#include "precomp.h" const GUID KSPROPSETID_BdaPinControl = {0xded49d5, 0xa8b7, 0x4d5d, {0x97, 0xa1, 0x12, 0xb0, 0xc1, 0x95, 0x87, 0x4d}}; const GUID KSMETHODSETID_BdaDeviceConfiguration = {0x71985f45, 0x1ca1, 0x11d3, {0x9c, 0xc8, 0x0, 0xc0, 0x4f, 0x79, 0x71, 0xe0}}; const GUID KSPROPSETID_BdaTopology = {0xa14ee835, 0x0a23, 0x11d3, {0x9c, 0xc7, 0x0, 0xc0, 0x4f, 0x79, 0x71, 0xe0}}; BDA_GLOBAL g_Settings = { 0, 0, {NULL, NULL} }; KSPROPERTY_ITEM FilterPropertyItem[] = { DEFINE_KSPROPERTY_ITEM_BDA_NODE_TYPES(BdaPropertyNodeTypes, NULL), DEFINE_KSPROPERTY_ITEM_BDA_PIN_TYPES( BdaPropertyPinTypes, NULL), DEFINE_KSPROPERTY_ITEM_BDA_TEMPLATE_CONNECTIONS(BdaPropertyTemplateConnections, NULL), DEFINE_KSPROPERTY_ITEM_BDA_NODE_METHODS(BdaPropertyNodeMethods, NULL), DEFINE_KSPROPERTY_ITEM_BDA_NODE_PROPERTIES(BdaPropertyNodeProperties, NULL), DEFINE_KSPROPERTY_ITEM_BDA_NODE_EVENTS(BdaPropertyNodeEvents, NULL), DEFINE_KSPROPERTY_ITEM_BDA_CONTROLLING_PIN_ID(BdaPropertyGetControllingPinId, NULL), DEFINE_KSPROPERTY_ITEM_BDA_NODE_DESCRIPTORS(BdaPropertyNodeDescriptors, NULL) }; KSPROPERTY_SET FilterPropertySet = { &KSPROPSETID_BdaTopology, 8, FilterPropertyItem, 0, NULL }; KSMETHOD_ITEM FilterMethodItem[] = { //DEFINE_KSMETHOD_ITEM_BDA_CREATE_PIN_FACTORY(BdaMethodCreatePin, NULL), DEFINE_KSMETHOD_ITEM_BDA_CREATE_TOPOLOGY(BdaMethodCreateTopology, NULL) }; KSMETHOD_SET FilterMethodSet = { &KSMETHODSETID_BdaDeviceConfiguration, 2, FilterMethodItem, 0, NULL }; KSAUTOMATION_TABLE FilterAutomationTable = { 1, sizeof(KSPROPERTY_ITEM), &FilterPropertySet, 1, sizeof(KSMETHOD_ITEM), &FilterMethodSet, 0, sizeof(KSEVENT_ITEM), NULL }; KSPROPERTY_ITEM PinPropertyItem[] = { DEFINE_KSPROPERTY_ITEM_BDA_PIN_ID(BdaPropertyGetPinControl, NULL), DEFINE_KSPROPERTY_ITEM_BDA_PIN_TYPE(BdaPropertyGetPinControl, NULL) }; KSPROPERTY_SET PinPropertySet = { &KSPROPSETID_BdaPinControl, 2, PinPropertyItem, 0, NULL }; KSAUTOMATION_TABLE PinAutomationTable = { 1, sizeof(KSPROPERTY_ITEM), &PinPropertySet, 0, sizeof(KSMETHOD_ITEM), NULL, 0, sizeof(KSEVENT_ITEM), NULL }; PVOID AllocateItem( IN POOL_TYPE PoolType, IN SIZE_T NumberOfBytes) { PVOID Item = ExAllocatePool(PoolType, NumberOfBytes); if (!Item) return Item; RtlZeroMemory(Item, NumberOfBytes); return Item; } VOID FreeItem( IN PVOID Item) { ExFreePool(Item); } PBDA_FILTER_INSTANCE_ENTRY GetFilterInstanceEntry( IN PKSFILTERFACTORY FilterFactory) { PBDA_FILTER_INSTANCE_ENTRY InstanceEntry = NULL; PLIST_ENTRY Entry; KIRQL OldLevel; /* acquire list lock */ KeAcquireSpinLock(&g_Settings.FilterFactoryInstanceListLock, &OldLevel); /* point to first entry */ Entry = g_Settings.FilterFactoryInstanceList.Flink; while(Entry != &g_Settings.FilterFactoryInstanceList) { /* get instance entry from list entry offset */ InstanceEntry = (PBDA_FILTER_INSTANCE_ENTRY)CONTAINING_RECORD(Entry, BDA_FILTER_INSTANCE_ENTRY, Entry); /* is the instance entry the requested one */ if (InstanceEntry->FilterFactoryInstance == FilterFactory) break; /* move to next entry */ Entry = Entry->Flink; /* set to null as it has not been found */ InstanceEntry = NULL; } /* release spin lock */ KeReleaseSpinLock(&g_Settings.FilterFactoryInstanceListLock, OldLevel); /* return result */ return InstanceEntry; } /* @implemented */ NTSTATUS NTAPI DllInitialize( PUNICODE_STRING RegistryPath) { DPRINT("BDASUP::DllInitialize\n"); KeInitializeSpinLock(&g_Settings.FilterFactoryInstanceListLock); InitializeListHead(&g_Settings.FilterFactoryInstanceList); g_Settings.Initialized = TRUE; return STATUS_SUCCESS; } /* @implemented */ NTSTATUS NTAPI BdaCheckChanges(IN PIRP Irp) { DPRINT("BdaCheckChanges\n"); if (!Irp) return STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER; return STATUS_SUCCESS; } /* @implemented */ NTSTATUS NTAPI BdaCommitChanges(IN PIRP Irp) { DPRINT("BdaCommitChanges\n"); if (!Irp) return STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER; return STATUS_SUCCESS; } /* @implemented */ NTSTATUS NTAPI BdaCreateFilterFactory( IN PKSDEVICE pKSDevice, IN const KSFILTER_DESCRIPTOR *pFilterDescriptor, IN const BDA_FILTER_TEMPLATE *pBdaFilterTemplate) { return BdaCreateFilterFactoryEx(pKSDevice, pFilterDescriptor, pBdaFilterTemplate, NULL); } VOID NTAPI FreeFilterInstance( IN PVOID Context) { PBDA_FILTER_INSTANCE_ENTRY InstanceEntry = NULL; PLIST_ENTRY Entry; KIRQL OldLevel; /* acquire list lock */ KeAcquireSpinLock(&g_Settings.FilterFactoryInstanceListLock, &OldLevel); /* point to first entry */ Entry = g_Settings.FilterFactoryInstanceList.Flink; while(Entry != &g_Settings.FilterFactoryInstanceList) { /* get instance entry from list entry offset */ InstanceEntry = (PBDA_FILTER_INSTANCE_ENTRY)CONTAINING_RECORD(Entry, BDA_FILTER_INSTANCE_ENTRY, Entry); /* is the instance entry the requested one */ if (InstanceEntry == (PBDA_FILTER_INSTANCE_ENTRY)Context) { RemoveEntryList(&InstanceEntry->Entry); FreeItem(InstanceEntry); break; } /* move to next entry */ Entry = Entry->Flink; } /* release spin lock */ KeReleaseSpinLock(&g_Settings.FilterFactoryInstanceListLock, OldLevel); } /* @implemented */ NTSTATUS NTAPI BdaCreateFilterFactoryEx( IN PKSDEVICE pKSDevice, IN const KSFILTER_DESCRIPTOR *pFilterDescriptor, IN const BDA_FILTER_TEMPLATE *BdaFilterTemplate, OUT PKSFILTERFACTORY *ppKSFilterFactory) { PKSFILTERFACTORY FilterFactory; PBDA_FILTER_INSTANCE_ENTRY FilterInstance; KIRQL OldLevel; NTSTATUS Status; PKSFILTER_DESCRIPTOR FilterDescriptor; DPRINT("BdaCreateFilterFactoryEx\n"); FilterDescriptor = AllocateItem(NonPagedPool, sizeof(KSFILTER_DESCRIPTOR)); if (!FilterDescriptor) { /* no memory */ return STATUS_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES; } /* copy filter descriptor template */ RtlMoveMemory(FilterDescriptor, pFilterDescriptor, sizeof(KSFILTER_DESCRIPTOR)); /* erase pin / nodes / connections from filter descriptor */ FilterDescriptor->PinDescriptorsCount = 0; FilterDescriptor->PinDescriptors = NULL; FilterDescriptor->NodeDescriptorsCount = 0; FilterDescriptor->NodeDescriptors = NULL; FilterDescriptor->ConnectionsCount = 0; FilterDescriptor->Connections = NULL; /* merge the automation tables */ Status = KsMergeAutomationTables((PKSAUTOMATION_TABLE*)&FilterDescriptor->AutomationTable, (PKSAUTOMATION_TABLE)pFilterDescriptor->AutomationTable, &FilterAutomationTable, NULL); /* check for success */ if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { DPRINT1("KsMergeAutomationTables failed with %lx\n", Status); FreeItem(FilterDescriptor); return Status; } /* allocate filter instance */ FilterInstance = AllocateItem(NonPagedPool, sizeof(BDA_FILTER_INSTANCE_ENTRY)); if (!FilterInstance) { /* not enough memory */ FreeItem(FilterDescriptor); return STATUS_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES; } /* create the filter factory */ Status = KsCreateFilterFactory(pKSDevice->FunctionalDeviceObject, FilterDescriptor, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, &FilterFactory); /* check for success */ if (NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { if (FilterDescriptor->AutomationTable != &FilterAutomationTable) { /* add the item to filter object bag */ KsAddItemToObjectBag(FilterFactory->Bag, (PVOID)FilterDescriptor->AutomationTable, FreeFilterInstance); } else { /* make sure the automation table is not-read only */ Status = _KsEdit(FilterFactory->Bag, (PVOID*)&FilterDescriptor->AutomationTable, sizeof(KSAUTOMATION_TABLE), sizeof(KSAUTOMATION_TABLE), 0); /* sanity check */ ASSERT(Status == STATUS_SUCCESS); /* add to object bag */ KsAddItemToObjectBag(FilterFactory->Bag, (PVOID)FilterDescriptor->AutomationTable, FreeFilterInstance); } /* initialize filter instance entry */ FilterInstance->FilterFactoryInstance = FilterFactory; FilterInstance->FilterTemplate = (BDA_FILTER_TEMPLATE *)BdaFilterTemplate; /* acquire list lock */ KeAcquireSpinLock(&g_Settings.FilterFactoryInstanceListLock, &OldLevel); /* insert factory at the end */ InsertTailList(&g_Settings.FilterFactoryInstanceList, &FilterInstance->Entry); /* release spin lock */ KeReleaseSpinLock(&g_Settings.FilterFactoryInstanceListLock, OldLevel); if (ppKSFilterFactory) { /* store result */ *ppKSFilterFactory = FilterFactory; } } else { /* failed to create filter factory */ FreeItem(FilterInstance); FreeItem(FilterDescriptor); } /* done */ DPRINT("BdaCreateFilterFactoryEx Status %x\n", Status); return Status; } /* @implemented */ NTSTATUS NTAPI BdaCreatePin( IN PKSFILTER pKSFilter, IN ULONG ulPinType, OUT ULONG *pulPinId) { PKSPIN_DESCRIPTOR_EX PinDescriptor; PKSFILTERFACTORY FilterFactory; PBDA_FILTER_INSTANCE_ENTRY InstanceEntry; NTSTATUS Status; ULONG PinId; PKSPIN_DESCRIPTOR_EX NewPinDescriptor; DPRINT("BdaCreatePin\n"); if (!pulPinId || !pKSFilter) return STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER; /* get parent filter factory */ FilterFactory = KsFilterGetParentFilterFactory(pKSFilter); /* sanity check */ ASSERT(FilterFactory); /* find instance entry */ InstanceEntry = GetFilterInstanceEntry(FilterFactory); if (!InstanceEntry) { /* the filter was not initialized with BDA */ return STATUS_NOT_FOUND; } /* sanity checks */ ASSERT(InstanceEntry->FilterTemplate); ASSERT(InstanceEntry->FilterTemplate->pFilterDescriptor); /* does the filter support any pins */ if (!InstanceEntry->FilterTemplate->pFilterDescriptor->PinDescriptorsCount) { /* no pins supported */ DPRINT("BdaCreatePin NoPins supported\n"); return STATUS_UNSUCCESSFUL; } /* is pin factory still existing */ if (InstanceEntry->FilterTemplate->pFilterDescriptor->PinDescriptorsCount <= ulPinType) { /* pin request is out of bounds */ DPRINT("BdaCreatePin ulPinType %lu >= PinDescriptorCount %lu\n", ulPinType, InstanceEntry->FilterTemplate->pFilterDescriptor->PinDescriptorsCount); return STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER; } /* FIXME custom pin descriptors */ ASSERT(InstanceEntry->FilterTemplate->pFilterDescriptor->PinDescriptorSize == sizeof(KSPIN_DESCRIPTOR_EX)); /* get pin descriptor */ PinDescriptor = (PKSPIN_DESCRIPTOR_EX)&InstanceEntry->FilterTemplate->pFilterDescriptor->PinDescriptors[ulPinType]; /* allocate pin descriptor */ NewPinDescriptor = AllocateItem(NonPagedPool, sizeof(KSPIN_DESCRIPTOR_EX)); if (!NewPinDescriptor) { /* no memory */ DPRINT("BdaCreatePin OutOfMemory\n"); return STATUS_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES; } /* make a copy of the pin descriptor */ RtlMoveMemory(NewPinDescriptor, PinDescriptor, sizeof(KSPIN_DESCRIPTOR_EX)); /* merge the automation tables */ Status = KsMergeAutomationTables((PKSAUTOMATION_TABLE*)&NewPinDescriptor->AutomationTable, (PKSAUTOMATION_TABLE)PinDescriptor->AutomationTable, &PinAutomationTable, pKSFilter->Bag); /* check for success */ if (NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { /* create the pin factory */ Status = KsFilterCreatePinFactory(pKSFilter, NewPinDescriptor, &PinId); /* check for success */ if (NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { /* store result */ *pulPinId = PinId; } } DPRINT("BdaCreatePin Result %x PinId %u\n", Status, PinId); return Status; } /* @implemented */ NTSTATUS NTAPI BdaMethodCreatePin( IN PIRP Irp, IN KSMETHOD *pKSMethod, OUT ULONG *pulPinFactoryID) { PKSM_PIN Pin; PKSFILTER Filter; DPRINT("BdaMethodCreatePin\n"); if (!Irp) { /* invalid parameter */ return STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER; } /* get filter from irp */ Filter = KsGetFilterFromIrp(Irp); /* sanity check */ ASSERT(Filter); ASSERT(pKSMethod); /* get method request */ Pin = (PKSM_PIN)pKSMethod; /* create the pin */ return BdaCreatePin(Filter, Pin->PinId, pulPinFactoryID); } /* @implemented */ NTSTATUS NTAPI BdaInitFilter( IN PKSFILTER pKSFilter, IN const BDA_FILTER_TEMPLATE *pBdaFilterTemplate) { PBDA_FILTER_INSTANCE_ENTRY InstanceEntry; PKSFILTERFACTORY FilterFactory; ULONG Index, PinId; NTSTATUS Status = STATUS_SUCCESS; DPRINT("BdaInitFilter %p\n", pBdaFilterTemplate); /* check input parameters */ if (!pKSFilter) return STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER; /* get parent filter factory */ FilterFactory = KsFilterGetParentFilterFactory(pKSFilter); /* sanity check */ ASSERT(FilterFactory); /* find instance entry */ InstanceEntry = GetFilterInstanceEntry(FilterFactory); /* sanity check */ ASSERT(InstanceEntry); if (!pBdaFilterTemplate) { /* use template from BdaCreateFilterFactoryEx */ pBdaFilterTemplate = InstanceEntry->FilterTemplate; } /* now create the pins */ for(Index = 0; Index < pBdaFilterTemplate->pFilterDescriptor->PinDescriptorsCount; Index++) { /* create the pin */ Status = BdaCreatePin(pKSFilter, Index, &PinId); /* check for success */ if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) break; } /* done */ return Status; } /* @implemented */ NTSTATUS NTAPI BdaCreateTopology( IN PKSFILTER pKSFilter, IN ULONG InputPinId, IN ULONG OutputPinId) { PBDA_FILTER_INSTANCE_ENTRY InstanceEntry; PKSFILTERFACTORY FilterFactory; KSTOPOLOGY_CONNECTION Connection; DPRINT("BdaCreateTopology\n"); /* check input parameters */ if (!pKSFilter) return STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER; /* get parent filter factory */ FilterFactory = KsFilterGetParentFilterFactory(pKSFilter); /* sanity check */ ASSERT(FilterFactory); /* find instance entry */ InstanceEntry = GetFilterInstanceEntry(FilterFactory); if (!InstanceEntry) { /* the filter was not initialized with BDA */ return STATUS_NOT_FOUND; } if (InputPinId >= InstanceEntry->FilterTemplate->pFilterDescriptor->PinDescriptorsCount || OutputPinId >= InstanceEntry->FilterTemplate->pFilterDescriptor->PinDescriptorsCount) { /* invalid pin id */ return STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER; } /* initialize topology connection */ Connection.FromNode = KSFILTER_NODE; Connection.ToNode = KSFILTER_NODE; Connection.FromNodePin = InputPinId; Connection.ToNodePin = OutputPinId; /* add the connection */ return KsFilterAddTopologyConnections(pKSFilter, 1, &Connection); } /* @unimplemented */ NTSTATUS NTAPI BdaDeletePin( IN PKSFILTER pKSFilter, IN ULONG *pulPinId) { UNIMPLEMENTED DPRINT("BdaDeletePin\n"); return STATUS_NOT_IMPLEMENTED; } /* @implemented */ NTSTATUS NTAPI BdaFilterFactoryUpdateCacheData( IN PKSFILTERFACTORY FilterFactory, IN const KSFILTER_DESCRIPTOR *FilterDescriptor OPTIONAL) { DPRINT("BdaFilterFactoryUpdateCacheData\n"); return KsFilterFactoryUpdateCacheData(FilterFactory, FilterDescriptor); } /* @implemented */ NTSTATUS NTAPI BdaGetChangeState( IN PIRP Irp, OUT BDA_CHANGE_STATE *ChangeState) { DPRINT("BdaGetChangeState\n"); if (Irp && ChangeState) { *ChangeState = BDA_CHANGES_COMPLETE; return STATUS_SUCCESS; } /* invalid parameters supplied */ return STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER; } /* @implemented */ NTSTATUS NTAPI BdaMethodCreateTopology( IN PIRP Irp, IN KSMETHOD *pKSMethod, OPTIONAL PVOID pvIgnored) { PKSFILTER Filter; PKSP_BDA_NODE_PIN Node; DPRINT("BdaMethodCreateTopology\n"); /* check input parameters */ if (!Irp || !pKSMethod) return STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER; /* get filter */ Filter = KsGetFilterFromIrp(Irp); /* sanity check */ ASSERT(Filter); /* get method request */ Node = (PKSP_BDA_NODE_PIN)pKSMethod; /* create the topology */ return BdaCreateTopology(Filter, Node->ulInputPinId, Node->ulOutputPinId); } /* @implemented */ NTSTATUS NTAPI BdaMethodDeletePin( IN PIRP Irp, IN KSMETHOD *pKSMethod, OPTIONAL PVOID pvIgnored) { DPRINT("BdaMethodDeletePin\n"); if (!Irp) return STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER; return STATUS_SUCCESS; } /* @unimplemented */ NTSTATUS NTAPI BdaPropertyGetControllingPinId( IN PIRP Irp, IN KSP_BDA_NODE_PIN *pProperty, OUT ULONG *pulControllingPinId) { UNIMPLEMENTED DPRINT("BdaPropertyGetControllingPinId\n"); return STATUS_NOT_IMPLEMENTED; } /* @implemented */ NTSTATUS NTAPI BdaPropertyGetPinControl( IN PIRP Irp, IN KSPROPERTY *pKSProperty, OUT ULONG *pulProperty) { PKSPIN Pin; PKSFILTER Filter; PKSFILTERFACTORY FilterFactory; PBDA_FILTER_INSTANCE_ENTRY InstanceEntry; DPRINT("BdaPropertyGetPinControl\n"); /* first get the pin */ Pin = KsGetPinFromIrp(Irp); ASSERT(Pin); /* now get the parent filter */ Filter = KsPinGetParentFilter(Pin); ASSERT(Filter); /* get parent filter factory */ FilterFactory = KsFilterGetParentFilterFactory(Filter); ASSERT(FilterFactory); /* find instance entry */ InstanceEntry = GetFilterInstanceEntry(FilterFactory); ASSERT(InstanceEntry); /* sanity check */ pKSProperty++; ASSERT(pKSProperty->Id == KSPROPERTY_BDA_PIN_TYPE); /* store pin id */ *pulProperty = Pin->Id; return STATUS_SUCCESS; } /* @unimplemented */ NTSTATUS NTAPI BdaPropertyNodeDescriptors( IN PIRP Irp, IN KSPROPERTY *pKSProperty, OUT BDANODE_DESCRIPTOR *pNodeDescriptorProperty) { UNIMPLEMENTED DPRINT("BdaPropertyNodeDescriptors\n"); return STATUS_NOT_IMPLEMENTED; } /* @unimplemented */ NTSTATUS NTAPI BdaPropertyNodeEvents( IN PIRP Irp, IN KSP_NODE *pKSProperty, OUT GUID *pguidProperty) { UNIMPLEMENTED DPRINT("BdaPropertyNodeEvents\n"); return STATUS_NOT_IMPLEMENTED; } /* @unimplemented */ NTSTATUS NTAPI BdaPropertyNodeMethods( IN PIRP Irp, IN KSP_NODE *pKSProperty, OUT GUID *pguidProperty) { UNIMPLEMENTED DPRINT("BdaPropertyNodeMethods\n"); return STATUS_NOT_IMPLEMENTED; } /* @unimplemented */ NTSTATUS NTAPI BdaPropertyNodeProperties( IN PIRP Irp, IN KSP_NODE *pKSProperty, OUT GUID *pguidProperty) { UNIMPLEMENTED DPRINT("BdaPropertyNodeProperties\n"); return STATUS_NOT_IMPLEMENTED; } /* @implemented */ NTSTATUS NTAPI BdaPropertyNodeTypes( IN PIRP Irp, IN KSPROPERTY *pKSProperty, OUT ULONG *pulProperty) { PBDA_FILTER_INSTANCE_ENTRY InstanceEntry; PKSFILTERFACTORY FilterFactory; PKSFILTER pKSFilter; PIO_STACK_LOCATION IoStack; ULONG Index; DPRINT("BdaPropertyNodeTypes\n"); /* check input parameter */ if (!Irp || !pKSProperty) return STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER; /* first get the filter */ pKSFilter = KsGetFilterFromIrp(Irp); /* sanity check */ ASSERT(pKSFilter); /* get parent filter factory */ FilterFactory = KsFilterGetParentFilterFactory(pKSFilter); /* sanity check */ ASSERT(FilterFactory); /* find instance entry */ InstanceEntry = GetFilterInstanceEntry(FilterFactory); ASSERT(InstanceEntry); /* get current irp stack */ IoStack = IoGetCurrentIrpStackLocation(Irp); /* are there node types provided */ if (!pulProperty) { /* no node entry array provided */ Irp->IoStatus.Information = InstanceEntry->FilterTemplate->pFilterDescriptor->NodeDescriptorsCount * sizeof(ULONG); Irp->IoStatus.Status = STATUS_MORE_ENTRIES; return STATUS_MORE_ENTRIES; } if (InstanceEntry->FilterTemplate->pFilterDescriptor->NodeDescriptorsCount * sizeof(ULONG) > IoStack->Parameters.DeviceIoControl.OutputBufferLength) { /* buffer too small */ Irp->IoStatus.Information = InstanceEntry->FilterTemplate->pFilterDescriptor->NodeDescriptorsCount * sizeof(ULONG); Irp->IoStatus.Status = STATUS_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL; return STATUS_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL; } /* now copy all descriptors */ for(Index = 0; Index < InstanceEntry->FilterTemplate->pFilterDescriptor->NodeDescriptorsCount; Index++) { /* use the index as the type */ pulProperty[Index] = Index; } return STATUS_SUCCESS; } /* @implemented */ NTSTATUS NTAPI BdaPropertyPinTypes( IN PIRP Irp, IN KSPROPERTY *pKSProperty, OUT ULONG *pulProperty) { PBDA_FILTER_INSTANCE_ENTRY InstanceEntry; PKSFILTERFACTORY FilterFactory; PKSFILTER pKSFilter; PIO_STACK_LOCATION IoStack; ULONG Index; DPRINT("BdaPropertyPinTypes\n"); /* check input parameter */ if (!Irp || !pKSProperty) return STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER; /* first get the filter */ pKSFilter = KsGetFilterFromIrp(Irp); /* sanity check */ ASSERT(pKSFilter); /* get parent filter factory */ FilterFactory = KsFilterGetParentFilterFactory(pKSFilter); /* sanity check */ ASSERT(FilterFactory); /* find instance entry */ InstanceEntry = GetFilterInstanceEntry(FilterFactory); ASSERT(InstanceEntry); /* get current irp stack */ IoStack = IoGetCurrentIrpStackLocation(Irp); /* are there node types provided */ if (!pKSProperty) { /* no node entry array provided */ Irp->IoStatus.Information = InstanceEntry->FilterTemplate->pFilterDescriptor->PinDescriptorsCount * sizeof(ULONG); Irp->IoStatus.Status = STATUS_MORE_ENTRIES; return STATUS_MORE_ENTRIES; } if (InstanceEntry->FilterTemplate->pFilterDescriptor->PinDescriptorsCount * sizeof(ULONG) > IoStack->Parameters.DeviceIoControl.OutputBufferLength) { /* buffer too small */ Irp->IoStatus.Information = InstanceEntry->FilterTemplate->pFilterDescriptor->PinDescriptorsCount * sizeof(ULONG); Irp->IoStatus.Status = STATUS_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL; return STATUS_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL; } /* now copy all descriptors */ for(Index = 0; Index < InstanceEntry->FilterTemplate->pFilterDescriptor->PinDescriptorsCount; Index++) { /* use the index as the type */ pulProperty[Index] = Index; } return STATUS_SUCCESS; } /* @implemented */ NTSTATUS NTAPI BdaPropertyTemplateConnections( IN PIRP Irp, IN KSPROPERTY *pKSProperty, OUT KSTOPOLOGY_CONNECTION *pConnectionProperty) { PBDA_FILTER_INSTANCE_ENTRY FilterInstance; PKSFILTER Filter; PIO_STACK_LOCATION IoStack; ULONG Index; DPRINT("BdaPropertyTemplateConnections\n"); /* validate parameters */ if (!Irp || !pKSProperty) return STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER; /* first get the filter */ Filter = KsGetFilterFromIrp(Irp); /* sanity check */ ASSERT(Filter); /* verify filter has been registered with BDA */ FilterInstance = GetFilterInstanceEntry(KsFilterGetParentFilterFactory(Filter)); if (!FilterInstance) return STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER; /* get current irp stack */ IoStack = IoGetCurrentIrpStackLocation(Irp); if (!pConnectionProperty) { /* caller needs the size first */ Irp->IoStatus.Information = FilterInstance->FilterTemplate->pFilterDescriptor->ConnectionsCount * sizeof(KSTOPOLOGY_CONNECTION); Irp->IoStatus.Status = STATUS_BUFFER_OVERFLOW; return STATUS_BUFFER_OVERFLOW; } /* sanity check */ ASSERT(FilterInstance->FilterTemplate->pFilterDescriptor->ConnectionsCount * sizeof(KSTOPOLOGY_CONNECTION) <= IoStack->Parameters.DeviceIoControl.OutputBufferLength); for(Index = 0; Index < FilterInstance->FilterTemplate->pFilterDescriptor->ConnectionsCount; Index++) { /* sanity check */ ASSERT(FilterInstance->FilterTemplate->pFilterDescriptor->Connections); /* copy connection */ RtlMoveMemory(pConnectionProperty, &FilterInstance->FilterTemplate->pFilterDescriptor->Connections[Index], sizeof(KSTOPOLOGY_CONNECTION)); } /* store result */ Irp->IoStatus.Information = FilterInstance->FilterTemplate->pFilterDescriptor->ConnectionsCount * sizeof(KSTOPOLOGY_CONNECTION); Irp->IoStatus.Status = STATUS_SUCCESS; /* done */ return STATUS_SUCCESS; } /* @implemented */ NTSTATUS NTAPI BdaStartChanges(IN PIRP Irp) { DPRINT("BdaStartChanges\n"); if (Irp) return STATUS_SUCCESS; else return STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER; } /* @implemented */ NTSTATUS NTAPI BdaUninitFilter(IN PKSFILTER pKSFilter) { DPRINT("BdaUninitFilter\n"); return STATUS_SUCCESS; } /* @implemented */ NTSTATUS NTAPI BdaValidateNodeProperty( IN PIRP Irp, IN KSPROPERTY *KSProperty) { DPRINT("BdaValidateNodeProperty\n"); /* check for valid parameter */ if (Irp && KSProperty) return STATUS_SUCCESS; return STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER; }