/* ------------------- decomp.c -------------------- */ /* * Decompress the application.HLP file * or load the application.TXT file if the .HLP file * does not exist */ #include "dflat.h" #include "htree.h" static int in8; static int ct8 = 8; static FILE *fi; static DF_BYTECOUNTER bytectr; static int LoadingASCII; struct DfHTr *DfHelpTree; static int root; /* ------- open the help database file -------- */ FILE *DfOpenHelpFile(void) { char *cp; int treect, i; char helpname[65]; /* -------- get the name of the help file ---------- */ DfBuildFileName(helpname, ".hlp"); LoadingASCII = FALSE; if ((fi = fopen(helpname, "rb")) == NULL) { /* ---- no .hlp file, look for .txt file ---- */ if ((cp = strrchr(helpname, '.')) != NULL) { strcpy(cp, ".TXT"); fi = fopen(helpname, "rt"); } if (fi == NULL) return NULL; LoadingASCII = TRUE; } if (!LoadingASCII && DfHelpTree == NULL) { /* ----- read the byte count ------ */ fread(&bytectr, sizeof bytectr, 1, fi); /* ----- read the frequency count ------ */ fread(&treect, sizeof treect, 1, fi); /* ----- read the root offset ------ */ fread(&root, sizeof root, 1, fi); DfHelpTree = DfCalloc(treect-256, sizeof(struct DfHTr)); /* ---- read in the tree --- */ for (i = 0; i < treect-256; i++) { fread(&DfHelpTree[i].left, sizeof(int), 1, fi); fread(&DfHelpTree[i].right, sizeof(int), 1, fi); } } return fi; } /* ----- read a line of text from the help database ----- */ void *DfGetHelpLine(char *line) { int h; if (LoadingASCII) { void *hp; do hp = fgets(line, 160, fi); while (*line == ';'); return hp; } *line = '\0'; while (TRUE) { /* ----- decompress a line from the file ------ */ h = root; /* ----- walk the Huffman tree ----- */ while (h > 255) { /* --- h is a node pointer --- */ if (ct8 == 8) { /* --- read 8 bits of compressed data --- */ if ((in8 = fgetc(fi)) == EOF) { *line = '\0'; return NULL; } ct8 = 0; } /* -- point to left or right node based on msb -- */ if (in8 & 0x80) h = DfHelpTree[h-256].left; else h = DfHelpTree[h-256].right; /* --- shift the next bit in --- */ in8 <<= 1; ct8++; } /* --- h < 255 = decompressed character --- */ if (h == '\r') continue; /* skip the '\r' character */ /* --- put the character in the buffer --- */ *line++ = h; /* --- if '\n', end of line --- */ if (h == '\n') break; } *line = '\0'; /* null-terminate the line */ return line; } /* --- compute the database file byte and bit position --- */ void DfHelpFilePosition(long *offset, int *bit) { *offset = ftell(fi); if (LoadingASCII) *bit = 0; else { if (ct8 < 8) --*offset; *bit = ct8; } } /* -- position the database to the specified byte and bit -- */ void DfSeekHelpLine(long offset, int bit) { int i; fseek(fi, offset, 0); if (!LoadingASCII) { ct8 = bit; if (ct8 < 8) { in8 = fgetc(fi); for (i = 0; i < bit; i++) in8 <<= 1; } } }