by using the list volume command. Example: SELECT VOLUME=1 SELECT VOLUME=C SELECT VOLUME=C:\\MountH . Language=Romanian Selects the specified volume and shifts the focus to it. Syntax: SELECT VOLUME={ | } VOLUME= The number of the volume to receive the focus. VOLUME= The drive letter or mounted folder path of the volume to receive the focus. If no volume is specified, the select command lists the current volume with focus. You can specify the volume by number, drive letter, or mounted folder path. On a basic disk, selecting a volume also gives the corresponding partition focus. You can view the numbers of all volumes on the computer by using the list volume command. Example: SELECT VOLUME=1 SELECT VOLUME=C SELECT VOLUME=C:\\MountH . Language=Russian Selects the specified volume and shifts the focus to it. Syntax: SELECT VOLUME={ | } VOLUME= The number of the volume to receive the focus. VOLUME= The drive letter or mounted folder path of the volume to receive the focus. If no volume is specified, the select command lists the current volume with focus. You can specify the volume by number, drive letter, or mounted folder path. On a basic disk, selecting a volume also gives the corresponding partition focus. You can view the numbers of all volumes on the computer by using the list volume command. Example: SELECT VOLUME=1 SELECT VOLUME=C SELECT VOLUME=C:\\MountH . Language=Albanian Selects the specified volume and shifts the focus to it. Syntax: SELECT VOLUME={ | } VOLUME= The number of the volume to receive the focus. VOLUME= The drive letter or mounted folder path of the volume to receive the focus. If no volume is specified, the select command lists the current volume with focus. You can specify the volume by number, drive letter, or mounted folder path. On a basic disk, selecting a volume also gives the corresponding partition focus. You can view the numbers of all volumes on the computer by using the list volume command. Example: SELECT VOLUME=1 SELECT VOLUME=C SELECT VOLUME=C:\\MountH . Language=Turkish Selects the specified volume and shifts the focus to it. Syntax: SELECT VOLUME={ | } VOLUME= The number of the volume to receive the focus. VOLUME= The drive letter or mounted folder path of the volume to receive the focus. If no volume is specified, the select command lists the current volume with focus. You can specify the volume by number, drive letter, or mounted folder path. On a basic disk, selecting a volume also gives the corresponding partition focus. You can view the numbers of all volumes on the computer by using the list volume command. Example: SELECT VOLUME=1 SELECT VOLUME=C SELECT VOLUME=C:\\MountH . Language=Chinese Selects the specified volume and shifts the focus to it. Syntax: SELECT VOLUME={ | } VOLUME= The number of the volume to receive the focus. VOLUME= The drive letter or mounted folder path of the volume to receive the focus. If no volume is specified, the select command lists the current volume with focus. You can specify the volume by number, drive letter, or mounted folder path. On a basic disk, selecting a volume also gives the corresponding partition focus. You can view the numbers of all volumes on the computer by using the list volume command. Example: SELECT VOLUME=1 SELECT VOLUME=C SELECT VOLUME=C:\\MountH . Language=Taiwanese Selects the specified volume and shifts the focus to it. Syntax: SELECT VOLUME={ | } VOLUME= The number of the volume to receive the focus. VOLUME= The drive letter or mounted folder path of the volume to receive the focus. If no volume is specified, the select command lists the current volume with focus. You can specify the volume by number, drive letter, or mounted folder path. On a basic disk, selecting a volume also gives the corresponding partition focus. You can view the numbers of all volumes on the computer by using the list volume command. Example: SELECT VOLUME=1 SELECT VOLUME=C SELECT VOLUME=C:\\MountH . MessageId=10049 SymbolicName=MSG_COMMAND_SELECT_VDISK Severity=Informational Facility=System Language=English . Language=German . Language=Polish . Language=Portugese . Language=Romanian . Language=Russian . Language=Albanian . Language=Turkish . Language=Chinese . Language=Taiwanese . MessageId=10050 SymbolicName=MSG_COMMAND_SETID Severity=Informational Facility=System Language=English Changes the partition type field for the partition with focus. Syntax: SET ID={ | } [OVERRIDE] [NOERR] ID={ | } Specifies the new partition type. For master boot record (MBR) disks, you can specify a partition type byte, in hexadecimal form, for the partition. Any partition type byte can be specified with this parameter except for type 0x42 (LDM partition). Note that the leading '0x' is omitted when specifying the hexadecimal partition type. For GUID partition table (GPT) disks you can specify a partition type GUID for the partition. Recognized GUIDs include: EFI System partition: c12a7328-f81f-11d2-ba4b-00a0c93ec93b Basic data partition: ebd0a0a2-b9e5-4433-87c0-68b6b72699c7 Any partition type GUID can be specified with this parameter except for the following: Microsoft Reserved partition: e3c9e316-0b5c-4db8-817d-f92df00215a LDM Metadata partition on a dynamic disk: 5808c8aa-7e8f-42e0-85d2-e1e90434cfb3 LDM Data partition on a dynamic disk: af9b60a0-1431-4f62-bc68-3311714a69ad Cluster Metadata partition: db97dba9-0840-4bae-97f0-ffb9a327c7e1 Other than the limitations mentioned, DiskPart otherwise does not check the partition type for validity except to ensure that it is a byte in hexadecimal form or a GUID. OVERRIDE Enables DiskPart to force the file system on the volume to dismount before changing the partition type. When changing the partition type, DiskPart will attempt to lock and dismount the file system on the volume. If this parameter is not specified, and the call to lock the file system fails, (because some other application has an open handle to the volume), the entire operation will fail. When this parameter is specified, the dismount is forced even if the call to lock the file system fails. When a file system is dismounted, all opened handles to the volume will become invalid. NOERR For scripting only. When an error is encountered, DiskPart continues to process commands as if the error did not occur. Without the NOERR parameter, an error causes DiskPart to exit with an error code. Intended for Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) use only. A partition must be selected for this operation to succeed. Caution: Changing partition type fields with this parameter might cause your computer to fail or be unable to start up. Unless you are an OEM or an IT professional experienced with GPT disks, do not change partition type fields on GPT disks using this parameter. Instead, always use the CREATE PARTITION EFI command to create EFI System partitions, the CREATE PARTITION MSR command to create Microsoft Reserved partitions, and the CREATE PARTITION PRIMARY command without the ID parameter to create primary partitions on GPT disks. This command does not work on dynamic disks nor on Microsoft Reserved partitions. Example: SET ID=07 OVERRIDE SET ID=ebd0a0a2-b9e5-4433-87c0-68b6b72699c7 . Language=German Ändert das Partitionstypfeld für die Partition im Fokus. Syntax: SET ID={ | } [OVERRIDE] [NOERR] ID={ | } Gibt den neuen Partitionstyp an. Für MBR-Datenträger (Master Boot Record) können Sie ein Partitionstypbyte im Hexadezimalformat angeben. Mit diesem Parameter können Sie jedes Partitionstypbyte angeben, außer Typ "0x42" (LDM-Partition). Das voranstehende "0x" wird bei Angabe des hexadezimalen Partitionstyps ausgelassen. Für GPT-Datenträger (GPT = GUID-Partitionstabelle) können Sie einen Partitionstyp-GUID für die zu erstellende Partition angeben: Zu den erkannten GUIDs gehören: EFI-Systempartition: c12a7328-f81f-11d2-ba4b-00a0c93ec93b Basisdatenpartition: ebd0a0a2-b9e5-4433-87c0-68b6b72699c7 Mit diesem Parameter kann jeder Partitionstyp-GUID angegeben werden, mit Ausnahme der folgenden: MSR-Partition (Microsoft Reserved): e3c9e316-0b5c-4db8-817d-f92df00215ae LDM-Metadatenpartition auf einem dynamischen Datenträger: 5808c8aa-7e8f-42e0-85d2-e1e90434cfb3 LDM-Datenpartition auf einem dynamischen Datenträger: af9b60a0-1431-4f62-bc68-3311714a69ad Clustermetadaten-Partition: db97dba9-0840-4bae-97f0-ffb9a327c7e1 Abgesehen von den erwähnten Einschränkungen überprüft DiskPart die Gültigkeit des Partitionstyps nicht. Es wird lediglich sichergestellt, dass es sich um ein Byte im Hexadezi- malformat oder um einen GUID handelt OVERRIDE Ermöglicht DiskPart die Aufhebung der Bereitstellung des Dateisystems auf dem Volume zu erzwingen, bevor der Partitionstyp geändert wird. Beim Ändern des Partitionstyps wird das Dateisystem auf dem Volume gesperrt und dessen Bereitstellung aufgehoben. Wird dieser Parameter nicht an- gegeben und schlägt der Aufruf zum Sperren des Dateisys- tems fehl (da einige andere Anwendungen über ein geöffne- tes Handle für das Volume verfügen), schlägt der gesamte Vorgang fehl. Bei Angabe dieses Parameters wird die Auf- hebung der Bereitstellung auch dann erzwungen, wenn der Aufruf des Dateisystems fehlschlägt. Wird die Bereitstellung eines Dateisystems aufgehoben, werden alle geöffneten Handles für das Volume ungültig. NOERR Nur für Skripting. Bei einem Fehler wird die Verarbeitung von Befehlen fortgesetzt, als sei der Fehler nicht aufgetreten. Ohne NOERR-Parameter wird DiskPart bei einem Fehler mit dem entsprechenden Fehlercode beendet. Ist nur für die Verwendung durch Originalgerätehersteller (OEM, Original Equipment Manufacturer) vorgesehen. Damit dieser Vorgang erfolgreich ausgeführt werden kann, muss eine Partition ausgewählt sein. Vorsicht: Das Ändern von Partitionstypfeldern mit diesem Parameter kann dazu führen, dass der Computer nicht mehr ordnungsgemäß funktioniert oder nicht mehr gestartet werden kann. Sofern Sie kein Originalgerätehersteller oder IT-Fachmann sind, der mit GPT- Datenträgern vertraut ist, sollten Sie keine Partitionstypfelder auf GPT-Datenträgern mit diesem Parameter ändern. Verwenden Sie stattdessen immer den Befehl "CREATE PARTITION EFI" zum Erstellen von EFI-Systempartitionen, den Befehl "CREATE PARTITION MSR" zum Erstellen von MSR-Partitionen und den Befehl "CREATE PARTITION PRIMARY" (ohne diesen Parameter) zum Erstellen von primären Partitionen auf GPT-Datenträgern. Dieser Befehl funktioniert weder auf dynamischen Datenträgern noch auf MSR-Partitionen (Microsoft Reserved). Beispiel: SET ID=07 OVERRIDE SET ID=ebd0a0a2-b9e5-4433-87c0-68b6b72699c7 . Language=Polish Changes the partition type field for the partition with focus. Syntax: SET ID={ | } [OVERRIDE] [NOERR] ID={ | } Specifies the new partition type. For master boot record (MBR) disks, you can specify a partition type byte, in hexadecimal form, for the partition. Any partition type byte can be specified with this parameter except for type 0x42 (LDM partition). Note that the leading '0x' is omitted when specifying the hexadecimal partition type. For GUID partition table (GPT) disks you can specify a partition type GUID for the partition. Recognized GUIDs include: EFI System partition: c12a7328-f81f-11d2-ba4b-00a0c93ec93b Basic data partition: ebd0a0a2-b9e5-4433-87c0-68b6b72699c7 Any partition type GUID can be specified with this parameter except for the following: Microsoft Reserved partition: e3c9e316-0b5c-4db8-817d-f92df00215a LDM Metadata partition on a dynamic disk: 5808c8aa-7e8f-42e0-85d2-e1e90434cfb3 LDM Data partition on a dynamic disk: af9b60a0-1431-4f62-bc68-3311714a69ad Cluster Metadata partition: db97dba9-0840-4bae-97f0-ffb9a327c7e1 Other than the limitations mentioned, DiskPart otherwise does not check the partition type for validity except to ensure that it is a byte in hexadecimal form or a GUID. OVERRIDE Enables DiskPart to force the file system on the volume to dismount before changing the partition type. When changing the partition type, DiskPart will attempt to lock and dismount the file system on the volume. If this parameter is not specified, and the call to lock the file system fails, (because some other application has an open handle to the volume), the entire operation will fail. When this parameter is specified, the dismount is forced even if the call to lock the file system fails. When a file system is dismounted, all opened handles to the volume will become invalid. NOERR For scripting only. When an error is encountered, DiskPart continues to process commands as if the error did not occur. Without the NOERR parameter, an error causes DiskPart to exit with an error code. Intended for Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) use only. A partition must be selected for this operation to succeed. Caution: Changing partition type fields with this parameter might cause your computer to fail or be unable to start up. Unless you are an OEM or an IT professional experienced with GPT disks, do not change partition type fields on GPT disks using this parameter. Instead, always use the CREATE PARTITION EFI command to create EFI System partitions, the CREATE PARTITION MSR command to create Microsoft Reserved partitions, and the CREATE PARTITION PRIMARY command without the ID parameter to create primary partitions on GPT disks. This command does not work on dynamic disks nor on Microsoft Reserved partitions. Example: SET ID=07 OVERRIDE SET ID=ebd0a0a2-b9e5-4433-87c0-68b6b72699c7 . Language=Portugese Changes the partition type field for the partition with focus. Syntax: SET ID={ | } [OVERRIDE] [NOERR] ID={ | } Specifies the new partition type. For master boot record (MBR) disks, you can specify a partition type byte, in hexadecimal form, for the partition. Any partition type byte can be specified with this parameter except for type 0x42 (LDM partition). Note that the leading '0x' is omitted when specifying the hexadecimal partition type. For GUID partition table (GPT) disks you can specify a partition type GUID for the partition. Recognized GUIDs include: EFI System partition: c12a7328-f81f-11d2-ba4b-00a0c93ec93b Basic data partition: ebd0a0a2-b9e5-4433-87c0-68b6b72699c7 Any partition type GUID can be specified with this parameter except for the following: Microsoft Reserved partition: e3c9e316-0b5c-4db8-817d-f92df00215a LDM Metadata partition on a dynamic disk: 5808c8aa-7e8f-42e0-85d2-e1e90434cfb3 LDM Data partition on a dynamic disk: af9b60a0-1431-4f62-bc68-3311714a69ad Cluster Metadata partition: db97dba9-0840-4bae-97f0-ffb9a327c7e1 Other than the limitations mentioned, DiskPart otherwise does not check the partition type for validity except to ensure that it is a byte in hexadecimal form or a GUID. OVERRIDE Enables DiskPart to force the file system on the volume to dismount before changing the partition type. When changing the partition type, DiskPart will attempt to lock and dismount the file system on the volume. If this parameter is not specified, and the call to lock the file system fails, (because some other application has an open handle to the volume), the entire operation will fail. When this parameter is specified, the dismount is forced even if the call to lock the file system fails. When a file system is dismounted, all opened handles to the volume will become invalid. NOERR For scripting only. When an error is encountered, DiskPart continues to process commands as if the error did not occur. Without the NOERR parameter, an error causes DiskPart to exit with an error code. Intended for Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) use only. A partition must be selected for this operation to succeed. Caution: Changing partition type fields with this parameter might cause your computer to fail or be unable to start up. Unless you are an OEM or an IT professional experienced with GPT disks, do not change partition type fields on GPT disks using this parameter. Instead, always use the CREATE PARTITION EFI command to create EFI System partitions, the CREATE PARTITION MSR command to create Microsoft Reserved partitions, and the CREATE PARTITION PRIMARY command without the ID parameter to create primary partitions on GPT disks. This command does not work on dynamic disks nor on Microsoft Reserved partitions. Example: SET ID=07 OVERRIDE SET ID=ebd0a0a2-b9e5-4433-87c0-68b6b72699c7 . Language=Romanian Changes the partition type field for the partition with focus. Syntax: SET ID={ | } [OVERRIDE] [NOERR] ID={ | } Specifies the new partition type. For master boot record (MBR) disks, you can specify a partition type byte, in hexadecimal form, for the partition. Any partition type byte can be specified with this parameter except for type 0x42 (LDM partition). Note that the leading '0x' is omitted when specifying the hexadecimal partition type. For GUID partition table (GPT) disks you can specify a partition type GUID for the partition. Recognized GUIDs include: EFI System partition: c12a7328-f81f-11d2-ba4b-00a0c93ec93b Basic data partition: ebd0a0a2-b9e5-4433-87c0-68b6b72699c7 Any partition type GUID can be specified with this parameter except for the following: Microsoft Reserved partition: e3c9e316-0b5c-4db8-817d-f92df00215a LDM Metadata partition on a dynamic disk: 5808c8aa-7e8f-42e0-85d2-e1e90434cfb3 LDM Data partition on a dynamic disk: af9b60a0-1431-4f62-bc68-3311714a69ad Cluster Metadata partition: db97dba9-0840-4bae-97f0-ffb9a327c7e1 Other than the limitations mentioned, DiskPart otherwise does not check the partition type for validity except to ensure that it is a byte in hexadecimal form or a GUID. OVERRIDE Enables DiskPart to force the file system on the volume to dismount before changing the partition type. When changing the partition type, DiskPart will attempt to lock and dismount the file system on the volume. If this parameter is not specified, and the call to lock the file system fails, (because some other application has an open handle to the volume), the entire operation will fail. When this parameter is specified, the dismount is forced even if the call to lock the file system fails. When a file system is dismounted, all opened handles to the volume will become invalid. NOERR For scripting only. When an error is encountered, DiskPart continues to process commands as if the error did not occur. Without the NOERR parameter, an error causes DiskPart to exit with an error code. Intended for Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) use only. A partition must be selected for this operation to succeed. Caution: Changing partition type fields with this parameter might cause your computer to fail or be unable to start up. Unless you are an OEM or an IT professional experienced with GPT disks, do not change partition type fields on GPT disks using this parameter. Instead, always use the CREATE PARTITION EFI command to create EFI System partitions, the CREATE PARTITION MSR command to create Microsoft Reserved partitions, and the CREATE PARTITION PRIMARY command without the ID parameter to create primary partitions on GPT disks. This command does not work on dynamic disks nor on Microsoft Reserved partitions. Example: SET ID=07 OVERRIDE SET ID=ebd0a0a2-b9e5-4433-87c0-68b6b72699c7 . Language=Russian Changes the partition type field for the partition with focus. Syntax: SET ID={ | } [OVERRIDE] [NOERR] ID={ | } Specifies the new partition type. For master boot record (MBR) disks, you can specify a partition type byte, in hexadecimal form, for the partition. Any partition type byte can be specified with this parameter except for type 0x42 (LDM partition). Note that the leading '0x' is omitted when specifying the hexadecimal partition type. For GUID partition table (GPT) disks you can specify a partition type GUID for the partition. Recognized GUIDs include: EFI System partition: c12a7328-f81f-11d2-ba4b-00a0c93ec93b Basic data partition: ebd0a0a2-b9e5-4433-87c0-68b6b72699c7 Any partition type GUID can be specified with this parameter except for the following: Microsoft Reserved partition: e3c9e316-0b5c-4db8-817d-f92df00215a LDM Metadata partition on a dynamic disk: 5808c8aa-7e8f-42e0-85d2-e1e90434cfb3 LDM Data partition on a dynamic disk: af9b60a0-1431-4f62-bc68-3311714a69ad Cluster Metadata partition: db97dba9-0840-4bae-97f0-ffb9a327c7e1 Other than the limitations mentioned, DiskPart otherwise does not check the partition type for validity except to ensure that it is a byte in hexadecimal form or a GUID. OVERRIDE Enables DiskPart to force the file system on the volume to dismount before changing the partition type. When changing the partition type, DiskPart will attempt to lock and dismount the file system on the volume. If this parameter is not specified, and the call to lock the file system fails, (because some other application has an open handle to the volume), the entire operation will fail. When this parameter is specified, the dismount is forced even if the call to lock the file system fails. When a file system is dismounted, all opened handles to the volume will become invalid. NOERR For scripting only. When an error is encountered, DiskPart continues to process commands as if the error did not occur. Without the NOERR parameter, an error causes DiskPart to exit with an error code. Intended for Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) use only. A partition must be selected for this operation to succeed. Caution: Changing partition type fields with this parameter might cause your computer to fail or be unable to start up. Unless you are an OEM or an IT professional experienced with GPT disks, do not change partition type fields on GPT disks using this parameter. Instead, always use the CREATE PARTITION EFI command to create EFI System partitions, the CREATE PARTITION MSR command to create Microsoft Reserved partitions, and the CREATE PARTITION PRIMARY command without the ID parameter to create primary partitions on GPT disks. This command does not work on dynamic disks nor on Microsoft Reserved partitions. Example: SET ID=07 OVERRIDE SET ID=ebd0a0a2-b9e5-4433-87c0-68b6b72699c7 . Language=Albanian Changes the partition type field for the partition with focus. Syntax: SET ID={ | } [OVERRIDE] [NOERR] ID={ | } Specifies the new partition type. For master boot record (MBR) disks, you can specify a partition type byte, in hexadecimal form, for the partition. Any partition type byte can be specified with this parameter except for type 0x42 (LDM partition). Note that the leading '0x' is omitted when specifying the hexadecimal partition type. For GUID partition table (GPT) disks you can specify a partition type GUID for the partition. Recognized GUIDs include: EFI System partition: c12a7328-f81f-11d2-ba4b-00a0c93ec93b Basic data partition: ebd0a0a2-b9e5-4433-87c0-68b6b72699c7 Any partition type GUID can be specified with this parameter except for the following: Microsoft Reserved partition: e3c9e316-0b5c-4db8-817d-f92df00215a LDM Metadata partition on a dynamic disk: 5808c8aa-7e8f-42e0-85d2-e1e90434cfb3 LDM Data partition on a dynamic disk: af9b60a0-1431-4f62-bc68-3311714a69ad Cluster Metadata partition: db97dba9-0840-4bae-97f0-ffb9a327c7e1 Other than the limitations mentioned, DiskPart otherwise does not check the partition type for validity except to ensure that it is a byte in hexadecimal form or a GUID. OVERRIDE Enables DiskPart to force the file system on the volume to dismount before changing the partition type. When changing the partition type, DiskPart will attempt to lock and dismount the file system on the volume. If this parameter is not specified, and the call to lock the file system fails, (because some other application has an open handle to the volume), the entire operation will fail. When this parameter is specified, the dismount is forced even if the call to lock the file system fails. When a file system is dismounted, all opened handles to the volume will become invalid. NOERR For scripting only. When an error is encountered, DiskPart continues to process commands as if the error did not occur. Without the NOERR parameter, an error causes DiskPart to exit with an error code. Intended for Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) use only. A partition must be selected for this operation to succeed. Caution: Changing partition type fields with this parameter might cause your computer to fail or be unable to start up. Unless you are an OEM or an IT professional experienced with GPT disks, do not change partition type fields on GPT disks using this parameter. Instead, always use the CREATE PARTITION EFI command to create EFI System partitions, the CREATE PARTITION MSR command to create Microsoft Reserved partitions, and the CREATE PARTITION PRIMARY command without the ID parameter to create primary partitions on GPT disks. This command does not work on dynamic disks nor on Microsoft Reserved partitions. Example: SET ID=07 OVERRIDE SET ID=ebd0a0a2-b9e5-4433-87c0-68b6b72699c7 . Language=Turkish Changes the partition type field for the partition with focus. Syntax: SET ID={ | } [OVERRIDE] [NOERR] ID={ | } Specifies the new partition type. For master boot record (MBR) disks, you can specify a partition type byte, in hexadecimal form, for the partition. Any partition type byte can be specified with this parameter except for type 0x42 (LDM partition). Note that the leading '0x' is omitted when specifying the hexadecimal partition type. For GUID partition table (GPT) disks you can specify a partition type GUID for the partition. Recognized GUIDs include: EFI System partition: c12a7328-f81f-11d2-ba4b-00a0c93ec93b Basic data partition: ebd0a0a2-b9e5-4433-87c0-68b6b72699c7 Any partition type GUID can be specified with this parameter except for the following: Microsoft Reserved partition: e3c9e316-0b5c-4db8-817d-f92df00215a LDM Metadata partition on a dynamic disk: 5808c8aa-7e8f-42e0-85d2-e1e90434cfb3 LDM Data partition on a dynamic disk: af9b60a0-1431-4f62-bc68-3311714a69ad Cluster Metadata partition: db97dba9-0840-4bae-97f0-ffb9a327c7e1 Other than the limitations mentioned, DiskPart otherwise does not check the partition type for validity except to ensure that it is a byte in hexadecimal form or a GUID. OVERRIDE Enables DiskPart to force the file system on the volume to dismount before changing the partition type. When changing the partition type, DiskPart will attempt to lock and dismount the file system on the volume. If this parameter is not specified, and the call to lock the file system fails, (because some other application has an open handle to the volume), the entire operation will fail. When this parameter is specified, the dismount is forced even if the call to lock the file system fails. When a file system is dismounted, all opened handles to the volume will become invalid. NOERR For scripting only. When an error is encountered, DiskPart continues to process commands as if the error did not occur. Without the NOERR parameter, an error causes DiskPart to exit with an error code. Intended for Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) use only. A partition must be selected for this operation to succeed. Caution: Changing partition type fields with this parameter might cause your computer to fail or be unable to start up. Unless you are an OEM or an IT professional experienced with GPT disks, do not change partition type fields on GPT disks using this parameter. Instead, always use the CREATE PARTITION EFI command to create EFI System partitions, the CREATE PARTITION MSR command to create Microsoft Reserved partitions, and the CREATE PARTITION PRIMARY command without the ID parameter to create primary partitions on GPT disks. This command does not work on dynamic disks nor on Microsoft Reserved partitions. Example: SET ID=07 OVERRIDE SET ID=ebd0a0a2-b9e5-4433-87c0-68b6b72699c7 . Language=Chinese Changes the partition type field for the partition with focus. Syntax: SET ID={ | } [OVERRIDE] [NOERR] ID={ | } Specifies the new partition type. For master boot record (MBR) disks, you can specify a partition type byte, in hexadecimal form, for the partition. Any partition type byte can be specified with this parameter except for type 0x42 (LDM partition). Note that the leading '0x' is omitted when specifying the hexadecimal partition type. For GUID partition table (GPT) disks you can specify a partition type GUID for the partition. Recognized GUIDs include: EFI System partition: c12a7328-f81f-11d2-ba4b-00a0c93ec93b Basic data partition: ebd0a0a2-b9e5-4433-87c0-68b6b72699c7 Any partition type GUID can be specified with this parameter except for the following: Microsoft Reserved partition: e3c9e316-0b5c-4db8-817d-f92df00215a LDM Metadata partition on a dynamic disk: 5808c8aa-7e8f-42e0-85d2-e1e90434cfb3 LDM Data partition on a dynamic disk: af9b60a0-1431-4f62-bc68-3311714a69ad Cluster Metadata partition: db97dba9-0840-4bae-97f0-ffb9a327c7e1 Other than the limitations mentioned, DiskPart otherwise does not check the partition type for validity except to ensure that it is a byte in hexadecimal form or a GUID. OVERRIDE Enables DiskPart to force the file system on the volume to dismount before changing the partition type. When changing the partition type, DiskPart will attempt to lock and dismount the file system on the volume. If this parameter is not specified, and the call to lock the file system fails, (because some other application has an open handle to the volume), the entire operation will fail. When this parameter is specified, the dismount is forced even if the call to lock the file system fails. When a file system is dismounted, all opened handles to the volume will become invalid. NOERR For scripting only. When an error is encountered, DiskPart continues to process commands as if the error did not occur. Without the NOERR parameter, an error causes DiskPart to exit with an error code. Intended for Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) use only. A partition must be selected for this operation to succeed. Caution: Changing partition type fields with this parameter might cause your computer to fail or be unable to start up. Unless you are an OEM or an IT professional experienced with GPT disks, do not change partition type fields on GPT disks using this parameter. Instead, always use the CREATE PARTITION EFI command to create EFI System partitions, the CREATE PARTITION MSR command to create Microsoft Reserved partitions, and the CREATE PARTITION PRIMARY command without the ID parameter to create primary partitions on GPT disks. This command does not work on dynamic disks nor on Microsoft Reserved partitions. Example: SET ID=07 OVERRIDE SET ID=ebd0a0a2-b9e5-4433-87c0-68b6b72699c7 . Language=Taiwanese Changes the partition type field for the partition with focus. Syntax: SET ID={ | } [OVERRIDE] [NOERR] ID={ | } Specifies the new partition type. For master boot record (MBR) disks, you can specify a partition type byte, in hexadecimal form, for the partition. Any partition type byte can be specified with this parameter except for type 0x42 (LDM partition). Note that the leading '0x' is omitted when specifying the hexadecimal partition type. For GUID partition table (GPT) disks you can specify a partition type GUID for the partition. Recognized GUIDs include: EFI System partition: c12a7328-f81f-11d2-ba4b-00a0c93ec93b Basic data partition: ebd0a0a2-b9e5-4433-87c0-68b6b72699c7 Any partition type GUID can be specified with this parameter except for the following: Microsoft Reserved partition: e3c9e316-0b5c-4db8-817d-f92df00215a LDM Metadata partition on a dynamic disk: 5808c8aa-7e8f-42e0-85d2-e1e90434cfb3 LDM Data partition on a dynamic disk: af9b60a0-1431-4f62-bc68-3311714a69ad Cluster Metadata partition: db97dba9-0840-4bae-97f0-ffb9a327c7e1 Other than the limitations mentioned, DiskPart otherwise does not check the partition type for validity except to ensure that it is a byte in hexadecimal form or a GUID. OVERRIDE Enables DiskPart to force the file system on the volume to dismount before changing the partition type. When changing the partition type, DiskPart will attempt to lock and dismount the file system on the volume. If this parameter is not specified, and the call to lock the file system fails, (because some other application has an open handle to the volume), the entire operation will fail. When this parameter is specified, the dismount is forced even if the call to lock the file system fails. When a file system is dismounted, all opened handles to the volume will become invalid. NOERR For scripting only. When an error is encountered, DiskPart continues to process commands as if the error did not occur. Without the NOERR parameter, an error causes DiskPart to exit with an error code. Intended for Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) use only. A partition must be selected for this operation to succeed. Caution: Changing partition type fields with this parameter might cause your computer to fail or be unable to start up. Unless you are an OEM or an IT professional experienced with GPT disks, do not change partition type fields on GPT disks using this parameter. Instead, always use the CREATE PARTITION EFI command to create EFI System partitions, the CREATE PARTITION MSR command to create Microsoft Reserved partitions, and the CREATE PARTITION PRIMARY command without the ID parameter to create primary partitions on GPT disks. This command does not work on dynamic disks nor on Microsoft Reserved partitions. Example: SET ID=07 OVERRIDE SET ID=ebd0a0a2-b9e5-4433-87c0-68b6b72699c7 . MessageId=10051 SymbolicName=MSG_COMMAND_SHRINK Severity=Informational Facility=System Language=English . Language=German . Language=Polish . Language=Portugese . Language=Romanian . Language=Russian . Language=Albanian . Language=Turkish . Language=Chinese . Language=Taiwanese . MessageId=10052 SymbolicName=MSG_COMMAND_UNIQUEID_DISK Severity=Informational Facility=System Language=English Displays or sets the GUID partition table (GPT) identifier or master boot record (MBR) signature for the disk with focus. Syntax: UNIQUEID DISK [ID={ | }] [NOERR] ID={ | } For MBR disks, you can specify a four-byte (DWORD) value in hexadecimal form for the signature. For GPT disks, specify a GUID for the identifier. NOERR For scripting only. When an error is encountered, DiskPart continues to process commands as if the error did not occur. Without the NOERR parameter, an error causes DiskPart to exit with an error code. A disk must be selected for this operation to succeed. This command works on basic and dynamic disks. Example: UNIQUEID DISK UNIQUEID DISK ID=5f1b2c36 UNIQUEID DISK ID=baf784e7-6bbd-4cfb-aaac-e86c96e166ee . Language=German Dient zum Anzeigen oder Festlegen des GPT-Bezeichners (GPT = GUID-Partitionstabelle) oder der MBR-Signatur (Master Boot Record) für den Datenträger, der den Fokus hat. Syntax: UNIQUEID DISK [ID={ | }] [NOERR] ID={ | } Für MBR-Datenträger können Sie einen Wert mit einer Länge von vier Bytes (DWORD) im Hexadezimalformat für die Signatur angeben. Für GPT-Datenträger können Sie einen GUID für den Bezeichner angeben. NOERR Nur für Skripting. Wenn ein Fehler auftritt, setzt DiskPart die Verarbeitung von Befehlen fort, als sei der Fehler nicht aufgetreten. Ohne den Parameter NOERR wird DiskPart bei einem Fehler mit dem entsprechenden Fehlercode beendet. Damit dieser Vorgang erfolgreich ausgeführt werden kann, muss ein Datenträger ausgewählt sein. Der Befehl kann für Basisdatenträger und dynamische Datenträger verwendet werden. Beispiel: UNIQUEID DISK UNIQUEID DISK ID=5f1b2c36 UNIQUEID DISK ID=baf784e7-6bbd-4cfb-aaac-e86c96e166ee . Language=Polish Displays or sets the GUID partition table (GPT) identifier or master boot record (MBR) signature for the disk with focus. Syntax: UNIQUEID DISK [ID={ | }] [NOERR] ID={ | } For MBR disks, you can specify a four-byte (DWORD) value in hexadecimal form for the signature. For GPT disks, specify a GUID for the identifier. NOERR For scripting only. When an error is encountered, DiskPart continues to process commands as if the error did not occur. Without the NOERR parameter, an error causes DiskPart to exit with an error code. A disk must be selected for this operation to succeed. This command works on basic and dynamic disks. Example: UNIQUEID DISK UNIQUEID DISK ID=5f1b2c36 UNIQUEID DISK ID=baf784e7-6bbd-4cfb-aaac-e86c96e166ee . Language=Portugese Displays or sets the GUID partition table (GPT) identifier or master boot record (MBR) signature for the disk with focus. Syntax: UNIQUEID DISK [ID={ | }] [NOERR] ID={ | } For MBR disks, you can specify a four-byte (DWORD) value in hexadecimal form for the signature. For GPT disks, specify a GUID for the identifier. NOERR For scripting only. When an error is encountered, DiskPart continues to process commands as if the error did not occur. Without the NOERR parameter, an error causes DiskPart to exit with an error code. A disk must be selected for this operation to succeed. This command works on basic and dynamic disks. Example: UNIQUEID DISK UNIQUEID DISK ID=5f1b2c36 UNIQUEID DISK ID=baf784e7-6bbd-4cfb-aaac-e86c96e166ee . Language=Romanian Displays or sets the GUID partition table (GPT) identifier or master boot record (MBR) signature for the disk with focus. Syntax: UNIQUEID DISK [ID={ | }] [NOERR] ID={ | } For MBR disks, you can specify a four-byte (DWORD) value in hexadecimal form for the signature. For GPT disks, specify a GUID for the identifier. NOERR For scripting only. When an error is encountered, DiskPart continues to process commands as if the error did not occur. Without the NOERR parameter, an error causes DiskPart to exit with an error code. A disk must be selected for this operation to succeed. This command works on basic and dynamic disks. Example: UNIQUEID DISK UNIQUEID DISK ID=5f1b2c36 UNIQUEID DISK ID=baf784e7-6bbd-4cfb-aaac-e86c96e166ee . Language=Russian Displays or sets the GUID partition table (GPT) identifier or master boot record (MBR) signature for the disk with focus. Syntax: UNIQUEID DISK [ID={ | }] [NOERR] ID={ | } For MBR disks, you can specify a four-byte (DWORD) value in hexadecimal form for the signature. For GPT disks, specify a GUID for the identifier. NOERR For scripting only. When an error is encountered, DiskPart continues to process commands as if the error did not occur. Without the NOERR parameter, an error causes DiskPart to exit with an error code. A disk must be selected for this operation to succeed. This command works on basic and dynamic disks. Example: UNIQUEID DISK UNIQUEID DISK ID=5f1b2c36 UNIQUEID DISK ID=baf784e7-6bbd-4cfb-aaac-e86c96e166ee . Language=Albanian Displays or sets the GUID partition table (GPT) identifier or master boot record (MBR) signature for the disk with focus. Syntax: UNIQUEID DISK [ID={ | }] [NOERR] ID={ | } For MBR disks, you can specify a four-byte (DWORD) value in hexadecimal form for the signature. For GPT disks, specify a GUID for the identifier. NOERR For scripting only. When an error is encountered, DiskPart continues to process commands as if the error did not occur. Without the NOERR parameter, an error causes DiskPart to exit with an error code. A disk must be selected for this operation to succeed. This command works on basic and dynamic disks. Example: UNIQUEID DISK UNIQUEID DISK ID=5f1b2c36 UNIQUEID DISK ID=baf784e7-6bbd-4cfb-aaac-e86c96e166ee . Language=Turkish Displays or sets the GUID partition table (GPT) identifier or master boot record (MBR) signature for the disk with focus. Syntax: UNIQUEID DISK [ID={ | }] [NOERR] ID={ | } For MBR disks, you can specify a four-byte (DWORD) value in hexadecimal form for the signature. For GPT disks, specify a GUID for the identifier. NOERR For scripting only. When an error is encountered, DiskPart continues to process commands as if the error did not occur. Without the NOERR parameter, an error causes DiskPart to exit with an error code. A disk must be selected for this operation to succeed. This command works on basic and dynamic disks. Example: UNIQUEID DISK UNIQUEID DISK ID=5f1b2c36 UNIQUEID DISK ID=baf784e7-6bbd-4cfb-aaac-e86c96e166ee . Language=Chinese Displays or sets the GUID partition table (GPT) identifier or master boot record (MBR) signature for the disk with focus. Syntax: UNIQUEID DISK [ID={ | }] [NOERR] ID={ | } For MBR disks, you can specify a four-byte (DWORD) value in hexadecimal form for the signature. For GPT disks, specify a GUID for the identifier. NOERR For scripting only. When an error is encountered, DiskPart continues to process commands as if the error did not occur. Without the NOERR parameter, an error causes DiskPart to exit with an error code. A disk must be selected for this operation to succeed. This command works on basic and dynamic disks. Example: UNIQUEID DISK UNIQUEID DISK ID=5f1b2c36 UNIQUEID DISK ID=baf784e7-6bbd-4cfb-aaac-e86c96e166ee . Language=Taiwanese Displays or sets the GUID partition table (GPT) identifier or master boot record (MBR) signature for the disk with focus. Syntax: UNIQUEID DISK [ID={ | }] [NOERR] ID={ | } For MBR disks, you can specify a four-byte (DWORD) value in hexadecimal form for the signature. For GPT disks, specify a GUID for the identifier. NOERR For scripting only. When an error is encountered, DiskPart continues to process commands as if the error did not occur. Without the NOERR parameter, an error causes DiskPart to exit with an error code. A disk must be selected for this operation to succeed. This command works on basic and dynamic disks. Example: UNIQUEID DISK UNIQUEID DISK ID=5f1b2c36 UNIQUEID DISK ID=baf784e7-6bbd-4cfb-aaac-e86c96e166ee .