/* * DIR.C - dir internal command. * * * History: * * 01/29/97 (Tim Norman) * started. * * 06/13/97 (Tim Norman) * Fixed code. * * 07/12/97 (Tim Norman) * Fixed bug that caused the root directory to be unlistable * * 07/12/97 (Marc Desrochers) * Changed to use maxx, maxy instead of findxy() * * 06/08/98 (Rob Lake) * Added compatibility for /w in dir * * 06/09/98 (Rob Lake) * Compatibility for dir/s started * Tested that program finds directories off root fine * * 06/10/98 (Rob Lake) * do_recurse saves the cwd and also stores it in Root * build_tree adds the cwd to the beginning of its' entries * Program runs fine, added print_tree -- works fine.. as EXE, * program won't work properly as COM. * * 06/11/98 (Rob Lake) * Found problem that caused COM not to work * * 06/12/98 (Rob Lake) * debugged... * added free mem routine * * 06/13/98 (Rob Lake) * debugged the free mem routine * debugged whole thing some more * Notes: * ReadDir stores Root name and _Read_Dir does the hard work * PrintDir prints Root and _Print_Dir does the hard work * KillDir kills Root _after_ _Kill_Dir does the hard work * Integrated program into DIR.C(this file) and made some same * changes throughout * * 06/14/98 (Rob Lake) * Cleaned up code a bit, added comments * * 06/16/98 (Rob Lake) * Added error checking to my previously added routines * * 06/17/98 (Rob Lake) * Rewrote recursive functions, again! Most other recursive * functions are now obsolete -- ReadDir, PrintDir, _Print_Dir, * KillDir and _Kill_Dir. do_recurse does what PrintDir did * and _Read_Dir did what it did before along with what _Print_Dir * did. Makes /s a lot faster! * Reports 2 more files/dirs that MS-DOS actually reports * when used in root directory(is this because dir defaults * to look for read only files?) * Added support for /b, /a and /l * Made error message similar to DOS error messages * Added help screen * * 06/20/98 (Rob Lake) * Added check for /-(switch) to turn off previously defined * switches. * Added ability to check for DIRCMD in environment and * process it * * 06/21/98 (Rob Lake) * Fixed up /B * Now can dir *.ext/X, no spaces! * * 06/29/98 (Rob Lake) * error message now found in command.h * * 07/08/1998 (John P. Price) * removed extra returns; closer to MSDOS * fixed wide display so that an extra return is not displayed * when there is five filenames in the last line. * * 07/12/98 (Rob Lake) * Changed error messages * * 27-Jul-1998 (John P Price ) * added config.h include * * * 04-Dec-1998 (Eric Kohl) * Converted source code to Win32, except recursive dir ("dir /s"). * * 10-Dec-1998 (Eric Kohl) * Fixed recursive dir ("dir /s"). * * 14-Dec-1998 (Eric Kohl) * Converted to Win32 directory functions and * fixed some output bugs. There are still some more ;) * * 10-Jan-1999 (Eric Kohl) * Added "/N" and "/4" options, "/O" is a dummy. * Added locale support. * * 20-Jan-1999 (Eric Kohl) * Redirection safe! * * 01-Mar-1999 (Eric Kohl) * Replaced all runtime io functions by their Win32 counterparts. * * 23-Feb-2001 (Carl Nettelblad ) * dir /s now works in deeper trees * * 28-Jan-2004 (Michael Fritscher ) * Fix for /p, so it is working under Windows in GUI-mode, too. * * 30-Apr-2004 (Filip Navara ) * Fix /w to print long names. * * 27-Feb-2005 (Konstantinos Paliouras ) * Implemented all the switches that were missing, and made * the ROS dir very similar to windows dir. Major part of * the code is rewritten. /p is removed, to be rewritten in * the main cmd code. * * 1-Jul-2004 (Brandon Turner ) * Added /p back in using ConOutPrintfPaging * * 3-Feb-2007 (Paolo Devoti devotip at gmail) * Removed variables formerly in use to handle pagination * Pagination belongs to ConOutPrintfPaging * Removed already commented out code of old pagination * * 25-Aug-2015 (Pierre Schweitzer) * Implemented /R switch * * 6-Aug-2018 (Hermes Belusca-Maito and Katayama Hirofumi MZ) * Fix handling of patterns containing trailing dots. */ #include "precomp.h" #include #ifdef INCLUDE_CMD_DIR /* Time Field enumeration */ enum ETimeField { TF_CREATIONDATE = 0, TF_MODIFIEDDATE = 1, TF_LASTACCESSEDDATE = 2 }; /* Ordered by enumeration */ enum EOrderBy { ORDER_NAME = 0, ORDER_SIZE = 1, ORDER_DIRECTORY = 2, ORDER_EXTENSION = 3, ORDER_TIME = 4 }; /* The struct for holding the switches */ typedef struct _DirSwitchesFlags { BOOL bBareFormat; /* Bare Format */ BOOL bTSeparator; /* Thousands separator */ BOOL bWideList; /* Wide list format */ BOOL bWideListColSort; /* Wide list format but sorted by column */ BOOL bLowerCase; /* Uses lower case */ BOOL bNewLongList; /* New long list */ BOOL bPause; /* Pause per page */ BOOL bUser; /* Displays the owner of file */ BOOL bRecursive; /* Displays files in specified directory and all sub */ BOOL bShortName; /* Displays the sort name of files if exist */ BOOL b4Digit; /* Four digit year */ BOOL bDataStreams; /* Displays alternate data streams */ struct { DWORD dwAttribVal; /* The desired state of attribute */ DWORD dwAttribMask; /* Which attributes to check */ } stAttribs; /* Displays files with this attributes only */ struct { enum EOrderBy eCriteria[3]; /* Criterias used to order by */ BOOL bCriteriaRev[3]; /* If the criteria is in reversed order */ short sCriteriaCount; /* The quantity of criterias */ } stOrderBy; /* Ordered by criterias */ struct { enum ETimeField eTimeField; /* The time field that will be used for */ } stTimeField; /* The time field to display or use for sorting */ } DIRSWITCHFLAGS, *LPDIRSWITCHFLAGS; typedef struct _DIRFINDSTREAMNODE { WIN32_FIND_STREAM_DATA stStreamInfo; struct _DIRFINDSTREAMNODE *ptrNext; } DIRFINDSTREAMNODE, *PDIRFINDSTREAMNODE; typedef struct _DIRFINDINFO { WIN32_FIND_DATA stFindInfo; PDIRFINDSTREAMNODE ptrHead; } DIRFINDINFO, *PDIRFINDINFO; typedef struct _DIRFINDLISTNODE { DIRFINDINFO stInfo; struct _DIRFINDLISTNODE *ptrNext; } DIRFINDLISTNODE, *PDIRFINDLISTNODE; typedef BOOL (WINAPI *PGETFREEDISKSPACEEX)(LPCTSTR, PULARGE_INTEGER, PULARGE_INTEGER, PULARGE_INTEGER); /* Globally save the # of dirs, files and bytes, * probably later pass them to functions. Rob Lake */ static ULONG recurse_dir_cnt; static ULONG recurse_file_cnt; static ULONGLONG recurse_bytes; /* * help * * displays help screen for dir * Rob Lake */ static VOID DirHelp(VOID) { ConOutResPaging(TRUE, STRING_DIR_HELP1); } /* Check whether this is a dot-directory "." or "..", speed-optimized */ FORCEINLINE BOOL IsDotDirectory( IN LPCTSTR pszPath) { return ( pszPath[0] == _T('.') && ( pszPath[1] == 0 || /* pszPath[1] == _T('\\') || */ (pszPath[1] == _T('.') && (pszPath[2] == 0 /* || pszPath[2] == _T('\\') */)) ) ); } FORCEINLINE BOOL IsDotDirectoryN( IN const TCHAR* pPath, IN SIZE_T Length) { return ((Length == 1 && pPath[0] == _T('.')) || (Length == 2 && pPath[0] == _T('.') && pPath[1] == _T('.'))); } /* * DirReadParameters * * Parse the parameters and switches of the command line and exports them */ static BOOL DirReadParam(LPTSTR Line, /* [IN] The line with the parameters & switches */ LPTSTR** params, /* [OUT] The parameters after parsing */ LPINT entries, /* [OUT] The number of parameters after parsing */ LPDIRSWITCHFLAGS lpFlags) /* [IN/OUT] The flags after calculating switches */ { TCHAR cCurSwitch; /* The current switch */ TCHAR cCurChar; /* Current examined character */ TCHAR cCurUChar; /* Current upper examined character */ BOOL bNegative; /* Negative switch */ BOOL bPNegative; /* Negative switch parameter */ BOOL bIntoQuotes; /* A flag showing if we are in quotes (") */ LPTSTR ptrStart; /* A pointer to the first character of a parameter */ LPTSTR ptrEnd; /* A pointer to the last character of a parameter */ BOOL bOrderByNoPar; /* A flag to indicate /O with no switch parameter */ LPTSTR temp; /* Initialize parameter array */ *params = NULL; *entries = 0; /* Initialize variables; */ cCurSwitch = _T(' '); bNegative = FALSE; bPNegative = FALSE; /* We suppose that switch parameters were given to avoid setting them to default if the switch was not given */ bOrderByNoPar = FALSE; /* Main Loop (see README_DIR.txt) */ /* scan the command line char per char, and we process its char */ while (*Line) { /* we save current character as it is and its upper case */ cCurChar = *Line; cCurUChar = _totupper(*Line); /* 1st section (see README_DIR.txt) */ /* When a switch is expecting */ if (cCurSwitch == _T('/')) { while (_istspace(*Line)) Line++; bNegative = (*Line == _T('-')); Line += bNegative; cCurChar = *Line; cCurUChar = _totupper(*Line); if ((cCurUChar == _T('A')) ||(cCurUChar == _T('T')) || (cCurUChar == _T('O'))) { /* If positive, prepare for parameters... if negative, reset to defaults */ switch (cCurUChar) { case _T('A'): lpFlags->stAttribs.dwAttribVal = 0L; lpFlags->stAttribs.dwAttribMask = 0L; if (bNegative) lpFlags->stAttribs.dwAttribMask = FILE_ATTRIBUTE_HIDDEN | FILE_ATTRIBUTE_SYSTEM; break; case _T('T'): if (bNegative) lpFlags->stTimeField.eTimeField = TF_MODIFIEDDATE; break; case _T('O'): bOrderByNoPar = !bNegative; lpFlags->stOrderBy.sCriteriaCount = 0; break; } if (!bNegative) { /* Positive switch, so it can take parameters. */ cCurSwitch = cCurUChar; Line++; /* Skip optional leading colon */ if (*Line == _T(':')) Line++; continue; } } else if (cCurUChar == _T('L')) lpFlags->bLowerCase = ! bNegative; else if (cCurUChar == _T('B')) lpFlags->bBareFormat = ! bNegative; else if (cCurUChar == _T('C')) lpFlags->bTSeparator = ! bNegative; else if (cCurUChar == _T('W')) lpFlags->bWideList = ! bNegative; else if (cCurUChar == _T('D')) lpFlags->bWideListColSort = ! bNegative; else if (cCurUChar == _T('N')) lpFlags->bNewLongList = ! bNegative; else if (cCurUChar == _T('P')) lpFlags->bPause = ! bNegative; else if (cCurUChar == _T('Q')) lpFlags->bUser = ! bNegative; else if (cCurUChar == _T('S')) lpFlags->bRecursive = ! bNegative; else if (cCurUChar == _T('X')) lpFlags->bShortName = ! bNegative; else if (cCurUChar == _T('R')) lpFlags->bDataStreams = ! bNegative; else if (cCurChar == _T('4')) lpFlags->b4Digit = ! bNegative; else if (cCurChar == _T('?')) { DirHelp(); return FALSE; } else { error_invalid_switch ((TCHAR)_totupper(*Line)); return FALSE; } /* Make sure there's no extra characters at the end of the switch */ if (Line[1] && Line[1] != _T('/') && !_istspace(Line[1])) { error_parameter_format(Line[1]); return FALSE; } cCurSwitch = _T(' '); } else if (cCurSwitch == _T(' ')) { /* 2nd section (see README_DIR.txt) */ /* We are expecting parameter or the unknown */ if (cCurChar == _T('/')) cCurSwitch = _T('/'); else if (_istspace(cCurChar)) /* do nothing */; else { /* This is a file/directory name parameter. Find its end */ ptrStart = Line; bIntoQuotes = FALSE; while (*Line) { if (!bIntoQuotes && (*Line == _T('/') || _istspace(*Line))) break; bIntoQuotes ^= (*Line == _T('"')); Line++; } ptrEnd = Line; /* Copy it to the entries list */ temp = cmd_alloc((ptrEnd - ptrStart + 1) * sizeof(TCHAR)); if (!temp) return FALSE; memcpy(temp, ptrStart, (ptrEnd - ptrStart) * sizeof(TCHAR)); temp[ptrEnd - ptrStart] = _T('\0'); StripQuotes(temp); if (!add_entry(entries, params, temp)) { cmd_free(temp); freep(*params); return FALSE; } cmd_free(temp); continue; } } else { /* 3rd section (see README_DIR.txt) */ /* We are waiting for switch parameters */ /* Check if there are no more switch parameters */ if ((cCurChar == _T('/')) || _istspace(cCurChar)) { /* Wrong decision path, reprocess current character */ cCurSwitch = _T(' '); continue; } /* Process parameter switch */ switch (cCurSwitch) { case _T('A'): /* Switch parameters for /A (attributes filter) */ if (cCurChar == _T('-')) bPNegative = TRUE; else if (cCurUChar == _T('D')) { lpFlags->stAttribs.dwAttribMask |= FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY; if (bPNegative) lpFlags->stAttribs.dwAttribVal &= ~FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY; else lpFlags->stAttribs.dwAttribVal |= FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY; } else if (cCurUChar == _T('R')) { lpFlags->stAttribs.dwAttribMask |= FILE_ATTRIBUTE_READONLY; if (bPNegative) lpFlags->stAttribs.dwAttribVal &= ~FILE_ATTRIBUTE_READONLY; else lpFlags->stAttribs.dwAttribVal |= FILE_ATTRIBUTE_READONLY; } else if (cCurUChar == _T('H')) { lpFlags->stAttribs.dwAttribMask |= FILE_ATTRIBUTE_HIDDEN; if (bPNegative) lpFlags->stAttribs.dwAttribVal &= ~FILE_ATTRIBUTE_HIDDEN; else lpFlags->stAttribs.dwAttribVal |= FILE_ATTRIBUTE_HIDDEN; } else if (cCurUChar == _T('A')) { lpFlags->stAttribs.dwAttribMask |= FILE_ATTRIBUTE_ARCHIVE; if (bPNegative) lpFlags->stAttribs.dwAttribVal &= ~FILE_ATTRIBUTE_ARCHIVE; else lpFlags->stAttribs.dwAttribVal |= FILE_ATTRIBUTE_ARCHIVE; } else if (cCurUChar == _T('S')) { lpFlags->stAttribs.dwAttribMask |= FILE_ATTRIBUTE_SYSTEM; if (bPNegative) lpFlags->stAttribs.dwAttribVal &= ~FILE_ATTRIBUTE_SYSTEM; else lpFlags->stAttribs.dwAttribVal |= FILE_ATTRIBUTE_SYSTEM; } else { error_parameter_format((TCHAR)_totupper (*Line)); return FALSE; } break; case _T('T'): /* Switch parameters for /T (time field) */ if (cCurUChar == _T('C')) lpFlags->stTimeField.eTimeField= TF_CREATIONDATE ; else if (cCurUChar == _T('A')) lpFlags->stTimeField.eTimeField= TF_LASTACCESSEDDATE ; else if (cCurUChar == _T('W')) lpFlags->stTimeField.eTimeField= TF_MODIFIEDDATE ; else { error_parameter_format((TCHAR)_totupper (*Line)); return FALSE; } break; case _T('O'): /* Switch parameters for /O (order) */ /* Ok a switch parameter was given */ bOrderByNoPar = FALSE; if (cCurChar == _T('-')) bPNegative = TRUE; else if (cCurUChar == _T('N')) { if (lpFlags->stOrderBy.sCriteriaCount < 3) lpFlags->stOrderBy.sCriteriaCount++; lpFlags->stOrderBy.bCriteriaRev[lpFlags->stOrderBy.sCriteriaCount - 1] = bPNegative; lpFlags->stOrderBy.eCriteria[lpFlags->stOrderBy.sCriteriaCount - 1] = ORDER_NAME; } else if (cCurUChar == _T('S')) { if (lpFlags->stOrderBy.sCriteriaCount < 3) lpFlags->stOrderBy.sCriteriaCount++; lpFlags->stOrderBy.bCriteriaRev[lpFlags->stOrderBy.sCriteriaCount - 1] = bPNegative; lpFlags->stOrderBy.eCriteria[lpFlags->stOrderBy.sCriteriaCount - 1] = ORDER_SIZE; } else if (cCurUChar == _T('G')) { if (lpFlags->stOrderBy.sCriteriaCount < 3) lpFlags->stOrderBy.sCriteriaCount++; lpFlags->stOrderBy.bCriteriaRev[lpFlags->stOrderBy.sCriteriaCount - 1] = bPNegative; lpFlags->stOrderBy.eCriteria[lpFlags->stOrderBy.sCriteriaCount - 1] = ORDER_DIRECTORY; } else if (cCurUChar == _T('E')) { if (lpFlags->stOrderBy.sCriteriaCount < 3) lpFlags->stOrderBy.sCriteriaCount++; lpFlags->stOrderBy.bCriteriaRev[lpFlags->stOrderBy.sCriteriaCount - 1] = bPNegative; lpFlags->stOrderBy.eCriteria[lpFlags->stOrderBy.sCriteriaCount - 1] = ORDER_EXTENSION; } else if (cCurUChar == _T('D')) { if (lpFlags->stOrderBy.sCriteriaCount < 3) lpFlags->stOrderBy.sCriteriaCount++; lpFlags->stOrderBy.bCriteriaRev[lpFlags->stOrderBy.sCriteriaCount - 1] = bPNegative; lpFlags->stOrderBy.eCriteria[lpFlags->stOrderBy.sCriteriaCount - 1] = ORDER_TIME; } else { error_parameter_format((TCHAR)_totupper (*Line)); return FALSE; } } /* We check if we calculated the negative value and release the flag */ if ((cCurChar != _T('-')) && bPNegative) bPNegative = FALSE; } Line++; } /* /O with no switch parameters acts like /O:GN */ if (bOrderByNoPar) { lpFlags->stOrderBy.sCriteriaCount = 2; lpFlags->stOrderBy.eCriteria[0] = ORDER_DIRECTORY; lpFlags->stOrderBy.bCriteriaRev[0] = FALSE; lpFlags->stOrderBy.eCriteria[1] = ORDER_NAME; lpFlags->stOrderBy.bCriteriaRev[1] = FALSE; } return TRUE; } /* Print either with or without paging, depending on /P switch */ static BOOL DirPrintf(LPDIRSWITCHFLAGS lpFlags, LPTSTR szFormat, ...) { BOOL Done = TRUE; va_list arg_ptr; va_start(arg_ptr, szFormat); if (lpFlags->bPause) Done = ConPrintfVPaging(&StdOutPager, FALSE, szFormat, arg_ptr); else ConPrintfV(StdOut, szFormat, arg_ptr); va_end(arg_ptr); return Done; } /* * PrintDirectoryHeader * * print the header for the dir command */ static BOOL PrintDirectoryHeader(LPCTSTR szPath, LPDIRSWITCHFLAGS lpFlags) { TCHAR szMsg[RC_STRING_MAX_SIZE]; LPCTSTR szFullDir; TCHAR szRootName[MAX_PATH]; TCHAR szVolName[80]; DWORD dwSerialNr; if (lpFlags->bBareFormat) return TRUE; szFullDir = szPath; /* Get the media ID of the drive */ if (!GetVolumePathName(szFullDir, szRootName, ARRAYSIZE(szRootName)) || !GetVolumeInformation(szRootName, szVolName, ARRAYSIZE(szVolName), &dwSerialNr, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0)) { return TRUE; } /* Print drive info */ if (szVolName[0] != _T('\0')) { LoadString(CMD_ModuleHandle, STRING_DIR_HELP2, szMsg, ARRAYSIZE(szMsg)); DirPrintf(lpFlags, szMsg, _totupper(szRootName[0]), szVolName); } else { LoadString(CMD_ModuleHandle, STRING_DIR_HELP3, szMsg, ARRAYSIZE(szMsg)); DirPrintf(lpFlags, szMsg, _totupper(szRootName[0])); } /* Print the volume serial number if the return was successful */ LoadString(CMD_ModuleHandle, STRING_DIR_HELP4, szMsg, ARRAYSIZE(szMsg)); DirPrintf(lpFlags, szMsg, HIWORD(dwSerialNr), LOWORD(dwSerialNr)); return TRUE; } static VOID DirPrintFileDateTime(TCHAR *lpDate, TCHAR *lpTime, LPWIN32_FIND_DATA lpFile, LPDIRSWITCHFLAGS lpFlags) { FILETIME ft; SYSTEMTIME dt; /* Select the right time field */ switch (lpFlags->stTimeField.eTimeField) { case TF_CREATIONDATE: if (!FileTimeToLocalFileTime(&lpFile->ftCreationTime, &ft)) return; FileTimeToSystemTime(&ft, &dt); break; case TF_LASTACCESSEDDATE : if (!FileTimeToLocalFileTime(&lpFile->ftLastAccessTime, &ft)) return; FileTimeToSystemTime(&ft, &dt); break; case TF_MODIFIEDDATE: if (!FileTimeToLocalFileTime(&lpFile->ftLastWriteTime, &ft)) return; FileTimeToSystemTime(&ft, &dt); break; } FormatDate(lpDate, &dt, lpFlags->b4Digit); FormatTime(lpTime, &dt); } INT FormatDate(TCHAR *lpDate, LPSYSTEMTIME dt, BOOL b4Digit) { /* Format date */ WORD wYear = b4Digit ? dt->wYear : dt->wYear%100; switch (nDateFormat) { case 0: /* mmddyy */ default: return _stprintf(lpDate, _T("%02d%c%02d%c%0*d"), dt->wMonth, cDateSeparator, dt->wDay, cDateSeparator, b4Digit?4:2, wYear); break; case 1: /* ddmmyy */ return _stprintf(lpDate, _T("%02d%c%02d%c%0*d"), dt->wDay, cDateSeparator, dt->wMonth, cDateSeparator, b4Digit?4:2, wYear); break; case 2: /* yymmdd */ return _stprintf(lpDate, _T("%0*d%c%02d%c%02d"), b4Digit?4:2, wYear, cDateSeparator, dt->wMonth, cDateSeparator, dt->wDay); break; } } INT FormatTime(TCHAR *lpTime, LPSYSTEMTIME dt) { /* Format Time */ switch (nTimeFormat) { case 0: /* 12 hour format */ default: return _stprintf(lpTime,_T("%02d%c%02u %cM"), (dt->wHour == 0 ? 12 : (dt->wHour <= 12 ? dt->wHour : dt->wHour - 12)), cTimeSeparator, dt->wMinute, (dt->wHour <= 11 ? _T('A') : _T('P'))); break; case 1: /* 24 hour format */ return _stprintf(lpTime, _T("%02d%c%02u"), dt->wHour, cTimeSeparator, dt->wMinute); break; } } static VOID GetUserDiskFreeSpace(LPCTSTR lpRoot, PULARGE_INTEGER lpFreeSpace) { PGETFREEDISKSPACEEX pGetFreeDiskSpaceEx; HINSTANCE hInstance; DWORD dwSecPerCl; DWORD dwBytPerSec; DWORD dwFreeCl; DWORD dwTotCl; ULARGE_INTEGER TotalNumberOfBytes, TotalNumberOfFreeBytes; lpFreeSpace->QuadPart = 0; hInstance = GetModuleHandle(_T("KERNEL32")); if (hInstance != NULL) { pGetFreeDiskSpaceEx = (PGETFREEDISKSPACEEX)GetProcAddress(hInstance, #ifdef _UNICODE "GetDiskFreeSpaceExW"); #else "GetDiskFreeSpaceExA"); #endif if (pGetFreeDiskSpaceEx != NULL) { if (pGetFreeDiskSpaceEx(lpRoot, lpFreeSpace, &TotalNumberOfBytes, &TotalNumberOfFreeBytes) != FALSE) return; } } GetDiskFreeSpace(lpRoot, &dwSecPerCl, &dwBytPerSec, &dwFreeCl, &dwTotCl); lpFreeSpace->QuadPart = dwSecPerCl * dwBytPerSec * dwFreeCl; } /* * print_summary: prints dir summary * Added by Rob Lake 06/17/98 to compact code * Just copied Tim's Code and patched it a bit */ static INT PrintSummary(LPCTSTR szPath, ULONG ulFiles, ULONG ulDirs, ULONGLONG u64Bytes, LPDIRSWITCHFLAGS lpFlags, BOOL TotalSummary) { TCHAR szMsg[RC_STRING_MAX_SIZE]; TCHAR szBuffer[64]; ULARGE_INTEGER uliFree; /* Here we check if we didn't find anything */ if (!(ulFiles + ulDirs)) { if (!lpFlags->bRecursive || (TotalSummary && lpFlags->bRecursive)) error_file_not_found(); return 1; } /* In bare format we don't print results */ if (lpFlags->bBareFormat) return 0; /* Print recursive specific results */ /* Take this code offline to fix /S does not print double info */ if (TotalSummary && lpFlags->bRecursive) { ConvertULargeInteger(u64Bytes, szBuffer, ARRAYSIZE(szBuffer), lpFlags->bTSeparator); LoadString(CMD_ModuleHandle, STRING_DIR_HELP5, szMsg, ARRAYSIZE(szMsg)); DirPrintf(lpFlags, szMsg, ulFiles, szBuffer); } else { /* Print File Summary */ /* Condition to print summary is: If we are not in bare format and if we have results! */ ConvertULargeInteger(u64Bytes, szBuffer, ARRAYSIZE(szBuffer), lpFlags->bTSeparator); LoadString(CMD_ModuleHandle, STRING_DIR_HELP8, szMsg, ARRAYSIZE(szMsg)); DirPrintf(lpFlags, szMsg, ulFiles, szBuffer); } /* Print total directories and free space */ if (!lpFlags->bRecursive || TotalSummary) { GetUserDiskFreeSpace(szPath, &uliFree); ConvertULargeInteger(uliFree.QuadPart, szBuffer, ARRAYSIZE(szBuffer), lpFlags->bTSeparator); LoadString(CMD_ModuleHandle, STRING_DIR_HELP6, szMsg, ARRAYSIZE(szMsg)); DirPrintf(lpFlags, szMsg, ulDirs, szBuffer); } return 0; } /* * getExt * * Get the extension of a filename */ TCHAR* getExt(const TCHAR* file) { static TCHAR *NoExt = _T(""); TCHAR* lastdot = _tcsrchr(file, _T('.')); return (lastdot != NULL ? lastdot + 1 : NoExt); } /* * getName * * Get the name of the file without extension */ static LPTSTR getName(const TCHAR* file, TCHAR * dest) { INT_PTR iLen; LPTSTR end; /* Check for dot-directories "." and ".." */ if (IsDotDirectory(file)) { _tcscpy(dest, file); return dest; } end = _tcsrchr(file, _T('.')); if (!end) iLen = _tcslen(file); else iLen = (end - file); _tcsncpy(dest, file, iLen); *(dest + iLen) = _T('\0'); return dest; } /* * DirPrintNewList * * The function that prints in new style */ static VOID DirPrintNewList(PDIRFINDINFO ptrFiles[], /* [IN]Files' Info */ DWORD dwCount, /* [IN] The quantity of files */ LPCTSTR szCurPath, /* [IN] Full path of current directory */ LPDIRSWITCHFLAGS lpFlags) /* [IN] The flags used */ { DWORD i; TCHAR szSize[30]; TCHAR szShortName[15]; TCHAR szDate[20]; TCHAR szTime[20]; INT iSizeFormat; ULARGE_INTEGER u64FileSize; PDIRFINDSTREAMNODE ptrCurStream; for (i = 0; i < dwCount && !CheckCtrlBreak(BREAK_INPUT); i++) { /* Calculate size */ if (ptrFiles[i]->stFindInfo.dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_REPARSE_POINT) { /* Junction */ iSizeFormat = -14; _tcscpy(szSize, _T("")); } else if (ptrFiles[i]->stFindInfo.dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY) { /* Directory */ iSizeFormat = -14; _tcscpy(szSize, _T("")); } else { /* File */ iSizeFormat = 14; u64FileSize.HighPart = ptrFiles[i]->stFindInfo.nFileSizeHigh; u64FileSize.LowPart = ptrFiles[i]->stFindInfo.nFileSizeLow; ConvertULargeInteger(u64FileSize.QuadPart, szSize, 20, lpFlags->bTSeparator); } /* Calculate short name */ szShortName[0] = _T('\0'); if (lpFlags->bShortName) _stprintf(szShortName, _T(" %-12s"), ptrFiles[i]->stFindInfo.cAlternateFileName); /* Format date and time */ DirPrintFileDateTime(szDate, szTime, &ptrFiles[i]->stFindInfo, lpFlags); /* Print the line */ DirPrintf(lpFlags, _T("%10s %-6s %*s%s %s\n"), szDate, szTime, iSizeFormat, szSize, szShortName, ptrFiles[i]->stFindInfo.cFileName); /* Now, loop on the streams */ ptrCurStream = ptrFiles[i]->ptrHead; while (ptrCurStream) { ConvertULargeInteger(ptrCurStream->stStreamInfo.StreamSize.QuadPart, szSize, 20, lpFlags->bTSeparator); /* Print the line */ DirPrintf(lpFlags, _T("%10s %-6s %*s%s %s%s\n"), L"", L"", 16, szSize, L"", ptrFiles[i]->stFindInfo.cFileName, ptrCurStream->stStreamInfo.cStreamName); ptrCurStream = ptrCurStream->ptrNext; } } } /* * DirPrintWideList * * The function that prints in wide list */ static VOID DirPrintWideList(PDIRFINDINFO ptrFiles[], /* [IN] Files' Info */ DWORD dwCount, /* [IN] The quantity of files */ LPCTSTR szCurPath, /* [IN] Full path of current directory */ LPDIRSWITCHFLAGS lpFlags) /* [IN] The flags used */ { SHORT iScreenWidth; USHORT iColumns; USHORT iLines; UINT_PTR iLongestName; TCHAR szTempFname[MAX_PATH]; DWORD i; DWORD j; DWORD temp; BOOL bCJK = IsCJKCodePage(OutputCodePage); SIZE_T cxWidth; /* Calculate longest name */ iLongestName = 1; for (i = 0; i < dwCount; i++) { cxWidth = ConGetTextWidth(ptrFiles[i]->stFindInfo.cFileName); /* Directories need 2 additional characters for brackets */ if (ptrFiles[i]->stFindInfo.dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY) cxWidth += 2; iLongestName = max(iLongestName, cxWidth); } /* Count the highest number of columns */ GetScreenSize(&iScreenWidth, NULL); iColumns = (USHORT)(iScreenWidth / iLongestName); /* Check if there is enough space for spaces between names */ if (((iLongestName * iColumns) + iColumns) >= (UINT)iScreenWidth) iColumns --; /* A last check at iColumns to avoid division by zero */ if (!iColumns) iColumns = 1; /* Calculate the lines that will be printed */ iLines = (USHORT)((dwCount + iColumns - 1) / iColumns); for (i = 0; i < iLines && !CheckCtrlBreak(BREAK_INPUT); i++) { for (j = 0; j < iColumns; j++) { if (lpFlags->bWideListColSort) { /* Print Column sorted */ temp = (j * iLines) + i; } else { /* Print Line sorted */ temp = (i * iColumns) + j; } if (temp >= dwCount) break; if (ptrFiles[temp]->stFindInfo.dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY) _stprintf(szTempFname, _T("[%s]"), ptrFiles[temp]->stFindInfo.cFileName); else _stprintf(szTempFname, _T("%s"), ptrFiles[temp]->stFindInfo.cFileName); if (bCJK) { cxWidth = ConGetTextWidth(szTempFname); /* Print string and add space padding */ DirPrintf(lpFlags, _T("%s%*s"), szTempFname, iLongestName + 1 - cxWidth, _T("")); } else { DirPrintf(lpFlags, _T("%-*s"), iLongestName + 1, szTempFname); } } /* Add a new line after the last item in the column */ DirPrintf(lpFlags, _T("\n")); } } /* * DirPrintOldList * * The function that prints in old style */ static VOID DirPrintOldList(PDIRFINDINFO ptrFiles[], /* [IN] Files' Info */ DWORD dwCount, /* [IN] The quantity of files */ LPCTSTR szCurPath, /* [IN] Full path of current directory */ LPDIRSWITCHFLAGS lpFlags) /* [IN] The flags used */ { DWORD i; /* An indexer for "for"s */ TCHAR szName[10]; /* The name of file */ TCHAR szExt[5]; /* The extension of file */ TCHAR szDate[30],szTime[30]; /* Used to format time and date */ TCHAR szSize[30]; /* The size of file */ int iSizeFormat; /* The format of size field */ ULARGE_INTEGER u64FileSize; /* The file size */ for (i = 0; i < dwCount && !CheckCtrlBreak(BREAK_INPUT); i++) { /* Broke 8.3 format */ if (*ptrFiles[i]->stFindInfo.cAlternateFileName ) { /* If the file is long named then we read the alter name */ getName( ptrFiles[i]->stFindInfo.cAlternateFileName, szName); _tcscpy(szExt, getExt( ptrFiles[i]->stFindInfo.cAlternateFileName)); } else { /* If the file is not long name we read its original name */ getName( ptrFiles[i]->stFindInfo.cFileName, szName); _tcscpy(szExt, getExt( ptrFiles[i]->stFindInfo.cFileName)); } /* Calculate size */ if (ptrFiles[i]->stFindInfo.dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY) { /* Directory, no size it's a directory */ iSizeFormat = -17; _tcscpy(szSize, _T("")); } else { /* File */ iSizeFormat = 17; u64FileSize.HighPart = ptrFiles[i]->stFindInfo.nFileSizeHigh; u64FileSize.LowPart = ptrFiles[i]->stFindInfo.nFileSizeLow; ConvertULargeInteger(u64FileSize.QuadPart, szSize, 20, lpFlags->bTSeparator); } /* Format date and time */ DirPrintFileDateTime(szDate,szTime,&ptrFiles[i]->stFindInfo,lpFlags); /* Print the line */ DirPrintf(lpFlags, _T("%-8s %-3s %*s %s %s\n"), szName, /* The file's 8.3 name */ szExt, /* The file's 8.3 extension */ iSizeFormat, /* print format for size column */ szSize, /* The size of file or "" for dirs */ szDate, /* The date of file/dir */ szTime); /* The time of file/dir */ } } /* * DirPrintBareList * * The function that prints in bare format */ static VOID DirPrintBareList(PDIRFINDINFO ptrFiles[], /* [IN] Files' Info */ DWORD dwCount, /* [IN] The number of files */ LPCTSTR szCurPath, /* [IN] Full path of current directory */ LPDIRSWITCHFLAGS lpFlags) /* [IN] The flags used */ { DWORD i; for (i = 0; i < dwCount && !CheckCtrlBreak(BREAK_INPUT); i++) { if (IsDotDirectory(ptrFiles[i]->stFindInfo.cFileName)) { /* At bare format we don't print the dot-directories "." and ".." */ continue; } if (lpFlags->bRecursive) { /* At recursive mode we print full path of file */ DirPrintf(lpFlags, _T("%s\\%s\n"), szCurPath, ptrFiles[i]->stFindInfo.cFileName); } else { /* If we are not in recursive mode we print the file names */ DirPrintf(lpFlags, _T("%s\n"), ptrFiles[i]->stFindInfo.cFileName); } } } /* * DirPrintFiles * * The functions that prints the files list */ static VOID DirPrintFiles(PDIRFINDINFO ptrFiles[], /* [IN] Files' Info */ DWORD dwCount, /* [IN] The quantity of files */ LPCTSTR szCurPath, /* [IN] Full path of current directory */ LPDIRSWITCHFLAGS lpFlags) /* [IN] The flags used */ { TCHAR szMsg[RC_STRING_MAX_SIZE]; TCHAR szTemp[MAX_PATH]; /* A buffer to format the directory header */ /* Print trailing backslash for root directory of drive */ _tcscpy(szTemp, szCurPath); if (_tcslen(szTemp) == 2 && szTemp[1] == _T(':')) _tcscat(szTemp, _T("\\")); /* Condition to print header: We are not printing in bare format and if we are in recursive mode... we must have results */ if (!lpFlags->bBareFormat && !(lpFlags->bRecursive && (dwCount <= 0))) { LoadString(CMD_ModuleHandle, STRING_DIR_HELP7, szMsg, ARRAYSIZE(szMsg)); if (!DirPrintf(lpFlags, szMsg, szTemp)) return; } if (lpFlags->bBareFormat) { /* Bare format */ DirPrintBareList(ptrFiles, dwCount, szCurPath, lpFlags); } else if (lpFlags->bShortName) { /* New list style / Short names */ DirPrintNewList(ptrFiles, dwCount, szCurPath, lpFlags); } else if (lpFlags->bWideListColSort || lpFlags->bWideList) { /* Wide list */ DirPrintWideList(ptrFiles, dwCount, szCurPath, lpFlags); } else if (lpFlags->bNewLongList ) { /* New list style*/ DirPrintNewList(ptrFiles, dwCount, szCurPath, lpFlags); } else { /* If nothing is selected old list is the default */ DirPrintOldList(ptrFiles, dwCount, szCurPath, lpFlags); } } /* * CompareFiles * * Compares 2 files based on the order criteria */ static BOOL CompareFiles(PDIRFINDINFO lpFile1, /* [IN] A pointer to WIN32_FIND_DATA of file 1 */ PDIRFINDINFO lpFile2, /* [IN] A pointer to WIN32_FIND_DATA of file 2 */ LPDIRSWITCHFLAGS lpFlags) /* [IN] The flags that we use to list */ { ULARGE_INTEGER u64File1; ULARGE_INTEGER u64File2; int i; long iComp = 0; /* The comparison result */ /* Calculate criteria by order given from user */ for (i = 0; i < lpFlags->stOrderBy.sCriteriaCount; i++) { /* Calculate criteria */ switch (lpFlags->stOrderBy.eCriteria[i]) { case ORDER_SIZE: /* Order by size /o:s */ /* concat the 32bit integers to a 64bit */ u64File1.LowPart = lpFile1->stFindInfo.nFileSizeLow; u64File1.HighPart = lpFile1->stFindInfo.nFileSizeHigh; u64File2.LowPart = lpFile2->stFindInfo.nFileSizeLow; u64File2.HighPart = lpFile2->stFindInfo.nFileSizeHigh; /* In case that difference is too big for a long */ if (u64File1.QuadPart < u64File2.QuadPart) iComp = -1; else if (u64File1.QuadPart > u64File2.QuadPart) iComp = 1; else iComp = 0; break; case ORDER_DIRECTORY: /* Order by directory attribute /o:g */ iComp = ((lpFile2->stFindInfo.dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY)- (lpFile1->stFindInfo.dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY)); break; case ORDER_EXTENSION: /* Order by extension name /o:e */ iComp = _tcsicmp(getExt(lpFile1->stFindInfo.cFileName),getExt(lpFile2->stFindInfo.cFileName)); break; case ORDER_NAME: /* Order by filename /o:n */ iComp = _tcsicmp(lpFile1->stFindInfo.cFileName, lpFile2->stFindInfo.cFileName); break; case ORDER_TIME: /* Order by file's time /o:t */ /* We compare files based on the time field selected by /t */ switch (lpFlags->stTimeField.eTimeField) { case TF_CREATIONDATE: /* concat the 32bit integers to a 64bit */ u64File1.LowPart = lpFile1->stFindInfo.ftCreationTime.dwLowDateTime; u64File1.HighPart = lpFile1->stFindInfo.ftCreationTime.dwHighDateTime ; u64File2.LowPart = lpFile2->stFindInfo.ftCreationTime.dwLowDateTime; u64File2.HighPart = lpFile2->stFindInfo.ftCreationTime.dwHighDateTime ; break; case TF_LASTACCESSEDDATE : /* concat the 32bit integers to a 64bit */ u64File1.LowPart = lpFile1->stFindInfo.ftLastAccessTime.dwLowDateTime; u64File1.HighPart = lpFile1->stFindInfo.ftLastAccessTime.dwHighDateTime ; u64File2.LowPart = lpFile2->stFindInfo.ftLastAccessTime.dwLowDateTime; u64File2.HighPart = lpFile2->stFindInfo.ftLastAccessTime.dwHighDateTime ; break; case TF_MODIFIEDDATE: /* concat the 32bit integers to a 64bit */ u64File1.LowPart = lpFile1->stFindInfo.ftLastWriteTime.dwLowDateTime; u64File1.HighPart = lpFile1->stFindInfo.ftLastWriteTime.dwHighDateTime ; u64File2.LowPart = lpFile2->stFindInfo.ftLastWriteTime.dwLowDateTime; u64File2.HighPart = lpFile2->stFindInfo.ftLastWriteTime.dwHighDateTime ; break; } /* In case that difference is too big for a long */ if (u64File1.QuadPart < u64File2.QuadPart) iComp = -1; else if (u64File1.QuadPart > u64File2.QuadPart) iComp = 1; else iComp = 0; break; } /* Reverse if desired */ if (lpFlags->stOrderBy.bCriteriaRev[i]) iComp *= -1; /* If that criteria was enough for distinguishing the files/dirs,there is no need to calculate the others*/ if (iComp != 0) break; } /* Translate the value of iComp to boolean */ return iComp > 0; } /* * QsortFiles * * Sort files by the order criterias using quicksort method */ static VOID QsortFiles(PDIRFINDINFO ptrArray[], /* [IN/OUT] The array with file info pointers */ int i, /* [IN] The index of first item in array */ int j, /* [IN] The index to last item in array */ LPDIRSWITCHFLAGS lpFlags) /* [IN] The flags that we will use to sort */ { PDIRFINDINFO lpTemp; /* A temporary pointer */ BOOL Way; if (i < j) { int First = i, Last = j, Temp; Way = TRUE; while (i != j) { if (Way == CompareFiles(ptrArray[i], ptrArray[j], lpFlags)) { /* Swap the pointers of the array */ lpTemp = ptrArray[i]; ptrArray[i]= ptrArray[j]; ptrArray[j] = lpTemp; /* Swap the indexes for inverting sorting */ Temp = i; i = j; j =Temp; Way = !Way; } j += (!Way - Way); } QsortFiles(ptrArray,First, i-1, lpFlags); QsortFiles(ptrArray,i+1,Last, lpFlags); } } static VOID DirNodeCleanup(PDIRFINDLISTNODE ptrStartNode, PDWORD pdwCount) { PDIRFINDLISTNODE ptrNextNode; PDIRFINDSTREAMNODE ptrFreeNode; while (ptrStartNode) { ptrNextNode = ptrStartNode->ptrNext; while (ptrStartNode->stInfo.ptrHead) { ptrFreeNode = ptrStartNode->stInfo.ptrHead; ptrStartNode->stInfo.ptrHead = ptrFreeNode->ptrNext; cmd_free(ptrFreeNode); } cmd_free(ptrStartNode); ptrStartNode = ptrNextNode; --(*pdwCount); } } /* * DirList * * The function that does everything except for printing results */ static INT DirList(IN OUT LPTSTR szFullPath, /* [IN] The full path we are listing with trailing '\', where dir starts */ IN LPTSTR pszFilePart, /* [IN] Pointer in the szFullPath buffer where the file (pattern) part starts*/ LPDIRSWITCHFLAGS lpFlags) /* [IN] The flags of the listing */ { HANDLE hSearch; /* The handle of the search */ HANDLE hRecSearch; /* The handle for searching recursively */ HANDLE hStreams; /* The handle for alternate streams */ WIN32_FIND_DATA wfdFileInfo; /* The info of file that found */ PDIRFINDINFO * ptrFileArray; /* An array of pointers with all the files */ PDIRFINDLISTNODE ptrStartNode; /* The pointer to the first node */ PDIRFINDLISTNODE ptrNextNode; /* A pointer used for relatives references */ TCHAR szSubPath[MAX_PATH]; /* The full path used for the recursive search */ LPTSTR pszSubFilePart; TCHAR cPathSep; DWORD dwCount; /* A counter of files found in directory */ DWORD dwCountFiles; /* Counter for files */ DWORD dwCountDirs; /* Counter for directories */ ULONGLONG u64CountBytes; /* Counter for bytes */ ULARGE_INTEGER u64Temp; /* A temporary counter */ WIN32_FIND_STREAM_DATA wfsdStreamInfo; PDIRFINDSTREAMNODE * ptrCurNode; /* The pointer to the first stream */ static HANDLE (WINAPI *pFindFirstStreamW)(LPCWSTR, STREAM_INFO_LEVELS, LPVOID, DWORD); static BOOL (WINAPI *pFindNextStreamW)(HANDLE, LPVOID); /* Initialize variables */ ptrStartNode = NULL; ptrNextNode = NULL; dwCount = 0; dwCountFiles = 0; dwCountDirs = 0; u64CountBytes = 0; /* Prepare the linked list, first node is allocated */ ptrStartNode = cmd_alloc(sizeof(DIRFINDLISTNODE)); if (ptrStartNode == NULL) { WARN("Cannot allocate memory for ptrStartNode!\n"); return 1; /* Error cannot allocate memory for 1st object */ } ptrStartNode->stInfo.ptrHead = NULL; ptrNextNode = ptrStartNode; /* Collect the results for the current directory */ hSearch = FindFirstFile(szFullPath, &wfdFileInfo); if (hSearch != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { do { if ((wfdFileInfo.dwFileAttributes & lpFlags->stAttribs.dwAttribMask) == (lpFlags->stAttribs.dwAttribMask & lpFlags->stAttribs.dwAttribVal)) { ptrNextNode->ptrNext = cmd_alloc(sizeof(DIRFINDLISTNODE)); if (ptrNextNode->ptrNext == NULL) { WARN("Cannot allocate memory for ptrNextNode->ptrNext!\n"); DirNodeCleanup(ptrStartNode, &dwCount); FindClose(hSearch); return 1; } /* Copy the info of search at linked list */ memcpy(&ptrNextNode->ptrNext->stInfo.stFindInfo, &wfdFileInfo, sizeof(WIN32_FIND_DATA)); /* If lower case is selected do it here */ if (lpFlags->bLowerCase) { _tcslwr(ptrNextNode->ptrNext->stInfo.stFindInfo.cAlternateFileName); _tcslwr(ptrNextNode->ptrNext->stInfo.stFindInfo.cFileName); } /* No streams (yet?) */ ptrNextNode->ptrNext->stInfo.ptrHead = NULL; /* Alternate streams are only displayed with new long list */ if (lpFlags->bNewLongList && lpFlags->bDataStreams) { if (!pFindFirstStreamW) { pFindFirstStreamW = (PVOID)GetProcAddress(GetModuleHandle(_T("kernel32")), "FindFirstStreamW"); pFindNextStreamW = (PVOID)GetProcAddress(GetModuleHandle(_T("kernel32")), "FindNextStreamW"); } /* Try to get stream information */ if (pFindFirstStreamW && pFindNextStreamW) { hStreams = pFindFirstStreamW(wfdFileInfo.cFileName, FindStreamInfoStandard, &wfsdStreamInfo, 0); } else { hStreams = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; ERR("FindFirstStreamW not supported!\n"); } if (hStreams != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { /* We totally ignore first stream. It contains data about ::$DATA */ ptrCurNode = &ptrNextNode->ptrNext->stInfo.ptrHead; while (pFindNextStreamW(hStreams, &wfsdStreamInfo)) { *ptrCurNode = cmd_alloc(sizeof(DIRFINDSTREAMNODE)); if (*ptrCurNode == NULL) { WARN("Cannot allocate memory for *ptrCurNode!\n"); DirNodeCleanup(ptrStartNode, &dwCount); FindClose(hStreams); FindClose(hSearch); return 1; } memcpy(&(*ptrCurNode)->stStreamInfo, &wfsdStreamInfo, sizeof(WIN32_FIND_STREAM_DATA)); /* If lower case is selected do it here */ if (lpFlags->bLowerCase) { _tcslwr((*ptrCurNode)->stStreamInfo.cStreamName); } ptrCurNode = &(*ptrCurNode)->ptrNext; } FindClose(hStreams); *ptrCurNode = NULL; } } /* Continue at next node at linked list */ ptrNextNode = ptrNextNode->ptrNext; dwCount++; /* Grab statistics */ if (wfdFileInfo.dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY) { /* Directory */ dwCountDirs++; } else { /* File */ dwCountFiles++; u64Temp.HighPart = wfdFileInfo.nFileSizeHigh; u64Temp.LowPart = wfdFileInfo.nFileSizeLow; u64CountBytes += u64Temp.QuadPart; } } } while (FindNextFile(hSearch, &wfdFileInfo)); FindClose(hSearch); } /* Terminate list */ ptrNextNode->ptrNext = NULL; /* Calculate and allocate space need for making an array of pointers */ ptrFileArray = cmd_alloc(sizeof(PDIRFINDINFO) * dwCount); if (ptrFileArray == NULL) { WARN("Cannot allocate memory for ptrFileArray!\n"); DirNodeCleanup(ptrStartNode, &dwCount); return 1; } /* * Create an array of pointers from the linked list * this will be used to sort and print data, rather than the list */ ptrNextNode = ptrStartNode; dwCount = 0; while (ptrNextNode->ptrNext) { ptrFileArray[dwCount] = &ptrNextNode->ptrNext->stInfo; ptrNextNode = ptrNextNode->ptrNext; dwCount++; } /* Sort Data if requested */ if (lpFlags->stOrderBy.sCriteriaCount > 0) QsortFiles(ptrFileArray, 0, dwCount-1, lpFlags); /* Print Data */ cPathSep = pszFilePart[-1]; pszFilePart[-1] = _T('\0'); /* Truncate to directory name only */ DirPrintFiles(ptrFileArray, dwCount, szFullPath, lpFlags); if (lpFlags->bRecursive) { PrintSummary(szFullPath, dwCountFiles, dwCountDirs, u64CountBytes, lpFlags, FALSE); } pszFilePart[-1] = cPathSep; /* Free array */ cmd_free(ptrFileArray); /* Free linked list */ DirNodeCleanup(ptrStartNode, &dwCount); if (CheckCtrlBreak(BREAK_INPUT)) return 1; /* Add statistics to recursive statistics */ recurse_dir_cnt += dwCountDirs; recurse_file_cnt += dwCountFiles; recurse_bytes += u64CountBytes; /* * Do the recursive job if requested. * The recursion is done on ALL (independent of their attributes) * directories of the current one. */ if (lpFlags->bRecursive) { /* The new search is involving any *.* file */ memcpy(szSubPath, szFullPath, (pszFilePart - szFullPath) * sizeof(TCHAR)); _tcscpy(&szSubPath[pszFilePart - szFullPath], _T("*.*")); hRecSearch = FindFirstFile(szSubPath, &wfdFileInfo); if (hRecSearch != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { do { /* We search for directories other than "." and ".." */ if (!IsDotDirectory(wfdFileInfo.cFileName) && (wfdFileInfo.dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY)) { /* Concat the path and the directory to do recursive */ memcpy(szSubPath, szFullPath, (pszFilePart - szFullPath) * sizeof(TCHAR)); _tcscpy(&szSubPath[pszFilePart - szFullPath], wfdFileInfo.cFileName); _tcscat(szSubPath, _T("\\")); pszSubFilePart = &szSubPath[_tcslen(szSubPath)]; _tcscat(pszSubFilePart, pszFilePart); /* We do the same for the directory */ if (DirList(szSubPath, pszSubFilePart, lpFlags) != 0) { FindClose(hRecSearch); return 1; } } } while (FindNextFile(hRecSearch, &wfdFileInfo)); } FindClose(hRecSearch); } return 0; } static VOID ResolvePattern( IN LPTSTR pszPattern, IN DWORD nBufferLength, OUT LPTSTR pszFullPath, OUT LPTSTR* ppszPatternPart OPTIONAL) { LPTSTR pCurDir, pNextDir, ptr; LPTSTR pszPatternPart; TCHAR szNewPattern[MAX_PATH]; /* * We are going to use GetFullPathName() to properly determine the actual * full path from the pattern. However, due to the fact GetFullPathName() * strips parts of the file name component in case the pattern contains * path specification with trailing dots, it is required to perform a * pre-treatment on the pattern and a post-treatment on the obtained path. * This is mandatory in order to use the correct file search criterion. * * One particular case is when the pattern specifies a dots-only directory * followed by either the "." or ".." special directories. In this case the * GetFullPathName() function may completely miss the dots-only directory. * An example is given by the pattern (C-string notation) "\\...\\." . * To cope with this problem we need to partially canonicalize the pattern * by collapsing any "." or ".." special directory that immediately follows * a dots-only directory. We collapse in addition consecutive backslashes. * * Finally, trailing dots are skipped by GetFullPathName(). Therefore * a pattern that matches files with no extension, for example: "*." , * or: "dir\\noextfile." , are reduced to simply "*" or "dir\\noextfile", * that match files with extensions. Or, a pattern specifying a trailing * dots-only directory: "dir\\..." gets completely ignored and only the * full path to "dir" is returned. * To fix this second problem we need to restore the last part of the path * pattern using the pattern that has been first partially canonicalized. * * Note however that the "." or ".." special directories are always * interpreted correctly by GetFullPathName(). */ /* Make a copy of the path pattern */ ASSERT(_tcslen(pszPattern) < ARRAYSIZE(szNewPattern)); _tcscpy(szNewPattern, pszPattern); pszPattern = szNewPattern; TRACE("Original pszPattern: %S\n", pszPattern); /* Convert slashes into backslashes */ pNextDir = pszPattern; while ((pNextDir = _tcschr(pNextDir, _T('/')))) *pNextDir++ = _T('\\'); /* * Find any dots-only directory and collapse any "." or ".." special * directory that immediately follows it. * Note that we just start looking after the first path separator. Indeed, * dots-only directories that are not preceded by a path separator, and so * appear first in the pattern, for example: "...\dir", or: "..." , are * either correctly handled by GetFullPathName() because they are followed * by a non-pathological directory, or because they are handled when we * restore the trailing dots pattern piece in the next step. */ pNextDir = pszPattern; while (pNextDir) { pCurDir = pNextDir; /* Find the next path separator in the pattern */ pNextDir = _tcschr(pNextDir, _T('\\')); if (!pNextDir) break; /* Ignore the special "." and ".." directories that are correctly handled */ if ((pNextDir - pCurDir == 0) || IsDotDirectoryN(pCurDir, pNextDir - pCurDir)) { /* Found such a directory, ignore */ ++pNextDir; continue; } /* Check whether this is a dots-only directory */ for (ptr = pCurDir; ptr < pNextDir; ++ptr) { if (*ptr != _T('.')) break; } if (ptr < pNextDir) { /* Not a dots-only directory, ignore */ ++pNextDir; continue; } /* Skip any consecutive backslashes */ for (ptr = pNextDir; *ptr == _T('\\'); ++ptr) ; /* pCurDir is a dots-only directory, perform partial canonicalization */ /* Remove any following "." directory */ if (ptr[0] == _T('.') && (ptr[1] == _T('\\') || ptr[1] == 0)) { memmove(pNextDir, ptr + 1, (_tcslen(ptr + 1) + 1) * sizeof(TCHAR)); } /* Remove any following ".." directory */ else if (ptr[0] == _T('.') && ptr[1] == _T('.') && (ptr[2] == _T('\\') || ptr[2] == 0)) { /* Skip any consecutive backslashes before the next directory */ for (ptr = ptr + 2; *ptr == _T('\\'); ++ptr) ; memmove(pCurDir, ptr, (_tcslen(ptr) + 1) * sizeof(TCHAR)); pNextDir = pCurDir; } else { ++pNextDir; /* Collapse consecutive backslashes */ if (ptr > pNextDir) memmove(pNextDir, ptr, (_tcslen(ptr) + 1) * sizeof(TCHAR)); } } /* An empty pattern means we enumerate all files in the current directory */ if (!*pszPattern) _tcscpy(pszPattern, _T("*")); TRACE("New pszPattern: %S\n", pszPattern); /* Create the full path */ if (GetFullPathName(pszPattern, nBufferLength, pszFullPath, &pszPatternPart) == 0) { _tcscpy(pszFullPath, pszPattern); pszPatternPart = NULL; } TRACE("pszFullPath (1): %S\n", pszFullPath); TRACE("pszPatternPart (1): %S\n", pszPatternPart); /* * Restore the correct file name component in case the pattern contained * trailing dots that have been skipped by GetFullPathName(). */ /* Find the last path separator in the original szPath */ pNextDir = _tcsrchr(pszPattern, _T('\\')); if (pNextDir) { /* Skip past the separator and look at the path */ ++pNextDir; } else { /* The pattern is the path we need to look at */ pNextDir = pszPattern; } /* * When pszPatternPart == NULL this means that pszFullPath should be a * directory; however it might have happened that the original pattern * was specifying a dots-only directory, that has been stripped off by * GetFullPathName(). In both these cases we need to restore these as * they are part of the actual directory path; the exception being if * these are the special "." or ".." directories. */ if (_istalpha(pNextDir[0]) && pNextDir[1] == _T(':') && pNextDir[2] != _T('\\')) { /* * The syntax ":" without any trailing backslash actually * means: "current directory on this drive". */ } else if (pszPatternPart == NULL) { ASSERT(pszFullPath[_tcslen(pszFullPath)-1] == _T('\\')); /* Anything NOT being "." or ".." (the special directories) must be fully restored */ if (*pNextDir && !IsDotDirectory(pNextDir)) { pszPatternPart = &pszFullPath[_tcslen(pszFullPath)]; _tcscpy(pszPatternPart, pNextDir); pszPatternPart = NULL; } } else if (_tcscmp(pNextDir, pszPatternPart) != 0) { /* * For example, pszPatternPart == "." or ".." and we do not need to * do anything for these, or pszPatternPart == "dir\\noextfile." and * we need to restore all the trailing points. */ TRACE("pszPatternPart: %S is DIFFERENT from file criterion: %S\n", pszPatternPart, pNextDir); /* Anything NOT being "." or ".." (the special directories) must be fully restored */ if (*pNextDir && !IsDotDirectory(pNextDir)) { /* Restore the correct file criterion */ _tcscpy(pszPatternPart, pNextDir); } } TRACE("pszFullPath (2): %S\n", pszFullPath); /* * If no wildcard or file was specified and this is a directory, * display all files in it. */ if (pszPatternPart == NULL || IsExistingDirectory(pszFullPath)) { pszPatternPart = &pszFullPath[_tcslen(pszFullPath)]; if (pszPatternPart[-1] != _T('\\')) *pszPatternPart++ = _T('\\'); _tcscpy(pszPatternPart, _T("*")); } TRACE("pszPatternPart (2): %S\n", pszPatternPart); if (ppszPatternPart) *ppszPatternPart = pszPatternPart; } /* * dir * * internal dir command */ INT CommandDir(LPTSTR rest) { TCHAR dircmd[MAX_PATH]; /* A variable to store the DIRCMD environment variable */ TCHAR prev_volume[MAX_PATH]; TCHAR szFullPath[MAX_PATH]; LPTSTR* params = NULL; LPTSTR pszFilePart; TCHAR cPathSep; INT entries = 0; UINT loop = 0; DIRSWITCHFLAGS stFlags; INT ret = 1; BOOL ChangedVolume; /* Initialize Switch Flags < Default switches are set here! > */ stFlags.b4Digit = TRUE; stFlags.bBareFormat = FALSE; stFlags.bDataStreams = FALSE; stFlags.bLowerCase = FALSE; stFlags.bNewLongList = TRUE; stFlags.bPause = FALSE; stFlags.bRecursive = FALSE; stFlags.bShortName = FALSE; stFlags.bTSeparator = TRUE; stFlags.bUser = FALSE; stFlags.bWideList = FALSE; stFlags.bWideListColSort = FALSE; stFlags.stTimeField.eTimeField = TF_MODIFIEDDATE; stFlags.stAttribs.dwAttribMask = FILE_ATTRIBUTE_HIDDEN | FILE_ATTRIBUTE_SYSTEM; stFlags.stAttribs.dwAttribVal = 0L; stFlags.stOrderBy.sCriteriaCount = 0; nErrorLevel = 0; /* Read the parameters from the DIRCMD environment variable */ if (GetEnvironmentVariable (_T("DIRCMD"), dircmd, ARRAYSIZE(dircmd))) { if (!DirReadParam(dircmd, ¶ms, &entries, &stFlags)) { nErrorLevel = 1; goto cleanup; } } /* Read the parameters */ if (!DirReadParam(rest, ¶ms, &entries, &stFlags) || CheckCtrlBreak(BREAK_INPUT)) { nErrorLevel = 1; goto cleanup; } /* Default to current directory */ if (entries == 0) { if (!add_entry(&entries, ¶ms, _T("*"))) { nErrorLevel = 1; goto cleanup; } } prev_volume[0] = _T('\0'); /* Reset paging state */ if (stFlags.bPause) ConOutPrintfPaging(TRUE, _T("")); for (loop = 0; loop < (UINT)entries; loop++) { if (CheckCtrlBreak(BREAK_INPUT)) { nErrorLevel = 1; goto cleanup; } recurse_dir_cnt = 0L; recurse_file_cnt = 0L; recurse_bytes = 0; /* Uncomment this to show the final state of switch flags*/ { int i; TRACE("Attributes mask/value %x/%x\n",stFlags.stAttribs.dwAttribMask,stFlags.stAttribs.dwAttribVal); TRACE("(B) Bare format : %i\n", stFlags.bBareFormat); TRACE("(C) Thousand : %i\n", stFlags.bTSeparator); TRACE("(W) Wide list : %i\n", stFlags.bWideList); TRACE("(D) Wide list sort by column : %i\n", stFlags.bWideListColSort); TRACE("(L) Lowercase : %i\n", stFlags.bLowerCase); TRACE("(N) New : %i\n", stFlags.bNewLongList); TRACE("(O) Order : %i\n", stFlags.stOrderBy.sCriteriaCount); for (i =0;i