/* * GdiPlusMatrix.h * * Windows GDI+ * * This file is part of the w32api package. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS NOT COPYRIGHTED * * This source code is offered for use in the public domain. You may * use, modify or distribute it freely. * * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY. ALL WARRANTIES, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED ARE HEREBY * DISCLAIMED. This includes but is not limited to warranties of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. */ #ifndef _GDIPLUSMATRIX_H #define _GDIPLUSMATRIX_H class Matrix : public GdiplusBase { friend class Pen; friend class Region; friend class GraphicsPath; friend class Brush; friend class LinearGradientBrush; friend class TextureBrush; public: Matrix(const RectF &rect, const PointF *dstplg) { lastStatus = DllExports::GdipCreateMatrix3(&rect, dstplg, &nativeMatrix); } Matrix(const Rect &rect, const Point *dstplg) { lastStatus = DllExports::GdipCreateMatrix3I(&rect, dstplg, &nativeMatrix); } Matrix() { lastStatus = DllExports::GdipCreateMatrix(&nativeMatrix); } Matrix(REAL m11, REAL m12, REAL m21, REAL m22, REAL dx, REAL dy) { lastStatus = DllExports::GdipCreateMatrix2(m11, m12, m21, m22, dx, dy, &nativeMatrix); } Matrix * Clone() const { GpMatrix *cloneMatrix = NULL; SetStatus(DllExports::GdipCloneMatrix(nativeMatrix, &cloneMatrix)); if (lastStatus != Ok) return NULL; Matrix *newMatrix = new Matrix(cloneMatrix); if (!newMatrix) DllExports::GdipDeleteMatrix(cloneMatrix); return newMatrix; } ~Matrix() { DllExports::GdipDeleteMatrix(nativeMatrix); } BOOL Equals(const Matrix *matrix) const { BOOL result; SetStatus(DllExports::GdipIsMatrixEqual(nativeMatrix, matrix ? getNat(matrix) : NULL, &result)); return result; } Status GetElements(REAL *m) const { return SetStatus(DllExports::GdipGetMatrixElements(nativeMatrix, m)); } Status GetLastStatus() const { return lastStatus; } Status Invert() { return SetStatus(DllExports::GdipInvertMatrix(nativeMatrix)); } BOOL IsIdentity() const { BOOL result; SetStatus(DllExports::GdipIsMatrixIdentity(nativeMatrix, &result)); return result; } BOOL IsInvertible() const { BOOL result; SetStatus(DllExports::GdipIsMatrixInvertible(nativeMatrix, &result)); return result; } Status Multiply(const Matrix *matrix, MatrixOrder order = MatrixOrderPrepend) { return SetStatus(DllExports::GdipMultiplyMatrix(nativeMatrix, matrix ? getNat(matrix) : NULL, order)); } REAL OffsetX() const { REAL elements[6]; if (GetElements(elements) == Ok) return elements[4]; return 0.0f; } REAL OffsetY() const { REAL elements[6]; if (GetElements(elements) == Ok) return elements[5]; return 0.0f; } Status Reset() { return SetStatus(DllExports::GdipSetMatrixElements(nativeMatrix, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0)); } Status Rotate(REAL angle, MatrixOrder order = MatrixOrderPrepend) { return SetStatus(DllExports::GdipRotateMatrix(nativeMatrix, angle, order)); } Status RotateAt(REAL angle, const PointF ¢er, MatrixOrder order = MatrixOrderPrepend) { if (order == MatrixOrderPrepend) { SetStatus(DllExports::GdipTranslateMatrix(nativeMatrix, center.X, center.Y, order)); SetStatus(DllExports::GdipRotateMatrix(nativeMatrix, angle, order)); return SetStatus(DllExports::GdipTranslateMatrix(nativeMatrix, -center.X, -center.Y, order)); } else { SetStatus(DllExports::GdipTranslateMatrix(nativeMatrix, -center.X, -center.Y, order)); SetStatus(DllExports::GdipRotateMatrix(nativeMatrix, angle, order)); return SetStatus(DllExports::GdipTranslateMatrix(nativeMatrix, center.X, center.Y, order)); } } Status Scale(REAL scaleX, REAL scaleY, MatrixOrder order = MatrixOrderPrepend) { return SetStatus(DllExports::GdipScaleMatrix(nativeMatrix, scaleX, scaleY, order)); } Status SetElements(REAL m11, REAL m12, REAL m21, REAL m22, REAL dx, REAL dy) { return SetStatus(DllExports::GdipSetMatrixElements(nativeMatrix, m11, m12, m21, m22, dx, dy)); } Status Shear(REAL shearX, REAL shearY, MatrixOrder order = MatrixOrderPrepend) { return SetStatus(DllExports::GdipShearMatrix(nativeMatrix, shearX, shearY, order)); } Status TransformPoints(Point *pts, INT count) { return SetStatus(DllExports::GdipTransformMatrixPointsI(nativeMatrix, pts, count)); } Status TransformPoints(PointF *pts, INT count) { return SetStatus(DllExports::GdipTransformMatrixPoints(nativeMatrix, pts, count)); } Status TransformVectors(Point *pts, INT count) { return SetStatus(DllExports::GdipVectorTransformMatrixPointsI(nativeMatrix, pts, count)); } Status TransformVectors(PointF *pts, INT count) { return SetStatus(DllExports::GdipVectorTransformMatrixPoints(nativeMatrix, pts, count)); } Status Translate(REAL offsetX, REAL offsetY, MatrixOrder order = MatrixOrderPrepend) { return SetStatus(DllExports::GdipTranslateMatrix(nativeMatrix, offsetX, offsetY, order)); } protected: GpMatrix *nativeMatrix; mutable Status lastStatus; Matrix(GpMatrix *matrix) : nativeMatrix(matrix), lastStatus(Ok) { } Status SetStatus(Status status) const { if (status != Ok) lastStatus = status; return status; } // get native friend inline GpMatrix *& getNat(const Matrix *matrix) { return const_cast(matrix)->nativeMatrix; } }; #endif /* _GDIPLUSMATRIX_H */