#pragma once #define IDC_STATIC -1 #define IDI_START 101 #define IDS_START 101 #define IDS_PROPERTIES 102 #define IDS_OPEN_ALL_USERS 103 #define IDS_EXPLORE_ALL_USERS 104 #define IDS_STARTUP_ERROR 105 #define IDC_STARTBTN 304 #define IDM_TRAYWND 101 #define IDM_STARTMENU 102 #define IDB_STARTMENU 101 #define ID_SHELL_CMD_FIRST 0xF #define ID_SHELL_CMD_LAST 0x7FEF #define ID_SHELL_CMD_PROPERTIES (ID_SHELL_CMD_LAST + 1) #define ID_SHELL_CMD_OPEN_ALL_USERS (ID_SHELL_CMD_LAST + 2) #define ID_SHELL_CMD_EXPLORE_ALL_USERS (ID_SHELL_CMD_LAST + 3) #define ID_LOCKTASKBAR (ID_SHELL_CMD_LAST + 4) #define ID_SHELL_CMD_OPEN_TASKMGR (ID_SHELL_CMD_LAST + 5) #define ID_SHELL_CMD_UNDO_ACTION (ID_SHELL_CMD_LAST + 6) #define ID_SHELL_CMD_SHOW_DESKTOP (ID_SHELL_CMD_LAST + 7) #define ID_SHELL_CMD_TILE_WND_V (ID_SHELL_CMD_LAST + 8) #define ID_SHELL_CMD_TILE_WND_H (ID_SHELL_CMD_LAST + 9) #define ID_SHELL_CMD_CASCADE_WND (ID_SHELL_CMD_LAST + 10) #define ID_SHELL_CMD_CUST_NOTIF (ID_SHELL_CMD_LAST + 11) #define ID_SHELL_CMD_ADJUST_DAT (ID_SHELL_CMD_LAST + 12) /* NOTE: The following constants may *NOT* be changed because they're hardcoded and need to be the exact values in order to get the start menu to work! */ #define IDM_PROGRAMS 504 #define IDM_FAVORITES 507 #define IDM_DOCUMENTS 501 #define IDM_SETTINGS 508 #define IDM_CONTROLPANEL 505 #define IDM_SECURITY 5001 #define IDM_NETWORKCONNECTIONS 557 #define IDM_PRINTERSANDFAXES 510 #define IDM_TASKBARANDSTARTMENU 413 #define IDM_SEARCH 520 #define IDM_HELPANDSUPPORT 503 #define IDM_RUN 401 #define IDM_SYNCHRONIZE 553 #define IDM_LOGOFF 402 #define IDM_DISCONNECT 5000 #define IDM_UNDOCKCOMPUTER 410 #define IDM_SHUTDOWN 506 #define IDM_LASTSTARTMENU_SEPARATOR 450 /* Taskbar resources */ #define IDD_TASKBARPAGE 2000 #define IDC_TASKBAR_BITMAP 2001 #define IDD_STARTMENUPAGE 2001 #define IDD_NOTIFICATIONPAGE 2002 #define IDD_TOOLBARSPAGE 2003 /* Taskbar properties, taskbar */ #define IDD_TASKBARPROP_TASKBAR 2000 #define IDC_TASKBARPROP_TASKBARBITMAP 2001 #define IDC_TASKBARPROP_LOCK 2002 #define IDC_TASKBARPROP_HIDE 2003 #define IDC_TASKBARPROP_ONTOP 2004 #define IDC_TASKBARPROP_GROUP 2005 #define IDC_TASKBARPROP_SHOWQL 2006 #define IDC_TASKBARPROP_WNDPREV 2007 #define IDB_TASKBARPROP_AUTOHIDE 2050 #define IDB_TASKBARPROP_LOCK_GROUP_NOQL 2051 #define IDB_TASKBARPROP_LOCK_GROUP_QL 2052 #define IDB_TASKBARPROP_LOCK_NOGROUP_NOQL 2053 #define IDB_TASKBARPROP_LOCK_NOGROUP_QL 2054 #define IDB_TASKBARPROP_NOLOCK_GROUP_NOQL 2055 #define IDB_TASKBARPROP_NOLOCK_NOGROUP_NOQL 2056 #define IDB_TASKBARPROP_NOLOCK_NOGROUP_QL 2057 #define IDB_TASKBARPROP_NOLOCK_GROUP_QL 2058 /* Taskbar properties, startmenu*/ #define IDD_TASKBARPROP_STARTMENU 2100 #define IDC_TASKBARPROP_STARTMENU 2101 #define IDC_TASKBARPROP_STARTMENUCUST 2102 #define IDC_TASKBARPROP_STARTMENUCLASSIC 2103 #define IDC_TASKBARPROP_STARTMENUCLASSICCUST 2104 #define IDC_TASKBARPROP_RECENTFILES 2105 #define IDC_TASKBARPROP_RECENTFOLDERS 2106 /* Taskbar properties, notification */ #define IDD_TASKBARPROP_NOTIFICATION 2200 #define IDC_TASKBARPROP_NOTIFICATIONBITMAP 2201 #define IDC_TASKBARPROP_HIDEICONS 2202 #define IDC_TASKBARPROP_ICONCUST 2203 #define IDC_TASKBARPROP_CLOCK 2204 #define IDC_TASKBARPROP_VOLUME 2205 #define IDC_TASKBARPROP_NETWORK 2206 #define IDC_TASKBARPROP_POWER 2207 /* Taskbar properties, toolbars */ #define IDD_TASKBARPROP_TOOLBARS 2300 #define IDC_TASKBARPROP_DESKBANDLIST 2301 #define IDS_TASKBAR_STARTMENU_PROP_CAPTION 2200