/* * PROJECT: ReactOS api tests * LICENSE: GPLv2+ - See COPYING in the top level directory * PURPOSE: Test for getaddrinfo * PROGRAMMER: Thomas Faber */ #define WIN32_NO_STATUS #include #include #include #include #include #define StartSeh() ExceptionStatus = STATUS_SUCCESS; _SEH2_TRY { #define EndSeh(ExpectedStatus) } _SEH2_EXCEPT(EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER) { ExceptionStatus = _SEH2_GetExceptionCode(); } _SEH2_END; ok(ExceptionStatus == ExpectedStatus, "Exception %lx, expected %lx\n", ExceptionStatus, ExpectedStatus) #define ok_addrinfo(ai, flags, family, socktype, protocol, addrlen) do \ { \ ok_hex((ai)->ai_flags, flags); \ ok_dec((ai)->ai_family, family); \ ok_dec((ai)->ai_socktype, socktype); \ ok_dec((ai)->ai_protocol, protocol); \ ok_dec((ai)->ai_addrlen, addrlen); \ } while (0) #define ok_sockaddr_in(sockaddr, family, port, addr) do \ { \ int _i; \ ok_dec(((SOCKADDR_IN *)(sockaddr))->sin_family, family); \ ok_dec(ntohs(((SOCKADDR_IN *)(sockaddr))->sin_port), port); \ ok_hex(((SOCKADDR_IN *)(sockaddr))->sin_addr.S_un.S_addr, \ inet_addr(addr)); \ for (_i = 0; _i < 7; _i++) \ ok_dec(((SOCKADDR_IN *)(sockaddr))->sin_zero[_i], 0); \ } while (0) #define InvalidPointer ((PVOID)0x5555555555555555ULL) CHAR LocalAddress[sizeof("")]; static VOID TestNodeName(VOID) { int Error; PADDRINFOA AddrInfo; ADDRINFOA Hints; NTSTATUS ExceptionStatus; struct { PCSTR NodeName; PCSTR ExpectedAddress; INT Flags; } Tests[] = { { "", LocalAddress }, { " ", NULL }, { "doesntexist.reactos.org", NULL }, { "localhost", "" }, { "localhost:80", NULL }, { "", "", AI_NUMERICHOST }, { "", "", AI_NUMERICHOST }, { "", "", AI_NUMERICHOST }, { " ", "", /* no AI_NUMERICHOST */ }, { "", NULL }, { "", NULL }, { "", NULL }, { "1.2.3", NULL }, { "", "", AI_NUMERICHOST }, { "", "", AI_NUMERICHOST }, /* let's just assume this one doesn't change any time soon ;) */ { "google-public-dns-a.google.com", "" }, }; const INT TestCount = sizeof(Tests) / sizeof(Tests[0]); INT i; /* make sure we don't get IPv6 responses */ ZeroMemory(&Hints, sizeof(Hints)); Hints.ai_family = AF_INET; trace("Nodes\n"); for (i = 0; i < TestCount; i++) { trace("%d: '%s'\n", i, Tests[i].NodeName); StartSeh() AddrInfo = InvalidPointer; Error = getaddrinfo(Tests[i].NodeName, NULL, &Hints, &AddrInfo); if (Tests[i].ExpectedAddress) { ok_dec(Error, 0); ok_dec(WSAGetLastError(), 0); ok(AddrInfo != NULL && AddrInfo != InvalidPointer, "AddrInfo = %p\n", AddrInfo); } else { ok_dec(Error, WSAHOST_NOT_FOUND); ok_dec(WSAGetLastError(), WSAHOST_NOT_FOUND); ok_ptr(AddrInfo, NULL); } if (!Error && AddrInfo && AddrInfo != InvalidPointer) { ok_addrinfo(AddrInfo, Tests[i].Flags, AF_INET, 0, 0, sizeof(SOCKADDR_IN)); ok_ptr(AddrInfo->ai_canonname, NULL); ok_sockaddr_in(AddrInfo->ai_addr, AF_INET, 0, Tests[i].ExpectedAddress); ok_ptr(AddrInfo->ai_next, NULL); freeaddrinfo(AddrInfo); } EndSeh(STATUS_SUCCESS); } } static VOID TestServiceName(VOID) { int Error; PADDRINFOA AddrInfo; ADDRINFOA Hints; NTSTATUS ExceptionStatus; struct { PCSTR ServiceName; INT ExpectedPort; INT SockType; } Tests[] = { { "", 0 }, { "0", 0 }, { "1", 1 }, { "a", -1 }, { "010", 10 }, { "0x1a", -1 }, { "http", 80, SOCK_STREAM }, { "smtp", 25, SOCK_STREAM }, { "mail", 25, SOCK_STREAM }, /* alias for smtp */ { "router", 520, SOCK_DGRAM }, { "domain", 53, 0 /* DNS supports both UDP and TCP */ }, { ":0", -1 }, { "123", 123 }, { " 123", 123 }, { " 123", 123 }, { "32767", 32767 }, { "32768", 32768 }, { "65535", 65535 }, { "65536", 0 }, { "65537", 1 }, { "65540", 4 }, { "65536", 0 }, { "4294967295", 65535 }, { "4294967296", 65535 }, { "9999999999", 65535 }, { "999999999999999999999999999999999999", 65535 }, { "+5", 5 }, { "-1", 65535 }, { "-4", 65532 }, { "-65534", 2 }, { "-65535", 1 }, { "-65536", 0 }, { "-65537", 65535 }, { "28a", -1 }, { "28 ", -1 }, { "a28", -1 }, }; const INT TestCount = sizeof(Tests) / sizeof(Tests[0]); INT i; /* make sure we don't get IPv6 responses */ ZeroMemory(&Hints, sizeof(Hints)); Hints.ai_family = AF_INET; trace("Services\n"); for (i = 0; i < TestCount; i++) { trace("%d: '%s'\n", i, Tests[i].ServiceName); StartSeh() AddrInfo = InvalidPointer; Error = getaddrinfo(NULL, Tests[i].ServiceName, &Hints, &AddrInfo); if (Tests[i].ExpectedPort != -1) { ok_dec(Error, 0); ok_dec(WSAGetLastError(), 0); ok(AddrInfo != NULL && AddrInfo != InvalidPointer, "AddrInfo = %p\n", AddrInfo); } else { ok_dec(Error, WSATYPE_NOT_FOUND); ok_dec(WSAGetLastError(), WSATYPE_NOT_FOUND); ok_ptr(AddrInfo, NULL); } if (!Error && AddrInfo && AddrInfo != InvalidPointer) { ok_addrinfo(AddrInfo, 0, AF_INET, Tests[i].SockType, 0, sizeof(SOCKADDR_IN)); ok_ptr(AddrInfo->ai_canonname, NULL); ok_sockaddr_in(AddrInfo->ai_addr, AF_INET, Tests[i].ExpectedPort, ""); ok_ptr(AddrInfo->ai_next, NULL); freeaddrinfo(AddrInfo); } EndSeh(STATUS_SUCCESS); } } START_TEST(getaddrinfo) { WSADATA WsaData; int Error; PADDRINFOA AddrInfo; ADDRINFOA Hints; NTSTATUS ExceptionStatus; CHAR LocalHostName[128]; struct hostent *Hostent; /* not yet initialized */ StartSeh() Error = getaddrinfo(NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL); ok_dec(Error, WSANOTINITIALISED); EndSeh(STATUS_SUCCESS); StartSeh() AddrInfo = InvalidPointer; Error = getaddrinfo(NULL, NULL, NULL, &AddrInfo); ok_dec(Error, WSANOTINITIALISED); ok_ptr(AddrInfo, InvalidPointer); EndSeh(STATUS_SUCCESS); Error = getaddrinfo("", "80", NULL, &AddrInfo); ok_dec(Error, WSANOTINITIALISED); Error = WSAStartup(MAKEWORD(2, 2), &WsaData); ok_dec(Error, 0); /* initialize LocalAddress for tests */ Error = gethostname(LocalHostName, sizeof(LocalHostName)); ok_dec(Error, 0); ok_dec(WSAGetLastError(), 0); trace("Local host name is '%s'\n", LocalHostName); Hostent = gethostbyname(LocalHostName); ok(Hostent != NULL, "gethostbyname failed with %d\n", WSAGetLastError()); if (Hostent && Hostent->h_addr_list[0] && Hostent->h_length == sizeof(IN_ADDR)) { IN_ADDR Address; memcpy(&Address, Hostent->h_addr_list[0], sizeof(Address)); strcpy(LocalAddress, inet_ntoa(Address)); } trace("Local address is '%s'\n", LocalAddress); ok(LocalAddress[0] != '\0', "Could not determine local address. Following test results may be wrong.\n"); ZeroMemory(&Hints, sizeof(Hints)); /* parameter tests */ StartSeh() getaddrinfo(NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL); EndSeh(STATUS_ACCESS_VIOLATION); StartSeh() getaddrinfo("", "", &Hints, NULL); EndSeh(STATUS_ACCESS_VIOLATION); StartSeh() AddrInfo = InvalidPointer; Error = getaddrinfo(NULL, NULL, NULL, &AddrInfo); ok_dec(Error, WSAHOST_NOT_FOUND); ok_dec(WSAGetLastError(), WSAHOST_NOT_FOUND); ok_ptr(AddrInfo, NULL); EndSeh(STATUS_SUCCESS); TestNodeName(); TestServiceName(); /* TODO: test passing both node name and service name */ /* TODO: test hints */ /* TODO: test IPv6 */ Error = WSACleanup(); ok_dec(Error, 0); /* not initialized anymore */ Error = getaddrinfo("", "80", NULL, &AddrInfo); ok_dec(Error, WSANOTINITIALISED); }