/* * PROJECT: ReactOS Automatic Testing Utility * LICENSE: GNU GPLv2 or any later version as published by the Free Software Foundation * PURPOSE: Class implementing the interface to the "testman" Web Service * COPYRIGHT: Copyright 2009-2015 Colin Finck */ #include "precomp.h" static const WCHAR szHostname[] = L"reactos.org"; static const WCHAR szServerFile[] = L"sites/all/modules/reactos/testman/webservice/"; /** * Constructs a CWebService object and immediately establishes a connection to the "testman" Web Service. */ CWebService::CWebService() { /* Zero-initialize variables */ m_hHTTP = NULL; m_hHTTPRequest = NULL; m_TestID = NULL; /* Establish an internet connection to the "testman" server */ m_hInet = InternetOpenW(L"rosautotest", INTERNET_OPEN_TYPE_PRECONFIG, NULL, NULL, 0); if(!m_hInet) FATAL("InternetOpenW failed\n"); m_hHTTP = InternetConnectW(m_hInet, szHostname, INTERNET_DEFAULT_HTTP_PORT, NULL, NULL, INTERNET_SERVICE_HTTP, 0, 0); if(!m_hHTTP) FATAL("InternetConnectW failed\n"); } /** * Destructs a CWebService object and closes all connections to the Web Service. */ CWebService::~CWebService() { if(m_hInet) InternetCloseHandle(m_hInet); if(m_hHTTP) InternetCloseHandle(m_hHTTP); if(m_hHTTPRequest) InternetCloseHandle(m_hHTTPRequest); if(m_TestID) delete m_TestID; } /** * Sends data to the Web Service. * * @param InputData * A std::string containing all the data, which is going to be submitted as HTTP POST data. * * @return * Returns a pointer to a char array containing the data received from the Web Service. * The caller needs to free that pointer. */ PCHAR CWebService::DoRequest(const string& InputData) { const WCHAR szHeaders[] = L"Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded"; auto_array_ptr Data; DWORD DataLength; /* Post our test results to the web service */ m_hHTTPRequest = HttpOpenRequestW(m_hHTTP, L"POST", szServerFile, NULL, NULL, NULL, INTERNET_FLAG_NO_COOKIES | INTERNET_FLAG_RELOAD | INTERNET_FLAG_NO_CACHE_WRITE, 0); if(!m_hHTTPRequest) FATAL("HttpOpenRequestW failed\n"); Data.reset(new char[InputData.size() + 1]); strcpy(Data, InputData.c_str()); if(!HttpSendRequestW(m_hHTTPRequest, szHeaders, wcslen(szHeaders), Data, InputData.size())) FATAL("HttpSendRequestW failed\n"); /* Get the response */ if(!InternetQueryDataAvailable(m_hHTTPRequest, &DataLength, 0, 0)) FATAL("InternetQueryDataAvailable failed\n"); Data.reset(new char[DataLength + 1]); if(!InternetReadFile(m_hHTTPRequest, Data, DataLength, &DataLength)) FATAL("InternetReadFile failed\n"); Data[DataLength] = 0; return Data.release(); } /** * Requests a Test ID from the Web Service for our test run. * * @param TestType * Constant pointer to a char array containing the test type to be run (i.e. "wine") */ void CWebService::GetTestID(const char* TestType) { string Data; Data = "action=gettestid"; Data += Configuration.GetAuthenticationRequestString(); Data += Configuration.GetSystemInfoRequestString(); Data += "&testtype="; Data += TestType; if(!Configuration.GetComment().empty()) { Data += "&comment="; Data += Configuration.GetComment(); } m_TestID = DoRequest(Data); /* Verify that this is really a number */ if(!IsNumber(m_TestID)) { stringstream ss; ss << "Expected Test ID, but received:" << endl << m_TestID << endl; SSEXCEPTION; } } /** * Gets a Suite ID from the Web Service for this module/test combination. * * @param TestType * Constant pointer to a char array containing the test type to be run (i.e. "wine") * * @param TestInfo * Pointer to a CTestInfo object containing information about the test * * @return * Returns a pointer to a char array containing the Suite ID received from the Web Service. * The caller needs to free that pointer. */ PCHAR CWebService::GetSuiteID(const char* TestType, CTestInfo* TestInfo) { auto_array_ptr SuiteID; string Data; Data = "action=getsuiteid"; Data += Configuration.GetAuthenticationRequestString(); Data += "&testtype="; Data += TestType; Data += "&module="; Data += TestInfo->Module; Data += "&test="; Data += TestInfo->Test; SuiteID.reset(DoRequest(Data)); /* Verify that this is really a number */ if(!IsNumber(SuiteID)) { stringstream ss; ss << "Expected Suite ID, but received:" << endl << SuiteID << endl; SSEXCEPTION; } return SuiteID.release(); } /** * Interface to other classes for submitting a result of one test * * @param TestType * Constant pointer to a char array containing the test type to be run (i.e. "wine") * * @param TestInfo * Pointer to a CTestInfo object containing information about the test */ void CWebService::Submit(const char* TestType, CTestInfo* TestInfo) { auto_array_ptr Response; auto_array_ptr SuiteID; string Data; stringstream ss; if(!m_TestID) GetTestID(TestType); SuiteID.reset(GetSuiteID(TestType, TestInfo)); Data = "action=submit"; Data += Configuration.GetAuthenticationRequestString(); Data += "&testtype="; Data += TestType; Data += "&testid="; Data += m_TestID; Data += "&suiteid="; Data += SuiteID; Data += "&log="; Data += TestInfo->Log; Response.reset(DoRequest(Data)); ss << "The server responded:" << endl << Response << endl; StringOut(ss.str()); if(strcmp(Response, "OK")) EXCEPTION("Aborted!\n"); }