/* * PROJECT: ReactOS Application compatibility module * LICENSE: GPL-2.0+ (https://spdx.org/licenses/GPL-2.0+) * PURPOSE: Shim database manipulation functions * COPYRIGHT: Copyright 2011 André Hentschel * Copyright 2013 Mislav Blažević * Copyright 2015-2017 Mark Jansen (mark.jansen@reactos.org) */ #if !defined(SDBWRITE_HOSTTOOL) #define WIN32_NO_STATUS #include "windef.h" #include "ntndk.h" #else #include #include #endif #include "sdbtypes.h" #include "sdbpapi.h" #include "sdbtagid.h" #include "sdbstringtable.h" /* Local functions */ BOOL WINAPI SdbWriteStringRefTag(PDB pdb, TAG tag, TAGID tagid); BOOL WINAPI SdbWriteStringTag(PDB pdb, TAG tag, LPCWSTR string); TAGID WINAPI SdbBeginWriteListTag(PDB pdb, TAG tag); BOOL WINAPI SdbEndWriteListTag(PDB pdb, TAGID tagid); /* sdbapi.c */ void WINAPI SdbCloseDatabase(PDB); /* Copy data to the allocated database */ static void WINAPI SdbpWrite(PDB pdb, const void* data, DWORD size) { ASSERT(pdb->for_write); if (pdb->write_iter + size > pdb->size) { DWORD oldSize = pdb->size; /* Round to powers of two to prevent too many reallocations */ while (pdb->size < pdb->write_iter + size) pdb->size <<= 1; pdb->data = SdbReAlloc(pdb->data, pdb->size, oldSize); } memcpy(pdb->data + pdb->write_iter, data, size); pdb->write_iter += size; } /* Add a string to the string table (creating it when it did not exist yet), returning if it succeeded or not */ static BOOL WINAPI SdbpGetOrAddStringRef(PDB pdb, LPCWSTR string, TAGID* tagid) { PDB buf = pdb->string_buffer; ASSERT(pdb->for_write); if (pdb->string_buffer == NULL) { pdb->string_buffer = buf = SdbAlloc(sizeof(DB)); if (buf == NULL) return FALSE; buf->size = 128; buf->data = SdbAlloc(buf->size); buf->for_write = TRUE; if (buf->data == NULL) return FALSE; } *tagid = buf->write_iter + sizeof(TAG) + sizeof(DWORD); if (SdbpAddStringToTable(&pdb->string_lookup, string, tagid)) return SdbWriteStringTag(buf, TAG_STRINGTABLE_ITEM, string); return pdb->string_lookup != NULL; } /* Write the in-memory stringtable to the specified db */ static BOOL WINAPI SdbpWriteStringtable(PDB pdb) { TAGID table; PDB buf = pdb->string_buffer; if (buf == NULL || pdb->string_lookup == NULL) return FALSE; table = SdbBeginWriteListTag(pdb, TAG_STRINGTABLE); SdbpWrite(pdb, buf->data, buf->write_iter); return SdbEndWriteListTag(pdb, table); } /** * Creates new shim database file * * If a file already exists on specified path, that file shall be overwritten. * * @note Use SdbCloseDatabaseWrite to close the database opened with this function. * * @param [in] path Path to the new shim database. * @param [in] type Type of path. Either DOS_PATH or NT_PATH. * * @return Success: Handle to the newly created shim database, NULL otherwise. */ PDB WINAPI SdbCreateDatabase(LPCWSTR path, PATH_TYPE type) { static const DWORD version_major = 2, version_minor = 1; static const char* magic = "sdbf"; PDB pdb; pdb = SdbpCreate(path, type, TRUE); if (!pdb) return NULL; pdb->size = sizeof(DWORD) + sizeof(DWORD) + strlen(magic); pdb->data = SdbAlloc(pdb->size); SdbpWrite(pdb, &version_major, sizeof(DWORD)); SdbpWrite(pdb, &version_minor, sizeof(DWORD)); SdbpWrite(pdb, magic, strlen(magic)); return pdb; } /** * Closes specified database and writes data to file. * * @param [in] pdb Handle to the shim database. */ void WINAPI SdbCloseDatabaseWrite(PDB pdb) { ASSERT(pdb->for_write); SdbpWriteStringtable(pdb); SdbpFlush(pdb); SdbCloseDatabase(pdb); } /** * Writes a tag-only (NULL) entry to the specified shim database. * * @param [in] pdb Handle to the shim database. * @param [in] tag A tag for the entry. * * @return TRUE if it succeeds, FALSE if it fails. */ BOOL WINAPI SdbWriteNULLTag(PDB pdb, TAG tag) { if (!SdbpCheckTagType(tag, TAG_TYPE_NULL)) return FALSE; SdbpWrite(pdb, &tag, sizeof(TAG)); return TRUE; } /** * Writes a WORD entry to the specified shim database. * * @param [in] pdb Handle to the shim database. * @param [in] tag A tag for the entry. * @param [in] data WORD entry which will be written to the database. * * @return TRUE if it succeeds, FALSE if it fails. */ BOOL WINAPI SdbWriteWORDTag(PDB pdb, TAG tag, WORD data) { if (!SdbpCheckTagType(tag, TAG_TYPE_WORD)) return FALSE; SdbpWrite(pdb, &tag, sizeof(TAG)); SdbpWrite(pdb, &data, sizeof(data)); return TRUE; } /** * Writes a DWORD entry to the specified shim database. * * @param [in] pdb Handle to the shim database. * @param [in] tag A tag for the entry. * @param [in] data DWORD entry which will be written to the database. * * @return TRUE if it succeeds, FALSE if it fails. */ BOOL WINAPI SdbWriteDWORDTag(PDB pdb, TAG tag, DWORD data) { if (!SdbpCheckTagType(tag, TAG_TYPE_DWORD)) return FALSE; SdbpWrite(pdb, &tag, sizeof(TAG)); SdbpWrite(pdb, &data, sizeof(data)); return TRUE; } /** * Writes a DWORD entry to the specified shim database. * * @param [in] pdb Handle to the shim database. * @param [in] tag A tag for the entry. * @param [in] data QWORD entry which will be written to the database. * * @return TRUE if it succeeds, FALSE if it fails. */ BOOL WINAPI SdbWriteQWORDTag(PDB pdb, TAG tag, QWORD data) { if (!SdbpCheckTagType(tag, TAG_TYPE_QWORD)) return FALSE; SdbpWrite(pdb, &tag, sizeof(TAG)); SdbpWrite(pdb, &data, sizeof(data)); return TRUE; } /** * Writes a wide string entry to the specified shim database. * * @param [in] pdb Handle to the shim database. * @param [in] tag A tag for the entry. * @param [in] string Wide string entry which will be written to the database. * * @return TRUE if it succeeds, FALSE if it fails. */ BOOL WINAPI SdbWriteStringTag(PDB pdb, TAG tag, LPCWSTR string) { DWORD size; if (SdbpCheckTagType(tag, TAG_TYPE_STRINGREF)) { TAGID tagid = 0; if (!SdbpGetOrAddStringRef(pdb, string, &tagid)) return FALSE; return SdbWriteStringRefTag(pdb, tag, tagid); } if (!SdbpCheckTagType(tag, TAG_TYPE_STRING)) return FALSE; size = SdbpStrsize(string); SdbpWrite(pdb, &tag, sizeof(TAG)); SdbpWrite(pdb, &size, sizeof(size)); SdbpWrite(pdb, string, size); return TRUE; } /** * Writes a stringref tag to specified database * @note Reference (tagid) is not checked for validity. * * @param [in] pdb Handle to the shim database. * @param [in] tag TAG which will be written. * @param [in] tagid TAGID of the string tag refers to. * * @return TRUE if it succeeds, FALSE if it fails. */ BOOL WINAPI SdbWriteStringRefTag(PDB pdb, TAG tag, TAGID tagid) { if (!SdbpCheckTagType(tag, TAG_TYPE_STRINGREF)) return FALSE; SdbpWrite(pdb, &tag, sizeof(TAG)); SdbpWrite(pdb, &tagid, sizeof(tagid)); return TRUE; } /** * Writes data the specified shim database. * * @param [in] pdb Handle to the shim database. * @param [in] tag A tag for the entry. * @param [in] data Pointer to data. * @param [in] size Number of bytes to write. * * @return TRUE if it succeeds, FALSE if it fails. */ BOOL WINAPI SdbWriteBinaryTag(PDB pdb, TAG tag, const BYTE* data, DWORD size) { if (!SdbpCheckTagType(tag, TAG_TYPE_BINARY)) return FALSE; SdbpWrite(pdb, &tag, sizeof(TAG)); SdbpWrite(pdb, &size, sizeof(size)); SdbpWrite(pdb, data, size); return TRUE; } #if !defined(SDBWRITE_HOSTTOOL) /** * Writes data from a file to the specified shim database. * * @param [in] pdb Handle to the shim database. * @param [in] tag A tag for the entry. * @param [in] path Path of the input file. * * @return TRUE if it succeeds, FALSE if it fails. */ BOOL WINAPI SdbWriteBinaryTagFromFile(PDB pdb, TAG tag, LPCWSTR path) { MEMMAPPED mapped; if (!SdbpCheckTagType(tag, TAG_TYPE_BINARY)) return FALSE; if (!SdbpOpenMemMappedFile(path, &mapped)) return FALSE; SdbWriteBinaryTag(pdb, tag, mapped.view, mapped.size); SdbpCloseMemMappedFile(&mapped); return TRUE; } #endif /** * Writes a list tag to specified database All subsequent SdbWrite* functions shall write to * newly created list untill TAGID of that list is passed to SdbEndWriteListTag. * * @param [in] pdb Handle to the shim database. * @param [in] tag TAG for the list * * RETURNS Success: TAGID of the newly created list, or TAGID_NULL on failure. * * @return A TAGID. */ TAGID WINAPI SdbBeginWriteListTag(PDB pdb, TAG tag) { TAGID list_id; DWORD dum = 0; if (!SdbpCheckTagType(tag, TAG_TYPE_LIST)) return TAGID_NULL; list_id = pdb->write_iter; SdbpWrite(pdb, &tag, sizeof(TAG)); SdbpWrite(pdb, &dum, sizeof(dum)); /* reserve some memory for storing list size */ return list_id; } /** * Marks end of the specified list. * * @param [in] pdb Handle to the shim database. * @param [in] tagid TAGID of the list. * * @return TRUE if it succeeds, FALSE if it fails. */ BOOL WINAPI SdbEndWriteListTag(PDB pdb, TAGID tagid) { ASSERT(pdb->for_write); if (!SdbpCheckTagIDType(pdb, tagid, TAG_TYPE_LIST)) return FALSE; /* Write size of list to list tag header */ *(DWORD*)&pdb->data[tagid + sizeof(TAG)] = pdb->write_iter - tagid - sizeof(TAG) - sizeof(TAGID); return TRUE; }