/** * This file has no copyright assigned and is placed in the Public Domain. * This file is part of the w64 mingw-runtime package. * No warranty is given; refer to the file DISCLAIMER within this package. */ #ifndef _INC_MATH #define _INC_MATH #include "crtdefs.h" struct exception; #pragma pack(push,_CRT_PACKING) #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif #if defined(__GNUC__) /* Some 3rd party code needs the declaration of C99 functions */ #include "mingw_math.h" #endif #ifndef _EXCEPTION_DEFINED #define _EXCEPTION_DEFINED struct _exception { int type; char *name; double arg1; double arg2; double retval; }; #endif #ifndef _COMPLEX_DEFINED #define _COMPLEX_DEFINED struct _complex { double x,y; }; #endif #define _DOMAIN 1 #define _SING 2 #define _OVERFLOW 3 #define _UNDERFLOW 4 #define _TLOSS 5 #define _PLOSS 6 #define EDOM 33 #define ERANGE 34 _CRTIMP extern double _HUGE; #define HUGE_VAL _HUGE #define _matherrl _matherr #ifndef _CRT_ABS_DEFINED #define _CRT_ABS_DEFINED int __cdecl abs(int x); long __cdecl labs(long x); #endif double __cdecl acos(double x); double __cdecl asin(double x); double __cdecl atan(double x); double __cdecl atan2(double y, double x); double __cdecl cos(double x); double __cdecl cosh(double x); double __cdecl exp(double x); double __cdecl fabs(double x); double __cdecl fmod(double x, double y); double __cdecl log(double x); double __cdecl log10(double x); double __cdecl pow(double x, double y); double __cdecl sin(double x); double __cdecl sinh(double x); double __cdecl sqrt(double x); double __cdecl tan(double x); double __cdecl tanh(double x); #ifndef _CRT_MATHERR_DEFINED #define _CRT_MATHERR_DEFINED int __cdecl _matherr(struct _exception *except); #endif #ifndef _CRT_ATOF_DEFINED #define _CRT_ATOF_DEFINED _CRTIMP double __cdecl atof(const char *str); _CRTIMP double __cdecl _atof_l(const char *str ,_locale_t locale); #endif #ifndef _SIGN_DEFINED #define _SIGN_DEFINED _CRTIMP double __cdecl _copysign(double x,double sgn); _CRTIMP double __cdecl _chgsign(double x); #endif _CRTIMP double __cdecl _cabs(struct _complex a); _CRTIMP double __cdecl ceil(double x); _CRTIMP double __cdecl floor(double x); _CRTIMP double __cdecl frexp(double x, int *y); _CRTIMP double __cdecl _hypot(double x, double y); _CRTIMP double __cdecl _j0(double x); _CRTIMP double __cdecl _j1(double x); _CRTIMP double __cdecl _jn(int x, double y); _CRTIMP double __cdecl ldexp(double x, int y); _CRTIMP double __cdecl modf(double x, double *y); _CRTIMP double __cdecl _y0(double x); _CRTIMP double __cdecl _y1(double x); _CRTIMP double __cdecl _yn(int x, double y); _CRTIMP float __cdecl _hypotf(float x, float y); #if defined(__i386__) || defined(_M_IX86) _CRTIMP int __cdecl _set_SSE2_enable(int flag); #endif #if defined(__x86_64) || defined(_M_AMD64) _CRTIMP float __cdecl _copysignf(float x, float sgn); _CRTIMP float __cdecl _chgsignf(float x); _CRTIMP float __cdecl _logbf(float x); _CRTIMP float __cdecl _nextafterf(float x,float y); _CRTIMP int __cdecl _finitef(float x); _CRTIMP int __cdecl _isnanf(float x); _CRTIMP int __cdecl _fpclassf(float x); #endif #if defined(__ia64__) || defined (_M_IA64) _CRTIMP float __cdecl fabsf(float x); _CRTIMP float __cdecl ldexpf(float x, int y); _CRTIMP long double __cdecl tanl(long double x); #else __CRT_INLINE float __cdecl fabsf(float x) { return ((float)fabs((double)x)); } __CRT_INLINE float __cdecl ldexpf(float x, int expn) { return (float)ldexp (x, expn); } __CRT_INLINE long double tanl(long double x) { return (tan((double)x)); } #endif #if (_WIN32_WINNT >= 0x600) && \ (defined(__x86_64) || defined(_M_AMD64) || \ defined (__ia64__) || defined (_M_IA64)) _CRTIMP float __cdecl acosf(float x); _CRTIMP float __cdecl asinf(float x); _CRTIMP float __cdecl atanf(float x); _CRTIMP float __cdecl atan2f(float x, float y); _CRTIMP float __cdecl ceilf(float x); _CRTIMP float __cdecl cosf(float x); _CRTIMP float __cdecl coshf(float x); _CRTIMP float __cdecl expf(float x); _CRTIMP float __cdecl floorf(float x); _CRTIMP float __cdecl fmodf(float x, float y); _CRTIMP float __cdecl logf(float x); _CRTIMP float __cdecl log10f(float x); _CRTIMP float __cdecl modff(float x, float *y); _CRTIMP float __cdecl powf(float b, float e); _CRTIMP float __cdecl sinf(float x); _CRTIMP float __cdecl sinhf(float x); _CRTIMP float __cdecl sqrtf(float x); _CRTIMP float __cdecl tanf(float x); _CRTIMP float __cdecl tanhf(float x); #else __CRT_INLINE float acosf(float x) { return ((float)acos((double)x)); } __CRT_INLINE float asinf(float x) { return ((float)asin((double)x)); } __CRT_INLINE float atanf(float x) { return ((float)atan((double)x)); } __CRT_INLINE float atan2f(float x,float y) { return ((float)atan2((double)x,(double)y)); } __CRT_INLINE float ceilf(float x) { return ((float)ceil((double)x)); } __CRT_INLINE float cosf(float x) { return ((float)cos((double)x)); } __CRT_INLINE float coshf(float x) { return ((float)cosh((double)x)); } __CRT_INLINE float expf(float x) { return ((float)exp((double)x)); } __CRT_INLINE float floorf(float x) { return ((float)floor((double)x)); } __CRT_INLINE float fmodf(float x,float y) { return ((float)fmod((double)x,(double)y)); } __CRT_INLINE float logf(float x) { return ((float)log((double)x)); } __CRT_INLINE float log10f(float x) { return ((float)log10((double)x)); } __CRT_INLINE float modff(float x,float *y) { double _Di,_Df = modf((double)x,&_Di); *y = (float)_Di; return ((float)_Df); } __CRT_INLINE float powf(float x,float y) { return ((float)pow((double)x,(double)y)); } __CRT_INLINE float sinf(float x) { return ((float)sin((double)x)); } __CRT_INLINE float sinhf(float x) { return ((float)sinh((double)x)); } __CRT_INLINE float sqrtf(float x) { return ((float)sqrt((double)x)); } __CRT_INLINE float tanf(float x) { return ((float)tan((double)x)); } __CRT_INLINE float tanhf(float x) { return ((float)tanh((double)x)); } #endif __CRT_INLINE long double acosl(long double x) { return (acos((double)x)); } __CRT_INLINE long double asinl(long double x) { return (asin((double)x)); } __CRT_INLINE long double atanl(long double x) { return (atan((double)x)); } __CRT_INLINE long double atan2l(long double y, long double x) { return (atan2((double)y, (double)x)); } __CRT_INLINE long double ceill(long double x) { return (ceil((double)x)); } __CRT_INLINE long double cosl(long double x) { return (cos((double)x)); } __CRT_INLINE long double coshl(long double x) { return (cosh((double)x)); } __CRT_INLINE long double expl(long double x) { return (exp((double)x)); } __CRT_INLINE long double floorl(long double x) { return (floor((double)x)); } __CRT_INLINE long double fmodl(long double x, long double y) { return (fmod((double)x, (double)y)); } __CRT_INLINE long double frexpl(long double x, int *y) { return (frexp((double)x, y)); } __CRT_INLINE long double logl(long double x) { return (log((double)x)); } __CRT_INLINE long double log10l(long double x) { return (log10((double)x)); } __CRT_INLINE long double powl(long double x, long double y) { return (pow((double)x, (double)y)); } __CRT_INLINE long double sinl(long double x) { return (sin((double)x)); } __CRT_INLINE long double sinhl(long double x) { return (sinh((double)x)); } __CRT_INLINE long double sqrtl(long double x) { return (sqrt((double)x)); } __CRT_INLINE long double tanhl(long double x) {return (tanh((double)x)); } __CRT_INLINE long double __cdecl fabsl(long double x) { return fabs((double)x); } __CRT_INLINE long double _chgsignl(long double _Number) { return _chgsign((double)(_Number)); } __CRT_INLINE long double _copysignl(long double _Number, long double _Sign) { return _copysign((double)(_Number),(double)(_Sign)); } __CRT_INLINE long double _hypotl(long double x,long double y) { return _hypot((double)(x),(double)(y)); } __CRT_INLINE float frexpf(float x, int *y) { return ((float)frexp((double)x,y)); } __CRT_INLINE long double ldexpl(long double x, int y) { return ldexp((double)x, y); } __CRT_INLINE long double modfl(long double x,long double *y) { double _Di,_Df = modf((double)x,&_Di); *y = (long double)_Di; return (_Df); } #ifndef NO_OLDNAMES #define DOMAIN _DOMAIN #define SING _SING #define OVERFLOW _OVERFLOW #define UNDERFLOW _UNDERFLOW #define TLOSS _TLOSS #define PLOSS _PLOSS #define matherr _matherr #define HUGE _HUGE // _CRTIMP double __cdecl cabs(struct _complex x); #define cabs _cabs _CRTIMP double __cdecl hypot(double x,double y); _CRTIMP double __cdecl j0(double x); _CRTIMP double __cdecl j1(double x); _CRTIMP double __cdecl jn(int x,double y); _CRTIMP double __cdecl y0(double x); _CRTIMP double __cdecl y1(double x); _CRTIMP double __cdecl yn(int x,double y); __CRT_INLINE float __cdecl hypotf(float x, float y) { return (float) hypot (x, y); } #endif #ifdef __cplusplus } extern "C++" { template inline _Ty _Pow_int(_Ty x,int y) { unsigned int _N; if(y >= 0) _N = (unsigned int)y; else _N = (unsigned int)(-y); for(_Ty _Z = _Ty(1);;x *= x) { if((_N & 1)!=0) _Z *= x; if((_N >>= 1)==0) return (y < 0 ? _Ty(1) / _Z : _Z); } } } #endif #pragma pack(pop) #endif /* !_INC_MATH */ #if defined(_USE_MATH_DEFINES) && !defined(_MATH_DEFINES_DEFINED) #define _MATH_DEFINES_DEFINED #define M_E 2.71828182845904523536 #define M_LOG2E 1.44269504088896340736 #define M_LOG10E 0.434294481903251827651 #define M_LN2 0.693147180559945309417 #define M_LN10 2.30258509299404568402 #define M_PI 3.14159265358979323846 #define M_PI_2 1.57079632679489661923 #define M_PI_4 0.785398163397448309616 #define M_1_PI 0.318309886183790671538 #define M_2_PI 0.636619772367581343076 #define M_2_SQRTPI 1.12837916709551257390 #define M_SQRT2 1.41421356237309504880 #define M_SQRT1_2 0.707106781186547524401 #endif /* _USE_MATH_DEFINES */