/* io.c - Virtual disk input/output */ /* Written 1993 by Werner Almesberger */ /* * Thu Feb 26 01:15:36 CET 1998: Martin Schulze * Fixed nasty bug that caused every file with a name like * xxxxxxxx.xxx to be treated as bad name that needed to be fixed. */ /* FAT32, VFAT, Atari format support, and various fixes additions May 1998 * by Roman Hodek */ #include #include #include //#include #include //#include #include #include #include //#include #ifdef _WIN32 #define _WIN32_WINNT 0x0400 #include #include #define __LITTLE_ENDIAN 1234 #define __BIG_ENDIAN 4321 #define __BYTE_ORDER __LITTLE_ENDIAN #define inline #define __attribute__(x) #define BLOCK_SIZE 512 #endif #include "dosfsck.h" #include "common.h" #include "io.h" typedef struct _change { void *data; loff_t pos; int size; struct _change *next; } CHANGE; static CHANGE *changes,*last; static int fd,did_change = 0; unsigned device_no; static int WIN32open(const char *path, int oflag, ...); #define open WIN32open static int WIN32close(int fd); #define close WIN32close static int WIN32read(int fd, void *buf, unsigned int len); #define read WIN32read static int WIN32write(int fd, void *buf, unsigned int len); #define write WIN32write static loff_t WIN32llseek(int fd, loff_t offset, int whence); #ifdef llseek #undef llseek #endif #define llseek WIN32llseek static int is_device = 0; void fs_open(char *path,int rw) { #ifdef _WIN32 static char dev_buf[] = "\\\\.\\X:"; #else struct stat stbuf; #endif if (path[1] == ':' && path[2] == '\0') { dev_buf[4] = path[0]; path = dev_buf; // is_device = 1; } if ((fd = open(path,rw ? O_RDWR : O_RDONLY)) < 0) pdie("open %s",path); changes = last = NULL; did_change = 0; #if 0 if (fstat(fd,&stbuf) < 0) pdie("fstat %s",path); device_no = S_ISBLK(stbuf.st_mode) ? (stbuf.st_rdev >> 8) & 0xff : 0; #endif } void fs_read(loff_t pos,int size,void *data) { CHANGE *walk; int got; #if 1 // TMN const size_t readsize_aligned = (size % 512) ? (size + (512 - (size % 512))) : size; // TMN: const loff_t seekpos_aligned = pos - (pos % 512); // TMN: const size_t seek_delta = (size_t)(pos - seekpos_aligned); // TMN: const size_t readsize = (size_t)(pos - seekpos_aligned) + readsize_aligned; // TMN: char* tmpBuf = malloc(readsize_aligned); // TMN: #ifdef _MSC_VER if (llseek(fd,seekpos_aligned,0) != seekpos_aligned) pdie("Seek to %I64d",pos); if ((got = read(fd,tmpBuf,readsize_aligned)) < 0) pdie("Read %d bytes at %I64dd",size,pos); #else if (llseek(fd,seekpos_aligned,0) != seekpos_aligned) pdie("Seek to %lld",pos); if ((got = read(fd,tmpBuf,readsize_aligned)) < 0) pdie("Read %d bytes at %lld",size,pos); #endif assert(got >= size); got = size; assert(seek_delta + size <= readsize); memcpy(data, tmpBuf+seek_delta, size); free(tmpBuf); #else // TMN: if (llseek(fd,pos,0) != pos) pdie("Seek to %lld",pos); if ((got = read(fd,data,size)) < 0) pdie("Read %d bytes at %lld",size,pos); #endif // TMN: if (got != size) die("Got %d bytes instead of %d at %lld",got,size,pos); for (walk = changes; walk; walk = walk->next) { if (walk->pos < pos+size && walk->pos+walk->size > pos) { if (walk->pos < pos) memcpy(data,(char *) walk->data+pos-walk->pos,min((size_t)size, (size_t)(walk->size-pos+walk->pos))); else memcpy((char *) data+walk->pos-pos,walk->data,min((size_t)walk->size, (size_t)(size+pos-walk->pos))); } } } int fs_test(loff_t pos,int size) { void *scratch; int okay; #if 1 // TMN const size_t readsize_aligned = (size % 512) ? (size + (512 - (size % 512))) : size; // TMN: const loff_t seekpos_aligned = pos - (pos % 512); // TMN: const size_t seek_delta = (size_t)(pos - seekpos_aligned); // TMN: const size_t readsize = (size_t)(pos - seekpos_aligned) + readsize_aligned; // TMN: scratch = alloc(readsize_aligned); if (llseek(fd,seekpos_aligned,0) != seekpos_aligned) pdie("Seek to %lld",pos); okay = read(fd,scratch,readsize_aligned) == (int)readsize_aligned; free(scratch); #else // TMN: if (llseek(fd,pos,0) != pos) pdie("Seek to %lld",pos); scratch = alloc(size); okay = read(fd,scratch,size) == size; free(scratch); #endif // TMN: return okay; } void fs_write(loff_t pos,int size,void *data) { CHANGE *new; int did; if (write_immed) { did_change = 1; if (llseek(fd,pos,0) != pos) pdie("Seek to %lld",pos); if ((did = write(fd,data,size)) == size) return; if (did < 0) pdie("Write %d bytes at %lld",size,pos); die("Wrote %d bytes instead of %d at %lld",did,size,pos); } new = alloc(sizeof(CHANGE)); new->pos = pos; memcpy(new->data = alloc(new->size = size),data,size); new->next = NULL; if (last) last->next = new; else changes = new; last = new; } static void fs_flush(void) { CHANGE *this; int size; while (changes) { this = changes; changes = changes->next; if (llseek(fd,this->pos,0) != this->pos) fprintf(stderr,"Seek to %lld failed: %s\n Did not write %d bytes.\n", (__int64)this->pos,strerror(errno),this->size); else if ((size = write(fd,this->data,this->size)) < 0) fprintf(stderr,"Writing %d bytes at %lld failed: %s\n",this->size, (__int64)this->pos,strerror(errno)); else if (size != this->size) fprintf(stderr,"Wrote %d bytes instead of %d bytes at %lld." "\n",size,this->size,(__int64)this->pos); free(this->data); free(this); } } int fs_close(int write) { CHANGE *next; int changed; changed = !!changes; if (write) fs_flush(); else while (changes) { next = changes->next; free(changes->data); free(changes); changes = next; } if (close(fd) < 0) pdie("closing file system"); return changed || did_change; } int fs_changed(void) { return !!changes || did_change; } /* Local Variables: */ /* tab-width: 8 */ /* End: */ #define O_SHORT_LIVED _O_SHORT_LIVED //#define O_ACCMODE 3 #define O_NONE 3 #define O_BACKUP 0x10000 #define O_SHARED 0x20000 static int WIN32open(const char *path, int oflag, ...) { HANDLE fh; DWORD desiredAccess; DWORD shareMode; DWORD creationDisposition; DWORD flagsAttributes = FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL; SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES securityAttributes; va_list ap; int pmode; int trunc = FALSE; securityAttributes.nLength = sizeof(securityAttributes); securityAttributes.lpSecurityDescriptor = NULL; securityAttributes.bInheritHandle = oflag & O_NOINHERIT ? FALSE : TRUE; switch (oflag & O_ACCMODE) { case O_RDONLY: desiredAccess = GENERIC_READ; // shareMode = FILE_SHARE_READ; shareMode = FILE_SHARE_READ|FILE_SHARE_WRITE; // TMN: break; case O_WRONLY: exit(42); desiredAccess = GENERIC_WRITE; shareMode = 0; break; case O_RDWR: exit(43); desiredAccess = GENERIC_READ|GENERIC_WRITE; shareMode = 0; break; case O_NONE: exit(44); desiredAccess = 0; shareMode = FILE_SHARE_READ|FILE_SHARE_WRITE; } if (oflag & O_APPEND) { exit(45); desiredAccess |= FILE_APPEND_DATA|SYNCHRONIZE; shareMode = FILE_SHARE_READ|FILE_SHARE_WRITE; } if (oflag & O_SHARED) shareMode |= FILE_SHARE_READ|FILE_SHARE_WRITE; switch (oflag & (O_CREAT|O_EXCL|O_TRUNC)) { case 0: case O_EXCL: creationDisposition = OPEN_EXISTING; break; case O_CREAT: exit(46); creationDisposition = OPEN_ALWAYS; break; case O_CREAT|O_EXCL: case O_CREAT|O_TRUNC|O_EXCL: exit(47); creationDisposition = CREATE_NEW; break; case O_TRUNC: case O_TRUNC|O_EXCL: exit(48); creationDisposition = TRUNCATE_EXISTING; break; case O_CREAT|O_TRUNC: exit(49); creationDisposition = OPEN_ALWAYS; trunc = TRUE; break; } if (oflag & O_CREAT) { exit(50); va_start(ap, oflag); pmode = va_arg(ap, int); va_end(ap); if ((pmode & 0222) == 0) flagsAttributes |= FILE_ATTRIBUTE_READONLY; } if (oflag & O_TEMPORARY) { exit(51); flagsAttributes |= FILE_FLAG_DELETE_ON_CLOSE; desiredAccess |= DELETE; } if (oflag & O_SHORT_LIVED) flagsAttributes |= FILE_ATTRIBUTE_TEMPORARY; if (oflag & O_SEQUENTIAL) flagsAttributes |= FILE_FLAG_SEQUENTIAL_SCAN; else if (oflag & O_RANDOM) flagsAttributes |= FILE_FLAG_RANDOM_ACCESS; if (oflag & O_BACKUP) flagsAttributes |= FILE_FLAG_BACKUP_SEMANTICS; if ((fh = CreateFile(path, desiredAccess, shareMode, &securityAttributes, creationDisposition, flagsAttributes, NULL)) == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { errno = GetLastError(); return -1; } if (trunc) { exit(52); if (!SetEndOfFile(fh)) { errno = GetLastError(); CloseHandle(fh); DeleteFile(path); return -1; } } return (int)fh; } static int WIN32close(int fd) { if (!CloseHandle((HANDLE)fd)) { errno = GetLastError(); return -1; } return 0; } static int WIN32read(int fd, void *buf, unsigned int len) { DWORD actualLen; if (!ReadFile((HANDLE)fd, buf, (DWORD)len, &actualLen, NULL)) { errno = GetLastError(); if (errno == ERROR_BROKEN_PIPE) return 0; else return -1; } return (int)actualLen; } static int WIN32write(int fd, void *buf, unsigned int len) { DWORD actualLen; if (!WriteFile((HANDLE)fd, buf, (DWORD)len, &actualLen, NULL)) { errno = GetLastError(); return -1; } return (int)actualLen; } static loff_t WIN32llseek(int fd, loff_t offset, int whence) { long lo, hi; DWORD err; lo = (long)(offset & 0xffffffff); hi = (long)(offset >> 32); lo = SetFilePointer((HANDLE)fd, lo, &hi, whence); if (lo == 0xFFFFFFFF && (err = GetLastError()) != NO_ERROR) { errno = err; return -1; } return ((loff_t)hi << 32) | (__u32)lo; } int fsctl(int fd, int code) { DWORD ret; if (!DeviceIoControl((HANDLE)fd, code, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, &ret, NULL)) { errno = GetLastError(); return -1; } return 0; }