/* * COPYRIGHT: See COPYING in the top level directory * PROJECT: ReactOS kernel * PURPOSE: Clipboard routines * FILE: subsys/win32k/ntuser/clipboard.c * PROGRAMER: Filip Navara * Pablo Borobia */ #include #define NDEBUG #include #define DATA_DELAYED_RENDER 0 #define DATA_SYNTHESIZED_RENDER -1 PTHREADINFO ClipboardThread; PTHREADINFO ClipboardOwnerThread; PWINDOW_OBJECT ClipboardWindow; PWINDOW_OBJECT ClipboardViewerWindow; PWINDOW_OBJECT ClipboardOwnerWindow; BOOL sendDrawClipboardMsg; BOOL recentlySetClipboard; BOOL delayedRender; UINT lastEnumClipboardFormats; DWORD ClipboardSequenceNumber = 0; PCLIPBOARDCHAINELEMENT WindowsChain = NULL; PCLIPBOARDELEMENT ClipboardData = NULL; PCHAR synthesizedData; DWORD synthesizedDataSize; /*==============================================================*/ /* return the pointer to the prev window of the finded window, if NULL does not exists in the chain */ PCLIPBOARDCHAINELEMENT FASTCALL IntIsWindowInChain(PWINDOW_OBJECT window) { PCLIPBOARDCHAINELEMENT wce = WindowsChain; while (wce) { if (wce->window == window) { break; } wce = wce->next; } return wce; } VOID FASTCALL printChain(VOID) { /*test*/ PCLIPBOARDCHAINELEMENT wce2 = WindowsChain; while (wce2) { DPRINT1("chain: %p\n", wce2->window->hSelf); wce2 = wce2->next; } } /* the new window always have to be the first in the chain */ PCLIPBOARDCHAINELEMENT FASTCALL IntAddWindowToChain(PWINDOW_OBJECT window) { PCLIPBOARDCHAINELEMENT wce = NULL; if (!IntIsWindowInChain(window)) { wce = WindowsChain; wce = ExAllocatePool(PagedPool, sizeof(CLIPBOARDCHAINELEMENT)); if (wce == NULL) { SetLastWin32Error(ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY); goto exit_addChain; } wce->window = window; wce->next = WindowsChain; WindowsChain = wce; //printChain(); } exit_addChain: /* return the next window to beremoved later */ return wce; } PCLIPBOARDCHAINELEMENT FASTCALL IntRemoveWindowFromChain(PWINDOW_OBJECT window) { PCLIPBOARDCHAINELEMENT wce = WindowsChain; PCLIPBOARDCHAINELEMENT *link = &WindowsChain; if (IntIsWindowInChain(window)) { while (wce != NULL) { if (wce->window == window) { *link = wce->next; break; } link = &wce->next; wce = wce->next; } //printChain(); return wce; } else { return NULL; } } /*==============================================================*/ /* if format exists, returns a non zero value (pointing to format object) */ PCLIPBOARDELEMENT FASTCALL intIsFormatAvailable(UINT format) { PCLIPBOARDELEMENT ret = NULL; PCLIPBOARDELEMENT ce = ClipboardData; while(ce) { if (ce->format == format) { ret = ce; break; } ce = ce->next; } return ret; } /* counts how many distinct format were are in the clipboard */ DWORD FASTCALL IntCountClipboardFormats(VOID) { DWORD ret = 0; PCLIPBOARDELEMENT ce = ClipboardData; while(ce) { ret++; ce = ce->next; } return ret; } /* adds a new format and data to the clipboard */ PCLIPBOARDELEMENT FASTCALL intAddFormatedData(UINT format, HANDLE hData, DWORD size) { PCLIPBOARDELEMENT ce = NULL; ce = ExAllocatePool(PagedPool, sizeof(CLIPBOARDELEMENT)); if (ce == NULL) { SetLastWin32Error(ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY); } else { ce->format = format; ce->size = size; ce->hData = hData; ce->next = ClipboardData; ClipboardData = ce; IntIncrementSequenceNumber(); } return ce; } /* removes a format and its data from the clipboard */ BOOL FASTCALL intRemoveFormatedData(UINT format) { BOOL ret = FALSE; PCLIPBOARDELEMENT ce = ClipboardData; PCLIPBOARDELEMENT *link = &ClipboardData; if (intIsFormatAvailable(format)) { while (ce != NULL) { if (ce->format == format) { *link = ce->next; break; } link = &ce->next; ce = ce->next; } if (ce->hData) { ExFreePool(ce->hData); } ExFreePool(ce); ret = TRUE; } return ret; } VOID FASTCALL IntEmptyClipboardData(VOID) { PCLIPBOARDELEMENT ce = ClipboardData; PCLIPBOARDELEMENT tmp; while(ce) { tmp = ce->next; if (ce->hData) { ExFreePool(ce->hData); } ExFreePool(ce); ce = tmp; } ClipboardData = NULL; } /*==============================================================*/ HANDLE FASTCALL renderBITMAPfromDIB(LPBYTE hDIB) { HDC hdc; HBITMAP hbitmap; unsigned int offset; BITMAPINFOHEADER *ih; //hdc = UserGetDCEx(NULL, NULL, DCX_USESTYLE); hdc = UserGetDCEx(ClipboardWindow, NULL, DCX_USESTYLE); ih = (BITMAPINFOHEADER *)hDIB; offset = sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER) + ((ih->biBitCount <= 8) ? (sizeof(RGBQUAD) * (1 << ih->biBitCount)) : 0); hbitmap = NtGdiCreateDIBitmapInternal(hdc, ih->biWidth, ih->biHeight, CBM_INIT, (LPBYTE)ih+offset, (LPBITMAPINFO)ih, DIB_RGB_COLORS, ih->biBitCount, ih->biSizeImage, 0, 0); //UserReleaseDC(NULL, hdc, FALSE); UserReleaseDC(ClipboardWindow, hdc, FALSE); return hbitmap; } BOOL FASTCALL canSinthesize(UINT format) { BOOL ret = FALSE; switch(format) { case CF_BITMAP: case CF_METAFILEPICT: ret = TRUE; } return ret; } /* returns the size of the sinthesized data */ DWORD FASTCALL synthesizeData(UINT format) { DWORD ret = 0; synthesizedData = NULL; synthesizedDataSize = 0; if (!canSinthesize(format)) { return 0; } switch (format) { case CF_BITMAP: { break; } case CF_METAFILEPICT: { break; } } ret = 1; return ret; } VOID FASTCALL freeSynthesizedData(VOID) { ExFreePool(synthesizedData); } /*==============================================================*/ BOOL FASTCALL intIsClipboardOpenByMe(VOID) { /* check if we open the clipboard */ if (ClipboardThread && ClipboardThread == PsGetCurrentThreadWin32Thread()) { /* yes, we got a thread and its the same that opens the clipboard */ return TRUE; } /* will fail if not thread (closed) or not open by me*/ return FALSE; } /* IntClipboardFreeWindow it's called when a window was destroyed */ VOID FASTCALL IntClipboardFreeWindow(PWINDOW_OBJECT window) { /* called from co_UserFreeWindow in window.c */ /* check if clipboard is not locked by this window, if yes, unlock it */ if (ClipboardThread == PsGetCurrentThreadWin32Thread()) { /* the window that opens the clipboard was destroyed */ ClipboardThread = NULL; ClipboardWindow = NULL; //TODO: free clipboard } if (window == ClipboardOwnerWindow) { /* the owner window was destroyed */ ClipboardOwnerWindow = NULL; ClipboardOwnerThread = NULL; } /* remove window from window chain */ if (IntIsWindowInChain(window)) { PCLIPBOARDCHAINELEMENT w = IntRemoveWindowFromChain(window); if (w) { ExFreePool(w); } } } BOOL APIENTRY NtUserOpenClipboard(HWND hWnd, DWORD Unknown1) { PWINDOW_OBJECT Window; BOOL ret = FALSE; UserEnterExclusive(); sendDrawClipboardMsg = FALSE; recentlySetClipboard = FALSE; if (ClipboardThread) { /* clipboard is already open */ if (ClipboardThread == PsGetCurrentThreadWin32Thread()) { if (ClipboardOwnerWindow) { if (ClipboardOwnerWindow->hSelf == hWnd) { ret = TRUE; } } else { if (hWnd == NULL) { ret = TRUE; } } } } else { if (hWnd != NULL) { Window = UserGetWindowObject(hWnd); if (Window != NULL) { ClipboardWindow = Window; ClipboardThread = PsGetCurrentThreadWin32Thread(); ret = TRUE; } else { ClipboardWindow = NULL; ClipboardThread = NULL; ClipboardOwnerWindow = NULL; ClipboardOwnerThread = NULL; } } else { ClipboardWindow = NULL; ClipboardThread = PsGetCurrentThreadWin32Thread(); ret = TRUE; } } UserLeave(); return ret; } BOOL APIENTRY NtUserCloseClipboard(VOID) { BOOL ret = FALSE; UserEnterExclusive(); if (intIsClipboardOpenByMe()) { ClipboardWindow = NULL; ClipboardThread = NULL; ret = TRUE; } else { SetLastWin32Error(ERROR_CLIPBOARD_NOT_OPEN); } recentlySetClipboard = FALSE; UserLeave(); if (sendDrawClipboardMsg && WindowsChain) { /* only send message to the first window in the chain, then they'll do the chain */ /* commented because it makes a crash in co_MsqSendMessage ASSERT(WindowsChain->window); ASSERT(WindowsChain->window->hSelf); DPRINT1("Clipboard: sending WM_DRAWCLIPBOARD to %p\n", WindowsChain->window->hSelf); co_IntSendMessage(WindowsChain->window->hSelf, WM_DRAWCLIPBOARD, 0, 0); */ } return ret; } HWND APIENTRY NtUserGetOpenClipboardWindow(VOID) { HWND ret = NULL; UserEnterShared(); if (ClipboardWindow) { ret = ClipboardWindow->hSelf; } UserLeave(); return ret; } BOOL APIENTRY NtUserChangeClipboardChain(HWND hWndRemove, HWND hWndNewNext) { BOOL ret = FALSE; PCLIPBOARDCHAINELEMENT w = NULL; PWINDOW_OBJECT removeWindow; UserEnterExclusive(); removeWindow = UserGetWindowObject(hWndRemove); if (removeWindow) { if ((ret = !!IntIsWindowInChain(removeWindow))) { w = IntRemoveWindowFromChain(removeWindow); if (w) { ExFreePool(w); } } } if (ret && WindowsChain) { // only send message to the first window in the chain, // then they do the chain /* WindowsChain->window may be NULL */ LPARAM lparam = WindowsChain->window == NULL ? 0 : (LPARAM)WindowsChain->window->hSelf; DPRINT1("Message: WM_CHANGECBCHAIN to %p", WindowsChain->window->hSelf); co_IntSendMessage(WindowsChain->window->hSelf, WM_CHANGECBCHAIN, (WPARAM)hWndRemove, lparam); } UserLeave(); return ret; } DWORD APIENTRY NtUserCountClipboardFormats(VOID) { DWORD ret = 0; if (ClipboardData) { ret = IntCountClipboardFormats(); } return ret; } DWORD APIENTRY NtUserEmptyClipboard(VOID) { BOOL ret = FALSE; UserEnterExclusive(); if (intIsClipboardOpenByMe()) { if (ClipboardData) { IntEmptyClipboardData(); } ClipboardOwnerWindow = ClipboardWindow; ClipboardOwnerThread = ClipboardThread; IntIncrementSequenceNumber(); ret = TRUE; } else { SetLastWin32Error(ERROR_CLIPBOARD_NOT_OPEN); } if (ret && ClipboardOwnerWindow) { DPRINT("Clipboard: WM_DESTROYCLIPBOARD to %p", ClipboardOwnerWindow->hSelf); co_IntSendMessage( ClipboardOwnerWindow->hSelf, WM_DESTROYCLIPBOARD, 0, 0); } UserLeave(); return ret; } HANDLE APIENTRY NtUserGetClipboardData(UINT uFormat, PVOID pBuffer) { HANDLE ret = NULL; UserEnterShared(); if (intIsClipboardOpenByMe()) { /* when Unknown1 is zero, we returns to user32 the data size */ if (!pBuffer) { PCLIPBOARDELEMENT data = intIsFormatAvailable(uFormat); if (data) { /* format exists in clipboard */ if (data->size == DATA_DELAYED_RENDER) { /* tell owner what data needs to be rendered */ if (ClipboardOwnerWindow) { ASSERT(ClipboardOwnerWindow->hSelf); co_IntSendMessage(ClipboardOwnerWindow->hSelf, WM_RENDERFORMAT, (WPARAM)uFormat, 0); data = intIsFormatAvailable(uFormat); ASSERT(data->size); ret = (HANDLE)(ULONG_PTR)data->size; } } else { if (data->size == DATA_SYNTHESIZED_RENDER) { data->size = synthesizeData(uFormat); } } ret = (HANDLE)(ULONG_PTR)data->size; } else { /* there is no data in this format */ //ret = (HANDLE)FALSE; } } else { PCLIPBOARDELEMENT data = intIsFormatAvailable(uFormat); if (data) { if (data->size == DATA_DELAYED_RENDER) { // we rendered it in 1st call of getclipboard data } else { if (data->size == DATA_SYNTHESIZED_RENDER) { if (uFormat == CF_BITMAP) { /* BITMAP & METAFILEs returns a GDI handle */ PCLIPBOARDELEMENT data = intIsFormatAvailable(CF_DIB); if (data) { ret = renderBITMAPfromDIB(data->hData); } } else { ret = (HANDLE)pBuffer; _SEH2_TRY { ProbeForWrite(pBuffer, synthesizedDataSize, 1); memcpy(pBuffer, (PCHAR)synthesizedData, synthesizedDataSize); } _SEH2_EXCEPT(EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER) { ret = NULL; } _SEH2_END freeSynthesizedData(); } } else { ret = (HANDLE)pBuffer; _SEH2_TRY { ProbeForWrite(pBuffer, data->size, 1); memcpy(pBuffer, (PCHAR)data->hData, data->size); } _SEH2_EXCEPT(EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER) { ret = NULL; } _SEH2_END } } } } } else { SetLastWin32Error(ERROR_CLIPBOARD_NOT_OPEN); } UserLeave(); return ret; } INT APIENTRY NtUserGetClipboardFormatName(UINT format, PUNICODE_STRING FormatName, INT cchMaxCount) { UNICODE_STRING sFormatName; INT ret = 0; /* if the format is built-in we fail */ if (format < 0xc000) { /* registetrated formats are >= 0xc000 */ return 0; } if((cchMaxCount < 1) || !FormatName) { SetLastWin32Error(ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER); return 0; } _SEH2_TRY { ProbeForWriteUnicodeString(FormatName); sFormatName = *(volatile UNICODE_STRING *)FormatName; ProbeForWrite(sFormatName.Buffer, sFormatName.MaximumLength, 1); ret = IntGetAtomName((RTL_ATOM)format, sFormatName.Buffer, cchMaxCount * sizeof(WCHAR)); if (ret >= 0) { ret = ret / sizeof(WCHAR); sFormatName.Length = ret; } else { ret = 0; } } _SEH2_EXCEPT(EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER) { SetLastNtError(_SEH2_GetExceptionCode()); } _SEH2_END; return ret; } HWND APIENTRY NtUserGetClipboardOwner(VOID) { HWND ret = NULL; UserEnterShared(); if (ClipboardOwnerWindow) { ret = ClipboardOwnerWindow->hSelf; } UserLeave(); return ret; } HWND APIENTRY NtUserGetClipboardViewer(VOID) { HWND ret = NULL; UserEnterShared(); if (WindowsChain) { ret = WindowsChain->window->hSelf; } UserLeave(); return ret; } INT APIENTRY NtUserGetPriorityClipboardFormat(UINT *paFormatPriorityList, INT cFormats) { INT i; UINT *priorityList; INT ret = 0; UserEnterExclusive(); _SEH2_TRY { if (IntCountClipboardFormats() == 0) { ret = 0; } else { ProbeForRead(paFormatPriorityList, cFormats, sizeof(UINT)); priorityList = paFormatPriorityList; ret = -1; for (i = 0; i < cFormats; i++) { if (intIsFormatAvailable(priorityList[i])) { ret = priorityList[i]; break; } } } } _SEH2_EXCEPT(EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER) { SetLastNtError(_SEH2_GetExceptionCode()); } _SEH2_END; UserLeave(); return ret; } BOOL APIENTRY NtUserIsClipboardFormatAvailable(UINT format) { BOOL ret = FALSE; UserEnterShared(); ret = (intIsFormatAvailable(format) != NULL); UserLeave(); return ret; } HANDLE APIENTRY NtUserSetClipboardData(UINT uFormat, HANDLE hMem, DWORD size) { HANDLE hCBData = NULL; UNICODE_STRING unicodeString; OEM_STRING oemString; ANSI_STRING ansiString; UserEnterExclusive(); /* to place data here the we need to be the owner */ if (ClipboardOwnerThread == PsGetCurrentThreadWin32Thread()) { PCLIPBOARDELEMENT data = intIsFormatAvailable(uFormat); if (data) { if (data->size == DATA_DELAYED_RENDER) { intRemoveFormatedData(uFormat); } else { // we already have this format on clipboard goto exit_setCB; } } if (hMem) { _SEH2_TRY { ProbeForRead(hMem, size, 1); } _SEH2_EXCEPT(EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER) { SetLastNtError(_SEH2_GetExceptionCode()); _SEH2_YIELD(goto exit_setCB); } _SEH2_END; if (intIsClipboardOpenByMe()) { delayedRender = FALSE; } if (!canSinthesize(uFormat)) { hCBData = ExAllocatePool(PagedPool, size); memcpy(hCBData, hMem, size); intAddFormatedData(uFormat, hCBData, size); DPRINT1("Data stored\n"); } sendDrawClipboardMsg = TRUE; recentlySetClipboard = TRUE; lastEnumClipboardFormats = uFormat; /* conversions */ switch (uFormat) { case CF_TEXT: { //TODO : sinthesize CF_UNICODETEXT & CF_OEMTEXT // CF_TEXT -> CF_UNICODETEXT ansiString.Buffer = hCBData; ansiString.Length = size; RtlAnsiStringToUnicodeString(&unicodeString, &ansiString, TRUE); intAddFormatedData(CF_UNICODETEXT, unicodeString.Buffer, unicodeString.Length * sizeof(WCHAR)); // CF_TEXT -> CF_OEMTEXT RtlUnicodeStringToOemString(&oemString, &unicodeString, TRUE); intAddFormatedData(CF_OEMTEXT, oemString.Buffer, oemString.Length); //HKCU\Control Panel\International\Locale //intAddFormatedData(CF_LOCALE, oemString.Buffer, oemString.Length); break; } case CF_UNICODETEXT: { //TODO : sinthesize CF_TEXT & CF_OEMTEXT //CF_UNICODETEXT -> CF_TEXT unicodeString.Buffer = hCBData; unicodeString.Length = size; RtlUnicodeStringToAnsiString(&ansiString, &unicodeString, TRUE); intAddFormatedData(CF_TEXT, ansiString.Buffer, ansiString.Length); //CF_UNICODETEXT -> CF_OEMTEXT RtlUnicodeStringToOemString(&oemString, &unicodeString, TRUE); intAddFormatedData(CF_OEMTEXT, oemString.Buffer, oemString.Length); break; } case CF_OEMTEXT: { //TODO : sinthesize CF_TEXT & CF_UNICODETEXT //CF_OEMTEXT -> CF_UNICODETEXT oemString.Buffer = hCBData; oemString.Length = size; RtlOemStringToUnicodeString(&unicodeString, &oemString, TRUE); intAddFormatedData(CF_UNICODETEXT, unicodeString.Buffer, unicodeString.Length * sizeof(WCHAR)); //CF_OEMTEXT -> CF_TEXT RtlUnicodeStringToAnsiString(&ansiString, &unicodeString, TRUE); intAddFormatedData(CF_TEXT, ansiString.Buffer, ansiString.Length); break; } case CF_BITMAP: { // we need to render the DIB or DIBV5 format as soon as possible // because pallette information may change HDC hdc; INT ret; BITMAP bm; BITMAPINFO bi; SURFACE *psurf; hdc = UserGetDCEx(NULL, NULL, DCX_USESTYLE); psurf = SURFACE_LockSurface(hMem); BITMAP_GetObject(psurf, sizeof(BITMAP), (PVOID)&bm); if(psurf) { SURFACE_UnlockSurface(psurf); } bi.bmiHeader.biSize = sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER); bi.bmiHeader.biWidth = bm.bmWidth; bi.bmiHeader.biHeight = bm.bmHeight; bi.bmiHeader.biPlanes = 1; bi.bmiHeader.biBitCount = bm.bmPlanes * bm.bmBitsPixel; bi.bmiHeader.biCompression = BI_RGB; bi.bmiHeader.biSizeImage = 0; bi.bmiHeader.biXPelsPerMeter = 0; bi.bmiHeader.biYPelsPerMeter = 0; bi.bmiHeader.biClrUsed = 0; ret = NtGdiGetDIBitsInternal(hdc, hMem, 0, bm.bmHeight, NULL, &bi, DIB_RGB_COLORS, 0, 0); size = bi.bmiHeader.biSizeImage + sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER); hCBData = ExAllocatePool(PagedPool, size); memcpy(hCBData, &bi, sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER)); ret = NtGdiGetDIBitsInternal(hdc, hMem, 0, bm.bmHeight, (LPBYTE)hCBData + sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER), &bi, DIB_RGB_COLORS, 0, 0); UserReleaseDC(NULL, hdc, FALSE); intAddFormatedData(CF_DIB, hCBData, size); intAddFormatedData(CF_BITMAP, 0, DATA_SYNTHESIZED_RENDER); // intAddFormatedData(CF_DIBV5, hCBData, size); break; } case CF_DIB: { intAddFormatedData(CF_BITMAP, 0, DATA_SYNTHESIZED_RENDER); // intAddFormatedData(CF_DIBV5, hCBData, size); /* investigate */ // intAddFormatedData(CF_PALETTE, hCBData, size); break; } case CF_DIBV5: // intAddFormatedData(CF_BITMAP, hCBData, size); // intAddFormatedData(CF_PALETTE, hCBData, size); // intAddFormatedData(CF_DIB, hCBData, size); break; case CF_ENHMETAFILE: // intAddFormatedData(CF_METAFILEPICT, hCBData, size); break; case CF_METAFILEPICT: // intAddFormatedData(CF_ENHMETAFILE, hCBData, size); break; } } else { // the window provides data in the specified format delayedRender = TRUE; sendDrawClipboardMsg = TRUE; intAddFormatedData(uFormat, NULL, 0); DPRINT1("SetClipboardData delayed format: %d\n", uFormat); } } exit_setCB: UserLeave(); return hMem; } HWND APIENTRY NtUserSetClipboardViewer(HWND hWndNewViewer) { HWND ret = NULL; PCLIPBOARDCHAINELEMENT newWC = NULL; PWINDOW_OBJECT window; UserEnterExclusive(); window = UserGetWindowObject(hWndNewViewer); if (window) { if ((newWC = IntAddWindowToChain(window))) { if (newWC) { // newWC->next may be NULL if we are the first window in the chain if (newWC->next) { // return the next HWND available window in the chain ret = newWC->next->window->hSelf; } } } } UserLeave(); return ret; } UINT APIENTRY IntEnumClipboardFormats(UINT uFormat) { UINT ret = 0; if (intIsClipboardOpenByMe()) { if (uFormat == 0) { if (recentlySetClipboard) { ret = lastEnumClipboardFormats; } else { /* return the first available format */ if (ClipboardData) { ret = ClipboardData->format; } } } else { if (recentlySetClipboard) { ret = 0; } else { /* querying nextt available format */ PCLIPBOARDELEMENT data = intIsFormatAvailable(uFormat); if (data) { if (data->next) { ret = data->next->format; } else { /* reached the end */ ret = 0; } } } } } else { SetLastWin32Error(ERROR_CLIPBOARD_NOT_OPEN); } return ret; } // This number is incremented whenever the contents of the clipboard change // or the clipboard is emptied. // If clipboard rendering is delayed, // the sequence number is not incremented until the changes are rendered. VOID FASTCALL IntIncrementSequenceNumber(VOID) { PTHREADINFO pti; PWINSTATION_OBJECT WinStaObj; pti = PsGetCurrentThreadWin32Thread(); WinStaObj = pti->rpdesk->rpwinstaParent; WinStaObj->Clipboard->ClipboardSequenceNumber++; } DWORD APIENTRY NtUserGetClipboardSequenceNumber(VOID) { //windowstation sequence number //if no WINSTA_ACCESSCLIPBOARD access to the window station, //the function returns zero. DWORD sn; HWINSTA WinSta; PWINSTATION_OBJECT WinStaObj; NTSTATUS Status; WinSta = UserGetProcessWindowStation(); Status = IntValidateWindowStationHandle(WinSta, KernelMode, WINSTA_ACCESSCLIPBOARD, &WinStaObj); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { DPRINT1("No WINSTA_ACCESSCLIPBOARD access\n"); SetLastNtError(Status); return 0; } sn = WinStaObj->ClipboardSequenceNumber; ObDereferenceObject(WinStaObj); //local copy //sn = ClipboardSequenceNumber; return sn; } /**************** VISTA FUNCTIONS******************/ BOOL APIENTRY NtUserAddClipboardFormatListener( HWND hwnd ) { UNIMPLEMENTED; return FALSE; } BOOL APIENTRY NtUserRemoveClipboardFormatListener( HWND hwnd ) { UNIMPLEMENTED; return FALSE; } BOOL APIENTRY NtUserGetUpdatedClipboardFormats( PUINT lpuiFormats, UINT cFormats, PUINT pcFormatsOut ) { UNIMPLEMENTED; return FALSE; } /* EOF */