/* * PROJECT: ReactOS HAL * LICENSE: BSD - See COPYING.ARM in the top level directory * FILE: hal/halx86/generic/legacy/halpcat.c * PURPOSE: HAL Legacy Support Code * PROGRAMMERS: ReactOS Portable Systems Group */ /* INCLUDES *******************************************************************/ #include #define NDEBUG #include /* GLOBALS ********************************************************************/ /* This determines the HAL type */ BOOLEAN HalDisableFirmwareMapper = FALSE; PWCHAR HalHardwareIdString = L"e_isa_up"; PWCHAR HalName = L"PC Compatible Eisa/Isa HAL"; /* PRIVATE FUNCTIONS **********************************************************/ NTSTATUS NTAPI HalpSetupAcpiPhase0(IN PLOADER_PARAMETER_BLOCK LoaderBlock) { /* There is no ACPI on these HALs */ return STATUS_NO_SUCH_DEVICE; } VOID NTAPI HalpBuildAddressMap(VOID) { /* FIXME: Inherit ROM blocks from the registry */ //HalpInheritROMBlocks(); /* FIXME: Add the ROM blocks to our ranges */ //HalpAddROMRanges(); } BOOLEAN NTAPI HalpGetDebugPortTable(VOID) { /* No ACPI */ return FALSE; } ULONG NTAPI HalpIs16BitPortDecodeSupported(VOID) { /* Only EISA systems support this */ return (HalpBusType == MACHINE_TYPE_EISA) ? CM_RESOURCE_PORT_16_BIT_DECODE : 0; } NTSTATUS NTAPI HaliInitPnpDriver(VOID) { /* On PC-AT, this will interface with the PCI driver */ return STATUS_SUCCESS; } /* * @implemented */ VOID NTAPI HalReportResourceUsage(VOID) { INTERFACE_TYPE InterfaceType; UNICODE_STRING HalString; /* FIXME: Initialize MCA bus */ /* Initialize PCI bus. */ HalpInitializePciBus(); /* Initialize the stubs */ HalpInitializePciStubs(); /* What kind of bus is this? */ switch (HalpBusType) { /* ISA Machine */ case MACHINE_TYPE_ISA: InterfaceType = Isa; break; /* EISA Machine */ case MACHINE_TYPE_EISA: InterfaceType = Eisa; break; /* MCA Machine */ case MACHINE_TYPE_MCA: InterfaceType = MicroChannel; break; /* Unknown */ default: InterfaceType = Internal; break; } /* Build HAL usage */ RtlInitUnicodeString(&HalString, HalName); HalpReportResourceUsage(&HalString, InterfaceType); /* Setup PCI debugging and Hibernation */ HalpRegisterPciDebuggingDeviceInfo(); } /* EOF */