/* * PROJECT: ReactOS api tests * LICENSE: GPL - See COPYING in the top level directory * PURPOSE: Test for EngAcquireSemaphore * PROGRAMMERS: Magnus Olsen */ #include #include #include #include void Test_EngAcquireSemaphore() { HSEMAPHORE hsem; PRTL_CRITICAL_SECTION lpcrit; hsem = EngCreateSemaphore(); ok(hsem != NULL, "EngCreateSemaphore failed\n"); if (!hsem) return; lpcrit = (PRTL_CRITICAL_SECTION)hsem; /* real data test */ EngAcquireSemaphore(hsem); // ok(lpcrit->LockCount == -2); doesn't work on XP ok(lpcrit->RecursionCount == 1, "lpcrit->RecursionCount=%ld\n", lpcrit->RecursionCount); ok(lpcrit->OwningThread != 0, "lpcrit->OwningThread=%p\n", lpcrit->OwningThread); ok(lpcrit->LockSemaphore == 0, "lpcrit->LockSemaphore=%p\n", lpcrit->LockSemaphore); ok(lpcrit->SpinCount == 0, "lpcrit->SpinCount=%ld\n", lpcrit->SpinCount); ok(lpcrit->DebugInfo != NULL, "no DebugInfo\n"); if (lpcrit->DebugInfo) { ok(lpcrit->DebugInfo->Type == 0, "DebugInfo->Type=%d\n", lpcrit->DebugInfo->Type); ok(lpcrit->DebugInfo->CreatorBackTraceIndex == 0, "DebugInfo->CreatorBackTraceIndex=%d\n", lpcrit->DebugInfo->CreatorBackTraceIndex); ok(lpcrit->DebugInfo->EntryCount == 0, "DebugInfo->EntryCount=%ld\n", lpcrit->DebugInfo->EntryCount); ok(lpcrit->DebugInfo->ContentionCount == 0, "DebugInfo->ContentionCount=%ld\n", lpcrit->DebugInfo->ContentionCount); } EngReleaseSemaphore(hsem); EngDeleteSemaphore(hsem); /* NULL pointer test */ // Note NULL pointer test crash in Vista */ // EngAcquireSemaphore(NULL); /* negtive pointer test */ // Note negtive pointer test crash in Vista */ // EngAcquireSemaphore((HSEMAPHORE)-1); /* try with deleted Semaphore */ // Note deleted Semaphore pointer test does freze the whole program in Vista */ // EngAcquireSemaphore(hsem); } START_TEST(EngAcquireSemaphore) { Test_EngAcquireSemaphore(); }