/* * Gdi handle viewer * * handlelist.c * * Copyright (C) 2007 Timo kreuzer kreuzer web.de> * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. */ #include "gdihv.h" VOID HandleList_Create(HWND hListCtrl) { LVCOLUMN column; column.mask = LVCF_TEXT|LVCF_FMT|LVCF_WIDTH; column.fmt = LVCFMT_LEFT; column.pszText = L"Number"; column.cx = 50; (void)ListView_InsertColumn(hListCtrl, 0, &column); column.pszText = L"Index"; column.cx = 45; (void)ListView_InsertColumn(hListCtrl, 1, &column); column.pszText = L"Handle"; column.cx = 90; (void)ListView_InsertColumn(hListCtrl, 2, &column); column.pszText = L"Type"; column.cx = 80; (void)ListView_InsertColumn(hListCtrl, 3, &column); column.pszText = L"Process"; column.cx = 80; (void)ListView_InsertColumn(hListCtrl, 4, &column); column.pszText = L"KernelData"; column.cx = 80; (void)ListView_InsertColumn(hListCtrl, 5, &column); column.pszText = L"UserData"; column.cx = 80; (void)ListView_InsertColumn(hListCtrl, 6, &column); HandleList_Update(hListCtrl, 0); } VOID HandleList_Update(HWND hHandleListCtrl, HANDLE ProcessId) { INT i, index; PGDI_TABLE_ENTRY pEntry; LV_ITEM item; TCHAR strText[80]; TCHAR* str2; (void)ListView_DeleteAllItems(hHandleListCtrl); item.mask = LVIF_TEXT|LVIF_PARAM; item.pszText = strText; item.cchTextMax = 80; for (i = 0; i<= GDI_HANDLE_COUNT; i++) { pEntry = &GdiHandleTable[i]; if (pEntry->KernelData) { if (ProcessId == (HANDLE)-1 || ProcessId == pEntry->ProcessId) { index = ListView_GetItemCount(hHandleListCtrl); item.iItem = index; item.iSubItem = 0; wsprintf(strText, L"%d", index); (void)ListView_InsertItem(hHandleListCtrl, &item); wsprintf(strText, L"%d", i); ListView_SetItemText(hHandleListCtrl, index, 1, strText); wsprintf(strText, L"%#08x", GDI_HANDLE_CREATE(i, pEntry->Type)); ListView_SetItemText(hHandleListCtrl, index, 2, strText); str2 = GetTypeName(pEntry->Type & GDI_HANDLE_TYPE_MASK); ListView_SetItemText(hHandleListCtrl, index, 3, str2); wsprintf(strText, L"%#08x", (UINT)pEntry->ProcessId); ListView_SetItemText(hHandleListCtrl, index, 4, strText); wsprintf(strText, L"%#08x", (UINT)pEntry->KernelData); ListView_SetItemText(hHandleListCtrl, index, 5, strText); wsprintf(strText, L"%#08x", (UINT)pEntry->UserData); ListView_SetItemText(hHandleListCtrl, index, 6, strText); } } } } TCHAR* GetTypeName(UINT Type) { TCHAR* strText; switch (Type) { case GDI_OBJECT_TYPE_DC: strText = L"DC"; break; case GDI_OBJECT_TYPE_REGION: strText = L"Region"; break; case GDI_OBJECT_TYPE_BITMAP: strText = L"Bitmap"; break; case GDI_OBJECT_TYPE_PALETTE: strText = L"Palette"; break; case GDI_OBJECT_TYPE_FONT: strText = L"Font"; break; case GDI_OBJECT_TYPE_BRUSH: strText = L"Brush"; break; case GDI_OBJECT_TYPE_EMF: strText = L"EMF"; break; case GDI_OBJECT_TYPE_PEN: strText = L"Pen"; break; case GDI_OBJECT_TYPE_EXTPEN: strText = L"ExtPen"; break; case GDI_OBJECT_TYPE_COLORSPACE: strText = L"ColSpace"; break; case GDI_OBJECT_TYPE_METADC: strText = L"MetaDC"; break; case GDI_OBJECT_TYPE_METAFILE: strText = L"Metafile"; break; case GDI_OBJECT_TYPE_ENHMETAFILE: strText = L"EMF"; break; case GDI_OBJECT_TYPE_ENHMETADC: strText = L"EMDC"; break; case GDI_OBJECT_TYPE_MEMDC: strText = L"MemDC"; break; case GDI_OBJECT_TYPE_DCE: strText = L"DCE"; break; case GDI_OBJECT_TYPE_DONTCARE: strText = L"anything"; break; case GDI_OBJECT_TYPE_SILENT: default: strText = L"unknown"; break; } return strText; }