/* * ReactOS ATL * * Copyright 2016 Mark Jansen * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ #pragma once class CSize; class CRect; class CPoint : public tagPOINT { public: CPoint() throw() { x = y = 0; } CPoint(int initX, int initY) throw() { x = initX; y = initY; } CPoint(POINT initPt) throw() { *((POINT*)this) = initPt; } CPoint(SIZE initSize) throw() { *((SIZE*)this) = initSize; } CPoint(LPARAM dwPoint) throw() { x = LOWORD(dwPoint); y = HIWORD(dwPoint); } void Offset(int xOffset, int yOffset) throw() { x += xOffset; y += yOffset; } void Offset(POINT point) throw() { Offset(point.x, point.y); } void Offset(SIZE size) throw() { Offset(size.cx, size.cy); } BOOL operator==(POINT point) const throw() { return (x == point.x && y == point.y); } BOOL operator!=(POINT point) const throw() { return !(*this == point); } void operator+=(SIZE size) throw() { Offset(size); } void operator+=(POINT point) throw() { Offset(point); } void operator-=(SIZE size) throw() { Offset(-size.cx, -size.cy); } void operator-=(POINT point) throw() { Offset(-point.x, -point.y); } CPoint operator+(SIZE size) const throw() { return CPoint(x + size.cx, y + size.cy); } CPoint operator+(POINT point) const throw() { return CPoint(x + point.x, y + point.y); } CRect operator+(const RECT* lpRect) const throw(); CSize operator-(POINT point) const throw(); CPoint operator-(SIZE size) const throw() { return CPoint(x - size.cx, y - size.cy); } CRect operator-(const RECT* lpRect) const throw(); CPoint operator-() const throw() { return CPoint(-x, -y); } }; class CSize : public tagSIZE { public: CSize() throw() { cx = cy = 0; } CSize(int initCX, int initCY) throw() { cx = initCX; cy = initCY; } CSize(SIZE initSize) throw() { *((SIZE*)this) = initSize; } CSize(POINT initPt) throw() { *((POINT*)this) = initPt; } CSize(DWORD dwSize) throw() { cx = LOWORD(dwSize); cy = HIWORD(dwSize); } BOOL operator==(SIZE size) const throw() { return (size.cx == cx && size.cy == cy); } BOOL operator!=(SIZE size) const throw() { return !(*this == size); } void operator+=(SIZE size) throw() { cx += size.cx; cy += size.cy; } void operator-=(SIZE size) throw() { cx -= size.cx; cy -= size.cy; } CSize operator+(SIZE size) const throw() { return CSize(cx + size.cx, cy + size.cy); } CPoint operator+(POINT point) const throw() { return CPoint(cx + point.x, cy + point.y); } CRect operator+(const RECT* lpRect) const throw(); CSize operator-(SIZE size) const throw() { return CSize(cx - size.cx, cy - size.cy); } CPoint operator-(POINT point) const throw() { return CPoint(cx - point.x, cy - point.y); } CRect operator-(const RECT* lpRect) const throw(); CSize operator-() const throw() { return CSize(-cx, -cy); } }; CSize CPoint::operator-(POINT point) const throw() { return CSize(x - point.x, y - point.y); } class CRect : public tagRECT { public: CRect() throw() { left = top = right = bottom = 0; } CRect(int l, int t, int r, int b) throw() { left = l; top = t; right = r; bottom = b; } CRect(const RECT& srcRect) throw() { left = srcRect.left; top = srcRect.top; right = srcRect.right; bottom = srcRect.bottom; } CRect(LPCRECT lpSrcRect) throw() { left = lpSrcRect->left; top = lpSrcRect->top; right = lpSrcRect->right; bottom = lpSrcRect->bottom; } CRect(POINT point, SIZE size) throw() { left = point.x; top = point.y; right = point.x + size.cx; bottom = point.y + size.cy; } CRect(POINT topLeft, POINT bottomRight) throw() { left = topLeft.x; top = topLeft.y; right = bottomRight.x; bottom = bottomRight.y; } CPoint& BottomRight() throw() { return ((CPoint*)this)[1]; } const CPoint& BottomRight() const throw() { return ((const CPoint*)this)[1]; } CPoint CenterPoint() const throw() { return CPoint(left + (Width() >> 1), top + (Height() >> 1)); } void CopyRect(LPCRECT lpSrcRect) throw() { ::CopyRect(this, lpSrcRect); } void DeflateRect(int x, int y) throw() { ::InflateRect(this, -x, -y); } void DeflateRect(SIZE size) throw() { ::InflateRect(this, -size.cx, -size.cy); } void DeflateRect(LPCRECT lpRect) throw() { DeflateRect(lpRect->left, lpRect->top, lpRect->right, lpRect->bottom); } void DeflateRect(int l, int t, int r, int b) throw() { left += l; top += t; right -= r; bottom -= b; } BOOL EqualRect(LPCRECT lpRect) const throw() { return ::EqualRect(this, lpRect); } int Height() const throw() { return bottom - top; } void InflateRect(int x, int y) throw() { ::InflateRect(this, x, y); } void InflateRect(SIZE size) throw() { ::InflateRect(this, size.cx, size.cy); } void InflateRect(LPCRECT lpRect) throw() { InflateRect(lpRect->left, lpRect->top, lpRect->right, lpRect->bottom); } void InflateRect(int l, int t, int r, int b) throw() { left -= l; top -= t; right += r; bottom += b; } BOOL IntersectRect(LPCRECT lpRect1, LPCRECT lpRect2) throw() { return ::IntersectRect(this, lpRect1, lpRect2); } BOOL IsRectEmpty() const throw() { return ::IsRectEmpty(this); } BOOL IsRectNull() const throw() { return (left == 0 && right == 0 && top == 0 && bottom == 0); } //void MoveToX(int x) throw() //void MoveToXY(int x, int y) throw() //void MoveToXY(POINT point) throw() //void MoveToY(int y) throw() //void NormalizeRect() throw() void OffsetRect(int x, int y) throw() { ::OffsetRect(this, x, y); } void OffsetRect(POINT point) throw() { ::OffsetRect(this, point.x, point.y); } void OffsetRect(SIZE size) throw() { ::OffsetRect(this, size.cx, size.cy); } //BOOL PtInRect(POINT point) const throw() //void SetRect(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2) throw() //void SetRectEmpty() throw() //CSize Size() const throw() //BOOL SubtractRect(LPCRECT lpRectSrc1, LPCRECT lpRectSrc2) throw() CPoint& TopLeft() throw() { return ((CPoint*)this)[0]; } const CPoint& TopLeft() const throw() { return ((const CPoint*)this)[0]; } BOOL UnionRect(LPCRECT lpRect1, LPCRECT lpRect2) throw() { return ::UnionRect(this, lpRect1, lpRect2); } int Width() const throw() { return right - left; } BOOL operator==(const RECT& rect) const throw() { return (left == rect.left && top == rect.top && right == rect.right && bottom == rect.bottom); } BOOL operator!=(const RECT& rect) const throw() { return !(*this == rect); } void operator=(const RECT& srcRect) throw() { left = srcRect.left; top = srcRect.top; right = srcRect.right; bottom = srcRect.bottom; } void operator+=(POINT point) throw() { OffsetRect(point); } void operator+=(SIZE size) throw() { OffsetRect(size); } void operator+=(LPCRECT lpRect) throw() { InflateRect(lpRect); } void operator-=(POINT point) throw() { OffsetRect(-point.x, -point.y); } void operator-=(SIZE size) throw() { OffsetRect(-size.cx, -size.cy); } void operator-=(LPCRECT lpRect) throw() { DeflateRect(lpRect); } CRect operator+(POINT point) const throw() { CRect r(this); r.OffsetRect(point); return r; } CRect operator+(LPCRECT lpRect) const throw() { CRect r(this); r.InflateRect(lpRect); return r; } CRect operator+(SIZE size) const throw() { CRect r(this); r.OffsetRect(size); return r; } CRect operator-(POINT point) const throw() { CRect r(this); r.OffsetRect(-point.x, -point.y); return r; } CRect operator-(SIZE size) const throw() { CRect r(this); r.OffsetRect(-size.cx, -size.cy); return r; } CRect operator-(LPCRECT lpRect) const throw() { CRect r(this); r.DeflateRect(lpRect); return r; } void operator&=(const RECT& rect) throw() { IntersectRect(this, &rect); } CRect operator&(const RECT& rect2) const throw() { CRect r; r.IntersectRect(this, &rect2); return r; } void operator|=(const RECT& rect) throw() { UnionRect(this, &rect); } CRect operator|(const RECT& rect2) const throw() { CRect r; r.UnionRect(this, &rect2); return r; } operator LPRECT() throw() { return this; } operator LPCRECT() const throw() { return this; } }; CRect CPoint::operator+(const RECT* lpRect) const throw() { CRect r(lpRect); r += *this; return r; } CRect CPoint::operator-(const RECT* lpRect) const throw() { CRect r(lpRect); r -= *this; return r; } CRect CSize::operator+(const RECT* lpRect) const throw() { CRect r(lpRect); r += *this; return r; } CRect CSize::operator-(const RECT* lpRect) const throw() { CRect r(lpRect); r -= *this; return r; }