/* * COPYRIGHT: See COPYING in the top level directory * PROJECT: ReactOS system libraries * FILE: lib/msvcrt/stdlib/itoa.c * PURPOSE: converts a integer to ascii * PROGRAMER: * UPDATE HISTORY: * 1995: Created * 1998: Added ltoa by Ariadne * 2006 : replace all api in this file to wine cvs 2006-05-21 */ /* */ #include /* * @implemented * copy _i64toa from wine cvs 2006 month 05 day 21 */ char* _i64toa(__int64 value, char* string, int radix) { ULONGLONG val; int negative; char buffer[65]; char *pos; int digit; if (value < 0 && radix == 10) { negative = 1; val = -value; } else { negative = 0; val = value; } /* if */ pos = &buffer[64]; *pos = '\0'; do { digit = val % radix; val = val / radix; if (digit < 10) { *--pos = '0' + digit; } else { *--pos = 'a' + digit - 10; } /* if */ } while (val != 0L); if (negative) { *--pos = '-'; } /* if */ memcpy(string, pos, &buffer[64] - pos + 1); return string; } /* * @implemented */ char* _ui64toa(unsigned __int64 value, char* string, int radix) { char buffer[65]; char *pos; int digit; pos = &buffer[64]; *pos = '\0'; do { digit = value % radix; value = value / radix; if (digit < 10) { *--pos = '0' + digit; } else { *--pos = 'a' + digit - 10; } /* if */ } while (value != 0L); memcpy(string, pos, &buffer[64] - pos + 1); return string; }