LANGUAGE LANG_ENGLISH, SUBLANG_ENGLISH_US STRINGTABLE BEGIN IDS_USAGE "\n\ Usage: %s [drive:] [-F] [-V] [-R] [-C]\n\n\ [drive:] Specifies the drive to check.\n\ -F Fixes errors on the disk.\n\ -V Displays the full path of every file on the disk.\n\ -R Locates bad sectors and recovers readable information.\n\ -C Checks the drive only if it is dirty.\n\ \n" IDS_PERCENT_COMPL "%d percent completed.\r" IDS_FILE_SYSTEM "The type of file system is %s.\n" IDS_ABOUT "\n\ Chkdskx v1.0.1 by Mark Russinovich\n\ Systems Internals -\n\ ReactOS adaptation 1999 by Emanuele Aliberti\n\n" END STRINGTABLE BEGIN IDS_VOLUME_IN_USE "Volume is in use and cannot be locked\n" IDS_CHKDSK_FAIL "Chkdsk was unable to complete successfully.\n\n" IDS_NO_ENTRY_POINT "Could not located FMIFS entry points.\n\n" IDS_BAD_ARGUMENT "Unknown argument: %s\n" IDS_NO_CURRENT_DIR "Could not get current directory. Error code: " IDS_NO_QUERY_VOL "Could not query volume. Error code: " IDS_VOLUME_IN_USE_PROC "Chkdsk cannot run because the volume is in use by another process.\n\n" END