/*++ Copyright (c) 1992 Microsoft Corporation Module Name: physlogi.h Abstract: This file contains structures and defines that are used specifically for the tape drivers. Contains #define's, function protypes, etc. for use in calling functions in physlogi.c that do physical to pseudo-logical and pseudo- logical to physical tape block address/position translation. Author: Mike Colandreo (Maynard) Revision History: --*/ // begin_ntminitape // // defines for QIC tape density codes // #define QIC_XX 0 // ???? #define QIC_24 5 // 0x05 #define QIC_120 15 // 0x0F #define QIC_150 16 // 0x10 #define QIC_525 17 // 0x11 #define QIC_1350 18 // 0x12 #define QIC_1000 21 // 0x15 #define QIC_1000C 30 // 0x1E #define QIC_2100 31 // 0x1F #define QIC_2GB 34 // 0x22 #define QIC_5GB 40 // 0x28 // // defines for QIC tape media codes // #define DCXXXX 0 #define DC300 1 #define DC300XLP 2 #define DC615 3 #define DC600 4 #define DC6037 5 #define DC6150 6 #define DC6250 7 #define DC6320 8 #define DC6525 9 #define DC9135SL 33 //0x21 #define DC9210 34 //0x22 #define DC9135 35 //0x23 #define DC9100 36 //0x24 #define DC9120 37 //0x25 #define DC9120SL 38 //0x26 #define DC9164 39 //0x27 #define DCXXXXFW 48 //0x30 #define DC9200SL 49 //0x31 #define DC9210XL 50 //0x32 #define DC10GB 51 //0x33 #define DC9200 52 //0x34 #define DC9120XL 53 //0x35 #define DC9210SL 54 //0x36 #define DC9164XL 55 //0x37 #define DC9200XL 64 //0x40 #define DC9400 65 //0x41 #define DC9500 66 //0x42 #define DC9500SL 70 //0x46 // // defines for translation reference point // #define NOT_FROM_BOT 0 #define FROM_BOT 1 // // info/structure returned by/from // TapeLogicalBlockToPhysicalBlock( ) // typedef struct _TAPE_PHYS_POSITION { ULONG SeekBlockAddress; ULONG SpaceBlockCount; } TAPE_PHYS_POSITION, PTAPE_PHYS_POSITION; // // function prototypes // TAPE_PHYS_POSITION TapeClassLogicalBlockToPhysicalBlock( IN UCHAR DensityCode, IN ULONG LogicalBlockAddress, IN ULONG BlockLength, IN BOOLEAN FromBOT ); ULONG TapeClassPhysicalBlockToLogicalBlock( IN UCHAR DensityCode, IN ULONG PhysicalBlockAddress, IN ULONG BlockLength, IN BOOLEAN FromBOT ); // end_ntminitape